HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-11-07, Page 5to a, sea of doubt; •'aggressive sinful - nese" of the addresses of last week, de- manded sharp treatment: and that his plain language had been " dictated by ' it deep sense of duty," although he entertained the kindest feelings towards Protestants as individuals. ✓ To have good health use Powell's -Sarsaparilla and Burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price, 50c. a bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488 21; -A - voutir who watt Leto,,, ex-, anined in English history was asked the question : ".with what crime was Lord Brteuu charged 1•' Ile hesitated a nroiueut, and then answered as if by all inspiration - "With writing Shakespeare's plays.' Hundreds have used Powell's Sarsaparilla anti Burdock for dyspep- eia, indigestion, and as aBlood puri• t" fier. Price 50c. a bottle, Sold by E' all druggists. 488.21 -Miss Margaret White, of Dan- �r; das, is the woman who about a month ago had Carscallon & Cahill enter an .action _for $5,000 for breach of promise against Elijah Binkley, the Flamboro patriarch $' who is about 70 years of age. About four or' five days ago. she began to exhibit -;symptoms of insanity and is now a• violent maniac. It took { ' the two policemen all their time to hold her while on the way 'to the I#amiltou'as lulu in the hack and. on her arrival there she bohaved ff, very boisterously and endeavored to pound her head against things. It is believed' that -11 is breach of promise case has preyed upon her mind. She is a maiden lady and boards with a private family in Dgndas, Have you dyspepsia ? if so, us powell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock the mostpowertul remedy in the market. Price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488.21 BIRTHS. W91,SH.-In Clinton, on Nov, lar, the f - wife of Air. Alex. Walsh, of•a son. 0. JOH\'STON.-L, Clinton, on Nov. 2ndr the wife of Air. Thomas Johnston, of a i son. WEBK-In New York, on October 28th, the wife of F, J, Webb, formerly of this place, of a daughter, S t•' 3IARRIAGES. {' TUI'1:8-211ORLEY.-At the Memorial Church- Rectory, London, oil October l`- .31st, by the Rev. Canon Richardson, Mr. R. J. Tufts, of London; formerly of Clinton, to Airs. Sarah Morley, Grand r Union Hotel, Minton. i7 FARM AND MARKET, Mr.. Andrew S6aw,of North'Embro, bas sold about 275 bushels of onions to one man in Ingersoll, at 600. per bushel. M. Bawtman, of Scotland, Burford, says that he raised 578 • bushels of onions on less than an acre of ground. �• -Mayor Seldon, of Ingersoll, has shipped 23,000 bushels of apples to the old country this season, and ex- pects to forwurd about 13,000 bushels more. -It isestimated that the potato crop in the United States this year will be 216,000 (IOU bushels, a good deal the largest on record. The crop last year was only 134,000,000 bushels. The largest previous crop on record was that of 1883,208,164,. 525 bushels. -Wheat was sold on the Wbod- I�' stock market the other day at $1.30, a higher pride than in would bring in Liverpool, Eng. In Chicago ;.. wheat is $1,17, and in New York $1.14, If we had commercial union our farmers would get from 13 tp 16 cents per bushef"less than they now ' get.., i' -"Plucking fowls is a tedious process. If Were are any who want to operate without the aid of the scalding process, let them do so, and when they are tired of it, let them try the following improved methods: Dip the fowls in cold water and let them drip. Then' apply finely pulverized rosin to the {' • feathers, using a dredging box for convenience. Then scald in the usual •Wl7 The rosin sticks the oge feathers tther, so that the pin, feathers come out with the others, saving much trouble. Apply about about half'a teacupful of rosin to a fowl, Use "the common crude article. It is cheap stuff and its costs is made up ten times over by the Itibor saved." TORONTO MARKETS. --Wheat $1.25 to $1,35, the latter price for No. 1 Mani- toba hard. Barley 65c to 75c. Oats 38c to 40c. Peas 60e. 'Potatoes 40c to 41c per bag. Eggs, fresh, 20e. Batter Ad to 21c. Hogs, $5,75 to $6.0',. DETROIT ATARI{FTS.—Wheat $1.09 to 1.13. Barley55c to Ile. Oats 27c to 29c. Butte"r.1.7,o to 220 Eggs 20c. Apples $1,00 to $1.50. BUFit'ALO'MARXICTS.-Grad ed steers 1.500 to 1.600 lbs $5.25 to $5.50 ; from .1,800 to 1.400 lbs $3.80 to $4,50 ; light butchers from $2.50 to $3.5C. Hogs $5.00 to $5.75. The Ontario bureau of industries has just issued a crop report. The yield of fall wheat has hardly reach- ed a good average in any part of the province, but the ripening Season was so favorable that the grain matured well in respect to quality. The drouth of June and July had an almost disastrous . effect on springy grains. Spring wheat suffered least, but oats, barley and peas were great- ly stunted in their growth. A great deal of the barley is discolored, and some of it is, smutty. The yield of these spring grains is about an aver- age oue. Corn and beaus have proved excellent. crops. Buckwheat has Suffered greatly from the drouth; and the yield is below the average. The last•part of the growing season turned out most favorable for field roots, and'the yields of these are all above the average. Clover seal is a failure, and fruit is, on the whole, a failure too. •---:---9T- � ----..-rte AT THE DRYw(iOADS PALACE �OpeRing New V-a,.lue. - 0 - MagniRcent Display of Novelties in our v . apious Depts. JOHN WISEXIAN, MANAGER,. E...st* • HODGENS, —AT--- D0o 9 n c� pp c� ' 'THE RED ROCKER STORE.Pess [ill Un a �,! ings� PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. Special atten•—O--O-- tion is called to PARLOR SUITES -they are of our own manufacture, and for design, material and workmanship cannot he excelled fn the county. `� AAlayWRemember, that all goods will . sold at a RIG REDUCTION during tilemonthJ. C. DETLOR & COMPANY ,f bia First tomo, first se1•ved. AN U1'110LSTERF.R always on Laud • re,airind neatly and promptly attended to, Undertalifng aril Enlbalnlfng attended to at our usual low rate.-. Night HAVE SECURED calls attended to promptly. OA L S I O K& R E I T H. ' Miss Anderson) late of Kingston ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. t as their J)lesa and Mantle Maker. Miss --Anderson haft a high rr-putation. ALL GARMENTS GUARANTEED A PERFECT FIT. WE HEAD .THE PROCEeisION. ° THE MILLINERY OPENING CONTINUES THIS WEEK. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADING TAI -LOS: ..-___- - Just Opened, Several NewYork Novelties, _ This is the tine of year prepprtttinns are being marl's for WINTER 7LOTHING. We arp now showing a well bought and fine selected stock �y if material for ✓ , OVERCOATS to order, including MELLONS, J. C. DETLOR & Co. 3EAVERS, WORSTEDS, NAPS, VENETIANS, etc. FOR SUITS our stock is one of the hest selected and most fashion- - - - - - --- -- 6ble to be found. IN ORDERED PANTS we have a Bonanza -gut a pair. CH EAPSI DE. FINE GOODS. LOW PRI'S'ES. PERFECT SATISFACTION. ' F. SPEPHERD, The Leading' Tailor, Albert Street, Clinton. 0 MONTF� ' iaAT N - �Tew F'a7�1 �•o�C1fia OSS ENT METALLIC' SHINGLES Our Stock lfi about complete with u, splrttdi l assortment of . FALL DRESS d,'0VdDS, Stripes all(] Clivoks from 25c. `^ / `I �1 V I I I V X�­- NEW ` MANTLE CLOTHS, NEW BRAID TRIAL• MINGS, NEW , MANTLE ORNAMENTS, NEW PLUSH•ES, &c:, frouf•50 cents; ''IRE' AND STORM 'PROOF. We aro giving Grand Value in DRESS i1ILLa'ONS at 10c., MARKET REPORTS. ° worth 12}c. (corrected every CLINTONTuesday afternoon.) S• DAVIS, - „ O LI NTO N • Splendid Value in GREY FLANNELS, CANTON FLAN- Flour........................$6 50• to 6 50 ' NELS, CORSETS, COMFORTERS, &c,, Sac., &c. Fall Wheat, new & old 1 20 to 1 2. TALUNBLE FARETS FOR SALE. -Dein lot -" Spring"Wheat............. 1 20'to 1 22 gp CORN FOR SALE Barley..... •............... C 60 to 0 70 a, con. 2, and lot a, con 3, Township of Call and set chem, curl compare prices. y •••• Stanley, each containing lett neves. There are Oats.. 0 34 to 0 35 •good buildings and about 87 -acres cleared oil ' Peas ......................: 0 62 t0 0 63 ti each lot, andThese both are in a good state of ce ti to AT THE �■ � �� C> XX ,r. tion, These era , &c.,lan farms, convenient to A • lee winter per bbl 1 00 t0, 1 50 Churches, School, d•c., and e911 be sold an ensV ,/�'y� • • PO atoes.......... ...:... 0 30 to 0 35 terms, togetherorecparately, M. %ICTAGGART, Clinton:-: Mills., ' Butter ....................... 0 18 t0 0 19 Clinton. I516•tt Eno ..........:............... 0 17 to 0 19 FOR SALE. Whole or Ground. --- Hay ...........................12 00 to14 00 _— Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 OQ LIiIIESUBSCRiBERoffersitor sale foureligible PRICES REASONABLE,Window Beef fl 11 Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also Wool................... 0 L0 t0 0 0 two fronting on lots, t sui Street• either en 001 ....... ................. 0 20 t0 0 25 bloc or in separate Pots, to suit purchasers. For%JAShades Pork...... .... ..... 6 50to 6 70 further particulars apply to the undersigned. -E. �� �� • d"""'° DINSLEY, Clinton. 382 I.Dt s1�Iil is FOR SALE OR TO LET Clinton, July 17th, 1888. ' CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, MOUSE AND Two .OTS for sale or to let, EXTRA.• • ' QUALITY Corner Huron and Orange Meets, Clinton. situate :op Albert street. For particulars THE TOWN BESIECsED ' • apply.at T. COOPER & SON'S Grocery, Clinton a FIRST - CLASS MATERIAL Alay 13th, 1888. 406-tt AND and UNSURPASSED IRON WORK.— Repairing and WORK Repainting,A• y Nevi Blacksmith Shop, • Lite - Insurance - Agents I _111 -:-Designs. 9_7 ALL POUNDED RR .-There 5_1• Beautiful • • L esi ns I ALE OF IMPOUNDED RAJf.-Thera will he -- • �-� FORGE TROwHTLt. has opened out ngen- , • . • _ 07 sold byauction at Pound No. 4, lot 40, 9fh oral Blacksmith and Repair Shop In the 00]{ AT SAA1I'T.ES OF COST IN A con., Goderich township, (unless redeomed by building lately occupied by Mr. Gtaile), north of ,oivner)ODSaturday, November 10th,11888 nt 12.--C,antohn.'scarriage works,- Albert street, Clinton. JJ HONE COAIPANY O o'clock, noon', one aged ram, whlte, .wTth small Blacksmith and iron work in all its branches } ears.-GEO, A. C06VER, Poundkeeper. 520.21 Horso•Shocing promptl) attended to and 'satis• PER 11,000 --- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to Age $5 Cost for 1885, also 1886.. 80 00 call before ordering any class of work in the. 30 6 30 Mona'y to Lend at Opp cent- "bora litres. ; 46 7 93 407-tf GEORGE TROWHiLL 40 8 9:i T. I. F, HILLIARD cTCIIERiNG 13USTNESS50 -TIfE UNDER• 60 8 88 97 r B signed wishes co intimate to the people of 60 14 97 n. n 6% C 0 Barrister, 519.6m O)f'It011r 011t Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meat the demands of his very numer• AW' Definite Insurance at the above rates. MORTGAGE j� ons customers, he has boo •ht eat the business 'See me 'sefore you insure in any company Iron and Hardware Merchant MORTGAGE SA TSE of A[r, to Fitzsimons, and ,v"ll carry on the sante, and undr rstaud our plan. At the age of s w(th the choicest meats in season, Every effort —OF— will ba nada to meat the wants of all, and he 90, the cost for $:1,000 was about $35 for '''�"""��j�' hopes to merit and mceive n fair share of public 1885, also for 1886 01-IEILV rT (D N FARM LANDS patronage. Lowest prices for levee ordure. 7 earners' tends n specialty. ALBERT MAY. Sce its before you decide. _ September Mid, 1888. RICK COTTAGE FOR SALE— The 9tlhscrib Jas. Thompson, Agent In the Township of Stanley.er offers for sale that ry. comfortable — cottage on Dunlop street, at present occupied by " Alre. Brownlee. It pontains six rooms and I4an• rr�EACNER WANTED.-Fomr,lo Teacher for UNDER AND BY ViRTUE OF A POtVER try rlownstntrs, and large room upatnlrs. Tho I lower rinse, Clinton Model suboor. Appuna- of Sale ge will be in a certain >tto ay oof tot fa a corner quarter ntor with hard and soft tions, stating salary, etc., will be received up to THE HUB G (which Mortgage will be produced on the on, of water. will be sold apply Corms to salt 'purchaser. November 15th. 1y58. Address -W. H. TIM, solo) there will rl sold u Public Auction, by For particulars J apply to D. DICT{[NEON, Secretary, 520-2t Thomas M. Carling, Auctioneer, at Ewnrtz's Auctioneer, or J. 0. ELL10TT, Clinton, Hotel, In the Village of Bayfield, at the hour of f 0 two,o'eloelt p. ,,,,, on GR SALE GIl TO LET. -The emmnod`O1B NEW ARRIVAL O F O R OO K E RY, premises recently known and used as the Saturday, the 17th day of Royal ort{ennedy'shote), •Suitahlofor boarding FALL WOOLS p p p house or cargo tamfly, Has all the usual domes• Nouember, 1000, tic cont•onlencies. Large driving house and —AND— i The tollowlng lands and promises, viz : Lot stable fn connection. Also an one inunact late] v (� sets, yy���yNumber Thirteen nn the Lalte R'ond East, In Cho party Isi tTimhe ntr eofthe b siness Tho pro• �`y 1 �j��0�� 1 `aTownship of Stanley, In tho County of Huron,perty Iain the centre of Cho hnsiness portion ofFancy00�) J 1 u11 IlUcontainUig ono•hundred nerEe more or less. Clinton. It Is n very deelrnhle property for• TERMS :-The property will be sold subject to either purchaser or tenant. Apply to JOHN mortgage for for to Will 0 to Ii. les fl et al,an, S n, t. f. GLASS AND TOILET SETS W a rnortgago for $1,000 to James 1londorson, Aug.Aug• 8,'1888. LADIES, heat, -in mind that the import • ) � Paparticulars of which will he given at the time of - Ten per cont. of the purchase mono), to be �jiIIE ENTRANCE EXAMiNATiON for admin. our Wools direet from Germany, and you r paid on the day of sale, and the balance In thirty .1- slon to Hfgh Schools and Collegiate Inst,• are sure of:getting the pt11'0.4t and best Which will be solti VERY CHEAP. �� Bb sure and get Some of my days thereafter witboat interest. The purchaser tutee to the Conntp will he held in Clinton, Sea plality., as we buy nothing else. In NEW BLEND COFFEE, which cannot -he excelled in town: will be require(] on the day of sale to al n an forth and Winghant on Wednesday, Thursday and �. n g Friday, the 19th, 20th and 21st da s of Decon. ti ARNS we Parry several different Itlake9, ngroemonttortbe completion of the pm•chnse, 3 , GOODS DELI�L13f♦,D, Further termsand particulars made itnown on ber next commencing on Wednedny at 1.30 p, slich as the eclobrated Baldwin and Pea. the Clay of sale or upon appllcatfon to the under m, All candidates who intend to write are re- cock brand+, also other ellen er• makes. Hired to notif the undersigned not later titan , 1 signed. 9 Y 6 ligase Cell 811, IY,A ,CPC 0111' 9101' of Fatle hfANNINO&SCOTT tile16thof pt•eurben APt•ecf fifty conte -D. 1 y Geo Swallow T110M'AS1f.CAR[.iNfl, VdndoreSollcltors. be ehnrgod,paynhlcatthe tines et writing. -••D. f*n/o1ds, i'loOhs anitCiAStati//o��nery, Ointon. Auctioneer• 11LtrG, :1iALLOSTT, inspector P. SN. Huron.' W �'C30PEF.', l,pLINTOFl.• Clinton, Oct. 22nd, 1888, 510.41 Clinton, Oct. _7th, 1888. 620•-t y • . .. ,.,... r-, .d:. .;; e �-•,r1 arutc.r :. J+.4 ,, �,,.a,,.1,.,:d, ,., ,..,,_,., ..., .. _.. .. ..._,,. ., ...,. ,. .... •.... ,,.•.., ...•.,,.,..t,..,�s.0 �,a u_9,.a...mH.Y.4.yu..l,s.._ --..r_..n-.. t+IliX11.J:r' — e.�a'�.b.'ieid'�`-� y �.