HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-11-07, Page 4i+ 0 MIOWW . � .,. 7 In 1759 the church received 2,117,000 � -- r s�.�. . prosidency. • Thtat.gmlldest office Mr. Barron is evidently a fit Co- 1. - > t _.. r the olubt, with its vast'powor and tate - , he added " it should appear to you that , Pi ' y vent hypocrisy, fCatholi slander and French-Canadians are paralyzed, and I y their resources gradually absorbed cial of the Jesuits was executed for patrona;c of its hundred thousand erverting and falsif int tublic p o y o 3 begging and by the natural increase in bitter butted of the Catholic Church and f of the Romish Church system! 1 should not �: Cute ,tinily. The murderous attempt i I appuintutents, is used as a mere an. accounts. the value of certain kinds of real estate. 900 valued at Catholic people were th,s main character•- be astonished to learn that the man who, ; ` knit close, those of the new ine to promote 'artisan success and - p p' —�— Abe owns churches; $37,000,000 ; 900 parsonages, together istics of n great deal of what fell from g. uttered this sentiment was an upholder . \t ' 1 .together faith olid gave an }mpetus to penaqual ambitions. Jobbery; rob- bet bargains , ,. The Americab s kick up a fuss be- with the palaces of'the cardinal, the the speakers of the Evangelival Allinneer it will be because your better training Of Irish landlordism and a staunch British advocate of aha system by which y Protestantism which is felt even to rima conibillations y' g and sales aro the rule in ovary polio• Cause the British. Ministor at Nash- 'to $900,archb00 ; and bishops, valued at $soo;oo0 ; 12 seminnt'ies, worth $sao,- and purer faith enable you 'to see through , the motives and methods of Otir religious the peasantry of Ireland Bud indeed of England, too, are robbed of the proceeds this day. The dttteetion and Trus- cal movement, front nominatibg a ington said in a private latter a , foes. He took exception"to the bunch- of their'labor. ProtAatiint writers have tration of the gunpowder plot was a,, £ � lout en o t ' `hrazenly push themselves for the 7 In 1759 the church received 2,117,000 � I . prosidency. • Thtat.gmlldest office Mr. Barron is evidently a fit Co- 1. - > t _.. r the olubt, with its vast'powor and tate - , _ _ SHE sgl'Y t4�ILTQ+'1'>5' M.dR- cent. pQt pnnuln .1t oaata X277,28neutt w1►icb coxt(prrt,d powers alt Itl,e I The Huron News-"Voord stagy 4Qt 0,001 00.4 to the, troaty" aoa K1t;r FpR FAtiiAtS• each year to 1zaJt theinteleston each it s1.6oaYORr- sx.zG tnaavauoe. 1.60 acres iuyolved $11 this tndebt- finally 4ettletl the.lingak status of the f _.I'_.,•T-.-_,_,-___--,-.-�•= =.- I.eadding 49468 nau of the neigh tdve I LOgk at it•ftflU re anti. see alts stip lion rho Im the olAust w 1i74udf^` 8 ;( r't I., I aNas lie socceta that aIle gid law for rhoar`,g� °� -` - where our labor pea. if this maitttenant ofch,irc4se, pa au Ines •R1R4 b ��//1YetEttu c�:� ,lVuvGtnbcrfitL.13938 borinb repnbli. do pot eee the Y S rtests restored ou y withAinericaa peppleas C+ttiadiau rents- shows prQ,tl>erity, God doI Its us r , a4ituld bs01n 8 " „ respect to the 83 parishes which thea t .• ; gadas living in Canada pretend to from a prosperous eoudition 1 .existed, The intention was that the FIFTH NOYL'•tIBER--160.1-1688 see Cham. Cal. P. Durran, the As if this were not enough the pariah system, with its manifestlyatrgreti PRICES TO SUIT THE; TIMES. . official report of the Dep talent sive earactione, should tleVur extend be o11d its existing limits at that time. Monday was the 5t11 No;vatnber silver•tonguati orator of Dakota, y NEW GOODS ruu,.tnntly Pnusiu� in. The latN,t arrival is unotLr•r Lilt; Of Agriculture at �1 a,h,to n shows out this restriction, too, tins been set lilt (if those the remembrance of which brings tells some plain truths in Ilia own that the furrnora in New York State, aside, and now bishop' of their own will, - •• to utilid the Last and deallairiug forcible �IId iuiruitable way. Here and is the exercise of their legal powers, °tl�e waalthkeat ku the Uniou,nte step steel new parishes. Aod with toe Par-^�j �� GOODS. efforts of the I3otunn Catholics to is tau extract from a recent speech in a pitiable condition : liament of Quebec since 1867 virtually G Jn../,;1�.1J maiutaiu the ascoudanc of their of lois to his American fellow Citl- under eeclesinstical control it Is nut Y - "The result of the investigation surprising that any legislation that may . faith in England. The adhe,iion of zeas : in New York," says t1e report, be necensxrs for the stili firmer vatablish• "The whole American re ublie uahows that three tenths of the went of the Church call be readily pro. 1t would do your heart iwyon coal sirs t.0 A aur) ,lrligi,t aura to ,linty them England to Protestantism was N to apo. .'l'hp•y Warr,»t•u�.a AT FINrE CENTS. • and Government seems honey- ' cured. 13y this means the liberties of Y " ehryetallized by tho adoption ill the furans aro mortgaged, and that one the people ere being more and mote cowUed with rottenness. Mon- ill twentyof the farm proprietors I . time of Edward 1'1 of the hullk of strous wrongs -and abuses have I Ou the libety rivalled, and the principle of religious .� HOSE T'W IP E D EFFECTS coalition player" which, will, slight is hopelessly in debt. liberty is - lw artrenched tholnaelvea ill the as \t hula 1'iarmara aro weir ill debt t?isa•: L'.aN 1'Lv aha' .lAtur alterations, is still used by the crud citadel of the republic. its than they were tau years ago, but by Romanism being undeniably pla,�ed ARE GRAND—when loath+ up have. the appearance of Tttruty-Five Church of Eu -land. '1'h t net of deepest foundations in the hearts the average indebtedness is not in is position in relation to British law (,,,]It Goods. ' You will save TEN To FIFTEEN PER CENT. by and confidence of the people are e. devotion then becalue cunuuon heavy. There are a largo nutttber wholly different uia,kiug von, purchases fnriu us -0 -is is Ito blow, nut the huue�t va'nlict` shaken. Giant eorttytptiuu, like the url•Cha$0,l a The GOvorumout has no right to dig- uF alit eo,Ir which nett holds us Furth ua of tilt' wtlula Ludy of of farms which were 1 N l J Y prayer" unclean boast aIle Abomination of criminate in U,ia manner in favor of ant• worsbippers, 'ilia priest was no few years ago anti moltgng„d, which o°t of dogma -i, +and to clothe the te„chera . Desolation, ill prophetic viaiuu, now would not sell for nlurke alien ti ” The �t(�Q ' al's 'x'10ntd. y' of them with civil 1•utvera of she c,, nista longer t•he not liator botwaeu Gaal parches on -our holiest altars and the f,toa of aha uaurtgagea up%ing to ter rnontiune 'The French people and the worshippers. He was bespatters with its ulcertuis filth thu rl, ,reciatiuu of the farthing themselves, fn tbeir exeruiaA of their pP the robes of our priests, the tuna; ul' 1 —0 — tile which uu tilt averago is fully personalrigb'3aund freedom, shall d coat brought down to be the Inuuth- Of our souatOra the eruline of our , �, off this fntoletahle mediaeval incubus of >, 3S p,;r cont. ku tau ycsrs. I tobab tithes and Iaxee, and support ua they pinto of Ctao cougrog,ation. lit 15 ju,lgaa. From laigbest to lowest, ly one third of alta ftumiuit lands i fort, arlioles wore fOl'naulate+l nS from Presidents, Sonatorsand Cabi may judge proper the religion of theirH I rl 11 , Gf 11 ) ill aIle States would not sell fur more choice, deliberately decided upon in the the new faith, siucn rOducutl by not ufiicers to dug Law legislators, tilau the cost of the buildi.ugs find light of God's trail, and not under cent- the locators and Cruse roads town rr ulsion of env Acts of Parliament, I S1 r I orniesious to thirty•niue. Tho other itl(hruvu0lonts, o+viae to this Pa ,louse ' councilmen, no class is clear of shrinkage Tho average income (Applause ) _ . penalty Of death or itu tristitt"" t o ___.__ _ ��'�� i hideous auspicious ilea imputations. Coming to speak of aha income of�the front farms over and above rxpenst,s, Romish Church in. Quebec and how it is ment and set forth the series of resula-- that the "Protestant Reformation' was for life or fines attached to their Utlicare, lawn, verdicts of juries and will not exceed 3 x r cellt.-JO o �' k ' derived, he said it might be given to x .tions �in' protest (already published in checked and beaten back by Jesuits infraction. lluring F.11/,+Ueth'a decisions Of courts cru a3 OPI'll and Capital invested". single sentence. The vast wealth whi-h the Wihaess) whic4 had been sunt to the spreading knowledge and education time eufurcoutuat was left in :ahoy- uotoriousty marketable as pannuts ,r tkte Roman Catholics ha'i built a was in a peddler's tray. C)uugress and Thirty per cont. of the faTnls in p Governer- c nowledgedunlil acid Cour- among the tmase a , the people? And obtained from tithes, -taxes, pew rents, teouslq acknowledged. lie observed Be the Jesuits began, so have they con- auce, itt James' time the Puritan Senates have been taught alp like the State are mortgaged, r'arig ii rt fees for sac•ameuta'and special masses that if the,lesults had itlegaland moral tinned down to the present day. So, clergy re!'usatl cumpliiulc0 uud avers scabby Cattle in stalls 1 arra giant front two per cent, of their valu" to for thedead, proceeds of lotteries, ser- right, to ttnir forfeited estates, they with the b!essiag of God will they coa- proceedod agaiust.lis well as CatbO• rings handed by such lineal dos- 100 per cont., average Eli 1 pot• Cont, vices rendered by nuns as managers of should receive them back in full, and tioue till all heresy and darkness is Of estimated value." convents, asylums and hospitals, and As, not a sum representing probably not driven from the earth. ,he scope of lies-. In 1601 all ,T^,.snits anti cendant.s of hydtt, I.nfttte, and Six mr,nufacturess and vendors of trinkets, one-fourth of their whol • valuta. Aud the Society is the broadest possible, f'or seminary {,riosts warO "Otaarea to teou String Jack as Jay Gould have Outof the mouths of the Atuuri- charms and fetish •s, by l gdests, by real if they have such a right Protestants it'inclndes not only the contemplative, pillaged tile, people of nunual e;ans are Out' Canadian ilulloxation- and interest from invested Capital. No should not receiV0 One cent Of these nor only the Getive life, but both. And depart thv country. Thio gave life millions and tour of millions, ono could accurat.+ly surii up the revenue estates. (Hear, hear.) It was simply it refuses no ministry, no barbarous to n cunspirucy beaau,l by OIIO Empires of public land and money lila convicted of the ha uaL areae}t from all these sources; for while the ad act'of fujustice to vote them $69,000, land or.. savage tribe, .fur mission and Catesb,y who was joined by Winter have been voted away by bright- IN'- and lying. Surely CaIIiuliiln Church denounces secret societies it and an act capable under the circum for flock, till fiat it be proved Haat 1 i eeuarully, Call Practises the utmost secrecy fn oonduct•. stances of being regarded as an attempt God's greater glory may Le elsew'•ere and Wright.sIn Flandors Calosby bought -renegades to bands of Organ formats and ,eo ala ing its own busineae (applause) ; And- to silence them. (Applause.) ' To break found." secured an ally iii Guido Fuu'kOs, Ned pirates, Compared' with whom serenely bear the small ill they. unlike all civil governments, banking up aloes intrigues nod the present stag- ONE sl,rAKPlt AT •rat: ALLIANCE, 7 fila fatuous Forty Thieves of have with such pictures,froni the best houses, manufacturing companies and nation and oppression lite voice of the apparently unconscious. of his own ex - an , ugliKhllliaL who was serving Oriental story would bo exemplary Protestant d -nominations, publishes no people themselves must be raised and in traordinary contradictions. had accused authority, of the immensely greater statement of revenue find expeuditw•u, order to this they must be enlightened the Catholic Ch,irch of keeping the there. in the iu•nty. On their return C}1-r}atian gentlemen. Our govern- Dr. aeVicar then explained the origin ones the are asked to embrace, all l g by schools conducted in a liberal Chris people in ignorance, and in the neat to En rill(] that' were.' joined by mental banditti have perpetrated y Y _ of the tithe system within the Province drill spirit and by the distribution of the breath told how aha Roman tale hex Thus. Pew), n cousin of ilia l.nrl Uf railioad grubs, array bill steals, - of Quebec, and quoted the relia„ie info:- Word of (.od among them. It la 'lot Church had, in Great Britain, 2.00 Col - river and harbor gougges. Navy EDITORIAL NOTES. mation compiled by Air. Crochet, of enough for ua to know that they are leges and schools, mostly under Jesuit Northumb,-riand, Ill May 1601 Montreal, ill estim ,ai g large in numbers, discontented craving Dt:partmant piracies, Indian Atlpply _ g g control. Some years ago the average Of these IIir,•(l it house near the Pallia• robberieti, star route plckpoeketries, The Lindsay lVarder ver) .nicely 'Title tt EPALi•Ii AND EN I IItr, ltt'a'I':NLTMS for batter education ',ban they, now en Roman � Catholics ' there was 1 in 50 ; of the "Hiply Roman" 'Church within jay and that thousands, perhaps hun- now it is 1 in 14; In the United ,antes mens builtliubs, to a Culler under Custom house swindles and frauds catches Mr. Barron, M. 1 . for dreds of thousands, of them nominally „ —steals everywhere, ill everything the Province The estimate was ,as the Catholic Church was, through its tvhicll they do it way an'cr there Y • in the bosom of the church have nn o , y North Victurin, ill one of the mean follows :— educatiOiiat methods, from the White (louse vestibules to r Farms tinder cultivation, eatimaled at confidenea in her dogmas, Our duty is GRAPPLING WITH THE ultr,AT UPPUBLIC. stored barrel:; of gunpowder. On tricks peculiar to the i� itilanile3 ill to do all fn oar pewit w brioq them out the last moonshine still bongo in i 20u,000, producing a total of 21,20,000 , . the 5Lh of NuvOnlber they at red the backwoods, until no one should making points in favor of Comtuer' bushels, valued A'$18,200,000, yielding into the tall fight of she Gospetr that At had 2:A asylunrtl and 19it c student r a "dime" or tithe of $700,000 • taxes on they may enjoy the civil and religious ender its instruction, and it claimed he to blow up rho klub and parliament, be surprised if they should steal the Cial I7uion. Mr. Barron refOrrin� to liberty which is our common heritage members It the doss 7,ed pr 0 of the famiiie;s out poeseaaing land, (300,000 ; y u tulatiun and assessed property to and thought by a preconcerted Presidency ' and the Government the alleged superior market in the fees for baptisms, marriages, funerals under the British flag. (Loud ,applause.) P t , P P I y . rising of ilia *Catholics to sectlre the itself. Two hundred and thirty United Staten for Canadian products and masses, payments for pew rents andle the value of over $7,000,000. , }, million dollars of official def:llca- Objects of piety, 00 000.• voluntary - Referring to the utterances s one of prince., and est ilia bineral panic Botts and emhczzlOmenta.n the last pretended to quote from the Dentin- g;fte received fr$umv0 house ' to house; g PRIEST'S "REPLY " the apeake.re, Father Salmon said: " I to malts themselves u�aslof of the will venture to assert that, taking too fifteen years talks, trumpet -tongued, ion Trade and Navigation robirns legacies and revenue derived from To The $aid Hitters of The Population of Quebec of French origin, to pert of unknown extent held in it will cow tare favorably for i origin, kiug.aum. Put uud Tresli un, w}lir, su appalling story of public rotten• that last England only took from mortmain probably exceeding $3,000 _ ! g t P g Evangelical Alliance. encs, education, sobriety, freedom frons, was ill tho Secret, Sant a letter t0 ae5' and wrong; and neatly a hand- Canada 1456head Of h7rued Cattle. 000 tVtaes for construction and main red million dollars of 'swindling crime, comfort and prosperity, with any Lord \1outeaglo, a relative, to a tenance of churches and other fabrics, t business failures setts the shameful While the facts given lu the author- Laea,Sdaday evAuinq the Itev. Father agricultural people in the eor.d. $2,000,00). The Romish Ohurch there. Salmon, of Montreal, addressed his French-Canadians are,, if we may ,rely aUaeut hintsolf frum'pnrliamOut on ta.ie in privutci life. Senators be ityquotod are: Cartackt e:�porterl to fore receives on an average annually „ o� from receive Cotjiolicfa average is Quebec Congregation on the recent Eiiiange- gn Government returns, far in advauce the fatal day, and suspicions 'being Coate millionairies ill ten or twenty Britain, last year', 63,622 health of lical Alliance meetings, and, as might of the English agricultural masses, y� the enormous aum'of $8,000,000 fur the 'stir • asr d the -discover of a tIs ou c•tl'aries of five thousand 'a . t l l l t $m 344 3`5 1 d f th 'r worshi- This f .bo expected, denounced many ' of the infinitely superior to English minora', �` ; 0 1%, tSO ,u of y v . horned ca t e art uet a , t • .11 .• , , , , , axe us en a c ei it• utteriincee of the several orators daring xud• in al[ things that �o to make valu- ear, while the • annually spend seerns,in6edibie but 'these fi ru.res, tare the culli,r ta: a anotia load Guido Y ) , b ctti'tl to the United Sttata� ivc stilt onlJ thA.weelt. He said, that bis his. desire was able cftfzans, vastly letter :than the fn- ' P.. ' t t f ftean tirues their ryaius far from overstraining' thit actual facts h' p t f h Al in towns of Fawkes arrested. Tile conspirators lout en o t ' `hrazenly push themselves for the 45 756 heart worth oleli S87 566. , . ,•5 In 1759 the church received 2,117,000 to potut out the manner in w ,ch rotes- tant clergymen'attaeked the faith,. char- habitants o t e mann ac u. g England. The same 'speaker htd the were either hunted to'death or aunt prosidency. • Thtat.gmlldest office Mr. Barron is evidently a fit Co- acres of land, which valuable pos,esaion had been added to by after find conscieuce'of Catholics '• If," audacity to say that -the I energies of the -,to rho block hlul Garnet the noviu 1 r the olubt, with its vast'powor and tate worker with Dr. McDonald in singe, greatly' property gaitafd through diplomacy and he added " it should appear to you that , Pi ' y vent hypocrisy, fCatholi slander and French-Canadians are paralyzed, and I y their resources gradually absorbed cial of the Jesuits was executed for patrona;c of its hundred thousand erverting and falsif int tublic p o y o 3 begging and by the natural increase in bitter butted of the Catholic Church and f of the Romish Church system! 1 should not �: Cute ,tinily. The murderous attempt i I appuintutents, is used as a mere an. accounts. the value of certain kinds of real estate. 900 valued at Catholic people were th,s main character•- be astonished to learn that the man who, ; ` knit close, those of the new ine to promote 'artisan success and - p p' —�— Abe owns churches; $37,000,000 ; 900 parsonages, together istics of n great deal of what fell from g. uttered this sentiment was an upholder . \t ' 1 .together faith olid gave an }mpetus to penaqual ambitions. Jobbery; rob- bet bargains , ,. The Americab s kick up a fuss be- with the palaces of'the cardinal, the the speakers of the Evangelival Allinneer it will be because your better training Of Irish landlordism and a staunch British advocate of aha system by which y Protestantism which is felt even to rima conibillations y' g and sales aro the rule in ovary polio• Cause the British. Ministor at Nash- 'to $900,archb00 ; and bishops, valued at $soo;oo0 ; 12 seminnt'ies, worth $sao,- and purer faith enable you 'to see through , the motives and methods of Otir religious the peasantry of Ireland Bud indeed of England, too, are robbed of the proceeds this day. The dttteetion and Trus- cal movement, front nominatibg a ington said in a private latter a 000 ; 17 classical colleges, $850,000 ; foes. He took exception"to the bunch- of their'labor. ProtAatiint writers have tration of the gunpowder plot was a,, President to IOCat}nr� a clapboard o P teeaeberojas.engnirer that he believ- 259 board in schouls avid academies g' $9 000 000 • 80 convents $4 000,000 • sand ing of Catholics with infidels and drunk- given the world alipalling accounts r merciful OscapO front \rhilt nliollt Capital or lunatic asylum. Mighty built b briberyg ed Cleveland was wily U Au, the ) c 9R hoapitala and asylums, .$},000,000, aids, which showed "how insulting and insolent men can be in arrogance and of the ignorance, and vice of •THE t.u\vt,it onurns IN Fvtti,Asn— have been another St. Bartholomew mono folios up 1 ' I and scoundrelly lobbies; by their Retaliation scare for political Pur- rn"iug A total of $61,210,000. As . lands she ,s bousPs and invested ca r- limpossible egotism even when professing to be filled England, merry England, where Protes- - g y InaaaaCt-e, all(] rescued England from ruthleasexactions incite communism -poses. This was considered iutpor- tat it is to•reach absola to with love of their, fellow -men and a desire to save souls." He thofght it tandem has full sway for three centuries. foreign civil and ecclostical domi ar,d socialism. The suffrage, the tinent interference, by a foreigner, in certainty. It is known that some orders are enormously would not be too severe to describe There, we are told, there are millions. who never heard the name of God, ex- + nancy.- James power being now holiest right of freemen is debased. a + + American alfa}Ts. What would ecclesiastical rich; Catholics themselves declare that some of the utterances Of the speakers to alluding to' the hierarchy and the cepa in blasphemy, while the poverty assured parliatneut tnrned its Allen• and oaths, honor and dee0noy are ' staple articles of barter and trade. they, Call the proposition b mala- ) N N Y the Sul icians Yor exam le are P t P Pope as grotesque ribaldry. "Here," and wretc4ednese of the masses are pointed to by leading writers so threat - tion, to the .da.vq]opmotit of that '1'ha laud is elalugod with fit. hers of the American Con„tesrs, t4 nicei:n THAN' TILE, IIANic OF MONTRRAL, „ he said, we heave bigotry touched wish ening to overwhelm English society and Commerce which has mads Britain whole farcy and sin. Every uew'spaper buy Canada from L+'uglana and which is the must powerful institution of its kind in America.• This estimate, blasphemy and illuminated with evange- tical red ire. The exhibition is nota destroy Briti,ah civilization. when Pro- . so mighty, they being msnred .of press groans beneath the burden Of annex it. Surely that was the very prepared with great care, had been •plessing one to Catholics, remembering testantiam has produced results so deplorable as those in its home and -____the support of the vast majority of its daily record of Crimes. The Y setas of impart}nonce in. Canadian declared by Catholics themselves to largely understate the actual state of. ,•THF, LosT co,,iwrtox centre, where it is nlainrnined by enorm- by law, ,khe peoplo now thoroughly aroused vefy lightnings theinseilvus have weary of flashing abroad the a(I'lliI by foreigners. And then ill finances. She owns a great part of those who have aban,loned,deuied and opposed the C'burch of Christ to swell ons revenues and established what could be expected of it in other to the desperate nature of the gr'ow'n n0vur eltaiu,r aickuu'tu,,, %viro •the gross insult, that Canadians of towns and villages which are not 4 Joliette, for example, is, the ranks oferror in action, thespActacle countries? Yet tbeaa'.I ugllah evange• encuaioa of Protestantism, and who o, c corroding details of outrages slid could he bought and sold like so mentioned. valtied ,at $1,000,000, half of which goes is deeply painful and should ndmonieh us to that the wrath of God may have the impudence to talk about igaornnee and stagnation in French p ignorance would 'last h,+allots at the w11O1'H'Nle horrors fur which the vocabularies n many negro slaves under the old to swath the riches ofrthe Church, and pray not overtake them, but that they be Canad'aI - murder of the best blood ill Eng- of pandemonium, it generation ago, rr American regime, is exempt from municipal taxation -' Neither does this take account of the given time and ince to •tear❑ the. g - g „ . Coming"thein to Dr. M'ilcVfcar's state- 1 land in their wistalcon ZOaI to secure ,; furnished no flame. .— -- — _ ^ • vast endowments which exist; and Mr. truth in humdit and aubmissios. . y He held �hat�lts- QxlhClac t.hutch�i>a; ment. with respect to the -un uat distribu- p j -- - -atoll ttf.aschoitl Nizar the. epe,�lroL'-made - ®_�_�Oj 1Jl_iaa9y:at]atuCsy=sti.tti--\v.ttli-.tG--alto Then Cuyel n4r•• 1lattip,of I,msaa ;_ - - ill a message Ives a more definite, � b g a ,.TiaR 1.O.HlLLS�1Av.-�013FFliENO.E MONTREAL. -- t,oYipar. menLoned__tLnt ._tbs_ Wig- Stiperior of Lonque Point Asylum had recently informed; a press representative _ tfieonl witneastothetruth(Ind entiine- y g ness of the' contents of the Bible, Divided on every other pointy the several the following extraordinary attach::— g to Dr'. \faoVicar is chairmlan of rho' Prii• teatnnt School Commissioners of this ascendancy of ruinanism iu,Englaud. The 5th of Novembei 1 88 marked if not more delightful picture of TH, i:rv, Pntsun'Ar. MAIUVICAR, P. D. lfuntreal Presbyterian College, that the nuns built that splendid build. ing at, their own cost of $1,000,000. Protestant aect''only agreed,in a chorus clap, according to the City. directory, another important' epoch ill the the situation ill 73ltakda paradise of of the open,d the Conference on the subject of Proceeding to his third,point, he spoke. Of reviling against Catholicity land' salt ht must have known when its made annals of hritain, this being the of farmers to whoso wratCltotl "Rominism in Canada, its pr( -sent atti- n with rwidi r,ree on the pw,erty and Catholics. He than went on to argue that Protestantism was nit religion a �" that statement that he was uttering s deliberate tic, lam compelled to use. arrival at, Torbay in Devonshire Of condition t.11o thrifty farmers of lode and the best way of mei ting it, with a.paper which rictvod lhi- attention .stagnation produced by ilia eraRorne, and tew-hings of the Church of Rnnse, all, that the increasing growth of the the strongest term, because too state- , �j'il.i:.n lII with a few thousand Outnriu are sought to be brought of ministers uud delegates fvr nearly nn demanding the attention of all true Catholic faith was overcoming it with- out and rho dry rut of infdolity dos- ment is AN' Aict'sArtOv of tnr;Fr, follo\vnre. 1'hc first place of any by Gotuntarcinl Auuaxationiste. Ile hour. 'foe P ,ariota. The Romish church had been success- uo in it within. Referring to Dr.11n¢• troying g or misappropriation, which amounts to •� Consei ueuce lie reached was Exeter 1 'aid n1'frrUnttor'rnir noNtISH cttl•ttclt, he said, had always been ilio same, and ful in bringing, the spirit of stagnation into her votaries ill Quebec. Nvt that Vicar's condemnation of the action of the legislature in settling the Jesuits' F' g the same thing, against the Catholic member' ofythe Council of Edncatioy, whets the people received him.wit}I P i "That eighty cuttutius in the mnatbe defined b the ublislied do mac y I g they sire wasteful, indolent or incapable, , claim, he asked if, had the settlement I can furthermore speak from my own Open arms as their deliverer rind he State foot up an aggregate indobt• and decrees of her cardinals and popes. be unchangeable and but their energies era paralyzed and been as unjust nnJ no wrong as Dr. Mac- Vicar the Protestant mem- personal knowledge 'Concerning the die-' funds, WAS equally welcomed throughout tednessol'$480,006-,000,and that•the' bonded iudebtodneas of the State, She claims to must therefore be held responsible for all their resources gradunlly absorbed by the Romish system contended, berg would have allowed it to picas fn tribution of school having been p resident of the St. Gabriel's school ' ' all, England. This event establish- count townships ulunici pal fail Yt 1 + 1 , her pasthiatory, however dark and die-. graceful it maybe. Romanism of to-daq The I'rovfncn of Quebec id fast approaching, if it has not alreadytoll PP g' silence that gave consent. " We are " be said " that, the Government ' ' ipoard for fifteen years. luring that period I never eves heard it hinted that ed the principle of elcetivo soverei- roar] and other bonds would o ie ac worse and no .better than Roman• reached,' the condition of Scotland and the press are subservient to the there was a cent- misappropriated. I guly in Eugl'and and assured the amount, to $50,287,689, making a ion of the past. Hence, it is of great immediately before the Ref?rmation, Catholic Church in Canada, • If this be can, however, say that the Protestants I of pt'utestant'tsn $ and perpetuity 1 grand total of $530,293,689. This importance to understand the legal st'ttysof the Ohurch of Rume in Canada when the weal th'and•power of the clergy Fully one-half of the a fact it is NUT DEROGATunv TO t'IIF unURuu were uniformly dealt with in the most generous mariner, and received more , „ h pro„rea' aliens oat £h0 British' would make fin indobteduess of $11 for every acro of land in that 'tate, Throughout' the Dominion, with the g were enormous. property In the nation belonged to them. b • an means. To those who recognize than their fair share. I can any the Empires. and with the avVhifgo rate of inter- exception of the Province of Quebec, all religious denominations onivy anb'tanti- All over the country there then stood n some fair,'fertile spot a'great estab- the true relationship between Church and State it should be a Cause of fej0lC• same of the city of Montreal and can ' rove what I say if_m words are uee- P 9 y q _ _ ....- _ est 10' for Cont. would require , 1 , q ,all the same legal status lint in this y g s lis limen of some of the numerous orders In But, perhaps, it is onlya broad tioned, by pity statistics.- Dr. MacVicar . A daring 1'Tonclunau has given it g $53,029,368 to pay 'interest". • • Province the Church of Rome has a eon spicuoae being distinctly of monks living in idlenees on the fat of land If half all'the in testant way of saying that hv Church. Protestant in- knows -This well. I am really astonished • that any man having regard for his own as Ilia opinion that a blaspheming "We know that thisindebtednoss has been largely increased ill the pre-eminence, established by law, The successive steps lending to ilia warn thin ako'tched' the of property the province of Quebec is not yet by the Church, that is due to looks after, guards and defends the astasia of her Children." character for veracity, not to mention y. the crimes of Blander and bearing false Freuuhman is, oil the whole,a more past two ears until it will now p Y from the conquest of the Province by nUao�bed the presence of so many enterpriefng P He attributed the antipathy of all schismatics' to the Jesntts, td the witness should make n statement so , pleasing spectacle ill the sight of reach $13 for every acre of land Great Britain until the°treaty of pence, when Hie lin untilc etre y screed e, is. Britannic well-to•do Protestanln, anti to the earnest efforts made to check Romish aggressions, latter's exertions to stop the destructive Reformation by vile and false. If, instead' of assailing the Catholic Church and slandering Heaven than a I.nglieh- whether eultivatod or not. The, 10 rant li of Catholic religion to g y "as far the restrain liar greed, and '?cure the free- fl'bod of the so-called means of education. •" No Protestant Catholics, Dr, MTeVlcar w011id leers the . praying interest on this at p or cent, the Inhabitant' of Oaunda as dom of the People. Loud applause. P ( ) who has an knowledge of histor would y g 9 elementary principles of morals and y P P roan,. Ile mast have equal nccbas makes an annual tax of $208 on laws of Great Britain permit." But tiro The relation of the Romish Church to io deny the mighty fact that rho Jesuit Christianity and endeavor to put them „ every quarter section in the 'tate. laws of Great Britain did not then estab- the question of educati •n was elaborate- order met the rifting wave of Protestan- in practice, he would not lay himself ` •r, to the unkilowablo ivith our esteem" As this indebtedness only Covers lisp Romanism or fasten it upon the ly sketched by Dr. MacVicnr Who showed iiam broke its force and rolled it back open to be publicly branded n liar, which I ' ed local contemporary to thus be 'about two-thirds of thb land in the people in the ,manner in which it now e t in Quebec. The terms of this the unfair advantages the hold over q y He ' to the shores of the North Sea by educat- he is indisputably and to the certain , Education, the first uu the -,*round with infor- o state, it adds one-third more to the exists treat did not . h any such Y the 1 rotestant residents. dealt at length with the subject of • ing the people, if it fa 'the policy of Rome,' as one of the speakers declared, knowledge of the Council of Tho Rev. Father concluded his sermon J nintiou that ordinary mortals have indebtedness per acre of that two- establishment, and hence itis proviiior.s far by Lila rtn,.tr;:+IIP uta•aNr OF $1001 to hoop the people in ignorance, how; by statin that the arguments used b g g no means of acquiring. thirds, which makos the indebted- were undeniably exceeded subsequent Act of the British Partin- Ge recently made by the.Provincinl Govern• I I would like them to explains was it d the preachers of Protestant sects hod I nese per acre $17.33. At ton per . I It . n Kt It ' , 11 c� a ,9 A . - . e I I � . n r i��+ti� I . . . L r