HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-11-07, Page 3,
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o R wPrr Front lQ „felts! a tl[.�,
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, - „ .. 4a9 uses) t1troug"It the [ yt,. Qf til,+ir
th axes. t11P rtclnus VOUIPW v alx.., s.}. pavlptzox, p Hn
T C11i1t,El3'1111D1Ft11X>, s1�4 ,.., ere gain Hoyt L+L;ta.lttP[tE . fttrniKlnes 11o.9tl. and In+t thr,u gt4w fora a•
wlticb their t itldj-1t w 'Chez ,
T1t�,aalr.tti hit t times.i#ap.�i4gec(to A all, ryttc:n a►. ht►tldle ryas H�.aurttd 1 , ^
r sub- traioed.,and edPiQ0 a chis woo tll� aweneral r,ylea for Glxt'i1t4iln conduct, and al trouble of tv.Pti}; a ,and it
11 eee.tye stpz °(?f neicd frem pzf R stgiati .., 1 in setts blll<R ttetffy' T -6e, whole law tailove� to God and . 1 g -
•acre,01; . We zvatit a goo tortes- .'I's n9, s,
W .
a,l+ with whiull their YO.Ang and' recept- lovo, to Ina hiR co pltrehends was next to an tmposstW.ltty for thtj11
, pgnden,t"114 et,eJ locality, not already ,/ ive facilities wera.ci.evlaloped-=0 for ,.thing. We gig� some rules hot• to get loose ou the hatlf{le. The
. reprase?ited,tori-e1L(l26t�RELIABLEiiteuis. a tstptiaR>► a Hansell sPttSP.l founded oil the Scriptures: fact that tile edge o£ tl)a hob wRt+
powerful >w6en►pore address 1. Do nothing if you doubt its 'tn pOition, whets resell:(; the Hapl{u
ti "I I . F ,
I ,?
. •, I • �UI'3SCIL If)rk:ILS' followed, by ilea ev. Dr. MOxon, boil g right: "Whatsoever is not of oak Iry the topniOst end show urs; ia'PENTED SEPT. 7, 188.
PtzEeons ev7ia do not receive their of Boston, who I+ret 'bed that the faith is sin, "' that the hoe was purposely placed �_
theoLe was a large on and one 2, If there is something you want on the tensor sapling, all above Nmething Entirely New.
;paper regularly front• the carrier or described, in order to letasature do
thrmgh 'their- local post ofces will which it was impossible to treat to do which would do you no harm, the work for the lazy slave. I fj Powerful Heater.
wafer a ,favur by reporting al this Ratisfactorily, if entering its the but aright lead a weaker brother in
oiJice at. once. Subscripfi0rta play. 'practical details within the pre" to wrong, dare not ao it. " Wherti• Another theory is that the Hees- Economical on Fuel.
I.0wilmence at any Gute. sur illed .limits of twenty uli uses ; fore, if meat make my brother to lens tegro left leis havidless hoe under'
but in that time it might be oasible Offend, I will eat no flesh while the the I uge Oak, and that the wanton Itll Suitable for medium-sized houses
ADVEILTrS1CILS• fpr hint to outline rhe ., Oughts offs ring haft its ,atornal cu and
g world standeth. " P I P
Advertisersw'illl)lease bear isa»tind w'Iliclt Ila'1 cause to bin rum a close S. Do not -place yourself ill a dripped lists«easy into the eye of the: l' jThoroughly Tested-
t)tat all "changes" of advertisetneuto, and atte.ritive study the Roman false position. " Abstain from all uegre hog, where kinft uuture yeas- I ITS -ADVANTFA GES.
Catholic Church appearance .of evil." ea it, to eerntinate.
to ettsut a i,tsci'tiola, should be handed
in not later than MONDAY NOON Of TO EDUCATION 1N TH UNITED STATES, 4. DO nothing Ht thOuoht, tvOCt{, -- ----�---- It can be placed in Ines cellars or ba-emcute.
or deed, on whi.h you cannot ask Anvtca TO MOTHERS —Are you dia-
< v', each 2veek.. std he could not he recogtizing a • }t 11 casing of swul plate around the firebox, making it perfectly smoke
't strong similnrit t,et sen their re' God's blessing. " Whatsoever ye turbed at night and broken of your rest all gas tight, a
y' do in word or deed, do all ill the by a sick child suffering and crying with
CIRCULATION. lariat, ill Canada t this question sin of Cnttinn T'eath4 If a� send at }t is easily cleaned not, nn important feature, as it insures the Furnace
and theirs of teas 4 e: line. Fal)ea11
k- nRnw of tbti Dora Jesus, giving P
{ THE News ILEOO1tD has u larger once and get a bottle of''S1rs Winslow's heating as well at the end of the season as when first alerted.
it r first of the suint which the
thanks to Grad and the Father by Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Immense radi.tting surface is given, and additional haat obtained by utilizing
r;ii•culutifilt tleet)t ttltg oilier pftper in l. Hint. " Its value is incalculable. It will rel leve that which is ua".ally wasted by paasiaR Tato the chimt,ey.
this section, and cis alt advertising Roullsh Cl,tir icy urges upon the poor littleaufferer immediately. De-
e,teral ac tante, lie .said she r0 AT THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE e P The fire dour is d'„ni,lo, the cold air being taken in ,u the top and tattled
uteditttrt has few erluct)s 'lit Ontario. K P P pend upon it, mothers; there is no mia- preventing heat and arks
take about it. It cares Dysentery and down 1•envr.r•, the pl,uea to hutu'm of the fire plata, p g P
Our books are open to those tvhp fessed t have entire superintend- With telling force Dr, Burns al- ecce ,in •int„ rhe cellar.
mean business, ence a d supreme control Of the luded to many of the hidden sources Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and ► the
whole ducatioual process, Red her of danger from within, with which msereduces cures Intnd Colic, fl mmation eandns the gives fire en f+tali dr+wu Aideati reaealid,y it e learder tuv& tile el firetr box, «ffec�ingaaegreattsa� ing
claim to infallibility n,9de this the Christian ao diet had t!t aout"nt1' tone and energy to the w'bole system. of fuf•l.
JOB PRIINTING• logically necessary. If �y made it declaring that tlsPy were the foes " bfre Winslow's Sooth}ug Syrup" for
, P children teething is pleasant to the taste 1 l►t" � t'N 1"tart' is the chew nest • first,cl+tes Furnace made, aud embo(Fiea
The Job De1)artment of this jour-
with etclusive refs rrnce to her own most to be droaded ivho roft'ss g p all the rrquir, meats of a perfect heater.
I'llrtal is one of the best equipped in adherents that would -•be one thing, mast to be friends. They pati to and !e the prescription cansof of the oldein
st T T' � � N ����•
Western Ontario, and a superior but history »h `wed that her method contend against romal)iftlil a'l'l the Unand ited ed States,t female anti is flog sale byand all
class of work is guaranteed .at verb had been Lo claim avWthing and rationalises which represented the druggists throughout the world. Price Havin;,used a Hua Air Furnace pur- Finethepast seven years, we have used
r :� Jo))t pricers. get all she could. Slits further two extremes of belief in everything 2bc. ,bottle. Be sure and ask for "Airs. chased from Harland tiros., five years-. in our Clothing and Furnishing Estab4.
clnlmed Oe right of control to every anti to nothing ;yet like linrod and 1i lnslow's Suotbiug Syrup," and take no raga, I can Rtr., ng] reaunlruen,i It aa'lse- lislimeuL two Hot Air Furnaces menu ac-
il- -- — 'T departt,i ent of life, and would rn- Pilate they eonRpirgd against the other kind, v ing the cheapest and heal. way of heating lured by Harland Bros., and our esperi1.
-Record cognize no rival authority. As Lord's Aooirited, and assaulted the �_ houses. 1l. brie giv, u t ,e lets best encs diniuR that tiros warrants its ill
The Huron News -Record- Prptestant Christians, however, faith witll masked battery. They saiigfactiov, swing ren annually Teem spying that we have effected stgrehtsav-
tell to fif een nuliar•a, its well as being ing in fuel, besides I viug a better heat- q
$1,50 a Year -All in ndtaaoo• $hey entered a protest a;-'ailIRt this I)tid seen professors of theology fill less trouble than sun«s, and mach -clean- ed eatablishment and one that hall been °;
- - �6HRUlt1I-,L1011 of the. Romish• Church ing the Hcorner's chair, glittering ill o er, yours respec'fuily, free from the discomforts of stoves. We
\FC[1ldes[lay.NOVL'dddll►/loI't1tll,lSSB RR a sect. hlO l llnrCh I10.d A right the effulgence Of their academic and GFU,�t,LA:`GO',t', strongly recommend hot JACKSON
k` I- — _ to stoves. JACKSON BItOS.
_ to cl,tiln the privilege of exclusive, prelatic robes, work against theN E The Furuace put ill my hu•,ise by H;kr- '
Y' control, because every man has truth more effectively' as they Seem land Bros., three year, aro, lW give, I have much eleisure i i saying list
Yh`EACHELtS' OPINIONS• g;ven hill, certain relations to society ed to lie religious. Even woman me entire s,tLisfacri"n, btd"V mottle c c,ut. Lha Fleeter placed by you in my horse, 'a
aud ivalieta'ble political rights which were not free front this insidious er than sit ,mart rt nun all and a two dears amu, Rives entire cleaner,
gre-a deal less`troubl
1 tau strongly '' a find it' much cheaper, cleaner, and
.- The Evaupelical Alliance Ccrtlfer- the Church has no right to influt)uce taint, but were too often engaged in recumincnd tlteu, to +,iI.. persu:l, ill pre• more, easily managed, and in every re
encP, held meetings ill 'Montreal or, OVNr' which Ln exercise ally auth^ mothering a new brotherhood OfTYPfereucr to stoves 1'uura, spectra better retry of Warming a. house,
every day last wee.h IlHpresent- erity whatever. (Ahplause.) Th<eir esen, and attrnctiui; them ,like ,a August 18, ir88, ds). t�'HITI !LEAD, these by the old' system of stoves.
i`': atives were'present from all loirta y b The Furnace put ill' by you in my, yours, etc., D. A. Fl)RRESTE[i
I end and stint above all was to make will-o'-the-wisp, the-wiRp into 'the ieldinLLL
OI C'ttux,{+t and frotu yariong parts „geod,Cathalics"; Rud coca such morRRHeR of uifidelity told despair. ., house la^tset�son has given th+ beat of This is to Icertify that Harland Bros
of the Uuitrd States. On Rn Authority in sho' Papistry as 13ut a titan would Coma when they �.- sntisfnetin, 'aud i cunsi'er it perferahie placed Euruncas ill my d �elliug' honsr
to either coal or esu id stuvea, being andin my banking office, and 1 tate
KOIfA\(SII IN ItELA'L'IO\ TO 1!ll)l CATION Cardinal Antonelli ha,l declared,' would cry out that the Old was l� pc � cleaner, in ea-ily mannged and eco- pleasure in at.ntit] - dwy have, given pol11
Il«v, J. \I. Krug D. D., of l�rHw that hvyund all theological knew, better than the new, and s'tt;h For ;" Ar O,_ nomicul .1AAiESSAIITH. feet satisfaction. • It lens atforded me
York, Rai,} that LhiR was ledge and traiiihig tlia most import- the old faith where they coulu 'w ilk l' 'Q/�j �i`\� [ )inion, Auy�usl, 1888, comfort to be relieved from the dust and
��: ashes aud irrer•ular tem erasure inti -
r ant Itrtu Of their creed wet a kstow•, a.,)t{ be at rest. Wht n the Bible j �� °k�1, -4710.h 1 ,�, + The Hot Air Furnace put in toy house p
NO TME FOR MEALY-AOUTIIED PLATI- dent to heating by means of etovea, be.
DUDES ledge Of the catt•chism, which was and reli ion were at stake Supine, ,, by Harland rue., there series ego, hoe sid, a all Other advantages
g ;� �C
' placed far above all other points of toss was a sin, cowardice a ctiute, I a '16 i�'° `. giyt'u me the beat of antisfactiun, the
�. or meaningless exuressions Of Friend• house being more comfortably heated, August 20, 1888, J. P. TISDALL.
� IP..aruiug, RomaniR'm could not be anti neutrality was treachery itself. li 1.4r 11
ly Opinion, when the wary . Pnmuy o �� I and of a uniform temperature, and being The Hot Air Furnace you put in for
was at the gwtrs ursuing war to the trusted, he further urged, because A LIE IS A LIE 11� ftp much mureecotiwnicul than, either call me last fel{ bas Riven the very best of
its prii)ciple9 were destructive of `\G a''r,�,%), ®� y3. I sails action. We have been able to keep
; . knife, and ainiiiiV his thinly -veiled Tile Rev. J. C. Farthing f ave the ear woad stoves- verBasil nu+n-
`'`' shafts the very •lifts and vitality all politica integrity, aud there the first of a series Of sermons on the. \y <ss0k\ �I �' aged• yours truly, JA.�. 51IEPHERD. Ll,e whole hortee (which' Inas nine large
, a ver (terve of the difference between t, y ` The Hot Air Furnace put io niy house rooms) at a temperature. of from G5 ° to
of the dear old Protestant religion, Y Dangers to Christian Lift ill',
�� 1
rb the two religious beliefs lyse touched. „ s- 0 O last ear b Itarland liras. work's well, 70 °,with nttendinR (o it three times in
1,� With Jesuitical practices slid be- ° Modern Society on Sunday even. RE—� �' y y
° Government was representative .tO ing last at Woodstock, in New St. is cleatser, less trunbte, and more eco- 24 hours, I would not, hnye a stove .in I
�; .' lief„, they, as Christian men and nomicat than stove. f can strongly under any consideration, as your Furn-
Y , Clay ; and the people were the virtual puul's Church. The subject chosen - reebmmand heating by furnace. Rce does away with all dirt and trouble.
i.;- women', Could have- nothing but rubra of Cana.la, fly their voice and „ • A.. H. MANNING. yours Truly, hOB. W. COATS, 1,
r stern and uueouipronu9fng opposi-.' was Insincerity ail(] falsehood, ” - •
Y t*- th«ir votes directing the govern. the •selected'being I St.•• J6hn, D Clinton,'8ept. 15, 1888. June 1st., 1888.
tion • although he admitted• (he The Huron" News -Record
�, •' meat of the country. l<iut the. Cls. 2, venae 21. "' I have not . Cali :iud' See It and Get Prices.
difiicultins that stood in the• way Rowilih adherents , acknowledged
. Of meeting ameuemy utterly devoiu written with you because ye know
sllegitince Co ori allele and foreign it anti that no lie is of the troch. " Iius ;Hat placed in stock another W of Full r�tOCli Of 15tOVeS, iardWaTe, dbC. Pr1CGfi Away Down,
t of principle, and who sought tw ower, which ill all lithtters of public ' E:ctra Ilard• Sletal
�' pro ,aoate Ilia 11)NItj1011H' atl(1 ' odious P ' fi i akin r Of fIIP danger' of insin- Ms.,
11hhpprrtt tt 1�j rat nX 1 5 and private colice,ru claiwed the p' 6 nflaAd': 1LUll-Sl■� r'`"'��j!`Ol�■dachines by ,every trick' and .pre•. eer'it.y, Mitt Farthing went on 'to ry
tension to which, happily, they as absoiutN right Of control^and later say 4hat this habit, although"- being
fereltce ; but he maintained, toil Gout very prevalent,, was contrary to j�
V, Pt++testattr, ,w«rH straugurs• (AP- .fear of contradiction, • that where. V (^'�
�> plauRe.) To obtain the control of the life of Jesus Christ. It was coUN t O C bA °' u J. 0. :�T��l�t�lS®Nt'
l; the tH'achers of this people had bP.eu there were two sovereigns there found in the mansion of those who0 .'"!
could be iso political integrity, V) O .0 .r„ O d a 1 uffiilllre Dealer, &c.
Iry__ the -purpose and aim Of theseJesuit. were possessed .of this wbrfd ,goods U a s_4 WJJ v �. e. LANDER A
Proceeding to speak Of his Objection as well as those ill the lowest. Atu- N U lu c 0. THE, LEADING . � TA!(ER AND
deal exponents for centuries past ; to Itomish control, for tit(; reason _ �T� w�yy
Aho very essence of their creed was
biguous.phraseH were used to support W '� L.t �J I • �F�i Ei�ii<. DIRECTOR. 'lk founded on the igtarunce of the that its methods pre(ented Hound certain campaigns, anti this even in--SUI'F.RIOR— to
culLure, lie rear! souse examples of � U 4 � .:d .. o.3 a Opposite 'Cut+n Mull, Clintuu, Out
�A people, and it was to counteract tine great temperance: questiout--for ►-'t Cn fd 4J •" Z d
« the teaching to oundPd in Roman
, and Cxp09H 5UC11 uua,,surea aR these g P P o the bringing in of votes political or test O Z o o
GRtholta 6C110vIR, which gave utter- •Che speaker said Vwlachiner
-r•>••+ i�•"' " z�T c^i W"a"?Ica°";m .khat the present conference lead, party returuaa: u o I. <' Ro Q=° ��"6�"�� a
atsce, to ouch profound u(itHense, as '+-• O �'', J -, 1�
,'c,.. he thought,' with perfP,et 'propriety that there were niauy noble used in L,, 1~ , 0 `4 o � S = - o i Fm Ba 7'I-,. 0-z "
,, the folluwiug.:--" Arts an�1 iuvelt^ ,agile life today who' would scorn f`
'{ addrei;Hed itRelf to this topic of all
tions. Not only 11AH the Ilotuiah a lie, but alas, they were few, cote^ ►J i� N a m ox aP�"�;,Pe, ��� 1.
N_ absorbing importance. In a b•-ief Church bee, ,to obstacle to progress, ��~ N y ' °q= p° ; °
a, _ arativel Politicians were not BLACK & COT,ORi1D 1.lRITISII, y lr y, �C$ o,uw. sora:q-a- _% �m
historic•,al review Of the Jesuit order , P Y A •-I 11 ° "" -_• £
but":to (,atholies are due the dis , go�o.,_o�Gtrz M
he proceedHA to show how they had however, the only men in public AJIEHTCAN ANJ CANADIAN „r �� oa-1 P!%°• .0
covers of nearly all the inventions IifeRri tempieJ, The cases might Z p r _.: rM J, x]"m=°.. 1 04
ISE been alternately expelled from „ �' ftS u I R-- 4>Zari a., Z .!!
we have toda IhiH and other he instanced h,rgel The church , r� � s-• w g. -2T v:
} evecyself-respectittgcommunttyintl Y ° Y FINE.:—: -INKS V O N LI+v N u.-", o-=similar-flagranuies of fact and errors teas to blame in the not enrryiatg _ _ I • r"•i°°$n "°y y " "
r•' again received back to favor by the ar ?�-�'
h I
of doctrines were received with in - I i5, � , •wzcl8��: Vry t
1, Pontifical head, as was tho case at Out oil the party the praetor who _ - _ >=°_rrw. °y „ I
credulous humor. by the A13R8Ullfly, SOUNDAIri'ICF,.-Those hnvin•salcs of nn}' �'•+-v�_Qipa� �
'f the present time; and'that the did not strongly rebuke error at b r,:1., -°•w ° .
Alld the rev, gen tl8lnail COUtI IIUed - tiOPl'Iat-\II\ED kind ahon{d eansider Hutt it lust as uu portant p` . I ° °» �n< I �. roses tizin methods which they the coHt of offenrling their congre- to havetheit,postersproperly displayed andap• ,r,� '.gx3: aI.,5',°-
P Y g 3° °°°°;,. his c.tl)nse by referring to their per, • pear neat and attrud,vc, ns it is t0 have a KoodI< employed to maintain their abomin• ve ted version of the rest Protest• cations. The speaker concluded a " RNAMENTS a°etionear rnr NR++:w-ttt:uuan mnknaa erialand ° 3=<�+0a�F9 rT.�,,, r g AMERICAN •• of this elwde•,f work, they hnye thf mateoinl and m n I ml c°+mP �s. o -` ,rable system were degradin,; and dr-- most eloquent disconrye by remind- -;S p t:8.. _ Cant hi.HiUTlllat1011 carried On tlltdeC exp�rienco to dive you what yon want at t•ary m wy. aP ny-1
'_ moralizing to the last degree. ing hie hearers that OUr blessed rensomrblc price . - c 1 8n3erm!,pin' �6
G papla3 - -�the regia of 1!?Artin Luther. �;5Though occasionally 'they Inieht , Saviour is true and iH the '1'rath, 0 -0 .m°s„too o?r � i,The Rev. Dr. WilliamA, General HAND90AIh -- . •;ii
r: change their names, their ends were and that anything athorwiee was
Superintendent of the "Methodist A��rT�®�' ��•%��.�}
h ,•,. the same' as ever :and, stripped of P contrary to its areatton, which Q \�/ •4 ',
I.the outward mask, the thing stood Church, said :—The question now way fully blcsed to every seeker New Borders,�Qio WASH
t presented was. How far does the T. ,{'elf. CABLING, t;,
r:' revealed in all the hideous 1lorrors aftel Jesus who -_would trever cast
dogma of Rome interfere with ro^ The People's Atfletidneer. Throat :led Lml , war : oar of 4.”
which haq ever charactjr'ed its un, us off. —� of [►•_ , _ �__
,t,,. ligious. social and national civlliza- -- �� w- A-� A -PIAN ,�r4ltrntrru r" iTnt ,ir9-~Hn•Ottnhvut �- '. tC `
hoiiited'St ��� 1•ie"1- FdAs a tt'tTiut zen o! 1ra0 "ti"}> I -=sr k:•--eters• }tarcr;� Maid• - Dr:- `HOWACAME THE HOE ��� etc ants rat' Hugon. auv. l
t �9
:r--= �.0 .. m
Wtlltoro�, to shine up our Prot » TIiERE 4 T.ar�'c Espnrinnce, Terms its lot^ as rola bra at the
montane teaching was but anothyr tautisw, Every Protestant oufibt
Sati+ftu;tiuu guarautuc 1. + I (
1 name for Jesuitism, which Owed its to be able to give the reasons whyFINE PAPERS Ratte�bury Ilouse
authority to a foreign Oower ; anti Now Bedford Standard. Farmers nn,l others who stalls their owe
} lie i•t such. Some are interests Rlinuld call no or address
, the Pope, in his published Eneycli- In the mechanical consttuctiori Of CLINTON CLIN'PUiV
`.; ' Cal, had laid it flown that tit(', ASIIAiLED TO Bit CALLED PILOTE8TANTS, T. il, C:1RL1�(;, _ - - 11
the. ship Republik by Capt, David
1, - Roman�Church should exercise its but it becomPR more glorious to us Nye, at that time the largest ship Our facilities are unsurpassed for the NOVERISER 21!
`',r functions without referonco to any every day, The burdens will never over built, on the shores Of Buzz execnti rat of p ILL IT];ADS, I;UTF, t
civil power, from which it claiu,y ho .lifted, and the gathering spoken ard's bay, in 1834 and '35, a singu- l� uonda, ci Letter uonat,, 'Pas ,, ,Forenoon. 11
' -)Every Class o� Printing( -1i Statements, Circulars, Business
absolute immunity. This was tilt) 'of lit this Book will never be re- lar incident was developed. Charles Ceras, Eaeolovcs, Prograa mss
System Alizt'd, except upon the ,principles Fists, a ship carpenter of Falmouth, etc., ete., Printei lit a workman A rcW ..t cttd T0N7oaa sv lis by His,
i. of Protestantism. Only by th0 like n,nnner anti at low rates, a �VASIIII\GiTOt\ S New lllethod
,,ia 51asR. who was em loved in the _ THE XI-S-itECORD Office, of inhalation
OF WHICII BIR. GLADSTONE,. HAD SAID r P in the very beat ~tyle known to the craft,
ro era reciation Rnd applicati8n W. iT. Storoy.�of storey & son, pro, nent
that for a man to owe his allegiance P P Pp construction Of the ship, wag how am.l at moderate rater. - { tut'e mmtnhtctnrif of Actot, vet., curd by
R Of the principles, leg a free Bible, and,
F P t ing a large stick Of Florida live oak Dr, Washington oI catarrh o[?dthe'throet, bad
to the Church of Rome. was to £ori the Bible supreme everywhere,, in tittibor, which apparently was er• form, Hud pronounced Incurable by emAtent
fait his moral and m�ntol faculties. office, store and tlegialature,-teen I►P y P ■peelanats to Uanad,t and England, Write hien
fectly scald, when his broad Axeforpartimdms.
pr. King eloquently enforced tb° we look £or the millennium and the seemed to bring up against some
''' Uncompromising duff of Christians ch.onic IirnuehillanudAatLttta Gu, ed. F
P r{ Y coining of Our Lord with joy. thing. When he examined the cauRP n Printi'ng
CU ort t•.n{ hsh Church Clor{rcmnn spanks,to comber the evil effects of such _ Q Rectory, Cornwell. int.
-- he discovered aomotfiing iron^like in DR, Wnsni.ornS.-
4'; p; teaching, and startled his hearers thea apparently solid block of live FITS I
by quoting from some ° of rho Skin diseases cannot be success• pp Y atop slit, (laughter
erg glad to we tach in inform roll
qutlHn text books Of the Jesuits, tile
fully treated by external - applica- oak. He summoned the master tale see• .,i time it qukc weltri are As this f"
tions. The proper way to cure such builder, Thomas who the ac ial troubles aha hag bean cured of grace,11
. giving an idea of the kind Of instruc- Robinson,' OF ALL KINDS. ' bronchial troubles under your treatment, molten
complaints 'is to purity the blood ordered thea something cut out Of " tha itad remedies tenets, ysincrite to nspresi. m.
+ tion with which the children in with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Under the the block of timber. The shyster• gratttuae, rlease nreept my sorrel) thanks.11
their schools and colleges were train- vitalizing fnluenae of this medicine. When I say O tI do mean merely to Yuura truly,
ions something was chopped out, stop them forAtlme,andthemhavethemr6 C. B.PIsIT1T.
ed. })r. King challenged the fullest all the functions of the .body Are �'( '( ;urn again. 11n$AN A RADICAL GUIM Mrs Jno McHehy, iisugston, On t,, Catiu•rh and 1.11
examination •into the genuineness of brought into healthy action. Alid bring brought to light proved ALE
1 L l I have made the disease of conanelvtf°u.,11'to be nothin+ more tior IeR9 than all BI .l.1 John 11Cli ilig, Ain stop, Ont, Cn Broncho
1119 AULhOrt18R, Altd prOm190d any, —At Winchester, Saturday, Eli 1, �Ta�, EPILEPSY or ItrA.tioppi„g,1{Iegstion,Unt,[CronchoConaump•
old-fashioned negro plantation hoe �`$LLING4 �iICKNES9, tl°,t.
scepticRl enquirer that he should he Perking, the lecturer, got off tl+e _wall reserved, and cit se scrutiny ALL til''/.I:i :\\D COLORS, It r. E. Scott, Ringyton, oat, Catarrh, bend and ,i
t L'' plied with plenty more of the same Cheapside and Ohio train for lunch P throat.
developed )ed the fact that the pith of Alti'alonaetutly. I WAR Arrrtnyremedyt4 Airs Itertranr, Ti,uroasu,ith, Ont, near ring• i
sort, Children were brought up on and quarrelled a ith Andrew VI it. I P I CGO the worst eases, Because others nave ,ton, Catarrh, throat.
% r the mttesiye ooh? passed through the(ailedlattoreasoitiornotnowrecelvin �curo ICIssllaryA Ronrhourg,Centrevilfa,Unt,-Aturrh ,j
such a catechism as this, " Protest^ chell, owner of this restaurant,, over P e Of the hoe. The tree was ad edFine,Work�
Bend atoheeforatreatiseandaPlaimic ioz�m hendand throat.„ +
''trete iIRVe n0 faith lel Christ, because the 1rtAttP-Ittlf/ll O£ tIIP. w'41LP.1'R, lI8 Y 1 ff of tn9 INFALLi�1riC Rtt�txCDY. (i1V0 EXpT09S damns �fntltetvs, P• Master, Acton, Ont. ?LO he At least 1 2� ears Old. Prad post Ofl1Ca. It costs y0t1 nothing IOr 8 A .EItr0a Oanta f unrishing, Belteelllr., Catarrh :p
there neverlived such a Christ as called Mitchell an u;rly name and Y trial, an itwitlauroyou. Address throat.r r Juhn I'hihpcn, R r). Snndhuraf, anf, (near NapnThey believe in. Their kips will wag knnckPd c{a.vu. „ Ne then rP; Nnw ronit*9 the theory. Tra•ii•;I Dt H. ROOT. 9?.Yon o AG Toronto Ont, noel Caturrl.headnnrithroht. ,Bndease,
ueyer be forgiven them through all tired to Lhe cars. tion Rays that in early days, the � OF l,1'I,,Iti' Di`,scim"!'ION,
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