HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-11-07, Page 1,. ,, " i •I. v , . . .. �.. �� , , as C i 1 . i. b n: i s ,,, .. ��:­ � , .. �­ I .- .'',:b - . -*,) ­_ I...., . I. I I 1, . �, � '0'�'. ­ :; �� ". I jo",': 'I, • I I :�,­,-4 � . I � • r 'i �i�, -1 1-1i. $1 - , . I., I �� I.o- ,` 1.11 - I,'- �: -.I-.,-,- I .1 ­ .. ­: I I... I � � I I . li ­. 11 "'�. � I - -1. , . I 111,�, � ; . 1 i 1:� I � ,; ,1. ­ -1, j.: �11 I � 11.1 I ­ I . . - .17, ­ I ­ ; 14, ` - ,�� � , I I � � . I '111 I , , . " It:, ;, 1., , � , ,, I � I j:.� I , ­ 1 i I �� ' .i - - . , I � I I - I . , I i.1- . . . � _;, ��,' ;­ . � I :. .. . . I . I .1 r � I . , � � . .1 lr� I ­:_ -, � ,,, . .f"I � .li+ �, I , ___., � .11, � .� 1 I 1J I .1 � 'p. I I . I I . .: . 1: 11 I ­ � . . - � " . 1; # ;, I I -1- ." , 1. I , 1. �. .. ` � . � ­ .....� INE . _ .. .. EU". . I �, I ""111, , . .. T-11.1'..- - -1 ­....�I _... .-I "J.," 11--, ­� " � ... 1. "I ��. I IOR 11 11 1. 1,.! I 11 ��,� I .. � . . . . I . � . ______�. 11 - . .1. .,; I . , . S. , 11 �.. I 1. , . ;= .=;,-tk, - "I.:, �1 1. I 1:2 n Ad n cc• _ . I1VATsRI!'D$1V+ ,, _ ..­­ 'iiflil tit �U Q= err ,At t#ilic ti .O ,..,.7; it ,• .. v SA A* l_X . Q3, WE. VI'B44 -,r$ APTOk-FIR waxww f'15',>� '#!gvptl 1F9bllaherrl Q • -1 4fi ^ r , • CSL. ♦TNS, 47, CLINTO N-, HURON CODN TY, CANT., WEDNESDAY• NOVEMBER 7, 1888 WIEWLE � Q, X21 1. I 'Twilit, (orl�ta �rott�tatte�e afcltit (�orlcl¢l lyoullttui It pl;�tX e a xfe lyaui�teuto (�ipffreoiloadvact Wood (�0a OIr-a.talift. In And ,About the Couuty. ' . d -'lhe late Mr. Jesse Hilburn( of Goderleb. Goderlelt. ilelvth. Goderte4 TuwnslilV° Preston died oil blgnda b lockjaw ■ - Mr. Stanley Hays, barrister of Keith McLean ishome on a visit. ; Saoramm�t of the Lord's Supper A weddinm in town Etat week. L. 0. L. 306' celebrated the 5th caused by stepping on a rusty nail. j • . Brussels, 1V t)9 IA town OD 'Chursddy. Halt' Communion hast Sunday at at the 'North Strout Methodist Mr, William McElroy returned in their usualgood style on Monday. =Several nee cases of stpallpox St. George's Church last Sunday. to Listowel on Thursday. 'There was a ,grand and successful are reported in Buffalo and here �, Dr..MaDunag'h was in town on I G shooting match in the afternoon will likely be a good many snore with- ,q Saturday. Rev. Mr. Audeiaou was presented . Mra, S. Black, who was rather Mrs. John'Gosinan ret•ui,ned hotne g , in a few days, y' seriously indisposed last tdeek, is, from her visit to Galt on Frid+t and an oystoc supper in the hal. Barrister Coll ins of Exetar was rn last week x rth a Hary gown. Y° iD the avenins The downpour of -Mr. Davie will ernes is glass faet� town on Saturday. Inspector Tom has moved futo we are sorry to recurhl, not in,ltrov- Our baud. played several find a' p ory in Napenee andgive employment ins rain in the evening prevented many to 500 men it he Rets a loan of Gln Beech -nuts are rn plentiful pro- his new house on Elgiu Street, a' _. selectioua on tha streets on Wedaea- from being resent. However, n ' '~ 1 p Court of Revision fur Colborne d It t t o p Ut'U from council and exemption ' w fusion in this locality. Maitland Lodge No. 33, A. F. & Tuesday, towuRhip,by his houorJud,,6Toms, ?_. Miss Emmi, Holules of. Stratford, A Vii•, meets next at Martin's hall, Saltford, 6ext • is visiting her relatives Dir: and Mrs. -Dir. Thomas Farrow, ex-Dl,P•, Saturday. NISED.-At a meeting of the directors Jas, Robinson. . - East Huron, wits in town last week. There was a good attendance at w'? Mr.. L. E. Daneey, barrister of With the exception of a few fix- the performance of Ili Henry's Seaforth, was it), the Circular tqw» inge, the pipe laying for the water minstrtll troupe in the Ituy:d Opera the death of the late Henry Ford, of on Friday. works is complete. House last Thursday evening. *,,,, I-__ OD AllSufnt'sDay,luatThnrsday Regular meeting of Huron Eu- - __.____-.__._._ High mass was celebrated at St. campment No. 28, L 0. O. F., next >r.;tst ��';tw;tttosh- - Peter's, Monday evening. Miss. Louisa (,uvoulry is slowly 11 Councillor J. W. Smith who was Tho"Temperanse 1.ifaBoatCroty„ recovering after heyysori.one illness. . . ill last'week, wits suffel•ing from an hold several meeetings in town the Chris L)notice is in un the sick „_ _......, attack of quinsy. past week. list this week. with Mrs. Thomas Clark, of Simcoe, The schooner Carter with a cargo The fire engine was'taken to the Wm. Love had a wood bee on his t a; of lumber for Dy,mont & Co. reached_ . harbor on Monday to till the water farm' hist week 13 :nide beiug'cut.. l '• her dock on Friday evening Y o wori.s boilers. DIP, Will. Hallalutu sold a fine destituteciroumstances. They wer.1k His Honor Judge- Doyle hold At a special meeting of the water burro to \I r, Smith of ,\Ionia for µ. { Division Coait in the Court room works committee last Thursday the n I�U year old cult to fir. Adams, an .:last Sattu•day, engine for the electric •light was America hnyvr, for : 300-D'lr.,Her. } ;. Di 1'R R. Stnt.tnona RL'. 1V►11 spon(1 aeleCte(1 alld the NUllltl flea basil Mr. Win, Live iiaetld ,i guillg to ; the winter in Saginaw as Elle guest ordered forthwith. Wlacunsill next week to Uill hie-, , j thele. ^ for 080 -NI r. John Routledge also of her sister Mrs.•13.dlantyne. The steamer Sorer•elryrl, of site LplUthel'a .,i , ; ,, rev. 'Mr. Slilton rind Mrs. Salton Beatty ling, delivered 1.1,000 bnRh- ala of wheat for Mc111vait, 0rTuro11to' \I r. T. roes sold his Durham bull Calf to Mr. Dlclluu++1'J of \lid- . '• left Ima week Mr. Salton havin,, Al1fTlClt'wtly tt'COVeI'l•(1 tU t'eaulne, th' ,it the G. T. It.. elevator' la.4t; Wed- illesex for $75. 'Tile calf is Only a ° duties of hi -3 pastorate. nesday• i't)w'uluutlls old " Mrs, •Stobie acct children if,ft Although we have been told over Mr. J. Hunter in engaged fur dam:, town on Wednesday to join Mr. and liver again that the Aust ulfiee anuilwCyear it) S. S. Nl. 10,'DLr', . Seobie at Pill kdale where the gentle. would' Dot be buil,t...,till there were Rtiiit+•r is a brand teacher. It is :, • plan and his family will reside in , sighs of another erection, nevertho. well the section that he is agaiu` Ll rueill°e - leas the Contract felt the hnil+liutr; of /for et)1:1 t,e d. i - Miss Je`ssia Colithoui, the well the same hits been lot. ilii•. A. At. Robison, tenchor at S. Y; " -', known draniatic reader,' will appear '-' XV• -BeT•T-Tunterand'Saiuue1attie, S• -No• 6; Woatliuld, has sent in his. Mr. Robison 1. on the 20th inat under the earpiece both of lirusatlls, were tried last resignation, was a he went to Bruceliold whore ha.ro_ of the Htsh School Literary Society week by Judge Toms on a charge of capital te;tcltor Filul is vary much ',R�� l �ggron b which .occasion she will present receiving stolen goods. 'Tile evi-, a 8 dente for the prosecution was to the' t•IIOUg)tt Ot' lit' IhOa'd K'11U knew kiln. itis is Otto that canoes early be re• A a moot excellent programmo,p effect' that the defendants had re= placed. His successor is Mr.Morri-. fir' Hallow eon passed off.iu it quiet cowed geode, the property of a sun of Walton. +'' maunercompared with many former storekeeper named Good, through a Mr. Lnweauce, tilt) f•ir famed ��Z', N,l years. The beat jolty played was that of taking down a board that boy in his employ. The evidence musician hail organized his singing •C' ^ gni ,., . advertised a property for sale and. being extremely weak the defend- school. at Westfield; he got 27 mein- I'L,, placed it on the property of'a well .ants were acquitted. Tile County bers the first uiglit. It is not often .,ffs ;it' Itnutrn ex -mayor. Attorney, assisted by E. �E, Wade, such all opportunity of becoming . approyed inachinery inside: and the sttlokiug herself with the. flames .of prosecuted, NfessrR. Gai'row & Ptond - cultured incue of the roust desirable burning sulphur, when her clothing caught fire and was burned off her`, Up till Monday evening the foot and P. Holt defending. accomplishments presents itself, and u , ', �Treasu^rer, Mr. W. L. Horton, had The town" hall was beauti- the good number already. pnrolled mantis 35 cents a barrel more than received over ottventy- applications fully decorated last Thursday, should be lay -el incre, swd, bearing the noise ran down quickly from merchant's for.Electric Lights, for the five o'clock tea gotten' Mr. Wallace. Jackson bapponed 2 eightee'n of which are for the square, "are up by the ladies of Imus church. with an accident on Thursdaoy last. r;.'. ', W'hetrf Ike lights going our b improved' The t•abfes fqr the display of fancy He was driving a teals of colts and t;; ;. - stores will . greatly work were charmingly arranged and leaned over the dashboard to hit ,", thereby. loaded with articlos of ' utility. .'one of ,them when it broke and he ' . - { Dlar.y;' daughter of • .DI r.. -David Those for the-cornestibles were 'went head first at the horses heels. .��- a ` Reed, was • united :in Marriage last, most appetaving, being set off` with He is badly out find bruised. ' The t „ - • Thursday to "DIr. IioDl•y Morrison delicacies of au exceedingly enticing team ran a away and ,were yot caught, r," of Michigan. The ceremony took 'nature. The attendants on the tables till four boars .after.. t place at rho parental residence, were prettily costumed, and carried Mr. Fret Long, torntorly known oil. j;. . Elgin street, and was performed by otlt their .duties in a, manner most the 3rd concession, bad an unplens- �G the Rev. Goo. Richardson. In the acceptable to those present, and, we antuess with his wife solve time ago. she complained of being ill and a afternoon the lin con to°left on happy P think to the ecuniar advantage of , p Y g He was in the habit' of using her O w5 the honeymoon trip, after which . the party. very roughly and especially of late. ` `q --- they will proceed to their intended At.. the ..regular meeting. of 'h.e. She at last packed up liar possessions left for her father's, the and before her father returned with regldenco inhere wt) hoe all ,i 1 P happiness them. ha High School Literary Society last and ,leaving unhappy Fred to in suspense.. ��, Hess will atten(l g Friday evening the following pro - pine l` A runaway last weak or grauuua was presents(.: -Addie s, 'the She ,was away for sometime when Fred could sfatid it no longer and ' quite Fi sensation. A farmer's team attached to a wagon started off, and President:; Reading; Mr. Reid; Reading, Miss R. Nrilliom8; b wentto,Ir. Goo.. King of the Union " running against a post left two Selections, Miss B. Rusk; Reading, who, came and retial the knot. Thanks'. be tis Geo. King though "" •- ' wheels there, continuing the jour- . ney, minus the two wheels, they Dir. Hyslop Recitation Miss R. Y t• ; , Robertson ; Glee, by he •members, some say he did not use a linen e. - were not' stopped until the animals Debate on,• 11 Resolved that the uolborne. >' 1` were tired" out. Nothing serious . occurred although the wagon bump- work of Nature produces more pleasutd• for plan than the work of L. 0. L. 153 celebrated the 200th not admit of it, but I may be able to ingon the grow d frightened num- Art." For the affirmative Messrs. anniversary of the landing of King z hers of pedestrians. , MahaH'�'d•. Hallows and Hyslop ; for William at Torbay, and also that of - ..-_ Council the ne .' i e Diossra. DicCluekoy, the Gunpod�'dar Plot, in Choir hall ^,;,•. At tile meeting of the on Gram an'i iloyd. Mr. A. J. Moore, on Monday evouing. The brethren -Sub Constable White,, of the Friday on motion of Councillor Rad- B. A., e'ii.1 presided, declared the and ladies had prepared till excellent , cliH'e, the Harbor Committee were weight pt :+Igumont in favor of the spread, nud the hall was well 'filled ,. Yours Truly, authorized to have the front of the negative a-� 1 so decided. with Orangemen; ladies and Pro - 1,; > dock lowered so that large ships builtbv Mr. William Marlton could ' The B.•nity line steadier Ontario teatant friends, The supper was free, and no charge for admission. Ids. be launched without risk. This did not cidl. in this port on her up- Bro. D. B. Calbick, of Clinton, OCCn- .... wdl motion will most likell�-ensure the ward trip last week, and thus the "pied the chair, and filled it very Glsdstonians. . -ca uilr ing oflargevessels to x(°�Tor�r- C. ,lt rtyilve'--- Toads of freight awnit- ably, 'There was an ,electron coq- r,�< instead of in hayfield as con- Ing her arrival still waits. It re a test for a three story cake between, ;,, templated uy our energetic tOwD8- gross shame that shippers from fhia Miss Gurria, of the Nile, and Mies _ man Mr. Marlton• One of the loos! port should be so scurvily treated Young, of Port Albert ; the former i;f'': ( papers in its last issue *stated that 1 l as they are, and have been, by the 'Those won the cake by a narrow majority. �:8 :• Mr. Marlton was about to build a Beatty line, who have watch- Sous, readings,• music and speoches *, large,vessei in Godericdh, but the ed the course pursued cannot fail to made up a splendid- programme. writer had no authority for such a roe the purpose, namely, to cause all Bro. A. M. Todd, of Clinton (our , ;' statement, and only for the motion goods for the Northwest to be ship- county lecturer),, was the principal 'yw passed at he meeting, the vessel if ped from Sarnia, a course of pro- speaker. He gave n very clear ex- built at all, would have been built cedure it is said the G. T. R. assists position of the progress and strength. °u, in Bayfield. We congratulate the in by shipping goods from, Seaforth of the Orange Order in this coun- informed that an iinwi-itor, calling council on the unanimity thereon to S,%rnia at the rate they charge try and the old land, and in an ,11. ,. when the matter was before it. from Seaforth to Godorich. Is it interesting and happy manner ex' '7 The regnl:u' meetiug•of the school not time for our moneyed mon to take this matter in hand and show, plained very forcibly he principles, �, 1 < board was held on Diouday evouing, S. Maleomson, Esq., the, chairman, the Beatty lite that it can Do longer 'i aims and objects of the Orange Society thoroughly, He was attent- r C i presiding. Members preaent,Measrs' continue its o`no-horse system to the vel listened to, frequently applaud. free pews. Acheson, Ball, Crabb, Morton, Price injury of Godorich. ed and occupied a full hour and 20 p � and Swanson. ' Minutes of last To -morrow and Friday there will be a minutes. 153 is to be congratulated ;, meeting read and confirmed. The e Children's' Art Fair in Victoria Hall. During the two days there will be tents on the success of their 5th Noveni- : t% p , I Principal's s report showed an aver- in whieb •the goods of Canada, France, her celebration. �,�, age attendance for October' of 270 Switzerland and Japan will be offered for vSrttn• r boyo and 269 girls. The Con. Com. sale, said sales basing con(lucted by Dames was authorized to obtain 500 school and Misses dressed in national costanre of L. O. L. 1035 Celebrated the 501 reports. Mr. S. Maleomson was the country represented. As the proceeds Fair is for Sunday library in n volt' bdicomrug ntanuer at Bro. appointed a delegate' to the conven- of the the school the pupils will helpp to.amnse and int©rest. + John Johnston's residence. There about thirty present. Oysters i, tion of School Trustees; that will assemble on the 13th inst. in Toron• This they will do by sixty of them deline• atirdg nu old-time Maypole deuce, and .,were in abundance wore provided and a -to. Aeots. from J. Yates $14.17, Joining fn a grand march, while a number splendid time enjoyed. Bro. Wm. K,; Jno. Butler 14.50 G. N. Davis $ °f the elder pupils will presenteffccti've.`Rathwolloccupiedthe Chair. Mess- r $5.50 were referred to Fin. Coni. tableaux in which ancient costumes and historidal events will' lie faithfully por- t's. Wm. Taylor and N. Harrison L' with power. The whole of the trAyed, On each evenings full programme gave excellent songs, as also did Che %; ' teaching staff were reengaged, for Will be presented, and there will be an Miss Noble, of Seaforth• party ` 1889, the Principal at an in'crease aft'ernoou presentation on the second tiny. 111, Zing broke u early in the morning, all p y g' . +`' . of fifty dollars per annum. The, Those to spend a pleasant evouing cannot do better than attend Victoria .having enjoyed themselves immense, ,,. C� ' ". .... i'. _ board then adjourned, hull toauorrow or Friday evening. IY My evening. wan qu►te a tea . Mr. William Bell has rented the model farts south of the villa -e for a terra of years. Success, Will. Rev. Mr. Irvine of the Nile preached two eloquent discourses to large+ congregations in the Metho diet church on Sabbath. A heavy rain and thunderstorm accompanied with vivid lightning passed over this hamlet on Monday it i ql1 t. The corporation have had a opnple of the old . crossiugs on Kitiv-St. South replaced by uew .ones. Not before they , ryes c noed- od. H+tllowe'eu passed off hem very "quietly. the boys getting n6 show to play any of their.tricks as Chief Davies and his extra stall' of poe,fers were on tile'hlove during the night. Dr. Towle, formerly of Glalnutis, has decided to locate here. We utill orsthnd he intends having his office in the shoji adjoining ,Nil, . S. Gidleys private residence. 'Chs social and addresses gotten up, by the members of Ln, 0. L.1963 here •uu anniversary of the gun- pgwdor• plot were .well_.patronivd, notwithstandinb the atmosphere wits -Of a daulp. nat•u:e. Editor Jen7cius' of the Brussels 1'iadyet dropped over )tort) on Friday for the first time since his return from Castle Dixon. 'Cha lake breezes seem to have agreed with him splendidly. Missea Lovett and Hunter dress and, mantle mskers here have moved .into Dr. Glass' old stand where they are better able to attend to the wants of ladies i•u their line than heretofore. On Tuesday ovr•ning lasts special sleeting of our. town council was held for dic purpose of examining 'tenders for the site for town hall and eugiue house. Four tenders were reoleival. 'Cher, prices being ieousidered too high our daddies adjoul•ned to.4 future date togive the tenderers time to re4ousider and got their•figureti°down' little finer:. -- _ P6rt Albert. The. Harbor Works empioyees had a -social time the other evening at the Royal in, this village on the oc- casion of the presentation of an ad- dress and it valuable watch and chain by 'the onl:p'loyoes at --tiro Harbor `' orkR to their foreman,oua respected Mr. A. C. Hawkins. On the inside of the watch is ongravd in. Welsh's best style, "Frolic the zp)l0114es to A. C. Hawh;ilts, Fur It llurbor t Albert toter 1888. i.Verka, Pol , Ut if h6'following is the address To A. 0. Hawkins, Foreman Harbor Works, Port Albert: , We, the employees under your charge during the past seasou have inivited you here ?his evening rot- the purpose of ex- pressing our high appreciation of the able and maiterly manner in which you have carried oil the works entrusted to your car(: Your gcnial`dis{+ositi"u and friendly mminier have endeared you to us all, and we trust you may long retain the position which you nowfoeeupy as foreman of harbor works here, We now beg leave to present you with this watch, chain and seal, as a small token of our high esteem, wishing you and yours hwllth and happiness, We remain The Employees. A.C. thanked the donors for' the very kind addross and valuable pre= sent` bostowed upon him and roview- od the harbor works at considernble longth touching back on the days of the old "Pier Company" when he bad- the honor of being Secy.-Troas. and working like a Trojan to keep up his end of the stick. He alluded to the willingness and intelligence of his assistants in the recent work and had every reason to believe the work they had just completed will stand tile batter and breeze for the next twenty-five years. - -- - !fi1111111Or11i� ll- ^-- Mr. John WIcLaugbian raised a turnip this season which measured' 44J inches in circumference Find he has snore nearly ne largo. Who can beat thia4 Apple packing is wont over id this. neighborhood for this season. There wns a great Ileal of "culling" Bono particularly in.winter apples. [ guess there were too many apples this year. Dir T. W. Scott of Blyth, at' one time to�pCher of the Public School here, paid a flying business visit on Friday. -A recount In F.,lNorthumberland has increased Dr Willoughby', majority from three to eight. P good number were in attendance from taxation for ten yews. ,,< and an enjoyable uud profitable -Several years ago a wealthy, time spent. English captain visited Cape Vin- i A STERLING MAN'S WORTH RECOG- Cent, Ont., and took spch a fancy t0 a young bartender that he took him ', 4 NISED.-At a meeting of the directors to England and, by his desk recent of the McKillop Fire Insurance ly, the youn, man carne into posses- CQr",auy held in Seaforth on Fri- sion of $70,003. day a motion was passed regretting -At a recent ineeting of the Mo- �` the death of the late Henry Ford, of Klllop „Council the services of Mr. Godorich township, who had boon it John O'Sullivan, as clerk, were director of the Company for six dispensed with, end Mr. John C. years, and offering condolence to Morrison appointed in his stead. Mr. ''{ the family and relatives of the doe- O'Sullivan has been clerk of Mo - Killop for about a of a con, eased. quarter tury. TTuckersmttlt• -Brantford Courier ; Henry Hall, . . a stable man; on Saturday last elop- -'1. FARM BOUGHT. -Mr. Whit Crich ell or is' supposed to have eloped, `' has purchased the farm owned by with Mrs. Thomas Clark, of Simcoe, L ' 13ou ;,Cros+en for 6' 8,000. Mr6rosson a lively French Canadian madame. t a; bought the Ralue fortil a flaw years Mrs. Clarke deserted a husband, and .. • ago for. $4,1(10. ' Hall a Wife and trio Children in " I 'Win. destituteciroumstances. They wer.1k . COLT SOLD. -\Ire Dale of west.,; Huron Real[ sold his entire two -J. B. McKay a lumber treasurer +1 year old cult to fir. Adams, an purporting to rept.sent Le Bel of America hnyvr, for : 300-D'lr.,Her. London got several small drafts onf b+:rt Crich sold his -two year old that firm o;,shedi at Paisley. He is ; el'Itll'P CUIt IU the same not not in -the-employ of the firm and 'Mr.It 4'. ^ for 080 -NI r. John Routledge also the drafts were dishonored and rt: sold sit entire colt to Ur Adauts for McKay took a sudden departure For the American side. X41. These cults ore, ell going to -t'wo 01,11 ladies named ,McLeod, 'rho United States fur stork improv-occupyinf; the hind neat of a con- i'u'g purposes. :. .:-- - veyarroo; met with a serious-lnishap '. _ .' ` l31t1n1,S.-Hallows'on passed Over Sanday while returning from church 4 very quietly -Mr Jaynes 'Johnston. An Kinloss to their hotges'. . A couple _� intends going to Michigan in' about of boys caught on to the hind seat, ; a week -Mr' Ju)tn Hanish lIRB Bold in attempting to get a ride, pulled the seat over;careening the old ladies 2; his farm adjoining „ Har,:.purhey to oil to the ,road. One was quite 1r DIr J.I)iuk8on for y3,800 -'Mr Donald seriously injured, if not fatally, while Ll McKay of Harpurhey (lied at the the other escaped comparatively un- to of ]lie siator, lits 'Mac- injured, kintosh, last Friday. Me Mackay -Tile other night young farmer `'` was one of the oldest settlors on the by the name of Bolton was returtling 1. will road. Oil leaving the f:trin to his horse in McKillop, after sell - ,, he went to Bruceliold whore ha.ro_ ing it imid of grain in Bruss•als, when . mained until the death of his wife he was attacked by a man tvbo climbed into the wagon. After be. , :F whon-he moved to Harpurhey, ing twice struck, he courageously A ___ . - ____ grappled with his assailant until the - ' NORTHERN NOTES. seat fell backwanis into the box, "' - ' } giving the scoundrel a chance to ; Editor Neccs-Recor(l. escape. .When he arrived at Lead- :'k DL••AR Sis,-Iu ,travelling through- (- bury, he presented a dreadful appear- once from the injuries inflicted by ., the county I put up for a short .fine the bludgeon; no clue to the would-be { at the thriving village - of'' Blyth. I highway robber. noticed espeelally the fine Rrtstiug -On ;Vionday eveninR,'IVIrs. Fisher, .,ffs ;it' .and merchant mills of 'Reeve Kelly. The building is of brick, the most of the 13th eon: of East Luther, was w approyed inachinery inside: and the sttlokiug herself with the. flames .of s I business carried on'with due regard to ^ burning sulphur, when her clothing caught fire and was burned off her`, .,A ' cleanliness and order. "'lie' flour body, burning the flesh in a'terrible u , from. this mill, I understand, com- .manner, from neck to feet.. Her mantis 35 cents a barrel more than sister, who was upstairs at the timer y that manafactored in mills in other bearing the noise ran down quickly i , towns and villages in tmi art of sire and found the in Hames. 2 county, Whether the superiority of -.woman 'She tried to put them out, and gut the flour is caused by the excellence her bands. badly. scorched. It took .... • ..:_ 1 of thin machinery; extra care in the , a doctor about four howls 'Lo dress114 manipulation in grinding or on and bind up the wounds. At last account.of the bettor samples of wheat accounts the unfortunate woman lay secured here, orb a combination of Y 'I in a critical condition. all these I know not. also visit- ,-rhe usually quiet neighborhood • "j Mill hi ed the Woolen iilll 1 is in a which i of Ancaater, was greatly shocked on ,i commodious frame liuilding. A good Tuesday morning when ij s1 as report- ", business seems to be done hero and ed that 'Elsa, .eldest daughter of parte a large number of hands ani_ Abraham $radahaw, near Ancaetei, to ed. Considerable more wool is used was dean. Sunday she was in here than can be secured or is alt her'usual health and in the 'evening rown,in the 'localit and in order g Y drove to. the -village. .On Monday 1 to obtain the best and most of the she complained of being ill and a t home produced wool the highest doctor was called in but • thought , prices have been paid for it here, in fact more than imported wool could nothing serious. About midnight, however, a sudden change took place " be laid clown for. I then took a loop and before her father returned with at the Flax Mill which is doing. a the doctor her spirit had gone to . booming business,but not having time meet its God. She was to have been to inspect I cannot say more about it married the fellowing week to Mr. This village has always exhibited Arthur Richardson, brother of Dr. - remarkable enterprise, the latest Richardson, Of AnCa6te1', And BOnI'e of I roof of it hers the yetis of the P g 8 the invitations were out, but ,God ' amount required to purchase a steam trilled otherwise and her wedding•.,. . ,I' are other indus- fire engine.__ dress became tier burial robe.• tries 16-hould have liked to notice . ' - but`the tinlc at my -disposal wouldI +� 11 not admit of it, but I may be able to Our,'Wee.kly Round Up ), do wo on another occasion. In any . event I shall endeavor 'some other -Principal Grant is expectc.d_Ao__. - ..-_ time to give your readers' #--1 lea, of return to Kingston' from his trip the cattle and horse tra(io and the around the world early in Decemhei% 14 brooders and raisers of stock in this -Sub Constable White,, of the r " Vicinity, also the importers of 'horso Montreal police force, has been I , flesh. - arrested by High Constable Bisson-. , ,. Yours Truly, nette on a charge of having suduced RAMB1,141t. Ada Parson, a ninteen-year-old girl. _ -The municipal elections were. -.1 ___ In and About the County, held in Birmingham last week Returns from nine wards show the i electiop of seven Unionists and two -An explosion in a French collier y P Glsdstonians. . , killed -.311_ miners. -'The Ontario Government has -Australian and Indian Catholics offered a reward of $1,0!10 for snd:h `'. have presented the Pope with $1,000 information as will lend in the iiia 000. covert' and conviction of the persona -Jacksonville in he "Land of from who sent the poisoned o ndies to the• Loweil and Cherry- children in Galt. i' Flowers" foots up 364 deaths yellow fever. - - .«-. - ::• -A steamer was sunk by collision -'Che Christian Guardian of To off Cowes and 22 persons are 8uppos' runto has the following to say •nbout ed to have gone down. "rev" Wada -el -Word who preach- . V, -For givtng whiskey to Indians ed Heti led•tnred in several churches •' employed in hop -picking at Ailsa it) this town a little over it month •., Craig, D. A. McEwan, of East Will agn an°I who of conrs� was regard- ismswas fined $50 and costs. -!he Winnipeg grand 'Iury on of] as the ''pink of perfoitio.n" by Fi "We Saturday returned'rno bill' in the largo number of citizens : aro libel cases of Greenwayagifnet The informed that an iinwi-itor, calling Free Press and Vall. liked on Green • himself Dr. Wad -al -Ward, Bit's been. �: , way• deceiving oul- nliuiste1.8 and others It';+. -Rev. Dr. Slockridge has resigned in the western part of this province.;; the rectorship of Christ Church He pretends to be a Jerusalem He- :et' Cathedral, lIamflton, on account of .differences of opinion on the free pew brew Christian. Ilo is an unprinei•° '' '! ' question. The rector is in favor of pled adventurer, and should be ,„ free pews. given Fi wide berth." 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