HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-24, Page 80 now TO, PQ0..8T.' -.&n Qld far(uer says ;— Ta lead a etub_bo,.rn . cow, put a ropearound her borne , in thusual fashion-, and t•heu eit back of her ear, then,fort ardd iWindowf rtr and under the rope tyhich goes ALE around the borne, pulling the ear Vire have an elegant Stock of New W140ow Shades, Pulls, Spring ' tight against the horn. When the Rollers, etc. PRICES RIGHT. � ""`' •' rope is properly arrauged the most . 0 4 stubborn cow will trot along nicely. GODFIilacettNumber of om ere Stock of School 0 • prisoners commJitteedd duties the A, ; i t I year—Males 117, females 13, total r a I 130, Number carried over from AND SUPPLIES• previous year -8 melee, 2 females.; 0 VERC0'.," Total number in custody during the year, 140. Number acquitted on PURSES—A fine New Stock just in. Only two Baby Carriages left, trial by all courts, 21. Number which will bo sold at about half price. We are giving Bargains in — —§— f7'K sentenced on trial, 79. Number all kinds of Goods. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods committed for first time -57 males,. - This is just the Season for Overcoats and five arra >*on'dy 4 females. Of the remaining 69, �y17 �y • Dicks on Clinton their al esof committal ranges from 1''1�� for it with a stock for POW -DER twice up to twenty-one times. - � -- 11rI3EN HE V1rOULD WOOD WASAbsolute) Pure. NOP. -The following appeal AS REV. MR..EnGE and the Rev Mr. IN THE 13nussma libel suit, Grant l dren Bo' 011 ths'.anl 'y wo tl from the Arthur F.nterlo-ise LLvingston will exchange pulpits v. J•ukius, the jury returned aver- 1 V11' 's9 u This powder never varies. A marvel or purity, wood, e strength and wholesomeness. More economical is the most affecting thing we have ° next Sabbath morning. dict for the plaintiff for $l damages. than the ordfne.r)• kinds, and cannot besold in _ r �' competition with she multitude of low test, seen 'for some time:—"Those who 1tEv. Mr. L1viNGSTON will lecture SAtn A CrrtzEN t0 a'y'011n0 roan that will surprise shrewd buyers. �1Td ha mhniti tur- shfy in eight8. alunt or pBApasotr powders. SO" O 8 'have wool) to shed prepare to shed on the "Power of the Human Voice" whose team ran away Had slightly ed a very lint ;e Stock, which for V1.111 St:, N. Y. It nowt particularly those who last in the town hall on Tuesday 30th tn,lured a •yuitn" lady who was with . _ winter promised us wood on subscrip- ifl•t. him as well as the buggy. "How did a tion and forgot to deliver it. The you conte�to letthe animals getaway Make jThe Huron News�Record hu vest is over, the summer ie past; DEMANDING DAMAGES. — Mrs. fron: you, John. They ate not hard Cut and PX X I the toads are good and still we are Scram of Sinicoe, has demanded to hold." "That's all right" said $1.50a Year -531.25 lir Advance. without wood. Would. you brie X1,000 from the town for damages " + y' „ g g John, bat I couldn't hold the horses discounts ordinary I�ead3 M f; y us some wood -wooden wood? sustained by her through a defective and the girl ton." '- rhde Clothing. 1►11 etS Vt:hi Wednesday, octolter z4tlt.,i8ss sido•walk. _ appreciate the value of.a $ cannot afford -to pass: oust ' LITERARY SOCIETY ORGANIZED.— LONUSING FACTORIES is Coutinu- Stork, \ —' Che assembly room of the Collegiate Softly the loaves aro falling, ing all along the line. Wingham•, Lints.—Persons requiring lime Institute was well filled on Friday As they have fallen before, Berlin and other places are adding for building can be Supplied by fast, after 4 o'clock, when the stn- And thosa,l uld crows are Calling, to their industrial works by grant- Cooperand Sw,tf}i°l,i with St Mary's deuts of the Collegiate,* and the In the Cold, wet winds onco more; iug ntuuicipaf aid. The prinuiplu white limo. 501•tf Modellites, met to organize a union And already the nation is bawling. may be wrong or right but towns literary and debating society. The "Shot the door." that want to keep abreast in in•Ou r $8 and� $10 Overoogt. NOTICE. officers elected are : Hon. President, C. U. ESNTtiUSIASM.—Very little, dustrial developnu+nt will h.►ve to- Mr. James Turnball 13. A.; Hou. fall in line, "Whon•onn lives ininteresr We have sold our Grocery Stock Vico Prey., Mr. Lough ; President, Richard appears to t. taken in Sir home one innst do as Ii,onpu does,"- stand to -day as the GItEATEST BARGAIN in, the . John Staubury ; let Vice fees., Richard � Cartwright• At Norwich � � to Mr, James Moore (late of the , on Friday evening his address was + country. and �� e iiav e bad a wonderful sale already �'�'iZi- \1 . Graham ; 2od Vice Pros., bliss ST. PAUL SCIIURCII.—Qn Suudiry Y 3' Commercial Hotell and as we M. Gregory ; Secretary, A. Budge ; listened to by 1P95 than one hundred next there will be theaunual collet- Otllel' line which S110UlfJ not escape the notice of (�Iatliiu + persuus.—Woudstock Ti,nes., tion fur the Missionar and other �° buyers is our wish to wind up our business as Treasurer, bliss° L4lurch. I;xocutive Yr soon as possible, we Would request Committee:—Misses Plummer and - PimpARisa.—A county meeting Funds of the church. Circulars Purest, and Messrs Boss and Houeh. of South Huron L. O. L. was held have been issued by the Lector and jj ��1 fq all. those owing ups to call and The meetings will be hold in the Churchwardens asking for liberal CHILDREN IJ g in Clinton on Saturday for aha put•, o U$2.50�,$3 all'd$ settle AT ONCE. OUT BOOBS will Cullegiatu every Thursday, at 4:10 pose of coking preliminary arrangeofferings. It i" to;be hoped every one Qbe found at the old stand for one P. M. menta forthe reception of the Grand will remember the good objects to OVERCOATS _ Orange Lodge of L.N.A. at Goderich which the various funds are devoted r month, after which time they will An—ER—Thu other day I g and give freely and cheerfully. � N placed with Manning & Scott Dir. It. Irwin of Irwin's grain next June. g Y y gam' �1 e have Overcoats that are Wonderful Bargains.. for collection. elevator catne into this offiice'and we GOT HIM AT LAST.—lteV. Mr. "DEAR ME," said Mrs. McGuin- p5184t T. COOPER &SON, cannotblit thiel: he did so with LiviugsLon, Vve notice by the Lista uses, as she h; iud some friends Our G $150 1 �n Vh.Tcalico prepense of the rnostdiaboli' wet Staildarcl is to lecture in that talking about tine discussion in God- cal character. Ito asked fora Paper erich over the waterwork9 "those AOJUI'ItNIsu Arcrio;v Snis.—The to have a look at the markets. pone but,,, oil the evening of 'Tuesday, dreadful Irish are always kicking uudcrsigned will otl'er by 1'nhlic Auction October 23rd. Posters are out thane y g SEE THEM. on the Alarket St nave, Clinton, oh Sat- was handed him. It happened to announcing the fact with great big up some shindy or other. It seems urdwir, Oct, '7th, at one o'do(.k p. be an old one. Said he, "it seems black letter head lines, "Gut Hiu1 Mike hobo has 'been playin' the ---o-- al., tint following foods: 1 good serviue• blr. Editor you can't see very well,at very divil with the harbor wather able horse; 1 butcher cart, new; 1 pair hero, try these spectacles." And Last."he must be a very baste to spoil oto'• light sleighs, neariv new; 1 long sleigh; 1 seumul•huud bully;;; 1 li;ht c,irt; 2 acts with that he ornamented our pro. A MEETING in the interests ofthe wather. ]lift I'm glad .to hear we single Karnes.,•; 1 fui�nore, lie+v; nud a boscis with a pair. "How's that 7" Upper Canada, Tract Society will have one, citizen that's not afraid c'k number of other artioles belonging to the said }rte as wo looked at some print-- be held in tile, lecture room of of him. More power to you, town JA s InBro" s e bnteherng business; 1 wagon, I box ed matter. At' first we had to Willis Church on friday evening clerk Campbell." stove: i siugb, sleigh: and other articles acknowledge that we saw ver well 26th lust. Addresses h local �" 'trio ),ince ojll" to inetition. ' ,-ruts cash. b _ Y 3 , THE FAMOUS GLOT� 3I ERS.: . D. Di�,tci�sos, Auctu,ncei. without anal could see very well members and by. the Rov. R. C: CANADA S GRAND OLD MAN.—A with them. 01 the paper oil. a Moffatt, B. D., Secy. of the Society, wonderful ulrl lean as 'Sir oho. �• _- -..T— �--- little mid probably you will find the who will lecture on ".President Gar The adjective old has a questionable MIse DIARY CARSON in attendiag —On fair night4t��o 3� � sin Cj` /V.1 I i �� [� SIT. lrrint clearer than usual," 11'e did fiofd." applicat.iou t0 Klin. Age has no 'tu some domestic work slipped down tiamed'1'iernaa and+ Weakening inflnenee upon the prem= and: broke rho small bone of one of dertook to settlq�a su. And holding the paper at a l ° P I T•1tE. POTATO CROP. -Immense ier melitally. -Nor do rolling yeal,g the lower limbi tvhich will im impede 'by a'fie6 tight . in a ab s. err ,fiy, In •and Aronvid the, "Ilub." et further dist.anue we had to own , P quant potatoes b0i'ngmar- weigh with physical debil.it a life Arthur. 'Tile l kn'tr•tk ek,ai►le cow.. _ — — that the seadin r maLterseenied Clear- q P M a p Y the young lady s Tui aruotion for a and .used steel knirckles intiictln 6 keted just nowi (ariners preferring to that promises to stretch far beyond time. ' (fuAll'll Llljlt. 0t that) toournorntalvision:" Blighty fearful upon his opponent's -gaud. spectacl'es," said Mr. Irving `sell at the Coupllaratively low figure, the allot.t(ul span. Truly his youth face and head, disfiguring him it is " HARLAN-D B116 -S'. kyere'putting in taking Them in his hand tied putting than house all their crop. The is renewed. He revealed himself at. A GIRL uarued Hannah I3uyd was, said for life. 'Tiernan is not to''be' one of their celebrtited Itirnaces for prions prevailing aro from 40c. to Toronto yesterday, looking younger arrested at Thorold on Saturday by found. his fingers through the places where a citizen of Gu+}ericti thi+ week. 45c..l>er bac. 7 he yiold'i" "o large' and stronger th;�n h0 appeiu•ed fif• Detective , -rav on chargoof bei my the Chrystal was supposed to be. that even tit these prices they pay teen years ago. Here's to the old implicated in the Galt poisoning —A singular incident occupied: at IT DOES. —A lady teacher of 'There were -no glasses in then, at .fair) well. While the crop is large teen who is still young in Intel- case., She, tit one rico lived with Petrolia s day' or to ago. �1 plate' music inserted her professional card till. '`'Sold again" said our practi- Y 1, M � glass window 1n the new Town iHall in :► certain local papier. It wag cal jolter and ori' he went to buy up quality rst•class.—Galt Ile lett, spirit" and h03ltit. NJ:Ly he Lovull, uue of the parties who re- was lotind with *a piece broken out 1 the null., is, fi live long for his country needs ceivetl tit,) poisoned eaudi s. Seen by ati `old Iiiv®i' in Chienco, 'Ali the No. l wheat lie could oat at lwrlrr- - - •-- g, yof 1t, as big as a eiiucer` 7rieide ,fie hint.—Toronto Telegram.; room was a partridge lying dead with who at once hunted list up,`explaiu- $1 20 a bushel. F G , THF, Huard of the Tu And About til© County its neck broken. The bird nxltgt' ed his absence *of a quarter of a cell- HOME AGAtN,—Reeve McMurchy Methodist women's Missionary COLI,OIINR.—Who Royal Arch have flown"against the glass at nigbtr turyi and married her. It pays to and Councillor Kennedy returned Society convPt)ed in Turoato last meeting in the hall of 153, Col. —,las. Hughes,of Bathurst,Out.,hns and the force of its flight may be advertise. home from Manitoba 'last week. wet;k. During the pruc�adil)gs the }?erne, on Friday evening, was, a sold ti is crop of hops, 8000 lbs. for estimated when it is explained that MABEL (a streuoer in town)—."Is III au interview with Mr. •Kennedy treasurer announced that Rev. I�r.. successful one. After" tho regular 25c per Ib., the glass is' a quarter of an inoh• 1Iaude a girl who cares he expressed himself as nlore than., Stafford had handed her $141 from sessiufl was through the lod'g'e was —The other flay Jas. NetLerfield of thick. touch- for style 7" Mamie' �"Why pleased—highly r delighted—with an "unknown lady" for the society, opens,) in the L'urplo and two Cnn• 'gingham who is now .close to 78 —John Craig, a lad of about 18 do you ask 7 Mabef= l,ocause that Country. Winnipeg he found and Mrs. Detlor, of C•iliton; :old of didatesadvanced. Lunch was )clod• years of ag@, walked from Clinton to years, who is food of reading dime I provided b lira. A. Millian Wingham, adistance of `_ miles, in novels appeared at the Hamilton she has such a neat fitting mantle." t.o bo a big place and as lively as a lady who wishes to give $100 to Y I Y , ) PP 4lainio—"Style ! 'I should think so, largo. Sidewalks tweuty foot wide, some individual missionary of file after which tho lodge was Opened Ill lees than six hours. police court on Monday, charged by And she got that garment tit' Pays, block paventmty, electric lights, society. Life R. A. P. and the initiations pro- —A Brooke farmer found his bees his father with being disorderly at Talk about style ! g 11'11 I heliovc thurunghi'ar0s Crowded all day And ceeded with, 153 will have a socia} getting ready to swarm and he, home. When remonstrated with by Sha citt,g bur noels of fewltiun )linos near) + all, t)icro big wholesale IT is gratifying to find that the gathering on the ove-nim, of the 5th sweetened a gallon of whiskey and his father for not joining id family l y g C Crook's Act is, on the whole, being �uvuir,bur. The membaia will Put+it out in papa. 'l'he bees got worship, the good son`drew a knife she s so fastidious. stores 9tucked heavily. from baae- drunk and he had no trouble in and threatener! 'to stab his parent. At acted up to in the county of Iiui•un• hying their baskets, ' invite their handling seventeen swarms. f•Iewas letgo under deferred sent. ntaut to top of fifth stories' Itis DRAWING ROUM,-11'1a don't portage La Prairio he wits well It i+ true iheru ire now and again frieu+Is, have speech -making, and a -Mr Edward Ross, of Mitchell, is once. like to give i, friend away, and will treated] Capt. W. Sheppard "o convictions fur iufrnction9 of it good time morally is expected. M1 bf, P the father of fifteen sons and one -_ -•g- be cuutuut with merely ;Isk.iug the moll known to man of our readers, and the general verdict is "Served F,. loudy, C. \[., occupied thr, daughter, They are 411 grown up —About 7 o'clock'!'huraday morn question if it was at dentist G. H. Y '0111 right' Such was not the view` chair. Brus. Calbick and Todd and away, and he was obliged last woIngrks, a bre broke out in the carriage q At this place thorn is a large school works, Kincardine, occupied by L J. C,00kets that tile fullowilla br„i i,cnt „ taken of convictions under the wer0 also present fron, Clinton. week to get a little girl from the building apparently largo enough 1 Orphans' Home to assist his wife in Fisher rv, Co. The fire was soon got wits evolved: •`]]cru,"said the doutist to ° acconamudute its many pupils as, Scott Act. Tho expressiuns heard P under control.,, M°yra Fisher,. eldest to it iridin,, "is my receptiou room ; boLh the Ulifltou Celle plain and then were generally, "It's too bad." To �lornicrts.--The popularity her domestic duties. son of John Fisher, wbile Waking and that” pointing into an inner b A,liconsee who will not live up to' and imnien,e sale of HuuPHRFys—11r,GeoGressananaged resident his way to the office, was suffbeited , pointing Model Schools, which is presided FAMILY SPECIFICS show that tits of Waterloo died suddenly on Friday b the smoke and found demi Shortly ui}ice containing a big chair; "is mY over by 1'rin�ipal ZfcLean, formerly tilt, Condit"i0rr" of his license hila not Y Y Y provide fur aver Species of physical last., Ile had arisen and apparently after he entered the building. Mr. drA.ving room, urn} docs not deserve. any sympathy P Y 1 P J lir g mathematical toaster in 011r Collo- had set aboat preparing coffee for ilii Fisher was a ver popular young when he is punisher). distress to tvhich ebil'd'reu-aur} gtow•n Y P P Y 8' „ gists Institute, by whom he -wa [ g breakfast, when overcome with ill. ,Ilan, and much sympathy is felt for AN (QLD RCaNTF,R OFA }IE\,— pgolple litre s11bjeCt. They Wise ill- ahuwn 'all through the buildin nese he had laid Blown on 11te lounge the bereaved ones. He leaves a The 11 oodstocic btr ndard is equal , o g A CUTE Tturr.—On Frid-ty even- dicato A yety serious modificutiuu of }1 Year Alexnndar .he found i\1t. Isaac g , Y 6 the old methods of caro h substi- in his ,room, where, fis ort time wife still three small children. to the fullowing : The most aged in„ last ► uuli / inan enterod 11r Y Lifter, one of his relatives, going in Skinnei well fixed on a 160 acre Luting r;itiuual uatw:d and pleasant + Apeciiuen of gallinaceous lougevity G. Sutton's jewelry "lure, Norwich, 6 , 1 to see how lie was getting on, found —The story goes that years ago`a in Zorra died Ia"t week on the Tartu farm of bis own find filso working and asked the proprietor to let hifn mpasur•es hf relief. HUMrurti`n•S' him lying, quite dead, )laving evident- farmer in Bayham, Elgirl.,_aogrily, of Mr. John McKenzie, Tut 12, 9th another 1611 acres alongside. b1 r, "cru ,,,gold watch that was in the win- MANUAL h;►s Cottle to be a house- ly passed away Without a struggle. picked up a large piece of ore In the line, at 19 yeais. She had for some Skinner was connected with titre duw, On Mr. Sutton handing it hold possession and no mother—Talkahout b+g farming. What bed ufa creek which rune through butchering business in Clinto`h over the counter the straw or said should he without a cop of the new have farmers to say to. this ? Jas. his farm, and observing that it alis 16 roars patherod under her wings g h copy Y regitlarly a brood averaging 10 to some 6 or 7 years ago. He is only lie would like to show it to his oto• and heanliful. edition just issued Clendenning took the following off'A tened brightly he brought it to a about Kulp that time on his farur° from the pass. This will he ,nailed Armstrong's south Harwich farm, Jeweler in St. 'Phomas and hart its 12. Mathematically this Kiln must. that who was outside. Mr. Siltton 1 assayed with the result that It yield He raised about 2500 bushels of Kent county : i 1,200 bushels of + have stood at th% head of a progony consented, but bolus lame he girl fro,+ to nn y address upon application beans : 800 bushels of wheat ; 300 ed f13 10 of pure gold. He kept his ' of 7.5;01..)0. at least. " whent last c it :ani about the sante not rent(, the duur until Me thief to the CuntptilY, 109 Fulton St , bushels of oats : •l0) bushels of secret locked within his own hpavt, , ". . — "this year en l his milt •}rad-__GUIY-a" Tiii tsappex"r�' ilt' -tho Jatknesy. Now Y ark_-Eichaitr1e. potatoes: 350 Bushels of corn: 20 intending to -interest som.e''cap!L-41iaa`ti_ A�BweT SIDEWALKS. — Though light touch of frost. Considers it The watch was worth $65. bushels of Clover seed; 20 lona of in developing the supposed mine. 4 many of •Glintun Sidewalks are had the beet country in the world. No- "' WORTHY OF NOTICE.--Tur NEws- hay; 75 bushels, of apples. The farm Meantime, however, bo was seized' c enough., Gltoy, are only dilapidated where else can industry, intelligence BARN Bun-sten.—Last week the REConD is always up to the times is 103 acres, and the price of the with fatal illness and on hisdeathbed and restioss fron, want of a few arrd a little capital'be so well applied barn of Mr. Walter Hines in Hullew, and believes in giving its patrons produce is estimated at $2,500. Yet informed his wife of his discovery, spikes and it fow fret of plant here its to farming in Manitoba, in spite it Shurf distance front Clinton. tvaS the Very lAteA styles in fine and this country is going to the dogs and `and she it is who informed the local and there,, yet the following from of some Conceded drawbacks. In bimned and with the contents des- ruaral pouting. With this object we must join the United States. jeweler. no the Toronto Instil .biiu,,s to mind Mr. Keunedy's limited interviews truyed. Tho horn was wort.pro h be►- in view we have ,just placed n, —Mrs, Thomas Lennox, wife of a On — 'Tuesday morning, 9th Inst., that the}' are not perfect :—The mud with furthers he fuunrl them imbned bly $1,000, iii"prod fur°onl•y 5•f00 stuck another lot of extra hard metal prou,tnent grocer of Barrie, received Edward Cole, son of a respected in Montreal is ao t•hick that every- with t.nlhuunded confidence in the The whole of Mr. )-tines' crop and Sct-tch type, Superior new machin through the post office on v� ednes• citizen, 11r. David doip, of th+e Doon body is complaining. Anthony future of filo country as well ata inpletnenis were not is the barn ery, hlack and Colored British, daw a small paper box containing woollen miltstdied from the effects Trollope once pair) a visit• le roron- '"al.i+fied with their 31•esrtnt condi- And , the contents were insured Art,eiicmi and CallAdiAll fine iuke, four ed by tie Tltsimilar pl thoseof Oran RCCy.,.. f (appears 'a few days ! 1 1 received by the Galt pe+,�ple. Not previously'.: ft appears that young to after ii short stay in Montreal. 'tion. Fifty bushels of wheat to fur 5900, which will euro shah cuppor ntixod Aniorieau ornamauls, having any. mark to show the sender, Cole, wilt) was an appren'tice in Mae. What•struck him most forcibly was t)lo acre -ho found to be. no uncommon cover the loss in this respect. Had haudsut,11e flow borders, Canadian and being completely at a„ lobs to' Greg&, f400rlay & Co.'s machine the difference in the e°onditiot► of i.yield. 50 fai as Mr. Kennedy's the fire occurred a few wrecks later and inppuded fine papers and other know where they came from, she wgrke, and Edward Bullock, employ the streets of the two cid". Writ- ohsorvatiou and what hr, was told lie w•uild not have escaper) so easily, I %tatiurtery, etc., etc. Our facilities called. in Chief Constable Rogers, gad in a tailoring establishment hit ing about it afterward he said it wag 'enable hie, to fort opinion he Though Mr. Hines' loss is not so fur the execution of every class of who has taken charge of thecanl:10 Galt, walked to Doon on the aft:erg g anti wfll investigate the mat r at noon of Saturday, 6th Inst. Akt apparent, that the sidewalks, after , was inclined to thiol: that. not more proal as it Wright have been he will printing is unsurpassed. Fall print- Mp being worn ant in Toronto wv:* than 25 per cent of the wheat cio, boa a+uaidomble loser w'hiehismuch in g of all kinds stile bills aid sizes once. There was no mark,. t5 'show arriving home„ they both rveri.t out g 1 1 + h + where the Lox cnnie (rorty a b e post- for a ride on their bicycles, when floated down the lake and the fit. was set ioliAly injured by the frosts• to be regrettod ng ho. is one of the and colorti, fin0 printing of every mark being obscured. , �itie news has young Cole was pi shed off his, suss Lawrence to Montreal, whole they' In saute sections it would be wgrse � most intelligent and indu9tridus' description. Call and .8430 011' Batu• I caused considerableAlcitement in taining internal injuries whiob-teault. vera gsed again. it) uthers.not, so bad. flamer" in dissection. pies. j Barrie. ed in his death. .. .. . :.4 .. .:° f... ....._... ,. _..-,,. _ -....,.1.. .•--..-_,..,. ,.. ,..�..,...... ,._...,.i ,,.:"c.... _s a . ....a..:a,_t+ ,. .�,.. ..... _,.z ..+t"...r _ .,,a ..^. v .. n....r..,^e arr�il......iu.Jgiu...aa. fsLu� ...,.w.ia _.., �...�������Irfft''i.ld'�r ..�yt�fl6k Ait2.'