HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-24, Page 7i
$t �tNew-�eG►Q yQi church, 11f osstrefsl, evidently does n,
believe in, permitting the Engli,
>176 611rtYe.s �3t° to �tdvuuvv. langua;;a to lift superseded by ti
�, T - ----- - — Fren0l) in matters in which he hi
otRhy l slay, 9,010 ev 114.111.1S3$ a voice. He recently refused 1
sign a form committing a your
Wall to Longue Poiuto Asyluu
'dIIIVIMLOGICJA,L THOUGHT.'rhe reason given for this is the
" ^---- the form ryas in French, and, as
oP ,",.4 t� D TQ THE BEAU'r117'UL. concerned an Euglish�speaking per
'rho,"'Lnndoil Toprints a letter son, the venerable pril:st considers
Prow t''y �>at"tele of VVesloy," who that the document should he ill til
quoted. john .!'Vestey and Dlr. Pun- I English language.
show Ali support of his vpws. lie ' ---- —
'BRY4 , '! How things have chal)grid —A cleri'gu,uu not a thousari
with,iir: the last thirty yearn. The miles from Thornbill, Dumfriesshire
'G'I,uri;ll. of England has burruwud was examining the parish school
In the course of examination ami►
frena 'O�ttthodi"ill ill her lively ser ration ih
VICes, the singing of hyuuas at full `liihlo class cyan brought forward
elf'iils, the enuoura0alult ut Young After many questions had been ash
4114 earnest preachers, the staking ed aria *an°w('red, greatly to til
fop o,operatiou of the laity in God R satisfaction of the minister, lift pro'
w''orks, acid in numerous other ways Posed that any boy might ask hiu
lvhicirwill readily occur to the mind. a question. aft Ile might than )lav(
Now, Che Chukeli of England loads, all idea what Intt-Licular informatioi
ata y+i, file shM sbuuld' cin, and i\'leth- they wanted. A pause ensued
odieuh° t►lerkly follows. She has At last a bind like to boy Haid—
couyrerted its to the value of tits `.qtr, I would like to ask oDH.
•buattt fy;l.,ilit religiuu. In our large
Well, toy little man,' said the
,town€{ tlisrli are due churches with minister, ' what its the question you
�' lteeple f, diva iug ill beauty tke are to ask 7' 'Sir, ' said the buy,
,mgd!ru churches of the establish- %v hat was the use of Jacob'b Ladder
t tyle i ,i ';lie. windows of such are when the angels had wings 7' The
it,-milily cases filled with stained minister felt taken bac)I, took out
914,80', ti art, of the carver is in. his snuff' -box, and looked at the
v,okL?d' to beautify the sanctuary, boy. `I think, my little mail, that
and'',inttsic is as essential a part of Js the'very quostion I should Lave
the Service as in the church of Eug� asked at the class, and I will give
laltd: Wo'Lave imitated the Church sixpence to any,boy in the class who
ill hol, ing`organ recitale, in harvest. will answer it•' After a somewhat
ren a� s, ill fruit and flower services long pause One little fellow, third
for the young (by which abeautiful from tho bottom, held out his 'land,
services our hospitals are so much ` Nell', ' said the minister, ' can you
enriched), and I besitatH'not to say answer this question 7' ' Ye", mir,'
tlla�y ,.y 'at would thirty years ago ` Well, what was the use of the
---414ve been cried Clown as Pusaeyisut Iadder when the angels, had winos?
and, with re, Oh, St-, flue angels ware poukil)
in the Church of Engl'
gaid to music especially, and evetl (moulting) at. thetine+, and couldna
a sort of recital, have become the flee. The minister is taking an
popular portion of the service in interest in that boy.
the cathedrals of Methodilinl. BuG -
I :%Vjeh to temiud your readers that FOR METHODISTS.
alt this reverence for the sanctuary Rev. Dr. Zelland writes to his
�. has been taught for the last forty- follow Methodist ininimtera : C,'all
y,sars by the great teachers of Muth- you not stir up the ministry 7
odiaal. Considering 'how Wesley John 1Ve8ley, at his last Conference,
I admired the fuith reposed by Rotuuu told IfiH preachers, 'Preach against
'Catholita ill the eliicaey of Luedita- Rouianiaui as much as you would
.tion in the sanctuary, and how much against infidelity,"
,he borrowed, both in doctrine, FOR TILE SWEET LOVE of GOD.
practice and idea, from' what he A large cumber of copies of rho
esteemed of value in that Church- Bil,le'were recently burned in Bar-
i. e., the enforced celibacy of young celona,Spaiii, by order of the goviw-
ministers, the use and not the abuse
of confession in the'clatis-meetings— Ment—uf course at the iuntigation
it seems strange to tie that the of the church of Romle. Tho fol-
' + initiative in this movement of open lowing, translated from the Catholic
.,churches should not years ago have Banner, the organ of Papacy there;
emanated from the Wesleyan Con- allows that they, approve and
ference, appreciated the action: It 'said :—
y3 TYnank God, we at last have turned
towards the times when those vii-hoR a H PARKER WRITES.e and llei..Lical doctrines were
P, P' s
-D,ailJClirariele: punished with exelnpltiry punish -
ZR ` eiE Elsmore is 'riot the ment. The re,establdshnient of the
.0111k theological sufferer' His suffer- Holy Tribunal of the Inquisition
too is nothing to mine, owing to our Illtlat soon take place. Its reign will
difference in. moral aeusitivenesH, be more glorious and fruitful in
Only the other day all agnostic said rtsults than in the past. Our Cath -'-i
..to cue, as if we were upon equal olio hearts overflown with faith and
terins, "How are you 7" Asudde)I 'enthusiasm; and the immenso joy
pain thrilled my nerves, purple we experience as we begin to reap
blood suffused uty careworn face., this fruit of our present campaign,
I luted my lithe, gaunt figure to exceeds all imagination. What a
itq full height and with abtiolutely day of 1ilf-asure will that be for us
--- T iiotlllu fur. a background but a 'whall we see Anti-clorical8 writhing
sympathetic horizon, I asked him ill'tile flaiii .s of Inquisition 1"
by what right he took interest in -
the states of my health. The blow CAN'T GET SOMETHING FROM NOTIHNG
;told well. ''.Che dragon reeled and The 1Veslf yaa Christian Advocate
disappeared. Hardly had i got says : The N. O. Advocate says :
back to my study aria settled down 11 Tile preacher who neglects to
to my Sunday sermon when at, im, study his text, and goes into the
pertinent caller asked me if l was pulpit in the hope that tile Spirit
aware that the prophecy of Daniel will come to him rescue and save
was not ' written until about one hint front failure, will be a din'
hundred and seventy years B. C. appointed man, God's gifts are
My mucous membrane quivered ; bestowed according' to the rules
flood of vermillion poured through ( r '
my wasted. features and I fell in a grace for glace, au+7 the preacher .
wise take" an Unstudied text into
8woou, I had trnated so much to the pulpit, and then cries to the
?'ramal.:-•-I•-had risked untold con,
f'-'�~ • l-ai3;gtie`rcee" on the flute of his von,_ Spirit to chow him its meaning, i8
endeavoring to get a blessing out,
position. I bad added up the throe side, the ruiH• 'rho old saying is
and•the times and the half time, truth at this point : 'The Lprd
find .mado diem exactly correspond heips those who help themselves.'
with our February 31, and by The Spirit's office is to guide us in.
Apultiplying the two horns of the to the truthi not to force it upon us.
rain by Daniels birfliday and ridding Diligent.preparation for preaching
the torn -If-that he goat that pushed is the only sort of preparation which
the ram with the two horns I Lad the Spirit will honor with His guid-
spelled out the name of the Right ing wi4dolt,.. But how about those
l Ov Fatlter in God, the Lord Bishop
of'; tii*erpbol. The: caudle fills„l, I) herH who go into tho ' mini"try
before they are prepared to prepare
rIFitit,d jt t"'tobacco gathered around to preach I They have not been to
3tt' irfl of tender condolence+ school - they have an opportunity
tend 1, ares'found next morning by to go to college, but it would take
two policehlen, who never fuuud thein four years to get through, and
anything else, w•alldering aruOUd a be well trained for Rtudv, and they
pool repeating one of the rhapsodies rush into the ministry saying to
of Router. Whether I cull Byer themmelves : ' God hall called me to
preach again depend" upon the
preach and hes will prepare me.
recovery of my health, which ;for preach
not then to prepare, to prepare
the time being is hopelessly shatter, to preach.
ed. If the dated Daniel had been
left nye bow nobly I could have NO INSTANTANEOUS SANCTIFICATION,
held on to my Christian faith but
+ , ' ' The Free Ba
the date of -Uanicl gotiP, what is Ftest Conference P
`t left? As I write these lin-9 the now in session at i3lissville, New
pathetic past rices upon the classic
BrunHwiek, has closet) a painful con,
trovers which had disturbed the
eye of my imagination, and my Y t
dearest friends, my' most familiar denomination for live years. Sover-
acquaial prHthera, in the conference have i
ntances fail to recognize in my
wan, grief wrinkled face the counten• adopted the belief known its the
�adoctrine, llnegs octrne 1
nco of one who in earlier times Ilo� and have pro -
simply read Daniel for tdhat pagated it in their congregations.
good was to begot out o£•him. Now The last Elders' Conference made a '
1 am driven to the Church of, the deliverance on the subject and this
Aurora BorealiH,°and my piety has declaration came up before the t
nothing to live on but tile barest present conference. The deliverance t
faom sets forth that for same years differ. r
JOSEPH PARKER, enees of belief and teaching•existed H
The City Temple, Oct, 5. On tho question of " instantaneous s
ontire sanctification am a second ri
--- -- --.. bleaminrg',” that the doctrine baa s
Rev, Fr. Dowel, the venerable been deelit0ed by varioum confereneem I
and esteemed pastor of St, Patrick's of the Church to be contrary to the i
it standard of the denomination, and number whose employment in this
It has, brought great harm to the chur- connection deems common to all
e Chas; that the conferences after a nations and all religions.
s long effort to bring about unity had
o become satisfied that reconcitiatiou CHURCH SOCIALS.
R Wats impossible; that harmony on
1. inch important; points is essential, What is wrong about the church
t and that at present a number of socials I Why should riot thft men►•
t preachers still dissent from the be.- Less of a church and congregation
lief of the conference, The elders gather and eat a social supper to- ,
I therefore resolved that; , " gether—and pay half as much for it I
3 In the spirit of brotherly kindness, at, they would have ,to baud "Dliue
to do the only thing that seems possi- host" for a pourFr one 7 There is
ble and declare that the conference Music, recitations perhaps, but the
I can no longer hold fellowship as feature of the evening
ministers with brethren who preach is the supper.
' the doctrine of entire, instantaneous Possible the exchequer of the church
Id Le a•
p rc.eptibly fu�reased
t In the General Conference the were each to donate it, wnuey Lila
debate on this deliverance occupied value Of Lila provisions contributed
the afternoon, some thirty members but a great many people are so con,
taking part ill a apirited debate. stituted that it is easier for thM" to
Finally a vote was taken, when the boil a haul fur a church funtival than
deliverance was accepted by a vote lint a dollar ill tile, contribution box.
of 55 to 6. hive ministers were ex- 1hey , get as a bonus for their gift '
pelled. It is probable that the Holi- 'lot only the complacency of donors
ness people will form a new confer- but a certain ►wild excitement, the
once and be joined by soave of that Pleasurable exhilaration of mingling
faith ill the Methodist Church and ill a crowd. Jannettes argumeutis
Oita or two who have left the close that the mission of the church is to
Rave aOulH riot raise money by going
communion IjnptimtH Guua•eutiol), , •
--_— --_— .ill°o the entertainment bnRlneHR.
PROFESSIONAL COMPLACENCY. But if salvation is free., it co8w
money to deliver the messnge, and
Tho Christian Ilorld, of London, if people will not give freely the
says : "There has always brew a -•.cash must be hoaxed out of their
tendency among outsiders to look reluctant pocketbooks; at least that
upon the Presbyterian clergy us is evidently the views taken by
groaning under a despotic dogMat- utility clergymen who countenance
ism whose ministers are so perfectly {hese ontertainulont•s. A church in
el,veloped in professional complac- all interior town was carpeted by
Huey—So. full of Hati"Factlon with the exertious of young ladies, who
their creed, their Church, themselves gavo little entertainments tH tiovel
as the Presbyterian." and,"taking" aft they could plan, and
AWAY, WITIf HISTORY. patiently kept on untill they had
raised lila. suns necessary—and it
:Chose Bustnu Catholics who sue•' "eenu-d uo iocul)siderablean,ount to
seeded it) having .a •certain IiIWO y thew. And they are so happy that
thrown out of the -public schools, they could do sonl(•thipg "fur the
Lecauw- it told some uupleasaut church,,, and' so proud when their'
truths about tbesal'e of indulgence" self,iulpos(d task was accomplished
ill the titue of the tenth .Leo, may and the carpet laid, 'that their
be' -expected next to object tothe oxertions sauced quite a little stir,
teaching of Engli"h history, hecauso and others helped in other ways to-.
it records the doe(IR of Cromwell. ward beautifying tho church. And
The Roman Church would be glad those young peoph- tools a far greater
to have a mantle of oblivion thrown interest in their church and its prom
over nearly every chapter in its own, parity over afterwards thein if they
history. It would he glad to let hall S;ulply given the proportion of
bygones be bygones Loand bury the sew raise(1, outright—a gift
Ocrh outof mightand Memory.— which would have been beyond the
G'hicago Ifxttria• financial power of at loastti three-
fourthR of the number composing
SHOCKS OF GLORY. the clink. They gavo of their title,
Irl the current iHsue of the Chri•s6, their ingehuiuty,.thelr talent, things
ian Advocate the Rev, Dr. Buckley not having money values, but which
endeavors to'explain in a practical yet brought money into the
manner the cause of What is gamer. treasury.
ally called "shocks of glory." Ile I have; •Lewd more than one Hay
says : that it L,ude no difference totheul
Much hit., been Raid recently ill (°Nether{ thtiy knew 'a face in the 1
meetings all,] the papers of ahocks shut cL of their choice or not ; tliev i
of glory. Such a shock is simply went to worship; and they could
this :—Tho wave of religious feeling feel all .around them were fellow
rises so high that the i,ervous Ryatem Christians with whom they were in
temporarily succumbs to it, home, spiritual harmony•. But there are
tittle" it takes,the form of catalepsy, otht:ra—and. I think a majority—to
and men lie rigid for Lonre;•at whom the'actualpersonal friendships
others, of a convuleivH twitching and whit we call tile social retationts
and jerking ;-often it is merely help- of the church, aro very grateful, and
lemsness. Such collapses may i)a- ill fact, easenual to what they would
come epidemic, and persons with call "the horn". feeling" towards the
IittlH•or no religioq may Field to ,
church colporatP. To such, the ac,
the contagion:•-^'' These furnish no quaiutsnces all(] frieudshlhs consum-
conclusive proof that a person is fn meted through. the church social
the enjoyment of. wuch or any and its variations are whelp aid
religion, but they may accompany
ttie-11 ghest degree of .piety. Such benefit.
tnauifestatiors are not colifined to '
true religion but abound in false --Dr. Alfred Williams, colored
iiystema.a Tlie "pinning dervishes Pastor of tho Antioch colored church
often sink unconscious an(] remain m EigPwood, Georgia, some time
so for a 'considerable period. It is dgo' foruied a co-operative store
largely a question ',of temperament aniong his Parishioners and acted 'as
and of the state of the community. storekeeper. Dissensions soon aI'One
In some instances it has become an and the store was put into the hands
impediment to the work of grace, of Ieceivers, Yesterdav morn -
Nothing is so valuable to an intelli, iug the preacher w'as found ill the
gent Christian as the full possession woods with over 100 buckshot
of the faculties which God has given wounds in him body, inflicted F,y
hill), a doctrine plainly taught in members of his congreglation, He
will die.
the Now Testament, inculpated by , t o
John Wesley, and the voluntary —On the 27th Sept. a Canadian
renunciation of which by ,some of farther named Lomulie, front the Pt
township of 41cGillivra arrived at of
lii+i liiembe►•s was matte by Lima P Yr. ,;,;
matter of discipline 'and even ex. Sarnia, so says a Sarnia paper, with re
pulsion from the Hocioty. " his household effects on his way to
Michigan. He was indebted to a
THE SACREDNESS OF SE party in 1[iddlesex oa a note which
SEVEN. did not mature until tile, 1st of Oct.
Undoubtedly aevftn i,1 the sacred Conmtable Harkness had 'been in,
number. tedly-sev' seven (lays (-if formed of the circumstances of the
case before deft mail's arrival there, Is
.reation, after seven days respite and was on the watch for him. A
Ole foot! crime, the years of .famine raprnRetitativo of the party interest, L
Ind plenty were in cycles of seven, ell swore out a warrant before a
every seventh days was a Sabbath, Sarnia magistrate, ' and on this Fit
,very aeventh year the Sabbath of warrant the man was arrested. He
,eat, after every sellas times seven denied owing anything, said his note T.
pears came the jubilee, the feasts was not,.due, threatened to put the ---
A unleavened bread and of taberna- constable " through, " and wanted
:les were observed seven days, the to he taken to a lawyer, which was
)Olden seven rie had seven Clone. The legal gentleman looked
tranches, "even priest" with' seven at the warrant, siled,,and inform-.
rampets surrounded Jericho seveir ed him'clieiit,'tlnat he could not be
:isles and seven times on the seventh bold on that process II re is where
lay, Jacob obtained his wives by officer Harkness' nervo and coolness
orvitude of seven years; Samson saved the case and secure(] the debt.
;opt has unptial4 seven days, and on In obedience to his warrant he must,
hes seventh day ho put a riddle t0 hes said, bring his pri"oner before a
lis wife and be was bound �yith •magi"trate ; hes would ask for i rn•
even green withes and seven looks- maild for a week and was sure to
F his hair were shaved ofi',Nebuchad get it ; at the end of that time the
ozzar was shven years a beast, notes would have matured, and a
lhadrach and his two companions capias could issue, A hurried con
n misfortune were cast into a furs- Rultation was held in the lawyer'R
co heated seved times more tt.an it private office with his client. When
11114 wont, it was o0er tho absconding farmer rte
In the Now Testament nearly emerged, looking greatly Hubdu^d I
vorything ocourR by sevens, and'at and crestfallen. Ile said he guessed
IIP eivi of the aacred volume we Ile had better pay the claim as hes
Had of Seven churche4, seven candle- was anxious to get to his nP,w home,
ticks, seven s'piritm, seven trumpets, • and the weather at this season Of &il
Ivan Heals, soveti stars, mover] Chun- the year was very uncertain 1 IIP alt
ers, mevnn vials, sovcn plagu(`m, pail til,• uttermost farthing, anal Bon
3vell angels and a maven headed If -ft, dvilouncinga comitry all() a hila). Dnd
lonAvr, Such aro merP,ly a few plo that cotdd um, fin holiest octan €ria
latanceii of tilt', sacred use of the in that way, Dr
M ..
(1�',.►�—'J.��_.r-u�.if $'.i.:.bl,:ei'.• .,. a ....rte, .r C'Wlf 'W... .,..
Zeeland Bros'.
�Uood Forolcc,
Something Entirely New.
A Powerful Heater.
� Economical on Fuel.
,IVII�VI_ Suitable for medium-sized houses
u-� • �� ' .�,W r����.;�.t �:��' Thoroughly Tested,
It call be placed is low cellars or ba�ementa.
It has casing of steel plate around the firebox, making it perreclly smoke
and gas tight.
It is easily cleaned out, all important feature,,,Iis it insures the Furnace
beating as well ai the end of the season as when first started. 4 , ,
Immense radiating surface is given, and additional heat obtained by utilizing
that which' is usually wasted by passing into the chimney.
The fire door is double, the cold air bt•ing taken in at the top and carried
down between the plates to bottom of the fire place, preventing heat and sparks
escaping into life cellar,
it is easily regulated by n damper rod in front of the furnace, causing the
fire to pass down'aide flues and clear aruimd the fire bu'x, effecting• a great saving
of fuvl.
The Nevi, Islet 13 the cheev"t first-class Furnace made, and embodies
all the requirements of a perfebt heater.
llaviu; used it ilot Air Furnace pur- For the past seven years we have used
chased from Harland Bros., five years in our Clothing and Furnishing Estab-
ogo, I can atrt'egly recommend it as be- lishmeut two Hot Air Furnaces manufac-
ing the cheapest and best way of floating cured by Harland" Bros., and our experi-
houses. It has given mu the very best ence daring that tine warrants us in
satisfaction, saving mo annually from saying that we have effected a great sav-
ten to fifteen dollars, as well its being itig in fire], besides having a better heat-
less froable than stoves, sad much clean- I ed establishment, and one that line been
er. Yours respectfuil!', 1 free from the discomforts of stoves.', We
(M;h GLASGOW. II strongly recommend hotairiu prefet•ence
The Furnsce, put in my house by Har- 1 to'stoves. JACKSON 13131)6:,
hand Bros., three years ago, has given I have much pleasure in .saying that
me entire satisfaction, being Inuch cie,an- the heater p1liced by you in my house,
ler than stoves, more economical, tied a two ,ears ago, gives entire entisfai:tiou.
great Ileal less trouble I esi strongly We find it, touch cheaper, cleaner, and -
recommend them to env person, in pre• more easily mantagod, and in every re-
forence. to stovea Yours, spect to better wily of warming a house,
August 18, 1888. JoS. WHITEHEAD, than by lite old system of stoves.
The Furnace put in by you ill my fours, etc., D, A. FORRESTER,'
house last season has given Lha b,•st or
l, , This is to icertifj• that Harland Bros.
satiefaelluu, and I consider it .perferable placed Furnaces in my dwelling house
to either coal or wood stoves, being and in my banking office, and I take
c1'eaner, more eitAy managed and oeo- pleasure in static's they have given pet
uomleml• JAMES SMITH. feet satiafactiod. It. has afforded me
Clinton, August, 1888. comfort to be relieved from the dust and
The lint Air Furnace put in my house asbes, and irregular temperature inti-
by Harltutd ores., three yeaie ago, has- dent to heating by'means of stoves, be -
given -me the best of satisfaction, the aid•a all other advantages
I bein-g more comfortably heated, August 20, 1886. J. P. TISDALL,
and of a uniform temperature, and being The Hot Air Furnace you put in for
much more economical thin either coal y
or wood stoves, find very easily man- me last fall has given the very best of
aged. Your:; truly, JA -mi. Si ERIIERD. j, satisfaction. We have been able to keep
the whole house (which has nine large
The Hot Air Furnace put in my huilae rooms) at a temperature of from 65 C to
a6t yedr by Harland Bros. works well, 70?, with attending to it three times in
s cleaner, less trouble, and more eco• 24 hours. I would not, have a stove in
nomical than stove.. i can strongly I uuder.any consideration, as your' Furn-
recomnterd heating by furnace. ace does away ycith all dirt find trouble -
A. Il, MANNiNG. I Yours truly, ROB. W. COATS.
Clinton, ",ept. 15, 1888., I June 1st, 18,48•,
Call tmd See Lt :teed (.et !!'rices.
Full Stock of Stoves, Hardware, &c.' Prices Away Down.
arland Bros., 91beft-St.ill a PON.
�� hn J..0. STEVE1o14®N11,
cd Z o d
bc, U. m a Furniture Dealer, Vic.
� � ..-r 5'f to Oppusite Town Ball, - Clinton, Ont
' r6 -r 4 t7 0 x. p Note lfcmis,••Lcttvr Holds, Statements, and in
~ O > N " i fact; all kinds of printing, in the best style
i' O bp d known to tl:e. craft and at low i1tes, at Tux
Nisa.y-ltxeonu ollice.
� M
0" BELL'
l td . 'tI fd
U o td CIO
SOUND AIWICE.—Those having Hales of any ` Y -=.
G A N S,
nd sholtid anlsider that it is lint as unport lit
have thuir posters properly displaved and ap. I i _ I
peear neat and attrw,jtivo, as it is to have a good li ,i'r -4 )
Talm News-Itec,xeD naak„s a sNetalty lh (J Unapproached for
this classof*work, they have the onttvrial and >--' '(-•' - Tone and Quality.
perience to lrivo you ,vhat Non wast at rm'y .,. :�':_.-
asmlublr. prices. CATALOGUES FREE,
—k'a�T101�L �. BELLS., Guelph, Out.
'1'llc 1'eoI►Ic's Ancti/lnccr+ ' D R. WAS H I N CION,
prrpatud to ,:on lust Sales* throughout I'lll•oat anile 1. m--: stir co'�1, of
the county al' Huron. I Toronto. \
La Fxperiunce. '!'erects as low as 'ally. I \
Satisl'aotion guarauteed. will be at the'•.
rinvi'3 Iunl others who mtudy their owe { j� [ ' \
inter,Nty should gall fill m ad(Iress Ratt4bur�r ]louse'
lleads, Letter lieads, Tags,
Sthtelnente, C'Irculnrs, Rtrsino9s
Cards, Emelot)es, Prograa•nies.
-stc„ ata, printu 1.1
it..a .workman•
like manner and at low rates, a
hen I say Guns I do not mean merely to
p them fora time, and then have them re•
bBVa made theNdiseaseAofICAL OURE.
fe long stud4, I WA.RnANT my remedy W
PR the worst cases. Because others have
ed i s no remson for not now receivintt a cure
d at once for a treatise and aFRim leBOTTLE
Pest Mee. It costs you nothing for e
1, and it will euro you. address
H, G. 1100T. 37 You St, Toronto, Ont,
A few of the 1►ttndreds cured 4y Dlit
tVASHINGTON9S Neiv Illetilo(I
of Inhalation \
W. IL Storoy,lof Storey & Son, prominent
glove mmnufacturers of Acton Uat., cared by
Dr, Washington of catarrh of4the throat, bad
font, and pronounced Incurablo by eminent
spectallsts in Canada and England. write him
for particttiars.
C111"1-buic i3rnnchilisandAsahuln Cured.
An Ea„hsli Church Clargaman speaks, _
Rectory, Cornwall, nnt.
Da. tVAn111xnTeN; --
DaAa Rua, -I net glad to be Able to inform you
thntoar daughter is quite well again. AH this is
the scaoa(l tilde she has been cored of grave
bcnnehinI troubles under your treatment, when
the usual rented lea (,ailed, I write to express niy
gratit11de. Pietist) accept nay sincere thanks.
Yours truly,
Mrs Juo Melichy, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh and
Consunp)timr. •
101111 McRetvy, Kingston, Ont Catarrh.
Mr A Ifopping, IUag-tau, Ont, hronel,o Consump-
Sir. E. Scott, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh, head and
Mrs.ldo nertram, iiarrowsmith, Ont, ocnr [ling.
aton, Catarrh, threat.
Miss .Alam A Rombourg, Centruafilc, OnL, Cntnrrh
bend and throat.
lames Mathews, P. Master Acton Ont.
A klrish, (tents Fornishbig, flolleyjlie, Catarrh
John Phippen, P. O. Sandhurst, lint, (near Napa -
it Catarr), bend and throne• ila(] case.
A few of the 1►ttndreds cured 4y Dlit
tVASHINGTON9S Neiv Illetilo(I
of Inhalation \
W. IL Storoy,lof Storey & Son, prominent
glove mmnufacturers of Acton Uat., cared by
Dr, Washington of catarrh of4the throat, bad
font, and pronounced Incurablo by eminent
spectallsts in Canada and England. write him
for particttiars.
C111"1-buic i3rnnchilisandAsahuln Cured.
An Ea„hsli Church Clargaman speaks, _
Rectory, Cornwall, nnt.
Da. tVAn111xnTeN; --
DaAa Rua, -I net glad to be Able to inform you
thntoar daughter is quite well again. AH this is
the scaoa(l tilde she has been cored of grave
bcnnehinI troubles under your treatment, when
the usual rented lea (,ailed, I write to express niy
gratit11de. Pietist) accept nay sincere thanks.
Yours truly,
Mrs Juo Melichy, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh and
Consunp)timr. •
101111 McRetvy, Kingston, Ont Catarrh.
Mr A Ifopping, IUag-tau, Ont, hronel,o Consump-
Sir. E. Scott, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh, head and
Mrs.ldo nertram, iiarrowsmith, Ont, ocnr [ling.
aton, Catarrh, threat.
Miss .Alam A Rombourg, Centruafilc, OnL, Cntnrrh
bend and throat.
lames Mathews, P. Master Acton Ont.
A klrish, (tents Fornishbig, flolleyjlie, Catarrh
John Phippen, P. O. Sandhurst, lint, (near Napa -
it Catarr), bend and throne• ila(] case.