HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-24, Page 4WWFA
l -a le C 64, are, c- t > "JAM, An X 37,0 F14Q 0
of Mita as .t ..ty„-,!� .,. not ib,ai4± �t tnN a,,i � , . ��', 4RTAI,rJVR. TPS',b
. . Tory._ . '
CPuvtnetn° these persons that when. A netcns havg sectired Luutata n e
will notaurrwe have sonette§' sicceaIsd- to tan invasion. e referred, to the hasaiayticlo based
ntot the. toxG Str tTpJhSraat all, rota4a iva �or . Asd and: the, a4aratvel rasa t, Fan-.7Ite Q
the hard paq, reality of front Ole French Florida, texas , 1�
1t� ;
any Qf C.a,nadu a
n w considered, they end art of illexicu••aud -California rightA to - Lha United States, Just
the terms as co , y P =A- _
meant ueithe► of us. The terra front Spain or her successors in ao. the Globe Iota lived lona enough . And
l (�?O j'� t
• anti knotva Sir John well encu h to _ 1�� V Q. �1 �ty�, .
Grit to too ofton cunfouniled. frith posseasiou. Ile then: stated that the g 1
ardent Liberalism. Liberalism oinie cunsiderutiop.s applied with re- believe that Sir John will 'do as lie a o,---
tends to improve society, whereas gent to Canada that induced the aays, ' Ve would ,respectfully. state' thatdu�' �x�Qs11B
Gritiam tends to destroy it. Gritiam Americana to acquire those terri- We clearly showed last weals how and Man
tfe e artment 18t no t'Q.m..,.plete,
now means Rielisrn, annexation 'or tortes. History records all this and
rho disintegrating' of our lotions the pievalenco of the well known in dollars and cents Canada would coYriprlslog, all the U toot •None' ' E :�. - We •can:_
° ° g no a loser by anne$atiou to the iD
Cutfederation—the destruction of Munro doctrine quoted in a couplet satisfyyou with DRESS GOODS frond Five
b so moderate a itiblic man as United States. We also threw out
the nationality- of this Dominion Y 1 the hint that 'iu Point of snorer sty Cents to One Dollar a yard and with MANTLE
which every Canadian, worthy of President Buchanan when he said
we would also be losers. Since then GOODS from Thirty Five Cents to Ten Dollars--- .-..-
the Hams is justly proud of."`Ngpentuvast cntinentisourpowera; MISS
r y.� a
"Well �� 7Yils whole vast continent is ours," we have had a grouse Over a syttop• per yard. MISS CURRELL, acknowledged
thea, say our friends, • you -, p y ;
Senator Sherman did well to refer ais of United States Goverment by all as the heading Dress and Mantle
will concede that the are Liberals or to the historical. land grabbing ex- report on prisons. The statistics �'
Reformers.”This we readily do. ploits of his country as above men. given furnish proof that Within the Maker In the County, is still With us, Every
"But," say they, "how about your- r last ten ears crime has increased tfouod. Le might have refer Y order 'left with her is Guaranteed. With
self, are you not a Tory, and surely to the Ashburton treaty by which ratio thirty per cent g
they robbed Canada of C)regou reator than i I
you cannot justify Toryism." In and Po g
her there is no such a thin as a misfit. We
population has. In Canada crime
reply we could only say. that we Washingtou territory and parte of is deeneasing in proliortion to pope- CUT FREE OF CHARGE every Wrap, Ulster
were no more Tory than they were Maine, Now Hampshire and Michi- ration. C+,nada will do wall to bear• and MAntle purchased from us.
Grit—at least not in tho offensive
gan, But it is a poor argument to the small ills we have.,thin fly to 0
or invidious sense. Toryism, as use these historical facts of their the Greater ones we know of across
popularly explained by Grits, is ex• the border. p p tinct in Canada, and its remains into l e induce Cn.uad'iaus to come , ___��Ro- erJt(`1oi!S realCash Store'.
into the A►neries,iu Uuiou. It should 1 tof. I1laekie � 1 tN\ 1 a
were buried with coufaderation,but , of Edinburgh, is a
rather nerve C„uadians and put �
are now resurrected in the form of strotg Scottish IIonio 1tulur. ID —�
them on their guard - against the his ubli remarks tiro other da we Gritism. At the uniou of the Pro- ahsorptf to process proposed by Com- P. •. Y in, the political history. of Great tion front the United States to Can-
vinces the best elements of both find the following:—"Humanity Britain, but he has not retorted in ada continues, Canada will be
mercial Union. Our wealth of fish -
parties amalgamated ; the Liberal was a grand type as _'showing that kind. Even when General Lord absorbed in a few yearn." 0, ho
eries and forest and mine is s
element came out from the Grits bonanza dower to Canada. Divided there must,.be variety in the social Woolseley adversely -criticised the What do you ,t•hiuk of that Blue
and the Conservative element came among 60 millions of other people its in the '1h Ysteal world.. So it was the condaci of his administration Ruin.Riohard i The Americans are
out of the Tur.ies. These elements with nations; and therefore he ob- regarding the national defences, supposed to work on the principle
would make our patrimony poor in- g' o
have since been combined in theo jested to Scotland being assimilated Lord Salisbury took things cool of where the carcass is thither will
deed. Senator Sherman is not a to England. In the next lace he n g
Liberal Conservative party:—which g P. and did�not even hint at punishin° the eagles fly. Accordhi° to Senator
'demagogue. Though he wants to
represents the .people of Canada to- was a decided enemy of eeptrilisa- the General by dismissal. On the Ingalls the Americans are pouneigg
make history he also relies upon it
day. The Grits today aro repro- tion, because it prevented the for* contrary, when the General offered down upon the fat-carcasa of Can-
a. a precedent for future actiott.
rented by Tory Cartwright and motion of individual character,' and to resign• his official position Lord ad`a and will soon gobble it up.
Canadians ahoulil also rely upon -it
shoot-thg-volunteers-Laurier. The in the strength of individual char- Salisbury requested him not to do This is it difforebt kind of exodus
Liberalortion of theConservative Strength of the nation so. ' and be warned by it to prevent that atter the real streng
p ° This brings to mind a elite• to that preached for years by our
future action. Force in former °
parry believe in eliminating from consisted. Centralisation simply mens contained in "Table -talk,” a good Grit Canadian friends. Well,
our political economy whatever is years failed to enable the United meant magnificent monotony, gi an= -
P y . States to got hold of. Canada. Fraud - ° i ° g work tt%ritte`ia'by John Selden ft"lerirn if they will Only`behaa e themselves
bad in• it, the Conservative element and duplicity enabled thein to got a tic monstrosity, and splendid stu- ed writer of'300 years ago. Selden they are welcome to Canada. But
believe in conaorving whatever is P Y a pidity." remarks : "A great man' is above we'll hang them even as we did
god in it. Butte believe in order Portion of our country. Let us not _
g four the' former and return to be evil words. An example we have American citizHnRiel if' they cut up
as the first essential toward pro- The notorious Crit AI. P. for
P in the old lord of Salisbury, who any of their lawless foolishness.
Placed in a position- to be gobbled Simcoo, H. II. Cooker lives. in
g_._ _There are natural_ itnperfec•, _ .__ _ was a great [vise man. A min "--'-
teas,._ __ _.
tions in all human insti4utious, up by the atter. Parkdale and the annexation of
named Stone had called some lord Editor Retia Record.
The have been likened to supports Parkdale toTorunto is being agitated.
Y PP about court a fool • the lord tom- DEAR Stu,—x111 true Oran;;emeu
THE OLD AND THE NE 6V. H. H. is opposed to this annexation look with suspicion upon anything
to the roof of a building. These PI complained and • had Stone p y
supporta may be in the way, and and it is to be hoped he will be con- that appears in Eielite cirgans con -
The several. denominations of whipped. W1hile undergoing the ceruito the Orange Order. Those
may.. theoretically mar the appear- sistent and oppose the greater annex- I gentry from the filth Signal of this
Protestants oftou, with unctuous punishment Stone cried out : I v Y b
ante of an otherwise perfect -looking ation. The arguments he uses in town to the more re.5pectatsle Era of
self satisfaction, assume that in might have called my lord of Solis- Clinton have been in the ball t of re-
structure. But it is better to 'havethe less will apply to the greater.
religious matters it is the other bury fool often enough,, before he ferriug to'Oraugemeu astheoffshoots
them there with all their unci htli At a meeting in Parkdale lie said; of the worst -element in the old coun-
g fellows ,that are surcharged with- would liuve had me whipped."tr and the atom of .this, and in other.
ness and inconvenience than' to ° As a town they had an influence, Y..
bigotry.Even so enlightened a endearing terms from tints to thus.
bring the whole fabric down • about gentleman as Rev Dr Austin, of but annexed to Toronto they would • 'England is "almost univereally Mr: Cameron, probably, taWi)g ]its.
ones ears, producing anarchy and n be lost. The light Qf heaven shone quoted as. the country of free trade cue from triose delectable'exponents
Alma Colle°e, St.'Ihomas; in his, of public opinion when: he referred
destruction. Samson was a repro-• r over Parkdale and only, gloom over 'par excellence. This is ,only liar p' p
Lecture here the other evening .ex- in the House of Commons, to Orange.
seDtative .,Grit. Rather ..than his° Toro»to: Parkdale was the salt of tially correct. The total revenue men as murderous cut-throats, or
pressed the !tope that trio 'various .the earth and some day 'they would of England last year teas £90,772,- some such euphonious appellatiau. 'I
opponents should live he pulled` protestant 'sects 'would 'come to go in hud her tfie poor benighted .768. , Of this amount one half was could not help recalling those andear-
the pillars of the temple down and ° p' p ° ilia epithets when m attention was
some uuderetattdfug and base their - g 1 Y
involved himself and others in the ° 9 people, of Toronto." Precisely" so raised by duties,. 4;'30,155,000 front called to's, marked paragraph in the
belief upon° one eomuou Christian and Canada as a distinct nationalityim orts and X25,250,000 from ex- Era of Clinton, sent tie by a friend,
ruins. The Grits only require poli- basla, while retaining their separate Pmentioning a 'bottle of water from
„ has an influence, auitexad to the cine duties. It will be seen that
tical strength equal to the personal form of churc h polity . Iie:did not $ the River Boyne and a piece of the .
streugth of 'Samson to pull down United Staten it would be lost. more that one-half the duties waseol- base of Bing tVilliam's mouuntrnt as
say that the Methodists or that the lected in the most odious and oner- "Orange Trophies" dear. to the heart
the best goveriitneut the world has 1
° Presbyterian or the Anglican or the . Sir Richard Cartwright talked to of every Orangeman. I shall not
ever • seen and produce national ous form— from excise which there dilate upon the evident nonsense of
Baptist had the Simon pure belief, a limited number of his, eonatitu can be.no doubt comes directly out those two articles being Orange tro-
annihilation. Or, as has been .but rather one would infer that, entsIasi week. Si'rRichardis'abrave autos, merely remarking that -a
triter remarked the would rather Of the pockets of the conatimor.
y Y trophy is something wrested fruit an
rule in hides than serve'in heavennone of them possessed it. I€ that man: The Globe has it in black . We do these things better in Can- opponent -in a contest; and nuither
cr -
All iVillvbe well so long as the poo- is true, tis pity 'tia true. Taking letter head lines, that he "looked ada. We collect the greatest a- the bottle. of Boyne 'water nor the
to continuo to keep them shorn of the Rev Qentleman'a remarks in facts in the face": Considering the mount of duties on imports and the Piece of King -William's monument
P P connection with those of the Roman trifling acquaintance Sir Richard less from our home manufactures, are trophies. But my object is not
Choir Samsonian locks. � to write a treatise upon the proper
Catholic Rev Dr Cleary ai Belleville has with facts it,was rather rude of - - meaning of words, but to take excep-
_-_________�_— the other day, which we apportd, hind to look at them in the face, Our sweet daisy fellow journalist tion to the insinuation thrown out in
CANADA, HOLD YOUR OWN of the Mitchell I':•ecorder is just a the -paragraph I refer to. Leaving
one would conte to the conclusion They -must have blushed at his stony to one side the fact that the present
that we will have to fall back upon store., He has sometimes been little offhis base in regard to THE water of the Boyne cannot b' the
blatant demagoguea note, as in t p
the Romanist of Christian looped upon as one of the courteous NEws-REcoR,D desiring the re-eloe- water that flowed in that classic �.
former times, are mainly carried river two hundred years ago, 'and
tion of President Cleveland. Wlieth
away by their own vanity and ambi- doctrine. Foran �impression seems old school, but after this we give that the piece of the monument must
abroad though silent! entertained him u Looking at, staring fasts er the Recorder is ornamental or not have been secured by an act of van -
lion while pretending to care for o Y p dalism which a court of -law might
in man cases that Christians and' in the face Sir Richard 1 We can we cannot say, but we do know g
the good of the people. One, even Y call ,heft, 1 come to a more import -
now -a -days, hears then, exclaim heathens, Presbyterians and Motho-, never forgive you. Now if you bad that he has got a penchant for mak- ant matter. I strongly take excep-
against history and ,precedent. dists and4la'ptists and Episcopalians embraced them, even with what- ing, a jolly ass of himself. He says edit to the charge o idolatrWhay
is ittain-
"What du we care for history," ex- bishops anti- philosophers, are all might be termed undue familiarity, Tan NEWS -RECORD favors a hayh is dear to Orangemen ?, The uiem- '
claim they, "we shall make history." g , . ' we migh thave .excused ou. protective tariff. We do not. We or of the Immortal Prince and the . .
oailin on rho same bottom and, to o Y Y
These ,entry are ryenornll of the carr on the mala her that the most favor the lowest possible tariff' con- principles be contended for. These
° Y ° Y Y p , "Mansard" • we as Protestants and Oranuemen
blansard is a tern, applied to sistont with protection. And we revere, not Boyne water or a ,raven
venal class who consider history un-. valuable and,'reiiable seaman are Y g
are not those, who renounce old the crowning portion or roof of build- are in sympathy with Mr. Cleveland image. • It may do for Romanists to
reliable because they themselves are ings.much in vogue in Canada to- because we believe he also favors fielfgvis; ri �--tbel virtue of holy water
unroliable. "Du not read history teratises on navigation, blit such as and images of our Saviour an(l the
day. The style originated in Frame the lowest possible tariff. consistent Virgin Mary, but thault (rod we have
to me," said that corrupt statesinau, do t_hpir utmost to make whatever g Y,
" ' is good and true in the old work in the time of Louis XIV and was with protection. But the double-. Rot rid of such idolatrous superstition
Sir Robert Walpole, Do not read g � by the stalwart efforts of King Wil- •
designed b the architect Mansard. actio'n genius of the Recorder swat• A
history tome, for khat I know must with the new. •Deaconesses in lite g y g liam and by the preocrbation and Per.
be false," IIe was measuring other Methodist church, the counterpart It is recorded that Louis ?CIV., tak- lows himself when he favors,annoxa- petuation of the principles which he
of nuns is the latest worl�iu into ing air in the garden of Versailles tion under which we would be contended for. We disavow any
people's corn in his own bushol, , $ veneration for and will not admit.
with his courtiers saw the architect placed under a higher tariff than that there is any' virtue in Boyne
Conservatism is based upon history. the new system of what is cousiderod ' ' Y Y
It traces the o �orations of causes and good in the old system. walking through one of the alloys, we now have, and yet he mouths water or even a monument of King
He soon joined the old man and free trade. The American is about William. A priest may take a wafer
events to establ'hh principles that Rev.Dr. Cleary's remarks alluded Mansard took off his hat, higher than the made from flour and allege that he
may be the boat guides for the pres- to are :=- as was fifteen per cent g has converted it into the body of our
ant conduct of affairs. The kilo I am also to have in my power to- strict etiquette in the presence of Canadian tariff and yet the free Saviour. He could on the same prin-
P his sovereign ; but the Grand Mon- trade Recorder favors union under stale convert the whole of the con -
so hie application of history enables day 4o state that this Christ is not al. tents of a bakeshop into innumerable
one to avoid the orrors of theart together found amongour own peo% argue lifted tip his hand in friendly that higher tariff. Ugh I ITgb 1 I gods. But Icing William emanci-
P ple. Because our neighbors, the Pro• reprehension, and' said — "Pray Hd is so pernickety nice in his pated us from the terror, superstition
and to conserve the good. The and idolatry which wets conduced by
testantsdoDot kneel at an altar and keop, it on. Thy
Tile evening is damp,.. inconsistency, 'Rah for Cleve- a belief that, an matter could be
Canadian Liberal Conservatives act look to Him through the same light and you may take cold." The land. transformed by any ' man into an
upon thos'o lines. The Canadian as we do, it does not prevent them object worth of worship. The
courtiers, who were all standing- � Y p•
Grits ignore them because their own from coming and. extending every Senator Ingalls is President of underlying idea in the Er<aA para -
bare -headed around the king, as was soeme to be a scoffing '
venality induces them to look upon effort in their power to add to the the U. S. Senate. He is aRepubli- graph g endeavor
the custom, stared at each other • at to place Orangemen in the same
all history as false, and their, vanity. city another obureh which will be can and in case of the death of -Clove- idolatrous category air Romanists—
an orfiament to its fair name as one this extraordinary show of courtesy. „
and ambition toad them"to-care for land before•his term expires Would Boyne water and a piece of Bing
nothing but temporary advantage that will most assured! be in the But Louis XIV., observing their William's monument. clear to the
be President of the United States.
g � Y g „ 'service of the Altiiighty.y. It is to he surprise, said—' -Gen you heart of every Orangeman I" They
the principle of after us thedeluge,• He should be well posted�on public are not to mine. There is,a9scme-
hop ed that the efforts tendered to aro amazed ; but learn this : I can this higher or holier that ever
'The other day Senator Sherman re. [natters, He has something to say s; R Y .i
their poor Catholic brethren in this make a duke or a marquis with niy Orangeman does or should hold
farted to history for the purpose of articular will in the near future 1►e on the migrations of people on this door. Fire pray for and desire the
p own breath, but God only can make
showing how the American idea had reciprocated .tenfold. -The Catholic „ contineut. He' is possessing his soul conversion of all peoples from idol -
'been from the time of the Revolu_ , arab have entertained a tender site in asteria patience about the annexa- worship of Boyne water and a piece of
tion to 'control the whole of this loving disposition towards their A great many hard things have tion of"Canada to the United States, a monument. It is not even the stones
continent, He referred to the mili- ' Protesnant friends and endeavored boon said of the presont Lord . and has been pleased to state public of the wallsofDorry that we hold dear
to support thn.tspiritwhicItGod and but the memory of ttre bravo men
tary expedition against this country Saliebtry'who is naw t'ho ruling ly through the press hie opinion
their church has ever tried to infuse who held out behinrl thorn. Lot
in 177ti, and might have referred to into its followers. spirit in the moe,t difficult period "that if the `overflow' of popula- those who wish to venerate and hold
Wil' ; • - `= ^ - - .
%i�� l i'On II�G 1ST*ie Ord
' A
�t eg u Xes�i--$],.2r in A�xt�ps:d1
1X •il as. octo>I er 901s, l3$$.
`l^ho Judi -victual wall does not con-•
ittituto the party. At least with the
Conservatives uu mut, be he over
so clever, can say lie is the party. It
is the people who [writ the Cunsor•
votive ]tarty. Sir John A. 1lacdon-
ald ur •,ny other mail is not the.
parte, And the beauty, of Con-
servatis,t, is that the whole rank and
and we i;,uuw this. While the
n s rr
conscionco of tho individual is not
restrained'by Conservatism or con•
Sned in any narrow partisan grove
- every one who is really a Couservat-
ive muit.subscribe to cortain funds
mental principles. Gonerallyspeak-
ing thPye may be said to be : (1)
0 BriLish connection for the presont,
with the alternative of a possible
eotrtplete independence of the Mother
country should the iuterests,of Can-
ada demand it. (2) In any event no
political annexation with the Uuit,
ed States. " Tersely, speaking no
m',n is a Conservative in this conn -
try who is Dot unreservedly in favor
Of Canada first,last and all the time,
and the perpetuation of this Great -
at, P,ritidr nation spun the Ameri-
can continent. At roast this is what
THE NEWS -RECORD means by Con-
servatiam in Canada.,"
We have noticed that some of the
annexation journals tiro anxious
to have Conservative papers ex-
a `
leu the conduct 'of this nominal
Cunsarvative or that one. Our
local cuntf„npormy with some others
want to know what the' Conservat-
ive press think of Mr. Solomon
White, ox -M. P. P. for North Kent,
which he represented 'as a Conser-
_votive, •but who_mwv, it is alleged,
hurrah's for annexation. So far as
THE NEWS -RECORD iscoucerned it in
highly delighted to know that he
does not possess the confidence of
his ridiup .And as he is claimed
by the Grits as a howling, annexa-
tionist we are proud to know alae
North Tient rejected him, though
he' may 'be classed as a Consorvat-
But a man cannot possibly be aCon-
' _
servative who favors the annexation
' —
to and the absorption by the United
States of this country. ' Conserva-
r ”
tisul implies the, maintenance of the
good which exists in a political strue-
ture and makes possible the -transfor-
mation of that which is bad into
something bettor, But ' as well
' might one who does not believe in
the Bible call himself a Christian•,
` =
asfor one who believes .in annexa-
tion -to call himself a Canadian
Conservative. That there will be
divergence of views on minor mat-
qr, `
tars within the Conservative party
goes without saying. But the mo-
ment oust denies the fundamental
art•' . ,
principles of any -society that mo-
ment lie de facto places himself with -
Out its laalo. As Dean,Stanley said
about°the Church of England so it
may be said . about a party : "Tho
cons6euce of each individual must
be left to stand by itself, and if a
matt, however touch ten may admire
the Roman system, or however
Much- he may introduce into the
English worship 01'6ineuts," as we
may think, inconsistent with it,
still,mai.ntaioa that in the English
an -
syetem he can work faithfully,
ho1)estly'nnd zoalously.—.than'there is
no'reasun before .God or loan why
ho should retire front it. It is not
that the evils of the Papacy have
diminished—on the contrary they
have beeu:::e more dangerous." And
we say that however much some
may admire and endeavor to intro-
duce into our Canadian system
what we may think good in the
--. -_-
_ American system, it does not follow
that we should adopt their system
altogether, nor that we should shut
our eyes to the fact that the more we
inquire. into it, the more apparent
will it appear that the evils of the
American system are becoming more
glaring and dangerous,
- Within the past few weeks we
have,as we have often-times during
past years, heard political oppon-
ents say: "You know, Mr. Nrws-
RrronD, you and I cannot agree,
I'm a Grit and you are Tory." We
have sometimes taken the liberty of
dispVting both propositions. Many
l -a le C 64, are, c- t > "JAM, An X 37,0 F14Q 0
of Mita as .t ..ty„-,!� .,. not ib,ai4± �t tnN a,,i � , . ��', 4RTAI,rJVR. TPS',b
. . Tory._ . '
CPuvtnetn° these persons that when. A netcns havg sectired Luutata n e
will notaurrwe have sonette§' sicceaIsd- to tan invasion. e referred, to the hasaiayticlo based
ntot the. toxG Str tTpJhSraat all, rota4a iva �or . Asd and: the, a4aratvel rasa t, Fan-.7Ite Q
the hard paq, reality of front Ole French Florida, texas , 1�
1t� ;
any Qf C.a,nadu a
n w considered, they end art of illexicu••aud -California rightA to - Lha United States, Just
the terms as co , y P =A- _
meant ueithe► of us. The terra front Spain or her successors in ao. the Globe Iota lived lona enough . And
l (�?O j'� t
• anti knotva Sir John well encu h to _ 1�� V Q. �1 �ty�, .
Grit to too ofton cunfouniled. frith posseasiou. Ile then: stated that the g 1
ardent Liberalism. Liberalism oinie cunsiderutiop.s applied with re- believe that Sir John will 'do as lie a o,---
tends to improve society, whereas gent to Canada that induced the aays, ' Ve would ,respectfully. state' thatdu�' �x�Qs11B
Gritiam tends to destroy it. Gritiam Americana to acquire those terri- We clearly showed last weals how and Man
tfe e artment 18t no t'Q.m..,.plete,
now means Rielisrn, annexation 'or tortes. History records all this and
rho disintegrating' of our lotions the pievalenco of the well known in dollars and cents Canada would coYriprlslog, all the U toot •None' ' E :�. - We •can:_
° ° g no a loser by anne$atiou to the iD
Cutfederation—the destruction of Munro doctrine quoted in a couplet satisfyyou with DRESS GOODS frond Five
b so moderate a itiblic man as United States. We also threw out
the nationality- of this Dominion Y 1 the hint that 'iu Point of snorer sty Cents to One Dollar a yard and with MANTLE
which every Canadian, worthy of President Buchanan when he said
we would also be losers. Since then GOODS from Thirty Five Cents to Ten Dollars--- .-..-
the Hams is justly proud of."`Ngpentuvast cntinentisourpowera; MISS
r y.� a
"Well �� 7Yils whole vast continent is ours," we have had a grouse Over a syttop• per yard. MISS CURRELL, acknowledged
thea, say our friends, • you -, p y ;
Senator Sherman did well to refer ais of United States Goverment by all as the heading Dress and Mantle
will concede that the are Liberals or to the historical. land grabbing ex- report on prisons. The statistics �'
Reformers.”This we readily do. ploits of his country as above men. given furnish proof that Within the Maker In the County, is still With us, Every
"But," say they, "how about your- r last ten ears crime has increased tfouod. Le might have refer Y order 'left with her is Guaranteed. With
self, are you not a Tory, and surely to the Ashburton treaty by which ratio thirty per cent g
they robbed Canada of C)regou reator than i I
you cannot justify Toryism." In and Po g
her there is no such a thin as a misfit. We
population has. In Canada crime
reply we could only say. that we Washingtou territory and parte of is deeneasing in proliortion to pope- CUT FREE OF CHARGE every Wrap, Ulster
were no more Tory than they were Maine, Now Hampshire and Michi- ration. C+,nada will do wall to bear• and MAntle purchased from us.
Grit—at least not in tho offensive
gan, But it is a poor argument to the small ills we have.,thin fly to 0
or invidious sense. Toryism, as use these historical facts of their the Greater ones we know of across
popularly explained by Grits, is ex• the border. p p tinct in Canada, and its remains into l e induce Cn.uad'iaus to come , ___��Ro- erJt(`1oi!S realCash Store'.
into the A►neries,iu Uuiou. It should 1 tof. I1laekie � 1 tN\ 1 a
were buried with coufaderation,but , of Edinburgh, is a
rather nerve C„uadians and put �
are now resurrected in the form of strotg Scottish IIonio 1tulur. ID —�
them on their guard - against the his ubli remarks tiro other da we Gritism. At the uniou of the Pro- ahsorptf to process proposed by Com- P. •. Y in, the political history. of Great tion front the United States to Can-
vinces the best elements of both find the following:—"Humanity Britain, but he has not retorted in ada continues, Canada will be
mercial Union. Our wealth of fish -
parties amalgamated ; the Liberal was a grand type as _'showing that kind. Even when General Lord absorbed in a few yearn." 0, ho
eries and forest and mine is s
element came out from the Grits bonanza dower to Canada. Divided there must,.be variety in the social Woolseley adversely -criticised the What do you ,t•hiuk of that Blue
and the Conservative element came among 60 millions of other people its in the '1h Ysteal world.. So it was the condaci of his administration Ruin.Riohard i The Americans are
out of the Tur.ies. These elements with nations; and therefore he ob- regarding the national defences, supposed to work on the principle
would make our patrimony poor in- g' o
have since been combined in theo jested to Scotland being assimilated Lord Salisbury took things cool of where the carcass is thither will
deed. Senator Sherman is not a to England. In the next lace he n g
Liberal Conservative party:—which g P. and did�not even hint at punishin° the eagles fly. Accordhi° to Senator
'demagogue. Though he wants to
represents the .people of Canada to- was a decided enemy of eeptrilisa- the General by dismissal. On the Ingalls the Americans are pouneigg
make history he also relies upon it
day. The Grits today aro repro- tion, because it prevented the for* contrary, when the General offered down upon the fat-carcasa of Can-
a. a precedent for future actiott.
rented by Tory Cartwright and motion of individual character,' and to resign• his official position Lord ad`a and will soon gobble it up.
Canadians ahoulil also rely upon -it
shoot-thg-volunteers-Laurier. The in the strength of individual char- Salisbury requested him not to do This is it difforebt kind of exodus
Liberalortion of theConservative Strength of the nation so. ' and be warned by it to prevent that atter the real streng
p ° This brings to mind a elite• to that preached for years by our
future action. Force in former °
parry believe in eliminating from consisted. Centralisation simply mens contained in "Table -talk,” a good Grit Canadian friends. Well,
our political economy whatever is years failed to enable the United meant magnificent monotony, gi an= -
P y . States to got hold of. Canada. Fraud - ° i ° g work tt%ritte`ia'by John Selden ft"lerirn if they will Only`behaa e themselves
bad in• it, the Conservative element and duplicity enabled thein to got a tic monstrosity, and splendid stu- ed writer of'300 years ago. Selden they are welcome to Canada. But
believe in conaorving whatever is P Y a pidity." remarks : "A great man' is above we'll hang them even as we did
god in it. Butte believe in order Portion of our country. Let us not _
g four the' former and return to be evil words. An example we have American citizHnRiel if' they cut up
as the first essential toward pro- The notorious Crit AI. P. for
P in the old lord of Salisbury, who any of their lawless foolishness.
Placed in a position- to be gobbled Simcoo, H. II. Cooker lives. in
g_._ _There are natural_ itnperfec•, _ .__ _ was a great [vise man. A min "--'-
teas,._ __ _.
tions in all human insti4utious, up by the atter. Parkdale and the annexation of
named Stone had called some lord Editor Retia Record.
The have been likened to supports Parkdale toTorunto is being agitated.
Y PP about court a fool • the lord tom- DEAR Stu,—x111 true Oran;;emeu
THE OLD AND THE NE 6V. H. H. is opposed to this annexation look with suspicion upon anything
to the roof of a building. These PI complained and • had Stone p y
supporta may be in the way, and and it is to be hoped he will be con- that appears in Eielite cirgans con -
The several. denominations of whipped. W1hile undergoing the ceruito the Orange Order. Those
may.. theoretically mar the appear- sistent and oppose the greater annex- I gentry from the filth Signal of this
Protestants oftou, with unctuous punishment Stone cried out : I v Y b
ante of an otherwise perfect -looking ation. The arguments he uses in town to the more re.5pectatsle Era of
self satisfaction, assume that in might have called my lord of Solis- Clinton have been in the ball t of re-
structure. But it is better to 'havethe less will apply to the greater.
religious matters it is the other bury fool often enough,, before he ferriug to'Oraugemeu astheoffshoots
them there with all their unci htli At a meeting in Parkdale lie said; of the worst -element in the old coun-
g fellows ,that are surcharged with- would liuve had me whipped."tr and the atom of .this, and in other.
ness and inconvenience than' to ° As a town they had an influence, Y..
bigotry.Even so enlightened a endearing terms from tints to thus.
bring the whole fabric down • about gentleman as Rev Dr Austin, of but annexed to Toronto they would • 'England is "almost univereally Mr: Cameron, probably, taWi)g ]its.
ones ears, producing anarchy and n be lost. The light Qf heaven shone quoted as. the country of free trade cue from triose delectable'exponents
Alma Colle°e, St.'Ihomas; in his, of public opinion when: he referred
destruction. Samson was a repro-• r over Parkdale and only, gloom over 'par excellence. This is ,only liar p' p
Lecture here the other evening .ex- in the House of Commons, to Orange.
seDtative .,Grit. Rather ..than his° Toro»to: Parkdale was the salt of tially correct. The total revenue men as murderous cut-throats, or
pressed the !tope that trio 'various .the earth and some day 'they would of England last year teas £90,772,- some such euphonious appellatiau. 'I
opponents should live he pulled` protestant 'sects 'would 'come to go in hud her tfie poor benighted .768. , Of this amount one half was could not help recalling those andear-
the pillars of the temple down and ° p' p ° ilia epithets when m attention was
some uuderetattdfug and base their - g 1 Y
involved himself and others in the ° 9 people, of Toronto." Precisely" so raised by duties,. 4;'30,155,000 front called to's, marked paragraph in the
belief upon° one eomuou Christian and Canada as a distinct nationalityim orts and X25,250,000 from ex- Era of Clinton, sent tie by a friend,
ruins. The Grits only require poli- basla, while retaining their separate Pmentioning a 'bottle of water from
„ has an influence, auitexad to the cine duties. It will be seen that
tical strength equal to the personal form of churc h polity . Iie:did not $ the River Boyne and a piece of the .
streugth of 'Samson to pull down United Staten it would be lost. more that one-half the duties waseol- base of Bing tVilliam's mouuntrnt as
say that the Methodists or that the lected in the most odious and oner- "Orange Trophies" dear. to the heart
the best goveriitneut the world has 1
° Presbyterian or the Anglican or the . Sir Richard Cartwright talked to of every Orangeman. I shall not
ever • seen and produce national ous form— from excise which there dilate upon the evident nonsense of
Baptist had the Simon pure belief, a limited number of his, eonatitu can be.no doubt comes directly out those two articles being Orange tro-
annihilation. Or, as has been .but rather one would infer that, entsIasi week. Si'rRichardis'abrave autos, merely remarking that -a
triter remarked the would rather Of the pockets of the conatimor.
y Y trophy is something wrested fruit an
rule in hides than serve'in heavennone of them possessed it. I€ that man: The Globe has it in black . We do these things better in Can- opponent -in a contest; and nuither
cr -
All iVillvbe well so long as the poo- is true, tis pity 'tia true. Taking letter head lines, that he "looked ada. We collect the greatest a- the bottle. of Boyne 'water nor the
to continuo to keep them shorn of the Rev Qentleman'a remarks in facts in the face": Considering the mount of duties on imports and the Piece of King -William's monument
P P connection with those of the Roman trifling acquaintance Sir Richard less from our home manufactures, are trophies. But my object is not
Choir Samsonian locks. � to write a treatise upon the proper
Catholic Rev Dr Cleary ai Belleville has with facts it,was rather rude of - - meaning of words, but to take excep-
_-_________�_— the other day, which we apportd, hind to look at them in the face, Our sweet daisy fellow journalist tion to the insinuation thrown out in
CANADA, HOLD YOUR OWN of the Mitchell I':•ecorder is just a the -paragraph I refer to. Leaving
one would conte to the conclusion They -must have blushed at his stony to one side the fact that the present
that we will have to fall back upon store., He has sometimes been little offhis base in regard to THE water of the Boyne cannot b' the
blatant demagoguea note, as in t p
the Romanist of Christian looped upon as one of the courteous NEws-REcoR,D desiring the re-eloe- water that flowed in that classic �.
former times, are mainly carried river two hundred years ago, 'and
tion of President Cleveland. Wlieth
away by their own vanity and ambi- doctrine. Foran �impression seems old school, but after this we give that the piece of the monument must
abroad though silent! entertained him u Looking at, staring fasts er the Recorder is ornamental or not have been secured by an act of van -
lion while pretending to care for o Y p dalism which a court of -law might
in man cases that Christians and' in the face Sir Richard 1 We can we cannot say, but we do know g
the good of the people. One, even Y call ,heft, 1 come to a more import -
now -a -days, hears then, exclaim heathens, Presbyterians and Motho-, never forgive you. Now if you bad that he has got a penchant for mak- ant matter. I strongly take excep-
against history and ,precedent. dists and4la'ptists and Episcopalians embraced them, even with what- ing, a jolly ass of himself. He says edit to the charge o idolatrWhay
is ittain-
"What du we care for history," ex- bishops anti- philosophers, are all might be termed undue familiarity, Tan NEWS -RECORD favors a hayh is dear to Orangemen ?, The uiem- '
claim they, "we shall make history." g , . ' we migh thave .excused ou. protective tariff. We do not. We or of the Immortal Prince and the . .
oailin on rho same bottom and, to o Y Y
These ,entry are ryenornll of the carr on the mala her that the most favor the lowest possible tariff' con- principles be contended for. These
° Y ° Y Y p , "Mansard" • we as Protestants and Oranuemen
blansard is a tern, applied to sistont with protection. And we revere, not Boyne water or a ,raven
venal class who consider history un-. valuable and,'reiiable seaman are Y g
are not those, who renounce old the crowning portion or roof of build- are in sympathy with Mr. Cleveland image. • It may do for Romanists to
reliable because they themselves are ings.much in vogue in Canada to- because we believe he also favors fielfgvis; ri �--tbel virtue of holy water
unroliable. "Du not read history teratises on navigation, blit such as and images of our Saviour an(l the
day. The style originated in Frame the lowest possible tariff. consistent Virgin Mary, but thault (rod we have
to me," said that corrupt statesinau, do t_hpir utmost to make whatever g Y,
" ' is good and true in the old work in the time of Louis XIV and was with protection. But the double-. Rot rid of such idolatrous superstition
Sir Robert Walpole, Do not read g � by the stalwart efforts of King Wil- •
designed b the architect Mansard. actio'n genius of the Recorder swat• A
history tome, for khat I know must with the new. •Deaconesses in lite g y g liam and by the preocrbation and Per.
be false," IIe was measuring other Methodist church, the counterpart It is recorded that Louis ?CIV., tak- lows himself when he favors,annoxa- petuation of the principles which he
of nuns is the latest worl�iu into ing air in the garden of Versailles tion under which we would be contended for. We disavow any
people's corn in his own bushol, , $ veneration for and will not admit.
with his courtiers saw the architect placed under a higher tariff than that there is any' virtue in Boyne
Conservatism is based upon history. the new system of what is cousiderod ' ' Y Y
It traces the o �orations of causes and good in the old system. walking through one of the alloys, we now have, and yet he mouths water or even a monument of King
He soon joined the old man and free trade. The American is about William. A priest may take a wafer
events to establ'hh principles that Rev.Dr. Cleary's remarks alluded Mansard took off his hat, higher than the made from flour and allege that he
may be the boat guides for the pres- to are :=- as was fifteen per cent g has converted it into the body of our
ant conduct of affairs. The kilo I am also to have in my power to- strict etiquette in the presence of Canadian tariff and yet the free Saviour. He could on the same prin-
P his sovereign ; but the Grand Mon- trade Recorder favors union under stale convert the whole of the con -
so hie application of history enables day 4o state that this Christ is not al. tents of a bakeshop into innumerable
one to avoid the orrors of theart together found amongour own peo% argue lifted tip his hand in friendly that higher tariff. Ugh I ITgb 1 I gods. But Icing William emanci-
P ple. Because our neighbors, the Pro• reprehension, and' said — "Pray Hd is so pernickety nice in his pated us from the terror, superstition
and to conserve the good. The and idolatry which wets conduced by
testantsdoDot kneel at an altar and keop, it on. Thy
Tile evening is damp,.. inconsistency, 'Rah for Cleve- a belief that, an matter could be
Canadian Liberal Conservatives act look to Him through the same light and you may take cold." The land. transformed by any ' man into an
upon thos'o lines. The Canadian as we do, it does not prevent them object worth of worship. The
courtiers, who were all standing- � Y p•
Grits ignore them because their own from coming and. extending every Senator Ingalls is President of underlying idea in the Er<aA para -
bare -headed around the king, as was soeme to be a scoffing '
venality induces them to look upon effort in their power to add to the the U. S. Senate. He is aRepubli- graph g endeavor
the custom, stared at each other • at to place Orangemen in the same
all history as false, and their, vanity. city another obureh which will be can and in case of the death of -Clove- idolatrous category air Romanists—
an orfiament to its fair name as one this extraordinary show of courtesy. „
and ambition toad them"to-care for land before•his term expires Would Boyne water and a piece of Bing
nothing but temporary advantage that will most assured! be in the But Louis XIV., observing their William's monument. clear to the
be President of the United States.
g � Y g „ 'service of the Altiiighty.y. It is to he surprise, said—' -Gen you heart of every Orangeman I" They
the principle of after us thedeluge,• He should be well posted�on public are not to mine. There is,a9scme-
hop ed that the efforts tendered to aro amazed ; but learn this : I can this higher or holier that ever
'The other day Senator Sherman re. [natters, He has something to say s; R Y .i
their poor Catholic brethren in this make a duke or a marquis with niy Orangeman does or should hold
farted to history for the purpose of articular will in the near future 1►e on the migrations of people on this door. Fire pray for and desire the
p own breath, but God only can make
showing how the American idea had reciprocated .tenfold. -The Catholic „ contineut. He' is possessing his soul conversion of all peoples from idol -
'been from the time of the Revolu_ , arab have entertained a tender site in asteria patience about the annexa- worship of Boyne water and a piece of
tion to 'control the whole of this loving disposition towards their A great many hard things have tion of"Canada to the United States, a monument. It is not even the stones
continent, He referred to the mili- ' Protesnant friends and endeavored boon said of the presont Lord . and has been pleased to state public of the wallsofDorry that we hold dear
to support thn.tspiritwhicItGod and but the memory of ttre bravo men
tary expedition against this country Saliebtry'who is naw t'ho ruling ly through the press hie opinion
their church has ever tried to infuse who held out behinrl thorn. Lot
in 177ti, and might have referred to into its followers. spirit in the moe,t difficult period "that if the `overflow' of popula- those who wish to venerate and hold