HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-24, Page 1a
TERMSt-81,50 per Anr►r,ni, $1.25 lu Advoltncc, INPIRP ANDBXV IN ALL T$I1VOS, NEUTRAL IN NOILU :O WHITELY & ToDv, Pubi►sl,ersr
oc t (�Qrra pauclauca I
oral (5orreopollidelxca
The schooner G oldhunter with a I
Itev. G. Richardson and wife
carbo of lumbar for Mr. H. Secord
arrived in town last cock.
reached port shortly after noun on
Airs. lt. Rhyuas of Detroit is in
wwu visiting her relatives.
The schooner Curter with. a
cargo of lumber for Alessrs Dymcnt
Mr. G. N. Davis was in Lueknoiv
reached harbor oil Saturday. The
the past. week.
Cal•te'r,bronght down a bear for Ali-.
Our hotels wore all crowded
J. Gentles of Kiocarditie. The
during court week.
animal was a great attraction on
The schooner Gr•eglivand arrived
in port last week.
The McGibeuy family appegred
4+'Mr. P.. Kellv, Reeve of Illyth,
in the Grand .Opera Ilouse on
was iu town last week.
Saturday evening before. it good
MT. It. Radcliffe spout it few days
- audienco. The Uutertniumout (une
last week in the Queen City.
of the kind out usually accopLable)
Miss Stitt, ,t former resilient, ons
wile moral, diverviflod, artistic, still
visiting in town the past week.
evoked much genuine applause'
Porter & Fraser intend putting
Or the items on the programme the
in R large plate sisal front.
violin lulus by Hugh AlcGibeny,
the elarionet porfurmauees of
Ito V. Father West eunducted sor-
Master Docky McGibony and the
Tice in Hullett on Sunday.
elocutionary efforts of tivo others of
Alrs. 1). McDonald left town on
the ritnlily were especially uteri-
Monday on a visit to Toronto.
There will be a special meeting
Iter. .lir. Patter delivered his
of Iluron Encanipment No. 28,
prunust,& YeAie in 'the Victoria
LO.O.F.,On Friday evening.
stritet Methodist church on Thurs-'
'Cho Lulies of Knox- church tare
r day eveuing. The American Consul,
making great p.roparatiuus fur their
+ Mr. Il. S. Chikon, •whu occupied
five O'vluck Lea.
the chair, introduced the lecturer in
Rov. Mr. Moffat, of Cu run to,
it fvlicitulls speech, Mr. Puttor's
preached ill Knox ehnrch lt.t Spm-
dieCutlrsv was 311 Cbl" expOsitiou of
it soldier's tire iu tr+ut, in bivouac,
Miss.Grace ybick has roturllo(l to
alis of the b.tide field. Several
tulvu after it two niuuths' hulidioy
�- episud••s in the lift, of a dJniull
suldier were delsiuted in su realidtic
to carry ttiauy of those
Mr. C. (t. Newton has nlovtA intu
it manner its
Iprvient back to tilt- tittle of tilt-
the store rocently vacated by Fraser
great rebellion. During, till: even-
inrr the choir rj,.Ldl•rutl it •chuice
A --ilial, Co preseutuil Dot
selecliull of music:
at the Royal Opera Iluuee on Mon..
Grant, postmnstur of BI usst-ls, vs.
day evening.
The steam barge City of 31ount
Jenkins, editor and proprietor. of
Clemens arrived last ►week with a
thq- Prttssul Budelet, was 11 case of
libel, it bring asserted that the d -
cargo—of hooks irnd xtnves,
fendant had publidlied over one
-Snow, hail and sleet on Saturday
hundlerd editorialti Rliil articlo.4 of a
an'd SI1ntIRV 111'Rtlinelint gllalltlty
slalldirous Ch:traoter ag;tillst thu
t0 whiten the Sidewalks.
plaintiif, for which he clainle+l five
Inspector Touts' handsome dw•el.
thousand dollars dmnages. Ji r.
lili'g is now finished, and will
l UsJtr, Q. C., appeared furthe plain.
.shortly be occupied.
titI; pad the tb fuud:wt • eouductert
Mr. Elijah Martin has been cue-
' his own case. The G+astt commetleell
lined to his house the past two
on Thursday afu4uqun and was con-
weeks by a vur serious illness.
cludr.d at 9 p. m. oil F' iday,-'wean
The schooner J. G. liovalle
the jury re).
to consider their
verdict. At the opening Mr. Osler
reached her dock Istat week with a
lead flum the Budget Lite. articles
•cargo of coal.
cou•plaiued of,a course o' procedure
Mr. T. I,. VanEvery arrived in
that negnpied some hours ; this was.
town last %rook• from the fiehing
the duly evidence of%red' by the
station;, north shore of Lake Super-
,' ldaintiff. Thu defendant produce(t
iur. .
fihout thirty witnesses to support'
•His Lordship Justice 'Falcon -
his defouce, and eotnttlelieed with
bridge got through a large amourit
' thcr platutllf,and it 1s safe to say
of bllainess•duriug the recent sitting
that tile witness under Chu thorough
of the iligh,Cuurt of Justice.
' a' the defer da
Hxa"ilttitOu mathb tl it lit
t y
'!ht- Schooner June McLeod with
proved the wiijo•• portion of the
a cargo of ininber 'for Mr. Williams
- charges rnad-e•by the Brydget.' We
arrivod in port during,'Wednesday
may here say that at the opening of
the case the foaling seunied to lin
Wheat has been coning into lnar-
strougly in favor of the plaintifr',but
ket pretty freely •the past week,
' at Elle close of the plaiutiir"s exan,i-
All i.list catne to In u•ket was bought
natiqu we !heard many who
by the Dig Aiill.
been etruugly iu his favor, ,declare
Ellgeno Caroy, accompanied by
th•tt the dee'endaut deserved a vol'-
his mother and sister, arrived in
dict. The remaining ivitnes+es
probed beyond (loubt that great
town from the 'North !Vest last
irrertitlarities had occurred at ilio
Wednesday oil a short visit.
Brussels post Office, Bolla of tie,
Mr. J. T. C.,u•row, (•;. C., teas su
cases so proved having caused great
indisposed the past week ,Re to be
loss to the persons concerned. The
unable to attend to his court busi-
plaintiff in answer to many .of the
chargee p.leadad that they might uc•
At a tnevtiu;g in the Council
cur; .cul ,yet bra defensible on ao-
Chamber last w.t •lc it was agreed
eotut, of the lad re number of papers pers
that water fron, ' •io harbor inlet
soil.Iuunrs pitssing through ' Lite.
should only be ww ' for the boilers,
'•- offico. At the conclusion of the
evidvilco tie dul'oldaut :addreased
is preparing for 11 '�nnday School
the ,juty for over one hutir, and was
eutortainnlent and i. tzaar. It will
follorcd by Mr. Osler who oecu-
take place at no di.,'. tilt date.
pied the swine length oi' time, The
Rov. Mr. Salton lilts so far rocov•
judge, in siunwing till tuck just',ono
Bred from his recent severe illness
' hour, -during which tittle tie review-
fie to be able to take outdoor exer-
(•d•Ihu basu protty thoroughly. Ile
COnlplittlentu.l the du&endant un lily
.S'OIUe evil diaposad-person placed
ability with which ho had von-
one of the eight inch water pipes
I thieteid ihn case, and thin explained
right across Lire road last Monday
. the -evidence fur the d'afenee in de-
evening. Thee Ration lnigtlt have
tail. Thu symmingup, Lhuugh able
cautiod a serious accident had it not
and stenlilirily impartial, conveyed
have been noticed in time.
the impression that it was strongly
The Steamer Ontario of the
against the defendant. After about
Beath line, arrived in this harbor
three hours absence the jury re-
between twelve and one on Thurs-
turned into court and gave a verdict
clay morning and left at 7 having
for the plaiutiff of one dollar. Itis
taken on a quantity of freight;
Lordship said th,it 14 a question of
including salt, apples and general
costs Would colli/e/ llp ill Toronto,
and ill• recuminei1ded tho def,milant,
Nlosmra W. Rutson, F. Pretty,
to employ a legal gentleman for this
Walter Shannon and J. Willialin
part of Ilia case, a recommendation
loft for Johnston's harbor 'on the
wo understaud Mr. Jenkins at once
Greyhound Inst Thursday. They
followed out''by retaining Mr. Af.
left on a deer hunting expedition
G. Cameron. Before closing we
and will be absent three or font
cannot refrain from innbtlotlina a
works. As the hunters are all good
rontirt•k uttered by it gentleman in
shots w'e expect to hear of their
eonrt when the verdict was gi,veu :
having great success.
" One dollar I why that is not one
At tilt) last rPgolar meeting of the
cent for ouch article complr-ined of,
Iligh School Literary Society the
surely then it w•aa hardly worth tak-
following programme was presented
in;; up the time of the court with it
Reading Mr. McClusky; Dialogu(
ole vent neuter." Fo• our own
the members; recitation, Miss E
part we clay mention that at the
Crozier; selections, Miss li. Rusk
c0111u1H11Ctunent of the case we wilre
solo, Mr. Mahaffey; reading, Miss F
heartily in' accord with Lho plaintiff,
WVilliains; •trio, Good Night, Messrs
but that nftnr hearing ilia bvi(dr•ncP,
]galls, .raiser and Mahaffey. Th(
parficularly that of the plaintiff', wofollowing
officem were elected fol
ale of the opinion that a verdict of"I
the present lerm : President, Mr
eevut would have bben arming if
1lRhaffey; 1st Vice; Mr. A. $t Ager
out over compensation.
librarian, Miss A. Johnson.
\ a
X— ocal (2or1'a jlolillell�e
Xoeltl Tormltoudliff.
Hon. Justice Falconbridge presiding,
; appear in person. It resulted in a
verdict for the plaintiff for $1.
The jury did npt agree until mid-
Commenced Octr. 16. Thecalen-
night. His Lordship granted a
Mr. Arthur I inigh retulued to
Mr. Jim Gilpin intends going to
dar contained 25 cases.
perpetual injunctiun restraining ilia
Forest city on Afoud,ky.
the Michigan lutuber woods this
Griffin vs. Doak was transferred
defendant from further libellingthe
Alias Ruth Juues loft hunt on
to next sitting of Chancery Court,
plaintiff. Tito question of costs
Alouday on a visit for a few days
Mr. John Thorpe has sold ilia
on Dec. 10th.,
will be the subject of a further argu=
among friends in London.
I Carlisle colt to Mr. I). McIntosh fur
McDonald vs. O,Neil, an w. -tion
Rev. Mr. Newton, of Bervio, is
for malicious prosecution, wall ula+le
Whitfield vs. White et at, action
to officiate in the Episcopal Church
:ilia► Robecca Townsend has re-
a remnant to next assizes,
t to set aside conveyance. Settled
hereon Sabbath morning next.
! turned from her visit to Loudon,
Dailey vs. G. T. Railwa CO.,
by consent.
Mr. Joseph Vance and wife in.
having spent a very enjoyable time.
an action for damages, was by colt,
Shoa'et al va. McKillop Township,
feud leaving herr; shortly fur Muni-
Ira. James Bruadfuot, who has
sent disuaissed with costs,
action for trespass and illegal dia.
6obtu to reside.
I been spending the suiumer with
her dau••htor in Kansas, returned
In liver vs, Steven, ari action to
tress. Jud
Judgment reserved.
Air. Andrew McNally has coved
into the handsome he
! home last weeds much improved in
recover possession of land in Godo.
Isbester vs, Lan An action to
erected this summer.
rich Township, judgment was Given
recover $300 for alleged tton•fOlfil
COUNCIL.—The council utet at
by consent, declaring plaintiff to be
mPnt of a contract -to deliver 175 W
\Ir Stow'art of Y,luevale re-
Kyle's hotel ou Oct. 10, at the Call
the comer in fee simple, and for
barrels of apples. Case, arguM awl
aeivwl Lite alipuiutmuut as principal
I of ilio Peove. Members all present.
possession and profits as prayed for,
judgment reserved,
of unr Public Schools at it salary of
• Illation trail passed fixing the 20th
with full costs.
This closed the husirleas of the
'F460, commencing at new year.
Oct. as a d..y on which the taxes
In Horton vs, Bounett, judgment
court, all thecases having been dis-
MOster James Gusman intends
are duo and payable and imposing
was entered for pill. for $237.39,
posed cf,
leaving hero oil Wednesday to
5 par cent, extra upon all taxes re-
with full cOdts of suit,
spend the winter mouths with' his
uncle in •Gallt.
inaiuing unpaid on the 14th of Dec:
Ilodgeus vs. Broderick- et al, a
The Grand Jury returned. "true
C. Iiatmilton's till pounder is ill a
fourteen days previous demand
having been made: A by-law con-
motion for judgment, •which was
entered declaring that the • will
bills' in the following cases : The
lospondiug moud these days having
firming the appointment of Samuel
dated Feb, 24 ,1885, 13$5 of the late
Queen va. James Nilson, three
indictulents for perjury. rho (ween
lust itis pnG crow ro in
t •ar u els cullepnegfitor was paBR
301111 Hodg"us, of the township of
ye. John henry Uoyd, perjury ; and
up, llnrry, fold luuru ill ilio spring.
(>u mutton <lamee liruadfuot of tut
ll ion to
Stephen, farntnr, is fraudultent, null
on application of the'Crowu a hunch
5'lilurdty h„in",a llliso'ahly wet
Ind day thorn
:.11, CU11, 4, If. R. 5„ \Y.ad allpUlntl!(1
nsaudsor ill place of the Into .lobo
sed y0id am ArrtltlRt Ilff' that the
i' 1
warrant for his arrest was issued.
cull ts,ls out" the
lively appear -ince on our structs
Young. A bylaw cuuth-ming the
probate of it be rovoked and can-
celled ; that plfr. is Lite owner in fee
Ill the Queen vs. James Lennon
that is u+n.tlly seen eousl•r uentl •
+ 3 )
311JIUilltttlent, Was pnKsed. Airs.
pimple of certain Ian -14 described'
Jr., for perjury, and R1so against
business was very dull.
t%all.(;nn was voted its charity
subject to thea payment of 8100 a
L. E Uancey r
, after the examine.
•X)n Thnraday and Friday the
Illulloy; -Jnu. Alitchell was paid 86
y.eir to the deft. Catherine ldod,
tion of one witness '
, the Grown
senior loud ittturttludf•tte dt:partluant
fur buildin" culvert on London
gins the elder, dnriu� bur life; •costs
consented 'to a verdict of -not guilty, -
of our Public Schools wane ,,inlaid,
ituad naar flous,01 ; accullnt of
Of the RCtI(Nt' t0 Be sire out of the
which His Lordship directed to be
YPiueipal Nil-. A. Al. linrehill• and
Davin. WVeisnlillo' was roforred Lack
and Aliss itatcliffoatteudiug teachers
for details; $30 was ordered to he
Ferran vs, Craig. Judgoelit fol
In the itttlicttu(°lits vgainst James
cuuv(rutiuu ill Wiu rh;uu.
b !
levied Uu the pu•tins beuelitted h)•
a ditch cun.structod nuabtr bylaw �
pff. for $722.81, with full costs.
Wilson for pnr,jury, Ells Lordshi
after hearing the evidence.• of one
Clic opauiug lulst+tin;; ill the
pvrauee hall uu WVudnesdny ovening
of 1684 -lo pay fur till! will' Ting an°
MuPhee vs. Glenn an action for
witness direct the jury to ,(turn a
it the invitation of the Tomplars was
daepoufug the outlet ill the saute
slattdvr arising out of a r(feigllburs .
verdict of notwilt
g )
well attended. Alr. F. ii— Speneo
hrupurLiuu its the wigival assess.
quarrel, both parties in the
The Queen vs. Neil Alurrey and
)f Toronto,gnve an able and interest
lilout asrevisad by Lite court; by-law
to bill prusnntud next n•I•P,tiug, Thu
township of Colborne. Theca9eoc•
copied a good part of the airy, riot '
-Chas, Meyers, two indictments each
ing atL}ress of tomperanev, etc.
uouuuil adjuurned to meet' nt
the evidence (developed nothing w.ar-
for assulti"g a constable' at Bad field.
Dr. WV Sloall and hissun \W_illiaalu
itixull!i1 Lutul,111uCi°1LU111,...RllsStltL'.L':•
-ra11_ting__tll_e-briuging-ofSuch a case
After the evidence of one witness
left hero on Thursday for SHaforth
day to consider and pass by-laws as
ba,forte the court. The jury after
Irad' been tdkrn`the d4bfidaiits with -
to join 3 or 4 oth'ur oentlainall oil a
above. On Saturday last Lilo coun-
two hours' consideration returned a
drew their plea of not guilty, and
1111ntilt� expedition In the wilds of
cll Viet he ,lel' ad•utirnmou'li when
1 J
'• "• es,
vviwl"Ui at S for
pleaded guilty to common assault,
\Iuskuk,a. They expect to lin away.
By.lnws boariug upon the collection
Lordship to ed with-
and FIis Lordship Ro entered with•
and a penalty of $5 wits imposed to
I mouth.
of taxes and upon the lav of 30
y $•
out costs to either party,
each indicttuenL, payable in one
° The hlieklayers have fiuisllPil
upon the parties to the drain as
, , `
Webster vR, U. N. W. retegraph
rmmnth, or in d+•fnnlr. 30 (Inys in jail.'
renoor'iug and have also added a
above wore rea(t'iiud passed. Tito
Co. an action for dnulanPR sustain,
,Che Queen vs. Wm. Watson, Van
brick kitchon,to the ulaiu building
Council thou Ildjuuniod to meet at
Y a ,-
from a bud b. reason of daft s
I�enselaer Z•ati Norman, John Hop-
J.T, Carter's. property on Diusley
Dixon's hotel oil Nov. lot, at 10
Mires being Clown in the township
per, George Hanna aiiil" lV. J.
St. which has the appearance of ono
o'cluck a. lit. to pay 'couvracta� and
of Hullett. .Judgment by consent
Nicholson, a charge of assault with
Df the tint°st properties in town,
for other purposes.
for pill. for X1000, with full costs.
intent to maiul ; after hearing the
.• UlvisioN t:ocllm.
!'here. were two i ant salol
`._—"�'-�" - —
(Jo�,rMzeb., Towu.hip,
RObertspu vs. G. N. Wester"
Crown witnesses His - Lordship
the jury to acquit the pris
Ind several others disposed of here
Simons Chu. -nests lit the Bethel
Telegraph GA case arising out
of cirenmstatices aR the above in
oners which the d'id
' y
Dn Mo* uday last, ,Judge Doyle pre-
church teameeting on Tha°raday w•u
which oqo Robertson received the
noticed lawyer Milliard of Clinton.
in ur � was. fettled b judgment
Y s J gment
Our Weekly Rouiid Up
Cochrane vs, KiuD Actiun for
Its a pity he is nut,'n "tarried "fan
50, with costs.
price ofgoods.- The important print
'as he lvuut(] then prubablj° tiotbe so
- Ryaul vs. Lennon, "nu aCtlOIl for
— {'h(at is 2c ]ower in \`eche,''
whether .4aintiff could abandon ex-
retiriug still w•n should hear hint as
slander was put off to next aRil
Pak., than it Gretna, opposite it in
^esE UVeI' 1100 at trial, uRlltO Ulh'
well as set- 1]1111 011 these UCeaalOna.
' 'The
costs of theday to be paid by deft.
Manitoba. '
Judge allowed excess to be sham-
-Monday Creneral Laurie, Con -
Boned. Judi,mont of non -suit aftv.e
'1 rho Adethudist 'Churches at Bethel
t I tBerVatiVe,
Lawrie vF
L ale Mundell, action
nn uCi n
" was re•electd ITl Shelburne,
long argument, Air. Glenn, of St,
was well attended and very mucli
on -a promissory,note, ,wag dismissed.
N- S.
ihuinas, fo plif. Mr. Proudfoot for
01 jOyutl, I• say churches as the
with costs as against the deft. Wm.
—Major BPdson of Stonewall, itfan ,
tea w•is served by the ladies in'Che
has sold his herd of buffalo to a
C ockerline, grin, cr., vs. �Vm
old log Church. Cho repast was
Lawrie vs, Smith et al, an action
Kansas rancher fur $18,000. This is
Milk, prin.-dr., and AI-ra, hills,
ample and of moat variety, and ilia
I b 3�
,for rice of sods, 13 consent ad.
Lite only herd in America.
alaimaut—Au iuterpleacder applica-
• appetites were a9Rieled by plenty of
Ourned to next sitting of, C Can%
J g
—tire is a sin supplementing the
g pp g
work of Jack frost in doom
Lion. The Judge held that Alrs,
pure oxygen. speakers of the
ser Division at Goderich.
'Phis time a sweeping prairie fire has
Mills had established her cl►im dud
evening were Rev.. Uvingstoue, of
Stephenson vs: \icDougall, an
done great damage in the neighbor.
gave judgment, accordingly: AIr.
Clinton ; Rov. Forest of Bayldeld ;
action' to recover possession of lands
hood of Jake Mandan,. Olive county.
Flilliard, of Clinton, for Claimant;
and Rev. Bart lit' .Jerusalem, and
in the township of Usborne. •. Jury
=Farmers in Manitoba are realtz•
:ler. !bade, of Brussels, for prin. er, ,
were attentively listened to by a
dispensed with, and judgment re-
ing good profits on their labor, wheat
A number of other cases were
Iargo audience. .Each speaker
is selling at over one dollar, and it
disposed of besides judgment sum-
choosing a subject and goiug to
work as if he meant to odify and
Darling vs. Heffnrman, resulted
is claimed that figure leaves a net
,profit of $28 per acre.
instruct all present., and thus won
in a derelict for plaintiff for X500.
—There is no fear of awheat block
for,hinlself a hearty vote of thanks
ft was an action to recover damages
side on the C. 11. li,. this year, they
from the people. The music,, part
for alleged illegally disposseafii"g
having 30')0 cars, against 1600 last
The good young nlen of this
of Lite prograluulu was furttishod by
the plaintiff of a farm rented by
hills from the defendant.
season. The shipments now
about 3i) cars daily to Port Arthur:
vicinitymust not forget to s peak to
o 1
the Rattenbury 5L. AinLllodist Clilll'ch
400 m.en are 'at work on n hew elevat-
their airls right away.For on the
choir and orchestra, Of old
Duff vat Duff, action for declare•
or tit Lite latter town.
29th of'this month the thorobreds
'lot withataudilug the I'ntenes,; of thvir
tion of interest ill land. Settled by
—Tile Police Magistrate of \iontre-
are t0 open Out their monthly Com
arrival they euro fr.•uly 1'ogiveu for
pr►rti(s to suit,
nl has dismissed the notion taken by
aerts under the able managumout of
I thilt On account of the ba(d rends
the discotersod,
McCann vs. Carlin, action to
the Local Government against I,e
Joe and ad-do-canip. Tile fullow-
and sweet music and
set aside will of the late Thos. Car.
•hloride for .publishing an advertigo•
ing will be the program : Song
racoi"veld the first andluesu•tiest vote
lits. Settled by the parties to the
anent of that Louisiana State lottery,
"Welcome hrothere to ottr Order
of thanks -front 'tile.' ;nuliPnca; be-
The ground taken by the learned
Rocitation by J. Libiclater; Road-
I slits several encores. The chair
Gramt vs. Jenkins was cowmen-
was,that i e alpnde was a cor-
porate body, and the.penalty pro
ing, S. Ic. Williams ;' Iustrumeutal
by the Aid-deSong,
was i orfltil filled ip IZeova .Toho
Y Y y
eed about- 4 p. 111. Friday. The
vided for this'ofrence could not be
music camp ;
plaintiff is the Brussels poRtwaster
enforced against them; as acol•porate
Andrew McAllister, Old Alother
and the defendant is the prublisher
body could not be cont to gaol'
Ilubbard";.!dosis by orehest�a and
`sttzaion ai►It� Itet;istcr.
of. the •I3ruRsels Budget. For some
—Tho Department of Agriculture
hand( , Orginal epacch, .1. lcxall ;
Parties gutting divir Hale Bills printedu.t thin
considerable tiros the defendant
tins received a report from its agent
Waltz, r
lW altz, WW . Morris, The whole to
oniae win- SM1% Fra ee nodes up to date of
e,ue, under ia.u+e headhig. otherwise, regmier
putlit(hed articles calling seriously
at Calgary, who states that the; crops
conclude with. the beautiful song
ail iertising rsitus will bo elu(rged, :
in question the •conduct of Mr-
between McLeodand Edmonton, N.
"Seutch ]lassie Jane."
Tm-iisu,iv, Oc•roi)nu 25-ria,—Inlpmtant
Grans in the performance of his
W, T-, having ripened favorably, and
will,yield in many places extraordi,
— --
auction sale of well -brad stook,, Mand; aria ullett
futplenlents, oil lot 2•t, can. 13
official duties. Grant entered an
nary returns. ()n one farm, near
tmvnship. Sale to comuleuce at 10 a. n•.,
action for libel and $5,000 damages,
Calgary,, 970 bushels of oats were
lir. Charles Stewart sold his bay
sale of stock at 12.30; lunch pu,vi+led,
and the Court issued an injunction
taken from ten acres, giving an aver -
horse to A. Al. Polloy for $170.
Fourteen ino3ths' credit. Andrew Taylor,
restraining the defendant front pub•
age of 97 bushels to the acre, with
Messrs. John and Samuel Bailie
n+lo air tar• C. ilanliltun and J. flowsnn
dishing further articles of •tht- nature
an average of 47 pounds to the bushel.'
Another farm of twelve acres gave
leave t0 -flay (Mouday) for Cali-
\ylsuvitsn.av, 0•"1-"111:11 31s -r.- Tnnport•
complained of. He, it met ins, did
720 bushels an average of 47 olinds
1 F P
ant auction sale lit' well-bred stouk, and
' not obey, and was iu•pl'isoued for
to the bushel, while measured neres
Miss Agnos Aiorrow has gone to
farnn in,plcments, at Willowdide Farm,
contempt of Court, a conducted
of wheat produced 24 Bushels. •1
visit friends in Stanley and Ilay
itnhfnst, at 12 dclork, noon, VIPvrn
Ilia own -case. Mr. Osler, Q, C., for
third farm gave an average of 60
lnontlls credit, Robert Mullin, pro-
prfatm; John lCuox, auetuurocr.
the plaintiff, Tile reading of the
bushels of oats to the acre.
AIr. William Itathwol] of Stanley
fixrrnu.ty, Otl'n,nr•.it 27ru.—A( lmu•ned
extracts complained of and those
--H• J. iledonnell, of the (ieo•
logical survey staff, has just returned
was file guest of Mr. It. Alurrow last
auction sale, of hun e, wart, hu r tilci hs,
connected with them ACCupied,mover^
Ottawa after making n
harness, fnrnaeo, ute., at 1 u'el�wk It.
al hours, and the witticisuls thereiil
a AntigeolXdoal
elcplornti•in of the Yukon find ATec-
AIr. henry Dodd lost a VRlllatJle
"t' file Market-Squaro, (muton, Tvrms
cash, '1). 1)i.•t iilson, nnetinnr. cr•
contained, created "piles of full" for
kenzie ]fivers. 'rho Ynkon tae dee•
horse Saturday }'rout gas ou rho
tit(, largo au+lienee in attendance,
eribPs as a fiver of immense size Rnd
many of whorl were Indies. Jen-
volunt.e, 3,300 miles in length and
'Mr. Clrunui et would like if the
—'rhe 0fiiaial declaration of Ur•
kills frhqu(°titly ititei rupted Air:
navigable for fully 2,000 miles. '['fill
fart, o parties who tonic a mould
party p
Mallory's election in Easr Northum•
Berland brae been postponed till
ORlur, and insisted that the whole
Yukon runs through about 200 miles
of the range anal the
board out of his shop one night last
Wednesday, today, to allow time for.
of certain articles containing charges
gold precious
metal may easily he seen by the
w*eok would either pay for it by note
the rectification of a Depnty-return
should be read, as Ile could Ruppert
naked eye In the ledges of the rock
or cash.
ing-officer's mistake. -
them by proof. The case bring one
that bound either bank, but so far
The metilberR of L. 0. L. No. 1052
rhe Chaplean banquet in Ottawa
of considetable local interest, the
all mining for gold iA done in placers,
intend to haveasermon proauhed on
fast Thursday wns perhaps the most
Cuutt room was crowded. Jettkurs
from $10 to $20 per sty. 13ut this
Sunday, Nov. 4th, in. the Nile
successful demonstration that has
mado things w'arin for Grant during
can only be carried oil for about two
Alethudl'st church at 10.30 a. tit.
ever taken place in Ottawa, that is,
if it is viewed in the light of the fact
the CroRs exnminstiou and was
months in tli.i year, owing to the
high water, and secondly, to the
All members of lodges in taro dis-
that it was supposed to represent a
allowed eonaidPrahly latitude by the
frost which comes early and stops
trict are cordially invited, to attend.
wo•kingma4's feast.
court, as iR customary whore, parties
all operations.
•y .