HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-17, Page 7two lultainottu colors, yet in 'most bapponst to lose bw heart, ahe will ed notions of future latniabutent. CATS AT HONE AND ABROAD
ell , its as
call Norttlielitki Are dull. bas udder tie promise not to let her Accordisig to such notions the vast
In Mystics. Iled and yellow accor.0 pretty hand go) with it. That is, she can majority of mankind dying in unre- In ail old Welsh law,943 A.D,,it Don't Wait
well, especially if the red be a purple withdrew front Clio other. We Pelitalit sit) passed after life into was laid down ' Until your hair becomes'dry,'thin, item
thut "The worth of gray before giving the atte.umou needed
red, rather than twarlist, arid the pircilict,diat the withdrawal will ilut, u take of firt. )AII-1 brimstone, where it kitten until it aliall open its eyes
.11ow rather greenish than orange. to tireserve its. beauty, and vitality.
W 41) uncommon t4it!g." they WITe lartured WWI jaconvisky, iscua, legal poulfly ; fl -8111 that time
Yellow and green form ail agree♦ INSINCERE BISHOPs. able ag011i0d ill Material flames, and until it shall kill mice, two Keel) on, your tottletiot-aitiv A buttic of
PRO02�4-TlY IN THE DOM IN- able combination. - Thearrangenletit, I Qg A I Ayer's Bali, Vigor—tiloi ouly dirvosing
these endless millenniums of vollge• pennies; after it shall kill inice, You ruatilive fur the Lair—could use u little,
ION• of yellow mid blue is more agreeable knollier sensation wa4 Ili it pap -r ance were, reckotied front tli,i 11, four legal pennies, unit so it shall daily, to preserve tile natural color and
'rhio' 1,041ing of c6lifidelice,
Chau that of the yellow stiff ggeell, by Bishop Mitchintson, who charut,41 Pot of death. Within living ,Perot- rentain. " The penny was worth in prevent baldness.
7• the kut is less lively. the Church of Englaudil and ('%PPci- 01-Y thisol, was an OhIludox view. , those days very much more than it 'I'lluillas Hunday, Sharon Grove, Ky.,
170441t.AfgQ.- ally his fellow
od crops,which or' i -bisho
P, with want Eleven years ago Lowever, in Westl. is now, from whiqh we may infer writes: "Several Jillo"Ibi; ago irtly hair
Ftp. 0atholform, has in turn affect- I of sincerity oil the subject of mis. miuiriter Abbey he ventured to re that Grimalkins were scarce. Palmy
ed bot AS YOU LIKE IT 42011i'lleucell falling out, and in a Jew
Alit. I ..the' coutitry And city wero; I ions. pudiate these 1iews arid to repudiat. days must nudged have been thair. weeks troy head was 41tuost bald. 1
tiring tile past few weeks it RESPECT FOR THE FATHERS. tried. many remedies, but they did no
has been alowly but surely tnutur- --Mrs. Joues-11 Don't trouble ed tbell) still, Tilt- rumor had been lot, for one of our own . Edwards good. lfinally i)oti;litabottle olAyer'B
all. to the result has been 6 to see me to the door, Mrs. Staith Another paper, by Rev. Sir Geo hidustriously circulated that he had made a law forbidding thu killing
0, 0 Hair Vigor, and, after usino, only a part
"bolD41"itli commercial circles. Ili Mrs. Smith—" trouble ; quite a W. Cox, was equally strong
Chau his mind. Ife had not lit of a cat, under peliti of leikth.
c Particular, but lim rejoiced to Another old Welsh law orquoetl "f (lie contents, Jay bead was covered
thecity business has been except. pleasure, I assure you. its repudiation of eternal pulliill. ally with at Leavy growth of hair. I revoin-
Nee evidplice's that tilousall(IN of the following to be, the puualty fur
ionally gd;d, many houses reportitig —Mabel, who wait a brilliant meat and lie, like Archdeacon Fur- 0 mem) our prelMration as the best hair_
sincere Ofirimiaiis ],all changed their killing' the Kim"Scat. " the guard-
Aro,40 better than any likii Latin scholar, signs her letters rer, iluotty largely front the fatbers, rcN-rorlur !it tile worm.11
built": Tile NI
;period in its history. In dry goods 1, Put4suni, " which, being translatted, remark"d that the more we rime to 111'rids upou this tremendous tell of the Royal y hall, was fallell,aill dry," writes
At first, day by offlander was to tiny as inuell caro Arabol C. ilar(ly, of Dela I
,all, Ill.; t
U114,910clories the state of all'airs is site says, weans,, 11 1 app Mabel." the faith of these great Christian "u"i"cl- -
especially lJoticeable. This hapi;y thinkerd alit] teachers the less we 'Illy alit] Week by week, the Illost as would cover the defunct auillial, after rising a bottle ofAyLr's Bair Vigor
11 Harry,. you ought net to ratuatic pictures of unsparing it became black arid glossy,"
'condition of things is toot by ally throw am. -ay idee broad like that ; shall care for d anathenkam were houlit-il when held up by the t1l) of its tail
means oullfitled to tile city ofTorouto, a-reat white throne, with ango;m upon hill), but 111)w the old doutril" with its whiskers touchiDg, tile floor.
you may watit it sonie day. Well,
marshaling Ili Egypt cats were I Ayer
"s Hair Vioror
but is to be observed everywhere mother, .91,01,141 1 stand ally be mitukind too great assizo. ill its naked horror was practically 144d especially 45 F
better sucled, together with dogs find Sold by'Druggists and Perfumers.
. I dead. Various authoritiob wore a 0
.throughout tile country. chill of gmttillg it than it 'I ate it These
e.se opinions of the reveri-tid iar- tell by the Arch,leacon to su crocodiles If a cat died in an
From general indipatious there is now. lietelicited sounds ,Of dispprobat. quo p-
ion. There was b611hig lit the refer. pert in it future which E."Ypti.au house, Ciliate was great Pimples and Blotches,
ttle doubt that the Dominion has —Milliliter who has just driven ecce to the tyranny of macre.1 books shall 111(lit ho 011e of etf-riial rt-tribut. n"Jul'u'lla", and the inmates had to
eut0red upql; a period of prosperity. his horse to a wedding in the court arid at doubts iaxpressed as to tile 10", shave off their eyebrows and carry So disfiguring to the face, forchea4l, and
the dead auimal to the temple, allil lieck, nlaY be entirely removed by the
While ill OlUtfiriO tile ,cups have not try) - "cue -I . hitch out hero?" authenticity of scale portions of useof Ayer's Sarsaparillartiie ilestril
there to be iluteninly embalined. safest Alterative and Blood-Puritier ever
'Guess Sill And the folks 'd rather even doubtvil whetht," solmidiscotir- Mollaultuadells have a kindly discovered.
Gave been of a good average char n Vor And About Women
Waco enorulously large, Yet 010Y Prospective bridegroom Woll no. Lite Now Tostaikietit. The author
actor, and not in a few localities Ila%.e
, the hitchin' done in the house. Bps ill the gospels wicre ever delivered —Old maids fillit thelliNtillf lreaL- fooling for iu,its, from it tradition Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
better than ball been kanwil for many —A gentlouian said to the minis- at all, ed by the o,orlil very much like that their -,rest prophet, when Jill Sold b Druggists; $1.; six bell. . tell for $6.
0 0 . y
Years. This, further enhanced by ter When do you expect 'to Hoe Ordivary secondhand, hooks. They prayer, Out oil' hie rather
tile better prices •for -rain, AN ixTEICNIEDIATE STATE, ell to pi mg .
has —a -ail) ? Never, are notolcl enough to A -P rare, And than disturb one that was curled up
given entire satisfaction to 'our said the rever'-,"T.S-utlentan, solemn- The great Church Coil iesti held not new enough to but deal,. cosily till" it. Fs!�S:p
faruiltig popu)atioik ;this is it result ly t 9 r, -0.3
Ili dpac6il is fit heaven- in Manchester,Eng.,ouring last week —A inan should hold' his face Ili the East, therufore, puss on Cr -- W� , ;-I
we have been unable to chronicle
MR- 91
for some time. With the attentioli Jane Show, of Portland, Ale. losed oil Saturday ; Tht, most sell, three Not Away ilk Coll versa tioll the whal'o Zoo not farts bridly
A Mt.
matioual paper read was the one. of with luell), alli.1 lip u V H re is A hospital for the
the farmers are now paying rb stock- secured it divorce from her buiol wilu 1) z.,�. ill Damascus the
'anon Luckock, arguing.that there your vat, or- blows over your face is sick and infirm of her race ; while, t:) lm 0
by proving that he welit, to a J 11 0
s hi
raising arid products of Che dairy, lit - is All interniediate state after death 8, �-.5 E
addition to their ordinary farm temperance moeting Nix nightti ill P-0-tty apt to be a licheisior. Even it, ut Cairo, destitute cats supported 130
=�,S 6 8 - Aap.
for time faithful where they tidtir- talcilig with your sweetheart it. is by ptibliceliariLy, null :1.1-0 fed (�
work, .44-tooutlook seems most aus- a week And to church twice on Sun- u El Very
livo the procesti of nestorati afternoon at it fixed hour .' We c:tu
1� C)
picions for this at u rdy portion of our "ay' Olt 01' beet L t u Isol-I ell "at prolier tiurveying
development towards perfection. distance— (of courso until tilt) critical '5
pDputation. does the new air] strikes bd M �H
Prayers 'the deuldfor, till ex. uloille.lit coullm, wit are woll acquainted with Clio oxact, �4
you?' asked a Chicago citizen at ell the fa(.Ps 64 .5
While Burin the year the volume dinner. I Sheliasii'tstr' Chicago
tile 'ypt 0111Y It "I d t 0 b 0 nilly be laid auntly but-64444-tog"t-4--
I lained, were tillit" au -d,, whatever linly Ile their ,4 7;'
bhoarretuelit take care not to' bit loo 0>
of general business may not have answered of service to those who died in tit(, er.,D' 5.
red his wife, inoekly, 171 k
8 years, HP,
Illeeti ao large as in iireviou ' "lit faith. Tlioro are, howeverp popai late,for tea,
she lids done Almost everything else. :---','Shut your niouth P 1;
et bvilt" itiore ojonJivrvatiye, the bilifies for tilt-, heathen in the inter- In China iNlistress Tabby b'erself
A farmer's man lorought the Bridget, You are tit("
0 doile lia-4 been safe arid there, niii-diate state, for it is not to hu - ! 1110';t iluPt-r furnishus forth a nioal, for John Pd'
tim R!
lit servant I tivf,r Joid, You Chill;I111all has lio Objection to roust fore villago doctor a note. the other fillho believed tbat'in spite of flit, declare- satiNfactory. Tire weak and ^ with tome difficulty At' always want -10 have ([ill I.-Ait wurtl,' cat ; and it, pariiii� too it the eating
�-Rnd insicivelit. houst?s have beoll e'licum tion of Scripture Clio whole of tile 1�
It out please not AUCTION SALES,
firetty well weeded out ; and with a 'Pe semi Ili(- it bottle heathen world will be com8igned to 11w botisesin thesuburbs llially a s;4vui.y
ICY1 we "do' Of fiss-ic", lial 10, exclailkliz;d tile Perdition. The 11-ev. Ceiii1bil ra b bil staw."r i r i t. cul I d rtiij)l onstrate.
con.tillualice 0'f this poll Pei. J10% Call 1.10OW-60f0l'OhiLlId
doct.or, 11 F-i-lisic, doemiA spilil whin yez are going to quit answer- in tile.,, accents of its native tuntue M. CARLING,
,'lot anticipate al;vtlliliiy but pros Bested that the ignorant who lived 0
• perity 'in financial . arid a, voininorciJill physic. Doi, it. ailliwerod the Christiall [arid wl�ll, in this filter- ing ino back V - I . would givo vent to an uumislak"abio The Peolde's Avietioncer.
circles for some tittin to coino. rnmtic,-41 %%-list (to it, spell, tile,,?" lilediate state, Rtitild in the same —Expectant 'motlinro, if they I Illia0w. , The work nion who 1, Ill-el,al-0,1 to cIllIII,t S:11,s t 11 t
'rhe doctor gave it up, witilt beldtV childrvil, should b. patronize t1 's dainty dish, knu Ill)" the voillity lit' litiroll.
In England there has bHen fill . . cateocry as (it(- heathen proper, but e "' C,
—.Little boy Pei what does there is Ito chalice for wilful untie- .1; e not gatisiled a Larne Experience. Illel-Ills as lou, &.1 all%-.
extraordirtary morn carefifl ot, thuiliselves tIl,ll i this Oick, ar unless
iniprovenai-nit in genuine rabbit's head is servud ill
b1lipping,.which is taken us all in., I phenomenal ' mean I " Father It liovers—for them therti ii,lJO resto- usual. No overwork ;too worries - Satisfaction gnarantQed.
is a. word used by the citizeus of ration or return. no exciteillit-lit'; plail IIUL�410118 too. But a French cook •is nut, farmers and others wlin ttl(ly till,il, own
dicati6n that trade is improving not interoostsillhould call or, or, ailill.
,only in'England but throughout the Illinois, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska ITIll(OVES fool ; abundance OfNitiell, with reg. e1wily nonplussed lie makes
world. -2%e Merclicint. when they refer to the growth of ular hours. [The Above, itenia are arrangements with dealers in rabbit T. !il. CARLING, CLINTON
their respective towns. It doesn't A gentleman approached tire fruit frotu Pisyti,r's Ifeldth Codv']. skills to let hilu have the heads. for
m.ean uluch, stand of ail Italian woniati, whom : —Ali exchirlip says a bill ))as a trilling sum.and. with a stock of'
these on hand he is enabled to over -
EARLY CURRENCY. lie found t,ery intently enatigeil in twoll itil ro'luct-d° intra the Le isllt. Ca
Pittsburg Dispateli. John, what olloi% is that?" reading a book. • collic his. customers scrupleii, and ntelon's WASI,
hire of Nollitucky which prohibits
Cloves, love. But that other ? " .1 ass Olt Pussy for Bunny again
It isnot a generally' known Ii i s, Allspice, toy beloved. But "What Are you road lot, lunatic, and again. The Cheapest and Best
ing there;, my marriage NNith ail' ill;
orical faact that from 1771 to 1784 isn't thi-re at ochor I Yes, apples, n to interest drutillat d,.
good wonian, that seem pauper, vagrant; tranip,
e . pr o w (snow as Ton n oNsve beloveolust. v "Just oil so much 7" lie inquired. "Tit, gambler,- Any person rend- all account sent in by a lilliu, 4.r
once more You named Bragge to tile East hidill
Golupaiiy in 1621,- v�o learn, that
e Clation, ot'llmy person. I T_Q
a Cats were sonletimes exported, and
with their ],tile brandy now, I think you'd thatV -(,oil told nib himself," that it) pa rent ly with great success.
becouting, dissatisfied C
_North Carolitia, "Raishis, my nio�t be,lovedirtst, Word of Clod said L'bre wotimu. Pre(] physically ljelplvss� Or lin6t; for
Yho told you
I that iw 1785 Clio T iinesseean. the warriftoo r
. . q, "Well, jobil, if you'd I Irink just "The \Vord of God I I with a violent temper, or who has,
organized a state toake a good mince -pie. answered the woman. "God told Within One year, been a frequ6titer J1
Ilei is the hilt Item for twon-ty.
government - under - -the nittlIz You How (lid 'lie 'to. that 7 Of aliv ifilmi-ral house;' QrL Idthe Market. Sue then).
�A recent English' testator Ile, 1) 0:4 "11.1d'a great Irfally C
of "Franklin " which west ; . 1;: C, (,efts,
0 Intl Ill. It- Have you over tallsed: with (,o,l 3 - I . 1 .1
qnpatbed bis -wife ono fairfbing, . . Ile CIVIA-brittetl Dr. Abernethy wbich Under Oud, rid. away 'and
ed.for some years. The state aftor� flow did"JI(I tell YOU, �'tllllt this tle- styli -ill an d d u ra I Open i T
directed the executrix -to stylish 11" t a 11 Ilm 01)
which. lie dire . is u s cd tossty, "every sick titan is a voured ail tile hatt.4 i.11 Silitt. 'Island
ward organized*disbanded,aijol teiri- forwardHis Word V' Not being aecustool�. rascal." I' it) 06r I 117 G G I FS -WA
to her by post, ulipaid, Ile- t been asserted' that (11ormild which formerly cate
.-toriul Tennessee. was again ell to- discuss q,le8tion, oil theology, 1,61-Y 1"e'A Material and Close Tricep
r- ill c*use in his-Ii-fetime she was ill the many a pool- fellow hal; swung from ill) ,tit your curio, and many othel, .
ed to North Carolina. - The follow, habit of addressing him as "Old the woman way -a little confused. the gallows because the; judge lisp- blessod fruites which that laiid
ing is au�ong Lite laws passed by the pig " Acro. -q 3,000 miles of oceanRecoverilig herself she Paid. "Sir, Polled to.have a lit of indigestion, affurded. •)Voll, .for their,will
. o -
legislature of the State of Franklin, blu'p, it looks to um very-mucl.) Ila if con V061prove to'tlle there is a sun "(flood fjoalth" recommends foe demand of you but X5'alI icc() fur A. Cantelon, Propri,
we, copy it -as fou -marl ill a speech by *ti 6nr lady hFid sized up her ]life up there i -ll, ho-i-aveo-l" "Prove it," I"Ll-lult,4 who fill(] •thnir childrea un- the Duc-ToR, and lot the Cutts goo.
Daniel Webster on the currency of
1838: lamented with rninarkable acumen. said the Joan, "why do ),on ask me govel-lial.,li., Ilotwsth4landing dle Use X100, Os, Od,
to prove it. It proves itself., it of the roll, 110111 adviep, ofplA wise During Clio Middle Ages it very'
it enacted by the 'general �06
Be warlimuleividlioeeit.,; light, what writer, sity,, Lhitt 'vow's milk is much curious' custorn tirdvail.4 at Aix, TS
MC0. On the day of Corpus '1 N% ill J bv 1,1�
Assembly of the state of Franklin, butter proof can any ot,101. want 7" butter thl", cow's hide,' 61, i 04— .n I- r A l'I'l Yl Wl- I It L F T I 11-* V LA' IT.
Ilativ par. in Prove
'd it is hereby
r children aft an enacted by tile The Montreal Fresbytery has sent The woman ajuile(l siflil said, "Just ent4 who give tile.i' Christ!* a cat dresscd ivif,-, [,;,•thvr or i%,,I.— , nv IJAI
in swaddliug NZ11,3411 "
authority of the same : That from so. Yom are right. And that is to colillsel, fiend clothes was exhibited in Jl shrille, f:ollik.-%0lo -.A;11 l." Ellu
thelst-da-yof January, 1789. the stroll ,l petition to tile way God tells this -book is flip
their,boys to, the saloon arid' th, b0fOro which incense was burned GA lo; imuEn
Cut tilt- real cile1v fo, * n the
-a of th',;6overner Gellert,], protesting Word. I read it, And it Warms me the a ise of morbid -a strewn. John's 4
tile. salaries of, the officol this brothel by the,u At and flowei On St. 'I'lld it ill
commonwealth be as follows against Mr. Mercier's !,emuit E4tate and gives full light. I Nee Him ill inflairied Appetites, engendered I,y 'DaY at tile saine town, a'nuiubof of 1.4
I , - % 11. J;i:1wl ;15. 10ol 26
Isla exoplIency the governor, per Act.. 46�-alld, wl at it says i -i light awtl ill(,- irritating And. passion stinjul -I M' 1-clier
at. cats wore placed in a basket, carried rift.
cui.t 11"'p
A Highland minister, not a h-u-nd, warmth which tione'but God call in solemn procession round tile city, '01 .. .... I i 1J _1, k"d
Rnnum, f,000 deer mkitim. ing foods with which they feed then
red miles from llvor6eas, waF; pray: give, and No He tells tire in flis at the tablo: Somebody has well and then burnt in--ffio market-plac(,.
Hit; honor the chief justice, per
ing very earnestly for rain when, all Word. What more proof (to I need?" suit], 'Thorn is loullgion in a loaf Of The origin' of this.brutal 01.18toul is
annum, 500. deer skills• of a sudden, a gust of wind sent in —Soiss. bre.4d. It ii equally true Clint there not known.
The secretary to 1114 excellency one of the old and dilapidated In Denmark, Puss was formerly 2T.42PROPE'RTY FUR 8,kLE OR
AUJUINIC, WITH A SCEPI'l ',.';T. Advorti.sers will fled "Vic
-0ye g6igrnw,-per annum,500 racoon C. is infamy alit] perdition in witice
held in high estimation. A curious i i
windows, oil seeitig which, the good plea, spliced pickles, ginger snaps Re"s-fteconl" one of tile t),,Rt ol.�jlillnlh
"The Bible the word of (sod !., ex- in tire county of Iltiroll. Advertise ill
old man wound up his prayeri 'Oil, and pepper,snucp," story is told of how when tile wife, oT1 N,k eor(I"-Tile 14;Uble Circulation
450 but yr- ken yertiel', Lord, this is per claimed a young sceptic lit the its Tho-Ife
The treasurer to the at . a t,, ie hear. NIARRI of tile ]>'!shop of Odensee died, her Talks to t'aiisand,.4. ItaWs as ow as till)*.
racooll skins. fectly reedeeculus. We dinna went ing of a friend. "No, it is the invel). ED* PRO111-F WOULD BE HAPI I Fit four cats, arrayed in White satin,
Each dounty clerk, 300 beaver onything but just what i.% needit ; tion of .men," If Louie troubles were never told with black velvet calls and Plumes,
skills. ailyo dirilla gir ns that, Olt Lord, "Tile Bible claims to he Gotl', to utiighborm• were buried beside her in the
• Clerk of houiu of commons, 200 forgie us, ail' dinna. spile ont, kirk. ' word, does it not Asked the Christ If expellw..,l wi,m, r')roportioned to Cathedral of St. Knud,
racoon skins. —A partial change has' taken tail. l receipts, But in England at this very Name
Members of the, ass,,nably,
place in Lite pantorato-ol'theCentral Yes, the Inert who wrote it preterid time orlb-49' especially . black ones., I N go
.per Methodist Church, Stratford. At that they 'mpoke am they were inow-sl Tf they tried to he ivi agreeible as wtila held in righteous horror.
,diem, 'three racoon skirts. . % ineeting of the conference spe ill cofirtiihip il.iys. They were looked upon as allied
Justices' fees for signing a war- collInlitt 0 cittl by the Ifoly Olho.-it.' If each rvnle4JJiher(,' ,)vitt the powers of darkness, and
7' ve at Rificardius it was de- 'Ili tile Bible, then, is not what (I that. -tile
rant, one muskrat Hicin. tided, in •uuisou with Itis wishes, 'it clain,8 Co other wall a litimaii being, •and no many a floor lorioly creature sufror.. /ABRAHAM MI TRS
for serving a warrant, that Rev: W. E. Treleaven should be, it is, you think,
k, Ili) Oil angel, ed death its a -witch, oil ricco uit, of
To co'nstab . Ili imposture, andits writers liars Ili her fondness for a black c:'It.ones I
go to college it, place of another who "Yes, that is what I believe If fuel alf(I provisions were laid Market Sqware,i
since in,( ur
Enacted into 64 law. the 18th wa"apPO'llte(l tOgO but has ' 1100041 men would not lie and . . I ilig the high tide of -Summer
day of Obtobor, 1789, under the fallen into steady work,
Mr. Tre.• deceive, would they Ill work. COANSUS11"I'los ei,ln,,i). GODERICH.
great seal of the state, leaven is now in Lucknow prc1maring Ali ell] physi0an, retired rrom lirnietiue,
to go to College tit Cobourg, for "Of course not," If hath parties s;enwinbeaed that having ball placed ill his haillis by all
0 which plaeo lie leaves next week. ITI I e n the Mill;!, you aro sure troll as they married fo�worms, a, East India missionary 'the forill ula or a
for better. stinplu vegetable remedy for the slwoly WEST OF ENGLAND SUI1_
COLORS THAT HAWNIONIZE, it is undorstood the Listowol diffi, could not have been writted by good 8114 periliallellf cure of collstl ti N -GS & TROUlSERINGS,
culty is still unsolved. men V If filasculitio bills of 11-avanas air(] Broijohitili, Catarrh, Amthina alit all
Red and violet do not accord well. "I feel certain that it was not." feta nine dittoi for rare laces wore throat cud Lang 'List) a Positive .8,00TCH TWEED SUITINGS &
CATHOLIC AND INETHOD19T THE SANIF. turned into tile getmiral fund until Jill rads all cure for- Neivous DOlility ana
Orange and yellow accord inconi- IVLow, anmwer me candidly. ftllNery Use mplaiuts,artc�llavillg
or t(,.,t.
parably better than red and orange. The Chwistimi Leader says: "Our Does tile bible colljoinn sin, arid FREINCH A'�Xl) ENGLISH . NVO R -
such time as they could be incurred ell it.4 wouller it cinative powers in tll`"N- Z
risk. ana,, or va4eq, ing felt it his 4111ty to lllal�c
Black never produces a bad effect Methodist friends are not, afraid to t it pe,, t (, I it known , tostiffering followio. Acturt- STED CLOTHS,
,11 built [,litu witf, P ullish_ without t
wisail it is" associated will' two i'llitatte the Catholic, though for the meat Ill It ineti would remember that a ti'll by 00.141114 OV0 J11411 it 110,ilC to 1-i'lielle
luminous ucolors, thing imitated they take what they "Yes," rather reluctantly. woman cannot lie Fit ways smiling who I hunian liutrl�ring- I will sciiii free or Afade liq) ill Best Style and Work-
Green.and blue pr9duca air ill, deeinthewheat and leaves behind ham to'cook tit(- dinner, answer tl:e obarge, to all will) de4ire it, this recipe, lit me?n.,Op at Ahrahmn Swithlit.
------,�Iffoerent effect, but better when the the chaff, They IlDo(u4 it condemn lying find decep. Guilliall, Frellell Or English, with toll
are accused Of
colors are deep. proposing Jig establish an order of,tion ? door b�.Il half n dozen times, and dil-4,01,111'.4 rol"preparilig RIO lishig. Sent
get -rid of a upighbor who has drop. by mail li� wi,irl,,s9ii g witl� 8t,hilill. I illinlill
Blue, when ylaced by the side of nulls. The word misleads in a yi�al to Yes,' a little sharply. "Would ped in, tell(] a sick baby, tie up thi-91firiper. NN' TXoVi;4, 149 Poirre 8 Nole ill Vloek ont' o/ the rl�
increases the letter's 'inten- pArtieu [or. The , late Confernew bad mon—driceivers and liara7-melte (b- ' Bloi-le, Rocho'k?'-N. -Y. I
aiiy, and vice wersa. made provision for forining a body a book tilat. condenina their own. o cut finger of a two-year,olj, tie 607 -tow. and blvil sforN of
Green and violet, estivicially when of dimconemseq, to live as it Coll). sills lip tit(' head of a five-yetir-old oil
skates, and get all eiiflit-ynar-old 8,I)it), in a siWooll at WINTER CLOTHIN
light, form acollibillation prele�iable. nitluity, to be.dilitinguisoed by It fic, "They would dot bo likely to (10 really for Nehool, to say nothing of Gloucester, said tlie Catiadifing wore
io green and blue, caller style of dress, slid to he set so, certainly." I use
But the Tilt-, young sceptic felt the ground A woman with till this to contend they kollew that after til, presidoutial AND OLOTAS.
Red and blue accord passably, apart to works of charity. cleaning, swe"Vil1fr dusting, 0c, willing to bide their time beca
especially if the red 1nclillo rather vow of aelibacy is not to bg exacted. giving away under hill), 'and changed with may (Iiiiiii it as a privil(Age to election in the United l States they
to a scarlet than a crimson. Certainly there can be. no objection tilelk d feel a little tired sometimes won)(I obtain a
subject. look anI just and fail, A Fu�l Line of GENTS'PUR
Wlien two colors acco-rd, badly to- to tit( . i instituCion. To those who and a word of sylilpathy Would net arrangenient, oftho fiallorif's trouble. NISHINGS always in stock,
getlibir it isAlwaye advantageous to may like it no harm need come. NO FIRE AND iliftivtwroxv, I be too In ill.-Il'tin vxpoct, from a luall, The pcuplo of England, America
separate them by white, The end in I iew is a distinctively Anodwr paper read with great who durill.1.1 a holloynionli wouldnot still Canada wero too good friall(is n r;u 1my you to tall ora.
Whi'le gray bever exactly produces Christian one. It nii)st lie judged eff,..ct I, y its Ruth6r, Archileacon [fit her carry as mucli its a sun- to o-iiiarrol over a question of this
411tideffect in its association with liv its r,,.sultq, If a deaconess Farrar, 'rapu o iated the old-fa.41)ion• 1 shade. I kind,
lit 0