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The Huron News-Record, 1888-10-17, Page 4
P. r et<uw1(rutvl' 4f'Rlinerts•tXiio iltl kernel of a plum stone, swallowed To the Ladies—John Robertson. pi,ices of toe shell, which cut the ChibirviAlA Clutltiug—Jack ou Brus the wind pipe and resulted ill death. Business Change—Jalues Moore. —Alnjnr Walker' of Ualgnry, N. - W. T., (brother ' of Mr. John , 1,t° r et<uw1(rutvl' 4f'Rlinerts•tXiio iltl kernel of a plum stone, swallowed To the Ladies—John Robertson. pi,ices of toe shell, which cut the ChibirviAlA Clutltiug—Jack ou Brus the wind pipe and resulted ill death. Business Change—Jalues Moore. —Alnjnr Walker' of Ualgnry, N. Notice—T. Cooper & Soo. W. T., (brother ' of Mr. John (treat Dramatic Eveut. }i TIlo'blue cuinntion of- Ontario is is now visiting friends ill Ontario, The Huron News -Record has received a letter front the niaua. $1.150 It Yuar—$I.Qfi in Adraaay. Ker of his faho, Etatiug that oue-}half Weduckday, October 17th, 1888 of his oats bas been threshvd, heitq, have increased in value in live 37 acres, yielding 3046 bushels, [111'Y ICL1•D 11 AUGHBORS weighing 44 lbs per. bush, Rud that millions of dollars annually. loose of them had been sold at 530 United States Still ur Sltf:rluuu per. bush. This is the fourth crop cuoly proposes to give Canada the of oats grown int suecessiou 011 tilt: advantages of nestling • uudor the Batue land. wings of the great American eagle. —Charles.. Tltnilinson, night, Ile would riot force Cuuad:t into watchuuul art the Plowes mill in accepting the bouevolonce of the ' Americans, but thinks we would be Slavery was not the cause `of tho' Much butter alt' untler the now .r "order A. of things. Ito prupuses that erron6ously* think, and its abolition the States assume Lite dept of Cann - was onlyau incident of.'war retalia- da, ani) takn over the torritary of Iion. the Dominion to, hu dividod into 'i several status of the Uuiuu, the ' federal government assuming the + ' dobt of Uull1i'la. , s - rills is a very kind ulfur o( .ill•, Isle of the South; and actually kept 8iteI-I Ila it- It is something like a ;.�. Would-be lurchase.r ufl'rn•iti• to take) ( a e) Ml . over too stock of a solvent trador =' worth $6,000, while Ile tratlor 19 ' doing a gond paying; busiuem, and ' agl'Oeln- l0 pay .$3 000 liabilities. f At the sante Lilco plating the tritller ' In the position to havo t0 palit the most tyrannical majority that goodly portion of the liabilities, ever contrylled the destinies of it Admitting that tile total debt of " Caunda is 8300,000,000; we have is not ill the power ofourneighbors, $+150,000,000 illvosted ill such pro Il.tve the out the bust evidence of ductive entorprisod as canals, rail- ` way'$, lighthousoA, hai'but'$, public moult] squeeze' us if they date to do buil,lin., etc. Ivo have loans so. There are two reaBUua whs y they to harbors, railways oto tu' the do eat •: The astute one that in trade ainuunt of $,15,000,000 Dearing 3 inatters the retaliation squeeze per cent interest. we have Crowu .. __-. --!'thiels ls'h-fch- alt .60 deb-ts ",in acre 119, "Ind the knowledge that force oil would reitlizo $60%000,000. So th;:ir mart wotail lin mat by l.l;u Lh,tt Canada lilts in sight ,bulla fido whole force of the mightiest empire assets amounting to at least 8,750,- the world has ever seen. Absorp• 000,000 as against it debt of $300,. tion i1aans the effacement of Can- 000,000. Ami wu ltre much loss taxed !Lila at the cost of Canada. A hunln_ as Provinces than we would be as ' States of the Union. . Fur Federal pflu,tin(, business the other .,(lay, purpoaes tile- Uuitu•l ,States pay N rtes-Rj,,cuan is noted fur the $5.28 ; Canada pays $5.H . for Artistic excellence of its job dolimt- similar purposes, according to the rlli•nt, and Yet -lvu fll'0 always tl'1'Il)0 latest fin incial stiltainents of both - countries. . But there anything like ed 5000 gunimet lltbcls with $5 a - vquality ends, pound red ink on a white ground. I Ill• Canada we pay nothing for The, work was pronounced goof. pruvincial purposes. Our provin. . -we t1041�1•It, in -doing settle oth•ors, I edit expendittire is met 13y subsidies tri. hellor it. NVe secnred .blito pa- out, or the $5.36•pur, hoad which we per and ;;icon paper at nearly lU0 coirtributo to tho'IJomiiniun Govern- par cf:nt greater cost than white and nieut and by receipts front rho sales niMd )Tit, sumo expensive rod inn: of Provinciitl Urnwu lauds, thuber thereon. The result of this union etc, etc. was the absorption, effacement, anrlf- In the United States, each and . every , State It is nut only to pay ink by the dead colored surface of the .Fedoral t:tx of. $5.26, but au the ground on which it was printed, leverage of probably $10 pot, ]read and it was not a 9llCC0Ba thou g}l the for s.ta-a and municipal purposes. L Some time ago we refurreal to thiel ' matter, which iso again say should ;I not Im lust sight of. 1n Alassarhti- pulitical' union with the L' hell setts, the Customs or Feder at'tax States wuuld, in like 111'11 or,be paid by the State is alleged to Ile absorbed, effaced, annihilated at a about S25,000,000, the population cost to ourSelvos of three times the of the stafn h?ii; about olie turd ,. 1,h -eel- rlwl -Let nlilliuus. But ill 'i. addition to this, as wo have aaid,•a to assist the pastor of the church by large •direct tax is eollectod' for ' - running the state utaebine-, in the taking for his text Luke xvi 23 last official yo.tr which we have "(.In hell Ile lifted n Ilia P, es being P Y s g d,tta.for amounting to $34,755;927 in tornient," and gave a ranlbliag or over $12 per head for State par - disconnected sermon. Un aut.ur- poses tiloue. say evening he bought a pair of Int' 6hlt.irio our averago tax for « provincial, that is municipal .pur- merchants, which he promised to poses strictly speaking, will not pay for on Monday, A But on Men- ainuunt to more than ;3,50 poll day he quickly took leg -bail, 81111 load of I,uplilaliori,. tlkiug city acrd �•• rugal sections together. In the to the woods, rrffluufacturing state of llmsachu- setts, :14 we have giveu official figures al,ovo to allots, $412 per head ' is- paid for similar purposes. ' In tie ngrlcultnral state ofOhlu a sinnihl' Showing to that of J[assac- hu-nods isgiveu, The United States 'y tax ailumited last year to $22,000,- •.. 000 ; the st:tte sari mdnicipal tax to $31,000,000, ora total taxation of '$53,000,000 for a populatiolr of 3,000,000, at the, roto of about $13 pui head per annum for all purjyosns. In Nl'tsachugetts owing to larg;n.r citinA and higher rates ' therein the per capita tax in that I$25. ' state i$ as Clearly ag they be I n Cana lit the salve tax is represent - all by $5.26 Federal and say $-1.50 provincial or $8.76 in all. ' .. It iR tl4 clear its figur'nR and, officill statistics can matte it that I the' citizen of the 1'uited States '! pays three dollars taxes for every `• singln dull;tr paid by the Canadian `' t'ix pflyer, Under thus,,. circumstances it is vary kind, O so. eery kind, of )Senator Sherman, Erastus Mullin ur aliv other Yankee gobbler or Canildiati reuegode to ask Cauadiaus to put into the concern of the great all-out-fluor-biggor'u all-ereatiou lie- publie capital two or three times the amount of our national debt for the privilege of paying three dollars at least—probably four—to every one dollar' we now pay, fur the -roat boon of being a member of and helping to rue the naw anlalcl- nlated curieern This is the dulhu•a and cants uuvulriished condition Ilud argu- 311e111. fiat thero are erivally sub- stautial reasons arising out of Con- ditions of nationality, morality and our bettor form of Giuvernment which will ever and always fulbid Cauadu accepting the kind offer ill' oar American neighbors to 6. nnuexed to then). A1380RPTIO A'. Some ollp- llo favors thu pulid- Cal alrvurpliuu of (.`;lentil Iq the United Stall'st asks,. "Are riot file several status ill [Ile Union absorb ed4 anl duu't they lather like its" well, several oftI - status showed a peculiar li7iy of their lilting their abaorbed pi)l�itiuu whun they ruse ill arms to iudkidualize themselves; lust their boat citizens on tle battle .Bald, broke up L)tku 'hunles of their fathers sail impuvN'lfsht+d thomsulves to got out of theirabi orbed poiition. EDITORIAL NOTBS. Fulj tn,es it well known Canadian bruisor was killed in a ring fight with another pugilist, nut long ago; and tho kill- of this brutal clava, John L. Sillivun, has been 'nearly dead from the ilftivts of dimipatiun. 1'he world were well rid of such Itnillials. Since the-eneritl eleetious in 1887 there have been 32 elections hold to fill vacanoit•a caused by depth etc, This is about 15 poi. Dent of the whole Hausa. As the result of these 33 by-elections, 23 have hone Conservative and on y 9 Llppusitiun, Anti till the titre the idiotic fad, Commercial Union, has Venn hold up by the Opposition Fur the ad iniring mtze of trite electors. The Wiuuipeg (,'rill demands that 1;Ut•al'nvl• Sehuliz, in view of the laulltiug uviduncti of cutruption Ioaiu:,L thu 0rovilway A}iuiAtl•y, .0 dismiss it•a Anti tho hrue friss miteuues its charges and dices jivenway t•,• t ilei' un with Ilia libel niits, while the P..tuuliur lungs firm ►pl,ar01111 afraid thIt Itis linu title ,rit I'ricuds will flu what he iusists >n but dreads—piuvo thu truthful - less of their accusations. Three waeks frunittst]•day wo Lupo :u Seo chronicled the election of ilovolautl as prosidt;nt of tho United 3t.ites. lie is it t uuri-Cau;uliilu is 801110 of our pauplu slippuso, caused itl The sauce CrQwll pro. secutor who asked to have the first sentence review'ed., It was his duty to have furnished the Court in the first place with Lite criminal record. of Ilio prisoner. It would seen, that the more pity it Main o •ts out of Ile public parvo fur Being publiu business tile less attention lie gives it. One half the British ,revenue is derived front import and excise dudes. The other halt' is Lunde up ul' $60,000,000 frutl stamps, $5,000,- 000 laud tax, $10,000,000 huusa tax, $8U,000,000 iucutue and per- Routtl property tax, 875,000,000 fruul pustal Bud tn4c."raph services, crown lauds etc. The total ruv- enuo front all sources is $450,000,- 000. A parsuu vindicated. Though the court.sditt riot do it the whirligig of tine lilts duce so ill the case of Rev. Al r. Wilson, the Alethudist minister whu was arrestod by policuulan Jarvis, during the sitting ofConfer- oueu in. Toruuto, buuausu lid would slut "Illovi) Un" while waltin- -oil Lilo side walls to cutch a street car. Jarvis, has been dismissed the force after Luing found drunk ill a huusa of ill faulo. it is nolo pretty certain that Mr. Ivilson's • version of the affair was correct and thabr Jarvis was both druuk and blasphemously officious whnu hs made the ar- rust. I To. The Ladies of G114ton And the Sur foun iog Country. 0 We would respectfully state that our Di. ess and Mantle Department is now complete, comprising all the Y atest Noveltiece. We can satisfy you with •DREN GOODS from Five Cents to One Pollan a yard and with MANTLE GOODS trom Thirty Five Cents to Ten Dollars per yard. 'MISS CURRELL, acknowledged by all as the i.eading Dress and Mantle Maker in the County, is s 1111 with us. Every order. left with her is Guaranteed With her there is no such a thing as a misfit. We CUT FREE OF CHARGE overs Wrap, Ulster wnd Mantle purchased fco;tu us. 0 Robeftsons Gfeat cam store, ciiRton In And About the County Our Weekly Round Up- -Dr. McEachran Donl►nioa--Cusui,us Officer 1 uE t tu;�nr,, „ veterinary iriRpectur, says the Cana. Mo(ttreal, has, heeu distllisZed from dian cattle interest in the Northwest the serviuu f ,r altering till- wi-i;hts is worth ;)5,000,000 of goods imported by a cigar firul. —Al r. Donald Murray, near 1;m• --A. 13rltkh Culuu,l ill trouts• soy,: tiro, bass sold Ilia fine spall of heavy A Ntick of timber watt cut tht- other horses to a teutleulan from Detroit, lay ret the 1111stings Mill wl,icll pias for $650.. '!Trey were only 3 years 106 feet-loog and 24 itches square, old, but weig-hed 3450 pounds. `['bate, were sit wed out or tho foie l� Rev. 1'. 11'. Jeffrey of the li-loo - —Tile infant child of Peter Alt,. OoO .feat of cedar lutober weighing St•. Methodist church, roeonto, is the latest victim of Cltrisiiuti bigutr Mr, Joifrey is nut a total absta er, and sonto reputation stabber, who uviden.tly believes that abstinence is religion„ Started the report that while th.e. ilev. gentle-►nau-.-.was holidaying in Muskoka he had peon souu 'iutuxlc,ited. As he is. one of Ile moat -ifted divines in the church the tongues of malice and slander waggod as though hung ou'a pivot, and Lite to their delici- our morsel was rollod under both ends, the owners delighting in their. devilish toast which foreboded the ba iuning of contention, Their fulness of religiou showed their lath of goodnoss, when lir. Joffroy challenged xh enquiry and failed to bet any one to, make a chat go against him. Gossiping and lybig . goner - ally go.togethor, and tiny b*nin, got by a lie will bnru the flu -ors. Those gossipy scandal moil yo'rs' fin- gers most :be burning badly, for though Mr. Jeffrey's ropotation was smirched he has the •satisf•tutiun of hearing from the -re:lt fit; of the members of his church and the official "board that they do riot believe a word of the foul gossipy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.. Nur irixh it to be di.•tr,,atltt understood that we fie nal h.nld ouraglues resionsibie for the npiltintts xpre.sed by wire-limidents.- Eu. News -Rte• CORD. "STUPID BUiNIPTIOUSNESS," —Erposvr. 11"'Idur Neta liccurd. The !feta Erd would chs g !Methodist" with snot knowilt�o " 'Al what he was writing; about, I�t I have learned that ":tral:odist'; gave the facts;. Every few weeks the Era was courwenting;, ,lie, tipt skelter" on the work t h tk of L 'p S ec' 1 Cornrnitt eo +r appointed' to adjust the ''Listowel difficulty," when, aa(a. matter of fact no quell Colnmittr_6 was ever appoint - .ell. Theio fs a- Conference Special Corntnrittee, I Volieve, which met 8 tt•euks ago, It t they llnvno power to. char -o t4 o stations of ,Ministers. Now, i0he Era is ttaltva.ys,first on the gro idjoith information',' why its presontr silence (since the rvinike' givery' in the Nlnvs-r4wonu) when ovar' three weeks ago; Mr. Howell -dem cliiiud to accept a vaguely worded idvitation from Listowol and it was 'rivauintou•ily a(;reod that the Coufcr� unci appointment sllnnld stanch, as the w604t thin- to he done. laky tiro silence 7 Again, if our local. "Standard" Is right as to the origin of some of the "Era's" items, why dues notthat papor maufully achuow. lodge it and not treat with silence the ISteindard's editorial in which lie is charged with a breach of profes•. siennI honor, (.to ? If he is not right as to tIwir origin, why the falling, off in his last Nveek's items fro n Blyth ? Surely Somo of the Ern's We utterances and publications respect- ing; "church notes" Iladvertievnients" otc, may bo 'properly designated 4(stnpfil bumptiousuess." Out 25,-,88, . A. 11, C, Auction Sale ItehisteN. Partles getting'thclr Sale Bills printed at this Office will receEe a free not -lee tip to (hate of sale, under shove heading. Otherwise, regular acltertking rates will be charged. Tnt•nsnhv, Olrronxit 18th—Farm Stock and Implements,, on lot 35, con. 10, (.oderich township, at one o'clock 1), lit. Peter (look, Jr., proprititln. �.vrrr,n.ty, Orrom:r.20ru,- lfor-w,butch- er cart, bulgy, slcfgtlts, har"t•yR, etc., on 1,h \Luketti ricer, (.Tinton, at. ]o'clock 1.. tit. 11. Rivkin -on, anetionerl. Gregor, of Lanark, in eating tit,- f1 leatetl 1,110 111tillorles lilll Wilted nau kernel of a plum stone, swallowed been rocomnlonded by Cleveland pi,ices of toe shell, which cut the and forced upon bier as the C,hiof the wind pipe and resulted ill death. Executive officer a retal lation policy —Alnjnr Walker' of Ualgnry, N. to which he pulsolvilly is upposud. W. T., (brother ' of Mr. John 'Bali for Cleveland. Walker, 9th coil., East/.orra) who TIlo'blue cuinntion of- Ontario is is now visiting friends ill Ontario, not apparout in Mr. 'Mowat's Com- has received a letter front the niaua. pilations. Accordino•to provincial Ker of his faho, Etatiug that oue-}half blue' books farm lands in Ontario of his oats bas been threshvd, heitq, have increased in value in live 37 acres, yielding 3046 bushels, years$92,677,60-1, or over eighteen weighing 44 lbs per. bush, Rud that millions of dollars annually. loose of them had been sold at 530 Tills is d inuch better 41)owlng flail. per. bush. This is the fourth crop in Buy State of flu Union, in nl'aay of oats grown int suecessiou 011 tilt: of them falrm ,property has decreased Batue land. in value. Excessive taxatiou and —Charles.. Tltnilinson, night, high fates of illtvr•ngt is what is.the watchuuul art the Plowes mill in matter with aur neighbors. Brantford, had an extraordi ry Tho Customs Department came Slavery was not the cause `of tho' to a righteous conclusion -when war we aro rwferrin to, -as, su•nfe• it deterurinad to not appeal the case, erron6ously* think, and its abolition of tile Goverumout against Ayer & was onlyau incident of.'war retalia- Co..'fur'all©oetl violation -of the Cus- Iion. tutu's laws,after the SupreniaCourtof Let Cauatlu OnCa ,got into the Caulidti lnal decided in f;bvor 'of ideshes of the Aineritau Union and Ayor & Co. Tbere is no broad the swino,brute farce that suppressed cuustitlltioual principle involved. the aspirations of the 7,000,000 pee- It is purely tile .. coustruetion of Isle of the South; and actually kept 'Canadian statutes,andiftile Supreme it a tupendoucy to the Xorth will Court of Canada is not equal to that endeavor to keep Lite 5,000,000 peo- the sooner it H abolished the butter. plc of C auada as their hewors of In any event the Privy. Council wood and drawers of water. Cana- of, England could .not be expected duns, be warned in time, 'and do. to prouounro "pun purely Canadian -not wdlk into Unclt3 Sam's gilled local matters niore•intellegenty than p,irlur only to be at the • merey of the highest Canadian Court could, the most tyrannical majority that - The Itopubllcaus in-G"gress ever contrylled the destinies of it ut.Londou, Ont. If tread R re -port people. Even now when Canada have ordered au onquiry into the is not ill the power ofourneighbors, t1'Ly. cut wherefore of the hangitla Il.tve the out the bust evidence of of Itlel in Canada, claiming he was thoir tyrannical instincts 4 They an American citizen. Ile was not moult] squeeze' us if they date to do the first American citizen 1lRngod in so. There are two reaBUua whs y they C,ituada for murder, still If our play - do eat •: The astute one that in trade ful dousins don't mind their pis and inatters the retaliation squeeze "is he w:11 not bo the last. Cana- -would lujuro theilsclses more than than law is no respeetor of parsons, 119, "Ind the knowledge that force oil Al'by are the Repulilieanssosolicit- th;:ir mart wotail lin mat by l.l;u oil.,, nowtabout• the fato of flied after whole force of the mightiest empire their roulainiug quiescent for Soars? the world has ever seen. Absorp• There is a lane French Canadian tion i1aans the effacement of Can- and Itynian Catholic vote which !Lila at the cost of Canada. A hunln_ they arc MOM solicilOUS about than ly illustration occurred in ourjob tibout the f;tto of Mel, They think pflu,tin(, business the other .,(lay, their impertinent resolution will N rtes-Rj,,cuan is noted fur the oil+i'. that vett . ti ive la 11U(llhtlg ! Artistic excellence of its job dolimt- A Curious case of bungling X-11 rlli•nt, and Yet -lvu fll'0 always tl'1'Il)0 judicial matters was that of he t0 4:x001 uvell outsolved. We print. sia, Indigestion, and as aBlood puri• fill' Price 550e. a hntt Gold by ed 5000 gunimet lltbcls with $5 a totally inedequate sentence of five pound red ink on a white ground. I yours imptiaonnlent prola0uneed The, work was pronounced goof. last week f)v Sir Thomas Gaff, upon . -we t1041�1•It, in -doing settle oth•ors, I Buckley bf Toronto rotthe murder- ''11' tri. hellor it. NVe secnred .blito pa- —lllnn91a11 lltel' the1' CRIIOd It— 6 per and ;;icon paper at nearly lU0 of his paril•lnuUr 01'tlpt leObillAOt1. par cf:nt greater cost than white and The murder wa one accompanied niMd )Tit, sumo expensive rod inn: by the most 1 atilt tredtmenl of Lite thereon. The result of this union unfortuuat virtinl who from the was the absorption, effacement, anrlf- proceed.-, r n life of shaunr support- hilittiuu of the ehoory, bright rod ed the lonstor, paid' Ilia fines etc. ink by the dead colored surface of 1111, rvino prosociltnd for the Crown the ground on which it was printed, atl.•wa, dimatisfied will the Judge's and it was not a 9llCC0Ba thou g}l the Sarnia ori Friday, was sentenced to cost was greater. This bright, entente of five years and appealed cheery Cduada of ours in an attom to have the terns 111C1'eA9ed, alleging to better itsol•f by commercial or that the previous infamous record of pulitical' union with the L' hell the prisoner had not been put before States wuuld, in like 111'11 or,be the„°Court. .On Saturday Julgo absorbed, effaced, annihilated at a cost to ourSelvos of three times the (;alt illernns -IJIin terns' of punish - taxation tea Hutt• pay ulydor a hattor 1 moat to fiftonn yens fu the penf- con'lltioll, tontiary...Ntid rho bungling, who caused itl The sauce CrQwll pro. secutor who asked to have the first sentence review'ed., It was his duty to have furnished the Court in the first place with Lite criminal record. of Ilio prisoner. It would seen, that the more pity it Main o •ts out of Ile public parvo fur Being publiu business tile less attention lie gives it. One half the British ,revenue is derived front import and excise dudes. The other halt' is Lunde up ul' $60,000,000 frutl stamps, $5,000,- 000 laud tax, $10,000,000 huusa tax, $8U,000,000 iucutue and per- Routtl property tax, 875,000,000 fruul pustal Bud tn4c."raph services, crown lauds etc. The total ruv- enuo front all sources is $450,000,- 000. A parsuu vindicated. Though the court.sditt riot do it the whirligig of tine lilts duce so ill the case of Rev. Al r. Wilson, the Alethudist minister whu was arrestod by policuulan Jarvis, during the sitting ofConfer- oueu in. Toruuto, buuausu lid would slut "Illovi) Un" while waltin- -oil Lilo side walls to cutch a street car. Jarvis, has been dismissed the force after Luing found drunk ill a huusa of ill faulo. it is nolo pretty certain that Mr. Ivilson's • version of the affair was correct and thabr Jarvis was both druuk and blasphemously officious whnu hs made the ar- rust. I To. The Ladies of G114ton And the Sur foun iog Country. 0 We would respectfully state that our Di. ess and Mantle Department is now complete, comprising all the Y atest Noveltiece. We can satisfy you with •DREN GOODS from Five Cents to One Pollan a yard and with MANTLE GOODS trom Thirty Five Cents to Ten Dollars per yard. 'MISS CURRELL, acknowledged by all as the i.eading Dress and Mantle Maker in the County, is s 1111 with us. Every order. left with her is Guaranteed With her there is no such a thing as a misfit. We CUT FREE OF CHARGE overs Wrap, Ulster wnd Mantle purchased fco;tu us. 0 Robeftsons Gfeat cam store, ciiRton In And About the County Our Weekly Round Up- -Dr. McEachran Donl►nioa--Cusui,us Officer 1 uE t tu;�nr,, „ veterinary iriRpectur, says the Cana. Mo(ttreal, has, heeu distllisZed from dian cattle interest in the Northwest the serviuu f ,r altering till- wi-i;hts is worth ;)5,000,000 of goods imported by a cigar firul. —Al r. Donald Murray, near 1;m• --A. 13rltkh Culuu,l ill trouts• soy,: tiro, bass sold Ilia fine spall of heavy A Ntick of timber watt cut tht- other horses to a teutleulan from Detroit, lay ret the 1111stings Mill wl,icll pias for $650.. '!Trey were only 3 years 106 feet-loog and 24 itches square, old, but weig-hed 3450 pounds. `['bate, were sit wed out or tho foie l� Rev. 1'. 11'. Jeffrey of the li-loo - —Tile infant child of Peter Alt,. OoO .feat of cedar lutober weighing St•. Methodist church, roeonto, is the latest victim of Cltrisiiuti bigutr Mr, Joifrey is nut a total absta er, and sonto reputation stabber, who uviden.tly believes that abstinence is religion„ Started the report that while th.e. ilev. gentle-►nau-.-.was holidaying in Muskoka he had peon souu 'iutuxlc,ited. As he is. one of Ile moat -ifted divines in the church the tongues of malice and slander waggod as though hung ou'a pivot, and Lite to their delici- our morsel was rollod under both ends, the owners delighting in their. devilish toast which foreboded the ba iuning of contention, Their fulness of religiou showed their lath of goodnoss, when lir. Joffroy challenged xh enquiry and failed to bet any one to, make a chat go against him. Gossiping and lybig . goner - ally go.togethor, and tiny b*nin, got by a lie will bnru the flu -ors. Those gossipy scandal moil yo'rs' fin- gers most :be burning badly, for though Mr. Jeffrey's ropotation was smirched he has the •satisf•tutiun of hearing from the -re:lt fit; of the members of his church and the official "board that they do riot believe a word of the foul gossipy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.. Nur irixh it to be di.•tr,,atltt understood that we fie nal h.nld ouraglues resionsibie for the npiltintts xpre.sed by wire-limidents.- Eu. News -Rte• CORD. "STUPID BUiNIPTIOUSNESS," —Erposvr. 11"'Idur Neta liccurd. The !feta Erd would chs g !Methodist" with snot knowilt�o " 'Al what he was writing; about, I�t I have learned that ":tral:odist'; gave the facts;. Every few weeks the Era was courwenting;, ,lie, tipt skelter" on the work t h tk of L 'p S ec' 1 Cornrnitt eo +r appointed' to adjust the ''Listowel difficulty," when, aa(a. matter of fact no quell Colnmittr_6 was ever appoint - .ell. Theio fs a- Conference Special Corntnrittee, I Volieve, which met 8 tt•euks ago, It t they llnvno power to. char -o t4 o stations of ,Ministers. Now, i0he Era is ttaltva.ys,first on the gro idjoith information',' why its presontr silence (since the rvinike' givery' in the Nlnvs-r4wonu) when ovar' three weeks ago; Mr. Howell -dem cliiiud to accept a vaguely worded idvitation from Listowol and it was 'rivauintou•ily a(;reod that the Coufcr� unci appointment sllnnld stanch, as the w604t thin- to he done. laky tiro silence 7 Again, if our local. "Standard" Is right as to the origin of some of the "Era's" items, why dues notthat papor maufully achuow. lodge it and not treat with silence the ISteindard's editorial in which lie is charged with a breach of profes•. siennI honor, (.to ? If he is not right as to tIwir origin, why the falling, off in his last Nveek's items fro n Blyth ? Surely Somo of the Ern's We utterances and publications respect- ing; "church notes" Iladvertievnients" otc, may bo 'properly designated 4(stnpfil bumptiousuess." Out 25,-,88, . A. 11, C, Auction Sale ItehisteN. Partles getting'thclr Sale Bills printed at this Office will receEe a free not -lee tip to (hate of sale, under shove heading. Otherwise, regular acltertking rates will be charged. Tnt•nsnhv, Olrronxit 18th—Farm Stock and Implements,, on lot 35, con. 10, (.oderich township, at one o'clock 1), lit. Peter (look, Jr., proprititln. �.vrrr,n.ty, Orrom:r.20ru,- lfor-w,butch- er cart, bulgy, slcfgtlts, har"t•yR, etc., on 1,h \Luketti ricer, (.Tinton, at. ]o'clock 1.. tit. 11. Rivkin -on, anetionerl. Gregor, of Lanark, in eating tit,- f1 :30 -tuns. � o . kernel of a plum stone, swallowed —Ori Tuesday. LIW..Bm tar $r..s, pi,ices of toe shell, which cut the -,,4d 7,000,busbels of itlanitob:t No. the wind pipe and resulted ill death. 1 hard for 81 per hu41...1. Their —Alnjnr Walker' of Ualgnry, N. farm l 91x 1111104 .Ilnl'tt of tha.Por. W. T., (brother ' of Mr. John tags•, In Prairie. Thrm, Yeilrs ago Walker, 9th coil., East/.orra) who they fill-( less. Lhan �I?000. ;\uw is now visiting friends ill Ontario, they have 480'-av,'-s paid for arid. has received a letter front the niaua. money ill the hank. Ker of his faho, Etatiug that oue-}half -- f li,n' = J'aln*'s Pattou,Tortmto of his oats bas been threshvd, heitq, Ct'ollvetor of Custuuls, «;Ifs found 37 acres, yielding 3046 bushels, dyad in his ofilee ill the (lustom- weighing 44 lbs per. bush, Rud that house Friday morning;. He was loose of them had been sold at 530 fer Many years parnier of Sir John per. bush. This is the fourth crop Jlaeilnnttld, and Wits nppointed Col• of oats grown int suecessiou 011 tilt: loctur of Cllstonrs nn A41ril 14,•1881. Batue land. lie died of au apopleelic fit. —Charles.. Tltnilinson, night, , —In the American House, Mr. watchuuul art the Plowes mill in .Hatch, ofAiisao.uri, rising to' a Brantford, had an extraordi ry question of privilr'ac, stated that in experienceTueSd.ty. He mss -i... a speech dilivered by him at Kirks - souse warp at id,out 5 a. ii , and villo, Missouri, guide Lillie ago, lie took off' l,ls Cola anti v0tit, t .latter ' had said that the Oliver chill plough Coll tit iiti1) a roll of bi114, to le calor tt;orkii, at South Bond, Ind., export - of $177. when hl- pro ceded to, all !!loughs' to Canada Anil sold put ori his things agniu lih discover- tlteur at au average cost of $4 less ed that 1,he ioel had Ina peare , than they sold to American faruer$. he searched high antl It#w until fou'.. Since that time a gentleman rtisid- o.clouk ill trio Iffterk/mon, when alis mg lit 'Kirltsvillo hud received ;a diligence was rl-wartj//e d by :discoyer- letter from the Oliver Chill Plough iug the missing roll ton a sill' in the Company, denying thrl •corroctness basement near a r4hole. ,The hills of his stalenient, and declaring that were soulewhat Knawed, but other. the ivurhs' had little or notrade wise, they will j rove just as service• with Cflnada. 'He (Hatch) had to - able its ever. ,' day w•rittten to the Oliver (-ihill --Tile pgitplo of-Seaforth are' Plough Works reiterating hill stale - 0 very nn icV excitot( oiler. a little,-"'ant",'afld giving as his authority occurrealcF� in whiolt • tile: Xfedical ._ ir.,11-aiahinpton, colnmrit ial,n eel, .. Health %fficer, it doctor, and 'the ut.Londou, Ont. If tread R re -port Mayor are the principal parties. transmitted to thoStatel)('1lartment Ic duan that a case of diphtheiia by inn. Washington, staLing that broke out in the -doctor's Louse and ' the Olivor chill irluu;;h, which, in he/did riot report it. Then one of the United States cost 16, cuu bo t)41 1)Iayor's fatuily, who lives itext purchasud iu Canada fur $12, do0C caught the disease and Isis Worship failed to report it, but the 31Alt1itL4CLS, IIealth Off,,er heard of it anti on- J01iN-„,`0\—Sl'60K. -At the rgsidt•r.ce dered the houses, to be placar•dod. OI tbo britla'R 1111iLliti Ulu the 10th inst The 1'1ayor appealed to the Board by Lite Ray. Juseph F;ilge, 1L•. Jolla ..._ of Health and they, havinga great Johnston to lttiv4 Sophiii Npcek botheof deal of respect for his official posi• Clinton. ('1FFORll-111h.LS.—At Stratford, nn tion, ordered the Health Officer not , ,Ort. 9th, by Rev. W. S. tIriffin, D. D., to put up the card, whereuj.on that assisted by Ret•. 0. It. Tui'k, Itev.0. A. ' r officer resigned, .etatulb that if . hu t;' , 111,11 i11.A. 1'b. s , ll., (a. Lill of 1letbu• did not receive, the Support of ti (list church, Aet"u, to lleula, thiltg inter Board he could not fulfil''hia duties. ut'Jobu 11'. ..fl., Stratfurd. , Mills,' Dr. II. U. Alackid was then appoint. ^' ed but he refused to accept giving Ilundreds have usell Powell's as his reason that if the BoArd would sarsaparilla and Burdock for dyspep. not • snpport his predecessor they sia, Indigestion, and as aBlood puri• fill' Price 550e. a hntt Gold by would not su PP ort him and the town 8. all druggists. 488.2t is now without an health officer. This reeiduiMa're biecmuin_ alarow,l__It is Stated tial) Mr.'Joiw and are taking their children out of Small, 211 'P” will. Le apl•uiuted the school, fearing a spread Of Lila of C'ustonis In Toronto. disease. .Colleetors -- ........... _-- -Tire Paris . Transcript says : 'I'o havo good health use Powell's Tile Alcthodists of Princeton have SBrsaparillaand Burdock, it Cleanses been sadly deceived by a fellow who and on riches the blood. Price,fi0c.. a Called himself a minister. Ile visit- bottle. Sold by all druggists. 438.2t ed a Mr. Siples, of Burford, nn -- ---' - Fridav, with whom he stayed that —C•harlcs Johti tou,Lite notorious night, and who drove hfm to Prince- crunterfuiter who was convicted at ton on Saturday morning. Here Tie, Sarnia ori Friday, was sentenced to quartered himself at the Alethodist 'fifteen years' Imprisonment. paraollage., claiming to be Rev. Kennedy, the pastor of a Have you dyspepsia? if 80, use ' largo Alethrol►4t church at Rapil powell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock ; the mostowerful rimed in the City, Pennington county, Dakota., market. Price 50c, a bottle Sold by Ire was having his holidays, and all druggists, 4RR•2t said his trunk had miscarried, and knowing souin people in this vicinity A'IARKET 11EPOUTS. lie would -visit until itsarrival. III (Corruutudo('or),Tues4A1•afternoon.) the meantime lie was quite willing CLINTON. to assist the pastor of the church by Flour.:......................$5 00 to 5 50 preaching on 5nndny. This ho did, Fall Wheat, new tit old 1 14 to 1 .20 taking for his text Luke xvi 23 'Spring Wheat ............. 1 ly to 1 210 "(.In hell Ile lifted n Ilia P, es being P Y s g Barley ..................... G 50 to 0 75 oatB......................... 0 133 to 0 33 in tornient," and gave a ranlbliag PeRB......................... 0 62 to 0 63 disconnected sermon. Un aut.ur- Apples,(wfu ter) pet bbl 1 00 to 1 50 say evening he bought a pair of Potatoes ..................... 0 35 to 0 40 boots from one of the Princeton Buttor.......... ............. 0 14 to 0 1,14 merchants, which he promised to Eggs .................•......•. n 00 to 0 15 pay for on Monday, A But on Men- Hay ...........................13 00 t914 00 Cordwood.......'..........., 3 00 to 4 00 day he quickly took leg -bail, 81111 Beef. ........................i U UU to U 00 when he was gone they traced him wool:::::::*:: ool....... ................. U 20 to 0 25 to the woods, Pork ........................ 0 50 to fn 70 C n • ,. ., .., ':l. .. ,.. ,-. ..t`ti ... -f. ..,- w .., .. ... .. ..... ... ... ... .: ...,.r...", , J£hN fit' n�"i,.',i.�...,,,, ,.. .�. .. -,.. .. ..._......(......, ...n•WW.d.Kd1bA.,o4,...... ... _. _._. .. ... ....n... � .P:...r,. fw.va..uU. «1'. a..uhw.nA4.•,:4 ., Pr...,., e. w.0 ...r..n ..�, m..5..v...x,u