HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-17, Page 3• .. x
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Ilie 1Hluron News -Retard (loin Int 000;• -'-rile urged the Jagts of - f3'U, '/ (E DIR CT t�
hes'' oegtaointallcb and bad terms t4 Xrt H 1.
#1.he4Xeat--t1LrOInAdvenee. Witll the iilurdered lculbhl; and
r aua
_..--------- Moreover, eertoin eatn'efiail)ut� olti
r . 1 - � ? ONFY to lend In large or a.malJ fit ural D
hatred which she had been heard to t'lltt t4�. 1.f� good wort66•ages or FFrorseaul kert)rlty; .
Weditsesday, October 170, 1888 mwmw Cd•LM Ehe lamest Cotten E rated. !i. HALE, Huron•at
_ utter seal% t him. The vd)y eoeup - _. rtinton,
6 Clinton. Feb. 26, 1881 lv
end Iuttnuer of his destruction, lie to'W
Y' H��^1ay
FOR OUR STORY -READERS', is, id, Spoke to liar undoubted preju
Licentiate eLDontnl Surgery, ]inner Gra,latite MONEY.
dtCe,---Ihc first a private closet ill of the Toronto.Sullool of Dentistry.
her own bed -chamber, and the hist �RIVATE FUNDS to lend OU TQ,t n and Far
THE WIDOW OP GALICIA. )_ Y NltrousOxideGue(ulmia[stcredtorthupabdeas
lzy l olefin, )L ltich )F0 -a likely to bo _ - .. ' extraction acetal. property. Apply to
employed by a woman. rather than f Oilice-9ver Jackson's Clothing Store, next to C. RJDOUT,
.'Sita, behold in file PATENTED SEPT. 7 1888, Pout Office, Clinton. O1Ree, next Nzws-RRCQUD (Up -stairs Albort•S
any weapon Of violence. After- ' I Night 13e11 answered. 869 Sit, )
A wretched fraction of divided lore, Y P
A widow much deject; wards, he interpreted to the same J
Whose life is but a sorry all of crape, P I Will visit every Thursday at Brueedold, froom
conclusion tho abrupt flight of the Somethin Entirely New. 8 to 10 80 A. w. • Varna, from 11 a, u,. to 1 p, L'n MONEY TO LEND on stood mortgage or
Ev'u cut it when you list." P $ Bayadd, from 2 p, w. •gggy MONEY
security at Io vast currant rate of
OLD PLAY. walting.maid, who, like a guilty and iia interest. At. b1eTACGART. '
There lived In tile Province Of I fearful accomplice, had disappeared A Powerful Heater. Clinton, Feb. 28th, 1888. 485tf _
Galicia a lady so perfectly beautitl WhShever her inistrro@9 was arrested; Economical on Fuel. �Pltdtrax. --- --
ful that she was Called by travellers, and, finally, he recalled the still - - 1111Tit11�,
and by all indeed who beheld her, I mysterious fate of her late husband ; � i R RFEV Office_"Palaca" Brick Block,
the Flower of Spain. IL too fl -e- I so that all +yhu heats him began to �„ Suitable for medium-sized houses "Rattelibury street, Residence Opposite the
-.,-Q ,� F y - z, „ Towperunce Hall, Huron Street. Corunurforthe ,
queully happens that such hand. I band their brows solemnly, and Thoroughly Tested. � County of lluron. Unice hours fro%, s a.,n. t. H TKA 101,901S ��NK.
p• m.
89flle reproachfully, On 1110 llnha) e�� y.yq ����� Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. --y Incorporated b)' Act of I'urNan,ent, !865•
some women lura but as beautifulunhappy
weeds, useless, , or even noxious; object of his discouiso. Still she DIES. --_ _ ___
whereas, with her excelling charms, upheld herself, firmly and Calmly, It van be placed in low cellars or ba°.m(nts. DR. GUNN CAPITAL, $2,000,000
she possessed all those virtues which only from time to timw lifling iter It tins cnsing of steel ,hue %round the firebox making It EST, ik500 000
should properly inhabit in so lovely eyes towards Heaven; but when she and gas tight. 1 g it perfrcUy emoka W• Guilt), M, D. L. It. C. P. Edinburgh L. It, o. _ '
heard the death 9f her dear husband
S. Edinburgh Lico,ciateof the SMWiter). Edit). —
a pei'sou. Shu hall therefore totally it is easily cleafird out, na important feature, as It insures the Furnace 0
(11ce, On c,ruer of Untavio and Wiflhon Sts„ Read office, - MONTREAL,
wooers, but especially a certain old touched upon, -anal ill a manner heating its well ai the end •,f the se:(suA.ns when first started. � 4i8'�'• 'THOMAS WORKMAN, Prosideut,p
n that laid his bloud'tu her ehurgo she —�'— J. u. It. INIOLSON, yiec.President.
Knibht of Castile (bulky in person, . n , Immense rtdinttng sl.rface is Riven, and additional hent obtained by utilizing r F. Wt)LFERSTAN THO51AS, Ueneral Alunager
stood forward. and with hideously coarse features), oo } toll nidi nail placing her that which is usnnlly wasted try pg9glnJr in to, the chimney• rgonia. _
who, as he was exceedingly wealthy, right hand on the heals of her Su u, Thr lire floor N double, life cold air being taken in tit the top and carried -- - Nates discuuntctll Cot Iel•tion dlnact e, UlnlI
made the most tempting offers to ill. cried :— down between (lle dfites to nett(, of the lire place, preventing hent find sparks MANNING &s SCOTT, }'
l b I tit MANNING issued, Sterling and Amertcau ox•
duce her to become his nlistress,and" "So wituesa God, if ever I stied escaping into ilia cellar. change bought and hold at IuAv-
b J J his It Ia easily regulated ty a damper rod in front of the furnace. causing the Bar•tsterii, C„ ebt Current rates.
falai%% In that object b ' 1'daAUll of his father's 1)10011, 9U may 1}115, P p� � I Id'rsausr AT 4 IJNa Csx'1'. ALlpO1,r., at: 1•v2Or,t '
hot. strict virtue, le proposed to deal' Child, shed i,line ill vellge- fire hl pass down aide floes and clear around the fire box, efrecting a great saving ELLi0TT S BLCCK ULIN'l'(/N. I _ M
espouse her. But she, despising auce," of foul. i FARMRRS�_
hits as a bad and brutal man, Which TIM it`w' f:riti is the cher pest that-(adi9s Furnace made, and embodies Molter! to Lout.
I'htln S111k111Ltt1U1Y11 front eXhatl9- all the requirements of a l errvet heater, ble,tey advanced to farwerson their Ua n note
A'AS his Chal'%CLE'P? I'(+t tall the bl('9A• Ilan, find the tile
weeping - A. IT. MANNING• JAS. SCOTT. !�ithone Or'wUre endorsers. No moriglipt re
b bitterly yuired fid becurit}.
it) t of bet affection on a young nen• �• * � -1 i1AL S. �p u. a. Rhr:IvlsR,
o )• b a UYHf hut', the beholders 11'tlle taenia r—""`"-----•- ._—
tlenlltll Uf SI1Ltll e5tnte, ')alt gu9d T. 1. F. HILLIARE) Alauager,r
b touched 1+•Ith CUtllpa9910n, ,11111 O;t LO • FOLn,ar,,. 1584 CLINTON :r
reputation, ill the proviuce, and the doubting of her guilt; but the Hnvin used ,t Hut Air Furi,ace pfir- For the past seven years we have used f' muOc
0 6 2 (Sua+cssor to FII:INIi R. POP'ka,h)
i wy
)eine spuedily mariied, they lived chased flutr. Marland Bros., live years in Gilt Clothing and Furnishing Estab- ItAItItl�iTER. 4QaL1C1'I't)f:, &C. ' o'
evidence btli A0 so Atl'011rr against ��ri Qllir.
b ., ago, 1 (•en stn n;;lr rycr,n2meud it is be• lishmrnt two Hut air Furnaces roanufa,c-
tUgethel' IUi' tht're )'gal's MY htil 1181', She Wit.i'•, immediately Co II- ing the Cht'Alledt nod best wn), of hrntin loved b' ❑arintt, Olfice--Scarlu's Hauck, Opp. Niarket, Albert
pia\'. \uCe'iLl2slallding this, th9 fX ) I Bros., and our expert- Strect, cliuton. ---- -
demued by the court. houses. jt Ip%� fiv-11 m,` flit- very treat once during that time warrants its in I/ IJN•rON Lodge o.
N ill attend Uirisiun ('ofirts At Ra) field nail ill}'ll) i b4, A. F. & A AI.
abUllllflablc I\IlI�I1L (}Ill not, CI'aaU IU sa'i.fnctien, s;mvinpe me :,uuunlly lana j s..,ying that we have etli•c[ed n grentsav- V umeut.� ucer)�' I ridayNo. 4, A atter to Ill. t
It was talo CIISLOIIt 111 t110Aa tltya tell to fif een nollnrv, as %veil n� bring ing in feel, besides bmvio. a better heat- R3I Pnttnr, FUNDSTO LxvD ¢t lowest ruWduf moon. I'isitm{ brt•tbrcn cordially niched.
pursucute her, till, being rudely interest• six
ChrCkrtl by her htr9bau(}, find rot 0� wutnau Iv11U hull Colunlilttl(I less tn,,lble than strives, nod much clean_• ed est%blishnteut find on that hits been -- ______-_ J. YOCNC, t)9. n. J. CALLANDIA:, Sr
g•; IA11Pd�pr tU }IP ht•St etrau0ltld by the Pr. Ynurd IrR %•C'fnily, ' Ilaw.ARI) NORMAN LFw18, Barrister, Sol Clinton, Jan. 14, ISSI. 1'
tlu'uatd n' ,1- a illi his vl•uet mer, ata 1 I !'ter falai the (lisc(nufurts of staves. )A'e �t
(1 Ain^te(1 fur a stns hau;;tu;ut, and then anent to ashes I;PU. (:L 1St;u11'. I strongly recommend hot air in reference ;c;t„r ;u Iii„•h goner, eonvOy,u,ccr, .�o,,_____
Uil. j I (,,Oil and rta)aeld', Money to lout. At are -- --
Ill tilt! 112111 rIL Of L11U• Inal'kaL-plr2Ce' to stoves. JACIiSIIN BRt!S. •t)(1 a,wl"a arcual m, t,r--p----- '�----- -•- $'
The I''un,nce put in nay Iwuse Iry ffar- I p t/1'11Ilije.
It hultpeucd kit Ihn cud fit' the but, helurn this horrible sontt,neu lauo Bills., threC veru ago, hat., given f have nu2ch ;,!ensure in saying Ulnt
third year of their utau'rhigu, that ld be I)rouauneed un the laoly,-a rite entire sntisfncliun, brt
cinmuch•c,exn. the Ileater Placed,, j
by it) my hoose, - -- -
}2] r husb:wd Clring unhappily tour- fresh witur is was moved by the than stoves, more ec'm,r,mical, and m two tears lila, {lives entire snlisfnotion, -
dcred un his r(•tuln f'ruul Madvid, great deal less trouble 1 can strongly I e find it. much cheaper cleaner and ' C. L. N0' 710
Iaetl of C=od to eowo forward in liar recommend them Io any , 4 ' ,
whither Ile hall been called by a perdu':, in pre- more easily managed, .ind in every re. C'I•INTC>N,
behalf. This was tile u'aiLiug-ul%id, ference to stoves, Yours, a1,NCt a batt( r'wmy' of warming m house, i Mesta sacs :, l.ndny of Cpe,y
lawsuit, Shu was left Ivithuut pro- month. %nail Sad fl,,t, f c%,,rl .
I 1laria, "-)to hitherto had remained August 18, 1888, Jus. titi F11'1'EIiEAD. , than by the old system of stoves
tectiU11and 8'0111 the failure of the block, \'Isitiul LretLram nl»Sys
' disguised in ilia body of the court; TheFurnace put is, by you in my I Yull'•'s etc., D, A. Fl13RCSTGR 69e uncle ti'elcoupe.
Cause ninth straitened, besides, in tint now being touched with to. house la.,tge2tSU1 fins giyrn the br`st Cf C. .1y1•,.1t,l,Y W. y f,
her uwnus of lirUln. This time I This is it) leerlifp that Harland 'tiros. R.$)vAtl7Et.D, Sec, C. 8. EERY,
a t IItOrBd at lel' lady's ullln9rittld (liS- satiefnCtunr, and i covsi''er it pea rernble ' placed Furnaces in m
thururure, thtl l�uigflt thought favor- tresses she stood -nil all y dwelling house
• , ! Pile of the to eilhrr cunt or wood dtr yrs, ehring and it) my banking office, and I take
able to renew his it w tuttllleS,ittld 1wilclics and Called out earnestly to cleaner, more en Ily mann and tau- ,plenIUle..ifl_stndan, th-V have given. ler- -
_ _... ... l)aiil)Y.l..retz{ ��ting lire slit ret tress -O ' nomiC%1-: ifA111l'<*'-`3TtTII feet sntisfkctiun. It has nf)rded lme
her grief not her lariat% stair hr tie atloived Lo make liar confession. Uliutou, .august 1888,169
b , Shu thell related that site herself comfort to be relieved from the dust and i;
molested her su Conti unal l that if The Hot Air Flirt nue put in my hwlso ashes, Hold irregular temperature inti- it
t had been prevailed upon by several b Harinud t ros , three dent to hcatin ' b menus of stoves be
it had not been lot- the love of her Y years null), bas I & Y ,
groat saws of moh9y, nn(13 still runts given me the bet of tntisfttctiun, the Sid s all other advantages
fatherless child she lanais halo by Ilio artful tins seducing pr011li8e8 house being mt'Ve Cnmfort,tbly heltled, August 20, 1988. J. P. TISDALL. ,
been cuutent to din. 1'or if the of the dond kfli,, tosec-ate biro in find of uniform temptrnlure,,fill being p p p { �(I
Knight was od�ibus before ha W.as a Clusvt in hur lady's chamber; but The Hot Air Furnace an put in for Preccplory i QI I�I)
� much more econonricnl than tither cont � Y P I �I
flow thrice hateful front his unrli9 or wood stoves, and very easily milli- I roe last fall hits given the very bell, of
b ' that of lhtl cause of Itis lleatIt she aged, 'Crmrs truly., JAS. S1ihPliL (tD. satisfk'clion. 1v'e have been mile tokeep (Bluele�Kt,i. ht, f f 1rrluNd)
gained brutality' and above ail kIIc%v Nothing, exCupt that anon u I the wliolehouse'(Which •h%s nine large - ”
execrable in lel' tlyeE, f'1'Onl a 5115- shelf she hold] lacud solve 's II"eat The [lot Air Furunce put it, m ' house 1 rooms! 1 a temp o ruts in the Clinton Orange lull, the eecond
p l } fl efmtltre Of front 65 U) cchlesd A}' of ovary ,!shit, at 7.30 O'clock in
1)tC10ll that 119 }fall Ln'UClll'ed talo labt year by Ilarinud Itrny,_ worsts .well, 1 7110, with attending to it three. times, in le aceu;ua. I'isitin;; Sir Knights wail always
CmkaS, n11Xed with :11'391)1 C, CU ,OL90n ceiccu hu,rt)-acicumc, -
a89i1S51llati0n Of ilei' sato' IIUSbunit, 1 i9 Cleaner, less trouble, and snore (,Co. 1 24 hours. I Would lilt. a stove in
t}Ie ],'Its, allll Lhat•Lh0 knight, bairn nomieal luau stove,, I can strongly I under an' considerm6ou, its your Furl-. 1. Nt. Twill, WorAipr„1 Preceptor '
She was obligLd huwevor, to con ° lay ) rantt0a ILISLN,,', ncputy i rc glint,
b ° ) rather, gluttOnuU9, 1111ght have eaten recomrornd healing by funlnce• ace coca Away with till dirt and trouble. Nli,Ltan MvOex, Regisvar.
title _this belief to her own bostim, of thele in tale dark, and so died. A. Il, MANNING. Yours trulv, ' ROB. W. CiIATS.
for ]for persecutor was rich and Clintdn,Nept 15, 1888. l June Ist, 181111 ; - —Q-%-
PPwr r'£ul anal wanted' not the m(ians .�t this grub,.ble explanation, the o ai Had Preeepta� ° 3U1,
t` i d or sate.fI' '
' People all shouted Ona-• 911011f, and, LQLfI all(f See It :Lal/l Q:4.•t li•PI('L'rs. kM• rates of interest. insurance eRec a on it o1al-
and scarcely the Will, to crush her. I I CI¢BdCR or
y the lady's innoceflca boron ackflow- Full Stock of Stoves, Hardware, 13LC. Prices Awa Down, lP property. N4tteeand aebtsaouectEit
dMan families had thus sifi'ered b ' b Goods a ),raised, and Hall] on coi nnission• Rank•
ledged, the sentence was ordProd to y pt stocksbou ht and sold. L'lifekKnlyht� rf Ireland,
Itis malignity, and ran e ' aha a r Blvth, Dee. 10, Ism b Meets in the Orange Ifapl, lit)tit, tilt 11't4lnes• ;};
only awaited the a�'rail�nwi'th t Uf .be at th sell; but.she,, reviving a, aft- HaflaRq giros ; Mort-��.1 ViRtonadaY 2dtcrtull u,0ou Of Over) month --
certain -private dirairs t9 )vithdra)v tlo att.ho noise, and being told of . —
secretly,. with her scanty tnainteu- t1'ris ttrovi(1011CO, uuly clasped liar. Photographer S ,.,.•--�'T"
ante, into soiha remote village, hands,' and tlTen in a fovv 1y91'd9; � {�1� �+',p� Ho al Black Prcca tar 3151
There site hu )ed to be free from lel cowlnen(ling ler Sou to the guard [n NO u r D
t cit o ° >~ o �. c. ��I=1i) GNa��d+1�I � � � aa.:� y p y
inhuman suitor; but she wits deliv• Ianship of good men, and saying V •� t4 •, If(uclr hl:illhr, of h(lcnnl,
that she cutild Dever -vivo the , V m �tlrnilure.'Deulcr, &c. � � �J
el £1'0111 t}1l8 tl',cublei in the mean- to a �' lfeetsiu the orange hall, C;oderhh, the Tb r
Rtlame 9r her nnlY9rthy re,t'9ach,911e fel 4-' • -� a� THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND � ` O LIN7OCd.. ....1d�yr,f , mantb. )'iaitingKuiyahtsnl,cnya
latae, by his death; yet IU 80 t01'fIb10 l W .�4 asci+R' Qfi, i
a manner as lnad9 it more lr°reviel19 .ended with a deep sigh, and expired CCi �" �' Life Size Portraits a Sneeialtp. 1
t Of o Fill4ERRL DIRECTOR. 3A,tFs, t1'i,I:L�, Preceptor sMtferd P 9
to'her thin his life had elver bect•nr', upon th9 shot. "d �l .—( q w
`4 1V H JIURNEY, ltegbtrar, (:oderich I' O
H ty .-- i .� 001 Ol,poSite Cuw)r !lull, - Clinton, Ont
It Wanted, tit this event, but a _
Nnteflends,Letterlreads,Statements,slidin L11\j'ON KTI,GiI'1'S OF LABOR
!uw (121 9 of thu,time Ivheu the lady' ,. A BiG PTRWE, r*tJ ,C (�• "+ > .: i.factl an kinds of printing, fn the best style Clinton Marble forks �� t7
ii•1 ' C ltoums, third flat, Victoria Mork. Itekula
Ill'U�108ed f9 r$p,love LO ll r Counts' d..t O. ,'� b N . known HC the croft and at low rntcs,':,t TILa meet;% every'Thursdn) et.ening at 8 (,,(IOC
,� Y A big strike was make when Powell � o a Na11'H-KI<COan OfliCC. 6
f-' •� �.f HURON STREET CLINTON, sharp. )'ieiti,g Knights nut(le aoloeu:e.
lodgiuq, taking with beta maid tubo Davis&issued their Extract of asap- W �-, i". F+ -y o M -- _ — f
was called Maria; for since the i.e. arilla and Burdock.It has met with :r G-1 • N `. u (f t^
duc0ou of her fortune she had 1e• great success, and it must, for it is the > cd �•,�, Uj a aN m --!•• ( y' FOR FIRST CLASS,�y
moat powerful blood purifier in the mar• �+" i-( l:t L L"
taiued but this olid servant. -NOW i P A .--t m O 1....
ket, It is used with the greatest success N 4).
it happened that this woman n011)g o �- Manufacturerofan dealer in all kiudsof Go to A. E. EVANS, Fm IIIONAm,R
o b n all diseases arising from a debilitated S-+-. � � a+ � 3 'b �-;
Ung,(lay to her' lady's Closet, which condition of the system. and everyone �-t Z q = - � I BAmu;n, 2do01Heast of\r,vv8-Rrvoni) of.
Y U O chi ta,.C.7 ° ?d'4 @ h781'ble & Granite for Cemetery flee. Sp('cial attentiol givcl to LA Dt rs
was in her bud-chan,'ber,—so soon needs, and should nee a bottle or two at w
Ul _� itu CfubuChN's Haircutting
a9 9hu had opened the door, there this•senson of the p.'•nr,.of Powell's Ex• - - - _
tract dfSarsaparilln and Burdock. Bear Work At aqurestinttdof) Competition POAfYAUDCtt IInntcr'r'rlsc A SPEuinl,Tv,
tumbled 1'orwurd the (tend body of a SUCND ATWICK Thhse halving sates of fifty i .
in mind one 50c. 1 i Ue contains more kind should consider that it is just as Important
titan ; find tile p011co being, sum- to have their ,esters ,ro perly dis Lived and all. f ••t —' --'------- -----
o solid medicine thin: n: at dollar so -Called t 1 1 p I r
m el by her shriCl s the 8 Pear nentand attrarhac, A, it is to have a arms Unapproac ed for Also ulanul'acturer of the CuluLrnted ��.{@ T.t� W r }� R t`•a
r y 'loan that it Is sol and bli • •a, Also remember auctioneer Tux NrncR-Rrcnan makr•en Rpecinity Flo - Di 1 i O i Z LILT S
rucuguized the corpse to Lu that of that it is sold in.Cliu ' n by all druggists, Ot this clarsnf ,vurk, they lu,vr the ruat(•rtai (tad - � - "T one and Quality. ARTIFICIAL SrONt far buildiuf par • .
the old Castilian Knight thot,n]t, Price 50e. a bottle, :,„Id by all drug- exper;etwe to sive )au ,chat )o, watt at yeti• pusuS and U;lnetcry Work, which lllust r•
1 CATALOGUES FREEE. he seen, to 'be a) rieciated.—All work EX?'. OF t.
Knight , b �' reARM1AI,te Ifl(•eS,
talo countenance Ives au' bladkenrd gists and medicine d, Acts everywh@re. } } '
443 1 warranted to vive satisfaction. -WI disfigured as to ,nam scarcely i v �j T �j �r + Wi �”
human. It was suff]ciatutly evident — - = ' °' I .BELL �ciS,. Co., Guelph, Out. (� T���R�t Y rr
th,)t L9 . hull porish(A by -poison; THIS YL'AR'S � 1- McKillop Mutual Insurance, Got j JCU L/ DDom�` t
- _ — -- - - ilii '
whoteupun thu unhappy lady,befng .� 2 � ! 3 w „ U• URES►
iuteri"ogated. was unnblu togive an" M Y R'=" L.E, wC = � , V DR. WASHINGTON, T• NEILANS, HARLOCK HOLERA
accuuut.of the matter; awl in spite tt:3>` W
CUT and PLUG I `&-4 = � r uT I Throat anti• Lilitu Finn- con, of GENERAL AGENT. holera P'IOi'J�tIS
of'her fair ruputatiofl, cud flltLough _
site appea.lud to God Ill behalf of her r.. a LL 1Porollto. Isolated town And village property, as well its /
MQlN TO�A�®. F .. gJJVF.�� I 11 C�LrI C a��/' "
�:� r x may' JF,. ; e S W I farm buildings And stock, insured, Inenrances
' 1U110Cet]Ctl, SIIC was thl'OR'll II1t0 th0• -, c ;.;�,u„ •r. r. I Will b,! at the elrected n;;niust sto,•k _that may be killed by Fi R �� "
rr ••r- t. w r, V , lighj,niug. if you want Insurances drop A card
COtI]IIl0I1 jail alUflb with ULilel' 1'H• W�g. Sys?CC
D 11 F' I Lo the Above address.
plated murderure. of �a� n fid r 0. ' , jjatlellUl��'�' HoCtiC MAI. WA 1
/ F I'hLE.R.__, T i -IAN EVER. � �'� � � y �' U -- " • ' w
The crimiul(l'addresses of the de-
l: ny p being _E��'ERY
',tn91Yll, many persons wenerally
ho ��E Q -- V CLINTON,C6.010llftpii� Goclerlch Marble Woks
in her guilt still pitied her, and ex- m — —
cused the cruelty of the deed on he- J� LAJ a Haying bought Gilt Ju Et•n VA `A'rOhIS, AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS
CSC -_ -OCTOBER 18. in Goderich, we are now prepared to fur AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS
count of the persecution she had _ix BitulazF oN-- m wish on reasonable terms
suffered from that wicked loan;— A fenv of the intnarcaa ettretl ity I)n IT IS SAFE AND RELIRBLE FOR
fiat thsso" Ivcro the must , Charitable EACH Lt4n,nifori HFADS
of ]lei' judges. Tile violent death 617•y )V. It. Storer,lof Storey k Soon, pronminent *I • NSPECIALTY,
C t4 -ITF A . »
glove 11111I,fACLUrerH of Anton, Unt., cured by -
of her husband, Ivhicll before had _ _ ___ ____ '____ __ _ _ fir. Washington -of Catarrh ofgthe throat, hail We at prepared to sell cheaper than allay CURE
been only attributed,t9 1.9bbel•s, was CURF form, And pronoun fid incurable by endnent other firm In the County.
specialists in Canada Ano England, 'Write him • • Liver
now assigned by scandalous persons ` for particulars. Parties wanting anything in this line will„ Cnu,ltiaiut■
t0 hot" own act; and the whole pro �� lints it to tbetr interest to reserve their . ! Dyspepsia,
,r•`lt�� Cht•oufc B,»uc6llia n,pl Aal.lunn Cnrcd. _ I ,I
vinCo'wnA shocked that a lad of her �,•. resets for Us, 1 Illliottanrsa,
Y CAn Eu,lhdh Church Cler:fynman spanks, � Sielc
fail- Reaming, anis Of Ruch tlflbl91t1-' SAULRectory, Cornwall. r)„ t, ROBERTSON.-&` BELL, � � T STE, MARIE CANAL. Da. W.,RfitsaT.x• lion(lnrho,
Nhed charactur, should havebroughf' ' May 17th, 1886. 3132-311 I Kidney
DHAR Snt, -i nm glad to ba nblo to inform you ` l 1 1'rmtblca,
so heavy a disgrace upon her sex FITS that oar duu;;hter iH quite ,yell again. As this is _ ILI►eunrni.lam, -
NOTICE TO CUN'PRACTORS. the Renu, time, she fins been cared t, when EXHAUSTED VITALITY Shill Jule(naia
slid upoll hll)flfin nature. file se hJ troubles a IllaAer qe treatment, of when
the usual remwl{ce Miles, i wriLe to express ftp, nail all In,pttt••
At liar trial, therefore, the court /i'IIF, WORKS fur the construction (if the gratitulle. I'Iea�enoreptn,y smcerethnnks, VIF SCn,NCEQFL l'F, , ( ' Itiesoffive
3A Wool %belie mOntioned, advertiAi`d' to be When I say CU it I do not mead merely t0 n ( Blond front
Was crawdod t9 eCCess; and *shine let on the 23rd Of Octubcr next, tire unnroldahl) sop them for atJme. and then have them res I.ors truly, 1. the great Ilfedival Work
;urri again: I 1tIRAN RADICAL OURS. C. B. PF.TTiT, of [he ngeon Manhood, Net. enuae arising.
sew genur0us persons were nor, with- postponed to the f.tl.wing dates:_ Ihate Made the d4ase of ilrR ,inn SieKelry', Kingston, (int., Catarrh And yo Rand Pl,yslea, Debility' THE GREAT SPRING MEQICINE
'renders NN -111 be rereh•ed until Consnu,ptioa. 1'rcmaturo nccline; Errors
out a hope of her acquittal; l)Ut tale Wednesday, the '7th day Of MS, E1MIt PSYor John Nivyiei`,%, Kingston, Ont, Catm9m, of Youth, find the untold '
Ratno raC1R� aR har01'o, bails ,1'OVCd MrAilopping,I(Iugston,ot)t,nronchoconsun,p• illserlesconeequent there- Price, 76C.•(with'Pills $I.) „
a 1 November next, ti.n, on, 300 pages 8 vo„ 126 TItY
upon oath, and the lrndy still pro- �'ALLINGr SICKNESS
I PIanR and specifications will be randy for ax. ! Air. F. Scott, Ki,get.n, ()fit, Catarrh, haul and ppr,'escriptionaforall diseases
dUCinp n0 jllStifiCatiOn, but Only a9• nn,inntiannLthlsolll('cRfid at St„It Ste, NIA00 AltfafOnaBtndyy I WARRANTmyreMedyte throat, Cloth, fullglit, only Mvo, DR. HODDER'S
on and after CURIO the worst cases. Because of )ors have Atra Jna Bertram, )iarrottemith,,Ont, near Ring. be mail, scale(. illustrative snit) to h u to All LI.TTLF_ LIVER PILLS,
9e1'tlllg her inuoconce t}I01'01'a111ain• tt ston,Cat.trrim, throat. our and middles ed nmen Send naG The '
b r failedailnoreasonfornotnowrecetvtn neuro young g , tv.
ed no reasonable cause for doubting Wednesday, the 24th da of ABss Alar)' A Romboar , v
y Bond at oneeforatreatlsoandtLlfRRit�OTTLP 3 Ccntrcyille,Ont,..at,trrh Gntd and ,Ten•ulled algesi na•andad to the lather (very sm`,Il And slay to take.)
October next, of m INFALLIDLIO REMEDY. Calve Express bend anti thr„at. b) the tatiorial Medical Association. Address -.
9f her guilt. The Public Advocate �IId Post Office. It costs youpothing for fl James JMthay., 1', Aln.ter, Arta%, Ont. P. O. Box 1806, Boston, brass or Dr, Iv. H. NO 4RI1 INC•!•• NO NAUSEAM
b By Order, A. P. BRAD1.Ei, riat, and it will euro you. Address A P,rM'ifh, Ocnts Furnishing, Iicllerillc, ('atnrrh PAItK� H, graduate of EfanArd bledlcnl College, Sold everywhere; prier 2,1 cents.
then begat] to plea(!, a8 }li8 painful Secretary DT H. 4 ROOT ST Yonge tit, Toronto, Ont, throat, ( 26 years practice in Boston, vi -ho may he ennstdt•
ole partm , 2 a1 Scptea)s 3 Canute, . • I Union Medicine Proprietors
dot Commanded him for her Con- John 1'hiplwn, p, ,), �;tndhnrst, ()fit, near N,t A• ed sonar cntlally. Specfnity,l'ntsenaes of M«n. Co.,, p
I l tEnam, 27th Scptembcr, 1888. 617.41 nee), Catarrh hoar! and throat• Bndlcase.� 00ico No 4 Buliinch Stree6 193y kTO11ONTO, CAN.