HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-17, Page 2! *
h� / uron Neuss*Record ( Why Buffer with that aching ]lead alfvtc14 To )}loTrfxna ,-Are }ou•,.die- )i ! ! -•rte ,�,r�•,�,�
when you way bt3 cured with Ayer's Curbed at night anti hrulieu of your resti.iIQ:W ` Wt�;,�, t 61.60 a Year--41-E51n Advanta. Cathartic Pills7 Be,, 2 cent stamp by a sick child aufferina and crying with�tHIM.
to Dr. J. C. A er &o Lovroll Mass 'p_ Y r , , pato of Caton;: ottle o if sa send atLoaded!f ' • ,.NNU�� fur a set of their attractive albutu dude and get a bottle of "alre Wiaslow's F�!l
Wednesday. October. 17t11,1888 card:,. Soothing Syttip" for Children Teething May do for a sutpid boy's excuse ; but
Its value is incalculable. It will rel leve In returning thanks to my many friends and patrons for past alronage, I -would
what can be said for the parent who lie to 0411 their s
� the poor little sufferer immediately. De• special attention to my vary complete stuck of
1118 WIT SAVED HIAL -Wheat is (Itioled at Gi'on1 900tu pend upon It, molhnr,i; there is no ilia- sees lilt; C11114 languishing daily anti fulls
T — , , to Taco. Ella Want of a tullie rind HARNESS, WHIPS CURRY COMBS BRUSHES, ETC., STC,
$1.' 0 throughuut the Province of take about it. It cures Dveeutery Atid t 1 1 r
When the French troops were in Dlunituba. Diarrhoea, regulates Lite StotuaCh and blood-paritler? Formerly, a course of Spatial attention is directed to my stock of
Bowels, cures Vi'iud Colic softens the bittol'a,or sulphur anti ►nolaa1 8, was the
Dlexioo, during the days of Dlaxi- _ T� . ■
inilian, a ,rivate dullliur was bruin+let Gums, reduces luflowul ({•u, and gives `rule in well -regulated faillilles ; but. now .. ■_■
Y CY Y 1, 1 , , ■ ■ IN-:SINHARNESS
1 o Ever )vice cud mother an the conn • tent and soar , to the hole system. all intelll •out houseboltia kue , A ter s ■ ■
bofore Gusaral Fuu111 0
ginross, who try should know the great value of "biro Winslow's St•elhing ,yrup" for Barsaparillit, whluh is at Daae plellsa"t It will ha tound ver complete, and for durability and finish Cannot be excelled by
was in command of Monterey. . Ayer'sSarsap3rilla, asa blood purifier. chiloren teething id pleasanr to the taste to the taste, anti the Most searchin • and y p y
"You are charged with having It gives tone, health. and strength, t° and is tile. pre<crtptiuu of one of the oldest b any one. As I employ nous but the beet workmen, and use the beat material to be
a g ofree0ve blood ruediufneever discovered• bought in the market, all who gray favor me with their patronage may ftel confiden
ilia vital organs, corr.•cts till irregu, and hest temple physicians and 4urses t0
atoton the ;;oldcu'slippur from the r Nathan S, Cleveland, o7 E. Coulon st. of getting satisfaction.
Cathedral,' !tu•itiea, And expels impurities from the United States, and is for sale by all - • •• � 66 6e. AWAY
�%' T�(�"��'�%`j��
foot Of the Virgin in' the (,uthedral druggists throughout the world. Price year o writes. DIY daughter, cut\ " , 'PRICES L1 Y V lz .L 1.J V YY .LV
o ' the system. Young and old use ft. gg tr ta,a old, rites in surf da healer) unlet o �^
said the general, sternly. Price fel. 250. itbottlo. Ito sure anti ask for "Alra. Ye , , i
Year ubu \t'l,arr aIle began to cuu,plaiu of •
"I didn't eteal it," replied the - -_ __- Wh,slow's Soothing Syrup," and take tic faligile, headache, nobility, dizzfat,sa'
liTrunks and Valises in greet variety and Frites Low.
soldier. Other kind, intligestinn, anti loss of appetite. I ran-
-Ouo day ULM week lh'. ni,le- - eluded thatall hcrcumplaintaurigh,al;vl
"But the slipper was found it;, 1{Ill,]+r, chief of Ihu vt,tt+rinurys:huol —.A little -,ill 12 years old in Ayer Sabluud,sud iutlueedhorlt,tal{u � RG � 8HARMAN
our I(na ,saulc." , n , Ayut sSursaparilla. 1'11 isuludiriut ,un
Y 1 of the uuivala!ty of 1 r+urrRylvapia, dau,litrr of Wit . Keu,pt, butchor, restor(it bur bloudauitking (it -Ills h; v
"I kilow it was, but I didn't gave a dinner to tt ill of Aahhurnlilt Ill. was druw-Utl in a tub hrottthv action, mid in dile tune rk:stah-
r, lished'her former health. 1 tied Ayt•r's - —�
steal it. lrieuds. For the last thiaeun of fluter \chile the fatidiv \vera at lea. t:arsaptu•illa it uwst \ ttlunble rellwdy fur AFULh. STOCK F
t,How, then, did it eulne into your Years tho'duclor iltta ow'ne'd a f.1111Ut1a '}')IU eilild R \r•,It'll mil�,wtl rut• aUl11e ll,e Iu::.allude unit debility ]uvtilent to Q
- rt,
gray mare—a hunter awl stop Ile- , atld \]'hell 1'ULlllt ":•ill;, )� Clover
p/�/�possession4 f5 ) I limo 1 w•n� 1 t its Gho(Ce & Timothy G�/l f "
,, ,f, ('•;•ari„ltt, Ilrnold n Power ('u.,chasul, uamPrl l,tudurn. eft the
"The Virgin nave it to nw.rr dt!flh. >ht, 1Ut:l t,\'Ihenll\' h,•t,ll tl,- '••rulklcll, N. Y,. tttivs; ".\s it :;ilt'iu,f
diuuol last week oat, of 1118 l:rillei Na to wash Ilei hull': face and tlr,.iriiu+, I tial ,l sryd(-ndta snhs,irnto
• - "How so V );ll ditties on the menti cal',I %%,;1% a ,' f, r 110 oid-tiuir em1111t,u„ds in A\(.1'4 A11402411 other {'arletieR 011 t`leld inards-111 a11d Flfrs 'e/ Seedlu.
"Yon I + roust h+t\'r fallt tl iu head luiell,v=l, >'apatIllit, a•iih it foa• doses( "f A;•o:'s
know,guueral, huwshe sits filet a lit laudurt, Afli'r lilt, tPI•t _... _ -__ fipe. al pains ,1a+lo been taken to tocure t11en1 ]•resell
]'ills. After their est,, i frtn frt,sler null
trt . and 1'uro.
tc . thorn with one tout over the ut11ar had bucu eaten iunl prouuuur"h anon •ur tu'•u tl, uu••b tltu auuunw."
XOR l'Rl)S'I' B1','Eti• r Extra Ualue in China Tea Lets and Deeorated
Atielcing out a little." very toothsome by LLo guests, the ► r 6,� I i l'
,t r There is no better remedy for frost et, s s
11811? ductur remarked that 110 \Vas rind
"silo didn't tell 1uu to till{e the ut' !lis 'tuust'a c , nouialiuu Ill' his LitPs,chiiblaina and similar trrinhlea, ,,,i�,1a,tL„ ,:, Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite Sets
a I t than liagyard s Yellow Oil. It also
slipper, but shn hold hr'r foot out as favorite horst+. "Fur," hi, saih, cures •rhu►natism. lumbago, sore Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. and Fancy ta�aSSUlaI-e.
if she word guying; 11'1'„ko'the slip- '/,uu h4wa ll ;It it pain generally. YellowOil used Pricy $1; six ttottirs,t,. `worth$6abottle. Special Value in New Season's Black, Gre
” -;•- per, if you want it," so I took it, aut,nta Laula•h '
mora as a matter or ateomnlodation Anutzenu'hr, itch, after it short iull r internally and externally. en
___ _ T r p� gyp+ ,and Japan Teas. Canned Fruit Vegetables,
thall anything aide, vol Ill silence, the18 wits a runt, of -- .y l�z R C., iaa'endlyK•1 �':arlety'. Orangeti, l.ertnouei l['i^>v &c. flour
"Humph," elle gent rel anvil • IaugLtur•-Pulicellum jallwis of Turullttf It'{._ ... D.S. ETJX1Aa""' y3' B X r a ' g , '
f,. } r a • . r�. , :�• w ;13e.:afaa,itl.t rovl.lunK. CuKprctl3toelc ana! et 1 rices.
int;-1'that's about ala ,oud an excuse - tvllu- acquired scull unt+uviahlr! },'f t,' �� ` Cloth &Gold Binding TT
its I over heard. You Can go this PRAISEWORTIFV. notoriety by aIrrestillg' Rev. 1V. '�'. p�; ,'' ��h F'•t 144 1'- cx,Y.,4 E,YrI ingrtYlztu, �V J-aO- R S 0�-
tinea; but if the Virgin oll'ers you Wilson recently on a obar, 1t, Of die ■clan ►nxl1 7
'•Lastsulnuter I was entire] laid Aatn•,x,l'.e r+x:tsw,x.v, CHINA 23ALL. CI�INTON_
an •thrll" else 1113(1 \'oil nCct,,t It I'll urde.rl • couduet, w;isarrestrd Fri -la • •------ate-•--
• : H. J o I up t\'tth llt'er uomplautt. A fhlPnrl , . , ) t L r : 1 n"rn•r,. tauw cunLs
have you shot." at]Vised rile to use Murdock Blood ulul'11111" 111 it nl ul llrl oil Albort, •,•,•.'rt,, l'�•,:;;nstinn, Infli o nintion9... .•2:b
_ •t, r, r;,•a Wei-,. i Ftwor,%I arm (;title.... `•5
Bitters ; i dill so, and four bottles slroet. J;trvls itlld another police. it, ,,,:,,,: I,.t'a;I.!ofinAtuts, '25
i;n,,,.vt, �i '1 "•iL!r�;: t,•Atlultr:...... :,k R U
f �1\ I,llI'1'O1�3'1'1t0UI1LL8. Cllt'e(1 m,'. I Cahnilt pl'ala9 this- 11!'111 Ilnlll,'ll TILi, y, atLta' tUnt'Ifl; `1�' .... ••,(iripi.r•)1i1:1lunCuliy.... .'K NEff�iii �9 4� T %f "'It R E P
•. remedy loo much." -John I1. ]level's, 11111, in 111 rhe 111U1'lllll;;, tV0llt tU til,' (i %i<2;turt,•ra flo,bua,�onliuug.......... ,ls
Orr Lake nt. 'Ili,: 11x. Uuhf, Brol' ]itis .............. Qt, 0� 0
• •`• < ) � brutllei-whore they b"came (i -it it Ic HI'•Xc"rnluin, Tool,1n;019. 1'!14„aO P..... Lie _. '
The Otlior ufteruouu nu rittetupt -__. iil,;c:.4nehca, si„k IItmix,•a,a volUgo. '25 Phe unnurair•Iled has est opened a no\\ DrugStec, In dAChSOA"8
ani] wore cilu"htb • IttG xetor Ward """« '� "'�'y�""��""''•""�
was made at Anniston Al,bnlna, to y o } } PAT ��^� \a NE1V JiLOCiC, on HURON S'1REET, to floors weatofthevCity
-Soroo t•utuarkable weather is Thr:' w'iat•o datleill- , and tot+re lar 0A Rook.'Stm'e, where will be fdhud a co ,tete assorttuent of 1 Ilio
AssnSsutate \� . 11. Edmunds, editor ,'upurtcd from Colleton "•County, al t•Zod oil soein't their all oriur ufficor i •n r • n,ia B,li�Somiti. h ... 2 S ` : <tia••' rt, ]
r• ,
of the Ilut 13htst, in 1116011}0e. 1 hu a 1 t s I ] ,tl .� D u„s ,ut�i .,111cu1ic:11s, also 1 :]til UAedieitics and
South Carolina.' 1'011 , fourtueu statldiug 11eforo thou). The • wer t 1 tini,•irysxurtori=,tinsel Periods....- •2a 4; $f1i•11'r iAt•� hi111dries-all that the +nbliu rue axlr for it thosr
a troublo grew OU4 of e111114y . arollawl a IE Miltes, too Yrofu.oPeriods .......... .2b r` - - 1 Y 4
I110IILha foll.UWing t}lU eal't11 tI 11111{l; Itltl l'L'ht,(1 LU the ')U11('e 4L't11U11 atltl 1.3 Croft Cough, Difficult Breathing.... .�f9 lutes. -
a. aillollg the lawless class 111 conRequ- , S� I 14 Salt �t'henin,P]ryipela•,Eruptions.. 5 ,�,� A. 9�ORT[i'Itl�TOIr.
rr.y of Aoogust,, 1W, thore has boon all promptly Rnsp,llkilwl pnnfling the Ib tiheuntatidzn,lliouuuttioPans...... .23 ,,,,4t, � '
'ellue Of.the viaoroUs war waoud by 16 F'evcrandAgIt Ultills,Malaria..... .50 r(`F•;- �� Clinton,l3thJanuurp,ISSa. '
�+ alillust continuous Jrouth. ,iJtreams Ideating of the CU11111li.,i011utR, 17 �••zl .8. hliw r Bloedin•...... .. .b0 ."•� °
the IIUt lilaat In fat'01' Of u I'irtid a It►Cntarch,]naua a,Uii in tile .b0' -�J P»S�Ualucclnuzbedlwutzeitdwttaloator«
o and springs drier] up anti crops and, s whdop+n <oit I violenteoa•lea...50
enfur,0ru,eut of tilri prohibition lAtcs' cattle I',erished for want of tvltter. AN O1'IJ\ LE P'1'FR, �!/.encru111Trniuty,I'hralcalweanesa .bo _. _---_ --�- _ _-------,- -
_ _.__..._.._. 1t.ataek A,w---foul-1a11or Ill" w-lxa ictanyv iristest ....................... b0, 1 . 1� 1 ttlii i,Vur bwu._luun.tlia 1 is 1'riln ^u� ._. a 2A parvo -ns nelr11 te......•...,.,. i.(/0
P .. ... .._._ ._ _ .. .. ...... .. ....... _.. -._.,
lt:rrl bua11d1dC!liti'r•tdf01'lnafltC1a11C b -” Ov.23th, 1$Gti• 3Ertrinnrylicaknees,Wettinalld... ,5
0 �T y
_.._.._._..._ __ . -. , ' 'L ]line, nes of the Heart. Yalpitntion..1.1/0 `J
Waylaid Editor hrltuoutls and baht ],than falliugaunilily in thatsuctiun, Diesara.'U1 Milburn & (n.
and for 37• cuusecu.tive da a there I wish I had used B. B. 13. sooner,
h!nt severely, ho making such y ' P E 0 1 FIC S o ` 1 1
\veru only two uputt which At did which wogltl have saved tile yeai NE�'tr STOCK NEW STORE
ruaistriuce as he cuCii(l Au outrage- suflerin with r si olns, from Which Sold by Druggitits..orsentlitgtttA)tlogzegeiptt,!
011e fal�t).accuuut Of the affair was notboo ]'till, All elle luy'I,tttda. have i, f?Y p price.•-WellsIteal. dGent;p.,Agents, 8311aa ELLIOT7l� BLOCK ,. LINTON. ,
h4cu tururil into Inkua. I\`o crops I could get no 1•elief until I tried Il. 0«1Street atoz,treat. ,, 1
sent to the illuntgoulbry Dispatch, B. B., which soon cleararl away the
Y p have, been 1ua(le, and the peopl"a era g; ,, TO THE FARMERS
' . l'tlllecting seriously u oil Der. itching; • burning • rash thrlt had so
dustltut(i. long + distressed me. arra. Edward JOSEPH CHIDLEY Dealer in Furniture.
. ]�.d,uunds, who replied through .the / , __- E )
D isl,ntclr Ill'0110U17C}tIg the author Rornkey, Eastern Passage, lial,fax, Study your own interest and go where , Call at the Neiv Store anti see the stock of,.' ,
a liar, and pronouncing
him with cuty• IMPORTANT TO WORKING MEN. N. S, you can set
charging _•__ — Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
.in sending such a falsehood' .lrtizans, mechanics and laboring „ a Reliable@&Harness,unsigned. It is uudolatou.d LhnL ]lion aro. liable, to sudden accidents -A l oronto man ntuuod Ju:epL Dlattrasses, etc.., and general Ilouseliold Furniture. The wh01c "t •: k ;q 6.0111 the very
i ' Fletcher way arrt,stad at Owen
best n,a•aufaeterem. Picture Framea,and Mouldings of every description.
the correspondent of the Dispatch r."' Injuries, as well as painful curds, I nnu)ufueture none hat 0111 hasT or STOCK. •1108, <+11$1)1.IhY, one lour {{'est of Dick'son's $itsvk f�teriC,
stiff'.n!nts and lameness. ro all thus Suund this morning oil a die a1ctb
was J.,S, 'Latvrehco, a jualtice of Llte 3 a 1 g„u'rzrr• rat xhoNa fhrlf xvll cheap, r(x Chep hrrre ,(
troubled we would re'comulend Ilagy from the I)UI'ICe a111hU1'Itl,ta illi+l'0 p,l Sol to line Z..jr Call still }rot prlrex, Ur4lois
M hence. This aftel•I]Oun Ltw fehcU, , by ti,;Ut :u• uu,i,4 ,ittcn,icd Co----
_- r - yards- fellow oil., the. handy 'and achmgeof big my: IttelG114r wasenr r� p c� j p
accomptinied by. Will I,acO}, enter- reliable pain curetor outward or in- ”' a Big �illgCll�t] Lt
p llci ed Ola out) of tho stemllors on the t7! Off_ JN. Z . C,� n'rrIl 3R, JAPAN' TEa
• the Rot Last nllicn, to which, at ternat ua•t,, } y8
elle tulle, IVeI.O AI1'. I':(1d1tUIlda, John
- upper Ild{ea. ,801110 ycal'A ttgo lila IIAHNESS 1:11P01t111M, /iL1rTH,lONT. s>� > - '
Glial"pelythe mailing clerk, and A. . _1L11.I3U1\NS AR017ATIG QUIN- hi`ssmarried wifoanddesertedtlfit '!'Iliaw11118 o
'rripn(4y,.wlio had Collie in busi jyj ,�1f\E fortthes ilia system, -The Grand AfastProf the Grand 5 :
pass. I.awrencti ;culled Edinowla against attacks of ague, chills, bilious
in 1883, - Ile mount to tilt,, 'states and I,o(lg( Of hteetnusutts.Of Canada hue 11'c hnvw recvivelC'a lnrru cnlisimilli •nt of N F:11' JAPAN T::A:a wlrivir'.w(t are ofreri
OUt�itIv,. wliero some cullversation fever:, durnb'ague find like troubles. 'it• 1ftnA1"t Fi11la,,Y, 1'y 114 •IIlal'- Ordered a donation froin the (Ji -and
111 ri Ann 10111, l:naale5 at tilt: fO1lnRiltl;; iOw' p►•ICea : was hard 'in reference to- the, coin- .-.. _-_ — rie(1 a \list C(tu,pbell, wl•iu 'wits in ,',odgt, of the sunt • of: :$200, to by fur -
45 GENT JAPAN TEA` AT �� �'���'�
muuicatiuu, and I,riwrencu tleman(l -'1'116 Ariz4�uahicl'vi says :-Wo conlf`ulLahie rireumstanceR: After Mllldo,l to the`Cralld Lodge of Flor-
Prl a.retraCti011•, at, 1':dwouds tart] owe leo grudge to Col. 1lAstinos living' thero ` for, suulo time he- ida, for the AlasOhie llelief 1'uud i 35 CENT JAPAN TEA AT ,?,� OENT&
_.. _. p,rUnUIlnCill- hits a liar, Edn,osda ,., broltght ilia second wife Gu'1'uruutu, gutted u•) to assist ]hose of the I _.
bcc�uso he once cufl'cd- our ears in a ,
said there tilts iluthiug L, retract w•hero his first wife was then keep- hl•oth'ron Aufl'orin r from the yellow, Thfs is the'hest offer everwado in this comity and a]1 astir» of Japan Tea should secure
a , tho corridor of I11u'1'ow•n hall. Iva }• at h'a,4t (tile caddie. Black ea Equi ll as Che:] ► -11 a are selling a FINE
trod . LaWYet1C.0 advanced tuwt rds had lrurotl. hien ,a liar a swllullor, Ing, and still koeps n f•ashioilahle flavor i,c'our-re in that titrate. � ;� -'�•
1 ' ' bUlU'alurt. 11uu,i8. : A iuw tlii_ys neo n BLACK ie original packages ut' 2.0 His. ^at FIFTY C'EN S per lb. This Tea is equal
haus I,iteB inrniretl if I:dntonds' o _.. -__ _ __ to any An$x#.1'.b i11C1011111 GB, 'S4►.11ai415C.,.ui-5.sild.
Y 1 suet an ah,aconder; and ha had io y -
wife \o, 1 bucln«e 'aware of rho 1 ItL'lll%IA CAFfi3(JLIC SALI'la is 1011), caddi(•4. Sntlsfnctiun Cntuautct•il. Call nuilsreour '1'eal.rtl)t' lmying,
was iu'ulecj, to which ,t negative rt,• flute' to snv�'-biq to.putation, The second wife's existatico and col suit ,a wonderful basting compound for
' consult -
ply was inane, when Lacey said, (, ulumd ia.now auoking the noluiva-
ndithor is I,t,wrcucn, tet the, same tion for Sheriff, and is promising in ed her latvyor, who edvi,iett her lo' cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, scathe T.
tim4 trying to get 11411}13d T:duluhda, case ' ho id fleeted, to seeuro' our h«vc l+lalclt<>r arrestrd fur hi'{tuu}, boils, pituples, t�0. y
who boman .to back into his office • hence his ari't,at. D6t0clive ("odd,
a' town a Gover,nlm•nt appropriation -'rho annual statoment of Alol- ' " '
,As he partially turned � fire was of .$250,000 to build a pub]}e left in rho nftoralouu for (Jw'i!u Suuua Tile Old 1% able 'Yea all(] (rt•OCery House.
to bring him back. sons bank allowed that the rest had y_ _ ._. ___ ..
opens-! oil him. , Ile teas shot in.� builllill;{. \1'o trc Actuated out .. .-_.
the loft arm at the elbow and ear• y ---_ _._. _ -- - -•_ -- nu\v reached y1,fi00,000, being 50 - - - _ _ _
by the kindeRt motives when we )nr cont of the capital'. The not
iously wounded. Dievy attumpted sit thltt the Culonel is a blooruim, Dlothers who halve delicate chil• I I
Y a dren can see them daily. improve oarniugs last year wort,. 19§ per FRESH G ROC E R I E��,
to about stgnin, but his pistol snnj,• drrceivcr. Ile CAM 7tU IIIUI'e S4CU10 a and gain. in flesh and strength bygi•v- `cent of the capital. Tho prosident,
pad, whirh probably saved his life. dollar from Uncle Sam than w•e can ing them that perfect fuod and ']'hos. Workman, in ivoving the And the chuirestgoods kept in stock by
The would -hu aa,tf:siu then fired un borrow one of lila binge ,i from rho medicine, Vcolt s Emulsion of Cod adoption of the report, stat -
Mr. Chappell and Air. Tripuey. ont.es of heaven. All the influence Liver Oil, with 1/ypltl,ltosphites. Dr• ed that in the ' evout of the U' 1''•��1-� �••� �'�1
TLo furiuer wwsshotthrouch the neck hn hna fu this world of ain asd IV. A. Ifulbert, of Salisbury, Ills. C-&�-P.IIiQ�3 3B1R os
anti- the latter rocci.ved two tv0unl,ls sorrow is confined ill the lied Hut says : "I have used Scott's Emuls}oil current yew's pl;ufits being equal to
in cases of Scrofula and Debility. thoso of the paa,t year, besides pay -
in the head, butte srrions. Tho snlu0n un,d its crowd of re rOhates, 11'6 buy in Lite vary hest nlfirkets and give our custunlers every aavnufngc. Our geese
p llesulae most gratifying. :1I little Ng rho cuRtonrtry dividend of 8
pnrtusR rFcnpod, but, w_rrn subsequenb l)u not ba dueeivetl in ells castor oil g Y a Y .will always he retina Fresh :ypl Reliable, and to the rcouumical housekeeper eco olruf
Y 1 Do tr t the ceived l,' patients t4ke it wit)] pleasure." Sold per cent anti adding a ulodorate many advantages Our nods in vatiet quality, mal vier we are satisl!ed will meat
1 captured null turnu,l ovor, to Ihu ' Y o g Yr 1 1 r
sherill', null lateen to .lncksusvilh+, _ .. :. toy all Druggists, 50c. and $1 ,00. sum to the lost, they would present the It-quirealents ot: every household, Farlu Produce taken at the hioel•st mires.
—+-- a gratuity to the officers of the hank
Ala. The ft,Oling in the city is is- ON T11E P.LANFOR,1I.-'rhe.Piekeringfamily of Ridge- and pay a bonnstothe4ockholdel�i. �� ��® ��®
y letiv, 41341 strong tall{ of lynching , town Artl in luck. ]'here are 39 heirs , •
has been indulged in. Aft,', b:dry Public speakers and singers are 7'110 follow•il ., diroetol•s were elc^ct- i
a ,often troubled with lore throat and and each one will receive roperO, in WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL • GRQCERS CLINTON', ONT•
ed : Sir Dnvi,l L. Alacpherson, S..
- niunds is cluing well, It fs hopotl hoarseness and are liable to serious ing the share of A great property in
Ilia Ino serious
rhe s Its will
u En land amonntin to $2000,0 X). T[, I'aviug, ' 11. R. Nfola rd "rhos.
• that no soriu«a results will follow bronchial Attacks which might be England,, g ' ' 1lurris, ll: W. Sheppard, "rhos.
a f .lir. prevented and cured by the use of - --- - - - -
Workman and W. 1I. Ramsay.QQ'11
Chappel and lIr. vuiod. was mail- best rd's Pectoral liremedythe 1111R1IS C;Itiiit NIIICIt SICK- ,� ��� � ����_��� 4AUl®' FACTORY,
c}ouv nail unprovtiknd, Tho city beat throat ,t,,qd lung remedy in NEtiti among crii(,r1rPn .hreernan's -,Andrew•-I�l]uta tuna s well -to 4'10
A. is •ill- n tumult of exeitelu4ut slid R'orin Powders prevent this, and f,unun tieing h:'.n' Jlitn baster, ,.3 :LT
indignation. inalce, the ch!:d bright and healthy. Aliysouri. For sovvral UluiAlm h'td C�,=�vTV:L _
-A dis,iaterous flood in .rho _ _-. _ __ _ blood had existed between the
pruvinco of :1'ioukdon 350 utiles I\',hucl and Fihk families, The
-hiss L'r to of Wihni )ort ,, -Toronto is excitrd over rumors
Y: 1 a, northeast (,f I elvi'n, caused Elie trouble was caused by Home dispara- In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Watons,
arrive(] in 'Toronto on the eveni„ of chdrfies of intemporanco against _ —o' o
train al Munibty, aur] coin}I r out dr'''ib of hundreds of nt►tivua, rho liev, '1" W. Jefl'0 y. a popular ding remail{a made by lihnul about Tile Dlnterbil we mminfieture is of the beat qi!> Iity mid the Jron work unsurpasse
td utt 1 anuihil;ltiun of nl,tny llunlu,i, Dliss Annie I ink. I or this 110 was Ll fact we make ft an important 1)ortart feature of out, business t0 else only the brat rot
Of the L'uiu❑ Stnti013 on tLe'Simooe Dlerhodiat minister. It is said the „ . t Y P
A",' ., dV:;U'uwiuu to ships laid the tyros• soundly thrasher] by ]'rod Fink, curable material And the bel t workmanship. Those in need of CU'P'rL+'RS
strrmet aide, ,ilia asked a man who pea of it geh0ral famine+ 'during thr, ''et 41'Und I;el]tl01i1fl11 t,u rind 100 long the g}rl's btofhrr. Rhuel went to , -Anil SLEir 118, of the )Olist malces and styles, should not fail to
was luilering about the 'corner of a g at the \viun cup duriu� his va0atios St. Louis on Friday and purchased call anti see us,
Muter. 'filo cholera is still rnrtiu ,
•'F" Sf ncoo rind' Frout estreets to direct at lIuh,t Kong. The dsil Average ill Dllhe ch . IIu empuutically a pistol. He then wont to the
Ler to the (lnunicau hotel. This of new eases anges from 40 to 50duu14R the charge, which den}nl is house of the Finks, whore he nief ALL WORK- WARRANTED.
individual eflorod t° talcs her thein " r mlorsod by letters from Dlusl{olca. ' --o—
moat of whom dle. "Fred," and without a wo'ed".allot
t` btit'weut, �voat instead of east, and It ie thought to be a conM)"lly IIs" Repairing and Renaintin Promptly Atter�led to.
,,a�• _ . _ __. :_ _ _ biro through the ,jaw. At the
w; on coming to tho' corner of 13rock agattlat \I r. Je[fu.ly, - 0 t CLINTON9
g 'IllE 'I'It1i. TRIUMPHANT TIIREE, house ho found bliss Fink cool{ing FACTORY On corner of Huron and Oranrre IStreP s,
a street mm14' a sulach fitNlioADryal4'rl „ , -__-....__. supper. Slee hall heard the report ,
valise, which eantained Ler railwnv During three years suffering with CO\SGA11)'I'ION SURELY CURE. of the pistol when lien brother was
ticket to 5oaf6rth her destination dyapepsfa I tried almost every known
�+ Td TITS EDj1r0a : shot, and seeing Rhucl approaching,
r,. remedy but kept gaiting worse until
her return ticket to N'inuipeg, I tried B. B. B. J had only used it Please inform your readers 'that I sought aitfety in flight. Instead of '
: ab(5ut $50 ill nlonoy and some three days when I felt better ; three have a positive remedy for ilia above firing at her As she •rail• Rhuol
jewllry. Nfiss Pryan nladq , a ,Bottles completely . cured. mel' W, named disease. By its timely use chaaed her 200 yards. be Itoor
plucky resistance. but the thief Nichols of Kendal Ont. thousands'of hopeless cases have been
i ) , woman, altar her long race for life,
'securod the valise. Later in the -- -- ------ - --- pertnanently cured. I ahall bo glari being; utterly exhausted, turnod and to send two bottles of my remedy b C 1__
evrningiho pulicevis}hod thnsePneol __('},inn advices say tLat the Frslai, to an or our readers who have fncrd bar pureurr wills Ihu appeal :
thr''rohbriy Hurl picked up (t little trLul„ Of rho now omlmnkluent of ,consumption !f they will sen(]. me "I1r. ilhuol, duh'L shunt rue•" L 1,
hoot{, wMeli Irul apparoutly been the Yellu\v river at Chau Choc � � 711,
Chang their Express and I. (1. address This had tad etl'oct' I'le pl,t;ed the Via, ,<
tli'oppad from the valise, and which bngau last a«tuuw cud carlied un Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM, nuzzle of tho pistol at her left
luckily eontained $2(1. at a Costo equal to ovot) 49 000 000 37 Yon a street Toronto, (hit, 999
n ti , B , 5 breast and taut a Lulletthr(SnI{lt her
--The wheat crop through the IIas�beeh completely Swept away by ---- -- hnart. Not satisfied lvith this, he
Portage tl.a Prairie, Man., Plaina the recent flood. Tho waters are '._irr. John Hurst the engineer fired again and again At his pros -
will average thirty bushels to the pouring throti'gh the ininlon'se gal)' of the traction e.ngino which explod I' trate victim. iTo than returned
4° call+. els high as 61.13 has been in TTonan, unchecked. T'<rom ROQ I oa un the �Vhitbl' I''airgtouud, and home, reloaded his weapon, bade SALE BILLS.
paid for -Yu. 1 L.l.d whu:tt by tho I to 1,000 laborers, who w'oro on the I a resident of that tu%v lit died titre I ilia wife And chililrcu adieu, And
Ogilvie anti Portagn Tilling co m• I ba.ltk, were swept away and drown- ye-Itertlay flan ilia iujurius. This going to the barn blow his brains
panie4• 1 r.d I is the second victim. i out. I
"' �'• - a..:.�. ,.:.'`'..-, u.f .r..::a .at,.;...:..,. ra:2'�d>v:wme,«