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The Huron News-Record, 1888-10-17, Page 1
e ,.- #: . " . T1,1E.1. I .-1 ..., _ =- I 11 . .. ., .. 0. .Ak I. S . E-- . RID 7__ -- -_.epi = -- --. - ____ TIMR1111511 -61.50 per Astra/+un, 41.25 Iii Advnucr. .1 - - _-.. - - I 1p ANARAvT.IN dLL TSlNGX NX172o t.AL IN NOl'UING - • wuwaLy 4 TQDIP, Pubilshera • VOL. IX. -NO. 44. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17, 1888 WHOLENO. 518 - World (garx.eopo>;td.nir- n,. t X— Oral (Sarrsallauclance Q . e ,.- #: . " . T1,1E.1. I .-1 ..., _ =- I 11 . .. ., .. 0. .Ak I. S . E-- . RID 7__ -- -_.epi = -- --. - ____ TIMR1111511 -61.50 per Astra/+un, 41.25 Iii Advnucr. .1 - - _-.. - - I 1p ANARAvT.IN dLL TSlNGX NX172o t.AL IN NOl'UING - • wuwaLy 4 TQDIP, Pubilshera • VOL. IX. -NO. 44. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17, 1888 WHOLENO. 518 - World (garx.eopo>;td.nir- n,. t X— Oral (Sarrsallauclance -9octti (E0M01161idence Woral Cirarreotrvucteuca fiord gorr e pondrilre Lal Toxxe lln udtxcc. Blyt11. Goderieh• 1 Goderieh. Blyth. Blyth I Blyth. Rev. George R}Chald@un and trite ' in Toronto Rev Ur Salton is steadily im- highest honors for stoves and furnish. iupa. Upstairs Echvarda; sow littered in 18x;8, J Gray, S Tophan; darned net, llfra CCatopbel1, Miss Annie Shane has were last Friday. pruviug. it was with. much T Hamilton. J Symington; crochet work, G Nott, J returned from 1t0r. Knox Church B.-tud of Hoedifficulty 1 Ait li Meyer,Aleyerex-Mayor of that a Nims R>;UGHD report. er tuauaeed to Kot through the hurt;. Uitux. Potter; nomorame work, Gordon Young, Miss McQuarrie; point lace, F Tanner, leU tb visit t0 the Ci; - g Y Culnr town. regular meetiug last Saturday. The Vt',C.'l'.L`, Wlnbhalll, tYAe Iq tOtvD Lista week. lag CL'Owd. (ilhltOn H'Aa l'Hpl'(,.yUilted Iced fall wheat, R Laidlaw, R J Jir,. Govan; white fall wheat, J McDowell, o J Symington; honiton lace, F Tanner, J Symington; On S`tl'bath afternoon a will hull an Upon I meeting next Tuesday. The pipe layers are now, working b fine displays of the famous y P Y Doherty orraus by Mr. T. C. Doherty; John Cumming; spring wheat, W \1'Hymouth, ribbon work, J Symington, H Mrs C Campbell; chenille work, WrH C; P pugilistic eneouuter took place in ilia atv all , i\Ir H.I . PutFln 011 tuns in town this around the s uare. tl Rev, Mr. SUILOU is atuadily re- and harne9s, .etc., by nlr. Geo. A. Sharman. 1I'r. Johu J Ifnrrisull; be9t fall wheat, ally kind, not known; six rowed barley, Campbell, Mrs Anderson; outhoo cul- broidery, Mrs C Campbell, J Symiug- south of List- villago bbtwoen souls of our Such week• covering from his recent illness. Sherritt the pioneer shoo-malcur, was tlle ouiv I Potter, J Barr; two rowed barley,S Barr; large white oats, T Hamilto S tot; embroidery in linea, J young meq. b unseemly conduct on the Sabb;tth da ahoul,i Five u'Clock test on Nov,lsl. ander 1>egnlar martin" of Huron Eu- prize winter ill fit° sewed Aud pe );ud l K I Barr; black oats, THamilton,J Moffatt; gaol Symington; crochet shirt in wuul, J Mutch,lMrs C Campbell; pencil drawing Y not go uupnnished- the auspices of tl+e ltdi0s of Knox church. b n cautputent vol 28, I. U. U. F , next work. Mr. John T. Carter showed uiee collection of harnoss collars fur- ► , a 8n :all white oats, Win Bennett, John Jackson; small peas, T Hamilton; large let and 2nd Mrs C Campbell; pencil drawing b bo or g y y girl colder Oil Tuescl t evening Y b lust IhH Iwv Jfr Jawiepcou Bayflold Alonday• uiHllinRa, trucks, valises, eta„ atui i,Pit9' G Moffatt, R B Laidlaw; timothy az years, C Ilalri5lton, Mrs Anderson; Crary work, oliicers unJ teachers of Trinity , Y of ' . preached ill Kiiux chutoli oil Messrs. Tudor Marks slid John WaH n prize taker. Ill home Mann seed, R G McGowan, J Harrison; flan sued, 11 Laidlaw, R B Laidlaw. J Symington, ,Ura Taylor; collection of (.htuuh S. S. nett at file rectory ,Sttu• da g mornin+=. Morgan of Bayflell were ill town fuetnris9, ladnes' work, fine arts, etc., Sons, N ilicDonald heifer calf, Snell & Sons, Jag Webster; bull calf,' Snell & oil painting, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs Dr whale they spent 11eag:utt and I 1 . J C, on Sunday. the display8 were all that go to make hours. Carder, Mrs C 11amiltol; crewel work, enjoyable eveuiucg will, the rector b The Sehoouer Tud), an with n part' of tho water wutka plan, watched tip it good show. Outside th0 dis- Early Rose potatoes, J Gray, ItLnid- ( Nott; embroidery ill silk, G Nott, J 'and his lady. flefuro s+' )nratill r, of luruber for 1I r. lI. SuCord bliss Nicholl wits called from plays showed keen com lctibiou. Mr. law; late Rose potatoosiJ Pollock,8Barr; Symington; Java canvas work, Mrs C the lesenteda quitable testiutouial p rearm reached this port last week. tuns on Jlouda b Lite serious ill- Y Y John o Leslie, of Clinton hall a taut, bur of vehicles which any other kind potatoes, R Laidlaw, S Barr; collection of potatoes, S Barr, Jas Campbell, G Moffatt; home-made straw hat, L Tasker, Alf. Carr; plain sewing l0 Utlb Of t11H11' Uuwbur, , who is leav- \Ir Neil Campbell was gcn'lunsly near ofa, sister. wur0 notch ads winod and was awarded honors. lir, Barr; nine field carrots, P ,Vill,'s, S done by girl under 14 years old, T Haru- iug in a few days for othar parts ill lltst Saturday, but he has rapidly Mrs. Clunots, (Uoe Saints) Of' Galt Will. Herbison showed an improved Barr; nine garden carrots, A Carr, J Barr; $weds turnips, J Barr, J ltioh. ilton, T Strachan; patching by girl, not ►Wore than 14, T Hamilton, A Carr; Hhowiligtile loveand esteeiu in wh"Loh , improved since then, is visiting lit Lhe residence of Lor patent churn (R'hipplu'S Rectaugn` mond; collection garden produce, R darning by girl not more than 14, T, sh+' .a as held antungst tl]em, also There will he Commuuiouaervie" parents, East Street. lar) which is I}ltuly Locums into gene- Laidlaw R Sollars beets $Barr J lfamilt u, J Harrison; fancy leather ,,yy avith the fullowit]g address : next Sunday' -it St Gtio'go's al 9 It is ruulored that, the lake shore rut nso, A big wituinto the ^ c011tputittou ill Gr y; marigold wurtzels, G Collison, T work, 14Ira C Campbell, J Syulfngton; To hiss Hattie Drummond. A. Dl, stage Itlgtend of stoppitlg at Kiutnil stock all afternoon. I„ List HpeQaiug cissa thele were Straohan; pumpkins, J Barr, R G Mo. Gowan; squashes, It Sellars; red onions, sampler work, Mrs Anderson, J S°vm. ington; Band paintings J Match Mr; C Dear. Friend, -\\'e your fellow Tho Schout,ter EreuhiyStur trench• iv"I shortly oxtoucl the trip to some five or Hix entries'; JIr. Beattle J Stafford, It Sellars; silver skin'ouions, t'ampbell; hand'sewiug, T Hamilton, J teachers and otticera in the Sunday ed this port lust week and took u1) An,burly. (of BNattie,i: Roas), Cliutou, won first It Laidlaw,+ A'Cat.r; potato onions, J Symington; crochet, hiss McQuarrie. School of Trinity Chureh,Blyth, Have position h.rt+v,+,+n the lru•bur 1 ht- boilH -a fur the wafer works Luong)'• Cnustat+lu Davis very pro- Stafford; held beaus. 1, 1•e+, King, Gor• Doublegorun:iums, single gernniulns, learned with much regret that xou Islaruis. tow. be}ug )Iaoud in toaition, g,•eltt g l 1 porly arrestseil one or two fakiri, ami , • • itrud'' don Young; corn, J Ilivhmond, Il G Mc_ Gutvruo; uitron9, It. Sullare, H Fraser; double fuchsias, petunias, J Harrison; collection of fl worts, J Sy'miegtutl, J are about to leave us to take up y6ur residence in the city'of Toronto; It 'I'll,- 6chuuu,•r Guldlott)eter with to bu of a moat substantial make ' a uonplr of jrw(•lry wt•nglul•9. Among the, uxhilitrrs in cattle , watermelons, 'I9 Itaruilton, .t Willis. "l Harrison. is our pleasant privilege to remember a Cargo of luulbrr For Mr II Second anti lwflect 'giant Credit oil rho curl- g Itnd sheep ace find the fandllar u:tl drumhead cabbage, '1' l fuylor, J Staf- Ladles drfvitig= Hiss F, , : Swartz, lrlisg and assure You that your constant Arrived ill h Leiser Un Snrld'ty after- tractors Messrs. Chryst it and Black. Io ofy JIr. ,1111111'9 PoLwr, au.l ill )oal- i A IV any other kind eAbl,L;:,'e, R. t ElfaCa, . \V filuuu; cnulitJot:ur, J Stafford, I{ F1911e1'. ]ingpipe playing, 1) McKay, Iiiutail; and rRgular attendance, your patient p and kiurily liuun. Lauf; wbuk.tha Wring at the fourth try that of Mr. fautv,; Harri8ou. 'Coin- 1,aiAhuv; yellow (urious, It Laidlaw, Alf 0 C 1) McKay, Kintail. Dancing, boys manner with your class and your devout and reverent dome • Uu \\'t. (nes.l ty his Iiuuur Jtidogl of the water' works supply wf-11S O" the whole the 8110w tests it Carr. . ,' • under 10, Ilighho,d fling and sword Luutlon; - anor in school and in Church have Duyle "save iiii-ment in the cutin• b J c:tntt- to ;a sudden strip by the yriug niotchine jatnlltell, henco I,lotu hiacoess, and the x'o ,le• of 1 1 Blyth, the directors and officers anti 1,.ut:i rnuu+t ['s• dance, in uostnwe, F Fraser; Chas A Stewart, Seaforth; Chas Camp. been a source of yroataasistauce sled ' b Certeit Cuitt sass ill which ,milli ` and DIc+::aha weru the Itis getting LIt0 ii'utic !a TtUt CUtllPlbted as expg'cteel• tl,,, rs, are to hu Crllh=CatUlHtOd oil Lisa Tub creamery batter, Cleo Watt; tub, not less than 40 lbs T Hamilton,J Barr bell. Seaford; C4' •1' IIa,.s,.McKillop,• Urt=nn \iiss llepew' encouragement to u9 in the discharge of our own ditties. As an earnest cased. Ciente t+ct{tilted Stuith, Hud releag- 1'he Autumn Assize Court wits success of their Ettatts. Our °slrncw forbids a mart lengthy tlescrip crock, not less L1uu1'1.O 1bH, Alf Carr,Jns Barr; ten nouuds in rolls or prints, 1 p uotnpetitiun, , G(rtltnu; latt9s Hltake, Ida Stewart, of thin the ask n y u to accept the ed JIeC'abe to appear 1'ur judgt»0ut opened yesterday afteriloon. llis P Y tion. B•Aow ih the SLutw+u•t, J Ii,u•r; dairy cheese, J Me- Blyth, Specimen of writing, h Hader 1 >' pupils a iblit,a Ilarp books. -:1 Teachers His B,bIP, [lar ,atria ga Under His I ,when called upon. Lurdshi) Judge Faleunbridno near L b . 1. ' > PRIZE' LIST: Elrov, \V Scott; factory cheese, lot and , • if, from any I uhlic School, lr, entries, 6 , Shudow, and a letter book and with •• , , Iaev: ,,\Ir. Potter will to•uturrow idino. After His Lordship loll In,aHl:9, tint Gordon Young; extracted honey+, \1' J Morton, It Match; honey in comb, W Alfrca Stawart, No 3, I:►st \Vawano h; theta our best trishos for your wel- , evening deliver '`a' •lecture in the ltddressed the Grand Jur ill +List Y Heavy-llrau,lht Registered Stallions.' J Morton, it ilntclR. ells C(uder, Biyth; Aftiry Boll, Blyth. fare. Hoping that your gnat efforts Victoria street Jletliti ist church oil lases that would be laid IiLfore --T%vo year•uld, John Basun, \V DIc. 1L1;' J11110ss. . to feed His lambs may be owned and u ,-`- ' I,lnnitllsenCeaUf'the. Illl't'ICttrl \\rill'• then} the business of the Court Carvin; oar year-old, T McMichael, 1) '- Winter apples 4 Iotter,;J Rnr•• fall Ladies' Work. --Mrs Ilarrinoton, bleat by the great Shepherd and that -_..- -- - ._.._.. , _. ,r.. ol ilrcc" i,tts 1 L'ayally i=olliur. osis=lal Cetultl t>.itlx,•. .. .. , floss; Ptalt,4on-;V:4 t_ 4.OLItia.- .*r.=: ::. tx revf,a ed in 188,8, J P Fisher, J Mason. 1P _ :U [till) les, :1 Curr, -J Potter; iussei , T H B1-4 -.i rs- :iitherj•:A:ubur Miss ,..• T n, Mls. Kally Bruss ,ls. I ' -his - n9 S with you . \\re remain our Mr. It. S. Chiltun, Aulericall Consul Ut aturday Dir. It. A. Starke, of General Purpose stallions,-Two•vEar- laylor, G, Jackson; northern 9ptra, G hoots and Vegeiables.--P KEIIv, sincere friends F. Tanner, iI. Ititehie Tina tit this tutru, will pfesiile• the -North American Chemical CO ' old, C Dale, If Rose; ogle• ear•old It Y ,fackson, J McGregor; snow apples; J Putter, -A Taylor, :1J HfcGregor, Blyth, Morgan, DI. Cranston, A. Walker, 'Next Jdhll',1;t1° NVQnlllg till lalll• was pr0.synted by,the employess of Mutcli, R C McGowan, Heay dratl lits. -Team, J Match; lialdwins, J Jackson, J Potter; Ithode Island Greonings, G Fruit, eta. -J Stet art, Beutniller; 3. Bin gliani, Goderich. Ruth Jones, Mrs. M. Whitt, F. W. OUR D1rC,iheny tenuity will appear ill the establishmeut with a coulpli- upentary addrebs, accompanied by a Y g mares or geldings, drnlation by llot. A. M. Posts, Jackson, CT Collison; f1t11 n nus , 1 •pl , G faeksoll,Jlotter;twetty t night liaises.- ] Brine, I3rnrsels; I)r Tanner, F. W. Scott, J. 11', Bell, Officers and Teachers Ii, A.'1'homrs the .Royal Upera Iluuse told give ono of 'their nianuifice ilt f'Ietty card receiver iiud a handsome M. P.1'., F4' J Diuksolr, J Ruwuoldx, T Hamilton; brood maie ltaViilg raised o;mcepippins+ li Laiitlaw, T Russell; un} other variety Blackhall Chntun F1' Hawkshuw Sea- forth. Incumbent. ' • b ente.rtAiu- nt0ut:. 1'hH palaces Car ill -which Calve ba kut. The pr"entation .was foal fn 1Rh;, C I)+11e,'A Corr; two.yrur• pipping, G Jackson. J Ifolaroy; uolleu- Cattle. -•\Cm S ,rant, Turk0rsmith: l . • thi; wo llerfnl fu nilly .travel well hu ill Cunuuction with the guutletnatI's old gelding, A Morrison, J'Young; taco. year-old tllly, A Carr, J Seales; tioi of apples, stirs J'13ri ha:n, G Jack• son; winter pour., J Jackson; fit] pears. John Govier, Hullett; E Grant, West 1Vatvaucslt' Goller10'. Tnl,'INfilt(1r. at the station from noun till ii\(uq. recent atuttrtAge• one= year-old filly, It Erritt; more Ectal, A J ,Tarl(got, :C Strachan slums, lot and 1 , Sheep -and 1igv. ;George Ie:thale, I'1tH Cilbick form wits bold last d;iy inui•nit.%,, JIr, Fred. C. Wilson, druggist, Carr, J Shortreod; horse foal, W A Can. '2nd J Jackson; crabs, G Moffatt, 1t G Stephen; James McFarlane, Stanley. week to If r. Murch for $2;000, . Calif. 111,tbb whit, tut with' tli•+ l tut' nr:wy y0ursa resident of Bayfield; nimglinin, J Mrcgon. General Purpose.-•I'eanl, mares or McGowan; collection ennned fruit, Alf ("irr, J llarrisou• grape twine, CIH Me- l Poultry. -T M Carling, Cfintun; T Bawden, I31yth• The ,st,di}eil death of J1 t•, Dlc ' lift boat last week looking for Clio 'tad recently eiupluyed as,travellur geldings, XVII Lobb, It i\lutuh; brood (1lnirrie, Inlloore:" __ _ Neal was asad blow to his frioud.4 J' , barge Sauthu),) Vou that haei i)rokell for a .drug house, 'died in this town mare having raised foal in 1888, J Rose, •. roa.rax. ,• as he Intl always been all exeeptiuil- • from ,hut• con w•t, ,found 1i' large on Friday evening from an overdose A \V Sluan; taro -year-old gelding, C Turkey,,, J Potter, J Barr; geese, \'1m JIr. Joseph Iietfron,of I)ett'Oit is ally hearty mat. ILo was Presby-, . numbl r of toga that had helUuged of chloral. '1 he deceasttd arrived' iII Buddies J Sherbrooke; floe -year-old Grieve, J Harrison; Rutteu ducks, F S visiting relatives hear,.: t•oriau and much respected. to in raft. T111' life boat CI'(•aV loalldell town on tl]C pt'eV}Oh•a 8tU1'day Aril] 'ragistered filly: donation by SlatE'r & Sima,:C Rud- d1C, W Grieve; one -year-old filly, D Iiepttic, ,7 IA ot,r r; anyyother kind of d17C1(g 1.et all,} 211d J 1lArl'19e11 brown 11tH Waterhouse Co., Ilra11tford ' 'l'l a-JI1;E'rrNc ill L'othcl elute Ch a ]llt9llbet' of 8L1CILa.Un t}IQ beach, at the British u9 from, Ryan, J COrtt,lek; 1101'ae foal, Glen Leghurna, tat and 2nd I)+' Beattie; ill tend testing One of titbit' excellent ( Vilkins0il'g Corner) Oil .the Istil sort(+ of which averet,90 fee f; long. pronto.. On• the following I+ridgy Bros, T Vint; mare foal,,[ Johnston, II fight Leghorns. F.SBeattie, J Harrison; steauf fire engines here on Tuesday. Oct. Toa- tv}Il. be, served from G, to S b Growda of p,"011le itisl.e. the. afternoon •.betwoeri five rind, six Tavlor. black Spanish, 1•' S Beattie, J. Hltrrison; • Mr. John ,Young, ofLondon, till •p, lit. Addresses by Revs. Living- I watfr-wuiks inlet uu Sunday, Sev• o'clock he got a prescription made lloedsters.-SlSaat e•+rriage horses, Tdtua Agnew, Il Hill,*L 'McNarrlara; light bralnnmtn, dark brallmas, lat and 2nd I' S'Beattie;° Ifamburgs,J'Jlfarrison, olil thil"a resideut was hero taking stow Itichardson incl Ilam and oral Ciuu+s (I•uriug the. day, there 'ill' by a drugtifgt, Of four doses of brood mare, J N Perdue, 'Koenig cf h S Beattie; Dorkinsi W.,n Grieve J •ill the fair and mak'in a gpne]'aL g others. `Pint ' ( Uu 11Attenbury 5t. u were ril'ther heated discussiUlts on Cho drug to lib taken ever two b' Goebel; two- •ear old gelilin g, 11' Ed- y 6 E, Harrison; black -breasted red gar'ne, F S b visit, returning. to the city uu Mon. Chair will vary the proceedings with the marits of the sclietna. At one hours if needed, It appears .Chat wards; two.vear-old filly, Koenig,( Uoe- bel, J N N' due, W Shane; Beattie; J Harrison; partridge coollins, t ' d"lY• musical soloction9. Iver bod Y Y title during rho afternoon there were c}uceased lucked himself in his room ono-yee.r•old gelding, W Bairns, J N Perdue; foal, P. G Love; ban Jams, Potnnds, let and 21id 1^ S Beattie; Plymotth Rnclrs, F 117 r: ',. J. \f ilue leuyes lure ou and their wives and swHothearts sixty-four Loftus examiu}ng rho about six o clock cull Lheu tool: rho D Chamberlin , T \Vilkinson; one-year- Beattie, J ]>Inrrisou; pigeons, 1' S Boat- Wednesday (tu-dal ,•, to. rea m his ' will be matte welcome. works. whole cuutouts of the bottle. Short= old filly, Joln, Stafford; driving buggy tie; collecti0le of fowls, J Harrison, W I, medical studies to 1 r'inity A(edical As the. New Fra has for many • ly before seven ono- of the Lauds borse in-baFnose \Vat Smit, 2 I G ' 0 11 r+ V • ... . ,.., .. ' Y 1'h1 following aro thei otiice b•, seers the \V. C. T. U. I. trying to enter the room for the n, uc nC known; saddle horse, J N Perdue, John Barr; .leve. tur,.r a[arrs, o abut ootlo, 11111,11 spriHg,wheii he expects tO have the.1l. D. attached .years been eeonotntztyg the truth . . - . . _. attic n tirlggi11' null A tvorretiti' of of for the > . eUll]Illlllo year : 1 re9tllent, JI1.9, purpose of arrang g 1 1 b111b it for the night, gelding, any age or class, D ltvalt; mare or = l,eldi +pg in harness; I,I Flill; best Lumber • wagon; Slater tC Sills, J tb his name for future reference. 'Saturday the fartuel'a of Goderich tow'fiship Writ. Cantpholl. 1'i0e 1'rusideut9, found Clio dour looked; and shortly, two-year-old roadster, filly -or gelding,. Brunsdeu; pair• bobsleighs, Slater & Uu evening the train about their alleged old fogyistll 'in . Mrs Gibson, Mrs. Potter,- lrs. after, witlf the, assistance of"another .N. Peidue. Sims, J .Bruusdcn; market 'wagon, J Leslie; iron bearn 'C. Love, J due here at 7:20 p lit. did not reach their mode of business ons well as AIC( r+nrie.Go'res tOtiding SuCretat• • 1 b yy, inaid .'and .a. cormatircial groveller who thought..he knew Che deceased, spring Tlests ring foals of b Kin' of` the g Y R Ca,n bells dna Baron Scott, I' Reilly, p y' plow. Brunsden; iron beam general p t pnr ose this station until near midnight in their political faith, it is cheering , \Ira. Alex. Morton. Recuidiu g SHerotttry, DlissTrueniau. Treasurer, broke open the door, tvlten Wil on' Glen Bros, John Cummings; best two* ear -old colt in harness, got h Ken- Y Y plow,JBrunsden,GLove;irquharrows, if McQuarrie; open bugX,y, tat and 2nd consequence of anniet}ling }laying 'gone wrong with the engine At to•uow final that jutu'naj Utakiug b amends by chronicling rather ultra Miss Stakes. Jlrs. Writ. Campbell, was found in bed ill a state of insen- sibility if 9tut dead. Ih.'1'aylor was tuck Star, J N Perdue and W Shane. Y ties; best year-old colt, noise or stare, J Brunsdel; covered buggy, t,6Y, gwlat,cr tt Sims; covered.double buggy, J Drnus- Denftuld. Mr. Arthur Ernigh, than the truth in re=yard to what b Goderich township r Mrs. Leech ,and Mrs. John N iftel soon in attendance but found that got by.Kentucky Star, E D Chamberlin- den, J Leslie; orert double buggy, J of LoAdon, can produce, were A(ipo}utHcl to represent God the unfortunate. pian had been dead best foal got by .Kentucky Stair, E D 'Chamberlin. Brunsden;.Eutter, Slater it;,0 Sims; horse shoes, H Stinson, Slater Sims; iron who is s pending his vacation here 1 Ilia Last weep it records Mr. Charles ' -,•` \ illialna erich LTuiOp at the Provincial 1V. C. T, U. Coilvetttiun at Sarnia, ysoute minutes. Chief Yule, who _ • e'ar,'t.l:, It pump, 1st and 2nd P Willis; wooden with parents, was confined to P' the house for -two or throe days loaf orchard as _ producing "apples ales botweau one and two feet in 1 I At present there is n big row over had beau called In took ehiu•g0 ot• ' b deoeaAed and Ili-- 11Tects and found Thorongfibred,-A;,=edbnll,Johit Cum.. „ pump, 1st and _lid I Willis. stove ,and furniture, C Iinmilttttn, J G Musiet; fan- week with a slight attack of couges• „ chournforence. Suppose we strike the iulet front the harbor for water the bottle that It .•I contaiugd the minga; two-year-old still, Snell fir Sons, J Boldrew; ntiloh cow, T Ross, Suelt sk ning mill, A A iu34archi0 Rc Co; turnip drill, R Sellars;- churn, N Herbison, J tion of the lung=a. \Vu are pleased to see him out again, au i►vbrago and say Mr. D\rillintna' apples were eighteen inches ill cir. I. fur fire purposes. Wo,areuotdiscusa. iug thoalleritH Of the soliente but the drug on the butt•,,,, resting oil fhe oris nal Dr. Alel',ean, Sons; two-year-old heifer. J Potter, N .Richmond• McDonald; ane -year-old heifer, Snell. & reaper knife =raider••Ross t { , & King. Thursday"last brought the largest ever• I n cu11nferunce. Lind we have tllb "big- • • wisdom of the lural press and tha preseriptiun. the coroner, held :,n inquest bu the Sons, N ilicDonald heifer calf, Snell & Sons, Jag Webster; bull calf,' Snell & NIANITFAC•t'r11C9. crowd 0f spectatorsthattoss seen. at our annual exhibition, Tho. ggc'st thing on ice•" f:o to, thou New Erle and deal with something gentlemen who stuud calutly b Y for six Utonths, knowing it was roinainb on Sattird,1, horning when C, the facts as above it t•tted were Sons T Rosa.. Grade. -Yoke of working oxen, R 'B I{omo-made felt cltjtl+, CU Nott, ]liiga Pollock-; home-made, all wool, C.':v'ot't, entres were fllr grearbr than off any thou art more in the habit of haud- ' part' of tho water wutka plan, watched given by the several wi;ousses. At the Laidlaw R G McGowan; " , milch cote, .[ 1{oss, N Miss Pollock; union flannel, T Iiamil- ton, G Nott; honte-made all wool blain- other occasion. The rn.'eei Its at the gate were over $400, being' a largo ling than facts. 1\'o tvuU t chru'go d b You with toilful ill isropretcItlatioil, the ads I'or lende]'s anti i'ns0,tet( conclusion of tis¢ uuquiry the jury McDonald; two-}•car-old,heifer, Jas Webster, J Potter; one -year-old kers, Idle Hamilton, C1orcCon Young; increase over ally other year. but just refer to your alatelurnt. them et°never uttered the sli=ghtest Y b found that deceased had died from heifer, T Ross, Jas Webster; heiferchlf, union blankets, G Collison, A Pi-; on home -spam horst blankets, J Barr; on number of our young bloods about. ihu "topples brtat elnl one ,and • oppoAition till the contract had herrn lilt and the wurk be+ uil. \\'e t.hiuk an overdose, of chloral, but whether Said overdose had been taken spring, R Ferris; best steer calf, It Me, Gownu, It Ferris; two. year•old'steer, T erlet, R I3 Laidlatr, Cl Nott; rad Hint, v- wont to Clinton on Diouday to' heat two fat ill circumfore ]ov", to rl tile. acci- Ress, John Cnmutings; one -year-old. s g Nett A Proctor; flannel, C; Nott, 11ligg Lha distinguished Iri9h comedian, show that even thuilgh am itious•t0 cuilw,il And the water works CU)Illilittee had good. rr'rra0n to be. dentally or with the intent to cont- init auicide there was n6l steer, 1st and 2nd T Ross; fat cow or' Pollock; yarn mat, J Jackstn, W Scott; rag carpet, G. Nott, A Proctor;' stocking J, S. Murphy. The boys O ort 1011 lh,+ trU1,11, yOU'VAllit AU danger- ' b , liber' that ter. engined 9 propisition 'et•idence , .sufficient to shuw. During Saturday heifer, T Rus9; herd, 7 Ross, ;1k,• Donald. yarn, Gordon smug, T Hamilton; Ildilleanado f,read• dViisg Mcfhiarrie, that t11e tV0111dn't }Lilac It11Sa^(i at]C11 Y a Croat for twice tba it 01191 ba Und It Ag lU 1ota Ill Ch'e Y Y rrgiuns of ,\l ouch a nillsm. was n gond one cunsid0ring there was n0 Opposition, and that the Chief Yule telegrttphcd L'aytiel. and to anr•:rr. , s dot9wold.-Aged Cumntfngs; J Harrison; home-made apotgeeakp, Miss _amount cost. . - _.--+•• __ _ .. other places as the,disposi- ram,. J. McQua.rrie, J Harrison, home•linade Professor Bills of the Ontario Stinitllerlilil. .. authorities should not be blArned tion of the t•entains. 'Khe only answer sheatlin'g ram, John Cummings, Jas Potter; bread, Gordon Young, N Cummings; Agricultural Collo o Gudl h (elti}te from tt for procetiing with a work that received was from his wife, who di• rAm lamb, 1st and 2nd J Potter•• ,aged ewes, 1st and 2nd J Potter; shear- bakdrs' bread, Ist and 2nd E 1) Cham. berlain; tea biscuits, N Cummings, A gave P , gg an iuterestiug lecture in the N(otho- a number here 6uult in" alma Blyth Fair. seemed to meet with the unanimous, approval of the press and general rested the body to 'be interred at Goderich as she wits without means, ling ewes. John Cummings. J Sher- brook; ewe lambs, J Potter, J Cum• Proctor; maple syrup, J Rath, A -Proo- for; (list church here on the educational Afr, George Johnson is engllpeel . public. During the afternoon the interment r"i"gs• ' maple sugar, N Cummings, J Rath; coarse boots, 1st and 2nd J Sherritt; interests 0f the church, of Monday 0voning.' The ALtendancu was not by A[eesrs Laithotvaity sari Dicl'irien ' ' - The action taken on the lake inlet took place- at Alait1hrld cemetery. P y 1'hore was a re port current on Mon 1 Leicester, --Aged ram, let and 2nd John 'McGregor; shetirling ram, 1st• all q 2nd Snell R• `Flms; hand -made gouts' sewed boots, 1st and 2nd J Sherritt; darnin stockin =, T. extra large in consequence of it being to assist with the remainder of aeagon's threshing. t b inatter seems• nalagous to th.tt taken ill cunneect.io with the harbor inlet. (Illy that the cuflin would sh6vtly be ram lamb, Snell It. eons, J Richmond; aged eves 1st and 6 Hamilton; double harnesagGeo A Shar• man; single harness, .i T Carter, Geo A t; a trot evening. A large number of our citizens . Mr. Edward Jordan's house Un J In the latter case rho Govet•ntnent ruutuvuIt to L'aylield and interred in 2nd Snell it Sons; shearling ewes, Snell Sharman; collection leather, A Wet• loft here on l u esday to atteuil the „ Lisa 16th colt, Goderich 1 p. has n tale 1 was asked to do a certain work the cemetery at that village beside & Sons• ewe lambs, 1st and 2nd Snoll st ' Sons; fat sheep, It Laidlaw, Snell dtr laufer. assizes lit Goderich As wituesaes ill od aha slid proportions ant . 1 I 1 I tCgroed to do it at a large ex teutli- I the remains of his first oil's• Sols, LADng.9' WORK, Arasene work,') Livingston, G 5*,f- the case of AIF. Joseph Webster vs. , will soon be ready for occupation. tur'e and let the contract. As soon `- " - Southdown. -Aged ram, Glen Bros., fatt; rickrack, Mrs Dr Carder J Sym. +Montreal Telegraph Co., the plain ATF. ,TOIm .Johnson has turned as ft was known that, the contract BLI T}I TALI+ SMO\I', R Reeser; ehearlinq ram, list nnrl 2nd C+len Bros.; ram lamb, list and 2nd Glen in Lou ill Y g , pillow and sheet shams, J Gar- tiff' suit Lha Co. for damaes for 13 -by alta Planks on the bridge here "oud ,' wits let some people stirred u the l p P Bros; pair aged ewes, let and 2nd Glen ter; patch quilt, )Bias Pollock, Mrs C Campbell; injuries received last spring hie for end's null put in new plagks Council to believe that tine work lltyifris Branch A ori g cultuXal Society Bros; pair shearling ewes, 1st and 2nd white quilts quilted, Aliso „ Pollock; counterpane knitted, 1 team running away throug b b Coming whnrb necilssar + y • d: ' . wuuld be useless. The Government Fall Show at Blyth on \Vednu9rla Y y Glen Bros; pair ewe lambs, 1st and 2nd I Strachan, J Raldrew; Counterpane ill con with the telrgrap.h wires e Air. Deaper hag complete(] rho 11 toss informed of the new light, +Ind g ' Thursday of last week.. The. Glen Bros. oro_ chet work, J S min tonjPotter; gent's Y g g whish were clown a short distance now brill ge ell t ►e si t 1 uadi b ' l `l l stopped the work, and lhirtean weather was all that could be desired; the show was exeeedfu gl good; keen• R y K , Shropshiredowne.-Aged ram, H Rosa, ,J Dott= Blas; Ahearlin ram, Snell g , , white shirt hand haul i IIamflton, G Nott flannel shirt Rana Nott; south of our village, which Air. Lait.l[ewnitho 9 vnb t thousand dollars that should have Competition; basil spent in Goderich remains in ill and an. immense crowd[ atteudduce; with such a desirable fi Sons; ram lamb, Snell ata Soils, 1I Ross; pair aged Elves, $nail Rc soils. H male, G pair woolen stockings, homes un, hand made, T Hamilton, Gordon Ybeng;,)till. 1'lia district Quarterly ineoting of Template will bb hold here in 'foul- demohilied s,ltito tinea ago. ilio h sills were found to be be decayed Ottawa. If the alterations had been coubivatiol carried out the inflow would have ;it could Hot-, be other- wiAe than a success. In the Boss; pair sheariing ewes. Snell R Sons, H Rtiss; pair ewe lambs„ Snell k Song, of socks home apttn, Gordon Youn , T Hamilton hiss Pol penance hall on Wednesday. J, It. to the .voi•y'contre and the greatest is that it ';; kept the harbor-f'ee of impurities indoor 1 d P grand departments the warious dis- H Ross. ric;ri, , gnnntlett mita, oclq mite , J G Moffatt, G Nott; fancy knit. McMillan. C. C. T,, and F.S. Spence, I > T. of Toronto G. C. Thos tyouder did not tumble with itd own wheight. ;,, alt Is if An exist. Here we may Playa ' Y Y gr, Wiii» tion that ilia ice used in town R were ahead of former years- roots veggetahlos fruits, d it ` ' ' Y ting, Suffolk,-Age4 boar, J Gray, H Fraser; boar littered in 188.9, R Laidlaw; embroidery, G. Moffatt, G Nott; berlin wool work, flat, Mrs. C Campbell, G Nott; G Nott; braiding ' and LatvlEae of Ham}trot twill be present. In ' -- ;a tomdni;ts, I the past summer was out ,just west quality etc., bring all of exrellent sow and fisc entries; nnmeroas• littered in 188'3, R LaidlEw,' P', Me. Namara, oil oottou, J Symington, G Nott; braiding on wool; to Lite evening an open rnOCtin is f3 P (; be hold in the Hall when addresses —The Council of Belle River, 1. Ont., has a by -late ofTetiug if of the ¢heakwater, but AB yet we have Hot heard of any, opidenlie " We notio(A that Mr. Chas'. Hamilton, Berkshire. -Aged boar, J Clarke, J J Symington, C{ Nott; sofa cushions J Symington,Jjlluteh;colleetionafladi©s will bo given. A collection to be passed a bonus of 1 1,000 to ,illy one whit - one through its of Jilyth'A most e11tevprisinl bnsi• (fray; brood sow, T AicNamnraI J work, J Match, Mrs C Campbell, •Tiias taken at Close of mooting. Everyone will erect a gnod flouring infill in raging use. ne:eg mets as usutil toss awarded the Clarke; boar littered in 19,48, E 11011, H Nott; gent's slippers, Mrs C Campbell, invited.. that village. c '% I v - N • 4 im a