The Huron News-Record, 1888-10-10, Page 8Un. W. Goormt, wbo was 'injnr- � ed by falling down into the baso- D 1 • A meat of his new building, to able to rI . 1 § §••••""•§ § . § §-"�§-^-§ § §'§ § §" be about again. a: We have an elegant Stock of New Window Sliadea, P, Ile, Spring In spite ofnunpronlising weather Pullers, etc. PRICES RIGHT: YI1 w NT ' • � R�1YA.LfaS:Y a largo number of the citizens of Clinton we>a.Iup to S,todarichta. REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS AT .,00o. O:N THE DOLLAR TO ■ the Fair on Thursday. MADE ROOM FOR FAIL GOODS. • ' I 1118. C. BATCHELOR, keeper of the .�' - - _ !e LZ r Exchange hotel, Brantford, k,as been -� ° ' t fined $25 for allowing dolniuolle to � �"`• � We now show a line of Men's Suits at a]:.0, which are all be played for the drinks In his Complete Stock of school Books and Supplies. i house. _ MrJohti McCartney has bought o-�- �r.��+•.r.�n�., �.�.il.,,�, .�,...�\wr.i+^-••��--��.-. the 80 acre farm in the township of PURSES -A fine New Stock Juat in. Only two Baby- Carriages left, fxoderich from the estate of the late which Will be sold at about half price, We are giving Bargains in {�} �y �• George Cantelon, paying there- all kinds of Goods. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. MQ'�T nufa e� by' 011'rselv�s f for $4,400, Mrs. Cautelon retaining J the 40 acre farm for the present.; BoChris. Dickson, ' - Clinton. 'Y.. Y•_„�.��.- BOTH the Godorich papers refer PIDER OWin complimentary, terms to the -- - - exhibits there last week of Calbick - — and which we clainl to be, the best . value oliered in the and Reith and It. M. Racey, Chn- Mills. A. Il. MANNING returned IIURON FXLL A9sIZEs will Com- County. Good buyers who know the value of a dollar aISO, utely bUre. ton. Each exhibit received a dill- from Toronto last week. mence, bofore .Judge Falcoubridge, Will invests ate. -Our statements before the buy Clothing oma. in Gale rich on. the 16th iust. g y y This powdmr never vnrles. A marvel of purity, , streugthand wholesomeness. More.eednoa,ieal AIR. S. J. ANDREWS cider mill is and we are confident we will surprise buyers who do not than the ordinan' kinds, and caunut besold in SuccNFCL'1'RAINING,—DI1aaJen- in full blast. AIR C. BLACKSTONE'S patent pedal Competition with the multitude of tow test, nie Frat- a student of the Clinton attnchmPut for organa was awarded knew our Establishment. We carry the largest and best short weight alum or plwsphnte powders. Sold GEo. JOHNSTON has been acgnttt- _- e,lllJ {91C2,Ut. ItQYAL BAKt9d Yowos¢ Oo., tea Collegiate Institute, has, on appeal ed of the charge of uttering counter - obtained diplorna at Goderich Fair, exports stock Of wan St., N. Y. obtained a second class non -profess- ° ° commenting favorablyon it. tonal certificate. 'I'hie makes nine fait money. __- ___ __ _ *- * t * t * t * * * * * t seconds for the Clinton Collegiate Ir A DIAN ,Halves a purchase at a The Huron Nevus -Record a AIR. JOAN has been of the sale, and refuses to give his noted IF as the rasult.so far of the Bayfiebl lino, has beau quite lotw, ;1.60 it Year- $I.'2bin Advance. Into .July examinationse Miss "Diary front the effects of a cold. or money therefor, the articles may -7 -. - L. Holmes of this town and student be re-suld, and the, first purchaser of the Institute has also obtained. SACRAMENT was adntinietored in. sued for the difference if any. Wednesday, 69ctobet•1Q/tI1, 138f3 IiE1' DR. ABsrIN cr a.firet class grade C, certificate. This St. Paul's chu rch 1nstSunday tnoru• ,of Alma C.olle„e, —MADE EL-OTHING _ READY markes two first. C's. for the C. C. i19- St. Thonurs,preached in the Victoria ' LIME. -Persons requiring lime Institute. St Aletbudist church at both services for building call bit supplied by THE DIiSSES ItICHAnDs, of C'obo- and addressed the•S. S. children in. Cooperaud Swafiiel-1 with 8t Mary's AN'INTELLIG ENT Docuif ENT.—Theerg, are, the guests Of their sister, file aflernouu, 'Pile collection at white Iifile., 501-tf following docuniont was filed in the Dlrs. S. M. Perry. Suuday services and at lecture wi41 in the )'Nest, and at this season we have a full and com- registrar's office at Hamilton on net the 'frust Fuud $100, plate assortment.WASTED.-Apples, fears. Plums Weduesday : a power of a turney, ROYAL BLACK PIZECEFTURY, No. and Crab-apph,s for which the knoe all men By thesepresence that 161, uteets in the Clinton. Orange ONLY A WOMAN. -The lecture by . highest price will be paid. -Carate• I C H Blown of file township of Hall this (\1'oduesday) evening. Rev, Dr. Austin in the Ontario Our Great Line of Men' pants at $2,5011. 1013 Bros. 511-tf West Oxford in the count' of Street Dlethydist Church, Monday - _ 3 \l Rs, GILL ueC Miss Smith. of ni ht was ver well attended. The Foit SALE OR To LET,=The coal- of the province of cTnada Do appoint ,Fort Gratiot, pis the guest of Airs. g a J worth $3.50, are llavin� a bid I'ilti. and give a power of a turne • to o discourse was uoiau effort tit orat- uiodiuu9 )ectirises recent•) ' kllOtt'n g P ) John. Robertson. 1 } absalom llurkk to have the hole wry. It was bitter. It was largely `"'------------ loyal- " and usad lla the or Kennedy's fiueedotal giving the Opinions un.+i - controls tit' a Surtairi ease • of Innd IN9FCCTOR MALLOCII is out in + e O i hotel. Suitable for boarding house o ling in the 3 conceshion in lot No McKillop'taking in Leadbury and wutnau"in. various'titnrsairdcouu or large family. Has ltll' the usual 13 stone as the young plase which other schools this week. tries: Sumo of the opinions the Our Wonderful Teed O�ereaats at$8.00,domestic cont'ruioncies. Large driv- is routed to one William Robaison lecture eom'batted, agreeing with tug house and stable in. connection. DIIt. AND MRs JAMES SMITH .tool: others, coining totho conclusion � _ _ _ _ ' _ ------- 1 _ -_ this is to expire when cold for by Also alt office immedi,ittly adjoin]ng , train last Friday for the western that Christinnit taught that the -1- Vy 0/ V X V k ��J - X- } - - T ^ + Tun NEtvs ilEueutu (')(lice. The tha'Said (. H brown or his infint status where they purpose, speudin, ) ° 'o ' Daughter Alise Iris Broti u or her better half" of nta13lciud was more -- property is in the centre of the busi- the winter• than only fi woman,in the highest and uess portion of Cliutuu. It • is n lawful gardens Signed and Seald this 15th Day of July 1857 in°AVit- Alrs, AR'rltutt IiNOx, and Atrs. bust sense, such as had never been worth $10, should be scon'ljy every bilyel'. . vc+ry-r}rrsirftl)la . prol?orty for. -either taught under any other dispe-matium.- ----._.___ ... _.... .... ..... rttl•chaser or tenant. Apply to feels of etc. "'- Wright are at Berlin. The former p} 1 } } Y is on. n visit and the latter return- Dr. Austin is pleasant in manner Our Wonderful $7.00 Suit Worth $10.90, J°IaN SIfEPP:rRD. 3t IIEAVY DAMAGES -At the \Vent- Is to her home. and intellectually huut.orous, the tl — --- worth assizes last week an action and ionco no sooner getting their THE. McGiltr•.NY FAMILY. -Tho was brought by -Nelson Peer, of BAYFIELD SHOW teas hold ,)fon- faces straightened by his grave and IS Ct surprise t0 all bllyei's, following post card from .rho masa- A.ncastar, on behalf of his daughter, day and Tuesday of this weep. The will reasoned remarks than the rig- ger of the opera • house - 'ill Paris Alartha Elizabeth, against Edgar names of the prize winners will all. iblo ntuselos were brought into play --0 — speaks for itself: Olr's, for seduo6011, The plaintiff• .pear in our. next issue, again by a humorous home hit. "'rite muoiLon\- fau,ity played hf�oie last churned $2,000 dainages. The de- Rov Ali,Stewart acted as chairman night to 11 eru\eded hull,:• :un•t gave oac of fondant is a young faruter ol"Brant- TIIE FOOT BALL MATCH at Sea- and should get a di Loma rat least h I A f) Ae 0 """ A/ D Div H y• ° fora township, county of Brent. He kept company with .Miss Poer I i Y almost up to the time of the birth of their Child and tho�i married another. -rhe defendant did not itppenr, either in por,4ou or by coup-, scl. The Judgo charged the ur Y forth last Saturday between that acted very. odi}tlotl atic�AlI at the o town and Clinton resulted by 2 to stung liens tactical( refuting the 1 in favor of Clinton. Practically o slander about the surg,ieal operation Ix nastVER to a chalice •o given anti a Suutchinan's head when a joke b given is around. ` .in. Chess cohim>ts there ..will be a fuot ball thatch in (Jlinto13 next tbu Godet•1ed► '1 •. � - 1, � LOCA.! I r ��X- r L � �� S• • Saturday between home bogy's'; ow1ts11ip+. and a 1%sena team, Council met at IIolmesvil]e Oct. '" �r.+rr.,..m..,-.-•....+�+mrn....r+.T.+�.' .�Y�'.e.int.*rK+.+.'.'C.Yin-+n-a^'�l'1'..•.^I^nenm.+rn 0 the most u,trnrSUt, eurenaiiiiiiews ever g•ivea hi Paris., 1-uu capuut reouaunend them G u highly." The conipany are making their first tont• through Canada anis crowd- ed bonsai have g;r,•e•tt,rl them every- whore,. -517 - - ° fora township, county of Brent. He kept company with .Miss Poer I i Y almost up to the time of the birth of their Child and tho�i married another. -rhe defendant did not itppenr, either in por,4ou or by coup-, scl. The Judgo charged the ur Y forth last Saturday between that acted very. odi}tlotl atic�AlI at the o town and Clinton resulted by 2 to stung liens tactical( refuting the 1 in favor of Clinton. Practically o slander about the surg,ieal operation Ix nastVER to a chalice •o given anti a Suutchinan's head when a joke b given is around. ` .in. Chess cohim>ts there ..will be a fuot ball thatch in (Jlinto13 next tbu Godet•1ed► '1 ' THE FAMOUS , c ��-oTi'-f �'� Re . continuing the mail cony wttb �' Londesboro'. LOCA.! I r ��X- r L � �� S• 7 0 .l in. favor of the plaintiff and the Saturday between home bogy's'; ow1ts11ip+. and a 1%sena team, Council met at IIolmesvil]e Oct. '" Rev. •Aledd has been viaiti13g fit "Neel:•. .- Seaforth the g`rehfee part of" r mail comes foul' -hours earlier f V 1:' - -' J V�� nr after a sliort deliberation ra- ,l Y: , 1, 1ti88, pursuant to adjournment ; Dir. Miles •during tho ) 1st a l t -Mr. ' • In •`ilil11h." 'tu: u, el a verdict for the plaintiff for 1, full 1:IIE LoxD,oN .FRE L" PDE s:-=1lr. members fill present. Alinutes of John I[atvl:ahaw, Al r. Jul1u DIPdd is likes tu'returu Y John Robinson. .the popular-. blacksmith'.ofthiaplace will shot•tly a11d .1kr°1111d the.. •thi• amutiut of the clai.m,$`5,000 of Exeter, has ,lost niectiu rand and passed. The p to }tis place just north of the village. - C. Mol Zolllh. cults. sold his rune trut.tin•� horsy "Tom ° +� o , collectur' was present with his Lurk to Al r. John l;eaco111, -Of' Our genial statiou'about-is likely leave for Michigan, his many friends in. this place wish hire -success in. , I.,UTII IIos8, 1IESSRs ROSS AND sureties. Aloved b Juhn Beacom Y ( GodericL for $1 OOU.. ' to be debarred his usual )rivile«o of 1 r his new home. Afoitnis FALL, SHOW talars place at DItuRY referred, when in Clinton, 9econded.by James II. Elliott, that taking a vacation. _ Blyth.to-day autl to -morrow, Wed. to the good wo:1; done by the Tur, millinery opening; of Hodg_ tilt, collector and his sureties be Air. Geo, Lyon has recently lost 113:1at WawaRosll• nesday and Thursday. Provincial Agricultural COiF •o at 0 6 In Estate was a "dandy" display. accepted. -Carried. '.'ho troasurer's a horse. His new house is near) Y 181r. It. Yirt had a well attended TROUBLED Il IS CON:CIENCE.-The Guelph, It is roported that Ilon Stich exclamations aa,"How pretty I'• bond, was examined. Moved and ready for occupancy, bee on his farm last week. Customs Department at Uttatva on. Wednesday Dlrmussin.afteiwaridbeingquestion- "How nice !" 'rIsn't irl;lovely," be- seconded that the treastifer''s sureties Ing heard on all sides. be considered satisfactory New fences la front of dwelling o Mr. Goo. McGowau is slowly to-' received a twenty dol- ed as to how the work at the College b y.-Carri- ed. Mr. Edmund Curtis asked houses seetu to be the order in our covering from -his recent illness. lal•'bill as conscience moue y from a Woodstock man. The stricken one which had rcceutl • passed from his y •} supervision tothat of AIr Drury, teas , for A.IR. A� ..Q_ AIALi.oen who left genet to voluutees. Moved. b )'hos. r village at pro. ent, which add very Mr. Win. Ross intends leaving in •his letter quotes 1 Thessalonians, getting along this fall received for here last week for Toronto Ubiver• ce hurchill, seconded ,by J.un s lI', much to their appearance. for Kuox Collogo, Toronto, this iii.. chapter and 13th verse : also reply. "First rate, fall wheat all sit had a severe attack of illness ] Y , that be given tie. i Rev. Dir. Irving from' the -Nilo week. ' Dlatthex', v ch;iptcr, Sth verse. billed rap ud the calves eau now since arriving in. tilt city,but tvac at Conipauy, to be used as'prizes fora Olup be iz addressed the S. S. children hero Mr.'Thotpaq Potter disposed of p • drink -sour milk, There is last accounts out of danger. shooting match for Laid Cont lay 0 1 `' Y last Sabbath morning, while Rev, his stock and implements last week. A farmer tells a blood curdling some t trouble with the students however, -Carried. ,Aloved by John Buacorn :Alit, TH08,, TunNtiCLr, of the , Al r, Rogers performed the same duty Toni is giving tip faruting. ' exPuerieuce. He went to got atooth they claim its too hard work digg- � seconded by Thos. Churchill, that Bank of Commerce, Aluutreal, sun at the Nile. Mr. Hugh Ross attended Brussels pulled out and. wandered b p Y mistal.o into a lawyer's ofhue. He tug bio bolts for fall planting the the cousidera£ion of tbo bill. of of Principal Turnbull, of rho Clin- , With coolor .weather and brisker I shgw last Friday and succeeded .in says til •t before he out his troth puwpkins, fiat rho mauagor punish- ton Collogiatc Institute, is spending damages to Georgrt C. Laithwait's business, consequent on. the good carrying away it number of piizes. -got were e?I:tuned and a murtgtige "put edtheut by making them dig the holes 1)ig oll0tlgh to fifteen or twenty his holidays in town. steam engine from falling through a " bridge be laid over t° nett meeting prier of produce, our business mon will not have sa much time for Air. Win. Carr intends going to the veterinary College,Toronto,about 011 hid g111n3 I'ha Cage ly 81'eafllig a deal of exciteuieut• put pumpkins in a hill. ' We ar•e bound EDWARD & WIlITELY, Of Gode- of council, and tlutt the Peeve get croquet a.s during the sumitter, the 20th, Success, Will. gouts to boat the Dominion Experimental,lir. rich, have shipped 10,000 barrels of e maer.-Carried. Iegal advice on thttC Little, of fila 12th con., has The I'ntortain•nlent in connection •• ,l•rosslYY.-\early every small farms on pumpkins, anyhow. This- apples from Lucknuw station this The councillors were unanimous in sea9on, to the their opinion that whou the bought the farm from AIr. A. Lawr- with the I. O. G. T. canis off on has what rnfi 1 be termed a 'Wedding ties and um )kills aro our hest cru \a P 1 ] - principally old town- country, ship roads are in a sufficient ence $3 400 for the same: paying 'rhe, Monday evening. y o It was fairly at- Prog,°u9ticaLiou tlssociat• e Weve got the thistle arta now bull o of repttil' for ordinary travel, latter, we understand, is going , tondod eonsidoring the weather. len. This peculiar iu9titntion tl'Otlt tl'nllaplant L}lrnl Until next parties' 1'flr ladlaA Of Vit. Patll'9 C011grega• driving over' filum with fraction t0 LOnCh 1tI11SIC C1aaa05 atLOnde9bul'0 All at'N hoping' For fair weather ' rnaLes a specialty Of pairing off the spring," tion will meet in the school -room b engines or etetim threshing and Iiinbuiu during the fall and o for the Blyth show. It will be marriageable people tit' the place, seleetiug, their wedding outfits, r AN INTrIMSTING S1JI'('.-1� bile engines this (1\'edno9day) afternoon It 4" do so at thoir own risk. Moved by winter. certainly largely attended if' nice groomsmen find bridesmaids tovits g 'p , ;• 'lames Wilson, son of Peter Wilson, of the flats, runs in business here lie o'clock. The object of rho me ting J e � Thos. Churchill, seconded by James is to further prosecute .rho work Of II. Elliott, that the pl{}ce for hold- The Foresters' supper •was well attended, but not so largely as in ' o Y weather. 6th line literary and debating ing their future quarters, and at- teuding t.0 the details of the gava a two -mouths' note .for ;fiS to b` the church. o Ill,, the nomination for councillot'A ' fernier years. The eatables were socia have re-orguiized and are Y o` general ceretiton t"vithtint consulting rho• Y o Dtr. It. F. Alorruw on. account of WE WERE PLEASED to have a still eta, for 1859, the polling places fui good flll,l 1V011 eoived ilp, aS was also Rov. Ilartry s address on the 1'tlnnlllga boum]ngbusinessalread}'. aeries interested. Tho fact that ]ndebtodneas to that merchant for township elections anti the do .,tit . front lir. 1\ ni, Rathwell, GOIIellich 1 J• of the Order. Fite Succuss boys. a the mise their guess Ulna times 3 h goods. Mr. Aforrow ondorsod and township O',tin� P.. 0.); last went, returningoflicers be same as last ,year. principles' Ablothudist choir furuished loud Dirss.rs Jason Ellis, R. Vint and Out of ten duos 'not seem to impair tliecountad the note at rho bank of" 11 N. A h+•re He thought nett• Itis cru s this year has turned out -"Carried. The following, accounts p Y were viz.: Registry selections of music. lir. A. «nod Will. Irwin left for Alpena lumber Inst their usefulness in tho slightest, o ing more of it until, on looking paid, office, fairly well , in fact much' butter Goder]ch than was expected. • , for registering by-law, man presided. - Woods week hard times are re - ' ported in the bush. "AT Home." -The "At Home" lbrotiglt Itis returned paper, after irie road deed and searches, $5,50; Wm, o -- - -"'- A young man from the 3rd line in St. Paul's school house on Teles- bank book had been made up, he COLB(1ItNE.-L. O. L., No. 153, Fuller, minding gate at Mrs. Ross' V'tt'11'1 was out on n wooing expedition day dinning of last week was a very discovered that the note on maturity Colborne, on their regular meeting gravel pit, two days, $1 ; ..Phos. Dir. James McFarlane sold a lately ; he crossed to the next con - successful affair. It iffia gotten up had been placed to his, debit. A[r. night, Friday, October 19th, will Cottle, 11. AT., for shovelers for thoroughbred Shropshire ram lamb cession and succeeded in obtaining undor the auspieoa of'•the Church- ))Morrow had expected )Nilson to take hol i a Royal Arch Purple degree gravel, etc., 85 ; Clement , Nowtou, to AVm. Scott, Stanley ; also a ram admittance into a house as the pator- woman's Missionary Auxfliary oftip the note and he was accordingly meeting. An invitation is extend• work on cut line, 75c; Wrn .Collins, lamb to J. G. Fisher, of Colborne ; nal was not at home. When he the church. I'lie' rodent was taste- naturally eurprisa,i to find that the ad by the W. Ai.,' Bro. Millian, to indigent., $18.75; Chas, Lovett, and •a ram lamb and two ewe lambs did arrive the young pent was made fully arranged, and the walls pre- bank, withuat notifying him of the the brethren. outlet 1'ur u.uder drain, $2 Aluvrd to James Dickson, of Goderich and acquainted with his slipper and rented a very inviting appearance. At 8 o'clock coffee, cake, and other prourissor's failure to moethis paper, had lot the transaction pass in this by John Beacom, aeconded by J. H. THE NEwa ItEconn htrs,ju'st placed Elliott, that the members of this Tuck ersntith. These cheep are all prize takers. and the judgment of soon found ,himself on terra firma once more. refreshments were served by rho way. Failing to get satisfaction an Y• Lars withdrow order for several hundred do council wish to give expression to worth of now machinery arid such eminent stock raisers is to be ladies, The intellectual feast con- Mr,. blorroly his account extra Y ' their sympathy with the fancily of , hard mot.al Scotch type, commended. 'Cho prices paid were Life is too short to try* r all the. silted of organ recitals, quartettes, from the bank togattlor, with nn r the Into Henry Ford, Esq., ex reeve Give Tim NEWS-INCORD a call when in keeping with good, stock. Mr. p g o remedies now in the market but s readings, songs, ducts, cornet solos, overplus a jual to the amount of the of the, township, in their recent You want a nice job in the McFarlane also sold one of his im when a reliable and trustworthy glees, etc., by Aliases Greig, Mount- )Nilson nolo, This sum he rt+fused print- bProavemeut and the loss they utg leu°' ported colts;'"Gloulyon," to John medicine is wanted use Powell'e castle, Gibson, Robertson, Airs, to make good to•t'ho biitni And suit sustained in being deprived by Churchill, of Goderich township at' Extract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. NVealherston, the choir, and AAfoasrs, was begun against him in the Ttrr Anv.tNcrtlr•.STor PnoTrsTAN- death of a kind and affectionate a good figure. Those who have used it say it is the Sltearar, Scott, bung, T. Jackson, division court b the bank. The TM%t.—At Y the rogtrlar tooting of parent, Decease(] not ofilyenjo ed Y :)Nile fanners in this vicinity are best and roost powerful blood pu iffier in the market, and have Sibley, Brewer, and Roach, Every Judge rnled'•}n the defendant's favor, L. O. L. 71A•••• \fondsvenin ft ilia esteem of his colleagues, but y ng fall plowing -lir. Juhn Wanlesi e reccomended it to their friends. body seenierl to be "at home," ell. I holding that he should have been was decided to have a short debate likewise the respect ofalf who finest• will soon havo his now residence For biliousness, dyspepsia, livercom- gagedin conversation, changing notified as to the paper, and not and mus}etil programulA for the next him, -Carried, Council adjourned ready for a house "warming-A(r: plaint and as a blood purifier it has spats, surf' ouch individual adding !left without a remedy as against meeting. Two brethren ware nam- to moat again on the second Dlon- 1G*illiam Foster of Ai]chigan is visit• n° agttal' A bottle or two taken hot to the comfort of the other. It was Wilson, who, by this time,- had be- ad to speak on the resolution : day in November. p his Bro. Charles of the place- this season of the year will prevent preventing the most pleasant sociable gather. ing Tur; NFWS-I'ECORD has been come nulld hong. Even•• the fact '(That that Morrow had signed ]Ging William did Life tost JAa1Es PATTON. Henry 'and Louis Diehl have re. many aaerious sickneha. Price 900. a bottli. Ask for Powell's Extract at for a long tune. The ladies of the I the a receipt to in bank, including the note in his day t° advance Protestautiant," Clerk. turned A committee Was appointed to pre- -- -- - -- studios-DIr. to London to resume their D. Dec\taughlou, leve of Sarsaparilla and Burdock, mann• faetureri only by Powell & Davis, Chat. Auxiliary ate to be Congratulated ; question, was not held by His honor liars not music, aonps, etc., and a vary --Not less than 572 appeals a- easor to John Robinson, black - )tam, and sold in Dresden by all p on their successful elfurts, the pro- ; to be valid tinder the circumstances. intcrosting meeting, i9 looked for- gainst the asyes9utent at Stra(ford sulith, has started to wort: and \ve druggists, and by all druggists and reeds of which amount to about $20. I -Paris Rtninr. second Monday in :November, have been entered up till to day, wish you success. Dan -Since dis- •medicine dealers everywhere. 487 t eow ,a '' A ._:z•,A..,....:, ....a,ar�.uu...,�ul'�,!!�A�..rttrnr�. ,i_, .p• -, 1