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The Huron News-Record, 1888-10-10, Page 3
, 0 �.������5 %�.i���.l�(�M.E�Y. • Does fie pay his debts Z But, as sonx� Inert would pay who honestly which he asserts that "Pnotestl;ata Poaatblo,mauuer. The E;mployera of have never had any faith in Obrist, beam in consequouCe. This great, .,. ., CUliliiE l'41N11)L'NQ E, twill at troves be to are uunitle to da so, Elle teat may be expressed aowe what differently. single t0a), should be boycotted as and have therefore no claim for sal• long as oue is left. Young men and vation, 1,wost- est calla far the lacteal 6ui.d are froul physicians slid their ' � FamousTVs • Docter all pleased Has the and other kindred misrepre• old bachelors should he told to go patietlta, sell front receive items of news fz•otta our sub- scribers. We avant a good cot•res_ candidate the reputation of being -a good paymaster, or, if from sentatiolis. In aontradiotiou to Young ladies thea instead of Pother Muller, two Catholic being salooi:s sad drug stores, d f1- the "nil;lit shake" Once said that the secret of good healt]y consisted In keeping the head -000l, pondent in every locality, not already misfortune or mistreatment by other young as they arei; rivals for posit, priedta-Father Elliott and's Paulist Tuna whish only mon ahoultd occupy, + has becomtt a favorite hewers ■t). Tq,H •t+ tile' feet warm, and the bowele goon Rail 9'eprese)ttecl,tosen(ttasRELtAliLEatetvs. Inca; lift. 'lei- utla'hae to �rayi"doea he py, Father Young -assert through the will End their true happiness not as want unique demand for it, how- ei•er, Is. its this eminent physician lived in our day, of °' cheap trippr r", "who Karl avail. Od themselves of the licensed v;c• give suflicieut proof a ,1 vihllt)gneats Alit press that Father Muller is \VCOtIg Old tltaldS, but AH happy W;Vea Ulid use am It toilet article. It 16 C1A1111Hd i and known the merits of Ayer's Pills t SUBSCRIBERS. and purpose top , an as soon as lie can honestly do so 7 A wap it, saying tl'at "there is positively mothers of families, no salvation outside the Rowan ( that &great Inally iadle� take their evening bath oyer da ill Y y as an aperient, he would certainly have ; recommended them, as so many of his Patrons :tvlav do not receive their Fuaper reguktrlg frons alae currier or \eho Will evade, dodge, refuse or de. Cliffs to pay just debts should not -At the Haywood n 1 Pulite Court, Catholic) Church. They believe liefora Mr. Aldurl fail Thomas Lord that "divine tea or twelve gallons of milk, gild ( thatthis practice is constantly distin wished successors are doing. s g• The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth, of .thrmgla their' local post oJJices twill },e sent to the legislature or congress, faith being necessary and Mr, Thomas Poppie, Jolli, to aalvatdou,isonte Prete@tants haw- +� t.e,w• ing. g Norwich, Conn., recommends Ayor's -con era avur b1- rs )ortinn at this f J 1 0 at Once. SubscriptiOns ')tag or put in ally office of honor or trust, Morley (. 6), living at Heap I)1 -}lige ing divine faith the therefore bave pear Heywood, was charged in The presen6► Lord Chancellor of Eugland.is rills as the beat of gall remedies for 11 Intermittent Fevers. cunamence at any thne. ✓ High or low. Li a;fLing Candidates it would not be out of place for cue- title to SalystionY' The tl►u" Y folly with having assaulted Antlie public] sit ort Bial C appointing workingwoii on the commission 1-,f the eace In Dr. I. E. Fowler, of Bridgeport, C "A ' Pill y pp lop oae In McGregor Sutterland (16), daughter a letter to a friend Mr. 'Phomas and universally Spoken of by the people uly waters to inquire : Dors he pay his the controversy and epees a priest of •Ma'u ADVERTISERS. deLts7 Dues. he try 1-,o pay 7- of their own faith for which the -Major Sutterland, of Bury Old Burt, At. P., the well known labor about here. I make daily use of them „ , Y road, (fit Sa d.ur ,Tho assault tool{ representative, says ; "It is high in my practice." - Advertisers tvi,�please bear in nt.!)zd Columbia (S. C.) Christian Neigh, have been publicly accused of heresy Place ail finturdsy evcuiug about time that the n present excluaivtl a s+ Dr. Mayhew,, of Now Bedford, Dias., that all insertion of ou7clhishandea, bor, by Father :huller. six o'clock, as tLe young j�dy was tell, was more eflhetually broken says: "Having prescribed many tlnou- tu, e)astate insertion, should be handed TILL PRES13YTRRIAN ItEV1EWJ TORONTO, Eli. MORRISON AND THR CUILD. returning from,Bury, Xli"s Sutter- down. f t will doubtledd lilel'eaaE! scuds of Ayor's Pills, ill my practice, I an not lutes tlaa)z MoaDAY NOON of In another'lrlace our readers will When Dr. Morrison was oil his land said the prisoner "eized Fier by colifidetice in the administration of can unhositatingly pronounce thele the each treek. find one of the most intereation way from England to China be by the waist, and repeate(lly kissed justice when it is seen that lila is- best cathartic in nae." articles on the Rowan Catholic visited New York and called oil all her. He hold her so tight that she trat•es are Chosen for other reason A. A. Hayes, certifies: "I have e a CIRCIIILATION. question that have of late been old friend there. This friend re- could scarcely get- her breath. than because of Choir high political careful analysis of Ayer's Pills. They 71ir NrW8-IZi;coai) has a .urger given to the'public: Last year the' •eeived him gladly, and not having Prisoner niolosted her seriously, partihanship. The seleutioi saircud contain stain the active principles of welt - same writer tilt(} two telling ■ a ers expected him rind a bed not t,eiu ■ Y no\vu drugs, isolated from inert mat- •cireulatiuu than coal/ other piapr'r 171 b P P p , b The magistrates said they had no ,,.ado have amply vindicated the ter, which plan is, cliemieally speaking, this sectio)', and cis an gdvertisilag 1)uLlishud on the excommunication ready, gave up his own bed to hitt,. alternatives Lot to ouforce the ex, new depar.turH: Among a err°at• of greatimportant:o to their usefulness. It insures effect. certainty, Pill and um- nzeclitzva laces fery erl,tals i)a Ontario. u Dr. McGlynn. ]n those, as in •Beside this'bc:d 'vas a crib, ;u which trellis aclutenuc of the law, and workiug•du"s population there fire fortuity of affect. Ayer's Palls contain Our, bu.al;tr_ rar_d._upen to those mho the one we give to day, the great a little girl, the daughter of the i Cotilntitted the prisoner to prison especial reasons why a fair pi-opui l no metallic or mineral substance, but nteun Irtcsittess, subjCet is the abject submission of doctor's friend Slept and aha �tliu For six nlontirs with hard labor,- the virtues of vegetable remedies to 1 , h tion of the magistrates ,houla 1) skillfulcombinatiou." _ every soul,be lie preiates_or- lay moil• -ill bed whou Life doctor cattle, was I Nnglixh 1 e,lrer. closely associated with tilt; w•orkpeo• s JOB PRINTII' ber to the Church ; and the heartless, left undisturbed. Early in the -Amos . Snyder, a baker, of [)to." Ayer's Pills, loveless, grinding tyranny that re, morning the little. girl awoke, still North Bergen, N. J., suspected his -A lively story has inst come Prepared by Dr. JCC:11yolZtCCa.,Jrowett,3laee. The ,Tub Depart•)nentIrrtf this. jour- morselinisly crus- lies, byjfair means or as usual turned herself around to- hir('d than, Wilkins, of paying mark- to'ligl,t here shout Chu doiubs of Sold by all Dealers An Medicine. nal- is one of the beef equipped in foul, every ofle that dares to call in wsr(la 1180 parents' tied ;. but to bor cd attention to his wife, accused hid Western Ontario, and a superior question or oppose the eccleaiahti•. great surprise and terror, who saw, wife of bohig unfaithful to hint, and Lieut ' ll's butler, Sir 1. li ulry •elass,o tvorla:Jo; guaranteed at vert 1 , • r Campbl)ll's butler,, Wal. Htaw A�}C�•IO�+� SALES. J J CAI dis wtism of Rowe, Iweti. the instead of her own dear father, a a carrel wfla the result. 'While moderate rates, q llitchrouk, wtio cattle from (_)tt.n,vu _ Pope, though infallible, flares not strange roan in the bed, with his Snyder wills away front Lowe in with Sir Alexander still ruwained __ _... use freedom of jndaa,eilt or exercise eyes fixed upon her. 'The little Now York his wifo drove away, T. M. GARI.ING, thj' L� A' ,,,� liberty of conscicmce. Of a truth girl raised herself u) iri the crib front his bottle in ft buq *y } ui Lie employ till 11ay last, liituL- 'Cite Peolitle's Auctioneer. e Huron /Yews-Reno%U 1 ) ► , i,y ill the coal:, it is t111acH11, w►,ile iiViff ill the Popish system is destructive of and looking `the doctor Lard in the direction of CuLtviilwrg. When Toronto i represented himself ae a iS ►"'''I"t'''''I to r"n'lliet Sales thruughout civil and religious liberty, while -it face, said : Alan, do yuo pray 7 Snyder returned borne Ile searched man of wealth, telling his new Ill til"' vouuty oil• 11111-01). 31.50 n Year—$1.25 in Advance. rubs the individual mail of re 1)1-. Me,rriwou imwecliately ease e1-, Lar e Lx n 1-,i u(•o: ._..�—_--__ __. -__- slid CUI($C..1 I "Yes, fel' Ili" wife witilunt tiucc('6d. O1, 't vrnls as los' as any. -. _. ,... It•nds that i was proprietor of Sati,,llt-ti of guuratihed. ed Yes, ❑1y (near child. I pray going to "is Lalu'ry he di•tcovercd lauds nod wills in \Iasi{aka of , iVedttesduy. October iota, 1898 PREACHING IN to God every day of ny life;,lle is that rho safe in leis otlice had been 1?arrlmTs 111,1 nfi,er. WIJk0 s.u(ly their 4wu --- inunensti value.. 13v cheek and ito, intere,"ts h1 i,a111 wall on Or fui(tross "Preaching ill," as it is galled, is !i'y besffriend."Satist;ed that -all was opened, and thtet :„'300 in cash hall. _d witublo em-k-gy hes succeeded ill T. M. CAIt}.l:�G, CLINTON THEOLOGICAL THOUGHT. lint yet al, obsolete custom in Scot, well, since the l:txang8r was a wan been extracted fheri'froiu, Soy(Icr getting file entree to the houses of --- - — land. When a minister gets p,wrri- of prayer, she turned around slid swore out a warrant for the, arrest very resl,Petublo families wile, were -illore than fifty Presbyterian •ed hes is expected for fi part at Ieast fell asloep again, %Vas' not the of the eloping couple. \Thou con- gull,'(! And even cl,armr'I by his �allt���(lIS � �I� (�pp p ministers in the Un;tecj. Status and of the first Sunday to keep his`lnic}e little girl right ill trusting herself frolited by them ill the -court room easy way of cond,actiug himself. age WAS. Catiad'a and a Ist-ge number of the company in the fatuity pew.. The n,,ar even a strange map who loved^ lie offered to withdraw the conlplaillt `ill! result was that he alailaglA '_1Ietho(ljst and Episcopal clergy minister who. pruaelles is said to and feared God and prayed.to. Him if his money was returned to him. to luarry a society boll's in ,smut. The Cheapest and Lust were oi1CH Roman (`iat1101i0^priests. ."preach in" the 'new] weddud evory day 7--Anierican• 1llessenger. His wifo thereu un Landed him ° y' . N .5uh"equently ties eloped with Alice ter"'-r�eosl res —REV, DR. HOG&, of the Second Couple,. On a recent Occasion a � THE MINISTER'S' WIPE. OV(•r the cath whiJi she hall taken ,(jr},atty A Illttld at (70ve1'llmHtlL Presbyterian Church, 13ichntf>nd, clerhgymau, wile happened to 68 re '• lea ro,we ._tD__vxpe t _notIdnn from the safe. Snyder then startled' }nous _•-They went to Chicago as Va. write's of his recent \tent to u,arkabiu for, hl su)allif s of stair. from a uurustern -wiftl a'- afrid...11idFi .t��dpourt, ly o(i8rinn to Rell }ails wifo - ___. _� _......._ .. o loan• sol wife- Etftd were I:,st week England: --1 forgot to mentio.0 that ure, Lad secured ,tile services of ati Laue, in a very subdued voice, to `irlll{ius for $5 0' Wilkins at the instance of tilt, man's secretly. etc ai .•.*; v,. ;rst,r while in England .I was invited by old friond to do the "preaching in" „ , promptly accepter] Life offer and wedded wife, whose name Lim ,A er the rector to preach ill oue' of the oil alit occasion of hie first appear• "Nothing more than Lar duty as counted out ;6(l in bills to Snvde l 1 In Lill, \It,rket. Sue them. a wowall. If she has ualit•ie - r, withholds, arrested oil a charge. of oldest chnichve in the kingdom, ante with his bride whose name was q whish till) latter pocketed with,a immorality.Mrs. Hitehcoelt now Whitt luade the courtesy more mark- Grace. "Now, Doctor," lie says, "I that Will give her a Leading social serene smile and left the'court room, iv Stylish an(1 durable Opoli and Top } ' influence and }las time to spare sac's for divorce froth Ler deceiver. , " ed was Life fact that ho was .a High hops you will make no allusion to P W;Ikinsnndll'L•s. Snyder want away dfr�"1zUGUIES"�A front tier Lome duties, which are -Peter Straubb a^ Chicago Churchman. I accepted the townie niY marriage. It might annoy D1rs. ' together end were Iasi seen bofirdidg Very Best Material ani;] Close At•icee tion and preached twine to, bin,; in , I3•" "Never fear, lay little man," always first, she ought to lot these a. train for Pennsylvania, nlachini5►, out of foods, went to his church in the qulilities become, active for good. Xiattoon,FridA About 9• o'clock tuorn,ulg and in rapli'ud tilt) Doctor. No reference -Miss Flack, tine (laughter of a Saturday' nigh Y i � his Mission Chapel in the evenin ■ ,Ons made to ,the . marria e. ill the •But no more can with 6;tice be St. Louis-merehaut, who married of the laallucinatiot lie ue of � beings Cou� S. t U[U 1 I 91 g requiredifrow ber than lfr:m, zany came P g Melon Praprt a argtlr building, and. to a much opening prayers. Solemnly the Press Sams a negro, 'at Jackson' - -.. .-___.-, •---•-.-_--� other woman 1n the congregation. ' g + trolled by spirits, and at their i:ow+ larger couregation, lie read;pg the Dootos opened ,lie Bible after th(' vine, 111., li short t•fine Cao, was niand.dauced tuuil 3 o'clock Sun(f.a aefvict3 un both,oceasions, tiiil.gin and. with the tit•• Your contract for service is with her ginging arrested' at Moscow last tligllt in the, moritin y s °H most ravit announced •the text husband, and not With her ;and you g, when ho flecd From his boom -(?n self-couscionsnesa ill rHlig• g Y have no more ust claim upon time house of Jinl' Gholson a negro - sox„ r , without coat hat or slices to get p. ion, the Christian Union ss. s:-" It .trading the words-"TJuto me who ] P ' brother-in-law of Press Sams. She ' get, Y norright to control her froedoni,than away from them. He ,jumped over sg t is pE)d"il,le t0 aubatttptH'experle'nCE!H' ala less than the.least of all saints refused to go with tate officers until the fl)ncH into an adjoining yard, w;i" this Grace luau: you have over the wife of your for Christian real;tieA; to put an, g lawyer, doctoror school master: site learned that a warrant for ,her but they continued to Jortu're' hint. 0 intereatin religion in place of interaA T1IE PRAYERFUL IMPORTER. was.in their poHsessiou. Oil having He ru"ht•d out on Broad strelet but H«.a'gS ill God.. Religiousf8eling ,in 'itself Apncgpps'of newspaper reporters, "If You think my service sbso kissed A1rs. Gholson, (colored), when he.sto ed 10 recover his HOS A Ili easen dal to the prosperity of thankinrT her far tier 1{;nlueas gild pp e �i is no better then artistic, and the. John Codman writes a good anecdote a , wawtiva.,vi.ilor Lei was Isatin surrouild• Om emotion caller] forth b a thrilling the church just stab; till, al•nount .of .wishing • her 'happiness and Ion G J.2 y of one in the last century. It is salat' ou can afford to i-vH wid } P g ed by millions of spirits. In appeal; p„F� 8 = and imautiful sermon is of no higher given with a number of others y'y a' ' life left to -day for St. Louis, in tongs h'o sail! : ” What call 1 (lo A5" '�G if, for the want, I can procure '•any refusin to o back to tier old horn' g `� W E. -• order than the comfort affvreiHd l,y about tine late .Father Taylor, the person, in ever wayAs competent E; g to induce you tocease your torture. 7 „9 the well -cushioned pew. When clever alcl'- iethodistHailor ,reacher, P y p at JaCksolfvilla because of her die• 1 as myself to assume: the charge of The spirits sold : "Tear out }oar till •xS1 feelingA are cultivated because they The latter _as i.q. well known had y R grace. DlissIf1Cl{ is a heautlful (( (( " ' ' my children and household, I - will \vomfm 18 ,are old tall and race, eyes. I have but one °ood eye u o 0 are tender ntvl solemn, or even way" of doing thing; peculiarly his take into airrious consideration -your y g ilii do not want to lose it. 19,uy ti F edlfytu-T, we 111.0 attitudiDlzingg even own, He was both quaint and fall. Silo. IH well a lucated, a Akill• were inexorable, however, all(], in - in a proposition. Beyund'thk, lad.irs; 1 fol +a,titit and accent - tats plesHnce of God. Religious original; 011e -clay when FaM4 P , plashed ill sisted on rise Execution of the;r'd(t eHli promise nothing, other ways: Press Satin:, tier negro viand. He then xan the fore,linaer emotion that is healthy has but one :1'Ay'lor was pread►in� in a certain "I could wish," Age coutinuerl, in - end ---to learn us to self-forgt�;etf(iltless church, ' a newspaper reporter came husband, left her last week, going of each hand into Oho sockets and in dovotioll to tho will, ui [it') living ill rather let,•, after the ews were u lower voice, to number you all no one kno,as Where, fie had G.od „ , P as my friends. I have collie among awned her clovOlinry a valise and gout ed his eyes out, I -Ie was feuud all full, and men were. sitting on P W , about 7 o'clock in ,tl,e morning in. you only as•a stranger seeking no a ioture of her father and mother -Tho Dean of Utu•hant (Dr. the pulpit ytairq, Father Taylor p. sensible nears barn tLrHe•fuitrtLs preeminence, but desiring• to do uty at Caito i II. for 47, Thl' will be Lake). ;s vary quiet: to aoizo an saw' : 'C and called out ;tl a Iuud }' of a mile from rho hoarrlin hous(i. duty as a woman. Tho- fact that >; occasion. A large meeting of tent. voices: Come up bore, McLean, and redeemed. Sams stole a horse fre,til He pre -Rented a ghastly appearance.C L 0 1• perance reformers was held in Dur- cit --down on the sofa.' McLean my husband is your minister gives William Davis at Columbus K p Pi mai of right to denland . of me an yo IIe was token in charges by the Law the .other day. At the con- accepted the invitation, and it might ally eight years ago, sal was sent to elite and h �ic,AnA 1n public service. If my husband fails police, p y• • Placed 'tile elusion of +`vepdang iti the cathed- be su osed that }le was•a' little dis- the penitentiary for foliryears. Ile PP in his duty, admonish him • but in bn'lls in .their proper position, but on ��3 y� nn�� � u sal, the Deal' seeing ;a larger coo- concerted when Father.Taylur turn- the Warne of justice end humanity, has a living wife at 'Union City, account of inflammation i1-, mans int• ABIlAMp�il T11 gregation than usual, -went to the ed to him and said : 'Now et' ft }'+ Tenn., and until f day MSit Flack f get. P do not establish any supervision knew nothing possible to determine whrttfiet' or lectern, and there in a hospitable and pray, you sinner I But nothing of this. She feels arket S uare l over me, Let my private life be as }lie erfid and Ler own dis r not the sight of the good eye was q , Speech welcomed the visitors to hie disconcerts a newspaper reporter. Ile ,p y g ace, injured. While he is no Ionger dire• ashen from intrusion aH that of any keenly, but•refuai;s b any much of ] G ODIERICH. Cathedral. lIa commended their ruse ftnabaahod and offered a vary other woman. This I hays a right turlied by the spirits, yet the mauiit v work, and compared it favorably creditable prayer in -which its he had her plans. P Y P Y to demand, and I will Le satisfies] �_,._•�^- _ is Still upon him. wit), that of the Crusaders of old, been a sailor himself, he introduced with nothing less "-Woman's -" - !! The evident amusement with which remarks were received i suf,table nautical hraseole And P gY concluded by commending to the "' Magazine. AS YOU LIKE IT: � A PLAIN STAT1JDiI�\'f. WEST OF E\GLANI) SUIT- may perhaps bH accounted .for by m yDean'srha mercy of Heaven this whole sin, ' -•- -The Catholic Bishopof Dimer. All poisonous waste, and worn out INGS & TIZOUSEIiIXGS, g e 'fact that'the temperance Poll{ fun crew and especially to forgive For And About Women ick has forbidden the collecting of matter ought g to escape from the syA• tem through the secretions of the, SCO'a'cit nvitrI) SUITH?IGS & + had taken their departure from Dur- ha}rl some, hours before, the al{i et." PP -The daughter of .the King of money at chapels for the Parcell fund. bowels, and kidneys. B. B. B; clean '1''IiOlTSi;]tII�T(]S, ` and the Dealt's Itparers'COnsisted of a hon t ORntNATION ,. 111H I'!'e$byte)'iatt IiCati)Eer asyK : Spoil 111 recently married the eldr;Hts011 Of I�lll�, J011ll.Of AbyRHl1-I• -zl'he eXC1HH COI111111aHlOneCa Hp- BOB, opens and regulates £hese nater+ al outlets for, the remove] n dna- F1LF:l�TC"II t1N'D ENG1.ISIl WOR_ of °' cheap trippr r", "who Karl avail. Od themselves of the licensed v;c• " Surprise is expressed in softie is, \vith a splendor unparalled in OIIItC(i 11- , fillVArtlOr 1-1111 at tile. P } last Hossio I of legislature-met- ease• - S1'1'.I (i1.U1'1'IS, ? tuallers' excursion to the nurhain Hower quarterA that thb late encyclical letter of the Lambeth Conference, modern ceremonies. TLe crown worn by the bride is regaide(I as the -the for the first time last week and on ',notion In barley as in man Y y other commodities we are dependant Mrtrle Cyr i)i\\ LiesG Stele and TVorlr• 'A show. -First Dante-" How do you while containing many good things hreatfiinp, one which decked the heat] of the of Rev. Dr. Howard Crosti }' passed a resolution that the legis a. - not on the American market. Great nranahip r'1(Alrrrrlia»+ S)uitle's: �- ,like like your IIP.tY muti"ter 1" Second and in gehersl such, nn excellent spirit, should, after all, (Zneen of Sheba. According to the native records, it lids been in Lhe tare he requested to adopt the rin+ q P P Britain durinni the past - r+ p }oar import - rlaatnred. A pp'entloman tinning Inrtecentlt coll. I Dame-" Woll, he never shirks his dnt1PA, T tiny that for refuse to Acknowledge as ministers pomesaion of the Ethiopian kings (tele of reasonable restriction in re- 11CP,119P.A, ed 31 998'48G^bushels, Thoimpo ' g price was 81 cents a bushel. The ` Naw in shed,• cite of the cheape- i hnsstnrnl can im, Ile attended sixteen funerals those ordained in non episcopal drinnminat;one: • Certainly no one for twent fives centuriys. y g(trd to making a broad distinction between the treatment of Lin(9sa'✓ Warder refers to the efforts u)t(l best stuC1,� of and seventeen privet.+ chrisreninns last „ ,� „ should wonder at this, The Con- -Mrs, Grant was burned last night while malting heroic distilled liquors slid that of ferniont- of bis. Iiudapotli, M. P. for Victoria county, to find VAI NTf l� C LGTH I NG e, Yes, week. He did 7 Yes, aucd hes was at all the ferenco conlrl not consistently do - an attempt toaave ber children from ed brewing. an opening for Canadian barley in th© English present mite societies, church soeiablea, class iabl'■ otherwise. Episcopal ordination is very the e1- Centre of the entire organ- the flrP. Tho flee Was east te(f 1, the y -Last week at Minneapolis flour advanced $2, and it is rett • clear market. The United States who AND CLOTHS. meetings, eta besides at Hix g + e evening perinea given by members g ration of th» Church of England g explosion of a lamp. The fro was lietwecu her'room sad that of the pretty that it will touch X11) a barrel. C. buy it front Canada send mucl'i more there than do Canadians. Russia A Full Line of GENTS' FUR of the congregation. His wife told and also of the Episcopal Church in this country ; take this away, and children, but she dashed into the burning A. Pillisl uty said : "We have had quite a fit s wall in 1-i q q p ices, but is the greatest exporter sending; 12 � NISHINGS always in stock. me lie had not been in his own home half an hour a cls except neither of these ecclesiastical bodies room with no thought as to her own safer She failed and was that is nothing to the cyclone that millions. The move of Mr. Hud - speth is a good one. The Empire P It y P at meal time, and the evening enter- has anytlri.ng distinctive to stand 'Oil. To him this is dragged from the flames, but not iH coping later on. My reason fur this statement is the fact referred sometime s,gtrfo the super - will�.at/ r/uta to tall on la;nnxHnts betlixltis 1sI-tn lied ate -yY C'' him Gp so late 'that ho only got 'yield vital. For tllitiu-tU g! . d`p' -tfiia``poiiit '•is -to everytbingthat ean'be claimed until silo had r_aceived burns .frons.. -- -ta which she shortly died, The child• ' 1 b 'd that there trot enough' good iiiiiiiuq wlieiit in this country to supply the local des for , gnali!ty of,„ Ca1iffQr13i�i,_jlatt Canadian bade bents it and ties s Y the world for malt; - _ - -� •- - - n - mif�-`SMITH - - - - a out fair hours' aleft." "holy noble ! lie must be a treasure o as a reason for their separate exist- ell w..e-sava y outs' ers, -es married man in Detrent mond for good Hour, to say nothing ng purposes. Sonia time ago ire had the personal SPECIAL NOTICES. of a mini"ter." " Yes in that reA respect we can't complain; but ence. And those of our own and other denom;sat;ons who, are seek+ writes to the FleePressh;s reasons \vlI men Ho of the foreign demand." -On October and, the Corn assurance of a malster that'Canadian barley was worth to him several }' p��p��s I will tnael(PRAP)theredpe most ou s are much dissatigfiad with him, and ing some kind of union with the ea not mare Aa Y y, Flays roes dou`thavesfairshow;rrthematter Milder. Association, at a meeting g cents more a bushel than Calfortlia . for a 8111141 •aaaTAI,LP BAGS that ,vial Inalovr. TAN, rltrA'n1.PR,. PIDI 1'LPa and t IiLr1TC11P,B,lenvinµ'the I think \ve will make a change soon." Episcopal Chnreb might as well to- ' of wages and Huggests a remAdy as held at Leeds advanced the rico of P barley. There does not appear to -why skin aoft,clrn,rand benutt Cul; also instructions for itoft, clear n luxuriant "Why, what's the matter 7' 11Olt cognize Chia now as farther on. follows :-The snhject, is a grave sour la, Gd, .par bag of 18 'stone, bo any reason Y the Gauadian surplus of 10 millions growth on a Addras�indi�ling9a bald tnmliond o'VA1VpGGFee.. he preaches such poor sermons. " SALVATION OUTSIDE R. C. CIiURCiI. Op(3 seri does not receive the, atten• making a rise of i a. per bag -within k., The should not find -a market ;n England. CO., s.0 Ann strbet, N. Y. 892y -Living C,hurrh.. In defence of Protestantism tion its importance dimandp. seven we advance IA dile t0 - - ~ CANDIDATES AS DEa PAYEwh Bishop Coxehas been publishing in Celibacy should bo -made, li dis uali- q the poor condition of English and g the increased - Many forget "that the hair and q` MANHOOD �MIp � VOD There ']'here is ono important teat which, the papers of his Diocese,• Buffalo, a riifutation of statements made fication for office and single men be forced to bear n pro rata share of p ynlues of f""ign I wheat. scalp need oleaneing. Extensive use of Ayers I -fair Vigor has rlaatnred. A pp'entloman tinning Inrtecentlt coll. I its far as tllri111nCV ahrVCa, we haYe never known In a rP,COFIt pn1111ALPd work by I police, school and other taxes. Let •—The latH4t craze in �i New York is ,that g proven it is the beat cleansing agent the habit. of aelf•ahnar h, Ilia youth, and iniconse hence suffered 1111 t ho horrors of sexual illeil ,;wlt. I,ayt \tanhow applied to candidates, viz: Prompt Father Muller -"Familiar Explain. those who do contract marriage he the use of milk in nunivroti was I for the hair -that it proventa dand• frand , I'k-11cal Dern(, Oen• oral t''restration, ate., w 11, o,•tof Avinrathr for payment of debts, ations of Christian Doctrine" -in aided and encouraged in every 1 and the dtt;1-y trade iH. onj yiugy a I fates the Lair to 1-0• sewed 'growth, he falloicsWrerere, nail Tree lharcmpe Inv which s In J. he was anent• enrrd. A(drr- No W. PINKNEY, 42 Cedar• Now York St.,. 392, k St.,. ., y ...,'� ,�' ,. .,, ,..•.:, a ..y.':,,'. •..'' .drsn.. �+.,�.,. 11.. -... .. .,,...-..... ...-C .. .. ... �..sY ...«,.. - ..�,3, .,«.-a..W�usxi,... .1..�.. ,.,�4Y a. ..... .._...._ 1.�..m..__.... �;.��.,�,.�en. 4` 4i_ :•ss•.,. n �'' ,... .-... + r.