The Huron News-Record, 1888-10-10, Page 2T
N ' •. M1
� 4
canI ' t
P .
- - I.—
Ancient upheavals of thought in
the melt of Israel wept. when the
.... . .
the Roman Catholic Church should
Every Wednesday Morning,
. • ^
,'. ,1
.. 4
. .
ants Go let her ling, with her. The
,r .
belief or opinion in that Church.
*1.50 a .Year—$1-;M ill. Advamce.
- -
The proprietorsof ,r” L•• GODERICH NEWS,
having purchased the bu,;i less slid plant
publish tllo amalganla ted i,apers i ti' Cl in tai,,
I 1.
under the title of "Tar•. H l'a"v . M8 -
L''lintell is the Illost prosprrUlds town In
N ' •. M1
� 4
canI ' t
P .
- - I.—
Ancient upheavals of thought in
the melt of Israel wept. when the
A a
is raial.tsttlan.
the Roman Catholic Church should
Every Wednesday Morning,
_ —BY—
,'. ,1
. NV h\tib`\, � t � 0&4& 11
ants Go let her ling, with her. The
Onta<sri[o Street,,Ciintun.
belief or opinion in that Church.
*1.50 a .Year—$1-;M ill. Advamce.
- -
The proprietorsof ,r” L•• GODERICH NEWS,
having purchased the bu,;i less slid plant
of THE Iivaux ]tecomi, %Vill in future
publish tllo amalganla ted i,apers i ti' Cl in tai,,
I 1.
under the title of "Tar•. H l'a"v . M8 -
L''lintell is the Illost prosprrUlds town In
heart agonies in the time when the
Western Ontario, iv tit,• seat of coasidoruble
�;,J '
manufacturing, . and the coutre of the finest
e "
agricultural seetiml in 011000.
, ','
The Combined cireuladou l,f Titr•, N 11,Nvs
i •
REooltD exceeds that of any ppper pub-
"what great eyes you have gate--,31eD Rlitttdo
+ished in the County of Huron. It is,
things," for what they believed to
therefore, unsttl'passetl as at, advertising
''? A.
AWRates of advertising liberal, and
;„K` •
furnished oil application.
6i•Parties making contracts for a sprtf
proverb, "is more dangerous than
tied troLe, who dlscontillile their adeertise-
+.` 1.
ments before the expiry of the saint, will
the naked sword of an enemy;"
be charged full rate's.
'' '
Advertisements, without instruetions its
-*- .
_.. to space slid time, will be left to the judg-
merit of the compositor fn the display, fa-
;:?.' a
parted until forbidden, ulcasatred by a
scale of solid nonpareil (13 lines to the
inch), and charged 10 cents a line for first
insertion and 3 cents a line for each soh•
cine, is apt to kill the unhappy
asquent•inser•tiol. Orders to discontinue
their desire to obtain an answer to
,%dvertiselliCRts must bc:,in writhiv.
`' 'r.
AW Notices set as ItEAnrTr; \t.d•rrs,ll,
(nicasuled by a scale of solid \oupariel, 12
lines to the inch) charged at trio rate of
', ' ` '
10 Coots a line for each iusortion.
This lesson warrtau;;ht in a remark.
- .
We have one of the bout appointed tub
;,41 31 .
Offices west of Tel'AlltO. Our facilities iw
this. department enable us to db all hinds
of work—'min a eallin i,r ef}r'd tel R Illanolloth
,., .
' poster, in the best styic known to the
must suppose her to have nose b
PP a y
craft, and at the lowest possillt! rates
, _ ..
Orders by mail proInl+tly attcuded to.
Address '
or and leader. One hand may
The Nelus-Record, ..
Clinton. Ont
14 .
of the writer. He went to the Vati-
________-q-_. _--------
.:t,' .
The Huron -News -Record •
11 1.
—$1.60 a Year -81.26 in Advitw-e.
Wednesd.ty, October 10th, it+)3 i
Before ritsmninn the sories• of
and trees, being bound on all sides
articles Which i bogiul ln,t yule., I
day as there has ever been. The
wish to make 'suino ahurt intr•uduy-
tortateluelits. Ill the precd•ding
fire . smoulders ; when and where
series I dealt exclusively with the
.McGlynn case. This Iris ceall Itsle,
the flames will break forth, God
. day, so fill' its p'ulittu•tl ill' suuinl
. '
'exciteltleut is uouct.'llvil ; but,. like
all exceptional movi•nlents, it has
•left'a'de(;p aii4 lastiu;,,.. iurprt•ssion
oil the wovlil i hki.;Ory•' I have
;, `
reason to anticilmle, in ulferiun the
following serifut' artioleqsols
. -on 'L
. ,
jects whiob cauct.iril vvory thiliklnp
"break the bruised reed or quOneh
American, that thoy will be accept. -
in full flower, and the delicate
able to many Roman Catholic's' as
well as • to nearly who are not
t`' .. -
Catholics. For•• there is at present
It is unhappily .tile . -case in
il deep stirring of thought ainong
11 '`
Roman Catholic hlynlon,, which is
. (lone the less earnest beemim', for
thrushes were singing merrily in the
. obvious roasouq, it Caundt' voice
itself ox oriorly,,' And this opinion
,,;v; .
is the result of careful considuratiuu
i•'- , .
on the part of one who has ,had
special and exceptional opliortuni-
IlaturallO finds all outcome oil i•Ildl-
t ties of knowing tine opinions or
ming with their' willgs. Alt things
both priests anti 'luynluu of the
Roman Catholic Church..
were vigorous and choerful except.t
It should be distinctly remember-
cd that public expression of opinion
unless it absolutely coin cidos,eithrr
from policy or from' conviction,
by a bolt frout. a ctossbrow, and so
e pewees of the
governing With tile „overnlnt,
able number of liriests Who have
Homan Catholic Church is absolute-
ly prohibited.
abandoned the ltoulan Catholic
Hance, Protestants ratnrally
,','Rill Alis accustomed hermitage, but
think that a pale rcfl(•x of harmoni-
(,:hunch, are of immoral Character
ous belief exist+ ill the Roman
sheltered himself under a r•Uw•of
Catholic Church, x ith a placid
acgnitsscouce in Papal infallibility.
.:,. '•
Never was there a more lamentable
and disasrtoug conclusion. Th'e
'Protestant who can sipeak his mind
socially, politically and morally,
sun, There, shunning and shunned
cannot realiro•Ilo%i utterly impossible
,'. `.,
it is for a Rtoman Catholic, be ha a
by all, as is the lot of the unfortun-
priest Or layman, to say what ho
than have the. nardlo of being one
really thinks. A curious and vary
- intorem fug evidence Of this Was
given quite recently by Archbishop
, I
Walsh in connection with recent
(. I
Papal pronouncements on Milli
flim, .he was soon .forced to endure
thousand twittiugs buf-
ile said that while I'rete$tntltA
a as well as
wore obliged to decide on such
millers (he referred to the last
fets from that insolent race.
Papal pronouncement), according to
their C`onseience. Roman Catholics
' • ,
wore bound to obey the voice of
I. God. as matte known by the Pope,
and' irere not ,allowed the exercise
of a p.TNate"Hall y
Protestants" a Roman Catholic
friend of the wf•iter's exclaimed,,
there crouched the pour bewildered
owl, blinking with his large berlaz
with some emphnsis, "they are
of so many priests. They do not
enquire why they Caine to be out
allowed to Mve a conscience and
zled eyes, and Dodding 'as if with
J o
informed th,+t it is their duty"to see
it wherens we Catholics are denied
' .
a conscience, practically, since wO
- --••
arra not to use that whi3Ot we
1'he tender girl boing very gentle
' possess." In fact, it is the plain
teaching of tho Roman Catholic
Clrurch ,that the conmienee once
submitted to (tome roust remain
Ino -ways repelled by Ills ugliness:
forever submitted. m
' .
How deeply the Papal gtestiuns
of the hour Aro trying men's souls
elftdct ti rdrfurnl in the discipline of"
will never be known until tali Day
of ACdount,
N ' •. M1
� 4
canI ' t
P .
- - I.—
Ancient upheavals of thought in
the melt of Israel wept. when the
A a
''' :�
the Roman Catholic Church should
,'. ,1
N ' •. M1
� 4
canI ' t
P .
- - I.—
Ancient upheavals of thought in
the melt of Israel wept. when the
. _ _
. I . . ... I—
church, ever slues its fqundation,
,.. '. , i . '. , 7
with the modesty r;fn.d lively temper
the Roman Catholic Church should
glory of the first temple was recalled
which give evidence that some of
of Zerins. she requested of her par -
at least satisfy the world that there
by the pale reflex of it in the
its members have used their powelr
ants Go let her ling, with her. The
never has been a dead level of
. second I
of reasoning with uuconsciqua die.
poQI' people having a numerous
belief or opinion in that Church.
As no other ceremony, or condi-
obedionce.—N. Y. fudependent, re-
amily to provide for, agreed very
What anguish of heart ands soul
tion, or sacrament of the Church
prarcted ha Toronto Presbyterian
cheerfully to the proposal; ad
there must have been in the ages
was changed, the great multitude of
Zerlius was carried by her banefac-
of Luther anti of Savonarola, with.
the Catholic people concerned them-�«►---
tress to Rome. Her good conduct
heart agonies in the time when the
selves very little about the (natter.
confitming the prepossessious of the
"Poor men of ,Lyons" and the
They had always been 'told whatCountess,
the latter showed her many
Waldenses suffered "loss of All
they were to believe, and now they
"what great eyes you have gate--,31eD Rlitttdo
marks of her favor and regard, not
things," for what they believed to
were told to believe something else,
only furnishing her haedsomely
be a purer Gospel teaching. We
and they were either too indifferent
"An indiscreet friend," says the
with apparel, but taking her as a
hear o4ly of the great warriors, the
or too ignorant. to inquire further.
proverb, "is more dangerous than
companion on her visits to the most
giants in the battle, the leaders in
But there aro men who felt, men
the naked sword of an enemy;"
rich and noble families, so that
tilehes set
fight, men whose thoughts
who thought, en who wept tears of
and truly, there is nothing more
Zerlina was thus introduced to muolt
the world on fire ; we hear little of
agony in silence; for, who dare
fatal than the act off a misjudging
gayety and splendor. Her heart,
the rank and file, and yet they slue
trust his fellow in a Church whore
ally, which, lfke a mistake in medi•
notwithstanding, ached oftentimes
thought and suffered Angnlsll in
the least 'utterance of opinion is fol-
cine, is apt to kill the unhappy
under her silken dresses, for in spite
their desire to obtain an answer to
lowed by such condign punish.
patient whoa it was intended to
of the favor of the Countess, she
the Stupendous question. What is
"net with many slights from the
truth ?
It is true the Inquisition no
This lesson warrtau;;ht in a remark.
proud and whealthy, on account of
How could missions of reform
longer burns, but it cuts all the
able manner to the innocent Zerlina,
her humble origan, as well as much
have been accomplished, if there
same. I speak of what WI'
a Peasant; to conceive which, you
envy and malice from persons of
had not been vast multitudes of
know. Oneof the best Antt most
must suppose her to have nose b
PP a y
her own con itiou. She fell there -
thinking men to follow the refornn-
amiable bishops of tho Iiomnn
Permfssiou into the garden of"the
fore into deep melancholy, and being
or and leader. One hand may
Catholic Church .was 'a friend
Countess of Marezzo, near Arno,
Intal'rpt;ated by the Countess, she
light the beacon fire of truth, it
of the writer. He went to the Vati-
one beautiful morning of June. It
declared that she pined for her
needs many hands to feed the flame
eau Council, and intended to vote
was a Spacious pleasure -ground,
P' P g ex-
former humble but ha estate,
and keep it burning,
against transferring the collective
cellentl disposed and adorned
Y 1
and begged with all humility that
Thoro is as sleep an agitation in
infallibility of the church to the
with the choicest specinlonsofshrdbs
she might return to her native vil-
the Human Cotholie Church to-
personal infallibility of the Pope.
and trees, being bound on all sides
day as there has ever been. The
His doternlination was strong . and
by hedge -rows of laurels and myrtles
The Countess being much sur-
fire . smoulders ; when and where
resoluta, and there were, its it was
and such sombre evergreens, and in
prised its well as grieved at this
the flames will break forth, God
known later, ,it large number of
the itfidst ,was a pretty, verdant
confession, inquired if she had ever
only kuuweth. But for those who
bishops whu had f0rnhed st similar
lalvil Willi a suu•tdial.
given her cause to repent of her pro-
desire truth to prevail there is, a
deterntinatioti. Tl)ey were warke'd
The numberless plants that belong
toot -ion, to which Zorlina retplied
terrible responsibility if • they
mail, every influence was brought to
to that bountiful season were then
with man .grateful tears, but still
"break the bruised reed or quOneh
bear on thorn to'ehange.their deter-
in full flower, and the delicate
al'owing the ardor'of her wishes.
the smoking flax."
nliuntion—porsonAl persuasionst en
fragrance of the orange-blossoIDS per-
"Lot nue return," said slid, "to
It is unhappily .tile . -case in
treaties, threats. The eyes of the
funned the . universal air. The
my oWn.hornely life ; this oppressive
America, thin there is a very strong
world wore oil the Council, it was
thrushes were singing merrily in the
splendor.dazzles and bewilders ins.
feeling against tiny change"' of relig-
necessary to inilko it appear abso-
copses, and the bees that cannot. stir
I feel, by a thousand 'humiliating
• funs opinion ; and this feeling
lutely frau and absolutely unani-
without iuusie, made a joyful 4um•
nlfsgivings kind disgraces, that itis
IlaturallO finds all outcome oil i•Ildl-
inous. . .
ming with their' willgs. Alt things
for(•ign t0 illy nature;: my defects of
victuals whti change. It is also an.
I saw Ihat bishop aftor'Ili$ return,
were vigorous and choerful except.t
birth and manners making me shrink
aha 7 l• fact, undeniable and
4 11 J c ,
heart-brukbu, iillinitely sill ; he diad
cue, A poor owl, that had been i"iurt
ntiuu ply within. myself; whilst
futinitoly harmful, that a consider-
After. "flut why." I said, "did
by a bolt frout. a ctossbrow, and so
thoso who were born for its blaze
able number of liriests Who have
you vote twilillst your conscience?"
had been uualile by daylight to ro•
percehle readily that I'belong tb an
abandoned the ltoulan Catholic
"NV,hutwas lily conscience," he re-,
,','Rill Alis accustomed hermitage, but
obscurtir race, and taunt me with
(,:hunch, are of immoral Character
plied, ,,in Compilrtsun with the con-
sheltered himself under a r•Uw•of
jests all(? indignities for 'intruding
and degraded habits. Men of
science of the Pope? ' How could I
laurel -trees and hollies thatatfo'ded
on their sphere. Those also who
hunour and'self-rt•Apeet du not wish'
believe myself right, when so many
a delicious shadow in the noontide
should be my equals, are quite .as
to be Classed with -such .men, 4nd
Nisei and holier men believed ale
sun, There, shunning and shunned
bitter .against me for overstoppiug
would endure.any sufferings, sooner
to be wrong."
by all, as is the lot of the unfortun-
tboirstatiou, so life is thus
than have the. nardlo of being one
Itlis .Well-known that Dr. New-,
ate, he languished livor his wound;
a round of perpetual lnortifientions
with them ,even in sympathy.
tnitil offered sono serious, private
till a flock of port sparrows espying
and .uneasiness. Pray, therefore,
hence an immense and crushing.
difTicultA lies iu the way of those'
- objections -to this definition ; au(l; it
flim, .he was soon .forced to endure
thousand twittiugs buf-
absolve .ins, of Angratitude,if. I --long
to return to any native and,
is said, that Archbishop Kenrick
a as well as
who Sao the many evils in the
simply )eft the Council, rather than
fets from that insolent race.
shades, with their appointed habits.
Roulan Catholic Church. They are
vote against his conscience lir
The noise of these chatterers at-
I am dying, like the poor owl, for
powerless to reform it from within
agniust the holy Ftlther's desire. A
tracking the attention'of Zorlina, she
luck of w nAtllrl110bsCnrlt "
Y y
and egtiAUv powerless to reform it
• Altn do not ash the
letter by Bishop Strossinaye,r, pub-
crossed over to the spot; and, to !
The curiosity of the Countess s�-
causfrom ofthout.
cntse of this inisrrnblo degradation
lishod it+ the Iiulni,che Zeilunq,
soon -after the Council gluts this fact
there crouched the pour bewildered
owl, blinking with his large berlaz
ing awakened by her last expression',
7erlina related to her- the story of
of so many priests. They do not
enquire why they Caine to be out
ver' clear? '
J y '
zled eyes, and Dodding 'as if with
J o
that uufottunato bird and Applied
meat bod • of their.
Gaeta from the ° J
•t'The Vatican Council wits n•aut.
Ing iu that fwedem
giddiness from his bu(listings and
'blaze of unusuaal light. '
it with very toachiu0 commentary
to hot own condition ; so that the
brc,rlireu ; they Only., see a painful
fadt, end draw natural but false
nwhich was
necessary to Mahe it it real council,
1'he tender girl boing very gentle
Countess Nits affected. even to the
anti to justify it .in making decrees
and compassionate by nature, was
shoddinry of tears : she immediately
Calculated to hind the cuuscieuces
Ino -ways repelled by Ills ugliness:
contpre hendad the moral, and carry•
t\lly Utllel• bud of lllbdl lila
y y
of the whole; Catholic, world. * *
hilt thinking of h'is sufferini ,s, tools'
. ing back Zorlina to hep• native vi'llago
elftdct ti rdrfurnl in the discipline of"
Everything which could resemble
illi the featbereil wretch in her arms
she bestowed her future favor so
their Church, or may leave It .with-
a guaranty for the ri�bert,y of dis-..and
endeavored to. revive �hihi by
judiciously; that of itbeing a Iiiisfor-
out roproach if they believe that
cu,isio.n was carefully exclu,lod *,
pla,ciug'hini. ou her• hoeom. 'There;
tune dt .sccuretd the complete hap -
their cunscioucQ,dlrronlpts• thele to
*. .* ' An(], as though this did
.mirsing hits with an . abundance of
.piuess, of the pretty peasant.
•Ile .su.• 13nt it is not su with the
qct '•su•ffice, .thorn was, n�lddad •r
pity''aud ounce"", sho'ca,rrio.'him
-,- - •. _ •
r a '+' ►a ,ria t
Ito n u Catholic'.. � be a st o
htyil1111i, be he ever so honorable. be
1111111C 'l'IUlittion ..of ' the 1nCiQilt
t0 the "t'ass• ,Int and being 1 rnoraut
of Ilis habits, laid• out the
_ I
Hg11F: '1'H•1tUS'1'S I37:'I'�Y1:1.\
lik'carevt ever so blameless, be his
loinci pal—artod' s1,w u1,•
1„ud u1shilte, yuod abowniha.,•; The
drooping bird, as. her own -livoly
CUnviewuns evil' NU Strait-, ; he is;
' ilu+figried, sueored at and persecuted
rl'IUfit hideous anti naked exerClgO
of Papal Infallibility Iiecessary
sf,lr'Its protilpted lien• In the aC.lowing
stfushino: fur she felt iuilet,owu
I heard two good .stories, (says a
by the Chau'ch hu %vas striving to
before that iuf:allibility could.
heart tit that moment the kind
writer in the Phdade7phia Record,)
reform anti for the prosperity of
elevateli into a -dog' ma. If to all
cheerful fnfluenco of the genial sou,
of Pettigrew, of South.Cnrolina, tau.
which;he would give hislifo,bluoa ;
And he is suspected And discouraged
this"pbu: added stat 'the Council
Theu., %vfthdrttwiug'a little way And
great lawyer and Uuionst. lie was
Practising at one time before a judge
Ay the very men who denounce
..0 as not espial:ly col7stitllted ; that
the Italian bishops, prelates and
lO,wiug agnfgst the dint, she awaited
tits glaceft ells+ing° wliicli's}ia hoped
who was a Presh tdsr'iau of the,strI
Y Strait --
this Chul'(:11 fUl: 1'elUAlllg IIb01'ty of
officials- were in a monstrously
to behold in the creatures looks';
Oat scut' and A Vel'y hArd•IY01'klllb�
officer. It Came t° be Alauudity_.
conscience to her children, and yet,.
such is human nawro—discourage
predominating majority; that the
whereqs the .tormented owl being
'Fhursllny, anal Pettigrew Rail the
those, who act on this priueilile•
Apostolic �1�icnrs were dominated
by the 1 ndipitganda in the most
grievultsly dazzled, avid annoyed
muco, than over, hopped o(1' again,
Episcopalians and liuulnn Catholics
Lot tis suNposo the case .of a Con-
scandalous manner • that the whole
with ' many piteous Worts, to tale
thought they,wuuld like inn adjourn -
ineut of court Fri -clay.
vert to the Ronan Catholic faith,
apparatus of that power
statdy evergreens. Nutwithstauding
.over good
I ntkigrety was selected to make the
who entered the Church before the
which the Pope then exercised in
'believing that this shyness wasonly
nlotiort,' "Pout Honor," ho laid,
personal infallibility of the Pope
I'lome contributed to intimidate ant]
becwuse of his natural wildness or
`�I desire to move that the court
was made an apticlo of faith ; and—
repress all free utterances, you can
fear, she brought him over again u
adjourn over morrow." "Why
-I ani not describing an imaginary
.easily conceive what sort. of liberty,
the lawn, and then ran into tto
should the court adjourn once to
ensu, therev}have beEu nlauy such
that essential Attribute lit' all cuun-
house for some eru•nlbs to feat?
inorru%v when the docket'is so crowd-
cases—fat it Also he rotnurnbored
wits displayed ' '
1 eel at Ii,orrto: '
., n
el ] ? a$lted tto 'lid e. "Because,"
tai+t If a Id.umnu albeit doubts
Catholic t1
On personal infallibility of the
llol% uutuy thousand's, and mil-
The poor owl, in the mean lilac,
• a
said I'ettigrow, "io morsuw is Good
Pope lie is as surely consigned to
liuns,sank into the deptlaufdespairs
Crawled partly back, as before, to his
Friday, and some of its would like
Roll forever as if he doubted? the
fu co of this decision, Caul
friendly shelter of holly; The sim-
to go to Is "No," said the
Trinity. A convert, then, is re'
(level' Ile known this Nide of eteruity.
file girl found him, therefore, with
jndgo decidedly, attar n moment's
eeivud into the Ruman Catholic.
It is only now, that the personal
ilnich woudor, retiring towards those
t}notlnht, "tee court will sit til-
Church ; hu is titught that it is die
,ower' and et.sonal Claim of I'lle
1 P•'•
Popp to • exercise that ill
loon! i7u4iles.
>; Y.
morrow as d1311,i1.". ''` Cty 1Ve11, yell l'
girls to behove in the infallibility of
is beinn efifurcud that the
what it wilful creature is '
; d1
boiler," ropliull willing its
the Church ; there is no miNtnke
P a
nlultiWdlo has bagun to realize what
Uhi1, she thought ; that is so loath
to bu comforted. sooner have
he turned"it ii^Ip, I know there is n
precedent, for Pontius Plate held
about the matter, it is plain. The
Church is iufall,ible • its livingI
'ryas (10110 ill tho vaticafi C;uuncil•.'
placed':' it to the warm, ehee►fttl
t "
court oil tto. first Good Friday.
voieo it heard tluough the Colin•
is stirred, itctiuu is sura to
sunshine which enlivens all its fel-
Tho soma .Yelps was n great
ells, iti)d through them only. The
luw-birds til chirp and fug, than it
at ick ler fur etiquette; and when one
idea harmonizes with hisprevious
No dotibt F,nnerson's saying fs
Sues back Awl niopes uuder tha
hot July d ty Pettigrew came' into
Thoughts. for such mein have gtlner_
true,, "Tell the truth ,)u,l the Worid'
ntestdisinal'curuers. A have known
the CourCruonl in a black coat atiil.
ally been recruited from ttO ranks
%vill COMO to Roe it at milt," Iltlt
many human poisons to have those
yellow mInkeen troneers thii Jud,ro
of advanced Anglicans, who, look-
tits world is Sonletillm lung in
haevish fits, stn+,i to reject kiudilass
took him sternly Yo'ta k, Asking him
ing for Certainty of belief' in the
Cumin ntid the, sru shots of truth
f„ 1 i
,toy porversoly, but who would look
whrtller'hC diel nut anew taut• the
multiplied Confusion of opinjon,hgrl
are very npl to have it good coal
fur such uiluatural hurltur in a
rules of that Court required ita
flung 'ihetnsHlveg In dP.Apall' into the
more respect shown to their se sul_
l I
CUl1nAellOrN to AIIpeRr In "black coat
arms of what they believed? would
chres than to themselves.
Th'erowith tatting the monkish
alter) trousers."' 11 your Hanoi•,"
prove a happy certainty.
Yet it is strange, why .a man's
fowl front his dull leafy cloisters, she
said Pettigrew, innocently, "I sub -
']'here with A cortai,n grandeur, a
chanbe of religious opinion should
disposed him once more on the
sunny lawn, where lie maiie still
mit that Iain within the rule,, for
I have a black trongors."insisted
commanding dignity, about the in-
fallibility of the Church as a body.
not bo respected as, much• as his
Change of opi,uiun in matters of
fresh attempts to get away from the
the Judge ; "black Coat anti trousers
Thn,decrees of dogma came front the
science. Aron of Science are oblig-
overpainTul radiance, but was now
means that both 'shall be black"'
anited voices (if' gent and reverend
ed fro'nl time to time, in conserineu-
too feeble and ill to romovo. 7,nr-
Then, slid Pettigrew, "I. call your
titan, inspirt-il by tho' holy Ghost
6 o further refioctiuu lir lit' further
ling therefurc bt•gan to believe that
I[ouor's attention to the fact that
And saying with -the apostles, "It
knowledge, to change, to rnudify,
he was reconciled to his situation;
the Sheriffof this Court is in con -
seeing good to tho Holy Ghost and
ill, perhaps, to abandon completely
but sho had hardly cherished this
tempt pf its ruldts, for they require
to us."
preconceived opinions (comp they
fancy, when a dismal film came
suddenly oval his large round eyes; .
hire to attend upon its sessions fn n
cooked lint sword? tiud while
y ,congregation of min
]u everAnd
Or1CA firmly held. tlr�y+
not reproached fur this. Truth is
then fulling over upon his beak
.and ,
leis hat seems to be Cocked his Sword
there mast be a governing bod
g , S Y'
The docreos of tali fathers of the
unchangeable, else it would nutbo
after one lir two slow gasps of his
bank and n few tivitched of his aged
certainly is not." The Jtdge said no
undivided Charch demanded the
truth. But (to cats always see
claws, the poor martyr of kindness
more about the truuscls.
respect of Christendom And the
truth cloarl ?nail tea there nut
y Y
expired hnfore her sight. It Cost
-'-"'Q" -
obedience of the earl Church.
be entities, quite outside of our awn
h.•r n few tears to witness the tragi-
All this the conveYt believed, but
control or cunscinuce, which may
eatse is to Soo more or less clearly
cal issui+ of her endeavors ;but She
a wonderful healing compoun<t for
cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, sailLls
sadden? and with little warning,
Y 6,
cnmo the doet•eo of the
At different pelices of life? Deus
%vas .still more grie•vedl afterwards,
iv len sho was told of the crueltyof
`boils, pimples, &c.
Colulcil that the Pope should be do-
not reason devolu 1 II•ith exerciao? ,
Dues not one Bower of inoxe ctuaI
Doesisrs I
her ulokilftl treatment; and the
its death
Blared personally in I-ble ; !that,
fnaronso with practice, Hudd
Poor owl, with melitneholy
tele infallibility of the 'Church, in
though the Rullisu Catholic Church I
!vas the frequent.-aubjeot.of iter med-
Mrs Thomas Acres, of .-Muntey,
)Ind conned
its collective tvi.sdon a
forbids fig ,mombCrg the use of '
Ont., suffered all the tortures of liver
Fill(] a1lonld pass from it to nn indi•
reason, and praetiealiv forbids the I
Ili the ,yetis sifter this occurrence,
complaint for ten years. Four bottles
of B. Il. B. entirely Cured her, making
exercise of conscience., yet changer;
it Iwppd•nud that the Countess of
her like a new woman again, After
Was it to he wondered if men I
have been devw.lopin;;, either fdr '
Alarezzu wasin wnntofayoung female
other -medicines had failed to relieve
wept at this terrible change, wept no `
good lir dwil in.tho Donlan Catholic a 1
I d
attendant, and being much struck,
N ,
. %I
. .
+. r, t �,.., a ,.,
How many boys picture them-
selves martyrs, and long for the
freedom of the wide, wide world,
which freedom they have not. had
experience enough to know is only
gained by more toil and trials than
they ever know at the homes they
imagine are so harsh. For the bene-
fit of any of our boy readers who -
may be afflicted with a desire to-
leave the paternal roof; we' give the
closing chapter of the following
story aboat two boys who ran away
from home, but were soon glad to -
return :
"But nothing turned out the way
we had expected. We dirt not,
catch any fish, and Art's jacket fell.
into the water and wet the matches,
so we had no fire. 0}l, yes, I have li
heard of rubbing two sticks together.
We tried it, and since that night I
don't believe in it. It was Septem.
bar, andI n
cod enough when the wind
came up. There was not many
leaves on the ground, except last
year's. mouldy -ones; and we -d -id not
,want them ; besides Art said that if
we-slopt on a log we were not so
likely to mAet snakes. We found a•
nice lob, but it was not made for two I -
abreast, so'we went to, hid Indian
file, just within kicking distance of
each other in case of danger. There
had been catamounts in these woods
not long ago.
"It was awfully dark, and the
wind roared around like a crazy
thigg. The leaves oil the trees were
old and Still', and they rattlod and '
rustled like thieves
tolling secrets
overout heaies
a dry
branch broke with a snap like it pis-
tol -shot; than Art and I would kick
each other just for company. I.t was
an easy log to roll off from. We
tried it a few tfmPs, and then we .
would sit lip a while. There was
plenty of room in The woods, but we
were not wasteful of it. we sat
pretty close t"gdthav, and I was glad _
he Ives fat. .- .... , .-....._ . _ ..
'M'ho's afraid?' he said, after a
%v.hiio.'' "golf aro not, are you,
Tour? Because if you are, we can -
got out of this.:
" Oh,tI'In not afraid,' I said. 'It
is queer my jaws rattle so. I am
just a little shivery; it' seems as it' ,
blue -and -yellow northain lights.
were streaking up and down my back .
and logs.'
it That nlcst bu yuur blood curd-
ling,' said Arthur.' '
,' What will that des to ins V I
Puttied O-ut,. - .
""Oil, I don't kn6w. It is not a I.
000rl thing to have happen. You
ought to pia out of ,,this into the
open air; it is -too close inhere. A . .
fence coruot near the road would be
better fur you, and I'll go' along
with you.' •
Su we started. ,You could not
see your face ; butwewee kopt close to- • i
gether, creeping oall fours to., feel
our way through the underbrush.
v�'e were nut very deep .in the•
woods. but it took us n long time to , ,
reach the road. I suppdiso we went , '
round. in a. Circle or two. • All of a' • -
sadden we saw afar' off a' light no !
bigger than a fly ; then we saw ,a lot
of them, and there we were 'riatit tI
into tile fence. It seemed kind of
nice and human, that fence did. I .
hogged the first rail I• got hold of
tighter thou wits necessary, but Art
did not sea `Ice do it. Then we took
the balcony seats on the fence and '
looked at the lights in the tovn,aud
we got to tolling whose house each i
spark was.
"It is funny w ch u } l f
to od one o
those little sparka would -turn out ff i
you,lyero ,only near enough to it l
said Arthur. 'I36cause each one is !
Someone's home, you know, with
fires and lamps ,and carpets and
sofas and hot biscuits, arid rocking-
chairs, ands, and doss, and folks
and curtains, anti gravy and beef
"V os,` said i, 'and lessons and
lickiugs, and mean folk; and monnes
teachers' and doiug what you 'don't, l
want to do; that is slavery!' [
bracod np pretty stiff' as I said this,
for the blho chills were not quite so
active just then; and illy jaws had?'
left oil' rattlil g,
"One by nue the lights went out
UR We watched yhenr. The loudly
feilce rail grew sharp find inhospit-
able, and we i thl down and trent
for a culvert at the bottom of the
hill. It was a..niCo little 'nrch' of
brick -wort: under the road?, about
four feet high in the middle, and
perfectly dry.We had noticed this
pl+lce in the daytime and rave it up ..
b", auso we wanted an open fire.
But •just now we wore not so stiff
about modern improvements. We
f°utid tho culvert cozy enough„ and
we just snuggledd up closo to one
another and (vent to sloop. .
"The next thing I knew some, •
thing cold and clammy was gliding
down lily back anti squirming over
my hand, and glinting off my nose
and chill. I thought it wns a big
gnake and it lot of little snakes. The -
idea acted like dynamite on me, ex-
cept, of course, I hold together and
did not fly to pieces. But I just
handed »iyself against the top of
that culvert and hounded, back on ' '
the bottom, and flanked off against
the sides kicking and? yelling.
Arthnr was roaring like n calf tie -
Cause I had hotnead un him and
braced illy feet into him. Tho side
4 .