HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-10, Page 1-- r - n . T +�•� n I 0 1. o \_ , , .,, r _. ..,, a '. ,x ^ ! !' ., o.: . , ., OR , , Es ., TEit1111$i—$1.5U ger Annum, $1.25 to AcAsttute. rNWIP-9NDENT IN ALL TIIINGS. NNUTBAL IN NOTHING WHITELY a1L TAP1D, Publtlyl„tt,y, - �3. CLINTON, HURON IX, --NO. URO,N COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10, 1888 WHOLE NO.- 5.1.7 . ..11 I goval (50tr6lroutteuca -cocal oarreoponda�rce �oeut (gorraolrloutiuce. • • 'Wocirl (2Gorreallou(tell�ce I - g'#fAz (Corra0lrau4e11 ” PocaX torr 011011deare . Goatericit. Goderic6. GodeMrh Goderich. Goderic4• GodericL. ATr. J, W. Smith has proved into Holy Commun.iou at St.. George's town yet which only requires the lambs, Jas McFarlane,H Buell. Pen of, I deny on linen, Mrs McMichael, Wm Stewart; seedling apples, W J Hayden; 'his new brick: store on Fast Street' church last SUHILay. toule of initiative euterpriKe to re- Jas MoFarlane. Jonas. Honiton lace, Win Jones, Wm an Y other uamed fall, S L Scott, W "" and has his bakery business is in full The pipe layera utade Consider- snit iu i'eahatic pro;;regs. We wero , Fat Sheep. -Pair of fat sheep, J 'p Swaflield. Fancy leather work, Mrs Elliott; 10 varieties named T Car. ` swin under obligations for courtesies to ' Stewart, Wm Bawdon 2nd and 3rd. Mo\l'ichael, Mies Payne. Silk embrol- roll, J A»drewa, J l3tewart. 6 varieties " g able pro -teas last week. Treasurer Watson and Director H. Plea. dory, Mrs Hutchison. Fancy braiding, winter, W Elliott, J T Salkeld J W Miss O'Beirne of Florida iayvisit- Rev. G. F. Salton is still seriously McLean. During exhibition time an Improved Berkshire. -Boar over one .L Buchanan, Win Cuningham. Rib. Salkeld. fi var. cooking, IV Bell, Ab . M ':`, Ing at the residence of Dr. McLean, indisposed. , • „ exhibitor of pigs, from Seaforth, had and under two bon work, Wm Cuningham. Fancy Smith, J W $alkeld. 6 var. dessert, C • yens, Jas Tabb, Jelin knitting b hand Miss O'Beirne was some years since ATP. 1J. Corbett Of Clinton was . a Iarge gash marls in one of hili le;{s Clark, Geo Trott, 1888} Jno Clark, Geo g Y , H Howell, 1V Can- S Naftel, W Bell, J T Dickson. North- a teacher on the High school staff. town on Thursda by 0110 of Ilia porkers savagely attack, Trott; any age, Hy Curwin; soW9, two mgham. Fancy knitting by machine, ern spy, T Beatty, J Whitely, Groeu- Y• Ing him while in the on ears and over, Geo Trott; over one and S Potter, H Howell. Plain knitting by ings, r Beatty, J Whitely. Baldwins, Mr. -Robert Porter Spent Wedues• p , driver I Y machine, H Howell. Fancy patched Jn Porter, J Gledhill. Kin ` ATr. W. Jackson of Clinton was Koox 'in speeding a horse of Dr, under two years, R Fitzsimons, Wm g of Tomp- day morning visiting the North in town on Thursday. . Whitby's was run into b another Audretve, Jno T•Balkald; 1838, RFitz- work, W Swaffield, Mies Payne. Out- kine, D Cox, J T Salkeld. Spitzen- t ' Western show and loft b the after- i I simons, Jas Tabb; an age, R Fitz. line embroidery; Wm Cuningham, Mrs burgs, t� Jones, T Weathorald. I+'alla- Y and thrown several foot in the air Y g ' McMichael. Roman embroidOr on water, Stephen Andrews, R Gibbons, . , Mr. and Mrs. Stark have returned simons. Y i noon train for home. alighting oil the sulky uncomfortalply Suffolks,---Boar, 1888, Jas Bogie, $ linen, C A Humber. Darned net, Mrs Roxbury russets, T Carroll, J Stewart. .?.i ; Mr. P. M. MgEwau, the contrae- from their honeymoon trip. close to the auimal'ri heels, but by a potter; sow, two years and over, Jas McMichael, Wtn Jones. Berlin wool Hubbardson's Nonsuch, J T Salkeld, J W tot for boring the wells for the Rev. Rural Doan Craig of Cliutotr dexterous move lin freed himself, Bogie, S Potter- over one and under two work, flat, J Salkeld, at-, Miss G Match. W Hunter. Golden russett, N Morrish, ,s; was in the Circular town last weep. lllaviug the anitual to go it alone. ears, Jno W' blODonald; 1888, Jas Berlin wool work raised, J Salkeld, sr, A Smith. Ribston pippin, J Andrews, avatar work supply, is new through TIIOII;;h Mr.. Knox received a severo Bo gig, S Potter; an age, John W Mc. Thomas Hamilton. Rick rank, Miss G J Gledhill. Wagner, J. Salkeld or W ,', with the work. 1'he'ttt0uth Of the river is nearly Y g , Match, Mrs MoMicheal. Hair pin net. Ball. Blenheim pilipin, W J Hayden, *:: contusion m thin breast initis not seri Donald. ting, Harvey Howell, Thos Hamilton. V Bell. -Ben -Davis; :4, -Smith, T Cat Closed b sand bare. 2 , young a0n of Large Breed, any kind named_ -Best Thele_ was tt first late show iu Y Casty iu'ured and a Y Fancy netting, H Howell, iWrsa Mut4h. roll. $w:ui, J porter. Hattthornden, town on AVetjnesdup and Thursday' The Schooner t07d7tttnter w►th n Mr. W. Craig had a la;l broken by a iu three classes, W Andrews; beat, under Motto on carboard,"$ Howell, 1j' Jottes. Jno Stewart. but tho attruotions of the North Cargo of 1 umber `for Mr. SOcord runaway aY, horse. Ou Thurstla•y a one year, K Curwin; pen of, G Trott. Sample work, Wm Jones. Painting on Pears.—Six varieties, J W Hunter, ', Western Fair allowed it only empty arrived in port last week. ge Procession of school children POULTRY. silk or satin, oils, (amateur), Wm Me. Jno Stewart, A M`Ross; three varieties, "" made its way to the grounds and was Light brahmas, Robt McLean, let and Lean, P Adamson. Fane til Thoa • A Dickson, E Bingham, J W Hunter; houses, DIrs.T.H. Sooner+ is on a few weeks aver itu roar» _. i +lit. 'fhe f011oniu ° Y y' t ., y 1 R s t, 6 2nd; dark'brahmas, Jas Munro, let and Hamilton, Miss G Biutch. Crowell Bart ctt, Jno Salkeld, sr., J IV Hurter; visit itt the residen a of bur mother, is rho 2nd; white Cochin, Jas Munro; black work, Wm Jones. Crochet linen lace, flemish beauty, Jno Porter, Teaac Sulk. "',_ The schooners Todmau and Gu7<Z- 9 hunter Jolt harbor for the North on Mrs. H. Marlton. PRIZE LIST. Cochin, W Wright, Rod Adams; buff fine, Wm McLean, Miss Payne. Crochet eld• Vicar of Wakefield, W Jones, A le.,1 Friday even ing, having been detained . Wollerlind Martin the contractors Ilonsss. Cochin, 1H Rines; S.8 Hamburgs, Jae. linen lace, coarse, Robt Gibbons, Isaac MOD Allan; Duchess, T Weathorald, J '. . Some days oh account of bad for the harbor inlet to the water Thoroughbred.—Stallion, 2 years old, Munro 1st 'ana 2nd; B and W Ham- Salkeld. W Hunter; cls Jersey, I-1 Horton, J W ' Sturdy Bros.; stallion, an a� burgs, Rod Adhms, Jas Munro; white Fixk ARTS. Bunter; B. D. Anjou, H Horton, S • ``'' • weather.. works are making favorable progress, y Y ge, Sturdy Lei j `'f'!. Q Bros. thorns, Jno A Naftel; Houdans, Wm Professional, in oils -Any subject, Furse; White Doyenne, J Salkeld or, ;;. ; A} ra. Jamt's 1•;ubcrtsou has re• The'beds for the engines and those Roadsters.—Stallion, 4 years and ill), Wright; spangled Polands, H Rines l & Robert Croc keit. Laodsoapo, marine J Andrews. Beurre Hardy, A Watson. . turned from to two mouths visit to for the boilers ;ire being built at the Jonathan Miller, Alec, Bogie, Wet, 2; Plvmonth Rocks, Jas Dickson; Wyan- view, t}owera or fruits, Robert Crock. Beurre Diel, J W Hunter, JH Williams. Elliott: stullioa, any ane, Jonathan 9lottes, R S Walton; B 13 rod game, Jas etf. Water colors—Auy subject, land. Beurre Rose, E Bingham, S Furse, `:?g; relatives in Alanituba., The lady ttatot works. Miller; filly or gelding, S year Old, Dr. Munro lot 'and 2nd; ducletving game, seape, marine view, It Crockett. Flow- Sheldon, H Hort°n,Jas Gordon. Beurre " t,l speaks p tile highest terms of•the Mr. I I attoilbilry of Cliui.ott tuck Whitely, T. O'Neil, Jiio. Knox; !illy or Bobt McLean; bantan B B red game, ors or fruit, Copy, +tiny subject, pencil ChAirgeon, P Adamson, T Weathorald. ptairio !,rot fnco. in the North ib ester'n. Show lust gelding, 2 years old, A. M: Polley, A. Robt McLean, . Jas Munro; bantam crayon, It Crockett. Crayon' portrait, Howell, Wal McLean, Jas Dickson. Chisholm; fill or gelding, *, duekwin rarno, Gregor McLean; Robt. J Andrews, ll Platt. Amateur, in oil- Seckel, T �Veatherald, J W Hunter. 1'he nater a'urk's ci,intuc.y is now inset:. y g „ yearling, g t g `X Andrew Young, T. Ti lin brood snare McLean;.bronze turkey, --S L I9audscape, S B1 f,loyd, Miss Nuftol. Clapp's Favorite,W J Hayden, C S Y' . fiuiahetl au91 al,pe,u'a to be n lust• AI r. I,obert. Clark sailed this weak Tipling; Scott; geese, an variety,---Jno Marine view, S M Lloyd J Kidd, r. Naftel, Lawrence, E Bingham' �A ;�" l with foal, A. BI: Polley, C. MOrriti, Stev. g yS j , Class pioco of workmanslrtp, It is for tilt, fishfug Island .where lie"-•tvi"ll Andrews; foal, 1338, D. McLaren, A. Salkeld, sr; Pekin daoks;-- 1ry Animals, 1 and 2 Miss N+tftol, Flowers Watson, li'Ulfam, A -Watson, WJones. - `_' 'flopped of with an iron Casting, said engage iu the fall fishing. M. Polley; !pair matched, J. Ward- Rues; ducks, anyvariety,---Jno or fruit, S M Lloyd, J Williams.' Any. Any otherld-nd, W Stewart, D ('ox: :?, to wei"ll . over cloven hundred , single horse, mare or gelding, Will. NIc- Salkeld,sr; guinea fowls, Jno Salkeld, sr, subject, J Williams, J Kidd, jr. Water Plums.—Braclshaw, ,4,, n g, C A Iiuutbex; Ex., Ruove CRstIOs Of Stanley, Leap, T. 01Neil, Wm. Smith; stallion Spring Chickens.—Light br%hma.S, colors—Any subject, J Williams, Dlrs Lombard, W Stewart, RMcKenzie; any �,,. Pounds. now reeve of Mayfield, Spent n dew with 4 of his progeny 1888, Wm. Jas Munro, Robt BldLean; dark brah- Aikenhead. Landscape, Miss Allan, other named,W` Stowart. . The Alochanies Institute has .it- days in town last week. Elliott. mas, Robt McLean, Jas Munro; white Mrs C Campbell. Marine, Miss Allan, Grapes.—Pour varieties, Capt Gibson, ranged for a conuifurcial class the r_ Saddle.—Mare or gelding, Peter Cochin,,JnsMunrolst and 2nd; black .MrsCCampbcll. Auimals,JWilliams, J W Hunter; Delaware, W $ ewa•t, A i Ila. R. At .-DICK�na�e to On a Cochin; W Wright 1st acid 2nd; B G or Bliss Allan. --F-lo%NTrs -or ffaiti- Miss -Bi ROes;--Concord,--A'-M- Ross;' W -Stew•. ___ .—_ Camino wjnternnd the directors have Cbb'ic Isaac" Salkeld, Robt McLoan- g Allan. An named Atr. Rr: II'. Robertson nS the visit to Manitoba ani! the North pony, Beattie Bros., Pater Cook, A M .teHa,mbnrgs, Janies Munro, JacA Naf- L y subject, (original) S BL wart; Hartford, R Stewart, A 11f Ross;-.._. ~ P. west. Polley; recommended, Win Bowden. , black Spaiirsh, Jas JJunro, W Lloyd. Sepia, Miss Allan. Pelted or E11melan, J Tabb, A M Ross; Rogers • teacher, !'hose desiring to improve Lady - Piders and Drivers.—Lad Wright; white Leghorn, Jno A Naftel;. crayon, Miss Allan, J.Williams. Pen No. 3, A M Roes, J W Hunter; Iona, A DIP. Norman Faller, father of y brown Leghorn, Geo Morrow, themselves f+pr business tit's should, rider, Robb McLean, Beattie Bros Joslt g Robt Mc- and ink sketch, J Williams. AlM Ross, J H Williams; Salem, Capt ,l: at once send in'their names. Al IS. A. M, Polly, diad at the i•esi- Wilson; lady driver, Miss Bav, Wm Lean; Plymouth Rocks, Jas Dickson 1st FLo\tE,ts. Gibson, A M Ross; Rogers No. 4, Capt : ji ' deuce of AIr, A. M. holly oil Mon- Elliott, Jno ardinor; lad driver, an91 2nd; Wyandott4, It L Walton 1st Gibson; No. 0, Capt. Gibson; No. 15, '_` J Rev, A Patter will tomorrow y 2 Collection cut flowers, A Watson ; 3 day morning, The remains of the double, Miss ay, Wm Elliott. and nd; game, 23 B R, Jas Munro Jas Dickson; No, 19 A 111' Ross, W. `.'l' evening week deliver a lecture in Carriage.—Stallion, 4 dahlias, A Dickson, E Bingham, A B1 + decoased were taken, b train, years and up, Geo Morrow; Pile, -----R Adams; Ross; 4 dahlias, E Bingham, A. Dick- Stewart; Creveling, A M lioss,Jas Dick- ',: the Victoria street Methodist Church Y " A M Polley; mare with foal, C S \ref- bantam B B R, Jas Munro, Isaac Salk. sen, E Bin=ham; 12 verbenas ]?, Bin son; any other named, Win Burrows, A ,,i on Reminiscences of, the American yesterday to l3oet0u where the tel, Jno Rosier'; foal, 1888, Jno Rosier, eld; duckwing bantam, Gregor McLean ham A Watson; 8 verbenas E. Bing- Dickson; seedling, four kinds, J H Wil• Interment will take place. C $ Naftel; filly, '.2 ears old, Robb let and 2nd; any other bantam, Robt linme; seedlings J H Williams, • •.,o war,o,r'threo years a Catniry Soldier: 7 McLean. Geese, an kind ham, A Watson; band bouquet, A Wat- Horse collars, iitent diploma, Albert - The trial of Smith McCabe tied Beacom; gelding, 2 years old, Jno Y + son, L Bingham; table b)u uet,E Bing' p p R. S. Gttillou Fat[., American C,oti- ' Porter, A M Polls Jno Salkeld, or; guinea fov la, Isaac q Collie. JohuStull; took Lice on Monde y; yearling filly le ham; ns (double), Caruat:ous, A Watson;at1.3 . Sul at' this town, will occupy the place Y gelding, tat and 2nd Jno Rosier; single Salkeld; bast.collectiou, J 1 Salkeld. dianthus (double), bV Stewart, A Wat: � n 1.Chair. before IIfS Hanot Judge Doyle, carriage, C Morris, Dr Whiteley, E, DAIRY rnonuc.Te IL°ly'th. son dianthus (single), A Watson; zin •' p I)orilneg the triol His Honor Judge Belcher; 'Jnsy iLgc, 'RObt }Beacom; !Olga table butter, salted,JOBtewart„ nia3 (double); A Dickson, John Stewart; Alfas Carson of Clfnton fs'iaitfnti "' Rev. D. McGillivray, tt ho Io• Y discharged Joltnetou, and at t+ . McMillan, E Butt. �1'm Howell, Thos: ilamiltou; ,51be gcreiniuma (single and double), John ftiondS hare. 1.ceoda dila week to his missionary , Generaj Purpose.—Mare, with foal, D table butter, salted, Jno Wilson, Miss. Stewart, A Watson; perenni d phloxes, D[ ie - , T- ' _, station,, preached his farewell'sor• its conclusion remanded the other MoCnrvey; Geo Green, J McCluskey; Jack, L'IioS Huntilton "tub or crock A �VataOn', phloxes, Wm Stewart; eight .a �''auce of Cliuton,iS tho guest mon to a large eoneregatiou in Knox defendants illi this morning when filly or gelding, 2 years old, S Cox,' Wm butter, salted, Thee Hamilton S L, gladiolas, E Bingham; four gladiolas, of Dlrs hulfry ,At present, his decision will be fv(tll. Clark foal 1888 Jae Johnston, Jaa Church on 1�unday evening. The g Rosea Stallion,2 Scott; N Morrish; 10 rhe iu tub or Jos Whitely, E Bingham; collection Al I,,,;. Di'uutiu0nd and family, ,.: leo tie iu thio vicinit wish the ' At the Northwestern Fair. di,plo- , years old,.J Clark, crock, S Potter,,N, Morrish, Miss M asters, Wm Stewart, Colin Campbell; leave here for Toronto on Friday "" people Y man were awarded C. ISlaCltstono Of Wm VAgan; yearling, Wm Can ham, Bogie; cheese, 50 lbs, Got�d°n Young, pansies, Win Stewart, E Bingham; bal. next. 'Rev. •gentleman n prosperous seven- Jn9i .kury. Matahecl ♦iltm, F.Sallows, 121bs do, do. same, A Dickson; stocks, A Dickson; DI' Ii.`D. 'Dunbar tailor returned ti`s* golizin0 journey. Clinton, for pedal attaehln°ut to W H Lobb„ R Match. Hone Sugar and•$ ru etuniae stn le , A Watson, W Btew- ,. ,, y, q y p..—Best dig. P (' t; ) ,I ' A.t.the•-1'ast.renul'ar meetinn of the: organ'; estate Geo: Grant. Goderich,-Heavydranghts.=-Sta}lion,4yearsand, play of honey,' Robert Mutcb. Honey art; petunias (double), W 'Btewart; 12 home from Ilia visit t0 Note YUrle � �,'f , e for exhibit of, groeelfea; R. Dir up, J•P.FiSher, F McDonagh, 'J P in comb; James Aikenhead, RMutch. colons, Jno Stewart, A Wataon;.four on Saturday:1. ., ��f i.%"I"'.4 "I- R.`_ECOR High School uciety, after nbntina- Race~ ardware • Calbick Fisher; 3Vears aid, A Forsythe; 2 years Honey in'pw, C A Humber, J McClus- begonias, Wm Burrows; four fuchias, E Sacrantent,of the Lord's Supper • � tions heel been made for the and y'Reith, Clinton,�furnfturO;t SatlowS, AnthonyhAllOn,lItiiMutelilastalhnyearling, key. Bingham; Broad,, hauineirilitfu°liras in bloom, E Biug- was administered in the L+' iseelal R•1 term, the following programme was etc.—Collection of g geraniums in bloom,. John P P ,, God'brfch, for photos ; Alt. Burrows, 4 of his progeny 1848, J. P. Fisher. preserves, C A Humber, Josh Beek, R Stewart, A Watson; four geraniums Church On Sabbath mornfng. presented, viz. chorus by the utero ,, . bars, reading, Mr. Boyd, reading � grain in the the slte'af, Mare with fool, Alf Carr, W Cunning- McKenzie. Pears, J Beck,J Salkeld, sr. (single) in bloom,, John Stewart; eight DTP. J.:l'I. Boss Ilea r0turmed from - -! Y or —. ham; foal 1888, W Cunningham, Alf Cucumbers, CAHumber. Jellies,Miss geraniums (double) in bloom, Jno Stew• bigtwomonths visit in Dlanftobina. r;• tiles AlcCornt.ac, goading AI r. H, I ��� Carr. BlBoiie, C A IInmber. Peaches, C A art; five geraniums (double) in bloom, He speaks very highly of that Pett "''' Miss Crozior,.. The Fall Fair at Goderieh, Canadian Bred.—Mare with foal, Hy Humber. Home made bread, Mrs Pea- John Stewart; A Watson; nine' reen: ;, Strange; Al-iss-N. Mf Taylor, Glenn Bros; filly -2 years old, ren, John Stewart. Teo biscuits;, Win house plants, W McLean, -E Bingham,- of our great Dominion. �. _ recltatfon,ATissN: Stracltan,tendingz ;_ t The North-Western Fair at Godes Goo Carrell, �m Clark; gelding 2 years Stewart, John Porter. A W Ross; nine foliage plants, A Wab_ Itev, AIr: ATtlls, pieatdent of the;! lIi'. H, I. Strang, Chorus by: the rich last week was well Ivortli of all alis, Glenn Bros; gelding or filly, year- sem_ two hanging. baskets A Wata°n; Gaol h Conference, I I,''1 member's. Y HOXE HANUFACTURKN.p preach I ,the patronage it received. It was lug, D Ryan, T Campbell, Alex Glenn; one hanging,basket Wm Stewart, A p 1 Homo made wilt -Gordon Young morning and evening its rho Metho- On Tue-%dav last week as a theatri. held daring Tuesday, Wednesday, foal 1888, Jno McCartney, Andrew @ g Watson; collection of plants, Wm Btew- Youn span to wagon, Jas Reynolds, J William Clark. Patchwork Quilt, dist church on Sabbath next. cal baud was aradin around the Thursday. aud,Friday. The ma nffi; g' p ° 1 art;' four verbenas, E Bingham, !,' P g t 0 Stewart, E Butt. woollen, Thomas Hamilton. Cotton A Watson. For 'amateurs.-Gerani- Ali-. Alfred Austin, Salvation square, A. Lp. Coruell's'horse attached Cent main building, rho machinery patchwork quilt, Tnomas Hamilton, pink, Army cadet, is seriously ill with -;0f erEEDrxO IN TUE nlxct. ams, scarlet ]lies Allan. Do. Lo.'hia wagon. "was atartlnd there- hall and the sheds anti stabling for Mrs F Sallowa. Knitted"Cotton quilt, Miss Allan. ' Do., scarlet, single, W inflammation of thq bo'tvels. iV,;e *'` cattle and horses are a decided exist, Flare or gelding owned and driven by Mrs Aikenhead. Quilt arbor than Stewart. Do., pink, single, W Stewart. '� 'hy and travelling ata rapid rate ing roof of the successful. enterprise farmers only, C Morris, Jno Cox and T above, T Hamilton, Mrs Rom Sm r- hope to soon hear, pF the �oun'g �i; knocked down little Joe eon of Air, 1 Grey tie. Gentlemen roadsters, Ma . na rue, Robt Gibbons. Ra car et,Liz• Do., white, single, W Stewart. Ha man's recover !'' Win. of { ie promoters,and the liberality of g P ing baskets, Mies Allan. 'Collection of YlW' ,;y 1i ut. Craig, two wheals passing over 'the corporation. of the town. These Lean, Smith, Whitely, Martin. Stat- zie Buchanan, Mrs Colin Campbell. dahlias, special recommend, J H ZViI• Anderson t� Elder, dry goods ;i^:at1 bis logs. Tho bey ryas picked tip buildings were well stocked with ex- lion race, Godericb Chief, Jay Gould, Rag mat, L Buchanan, Wm Swafbeld. !tams,, Knox Church Band of Hope merchants, invited out- fair sex ort Archie Bourbon. Team race,E Bassen- Woollen stockings, from home made, and carried home when an examina- tensive, and varied lines of the growth bur T McLean J Ward. g display special recommended. Saturda evening to their rand tion showed that one of his lens was and manufactnre of the Province. y' yarn, G Young, T Hamilton. Woollen Y b g ,- 0 CATTLE. socks, from home made yarn, GYoung, ROOTB AAD t'EOETAULES. � display Of fall millinery which was 11 broht n, and that he was otherwise On Thursday 30CK9 people passed in T Hamilton. Woollen doves, .from Dlangolda, Henry Corwin, George at the turnstile an:l et the da was Durhams.—Brill, 3 years and up, W 6 well• responded to. 1 slightly braised. Joe tuna watCIlfn Y Y home made am °Lizzie Buohanau. Green. Swedes, Samuel ],'arse, Thomas `ire are Gorr to hti ar that DIP. A. g not an exce tiou:iil go one for J Biegins, A Glenn; 2 years old, H Y Carroll. Field Canute Thos Carroll, 3' the band and hearfn tits tvanOn P Y g Snell D A Purvis; 1• ear•old Isaac W°°llen mics, from home made yarn, L Robt Gibbons. White ].sol ran carrots, M. Burchill, Princi tai of our Public Ip " g o weather. As esu . I ripe inside display Y Buchanan, Wirt Wri }it. Home made g { a) roach tried to not out Of the Salkeld, Isaac Fisher; CaIf,W J Biggins, t lI Corwin, I Salkeld, Peck of onions, Schools has tendered his resi gna- 1 P o was the host t° I„• ,••en in this part H Snell; any age, W J Bi ins. °Cow woollen yarn,•G Yaiing, C:eorge Green. Y , [, 4e;,c way, bat was knocked down before of the Province; ,,, live stock the g gg Patch on old garment, T Hamilton, L I Salkold, Geo Sheppard. Field corn, tion to the School board, for ha is in calf in milk,W J Biggins tat and 2nd, Jae Aikenhead, Jn Porter. 'Yum kine ''%'' he could do so: The fracture was Huron Central exhi. it was fully, up Isaac Fisher. Heifer 2 years old; W J Buchanan. Darn on socks, Harvey Pumpkins, an excellent teacher. - ,-," set shortly niter the accident, and to it. In short bur,; ,;tittle there was Biggins, Isaac Fisher; 1 -year old,. W J Howell, T Hamilton. Cloth mat, Mrs �Vm Swaflield, J Aikenhead. Squash; *. , nothing equal to t1w-_+ of Bfo i SallOws, Samuel Potter. Crochet work I Salkeld, J Salkeld, sr. On S-tturday tho rotnains of the at the orpresently. time Joe is progress- g q y,gha of- Biggins; calf, H Snell, Mord, .Female quilt, Misa•G Match; Gordon Young. Garden Vegetables. -Rose potatoes, Into Airs. Johnson of Morris tt•9 re fun favorably. Clinton. In two disl,..,ys of rise hands- an a e, W J Bi q 5 Furse, Jno Andrews. Furl Ohio $ grana it to the 1Jfrn tsh Church cemo- 0 3 work of artisans t7,• Y g Biggins. Hord, W J Big- g• ' Mr. RObert Porter Al. P. ad. heard general gine. AOnicULTURAI, PRODUCTS, Furse, Jos Gledhill. White elephant, h el r , admiration of the hardware one of R. Ayrshires:-Coto in calf giving milk, try here and laid to root. 1'ho ' J P Fisher, Clawson fall wuheat, S Furse, Jas Me. J W Salkeld, S Furse: 'Beauty of IIs- dressed his Constituents at RlaClt's M. Racey and the upholstered lural Mamie, Jno Porter; Scbtt or red, H bran, Abraham Smith, $burse. Any procession of vehicles and sorrowing r Hall, • Dungannon, on Monday ture one of Calbick & Reith, both of Polled Aberdeena.-Bull 3 years old Y Clinton. The enter and up, Jas McFarlane; calf, J McFar- Cut -win; apy others $ Cox,Thoa Hamil- variety named, W J Hayden, T,Weath_ friends being over a half mile Ione: <a\ 1 averting of Inst week. on the prom'i- prise of these two ton, S Cox; lost nation, spy., IIy Cur--erald. Vegetable marrow, .W C Potter, Great preparationsare'being wade firms was commented on ver lane. Milch cpty, J McFarlane let and none gttetstion that had conte before y fetor• win; any other, spg., S Furse, Jno Salk. 11 Howell. Table Squash, A Saunders, for Ottr lancet fall show to be held > ably, and Choir sato 2nd, Jno Andrew's,; heifer calf, D A Pur-' I Salkeld. Winters cash, W Swafiteld, +' Parliament the past two sessions, y' ;Arise pointed out vie Jno Andrei' a. eld, sr., W C Potter; rye, J Wilson; q in a [Wanner not at all com limen- barley,Thos' Hamilton Jno Marquis, EBingham. W.hitecelery,EBindham,, on' 1Ved'neaday and Thursday this The hall wits well filled; a feature a Grade.—Mil cow, Hy Curwin, Jno q A Kirkbride. Red aster A Kirkbride.• .week which is to eclipse ally pror. tory to the local men' in the carne R Thompson; litrgo peas, S Furse, Hy Y+ most pleasing coueidertp the state Andrews, Fisher, er, J 0 Ifeif 2 & grrs Curwin, Isaac 'Salkeld; small peas, S Winter cabbage, I and 2 E Bingham, oils one. If the weather rove P g b line. Air. Racey's display of Cana- old Isaac Fisher J U Stewart 2 d: 3rd; P' 'r � of the weather. Mr. Chas. Durnin, dian made hardware foods was ,even 1 -year-old, Jno 'NV• McDonald, Isaac Furse, Wm Swaflield, H Curwin; white Fall cabbage, E Bingham, W J Hay. favorable an immense crowd is oats, H Curwin, Thos Hamilton den. savoy cabbage, E Bingham, Geo who was elected chairman, intro- better than the cue lie had at Clin- Fisher; calf, Wm McLean, B Furse. , W expected, Blyth always being noted ! . Swafiiel flax seed' Isaac Salkeld Jno Sheppard. Citrons, J Aikenhvnd, D for its excellent shows. duced DTP. Porter in an appropriate ton, several new lines being added Pair 2 -year-old steers, J W McDonald, d' + speech. The speaker spoke for 30 since. Mr. Racey's push in this way J O Stewart; yearlings, Wm Cunning Salkeld, 'sr; timothy seed, Wm Jonest Cox. Red cabbage, A Saundora E shanks be the means of opening ham Jno Salkeld, or, beat collection of r Bingham. Long blood beets, H Cur• A young man living at the north •.,"f minutes on the Temperance and I g the , J O Stewart. Herd S Furse, J gain, ;y Clark. s Furse, L Curwin;. yellow pose, win, i Parse. Turnip blood beets, FIy end of our busy burg, not going Au• 11, eyes of consumers of hardware that Curwin, E Bingham. Radishes, A /king's Co. election cases, stating hfs they can get the Ver best in that line Fat Cattle. -Fat ox or steer, Robert spacial, S L Scott; black oats, Those Kirkbride .Cumbered with a wife and bairns, - reasons'for the votes he ave. He y McLean. Fat cow or heifer, McLean Hamiltoq. Hy Curwin, Jno Marquis,T Weatherald. Table tur• i g to Canadian make if not fn the county special collection of rain in the arnips, T Hamilton, P Kelly. Long car- and having some Spare moments on A. then took up the question of Com- town at least from R. M. Race the Isaac Fisher, W Bowden. recommended Mr Burrows; 'U P R ex- rots, orange, T Hamilton, S Potter. his hands both nights and mornings ;,r mercial Union, on which subject he leading hardware dealer in the SHEEP. hibit, diploma. Early horn carrots, E Bingham, Hy this summer, was determined to try ">� :° ' .spoke for an hour and three quart. county. Thege two exhibits. were Cotswold. -In all classes John -Cum. Curwin. Scarlet carrots, D.Purvis, W hfs IuCh at bardeuing on a small ors. West Huron's represent min made a clean ewes LADIES WORK. �.4. p under the charge of Messrs. Fortune g p, 12 prizes. Wright. Table parsnips, W Swaffreld, Scale, Havingheard of the rlifli= and Calbick tvho courtoousl answer- Leiceaters,41tams, 2 shears and over, Novelty braid lace, C A Humber: R Gibbods. Rod onions, G Sheppard, was attentively listened too and fre• Y J O Stewart, Hy Curwin; ahearling, g crochet work in wool, Mrs Colin Camp A Kirkbride. Yellow onions, A Kirk' unity there wits in raising cabbage, + quently Cheered and tans aCC6rded a ed all questions, We were told that Snell let and 2nd; lamb, J O Stewart, bell, Jno Slilkeld, sr; silk embroidery on, bride, G Sheppard. Silver onions, Geo Cf which he was ab fond, prepafOtl ' f 'I vote of thanks on concluding, as Mr. Calbick was rather taken aback . Hy Corwin. Ewes, 2 shears or over, H felt, Jno W Salkeld, Wm Jones; on Sheppard. Collection sweet corn, E a beautifuLrich spot at the rear of rues also' the 'chairman for"iiia fm- by a young lady who was looking foto Snell 1st and 2nd; J O Stewart Sheaf satin, Mies Jack, B' SJ Doyle; on plush, Bingham, A Saunders. Table cern, Jn a largo mirror in Ilia collection re•• lingo, H Snell let and 2nd l Mise Payne; on cloth, Mrs Hutchison. Porter, J H Williams. Water melons, hfs tot and put out several fico plants ". ,, partial Conduct while presiding. marking "that's a good-looking lamb's, J O Stewart, H Sne 1 Pen iof, Etching,Bne,WmJones,Liazie-Bucban.. J Gledbill- J Andrews: Green, -fleal, °sial; avat`y'vaY and means in keep• At the commencement a parson who ,lass.11 Mr, C., seeing the pretty H Snell; an ; coarse, Wm Swaffield,., Lizzie melons, J Stewart,• A Watson. Cauli• Ing the worms from devouring them, -ti`- held land in Muskoka or. Algoma form reflected in the mirror, Roomed Buchanan. Arresina on p]ugh, Bitsa •flower, J A Naftel, E, Bingham. Rod' but as they began tb' develop [►e w ;r+: for the moment to forger, whether it $outhdowne.-Ram, 2 shears or over, Jack, Wm Jones; on felt, Win McLean, omtwtties, J Btetvnrt, G Chard►. Col• talked rather ltpudly about the goy- E, Glenn Bros ehemrlings, Glenn Bros, J Blra Colin Campbell. Crazywork,woO1, lection garden produce, E Bingham. found that there was andther diflf- ernment allowing lumbermen to was British or German plate and re; O Stewart (Venn Bros' lambs, GlenA Bliss G Match; silk Wal -McLean, Mrs FIRUIT. Culty.to. overcome before they Camo '.,` tape all the pine off his [and. This plied "O, yes,, that is a good-looking Bros let, 2nd and 3rd. Ewes, 'l shears Hutchison. Stand, let Special, J B Apples.-SwayzePomnieGriso,DCox, to maturity. Some of Ilia neighbors lass, unconsciously as he thought re or over, Glenn Bros 7 O Stewart, Glenn . man was told by a prominent grit lass," u conscious. She thhough him Bros; , Glc ings, J, O $Stew r Glenn SwafHeld. Gent's shirt, linen front, S Furse; Pomme Grise, W J Hayden, cows were in love with them which �:" front 1 ort Albert that Sfr John Mc hand made, Thomas Hamilton, L lBu• Jno Stotvbrt; Mann, T Beatty, W Ell- compelled hint to keep a strict for the complimout as she confusedly Bros 2nd and 3rd; lambs, Glenn Bros chanan. 'Gent's shirt, linen front, ma. iott; Ontario, C S Naftel, J W Hunter; Donald controlled the crown lands replied, "Oh, I'm afraid you Clinton let and 2nd. Pen of, Glenn Bros. chine made, Mrs W Elliott, L' Buchan- snow, J Gledhill, Beatty; Grave vigilance Over them day and night . Of Ontario, and was therefore the men are gay deceivers.' The sur+ Oxfordshire Downs. -In all classes an. Gent's flannel shirt, �machirfe T Carroll C S Naftel St Lawrence C with a loss of a good deal of sleep. a ' :i t man who had robbed him of his ing mass of humanity passing in and Jae Tabb made a clean sweep, 8 prizes, madO, B?rs W Elliott, Lizzie Buohahan. S Naftel, Jas Gordon; 20 -oz. ' kt" lumbrlr, ZVealtvaysthoughtthore'tvsa out of the building, the speeding Ott Shropshire Downs. -Ram, 2ahearaor Gent's fiannol shirt hand made, L Bu- John Porter, W Wright;beantyo4ent; onnSobbathfmornin tthen lookinen ° the track .tire whirl and buzz of over. Jas Cooper; ehearlings, Jas bio- chanan, Mrs W FlliOtt. Nfght dross, Jno Andrtlwe, Jno Salkeld, sr; fall pip- out Of rho window he enw to Ilia °° no intelligent Canadian but knew Farlane, H $ne11, Jno Salkeld, sr; lamb, Mrs W Elliott, W, McLean. Tatting, pina,'Jno Salkeld, sr., C S Naftel; Duch . , t that the crown lands of Ontario POwer in bite machinery ball, and at Jno Salkeld, sr., Jas McFarlane. Ewes, iV CutingIii , C A Humber. Croohot ass of Oldenburg, S Furse, S L Scott; horror that one of. Iris friends had %r, night the silvery glamour of the eleC• 2 shears or over, Jas McFarlane, 1I work, modern, W Cuningham, Macre- strawberry, Jno T Dickson; any other broken the fonco and was just finish- • were fn the hands of the Provfneial triC light, combined to create an im- Snell,' Jas McFarlahe; ahearlings, H me work, Jas Dickson, Gordon Young! named, D Cox, T Weathorald; siege, T sing the last hard. Johny says no Government. pression that there is life in the old Snail, .las Cooper, Jas McFarlane; I hiiguardieo lace, H 1Iowe11. Embroi- Naftel J Beclr uinves, A Bl Ross Wm ,# q more raising Baur kraut for itim: , ; ,'1 . i,v` A e 1.01 &a. Js.... _ .."_, :.moi.. .. __, ._ .. a _�$, � 4 D y . AY . r.` '„ .:.:' Ir . n . n ~p. v.11 U w � ,,,� y� + .: -;� o. _ } '' 11 " "ice , . , .,.. , .. ,.. - .,;�:, .: .-Iti,;. _ ..._,h_ �..yt,.�., .>�,�9,14:�...,. _ . �' li�..�,�