HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-03, Page 7aY y m. into, who ba.d a shrill voice, ,liken The friars, knowilig that 11 spolde The (lir' ,n NOuwn, t✓o `� - ,par�u.tslaapatl upon a;balpicla� .and rsasonailJ�y, soon ootl►forttjtl-i•tlletu- � calVd otit fox a Alia, lu' r bird, aelvpsi and ruipnt;ing book to theew — r :+- ntloteQvar, chipping ti p ;largo eouvent,they rapaired,all tron►bliog,X it tlllssalsL tageth.er, in floe W%'p" t,^,vf a into the presence of the superior. �eu.tt:r1,UC,>lubot+'�lfitl. lS,g pair of a atinets, lie diunod the Fatl►erGomota inquiring eagerly other Boise. mongers into a tempor- if they had brought file budy, Friar pry silence. ,A>I s on its tb� were g ' FOR. OURTQR'=READER'. •t !t 3 Francis Ana\voles boldly that they flute, "11i,1s sijuabble," said ha, had not, "But hero•,': said lie, "is a + - nInay clijily l ada"usted. Aa for the part of his most reverend beard, and I THE MIRACLE, OF THE HOLYbetu it's body, let those have it, of also Ilia mantle, which, like Lliaha, HERUIT• whatever order, who liaveL•nliuister- he dropped upon us as lie asceuded . -ed to the Dood to Ansi ill. lied tzivuu into heaven : for aA&1IW4ti N17N ,Inglis' "Tlaero'itVQId meat In the cava flim the extreme unction." was translated Into tire skies, a\'0U in my younger days, there was At this proposal there was a so was the holy hermit, exeeptfug Tie Nows record mush talk of an old Hermit of great general silence throughout the these precious relics,—beiug torn . sanctity, who lived in a rocky cave chapel, till bather Gometa, feeling out of oar -arms, its it worn, by a � TaEto just received ed a complete ympete series N w near, Naples. He had a very what a scaudel it would be if such whirlwind." Anon appealing to ryCo., out le fou TAO new material is reverend gray board, which reached a man hall died without the last his Comrades to Confirm his fabrics• jilst the thing for down to his middle, where his sacrament, affirtnetl that he had tial, they deplared that it happuuudi body., looking like a•piemire's, was given him the wafer; anti Father with thein even as ho relaiad; DotiFl ° ■ ■ almost cut in two by the tightness Philippa, on behalf' of tiro Benedic• ma•,over, •that a bright and glorious Work I of a stout leathern girdle, which he tinea, declared that he hall per- light shilling upon them, as it did A ■ e j, ■ wore probably to restrain his hunger formed the same office. Thus that upon Saul and his Company when during, --hie loug and frequent sedated to have been superfluously they ,journeyed to Damascus, had so ' SUCH AS abstainanees. His nails, besides, repeated, which, in truth, hail been bowildereil thein that they had not p �7 had grown long and crooked, like altogether omitted. Wherefore yet tocuvered their poffeet senses. Bill ROMP the talons of a bird ; his a.rnls and Gefouinio, at ]lid wit's anti, proposed lit this plausible clauuer the rr��-- j•op��•ryryp }t legs were bard:, and his brown gar- that the superiors should dr.tw lots, friars got themselves distnissed with- StLIICJiIIUnls ments very roar. -e and ragged, lie anti had actually etit it slip lir two, out Huy . 'penance ;, but Father Head never tasted flesh, but- fed upon out of the marg.iu of Iiia psaltor for Gunieta discreditodl,the stury at the fetter lrlCltaUs herbs and luutq, find drank uuthing the purpose ; but Father GOInOta bUtIUlll ill' bis heart, £cul went i0 o but water; nor aver lodged any- relied too Much oil his own subtlety bud ill grout hutlble ul' cliud, nut �,j pr�• lbfiere, winter or summer, but in- to refer the i,sue to liters chance. doubting that they had lust the Note ilUCIft, his bleak rocky Caverti,; abov6 all, In this extreniity,acertain Capuchin body by aunts ot-llgalice, nod that it was his painful custom to stand happoning to be present, they be oil the morrow it would be found! kilt EyeYo�es for hours tugether with hia arcus sought hitt, its it'uoutral man and the possession of his rivals, the ( f ex,►onded, in imitation of the holy illipaltial, to lead them to sumo Beuedictiues. The-liltto•, howevor, Folders( cross, by w'ay of penance and decision; and, alter a•litt.le think- proving a, diseuucurted'its lie wAs, ' mortification for the sins of his iug, he was PO fortunate as to bring lie took comfort; and causing the heti them to an acceptable method of Dior to bo set do\\ a at• Iar,to ill the "' u'e• Ill )err we Lava Type, nil After many years spent in those arbitration. � records lit' tiro couveut and sub- titutiun,v�•, Il:k.,, �;d•., ander , tII,• vxperivil'c, to Austerities, he fell ill, towards the The clatter being thus arluuged, scribed with the nana•s of thu fuer nn'a Out autumu, of a mortal disease, whore- the Cordeliers returned to thdjireon- friars, ht: had} it lead publicly on f n upon }i,• was eoustautly visited by vent where, as soon as they arrived tho nd>xt Snntiav from the ,ill it G. rl �`}'IO al. Work: eertaiu.Iienedlietinesand Cordeliers Father Gonuitn assembled thent nil' with an exhibition of the hilar,t ani} ik Li C ii ssa0 1 who Indtl Couvouts in the neighbor- in the refectory;, and spoke to them the ldantle, which prucurod :t grout - - - — huull.; not so ranch 118 It work of in those. word,,; := deal Of wuudd=r and rev,lrence charily and 11101-0yi as that they "'You hava.lfoard it :nettled, Cly amongst the eungrebuliuu. •were anxious to Obtain hi -4 body; brethren,- that the Claims• of our The Bune1liutiuos at first were j}. . fur they made sure that maty soveral couvouts aro to be deteruiiu- voxed at the oreilit which was thus JL us notable' miracles might. be wruugh,t ad . by propiugdity to • the c;itie, lust -to their owu cuuvout ; but be- fit Iiia tomb. Accordingly, they ArOw I know that our crafty rivals ing afterw,irds pacified d1AII It lior- hovered about his lannti►•badl Of will omit no artifice that may show tion of tit() gray hairs and it shred or leaves, like. so many ri%vons whou their house to be the nearest ; two of the bro•vn cloth, they joined Y g';,#t} SMITH `� °�' - they scent a pray, but more jealous wherefore, not to be Wilfully dapod, itit'ho propagation of.the story ; and �mBN.�'fi��AWl �ot<1� A �I of each other, till the {Hous Hei mit s I am resolved to snake a proper sub- the eoti ntry peolile bal rove to this last breath at length took iligilt traction from our ow' n nt9asnronlauta. clay in the miracle of th-: huly Market Square,g towards the skies. I foresee, notwithstanding, that this hark lift. t _._... As sot3n as he av,►sa.dead,•- ilio_-t.wto_..livasuriug bout ..will lead to uo C`kT0LpEi,l'V.Y.�.,,...,_ •. ' friars who wore wateliiug him ran aecoeodlation; for the reckonings each to their several convents to' oil butt sides being false, will ter- AS 10'L' TAKE 1`r. — — report the event. The Co'dolier, tainly beget a fresh cavil. Go, �— — W1S'1' OF L'N(xLA1`rll MI. - being swiftest of foot was the 6-st therefura some of oil ver warily, —Tlvu Iris,iu£,•u tn1'It,u{try nh,hi, p� —'�tidings,' y Of took refn, a uwIvr the I„” lefotlies INGS & TROUSEh,INGS, to arrive with his when hn Doti bring hither the glassed body of d found his brethren just sitting tiro hermit, which, by God's grace, frons a part,V cl utu,quitues. �Lt_ SCOTCII '1 WI`ED S,TITINGS &: down to their noontide meal ; -will save it great deal of indecent hist our+ of tit, lit, 1lA8iliI,g fr,,ut prat, T1IO UsEItC1TGS•, whereas, when the L'enedictinos dissension, and their the I'lenedlic- veeturol to, puvp boyond the bul.- r t r heard. the news, they Were it pray- tines 'may meaeum its uufairiy ;to warks, Milli u,pit'.1 :t 11rofly. a Itiui; FI NL c.II AN15 E\G1,1,.H IV0R. era, which gave'thern tie advantage. they please." hrd strayod ,tutu tau rootu. Arno,. SED CLOTHS, Cutting the service short,, therefore, �� ro brethrau approving of this • iug Ilia ontitpuni„u with a punch, [to 1 s ' , , Made rip, •int Best Style dull llrerk- with all abrupt Alnen, they tau des.igu chose out four of rho afoot-' said, l+erguv, Ft•rgus, its um use. Y Y t est linen st wh'oili \sus Friar Fran-' Ye might id, well conte out. Ilw:e's 9lrrnfp, cit Abraham rf mith's, instant! in it to the cave g , .• but before they could , well retch cis, to pruceod on thin ex vent one of till eraydiera searching for _ their breath figaili, the Co'rd'e.liers and in the nteautilno the aysut fdi11 us %cid at'lantern also calve tip; finishing their sinter out as the superior •Lad predicted. --Mrs. Scott. Parton, a. iviortli A7,0 10 itt dtuc/ u)tc of tare-elrrctllc- p' r,ian, and both parties ranged lila atIversu measucars, oucuuutering't Carolina wolti£w,. was £unrdee'od, <fltd !rest •,tr)cks of., JtheinseIA about the dead lle nlit• oil their tasks, began• to wrangle; presumaLly . by Iver husbundl, who ,� y �- INGFaiiii4i Gometa, A Corde,ior, -and A and, t%fisc littlaboring each dicker with was arrobwd,, sit i hs aut60ritios GLO �, :Very portly man, the=n stopping in their coda, retnllicd with complaints thougtlt, atidl In£pfitunetl'at 12aleigh, 'front of his fraternity, addressed) to, their weparato convents; but The prisoner insi,ted illat he was AND �o°I..O� �s. thele As follows,: Friar Francis, wUh 'hia comrades,' not: Parton, will aftu'r Iyiiig a long "My dear brethren, %4.0, are too proceeded prosperobsly to tiro cave, tittle ill ail lifts berm idontiCied- as ' late• as you see to receive,' the wbeie the • founds the dead body of � .d Full Line of GMTS YuR • , Y r y Y Robert Zus,uu l urU•r, the Heir of an passing breath of the lioly inan ; Ite the hermit, but neither of tiro truant Irish at `este. T'hei fright acNISHIl�TGS ,i excites always in stock, is quite dead and cold. Put your friars who had been nppuinted to IlleaPiclue to ill” false iull,ri,ouulcnt ,-. ' uafs out of your hands there- keel) watch. ly will,lrrr,; doll to em'? ole Viet y r l c scout hitt crazy, and when },o \vas fore; and with all duo reverence Taking the eareass, therefore, released Le walked over 100 mule, SMITH' i;' AHAh�I ii`ssist me to carry thesesaint'ly relics witlioot tiny obstruction, on their in four clay:,. IIP w-ai; placi-d hi all to our convent, that thoy;nay repose shouldors, they Kogan to . wend Asylum, and t8 Likely to y0u(Aver, amongst his follow Cordeliers." homewards ver • uterril . till corn- &� ) y Yr r-`Fttl! illlove 'with :;eine good „� Tire Banadictines murmuring at iug to a by -place in the midldle•of a incl ilidnstrious you woman. �.� this expression, "Yen," addild iie • wood file ag,,reed to set down their t Y F` n4�I Attention a to her faithfully "I nifty truly Cali him 'it (lord liar, burden'awhile, and n'efi•e3'sh them -,p y t , unci 'respectfully. Ri,tht face iii and a rigid one ; ,witness lois •Fath- selves after their laburs. One of the popping the utstion likt� a qman. ern girdle,' which ; for want of, a 'friars, ho%vavor,' of weaker nerves t Quick tuarch to her parents and I� rope, a Ire hat!) belted round his than the rest objected to the cora- 1 l!, :'_ 1F:.•:' ws f•k 1 , , J ask theirconsect. File right wit!£ middle, almost to the Cutting asun- pauiouship of the dead hermit, who, h _ her to church, Diol ,n through the � l,hl'I� • ,• der of his holy body. Tante up, I with Ilia long Ivhito beard, and his r , , �,'; {,•; -• �, r marriage ccrmuon Ilalt anti 1;;� wT. pprod-hed ,or My, these precious relics;" where- ragged garments, td':ich stirred now b t Y 'I'nne red upon his -followers, obeying his and then in the. wi:. 1, was in truth rc 6ect r,eriously,upouihe DH%+ -duties; Quality. Commands, - and! t}lo Bonedletines a very awful object. Dragging him You have Assumed, and u t -n per - Commands, Trine i'i Eve. Fornn them. ltlnht about fees resisting them, there arose a lively aside, therefore,. fir' , a dark soli' from the haunts Oc have frc until• 1 p s !�� [f�¢ struggle, as if between so iii ij' 'Mary thicket, they i•',.tirned to ,sit ell when sindley 'Advance glen,' lT� f� I�Fd F+L�i' : '1 out Gurs�eks and Trojans, over the dead down on the grass ; ,uiti pulling out 9 body, Tho two fraterpities, how- their flasks, which cu•itained $ome to year young wife ghee out walk- over being equally mAtched ill very useable wine, t.my begat to ing, a'i'l never leave her to trail, Note Herids, istter !leads, Statemeuts, and In ° q y p ' behind. 113realc Off' Staying Out al knoivntlto I is ds r raftrun ln�t in tile lnw r tcs,sitsTim le strength, they Deemed mord ](holy enjoy themselves wit.wut stint or � NRH•R^Rr,<'OltD offi,"•. to dismember the'ITtirmit than to hindtauce, night and all other had hllbfts if you Lrarry•,him off on either side, where- - Tho -last level Pays of the setting wonfil have a happy 110111. fore, Father Goineta, by dint of silt weriibe,rinuingtoshootthrough —Ata rnceuthorsefair fir Ayr Ohio � �d(119NCS'.®N, entreatiesand struggling, procured, a the horizontal boughs, tinging the ail old farmer otfvred'.a h-rs+H for dr 13 r o 0 111er4..tt atudd 11,Ilit_ sdA^„grin, of truce. "It was n shameful thing" Le t links, Ivbich at uoonparb ell` shady sale.. Two smart yo£uig mw1 wanted t'of <nlfo. told then;, "for servants of tiro Doti obscure, with a flami•ug gall ; to buy hi -iii, but v(-rn anxious that - Prince. of Police, as thn,y were, t0„ will Ise but fire marry friars thought it pro- the Old fiirnc'r rihnuili tcll'thcm if -lick it the iningle in such au affray ; and d}alit to wait till nightfall, before had any fault,. IN, Said t'he • horse besides, that the. cotlut•y peoplo they ventured with .their charge be- had twa faults,- an' if they liked R1t(Plibli y 11011se going likely' to witnmss it, lLo }ond the friendly shelter of the tall buy Min Ila womld tell thein the scandal of such a broil would do wood. As soon, therefore, as it was title afore they pato him(an' the ither; more harm to their 'I, jointly, than so'safely dark tit at they cotild barony after.' The bargain was made GLENT€ N, the possession of the body eould,bC distinguish each othor,they returned Weel ,' Said the pill farmer, 'when a benefit to either of their ordors. to the thicket for the body ; but to he's Cot in the field he's a wee thing, SEPTEMBER 17. The religious men, of both sides, their horrible dismay the doad liar,- ill tan grup.' 10h,'says the young concurringill the prudence of thin 'that's , A few of the hundll•eds ruled by Dit. p mit had vanished, nobody know. than, chats n very small fault, and WASHINGTONI'S Ncsv Method advice, they left- a friar, on either whither, leaving them -only •a hand- paid the mow -y, fmpatient• to hear of 1111halationt part, to tante churgo lit' the dealt ful of his gray heard fns II legacy, till, other fault. 'Neel,' Saiti the. %v. if, Storey.gof storey t son, prominent heti £ted t11ell adjourned, 1) ' 1 glow m:unl6,eturcrs of Acton, flat:, cured 'I Yr 1 : y with a rolnnAnt or two of hid tatter- old farnier, 'you've paid him, fit the Dr. WAshingron of catarrh oft@the throat, bad common consent, to the h01IS0 Of ed garments, At this discover the ither fan't i. -i lie's no worth a penny toren, and Pronounced) incur,,ble by eminent the Beuedietines. ° Y p y Rpaeinlists in Cnnnda and iRnolnnd.• Write him frit% were in despair, and some Of when ho N gruppit,' for particulars. The chapel befog very large and them begat to weep, dioading to g0 wu o.Ts Chl•,,rlle iivonohttlannd Aslhimin. Crar•ed. convenient for the pill- )ose, they back t0 tho convent , but Friar -` - An rughah Church Clergyman speaks, went thither •to carry on t io debate; Francis, being in a jolly mood, put gg tt[[ Rectory, Cornwall. tint. r _ _ ... ,� -- 6t'1i•, j' T _ nR. wA4111NliTON,- and surely, such a strange land of them Ill Lotter heart. �y_� + 1)c•l. t ,;t, Iain glad to fw nble td fnfortn ytotf service bail never been performed I - Why, what a whimpering is :;t'1 I Ihnt our finufrhter ie gnite well ngain. As this is b0f01'0 within its walls, Father this,” said he "about It dead body? 6 the arcuLd lima aha has been cured of grnv-o F N I bronchial trouples under your treatment, when (¢fix Gometa, standing beside a painted! The good fathor, as you know, was l the usual remedies failed, IIdriteto express my I F. ," gratitude. vivasa acecpt tiny sincere thanks, winclow, which made his face of all no fop, and did not smell over pure- t, e�. Yeurs truly, manner,of Dues began in a pompous ly • for which reason, doubtless, B's,i \ C. a.rETTIm. + , AI -P -1Y Sirs .)no Nclteldy', Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh And dlisbonrse'to assert the claims of his some hungry dovil of a wolf has re- �;l= a0 consunlptfrn. Convent; but .Friar John quickly linvod its from the labor of bearing � �I \ John Melielvy, KeigRton, Ont Catarrh. p ti Jit :\ 1loppin , itbiy �Mu, Ont, iiron;ho Consump• intt'rrupted him; and another him any further. There is no such ga'�8H I tion. r y g I, Sir. F. Scott, lifuy,lon, Ont, catarrh, hend and brother contradicting Friar John, heretic as -your wolf is, 'who would ro g 0 ! throat. �... sH all the monks, Denedictinea as well not Ile likely t0 boggle at his great �° Gvy ,.. Sirs Jno Bertram, tlammsmitli, Ont, nearlting- � �. y Ob &$�8' l sGmrC'itarrh, tdlroat. as Cordolf'ors, were soon talking piety, though I marvel Ile (lid not t'a ca ')(i<.tJtnry,l I:nmbn':r,.t,t'tv.treciltc,dln£,..ntnrrh furiously together, at the same Object to Ilia moagroness. Itell you ;'�� hraannd for„at. '.t'te< ylnthoW•,Ont. ,,moment. Their Babol-arguinents, take cuurago, titan, and trust to me at,l % rlri•h, rl..nt, roroi+harp, sofe%Ote,catarrh n.e 5� ( throat. thr_rofore, . wore balanced against t0 clear you, who have brought you ,Hl $ 1 : 1.”!'I11pI t ;i, 1•. ,'. ` iPr ret, oi.t, oils Napa - each other. At Inst, brother Gorou- out of fifty such scrapes." 66 �p : nr•rl, I a£.,i r! b • damn tliront• ItadAcnsc,q is a 81181NE88 DI RECTORY Lptaui il , MONEY to lend In largo or r•mt•11 e-1 n r, t :f lel good mortgages or p ner,nI rttur,t)i r the 1ow4at currant latae. 1I. HALE, }ion ,• st OM -L' J.1 1'►11\ i11iGl Lin ft�G.�� Clinton. l'Cb. 26. 19tJ1 n -t --- MONEY. kite of Toronto, -Honor graduate Itoy'ul College i)it1VATE FUNDS to lend oD Tou it aLd Par of Dental Surgeons, L Fropertp. Apply to a. itiDoc•I•, poats's Blook, - Ounton, R59Bill nextNltwa•ItRCQAD(upstaitayA:Ltrt•bt An Witirk Ralst@red. Chargesbloderate G. H. GOOK,nullxu,g. - Licentiate of of Dental Surgery, honor Ora:uatc - of the Toronto School of Dentistry.TRE MRS Nitrous Oxide Oas,Meritlstared for the palutoee O " BANX. oxtntclion teeth. Office -Over Jackson's Clothhtg Store, next to • incorpotaoJ bl _\atof P.rliau,ent, 1366, Post Office, Clinton. — �W ?fight Bull antwerod. I CAPITAL, $2,000,060 Will visit every Thursday at Bruceaeldl, trout REST. $500,000 8 to 10 30 a. tit. ; Varna, trout 11 it, all, to Ldny9old, trove 2 p. In. 40•ty V Head Oftiee, MONTREAL. THOMAS W010 31AN, President.. i,��t'Iltt'ttl, J. If. 1t. bitlu'ON. Vioe-Presldent, f F. W0IXEI• 'rA\ THOMAS, Oenaral Alanager• "I; REEVE. 01ice-^Palaen" Bricic Iitovit, i Notcs discom,tril; Collections made, Draft U Itattuubury Street, itediduncooli1w,he tits I i,Rne4 Sterliul and Auterican ex- Temperauee 11;11, flui•o, 5trert. Guronorfixthe . , County of Huron. .UfBts• hours (roils s it.m. to 0'II change bought and sold tit low. It. ul. I elst current rates. - Clinton .Jun. 14, 1381. '--- , d - 11XIMIaxT AT 4 Pint d'HN'•. ALLOWED ,oN Li Ri'obiT DR. GiUNN I r• �zzr2�z�s_ _ AIOIWy L16ADcod to ftu•wt•raun ,hair oke nota IV.Ounn, Al. D. L. It. 0. 1'. Edinburgh L.O. dro ,1t. ll one or molls endorsers. No wort„age re N. Edinbdrgh Liconciate of the S1itla1fery, Fdhr. gllira,l .h Rel'llrit \'. ' Olnic on corner of Ontario and William Sts., Manap,•r,' Clinton, 373 y• Fehruar;.18i,4 CLINIOII a tH2tl �l:a21�E1111x. MANNING I%: 8C01L"L', 11IN•ruN Lodge, No, H4, A. F. a A M. utauts livery%' friday, int lir utter theful moon. Visiting hrdthren enrdin!h incited. 13arrv:vt�r.,, �r•, • I J. YOUNG, w. N. J. C•At I.ANrn r„ f -R EI,1,10TT'S BLC(:IC, - LiLINToN. ! d Minton, .IRI-. 14. 1861, 1 - Mullett to hours. A. 11. MANNINO. JAS. SCOTT. -- . T. 1. F. 0. L No. 710 'iil��Id�RD, a •a..$i:�Ioll, , (Succossor to FRANK R. 1'r,%w ELL)Jtvets nIa•o+••r Monday of every IiAItIlBI!i'if@:@►, Itia6I,l1Q'I'I'CDti, &c. n,unth. Mill, Sat; eat, Victoria _binuk. Vi:•itivg brethren always 0ffiuo-3uurl0'0 ISWch, Opp. Market, Albert > ❑ 680 Itnnle Weleume, ., Street, Clinton. =Y+� C, TNI 'EEDY, W. N. %4111 attend Division Courts at L'arfield and Myth %V. 3. S%%''AF1'lEl.l), Sec. 1f. S. COOPER, 1), M Jif- PRIVATH 1~ usm To Lasa at losses+ rates of Interest. 613 LlDIVA [It) \ LEWIS Barrister, Notary 1 ublit JD Proctor in Maritlute Court. O£lices cornet sunth of Martins Ilutel Onderich, Ont. Suliel toylcre,th, '£lni<<fl5•LKrttl Agefiic." Sk.nc}'tri 16:UI at cheapest rates. 400 tf SEAOEP,.0 51011TON, Iiarristers,&e.,S , Ood' erich Dull w'inghani. C. Seager, Jr„ itoderteh J. A: Morton w•fn;[himl. 1•ly. 1VISON 3 JOHNSTON, Ln1v, Chancerl',and JU Coilvevaneing. Office --West Street, "noxi door to Post Office, Coderieh, Ont. 67. C. HAYS, Solicitor, dc.. Office, 11• Square and Rest Street, over P.uticr18 Boot Stare, Ootterich, Orrt. 67. B@f” Money to lend at.'lowest rates of interest. OAMPION, tlarristur,Altofney, �ollcitnrh: lJ• Chanceq, Conrewaucer, ,lc. Office owe! Jrrrdnn's Drug Store, the rooms forwtirly ecru pled by Judge Doyla, tiff" 'Any aulOtlnt of nrOnoy to loan at lolcesl rates of interest. 1•ly. �lttrttRtit'�kltt>�.• -- UCTIONEEIt for Huron County. Su1es at f1 tended to in any part of the .County. Ad d.ress•orden to ConR£llct£ P 0. V•17. CHAS. 11AMILtON, f�UCTIONEER, land, loan and'lusuranve ugc,ll Blyth. Sales attended in town and country m rensonable terms. A list of farms and viliagi lots for sale. Aloney to loan oil real estate, ;I low rates of interest. insurance affected on at classes of property. Notes and debts collected. floods apllrafsed, ftnd Sold oil commission. Blink rupt stocks bought and sold. Blyth. Dec. Dec. 19,18RO Pho tog.rrf pher s _ cam= CLIR? i ON. Life Size Portraits a SI)ecialty, Clinton Marble Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON. W. H. COOPER, dr., Jlnnuhlcturcr of nL dealertt all kindsof Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at thrnres that dofy competition _>,l -•u nlainlflettu•er of thte f•elrbrntec AuTlFrcml, SroNr•, i,ir liitildfup purr popes ami C•:l,netery Work, which tmisl be ,Pen to be appreciated.—All w•nrl+ warrmited to vivo satisfaction. Goderich Marble Works Having bought out JosrrM VANNTONL+, in Goderlch, we aro now prepared to fur nidi, on reasonable terms, HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS. GRANITE, A SPECIAT3Y. we'ai•e prepared to sell cbo per than any other ftrnC in the county. Parties wanting anything in tills line will lind it to their "interest to reservo theii imlet6 for its. ROBERTSON:,L-" HELL, \lay l i th, 1886. 392.3ni EXHAUSTED VITALITY I lir SCIENCr OF 14MJL the great Medical w'in'k of the ageon Jianhood, Ner• drown and Physical Debility, Premature Dlicllno, Errors of Youtli, and the untold nnlseries consequent there - oil, 300 pages 8 vo., 126 preserlptionsforall diseases Cloth, till gilt, only 81.10, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free to nil young and mlddlo-aged r ^n. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Modal Awarded to the anthill by the \ationftl Medical Association. Addresi I O, Box 1,9F, Boston, Class or Dr. W. H, PARKER, graduate of Ifnrcnrd kedicnl College, E6 y cars prnrtice In Boston, who nifty bu rnrsult' ed rnnndentially. Spoelnity, nhicn5as of Alan, Otfire No 4 Bulihich Street 493y Ju�b►1te Preceplory roof 01. (BlaeZ.: h:riifyhb; df la•e an(l) Meetsfu the Clinton Orange Ifoll, the second w'ednesduy of every w I t! . :'t ' 'O o'clock in the eV00111V. Visifi;J; :.,t -•t%M', It hearty welcome. A. At. .TODD, w'oibhipful Preceptcr C ICORGR IIANLisv, Depu_' Preceptor • w'tLLIAAI MCGHH, Registrar ,. Ro rl bldck Nece for 3911 .y pt' Blur/,'tt"�tifllcte.of Ireland!, Meot@ in the Orange [lull, Clyth, the w•ednes- d.ty after full Moog t f every mgatb. r- f �d . Royal. Mack. Plbc,eptori M., I31ucl ICniy7trd of Ireland, cleats lit Vio orange llidll, CodertcL, the 'Chir Mundayofeverymur,th. Visiting-KnIghts.1ways' nnld 1 welcome. ' JAMES %VEIA,:, Preceptor, hnitford 1' O AN' If MURNKY, lieviotrar, Ooderich 114) CLIitiXON KNIGI1'1'S OF LABOR Hooms, third Hat, Victoria bl•.•tk. 1:rpula meeting over\• Thursday caning at .S n'vloc sharp. Visiting Knights made, d OMA11e. , FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FA,1111oNABLE IlAltmilt, 2 doors vast of NEivs•1t141;01tTa of- fice. Spccinl n1ttOnti011 riven to LADIES - - •- A','u Ctnr.wusN'S ]laireutting. POMPADOUR IIAliI.IXTTINC A SPECIAI.TY. NEXT: OF o -WI LD TRffBER'nt CURES HOIzERA haol.era Morbus 0 L.e I Cana `A 8 OHS n VC AND ALL SUMMER' COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE' AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. 0UR0✓fi Liver CompinfllJ• Dyspepshl, ! it!! loo slleRA, Slctc `• � iltmdneh@, Iiidhl ey t 1 1 Troubles, Itheaurat ism, Skin Irtsroses and nil L121lor• 1 t 1 I -Idle fort Re Iiloodl from w•ha/ever l'tl llfil; a1RIRi11 (r,, THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. Price, 75c. (with Pinney(•) 'I'll)' ©R. HODDE1R'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very Rmall and eqy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NA•UaEAU. Rnld ocerywhore ; panne 26 cent?,.. Union Medicine Co., Proprietors kTOIIONTO, CAN. + .1 I r _. i:• Y._A.xne &. :.... ,, "r.' rv....f.::u,;..,,. _«�... s-., [:.:.. � .:1;.r.. .....:�.r:. •'.:R : �..�••Lw,wne,.:_. ,. ,...u.r`i4't1xa.,, .,. ,.,,... _..�.. - e - c 4s Ju�b►1te Preceplory roof 01. (BlaeZ.: h:riifyhb; df la•e an(l) Meetsfu the Clinton Orange Ifoll, the second w'ednesduy of every w I t! . :'t ' 'O o'clock in the eV00111V. Visifi;J; :.,t -•t%M', It hearty welcome. A. At. .TODD, w'oibhipful Preceptcr C ICORGR IIANLisv, Depu_' Preceptor • w'tLLIAAI MCGHH, Registrar ,. Ro rl bldck Nece for 3911 .y pt' Blur/,'tt"�tifllcte.of Ireland!, Meot@ in the Orange [lull, Clyth, the w•ednes- d.ty after full Moog t f every mgatb. r- f �d . Royal. Mack. Plbc,eptori M., I31ucl ICniy7trd of Ireland, cleats lit Vio orange llidll, CodertcL, the 'Chir Mundayofeverymur,th. Visiting-KnIghts.1ways' nnld 1 welcome. ' JAMES %VEIA,:, Preceptor, hnitford 1' O AN' If MURNKY, lieviotrar, Ooderich 114) CLIitiXON KNIGI1'1'S OF LABOR Hooms, third Hat, Victoria bl•.•tk. 1:rpula meeting over\• Thursday caning at .S n'vloc sharp. Visiting Knights made, d OMA11e. , FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FA,1111oNABLE IlAltmilt, 2 doors vast of NEivs•1t141;01tTa of- fice. Spccinl n1ttOnti011 riven to LADIES - - •- A','u Ctnr.wusN'S ]laireutting. POMPADOUR IIAliI.IXTTINC A SPECIAI.TY. NEXT: OF o -WI LD TRffBER'nt CURES HOIzERA haol.era Morbus 0 L.e I Cana `A 8 OHS n VC AND ALL SUMMER' COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE' AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. 0UR0✓fi Liver CompinfllJ• Dyspepshl, ! it!! loo slleRA, Slctc `• � iltmdneh@, Iiidhl ey t 1 1 Troubles, Itheaurat ism, Skin Irtsroses and nil L121lor• 1 t 1 I -Idle fort Re Iiloodl from w•ha/ever l'tl llfil; a1RIRi11 (r,, THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. Price, 75c. (with Pinney(•) 'I'll)' ©R. HODDE1R'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very Rmall and eqy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NA•UaEAU. Rnld ocerywhore ; panne 26 cent?,.. Union Medicine Co., Proprietors kTOIIONTO, CAN. + .1 I r _. i:• Y._A.xne &. :.... ,, "r.' rv....f.::u,;..,,. _«�... s-., [:.:.. � .:1;.r.. .....:�.r:. •'.:R : �..�••Lw,wne,.:_. ,. ,...u.r`i4't1xa.,, .,. ,.,,... _..�.. -