HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-03, Page 6il 1 . I . _ 1.
The Huron Ne us•R�corc�
r;_. �1.:,0a Year—$1.26 1e. Advnuae,
I ._ b _
i' Wedifiesda)',-QDctobertird, 1888
- - --- -
-11, the St, Th ouuts tinter of
Sei•tombel' 4th particulars were
published of the theft of a bicycle
fiw W. ,.
u . 1'. t e ' fi e
lI ah 11 s, of . h dden, by
a uwr nl.lu tutun'd I. 1 eu,
y '', g 1,,,,•h•
. he:u•t. A fow du%s ;igo, t''hief Few-
Lugs reeeivel) Wold Ihat a bievele
hall been found in CUs(i,ld tt \wu-
• ship, uu tho 1,1ke shore, near Arvur
post oflioe. The chief despatched
Hq;lles 1.0 the locality and ho return-
ed this Illurniug, The bicycle found
glia out 11;9 pruperGy, au(] had
evidently been received in.exehange
by l.oe,!;hcart Fut'the o:,u stulou at
Shed(lell Its & 'uu:i g ttvm ans\5orilin
J t, o
Loukpa:,hi's dot,cripLiuu anived
there u), the 5th twu d,i%s alter the
Shrddon lht•fG. told t�litlt iu(Iuiri,,R
respectim, nu ultl lisping boat which
was uu tpe bl'acp. lie RttG•.11
- I11i 51'a. frum DeLr• it and wit9
eu route to Port Stanley. Next
thorn inti both than and boat hull
dis.lppoare(I, cud the bicycle was
1'ulu1J p u't11' uu the ion,!I »,+d pnJlly
. ill Ilei water its it yuung Lockheart
had endeavored to ort tIl(t wilesl in
' tho bvat, alid IIle 1plttue }lad beau
Call-ie,l uut quickly by till• title,
' Tpt+ butt was11Ut sto„r.,l.h% ,, 1,11.11,
Ill have takon, w114lnt 1h@ pgQt $.vfti;
several bottles of Ayep'Q S1lfisaparllla
an dna it etdniirabl sdn ted to the
p y .. • p
needs of the ilii .averlQh�d system.
1 am convinced that this preparation,
as a blood purifier, is unequalled.-
C. C. Dame,Pastor Congregational
churchAndover, Afe.
) , -
---At the Loudon `tVestertl fair
!lairs. Aliuie 'Powers, froth Hibbert,
rr A
8 into machinery l loll and
had on u u t
a Y
after juokitig at tine exhibits fur a
whiia eat tluwn tu oat her lunch.
Uul'ortuuately 1irs,Towprs slid not
observe huw close slag was to the
moving machinery, and before she
could realize hot- daughter her dress
became eutattiled ill the shafting,
around which sho was whirled a
number of titles before she could
be released `'rum Let- terrible situat-
iou. !Then'exuicatod the uufurtu•
nate woman waR,utrol denuded of
clothitlo with the exception of her
shoes and stockings. her injuries
bniug of a Seriuus uhuructer.
.a wonderful healing compound for
! ,
cuts,boils 5vo pie s� bruises, bra`i'ns, ECah,S
boils, pimples, Src. '
-------- -----. - .- ,
-Fr,lul( Oshurrle, A big, Lally
null cxuoediugll Couto Itil)kin11
individual, is a brute it' the ovideiluo
g;vuu Ag:Just hill' in the ears til the
ILuuiltvu Olieo coot '
i! t is true. Ho
was ep:u'ged with i1saaultiu11 null
kicking'1:trzt'ot FOiousun, it Minh'•
el,kelcta To A� Io7;,ti1CItA — Are Y041 dill•
. ttirbell at night anti .bruitsµ of your rest
by tti itioli ubild snfieriug. and urytug with
ala o Cailing Teeth? If so send at
B t�
once and gat a bottle of "dire Winslow'a
Soothing Syrup fur Children Teething.
Its value is incalculable. It will rel Leve
the poor littlesuflreror imruediately. De-
pau.d upall Lit, iaotLoxlii Thera is il9 ma-
ta$eal)out It. It caro) D\senlery ygd
Diarrh(lea, regulates the Stomach and
Dowels, cores Wind Colic, actions the
Goma reduces Inflam n lou cud 'v
, m gives
tune ane energy• to the +, holo system.
"Mrs Winslow's S, ulhirty; -yrup" fur
chil ,ren teething is plette.unt w thm fasts
nod fs thopreAoriptiuu ufuueuftheuldest
and best tamale physicians and nurses in
the United States. nud is fur sulwily all
druggists thruughcut the world. 1'rfoe
$5e. » bottle, Ile Dare and ask for "sirs.
R•inslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
Other kind•
---• `-- ---
NESS among children Froeroan's
`dorm Iowders prevent this, and
make the child bri ght and health
_ _ Y•
Please inform your readers that I
have a positive rein's for the above
nlsulyd disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be gla(i.
to send two bottles of m reined
rnFh to any of your readers who have
consumption If they will send, roe
their pectf 11 and R U. address
• ]respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLUCLIII,
37 Yougestreet, Toronto, Unt. 499y
' ____.___.—...
T� [� #- s
t■tl `may,; _ ,
Frollitelilly le ,» . , 1, • .
hour's licitly %+,•l l 1u•.: .. .
be attellded 5,;4 i, -,•r
aspecially ill r.a• . „
anti olhor Ill.,,;:, „ , . .
j;¢nue, no. Fitt... ,
bottle of .1y(+i'3 .v. r,
'vliirh ba 1 pro,,;! 1 ••• .
Caatnt, the 1)041, I.I I..,! rr, +
� ever disrucere,t. it •I, • .
and prepares Ont %• t%' ' , • ••
cure, which i8 ve, tam :-+ ..• t ... +
itacuiltinuutl use.
S. If. Latill»rr, M. 15'. '•'. +
Ga., s.iys: '• l ha5'tl flltuld "r1 ., -
Paetorgl a perfect cure I,,,• t'•'•••, , .
cases. I Gave lim)%yu Ill,. t, • '•1 .
relievod in a very short tll,le 1,, 4,
. I advise till fan,ili,ls 1. ,, ..• .•
deo emergencies, for ,I I,, , • '
A. J. Lltlsun, bf. , i,., I:' ' '.
Teat„ saga: •'I have nc,•.i +
Che rcy t'actural with ilit• 6r.I
"I)' Prauaco. 'Chis \lo,I,l+, r. ,
tion Once saved Illy lift-. '
atant cou;;