HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-03, Page 5• f w t:. 4 Arrival * 9 E*C -Da ---.-,OF-- �W' A -LL GO,O �Slb 0- N F Grand Selections of Dress Goods, Plushes, and Trimmings• � SEF, THEM. SEE THEM. OUR MANTLE GOODS AND TR1NI-N1INGS coming ill every day—a h►1e selec- tiol). fall and make your seleetion now. u G EO. • E. 'PAY &,-CO'S. Dry -Goods Emporium, Clinton. a . ariana Bros •NEW �i-L+'M , W FUH _ PATENTED SEPT. 7, 1888. • Something Entirely New. I A Powerful Heater - „ Economical on Fuel. . VIII Suitable for medium sized houses *&' Thoroughly Tested. _. ITS ADVANTAGES:' It can be placed in low cellars or basements. It. liss ensing of steel plate around the firebox, making it perfectly smoke and gas tight. . It is .easily cleaned out, an important feature, as' it insures the Furnace heating as well at the end of the season as when first started. Imtheuse radiating surface is given, and additional heat obtained by utilising that which is usually wasted by passing into the chimney. The fire door fa double, the cold air being taken in at the top acid carried down between the plates to bottom of the fire place, preventing heat and sparks escaping into the rcellai•. ft is easily regulated by it damper rod in front of the furnace, causing the .fire to pikes down aide flues and clear attound the fire box, effecting a great saving of fuel. The New Gelll is the cheapest first=class Furnace made, and embodies :all t' a requirements of a perfect healer. TESTIMO(�IIALS. :. Havin,,used a.Hot Air Furnace pur- For the past seven years we have used •chased from Harland Bros., five 'years in our Clothing and Furnishing Estab- ago, I can stri•ngly reeommend it as be. lishinent two Hot Air,Furuaces manufac lug the cheapest and best way of healing 'tared by Harland Bros., and our experi- houses. It hue given me the very best encs during that time warrants us in satisfaction, saving me. aunnally from shying that we have effected n greatsav-. tem to fifeeen dollars, as well as being ing in fuel, besides having a better heat- less troable than stoves, and much clean- ed establishment, and one that has been er. Yours respectfully, free from the discomforts of stoves. We GFO.p GLASGOW. strongly recommend but air in preference The, Furnace pot in my house by Aar- to stoves. JACKSON BROS. land Beos,, three years ago, bas given I have much pleasure-'iu saying that ane entire satisfaction, being much clean- the Heater placed by you in my hwise, er than stoves, more economical,, and q two tears ago -,,gives entire satisfaction. great deal less trouble I can strongly We find it much cheaper, cleaner, and recommend them to any person, in pre more easily managed, and in every. re- ference to stoves. Yours, spect a better way of warming a house, August 18, 1888, JOS. WHITEHEAD. than by the old system of stoves. The Furnace put 'in by you in my ,Yours, etc., D -A. FORRESTER. 'Louse last season has given thq best of This in to jeertify that Harland Bros satisfaction, and IL consider it perferable placed Furnaces is my dwelling house to either coal or wood stoves, being and in my banking office, and, I take cleaner, more easily managed and eco- pleasure in stating they have given per- nomical•. • JAMES SMITH. feet satisfaction. 'It has afforded me Clinton, August, 1888, comfort to be relieved from the dust and The Hot Air Furnace put in my house ashes, and irregular temperature inci- •by Harland (Bros., three years ago, has dent to beating by means of stoves, be - given me the best of satisfaction, the sides all other advantages y house being more comfortably bca4ed, August 20, 1888, J. P. TISDALL, and of a uniform temperature, and being ..The Hot Air Furnace you put in for much more economical than either coal me last fall has given the very best of -or wood stoves, and very easily man- satisfaction. We have -been able tokeep aged. Yours truly, JAS. SHEPHERD. the whole Louse (which has nine large The Hot Air Furnace put in my house rooms) at a temperature of from 65 in last year by Harland Bros. works well. 70 0 , with attending to it three times in is cleaner, less. trouble, and more 'eco- 24 hours I would not have a stove in nomical than stove,. i can strongly under any consideration, as your •Furn- recommend heating by furnace. ace does away with all dirt and trouble. A. H. MANNiNG. Yours truly, ROB. W. COATS. -Clinton, .epi•. 15, 1888. June lst, 1888. Cali and See It avid Get Prices. F'ull.Stock of "loves, Hardware, &c. Prices Away Down. �arla% Bros.,' "RIbeft-St., C110tom L,'.& �a - FOR SALE OR, TO LET • I HOUSE AND TWO LOTS for sale or to let, situate on Albert street. For particulars apply at T. COOPER, Bt SON'S Grocery, Clinton blay� 13th; 1883. 40(f—Ef FOR SALE -111 The andel. tined oilers fm•; yule at n bar- gain, FOR CASFI, the following: One good serviceable Ilat•se. One. Butcher Cart, neva. One pair Light 80yhs, nearby new. One Long Sleiyh. One .seco'nd-hand Buggy. One Light Cart. Two Setts Single. Ilarn,,, . One Furnace, new. And a number of other articles be- longing to the Bnlchrrinrj businra:;. For fall particulars apply to J..SCRUTON, CLINTON., . New Blacksmith Shop, GEORGF. TROWIfILi, has opened out agen- qml Illucksmith and Repair Shop In the huflding lately occupied 1, her. Gauley, north of Cantelon's carriage works, Alher, stwet, Clinton. Rlacksmith and iron work in allIts branches; Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and sans - fiction guaranteed. The public areinvited to call before ordering any class of work in the above linos. 497-tf GEORGE TROWHILL F.ND on good more n e or ON1�IY TO L pdrsonal eccurity at lowest current rate of • Interest. M. ANTAGGART. Clinton, Feb. 28th; 1888. 486tf CORN FOR, SALE AT THE Clinton:-: Mills. Whole or Ground, PIUC'ES H-FJASONABLE. JAMES FAIR. Clinton, July 17th, 1888. ° A T THE DAY-GOODS PALACE. 0-0 URND OPENING OF j1IILLINEAY SNOW ROOMS I ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6,. Also, Magnificent Display of NOVELTIES in our various Departments. Inspection Solicited. - - - - - Open until 10 P.M JOHN WIBEAIAN, ffiauager. � Estate J. HODGENS. SPRING_p STYLES DieSS E( TII8h1�B (118KIIjJ. HATS AND OAPS-1 of' the very LA'rES'1'AIt1F.RIE•AN 11IANUFAC'fURE. Also J. C. DETLOR & CO-* One Case American No . HAVE SECURED (very handsome), front, 20c. up to 50c. A call respectfully solicited. GEO_ G-2�ASGOW, Miss Anderson, late of Kingston— Murray Block, Albert Street. as their Deena and t,Mantli- Maker. Miss .Anderson Iims it high reputation. 92rNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. ALL GARMENTS (•:U ARANTEED A PERFECT FIT. ' HOUSE PAINTING,' GLAZING AND GRAINING, MILLINERY OPENING CONTINUES THIS WEEK. 000 PLRIK HND DEGUHRTIYE PAPER �, xatsomining -Just. _.Qpenod, _.So ' T.a1 .dew York- Novb1tiest..__ _ HR�ICIKG. �j0 AND J. C. DETLOR & CO". FRESCOING. - i Shop Next SpooneA Hotel, Albert- Street �� CL.INTON, ONTARIO_ CH EAPSI DE. CHAS. T:' SPOONER 0 ° CF'TTRN2TTTRE�c -- - Naw Fail G-oodss- _AT,_ o ``THE RED ROCKER STORE." Our Stock is about complete; with a spiencl d, assortment of FALL DRESS GOODS, Strifes and Chevkg from 250, PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. Special atten- tion is called to PARLOR SUITES—they are of our own manufacture, and for design, NEW MANTLE 'CLOTHS, NEW BRA 1D TRIM- '° material and workmanship cannot be excelled ht, the county. MINGS, NEW MANTLE ORNAMENTS,, NEW. A4rRemcmber, that al'lgoods will be sold at a BIG REDUCTION during the month PLUSHES, &c.; .from 50 cents. - of May. First come, first served. AN UI'HOLSTERTR always yn baud ; repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Undertaking and F.mbainling attended to at our usual low rates. Night Atte are giving Grand Val.pei in DRESS MELTONS at 100., calls attended to promptly, worth Me. -CALBICK & REITH.. Splendid Value in GREY FLANNELS, CANTON FLAN - ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. NELS, CORSETS, COMFORTERS, &c., &c., &c. --tiv�Call ata) see thiol, and compare pri.�a, �� T �� The B.L°B GROCER- T: J'acl�.scon, sr. I AA1 STILL OFFERINQ A .A BIC REDUCTION ON JAPAN TEAS 60 cent. Japan Teas for 30 cents. WIN-00WSHADES' 50 cent Japan Teas for 25 cents. � 9 I have just received a fresh supply of very find BLACI{ TEA, extra flavor. EXTRA x Q V ALIT i. 4 lbs RAISINS for 25c. - 2 BROOMS for 25c All Goods as low as any other ]louse in Town, and dcliyered,, AND e 0. SWALLOW, CLINTON Beantifulm.001M Desi ns. MONTROSS' PATENT --- METALLIC SHINGLES Pb If pba. 0. AV d =)%AND S I N�� FIRE AND STORM PROOF 0 S. DAVIS, - - - CLIiV.I'ON NEW LIQUOR -STORE W :O: The subscriber has opened a Liquor Store in PERRINS BLOCK, ' MARKET SQUARE, CLINTOA With a full stock of Liquors of the VERY BEST BRANDS, cohsisting i part of FRENCH COGNAC BRANDY in wood and Vottles, Best Hollar. Gin in wood and bottles, Bernard's Toni Gin ip wood and bottles, Irish ar. Scotch Whiskies in wood and bottles, Finest Port and Sherry Wines in wo< and bottles, Bass' Ale in pts. and qts., GuineW Stout in pts. and qti `Vhiskies, Canadian Ale and Porter, Nati4e «Vines, &e. A CALL SOLICiUM.' GOODS DELIVERED, I SHEPHERD, CLINTOr 4 r Iron and Hardware Merchant, Cz,T11ITT011T, ONT_ September 22nd, 1888, THE PIR10FIT' IS DOWN. 0 Never hnv,e FINE GOODS sold for LOWER PRICES than we aro now mnkut,t, on out Irresistible Spriva; Bargains. N1'o ask the privilege of selling you on.the closest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND QUALITIES that money can buy in ,the line of MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING Inspect the Goods, compare the Prices, and you must admit that we are, of%ring ills opportunity of the season. Give its ,just one chance to make you happy wvith beautiful goods at bed rock pticos. Econoiny, Corn fort and Satisfaction goes with every purchmo made of I SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Clinton. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING.