HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-03, Page 4j
, 1, 9
BUSiNESS ANNOUNCEMENT. whipped, coax -•d and petted, but WAIL VS. PEACE. ADVERTISING RUNAWAY -Paris yoted on thtr lry.law to
she would not go dowuit State Streetthink WIVEI IN CHINA. I grant a bonne of $5,000 to Mr. F.
COiftlilll:ai*ONDLNCL. until somebody happeined. to think A Freueh political ec•ononkist } �y
Wylie for the purpose tlf Pstalolish. ' i S A bsu rd
tiYo will d, all tulles bei oared b. that the water
wanted water, and of thea thecant of the level► tvonderR This amusint; adv,-rtiaenlent froul ing a willcdy Mill, tilt- otlii•r day. For people to expoet a cure Pott Iudigea-
receieg arenas of faeacs fru'trt uttr sub- when the water did toms she drup'k of thelnodern tvolld thus ; the i:orth Cletna Herald is a sprci• Tilt, bonus was carried by a large y g
scribers. We avant cc good corres- un a pailful. The 'a had walked tion, unless the refrain u hotly thin
y J Y Panauka Ruihvay. 12,000,000 then of a Maas bf alvortisctnlent majority,life votestanoing what is un"I'll soave; but If an f g
�ronden•t its" et:e'ry locality, not already the cow for eighteen tallies, and had Mont Cenis Tunnel.. ... , .. 1B,ollo',000 quite cowtuou in China newspapers. and 2l5 a,ralnst. 0 265 For will sharpen the appetite and give t tone
represented, to send us RELIAAIlE news. forgotten to give her water. Whctu Altdes l aSlway , , , .. , , , , , ., So,000,0110 , B
St. Godard 'funnel....... . 40,000,000 Advertising moat he cheap there, to the digestive organa, it is Ayer's t3ar r
1.she Kot it site tr gut down State Suez Canal. ,%'_ ....... 100 000 000 judging from their Ivogth :- -Some few weeks bukce Dan saparllla. Thousands all over the land
SiJIiSC�tlllf,ERS. street merrily, and the noted cow. Canadian Pacific Raihvay.... 120 D0o;000 "I married my wife ill 1878, with Decow, of Middlemim, injured him' testify to the merits of tills medicine.
ologitlLs all went Qff and kicked 1 anantilaCanal (eou,plet:0).. 780,000,000 touch feastiu hand to knocking out John Corneill'a Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth
Patrons who do not receive their gaud respectful oLed` street, South Eoatbn y
thewHFlves for not "recalling gibe - --- ience to areuts. She is tw.dilt teeth. Tile doctors found ,it neces- , writes: M hug.
r�uper regularly hunt the carrier or Fact that caws drink tv ter.' 1250 i,000,00o p Y' Loud has talconAyer'a Sarsaparilla, for
thr.ni h their l cal ost o cgs 'Will a seven yearsold this year. I followed sary the other day to amputate p ,
J o - ---- Against this Mr. Felix Belo esti- Decotv's hand DYsPeltsia anti torpid livor, and has
curt era aver by re orting• at this Y in July, 1SS:i, tf It I`Coehur r courts.
f f J p o mates the cost of the two last great 6 ( been greatly bonefttodJ'
ogee at once. Subscriptions may A GIGANTIC DEVILFISH. a oils and tranquil) Battalion, under -The County of Jlaltou bus
wars thus : the ever -valorous VieLro , Tsotsung issued a writ for $100,000 aaaiust A Confirmed Dyspeptic.
CE,nan:ence at any terns. --- y
WILL YAMP OF REPI[ESENTATIVE The Franco-German war, ,$ 8,o0o,0oo,000 tsallga. A9 lily boll was also Ott the Grand Trunk liailway. The C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st.,
+ AMOS J. CUMMINGS IN The American Civil war.. 8,000.000,000 bis duty, my wifo I and Moved our ground of the action lateen iH ,.flat Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering
ADVERTISERS. fur years fimn
—�--- resideu P
RE S. O Sha
Advertiser8willpleasebeartrtrrtind is �1ti.o0o,o0t1,0oo nohai. In the fifth the county ))unused the Northern Indigestion, he was at
ukoou of this present year we r � and North•wust Railway to a large last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla
that all' "clttatayes" of advertisements, I From the Congressional Record. ' He further estimates tont the Hdvt-n Inoved to the Ifuifaii -Lou, where amount, for which a hou11 was -,veil and, by its use, was entirely cured.
to ensure basertion, should be handed AL. Cununiugs-Mr. 'Speaker, I" great international PnterprimeH just lily wifo, Ku.ai•ah'irlg, (the affection. for X100,000 that the road slionld Airs. Joseph Aultin, of High street,
in not Zater thaat 1GToN17AY aces of "Al"ed cost in All about half the ate cabbage, went frequently to be run as an independent line. IIulyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year
ask this House, to assume that the from Dyspepsia, so that site could not
each'weak. Clerk has just read Victor Hugo's amount paid by Prunes to Germany driug much tea at,Ti-i-Lou, of which
for war iudeulnity ; One-third I know not. Later on uu the fiF• -A sad drowniugt accident eat substantial food, became very weak,
description of tilt, devil fish in the I occurred off the breakwater, at Port anti was unable to care for her family.
CI9ZCUIL,�'I'I1Dio`• "'Toilers of the Sea." Assuming sue Pufn spent yearly to Innen= teen Lit Clay of tike (eighth moon, it flu. \either the nu!dtcines prescribed b
taiu the standing azul}Pm of N,u• chow man whose usurp and murnanld Elgin, Thursday, A AL•. Frederick p y
THE NEivs-ItEcotlD tray a larger that thin h,(H beau done, sir, and > 1hddP a vdry rem t ctaille reaire,l paysi°tans• nor any of 'tike rettkedtes
rope; one f}ftrP.uth what it coat aryl wl►oae irk p"
circulation than cony other paper. in that the House bits the `u)ntter now r g, awifathers oanlo and farmer resiahi tiler(• left his lcoule advertised for the euro of Dyspel,gla,
France and the Unhad 'itatbii for u
this section, and as an advertising in mind, Irl ale sav that England is surname I know not, wjut with inY about eight o alocic to fish Ott ilio helped her, until title commenced the
rraeditcvt lcczs few e, ,lois in Ontario. rho gigantic devil fish of the nines, tringle war; or the hundredth fart of wife to burn prayerm auto incense to ° rasa of Ayer'H Sarsaparilla. "Three
f 1 the cost of the Euro eau wars ,sauce breakwater, fruw wLich kin in Some tluttle-9 of thin medivino
Our boob's are open to those tcho teenbil P.Pntury, [Laughter And P • the t•Pntple. If had the sacriligiOum unknown way fell in .the laka iin,l " site writes
Napoleon. Itis impossible to con- ,-ilrontery to wi-lit-the littlo hl„s '•••"red nk,,” '
mean. business. _ applausf+,] It -m" body ,rests in th(i ct•ive how the world' might have sip• wax drotvud(h H1, w•ag not miy4r"rl
North Sea, its tentacles reach over ° 1 button anti the n>edalliou Anil beailR until towards evenirr� - � r
gressed to this da had the ruillionm His body_ Sarsaparilla,
JOB PRINTING. the face of the earth, and tita mon- Y of ra grout official. This went on wa. f Y grappling .
of treasure that have Lta:u wasted by until big k found it gra )liu•r next nein PRI-P.inFn 11v
stet is sucking the bkobd of all °ht o'clock sit the sevt:uteen• ,
The Job De rartrn zt o this oz war since the beginnhig of thee cell• tug J. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
1 (17 f 9 0'- nations: One of its numerous arms a �+ Lit'Inv of thP_.uinth moon, when lily Price $1; six battles, CS, Worth $5abottle.
nal one of lice best egtcippe(I in' extends along the Mediterranean tory, been devoted to pro rumor ill the wife indiscreetly and secretly van, -The Tarik Loader tells of the
TFestern Ontario, arcs a superior with Huctiofk cups ,at Gibraltar, Peaceful arts and in conquering the islii:I} aeon, my house, carrying a dP.nth of a little ribald in Breed
class of work is guaranteed at very Malta, and Cyprus. It holds the forces of natnre. 'ItueHtatewan^ huu(Ile, blit leaving n o"e,year,old county the Other (Illy undar peculiar
_.. rare}pi n g�•r�a p
moderate rates• cowmereiul supremacy of that ship strives to maintian peace will little,lnughtur, \1.110, With'tltCdaHlklg cilcumstnu(ds. Conking in flout the CantUlo1115 CU.II�U�If �oC�sh
J Huron
/ __ __ 9I111tV bdtweHrl tEIH IlAtlolty, thtlt illi- tvee,nR Allrl testi, FI'U111 an llrlfie t0 field the father"of till child picked
T//e /7u - --- _ _ _ T____ imtndnRP inland RE;n, z aeon to of burs oflhiR clothes all(] . mall proelexq luau not be arremtetl• Sunset and frons sunset to unrkse. P
ion News,Reeord `L' second tentacle tuns flown the Appreciate if YOU call, tike", tilt threw thunl nu the f I`he Cheapest tuts Best
I cannot, tht-reforP, control my lour. the littler aya:,Q .....�,.•
lied Sia, with suction stations at lilatestnalfshipofPri:3iEent;Cleveland wrath anti hittern"Fil. ' How, I O11k' kicked ono of t.hmil And put it
)"A � R T
81.50 a Year ,91.251" Advance. Alexandria, Suakiul, the straits of in deliberately etnbittf-l•in g for base in Ili" mouth anti it slipped clown it,
_ _ _____-_ €, won(ler, could the ( over-to-I;e axe•
-= -- Bah.el,AIandelb, and Socotra, thus party Atltnt,t(kn(? til., r(,Intio" lis. crated tailor's block witbout.a nashe to his windpipe, IC could not bf;
>}tietll!'esday, Oet.obe'r :brd; 1888 controlling that greatest, of coni, tween Camilla and ill,- United Statt"fi ben m
°u}Ifs liu.af ch`itsti Flom her hogs Elialoliged anti from.thE+ PflPet,s of -11
mbrcial arteries, the Suez Canal and aur) Opening the floor for troul,lea, the child died the nr,xt morning, �"°tet �''`�'�'� ' r'usatxa's;-;-•e�.,>w
band, who mixes this idle with salt
. AN OBSTINATE COW. its alliltseen the a d•blaoc! of lesser one.,; than which have PrP, now tears 7. Surely he hats no law or jus- -Rev Jesge Pratt In the Markot. See theta.
Insall I",s been draiae l,�atn(1 Burmah 'cost bloody wtkrs� tics ))(.fore bin el ism w oil his fore• the ahl(?gt , . -
18 gaaplll� uaidrr the auction of this _•�,_ head. Should Au Ici"d-heartedone Baptist mnpstrr in Arka"vag, liras Stylish and durable Open null Top
AND TILE VIATUE OF w3Tr:11 rapacious octopus. Th„ Ah,Ilay Ys just diad at Pocahontas in that
Ill stud About the -Count give Ill"' inf( rufation by letter, I State. Ifia_de.nth was peculiar. BUGGIES`Wtt
and tha Yellow Seas arts .virtual) y,
• Athan • •'
s ,tuns. Y will -1-t
i him with twenty dol, fj. Z.t. Prsltt his son was on trial Ver Best Araterial n►ul Close Prides
Suuo jay from way Lack, Wear, British water,. TbE, monster I:aH - brim; al'n,uhl hP ilring--he r' lite!;, T 'g' ,. , Y
fustenud Ilis Ilogers( upon every Mr. G. Wilson, of Last Zorra will gratefully ;ate Isiw forty dol• or assault. His father seemed
til•+ -a iv lilts-auut.br..ek:o •with.-h-i'i- aiito - P J appeared before the , Woodstock P. crunh, d I,y the u(I'riir, and ciepreasr d
P ccilitinont: 'Il 1,ttein its bras Cti,e .A lar, A Ca,nelonror
. tueli -d:iu his boots, �snd a cotton , AI. on 'Thursday char,,ed with sup- , ,+nil for n u,y rind (if. ,;Pnri'n' a witih that hr suinht (lie before the I I
Colony, ill elfrica; Cruia"n, ill . tions, to all oteroit• tilt- oldaat son t '
uml.rella i" his hands Ipsden!; n naw, South AmericA and the whole Plying luil-k diluted with water to Y' verdict was annuujiee�l.' He died -
))t-caule embargoed On States street, ' Lhe East Zprra bred L'ituulfor(1 'tae Of 11"' Ruccol'sory,shall burn iucPnse Rome hours before thejury caale in —� _ -
7 Australian continent, New Zeal, j y '
Opposite the eu(1QnF the Capitol, a,til and other islauda cif tha Pacific tory, . Nilson who .is a wealthy for him, 5ho"h} the; rascal with• s"I",el:ein„ his son to five years' .im. SI'ht7IALL NOT1('9 ;4,- -
yer:terday afteinonw, The jay . fanner aelmowledgtll havu,l, addod out a Dance obstinately retain lily plisountent• The old man's death . " ....
wntite(l to ,o but }lir eowmhi Iilado arc in its power, ' e' 1 wife., ?lot only to all etPi-nit • Shall e , PI�iPI�S 1 will uFt11(F'RLs)illsrecipe
g P to the "silk w hi!,I1 hu sent to 'tile J . Was directly slue to grief a"d shame• PIMPLES. . for'. skits )re vRaR,en(.e n,slt
up her titins that it would kid ahe;l_ Irl+trout t4 atru blltic uinnfully to factory the riusiuss Of tilt. milk Ails lie be infamous, not only shall h(• be . r .. that will RLuovis T.t., l ItECIi(,r,b, Pnn'r,as and
tt t tis staud,still ti walk froe herself from its tentacles, and 1 cut oft the Ei"o.of his anceatorR all(] -The craze .or. Hlender waists flu;; ls( leitvil the satin soft, clratrand lscauti
1 " ,and she I amounting to from n pint to n c wart, ful;nlso instruen"Rs for ,roduon� a luxuriant
ill+t;:,ln(�, aCUUr,lillg; f0 rile vernacular, tilt? I30P.1ta Of t{IP. Trttl„VAaI ImVd' ` 1. be, discarded by Inti grandparenrm, found a 'VIL'tlnt S.4turday night in growthofnairou a hnldfliead orl'stuoothface. '
\ tore thenme fro Ni the grip. St, Tho laat,amdtt-r, 110wever, showR a but we three Miss Mar Crawford and III Vi at Address, including 3cstnutp. PEN. VANDELF &:
ri stoughtuil,lwttle ,it cline. The b P greater proportion of water that. , father, son null little Y o Co.,•s9Annstreet, N., Y, 892y
couutr. a yanked at tho rope Helena, the Bernmilas, suet' other (laught(r, will at til tinge, risic- our Delray,llich.,who teas ut the Ihitlst of
Y 'J Y 3 ! could be accauuted fur h tliP, re- the E uadrilla tv`heu she autldenly ---------
- - - L_._____-_.
tau! said clidearin I "Come along islandH of the Atlautic still feed its y P livts to punish him. , - I lope he will I ,
g Y' eI Bence of the rinH.ing;H. 1. Wre was 0,0D.
SoIFPrno�" but. Solfer"o was t'ire(1 Lolly. A "est of blistering cuoy ill think tLren•.timPs cud mo autres an cried out 'and fall, but e'kiq caught
I _ . besides, rile t:iruunlmtancd lifter ihd. sifter repo"tatlee, i.,ot-te'r•m mhall lid 1'y nor partner, who.earridrl her to Restored. Agentlennln l,nciny hinocently con•
away tlotvu to her if neepauq ,nil the West Indies dominate the coin defendant hall topen warned and had
. tv;,s chilled to the bbno with Fright inerue.of the Carribeati Sea A cu rF-ceivn,l for nue at No, 4 1.[ui-flint* a lounge, where site. Seeml • fahii4!. traotaltheht(t„tofscir-bhuse it, his voutl,; and
• e P ceased mupptying maid riumings, there ' . °' y in collsequcnce suffuml all tlie horrors of.sexual
at her first Hight of cit life 5bl, at Belize i • it sucker on the comme,r, of- lit the house (,F lin wife's It was found AinpuxRiblo to'resll4ci-• Iit(aPpacity Lost nfauhood 1 k,gaical becaq, con•
1+ - Y Was a fAllitl,-{ Oli' In the gn,llltlty of Lou,r f Y - tate llf,l' Ahtl a tl:yHiCialr )VAS 311117- eral Prostration, ete., will, outorsvilipathy for
•forme wanted to' o Lack. too het• cin) life of the Gulf of Mexico, tl1VC0 s humbarld, ITsin ,ao flan, at the ' [ ilia fellolasutf suffer nii,il h'ee therecipo by which.
' Illllli Hunt CO the £>.etorI of ,boot s nLou.'. n)onled who renounced he i'vas anally curet). Address in confidence J,
Cxteenecou"ty Il.ome,` but the jay 'Che tentacles of the monster are 'fart • )coups evor d 'Tl Inn" I,ou. r P rile young w r1•tr
. . _ v, ,
even en flow 1'r y ay. 3e 1,1A- - ,"„-•,--_ i'ad dead,-: An exainhiation-reveal.^ PLY; 4L•4atlnr• 1•lew York bt.,. 39?
watered to hiehd fitvay to the tiutcli' gliding over the face of glatrate carats to conclusion that the Y -
erv, E1,41 ' thiq difference of o inion' Our sister republic : of 'Venezuela in IITF BLrL.LY . BOO,NIElUNG. ed the fact that she • IA( sliest frqui . . • '
P defendant hall wilfully wntere.l, tars right Inein� the stays ill her corsets • •t-4 `44-4,
}ed Solfv�rntt to balk like a „null,, ' au efiurt to rob her OF. her ria)) __ a y - 0.. • �
milk to u greater ,extent than was (n
' gold fields ant ° T ' 'having been' draw,u so tightly that her 0 Cd =' O a
Go slid t�•c�uldtl t, anti the jay lookd(1 b ht(i sueurd the Iliovths oxplaivecl by the rinmiugm theory'and lila 'Ckica�o Tnter.Oceanl says .flesh lay' ill folds so that the rxerlio.0 � � U ,.U.� ' j � � a,
lo,,riue:l, Iitorti'fied, grid nearly fell .of -the ties Orinoco, imposed the limit and cents. that PresulLiltCleveland"nskaleave
through the brides of his coattails at - 1 t" farce til(: Canadian railwa H to of dancing cnuse'l d,e bursting.; of a a.a , ��-' 1"'' (n v y •q g
° But the greatest of bier tent�uclPq Wilson ,gas previously paid over to « Y blood vessel. Miss Crawford was U r'-'' O U � 9. a
til" }sallc'.ursa of Sol£ernO incl' tLe handle Fr(•ih't wart)) .k 50,000,000 E t�
was fltate wd un tilt- North American• to tho-Aiteese company 81a as cons- to have. bf ell married Alont]ay, arts td 'TTj ,_-_, �� o
1aughterof the crowd on the walks, eoutineut. Its oris was loosened P a year which now psis, rnrr United ie _ lir 3 a
8t,aeral thousand cifict4ls iurrneEliA.• ° 1 ensatlou for the damage dorso t'o 5trttu rrultl r;ya ;" •null it considers her betrothed its completely prostra. 0-4 il� � � � � '" x Rf
by the American Revolution. Yet theotherpatronnbyR(Ipplyingdilu.ted, „ ted.
ti, offei"A slow advice and sng;aest' milk. tdlig n very [>et ulialr.frn.w of agg.reH• � tU O �', u d «
it retains its hold upon nearly half • a: ,'moi .o
ions to tiro jay to get .,that cow to of the continent. It halt mlimed and sive policy,' it cun,ao(le,s that there -A tall, Hlimly built roan mask.- � T'r � O ,U to `"
march down hill, The best cow. -There resido.•, het:veen New. , i, it touch of slutmeleasiwF-q akin to ed and with red handkerchir f round � bA „Q' � 4 u w
is still sliming the American nation. r,, o
olo*iaiiR inade every inanndr'nf su brill"(; aur) l+ordwiuh-a-farmer who allillieit su tho Pr(;si,lwrt',s purpol*ti his neck Suddenly appeared on the w y�� 1 40• 4 o � .
„dstionFs for Solferi o to take a walk, Ltotir times ill thin century have its is a disgrace to huwanity, He had to buil I up Canadian "' tO ts and galley • of the residence of .(xeor e til ' <•, P a .
poisonous fingers touched the heart [ I gallery g ^ �
but alai gut scared at the Capitol and of file American people. The first Ertl Henle time grist had a 10,year• cripple United Sratem railwaym A. Hay at the iiearl of the Snb.ival .�' - $-I t••f h� 4 a 0
woudn't move. Cowolor•ian l�euis . old boy working; for Ilio, 'ant] when- under rete"ce "f a ,,•,isit,-a, foreign Texn,s.. Afrq. Iia a rlaug It,tr of A .e (U fU Q' v �"
° trntaclo was lopped off. in the war P i b Ys ,l
Cj'LiriNir hAp(te:11P,d along anal lug• of 1812. The. second tore nt,n eve" Usti child failed i❑ dais„ Lift policy. The TnterUud+ul im:omlue:ltt_ .Mr. Gillbons,'Order("I him itwaynnd r„H fa U Z V
gested that the cow be given a Y work properly car otherwise oflende,l y 44t,C.twet. Cana(la call . tans an was answered , D—d if 1 do. U O col 04 U � .
part of our nortlreaete'ru boundary, his uruployer, the brut 4 would hash 'unliniitt,J Application of that -sort of I've coling to have ahtit'm in tile. -
pumpkiu pie, a fire built under her, anti the third ripped an elupire,.and — ____ -
and gallantly stepped forward to him ill such :uu unmerciful snannk:r retaliation. . , hougP., sold intend to hate it or kuru' —~-^ �_�
an inland sea from our boundary on „
twist nor •tail, tvheu SolFerno lifted the nortLwest. Tho fourth is as bo'cause the' nei�hborr; to`warn Our Chicago coteulporary' does 'it. Armed with • a' Winchestvr, ,:-:', , '
her rear left hoof and smiled At Mr. the wretch that he would get into not tnlc,; this ground because it loves Mrs. Hay Husppf+d it lit ilia breast, "1 ,' . , ° i l
fastened upon us ,in an attempt to ,.a l ,•
O'Brien, as if to say : "I aur no rob us of our natural rights on the 'trouble if he did not punish the lRy Canada more but ,because it lovEsa when Le closed with her, saying : ,; •-,.?,
�. .
Organ, nor tut I A British lion," Mr. in II "lore Merciful way. Tile war. Cleveland less. Its only �goarrel "Da"used if you aro not a brave eco." "�'�4• •• ' • :,t. � '`'
ocean. Bights and 'claimed for a, t "•,'-. .." • ••
O'Brien inuueediately surrendered ning:seemod to have hurl little or no With the PreHident is that w•uen he And with his, knife he cut tier Figrost; 1�'N' .••., u ,
Canadians in Aulericun waters effect on the brute, for ttvo w.,:•kii proposes to i;ti•it(P the; ' Dominion he the forehead to the 'skulf aurl cut >' { " 1 t"c'
his services to Grocer Sarauwf which the are not'willin to rout
tubo waltzed lip with a iueal sack Americaun in Canadian waters. ago he lanhe(I thu little fellow so aims at ilia own country. It thinks her in the shnulddr. lira. IIAy ;eta%^ .•..., t i'.,'.•,
Anil helped the jav to make a hood fearfully that to flay the mark,s ata hu should content him celF with !ht- knocked him down with the gun 1's wa,,'r'.;'• i' "'':^ "`'+ ;' I, " '
Meantime every at of our Mtn ',,1 • "I". , : .
of it to blind Solferno. She didn't foreign trade is being drained b Visible from !ht- slaps of Itis neck exclusion of f,,tnarlian fish from meanwhile; thl'ew a cartridge into `I' ,t•., c.'i;t.. ,
bac-I; or kick at the })liriding. '['hes. Y to hiq unkleq. Not . content with United states ntarltetR, and exercis, Che barrel, emit while Ire teas gettirid " t .r ',„• „• ;,; „I:
Cowologian Sarauw walked the this colossal devil lash. .On .the whipping tl'P boy, him hellish nature inn "other Acta of restriction to. up shot him in the sholdar, ran into `A, ,'`" i •l. ,.! .:, .. :,!.,d
Atlantic and on the Pacific' its ° j.,---*,,
. cow up to State :Street, but when he supremacy is unquestioned. With• suggested other inetho(Im of tortilre, wards Canadian vessels sailing; in the hone for another cartridge, � N'''ti(1'i;;';;i;,!, ;: f ,, r, {„ry
,hnn•led the rope to the jay to walk in thirty years n has robbed us of such all tving a wellmi Hear£ round United S,ittes. waterd or seeking; cants out, but by this time the dogs -11 -
rhe cow down the stregt, she him and then mnRpending hint by it harbor in United States porn," It were on, him and hall torn one of the „ o r•F �� o
{ would'nt l,udr<, an inch. Down nearly the last ventage of our foreign froul a peg.,in tilt, wall of the hoose .is impoggibin to g11!'gs what would be IP -14 OfF Isis pants. lid mariam-0 to t ; a
� •- State she wouuln't'gp. commerce. We. are chilled 1y and on Wedtkesday of last wick lie', :010 fl'ect upon Canadian commerce get on his horw+,.awl wllil(t ha retie �cri � s I ''=•; ; l�«
cental t with the body of this mon• tied a rn a round tht- ha 'a bo,l`/ of these "nett; of restrietiou" antil away stirs. Hay .fire(] ng,tiu; 'I,u'r,, � �G ; � :a w
00wologia" fiaragw.then went strosity, mud we are ''enviriened by P Y lir v
),auk to 11•i9 store lookingHall at Iiia took him to tale well, And" let him we .know what the nature of th(•.m owing to the bloo,l i11 heist- em soca ! n � a � s • ll O
its network of tentacles Wird suction ) , c N 3' F� ` 6,
failure. Some olid in the crowd down Ilea(1 fi,st,ainl kept hire there tvonlJ he. Ch" Pxulumioo of Calla, not ],)low w•ht-ther )she hit hint or � r: ','� ".== � ^'" W
suggested sending a memonger boy corn. [Ap[>lausd.� till his ti'vildish spite had Satiated dian leash front the Unit(•d StateH not. `, 'N 1. - b U- ;,Q ?