HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-10-03, Page 3• titi ..
^ a " � a,:- n• 1.'11 -
1 with Jur )torrvaiulld in letrislatiuu ou this ok-'s is to uttenl )t to ri,ug over. 1Iu'�ave it t.lJiug gasp, to the a
els that' cliXer#s tltf�l 11tu I l 4 p I —
;t anti in ,he couditious of O)o p,nliti- in Greenway as one of, them, Eveu great cunstornatLuu of Armitage
whuao ru3"Ijolly jolly face 00011 I „t
Clothing-Jaewsop Bros• cal fabric of the cu
country Just its soon t1w ftict, pr.su of our luo•tl eutoJu i
Dress and Halide ,IWI1gJ
-. C. Dutlor blanohetl tsith Pone as lhero loomed
as they ware shuwn to be imper- damus C.reeu,v,ty Ili the+ must uu III) , ", �' <.alr7C"' A,XXC1
• a.' .. & Co, we,+4 4�s!tlerit.h t, wl rite. },ibl>,at null
A- �lllillinery Opa,ning-Estate J. Hodgens. fectious. It is alsu suHiciontly Con- scrupulous and truacheruu i, and, x lope, with it uuose oil the and of
Farow for Salo -Ji. NtuTaggart• k.servntive to cunaervo null preserve toco'11iu- to th•t 'lune xlldiorit it daugled therefrom awaiting a por,
Fare► Wanted -John y Far" MILLINERY
Y, son ver liko Mr. Armitage hiusekf, I
,� llid Ealllolle Mt:Glhelly FnntilY• that which has Leon provost unfree- Cha: most bypucri tio.11 political par. Y t• .t
NowGuuda-Cht•is. Dickson. But he would thw.tlt juotiva �uiu
Dressand Mantle lllakiug- Lisa Nolle. tfvely -0011 ill legislation ani) ill 1110 a-itu thin aver RLule the ,;arb of
b took w Clio woods, Lila whole i;rt} uu-
Tho Liberal Con- huavelt to servo Ihu dovil in. diate surroundings bring a �iusa
political fabric.
8ervative patty hay also not rested forest. No souuer had 114r"gAt, than
�Reord coutentuilh rmthoviinlparfcatione Last week L,inn Cameron wits resuscitated, A beef
TheHuron Newseg
1 I had been recently killed ,rand was
#L.50 a Year -01.25 In Advance. and c9paervin- what is good, it line eandidate,was elected by 637 major. ,.von yet hanging to a tree near the
audaciously uriginxted and 'carried icy over Pouriter, Iliclito and anti- {tousu. Cameron had dpeured sone OPENING
out progrevsive movement. which
Wednesday. October 3rd, 1838 Sir John and Ch:ipfo:lu. The cull. of the blood and tied it up ill at I y
fal;uly called I ihur lllt helve stood Atituoucy ie the largest ill tha 1)u' piece of bladder ,►ud put it beneath
~� aghast at aud • wore rho imbecile the breast of hilt vbst so that in fall -
HISTORY REVERSES ITSELF o minion coutaiuing 54 003 iuhabi --A'C
' a ing it was burst-aud jutted forth as
opponents of, taut;. Of these only 12,000 are of though it we .0'his own life blood.
Among Life engines used ill puliti. Apropos to this atatamont, the English spoaking origin. Lepine This, coil d with the iucompar-
eal diseussiuu uuue is more power- ag.lfn call on trio Reformers to Itx11 the efficient aid of CImpleau able acti' f Cameron, at which ha i X'S 011— ful thatl the fixing of an opprobri- conho out front amongst elle Grits, and other lanolin" Conservatives, was a ough adopt, gave tha
the faction which has roally adopted whol i. it a realistically tragical
one natne upon the opposite party. 1 and tuna also the working Inas soon- a ties which none but thosR 0
The name Tory is porsistouty nerd the tactics and principle✓ of the old did•lfe. Two things are brought beer d the scones would have i
time Tories. Reformers have uoih-
, by the opppaita p:u'tJ• ,when the ou! by Chi• result, that iululligCull. As has been solid Armi- .
ing in common with Grits except- representatives of 1»bur aro on the iyga look to the woods, and „us CTS,
present Liberal Conservative party, r osL to himself aud those who sought
4 . ing the ill-fitting mantle of n mune• Bide of Cullsurvatives, and, that I'll I u
the counterpart of the 1Vhi;R of old , • hint for sovr•ral days. Cunheruu ill
The Grits ,uw trading upon file -4
days, is meant. The reason is. aud arced aud tlii+loy,ilty must gs : turn had a little scare for when
>' magic of Chu name RefOrmei and way before a ell )le ivhu a er• Armitage was foaud lie was so faun -SATURDAY. obvious. "Che term 'Cory tt•ns aced Y P 1 �l; a _,briu•rim, the Reform elomeut'uf the fished til It it was doubtf i1 for ntimn
t ,y
- l lrgely in Queen An -us s feign t0
denominate the antiwar party which
a a �
party dolvll into Ella nlll'e Of Uld
P' J
stand Consel vative dltns. ,jp';y'tlV111g
b mn Bairn that. ler. ICs+J's, a � Cuight
wheat.{Cal' Ila w0Ult1 altl'VIVC. �Vllep
opposed a just and glorious war
time Toryism which they affect au
of Labor, anti who t, is 1 •. andidate
he did there \van it gland haudshnk-
in 'lad setting of rem ill) ill ubilu•
against France. They treated the
much to abhor.
a 1- J
for the Local Lagisl+[CPEO' had one
toy recognition of all havir t, euded•
------- --- -- - ---
Whigs and the greatest goneraf of
" I, "
There is uosophistr.y or casuistry
supported Lepinetfuse lea was
the age :is though they were person-
about this argument. It is founded
upou the eternal 'basis of historic
ate Uibur can-Itot� to writes :—
Cameron was a card, fund
will be remembered as such by old
Sono: one a•o,oni,ded the cuuuudrun,, .
1 l
ill euemies. The Whigs of those
truth and current facts. We have
" 1Vhuu I sl lBtttl that uiJ lniu'ci-
)lea were fray, trade I (nitlitiurf ley
1 1
residents of Clinton null ninny yet
" What \wuuhl all the world La torn mull
were his ,vile a ,wido,w'l" A more lerti-
days, wut'la the patriots, the sante Its
often been called upou in personal
statement. AVIr were really for the
living ill both place; who.kuew trial
nests uestion.wouldbe, 11 What would the
the torte; of to-tLty. Thu Tories
lamest frail`'% ally with the United
Duriug his residence in Kiucardiue
world be withtiut-wotueu?" It would not
of those days find then' Counferpart
conversation with rkofornlers who
States u, ' "the, churlish action of the
imprisonment for civil debt had'
be right In, forestall Dr. Ausliu's proposed
lecture ill the Ontario Street Ale'thudist
in the Grit; of to -day, The Whigs of
aro as Liberal Gunservativc as Cabe
uei� lt,Q ltetnrl,lic Pureed the
nut Lura done navay with. lie was
church )it, .,Oil It iCuuluu." And we
most staunch individu,tt allied with
Natio", 1 Pgliuy llpuy ua. AJy opinion
''it free
incarcerated in ria bnslila at Gude-
well be-outent with asking " Whatwould
tho.io tltys' fought for the and
is, 4 still a trader lel priuui- ,
rich for nut having the whoruwi4h
wutuuu Ile witlhont niilli„ery V It way
the extension and the preservation
tha so-called Turies, to denuir againt
pee; that ur�body° but a wadnlau would
to sadsf;v some teroornarI indi-.
do.fur churlish elauls to se, " I'd Lave
the en ,ire on til h contiuont
their calling i'heutsulves Crit;. The
a J
t ire to sea rho Nrrtiuual Punic re-
viduul who had handed him over to
uu gu,v-gams stud+ ubalt thein, to atrer.uIf
of I , ,
In Illdl'1'alld UISWIIe Te. 'rhe 'rnt•tl'a
aro.uot Grits. The" Reform eleinon-y,
rersed'now. A now state. of thins
has boeu Created. 'File 1[IORt RilUrt•
the utinions of the law, Old Will.
the gaping eyes of idiut womler, anti make
llll:n sLat'e upon a I,Iet:U ofearth ted oil lilt,
of those days opposod all this as the
of the Grit art have nothing. in
sighted Canadian must see the -feat
ItObeTLsUn, illl hDuest, ll ll;llR1)dCtlilg
,ytal' w'1'Ull,,(Ilt tlt'Illalltdllt—llU feathers IO
GI'ltR of to dity (10. •1'110 torten
cJmnlou with the Grits. It ; s the
benefits the Natiowd .Policy have
aellteved fur the: \\'tri'icillgulaesea; and
Inverness man was gaoler. Carle
1'Up x nCtivU Rllll'It Cutlld ill brouli:
wave as sucan,rra to their vanity-uu
Clllllb,'oll9 SMC that, wltl its !'llaklll,g
u•oro til0 tloulagog les of that time
tyranny of it, 1181110 alone that ices ),
Y''' J' I
the unlimited recipruelty that' would
eoufiu(:nu,ut. 11a must do some•
snout] mvkus nand the d s Ulat boars
t '
it." PLe man rubel utturud such a sen+i-
as aro 010.(,rets of the limo,
thane allied with thane. But a rued
Lave been a boeu in 1876, would .bu
thing even though it -aggravated. his
a a oo
`lent ur Id not have' xtt ado, u lw °&
t ,n t av a l D t
' -
No shore elucidAion Of ole
Y. Y �
•b an 01.1101- name Could smell as
a cause of ruin to -,lay, to capital as
well as labor, 1n tie Dominion of
position... Iia, with a poker, drilled
Co's, n ininery aud (it ,�"odz npeniug
Have Lail
axiom "tineas ch Lugo :lull we chauge
sweetly. A lief "r'b�i Phe name
Canaria. Lilco many other ohl•timc
a huhu lu the wall of ills compart-
Saturday Dight aiitl would to
chose hfR idiot eyes in passing the shote
\vltll tlnnl" call be found than In
Of Tory, if tb0 ;t1i(elllnst be applied
Liberate, I have hiul It 8;111 awalmnin^
hubut anti filled it with soma
grauulaled particles. And one
„'indows'of Detlor,s store ,t he past week.
the eh:}nge which has produced
to the Libe ouservatives, would
in the ,resuut coutost the re re-
l P
septation of Montreal East. I be•
morning when ltubertsuu brought
henntil'ul dress goals of Aslazou
fabrics ustl FieleL null r.+ruf:ul surges,
Buell a complete reversal of the
not 01113 , uldigg on to his pees-
lieved in the sincerity of Liberal pro-
bim in his sluruiug rlleal Cameron
tastefully spreading in il. aped folds tion a
nornon.ilatnro of pulilicul parties.
ant rtyi.A .' es but would be actin
Ili, g
testatious on behalf of the wurkinu
man. I now find that the only friends
sprang to the dour, took the key
from the ill twinkling
convurgal centro I'ruln out of which a pic-
tared beauty proudly surveyed the nuwi-
TIL': 'ruries of til it time opposed
m eonsuuauca with the die
?e8 of his conscience than in adher-
we have iu active o]itics aro Uouser.
, r
vativos. 'truly Conservatism ill Cap
outside a and
lucked himself' and the gaolor in.
fold and vari-colored goods which only
required rho attentions of Visa Andelsou
the administration of Lilo liberal
5t ,; i
ad'a and old Toryism are not synony-
Brandishing the poker be command-
a p
to wrap in.gi•aeetul proporliuus tLd humml
1i'illialn of Ornugo anti they took
'4°g t0 tabs faction whose principles
woos tern, s. What a contrast b1--
ed Robertson to sit down while he
form divine—„oro it "eulw It wuulus,"
In t+indn„ wore of plush,
unrbra•ro at Clasen Anne hN'1i
Ile at heart dotests. Reformers
tweeu the tuaguanimous conduct of
explained' the situation. Now,
another pilfaus
euhwined ,with riel, samples of Leghorn
within theca inn's after her seri eed-
come out from among the Grits.
Lan-eyin, Chapleau, Thompson;
Caron and Curran, and the dastardly
. said he, pointing to the . excavation
in the wall, you see that Mr. Rob-
laud, festooned with brocaded silk :tilt] fine
nun's veiling An immense dress fabric;
in- him. she wont dotvu�`'.N. the
Ruf' rmers approve of -British con
attacks on labor of Laurier, Mercier,
ertsou. � I have put powder eudtigh
coveted Lorre shoe in the centre. But
m House of Lords and u�ared that
neetiuu, au do Liberal Consei'va-
'Prefop£afno null P°frier."
loather t0 blow us both to Inverness
once inside the ryes ,were 'dazzled ,with
site "would suppo ,$ j6'tueaaures of
--- -- — -
or. -Purgatory, and I'll do it if you
goods displayed to such a validly of
robes that, their cmnwiugliug perforce 1-c•
her i0deces+otTllixm III which
G►'ita would cut British connec-
dont hand me the keys oi' the
out doors." b t n masa-hot
etRo e1- so
n,indedone`of tho•raisbov bleedings in.
"only 3'hen
... had. .9u91ai"t(9 ',the confederacy
A.number of years ,pgo, tea.' 1png
.at the "audacity of the im►u .aud
the faireheek of u woolen."
the millinery rodin wnuld Palet astonish.
which w. syr `iiolding )rotestan tiRin
Kef'o hers believe in the ulti-
ae oaindeed that the writer doe l 'nut
cou'Id pot eptlak a1- move. Cameron
the bewildered even .of' enlun 1 woude:
aud t 4' 1'`iberties of the oo le 'of
p P
, matt destin ' cf Canada as std lode
Cale to enuuletate theta bei ,villa' :1t
had u•ti )a0d a fuse b rolling u
} I Y g P'
TP\ve-ing pillars entwined with clinging
drapery to front, hats and bonnets ant 1
th-eS4kfug•loms. These weremade
pendent British nation in name as'"
P +
the then village --af..'
a o ,
in a iece ofpaper..tiio to prepared
P P P'
feathersaud.ribbonsto the right and to
aI}:e4>tilaueut by Cha victoias of
well as in fact, so do Liberal Con-
*Lich tgood Iudian name iris been
black powder. lie inserted the fuse
tbedert. The head guars were marvel•
lous deft hau+lR and ares.
p:"1'lleuhdim, Ramillies, Malplaquet;
anglicised into Kincardine. So far
to connect with the powder the
tamping' and
combinations of
tic taste, guardedly eschewing violent coil-
Grits have no faith in Canada
as memos serves the one Duildinas
on the -to -town lot wereyDowne 's
wall and colnmtiucad
packing around it so as the better to
treats and in many instances
to a
etc. But the
pleasilrg enmbieation of complementary
at day never forgave the Duke of
save as a forty-second part of the
hotel un the north side of the river,
confine the powder and get the full
colors even as a halt' blown rose til golden
neighboring republic. to which we
Allan Cameron's on the south and
benefit of its explosive power. Just
halt-. Though Saturday evening was not
Marlborough who pained them.
abound go ca in hand' beg ing for
e P begging
-Jim Elliott's g0ueral store,' which
as Cameron was about applying Clic
a pleasant one outside a great number of
ladies and gentlemen viewed Detlol' & CO s
Those old times Toles wished to
favors, while we are their superior
latter was built of half.round sur-
match to the • fuse the thoroughly
frightened gaoler
fall o elllll and the first will no doubt
P. t;,
favor tendo with, Prance, a❑ seen}',
in all that constitutes .a nation
face. lumber slabs..., Cameron, by
courtesy call6d. "Black," had just re.
a resumed control
of his faculties and exclaimed, "Ma
reap financial bene -fit, tion, their ell''orts to
enlist public approval tit' their desire to
and disc) against Portugal a
whetheriu natural weal ttl,agricliltur-
moved into a• hewed lot buiidiug
Gode, Mt. Cawmeron, ye, I1 no do
please the ladies in the matter 'of swearing
al and manufacturing development,from
n smaller and more primitive
n "
sic a wicked thing. "By heavens
apparel. Assistant $hale is certainly _a
success Is comprehensively grasping tljd
The modes so called Tories favor
education, morality and form of
one. Blankets were hung over the
I will, replied Cameron. But
tvauts out' the public llud w artistically
unadian trade with England, a
window Lind door oponings pending
just think of my poseetiou, what'•1l
catering to them. 51tf•1t
friend, as agaiust the Unitell States,
the arrival of more substantial
Sheeriff mciJun4t1d d•ae to me?"
Reformers believe in the rights of
checks to wind and weather. Buts,
"Fiddlesticks for the Sheriff" said
an onomy.
the weak anti that' might is not
well stocked bar of liquors was in-
Cameron, "out with, the keys or
In and About the County,
The Tories of those daysiittiiinpt-
right in national affairs any more
Bide and the pioneer frequenter;
down cornea the house and up goes
oil to abolish the protective duties,
than in individual concorns. So do
tubo met here ill their goingttoand
Black Cameron and Gaolor Robert-
_A warrant was issued for the ar-
and restriction • on commerce with
fro to spy out tho land on the North
sou. The poor gagler was thus
rest of Rev. Mr. McKee,of Beaverton,
an uul'riendlJ and ret,tt❑
Liberal Conservatives,
and South and Durhaul line; were
persuaded and handed over the keys.
Ontario County, on a charge of per-
Grits boliewe in golf abaselrleut
wont to regale themselves thereat,
Cameron took them,wentout locking
jury connection wjth recent
Scott Act trials. The. warrant was
them in dealings with a friendly
and arc willing that Canada should
and no doubt felt very comfortable.
the gaoler in. Unlocking the other
served, and Mr. McKee has gone to
forego the 'right to hold its own
despite the crude fand prirnitivesur•
doors Cameron soon found himself
Toronto to get legal advice.'
The Grits of to -day swish to abol-
propety'»nd mnurge its own affairs
rouudiogs. Their sociability was
a free loan. With quick step he
re aired down town p and meeting
-Wm. Brown, who had attained
' ish the protuctiva duties and res-
because a more , powerful neighbor
certain) much promoted ota•
Y P' Y P
tions 'which inebriates as well as
P` �
with many friends he' sampled the
the advanced age of 111,5, died at the
village, of Bolton, Peel county, on
trictiots of)comutOrCe with the
says we should not. .,
cheers. On the occasion under con.
contents of several wine- •-vatrits.
Monday. The deceased, who lived
United States and retain them in
Reformers believe, that there is a
sideratiou, one Armitage, who
Having exhausted his love for
a very regular life, attributed to that
our dealins;s ,with imperial Britain.
hioltor sentiment than that dictated
lossossod a soldier) appearance and
1 Y 1 P
liberty in this way he returned to
his remarkable longevity. lie, with
his wife, came to Canuda from Ma -
History reverses itself if we cling
by greed, and dollars and cents, aud
was the very soul of honor, got into
discuaaieu landlord Black
the bastile ave the gaolor back ilia
, g a
keys and resumed his old quarters,
chrafelt county Derr
, . y, Ireland, and
to names whnn they are nn9notners
brtito, forco. 50 do Liberal. Consor-
a twitlh
Cameron who was a.combiuntion of
much to the astouishnlont of the
for many ,years lined ns a farm near
Kleinburg. Seven ;one and a•daugh-
and judge by the actions of parties
Highland Celtic fire, humor and
official. , Before the latter departed
ter survive him. Tile -eldest sou is
with misfit uumOR,
Guts believe in gutting poll and
'cussedness. Armitage became in.
Cameron set fire to the fuse in the
about 80 years of age find. the daughs
Whigi of those days favored
Dover. And if they cannot get f'
'dignant over some remarks ot'Cauhe•
wall without any disastrous couse-
ter is G2.
protection ; they prolonged the dor-
without the sacrifice of ;elf -errs pact
ron, waxed exceeding wroth thereat
and was eucuti' by the nlotny
queuces resulting. , The black
powder teas only pulVeriaed char-
Edward Leitch, of Aiosa,.who
has passed his 76 birthday and raised
✓tion ,of Pel li,uneut the took
null patriotism and ,principle, they
crowd who ha(1 put up it the house,
coal from cinders he took from the
a family of `L3. is still enjoying the
their ataud on the, principles of tho
are willing to sacrifice these to get
strangers to oich other, but all in
stove. The gaoler was much re-
strength of a man in the prime of
life. As Nie. Leitch
Revolution of 1688• the raised the
, Y
them. _
for full to whilo arca tto timo un-
lieved when ho found hinhsolf once
one day lately cut and risen up an
cry of "No Popery" ; they inveigh-
Itofo•mers and Liberal Consorva-
til their ship came in which, may
more master of the situation. And
as he turned the key on the outside
sere of corn for Mr. D. A. AfeCallum,
ed against subserviency to France or
tives nave too long been following
0 o
have meant Holmes' of Pine River's
big log dug the Donnell
of the cell door, lig voiced bock
and did not nae an extra exertion.
any other foreign power—the very
dilteront lines to attniu the same
out or
boys open sail bolt. Being a boy
through the openiug in it, to Hach,
11everso of what tho Grits of Canada
aud. It is nigh time that Reform-
at the time the writer was quite
Cawmeron, ye'r It seoonthrell, ye'r
Our Weekly Round Up
are doing to -day who claim they
ere no longer allow themselves to
wrought.up to a state of mind as
veers born deovil."
aro following old-tlnie Whig princi•
be tyrannized over by It name and
words Cuero bandied between Came.
eon and Armitage until the latter,
-_•.- ___-- _. _. _.
=Between Jamestown and Lamour,
Dakota, astrip of country fifty miles
pies adapted to modern
whipped into lino with those whom
urged on 1)y the bystanders, declared
1lnctlou tints Register,"
wide has been burned over b prairie
The thoughtful student of lits
t1.1g3'..,h:[-V_''fr-.w6i'y.._ l.tttla..,J-n•�C(.11l.tmrJ11"-
., _ •-
t�1TNG POT �v14r1PrQp 9 --to;tl-lt3-fl'Otltl•n•g-'•-of11t!e
Partied ettim, their sale Bills printed at tills
g P fires. hundreds of small farmers
will reeelwe afl'eo-notica tip Ili) tlatuot-
tory, Ind political parties in Caul-
'jhu • should rise su erior to. their
remained but b -'1•o -o d, sir. Came
R��°�iidtnr n�teacwsiii;e cl>QOtei�r„iso,rdQuiar
1 g
eustauneiiTosees• Nearly ril the hay
and wheat in the southern peat of
ada, cannot but porceivo that if the
lufo'tlinate environments and
ron, with a merry twinkle in his
MONDAY, October 15th.—Farms, farm
Barnes Co. was destroyed. '
Toy party of Canada today must
affiliate with the Liberal C011;el'Vn-
ayes' accepted the challenge. Flint
loch muskets were the weapons, and
stock aud-'impkinents, helongim to the
estate of the late Goo. Cants On, on lot
—At the headquarters of the Re -
County Committee last
bo called b that name it must not
, tivos who are the ►•nal Reformers,
the width of the room the distance
29, con. 8, township of Goderich. D•,
publican week
at San Franciseo, while the o�fI o,tion
at toast it cannot with a duo regard
-,. _ - __
at which the principals were to be''
Cantelon, executor; T. Nl. Carling, enc.
ofonedistrict. Be thendrelVTils re•
to history, be'chargod with non -pro-
placer]. There was a door openiug
To.SDAY, Odtolter 9.-Thc ,lohn Calbick
harm, adjoining flnlmesville Inial farm
returns were being counted, J. W.
Harrin ton 'a notorious character,
greasiven'ess o• a desire to remain in
on either side of the house. Tho
blanket hanging; were torn (Iowa,
stark, Rnle 1 p. m. John Calbick
entered a protest against the returns
the old rut regardless of 1110 changed
Ali exchange says :. IIou Thcs,
prop., T. M. Carling, Anet•
volver, firing several shots promis-
conditions of society, Those•called
Greenway, premier of Manitoba,
and the combatants placed in post-
boll in each doorway. Seconds
SA•1. rants Oct. 6th, -Thr, whole of
the nearly new and well -kept furniture
euouely. David bonohue was shot
in the beart and plied ina fewminutes
Tor fart of Canada more correct-
Tory ► Y ,
was Once a i\Totholliet local preach'
were detailed, the word Gro given
of P. Powell is ., on the rerrsiscs
q P
A. Christiansen was shot in the cheat
ley speaking the Liberal Consorva-
er." There have been peculiar
and Cameron felon' forward fit the
nearly opposite the foundry -D. Diel:•
and will die. ICelly and Barrington
Live party, Is'COutonding for what
mon local preachers, there have
sante time tllat'sinifiltau0ous reports
inRon, -_ -_ r.. _
were also shot but not fatally.'
English speaking Liberals the world
been good men, there have been
of the muskets were hoard. After
(Tundreda -have used f'owell's
over have always contonded for. It
indifferent men and -chore may have
the smoke had cleared away an. ox
amination of the shot duellist coni-
Sarsr+rnrilla and Burdock for dyspep•
I sin, indigestion, and its aBlood puri.
To have good bealth use Povell's
Sarsaparillaand Burdock, itckanses
has from timil to time boot Liberal
been ball mon taka up tin call, but
meneed.. Tho go' red fluid l,ute.l
Pier. J.h•ic0 50c. a bottle, Sold by ,and enriches the blood. Price, 60c. a
onounh to alinlinato anti do away
Life nhcanest roflortion ovor cast tip-
from his breast, Iia was Comm
I all druggists. 488.21
1 bottle. Sold by all druggists. 48821.
—Near walsiloghaill Ceti ll.e SiIll -
We county, u ulau utimed Andrew
Chatulterx while tending a thle.Rbing
machine missed his footing and step•
prod into the cylinder. His lel, was
ground'up aud torn off above the
knee„ked clip, limb carried throu,•h
the machine, which was f roken.,
Death uccurr•ed five huurs after,
The annual colferet ce of Latter
Day Saints of the Loi,uon District
beltan its beR;n011 in 'London last
Sunday. Rev. J. H. Lake, presid-
ing, assisted Ly Rev. R. L. Evans.
Presideuc Lake, in his oipuing add-
re;s, spoke of the, success of the body
as a Christian denonrinat•ior being
assured. The lut'al -dist-ria report
showe a uteu►liershiia ..of - 414, Tho -
Proviucti is divided into two dis-
tricts, with a total membership• of °
2,000 and Bonne forty churches.
—Mr. John Moore, brakeman
for Bottle time on the, C. P. R., but
formerly oil tile, Peuetang branch of
the Northern railway, was run over
at Vowassas. Hr, tried to jonp on
tilt' ellgllle as it was colklina, into the
station, but fell and was drugged
a distance 'of fifty sir sixty, yards,
the wheals passing over him head'
and Lody. His father, Mr. Moore,
;hoeulaker of .Barrie, went up this
morning to take+ charge of the re-
lAlxllld. • W
.A resident of Glencoe named
John wandley, aged, 53 years, was
in St. Thomas a, few days ago 'in
search of some widow whorl, hr
might slake his wife. He consulted
his 'solictioi's, MemrtJ,. Horton alt
Horton, rogardin- the n,al ter, and
returned hones. with the,, intention
of--returniug to the city next (lay,
but Mew;rs, Horton have written
him stating that they have, consulted
with a number of persons, who
inform thoin that there are 150
widows in tSt. Thomas, and advising
hint not to come to, town until
WedneRday next, the- 19th -inst.,
when they ;will krnleavor to culled
a numl-.er of the. 150 ' top-ther aud
fie call Nake It selection. NVaniley
iri i'L widu`t er Of considerable wealth
Find-fllealm business.-�-• -
ICI ltT11S.
ROSS. -Ill Clinton, on the 23r1 inst Nrs.
James Ross. of a sou.
All poisonous waste, and worn out
matter ought to escape from the sys-
tem through the secretions of the
bowels, and kidneys. B. B. B', clean-
ses, opens and regulates these natur-
al outlets for the removal of dis-
ease. ...-.
Two ladies in Strathroy, Nfrs.
John '/.avitz and Mrs. Wm. Moody.
have respectively contributed $110C;
towards the building of the new
Ba'pttpt church in that town.
Have you dyspepsia P it so, use
powell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock ;
the most powerful remedy in the
market. Price 50c. a bottle, Sold by
all druggists. 489.2t
icitor In High Court, Conveyancer, &o•, �
Goderich and Hayfield. Honey to loan at Live
and one-half per vett on two third margin. Ba)
field office open every Thursday from 0.80 to 4.80
in Swartz' hotel block, opposite Division Court
Office 466tt
t r i
1ti 1; Shn9CR►SUBSCRIBERR offers] o sale four
I(nildink-t-0 'fr6i ing on Albert Street; nlso
two fronting on,Rattenbury Stroolt; either en
bloc or in se pate tots, to stilt purehascrs. For
further particulars apply tothe under si8gntd.-E. ,
LADIES, bear in mind that we import - --I
our Wools direct froin Ge•niany, and you
aro sure'of getting the purest nal hest
quality, as we buy nothing else. Ill
YRRNA we carry several different slakes,
such as the celebrated Ilaldwin amt Pon -
cook brands, also other cheaper rank"
Please (,all and impe.Ct. 0111' stook of panv.y
(;gods, 1,oola and fihltfoncry,