The Huron News-Record, 1888-10-03, Page 1R
6- EWS
TVKAi$S—$1.§0 per eluua►m, 81.25 lu Adva ls4e. iNDEPENDENT IN ALL THINO$, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING WHITICLT Ar. TOAD, Vilabllalleto
Total (rorreopoilideuce � -local Sorrollondruce � Total Torreopoiliiente �otat (�orreopolulilce. �uc�X c�arrc�t<loirilenca �ocltx (�orral��l�u�e�c>e ,
iroderiell, 1}oderiell. Goderich• Port Albert. ttiunsinerlltll• Guderiel► Township.
1lrs. Greel and Miss Fuller of ' Hail fell on Frida • nauruiug. I Tile Wat,ir Works Committee met P o "'he addition to Air. 'Thus. Mo- Mr, Richard Murphy, who left
y : y ° A number of iqe lags NI'H drift -
Boston, Mass., are ill town visitiug Air. Fuller hits been seriously ill last friday and prepar0d a scale of in,, ashore in thio ueighborhou,l, Ilveou s house is now completed this township Last August is _down
their father ,Mr Fuller. ; the past week. charges for water supply, Quite a few ducks and partridges I and Jas. Mcllveen is painting it. with the rover in Dakota.
Mr. Joseph S.►Ikeld who iuju led ' Mr. Philip III was at the Lou- Uue of our, fair loaders seat us have been shot in this vicinity the � The threshing season is about On Thursday evening last Dir.
his loot ratter severely sonic two dun Exhibition. the following which deserves add )last ten dales. uvorin this noighborhoud and grain henry l%lurphy fuuncl a ladies hat r
weeks since, Is able to be around oil I Difss Huldah Smith sprat a few will receive rlpecial t•ocugnitiun;•— Several dead steers are reported has turned out much better than on the Huron ro,rd, The owner
crotches. I days ill London the past eat a Wily are rile DUllihel'a Of THE 1Ft+'S I lying oil the shores between this I was expected. can have it by calling on Mr. Mur -
Dir. S. J.-ltoid wits sel"cr,Hd asREConulike the m:tplesorthecuuntyl place it tho s 1, Laithwaite & McBrien's engine P},Y•
lino Mr. 1ticHy of Sr. Stephen's Bee Luse they are re(a)l all ov0r% broke through x hrirlge on the lido -
referee of the gains to he played was in London last week. Joe and Jack M01c,llen, harry I g ° 0111T.—Thero died at his resid- '
between the List" and Luckno"W 11 a hot; to call ale att0iltiun Uf and J•rck Hawkins, .Jill) Green and I road luadiug to the forks and wits once, gild concession, on Friday
Ali,. Beattie of the Model school the n•o ler authorities to the wreck y
lacrosse clubs. t1a the Listowel took ill the Western Shut+•. 1 ! JNch Frit.zley leaves chit, place I'or oho I cuusidHrabl,y damaged. Ir, is po+ morning about 5 o'clock, Henry
team dill not show u p Mr. Reid of theAnrris in the h"rhol" Lt' the Bible that the council will be called Forel, aced 67 years. DeeHased +vas •
1 lumber woods this tvet•Ic.
- awarded Lite -true to the Sop,ys. Dr. McLellan left town by the old vessel ill uotsuuu removed it will upon to fuut the bill as the bride," one of a family of six buys and three
Eli Stuamous,- of Goderich, is
A traveling hotoist made a hie, "It train oil Friday. break alt and spread NII over the was the cause of con,plrllilts fur' i.l'ls. • Awa back in t.ho 30s his
° p ° hatbur to ll'" ill ur of nitvi,glt'ion. assisting ill Atahafi'Hy's factory to some titer+ pkeviuus tg,tthur located a lxr•re plot of ire- ;r
attenipt last Friday to get a picture I)r. DleKidd spent a low d+tys ill J y' °' supply the extraordinary domaml ill' I ° } T
of the teach,+rc attending the to the past week. ' Steam,•r Ua.turiu arrived in putt the natives for applo-barrels. Eli is The buys are talking of having 4i• pokty ill the tu+vuship. The old
Convention. Just as the gruri 'Miss Grallaul was in tho Forest oil Sunday morning, and lo,tdod ", uirrel hunt" in a few days. 11'e nuln was several times hack to Ire -
a hustler. Y q Ir
was formed into a pyramid, the city, last t+t•r lc five car loads of.apphi., two car -loads hupo t tvill reconsider and have and before lie died, which event
Thos. Harris, of Brautfntd is
rain descended ill good style and 1'ha lassoo ofCulborne way at the I of salt and miscellaneous freight. ' a grant sulrper as usual, but discon- took place. here. At one time he 1
Tho Ontario uncle a st•:irt for Godo- shipping largo quantities of apples tinuti tilo cruel "squirrel hunt" was ntauagier ut'a large landed estate 1
washed the pyrrugid shaped London fair for a few days. f,om this neighborhood. ""Tom" is
educationists into the central school T rich early in the week, but. hall to ° which always or .4 some dissatis- 11,' Wexford, Ilio oldest son James
1I1'. L. E. �, add b:►1't'lat• l' Ut' 11111 back to Sill'tIL'1 fUl'sllolttl'. paying a g001 p•1'ICH aDd will a0U11 faction. If they' ttleh to test their we believe returning Rud taking a :4
Tilt! lecture givHu by Lr. 1icl,el• Brussels torts in town last wcok. ratt,k next to Cantelon, the "Hub" I skill let: them shoot at x targwt. similar situatiuu. The brothers
• len last '1 hutaday ill the 1{uyul all•• C. Hamilton of Blyth was ill' Electric light its the North 11'es' apple Icing. —_•— °
y opera huusu +vas only fairly attend the circular town of FriELly, torsi show-11Oil tike tight. ItuhHrt Punter, 11• P, +viii hold 1,0111 were all 'stalwart naen, the ,
ed, the sternly night being the pro- rupo this al'teruuuu aild .evening— Itlyth• subject of*, thio" ekotoh beim, the
bsihlu cause." Air. 1V: H. John- Alr.R. iI. Collins of Exeter %vas School children Lu-morruw altornuort forth in ll/ll,; niluu,l N[unday even 111. I1•+ujluniu Evans is un the smallest in stature and ho was
sto[i.occupied the chair,•and Boated in town last week. fit'etvurks in the vvuniug from 1'rof. i' g. A, ill run 't fu it to gild rick list duan ,lays, considerably over six fret high
0n the platfolIn wore Messrs 8traug 1•tegular ,neetiug of th0 tuty,l ILuul1 rst,tllishln•vit. All wbu "1' to that sillagc, and as Puny iy He intirried a daughter u.f MI. Robt
,nett• Doll ;lt liuudliu•� the ribbons Alld,.lrsuu autl 1 hlol, h;iive uluvot:l
Enibury aud,Tuu', t.ho whole form- council un Criday esu line. wish a plearant lilim shuuld shoed l y' g lain choir haudsvm0 au.9 cummod Acheson sr, who survives hill, along
in ,t hi'illi'uat r uintetto of educati- Regular r'r•0tiug of Huruu .Flu• the slu'v �Vutln, sd•iy ,u'rl "1'hursda •, FontiDn time will h • th„ order of
1 ° y the, da to and leo. brick block, reeetid y erected• with thee a suns anti two daug}ilers,
ow.,te, The prucwtdrtlgs were its cail,pn,entun Monday Aveuinc• 1't,rre tons a we••tiug of the! Busted Y all ubuut gro+•n up and of hoahe ex-
lfiss S„lil�.—j"Inioh lilts returne,i
tullows: Openiughdrlrvas, Ille,ehair• 'fill, C. 1'. It, exhibit nrriv,•I I,y- Lit' trade in 1110 cunucif c1r`ul,be,,
lTiu stnuuor b'„rerei;pt whsle huuui lrosu a villi asilungit• fr;e eeptiug 1V. H., who is ill British
abrstst of tlaiy place, Saturday, +yds ° ll is Cultiuslit. 011e sun, Jas, is arae
u':u,; (Zu'1utHttn,Alissey 11u[utyr"and the Harlt Irwin on 11und,ky, Iat F,JrI`t} eart,ing,l resident R. S. I obliged to lou buckbto Goderich. ill the.(�uH"u uuv• riorl. I)oceased and the writer lead
Grahal, ' ILIA llesers. Belcher ,old \1'illiawa ill aha uliair, The meet• b
bf r, npcT Misses Hutchison left for Suuday she rta,le another attempt John Catslako, of Clinton, is a toile, co`nvenlation on the allow
Halls; Sulu, llisR McIntyre ;address Ihe- FurOst CII un Friday nturuiu•r. in;; havinri t,uen till"d to obusidar wurkin,• ill ails Slrtrr.,lrerrl ,riu4iur� rr
l.uspr+r+t,ur 'L'orn ;,lulu, 11 r. l;nlullur ; y y s"veral suhjr•et 'ill' itupurtuttee to the
and had a ruu„h timci opposite this e I ° °rounds here Friday �:vening of the
Dlissos Alinnie and Kathleen hall place. Capt. Martin romarked, " If' office, exhibition neither of its thinking
Address, Mr. A.Euibluy; Addruss, tua•u's hru•�nisi, null h•r now!ystry ,, °
retuned front it -visit to London un sh*can snake Kincardine she will Ali-. Will Cuckerline h'aa started as we reviovud the last that one of -
Mr. 1I. 1. Strang; Duet.t, Dlisses measures to bo taker) to fol—ml d our I+
1lctutyro anti Grall+till; lectorr, Dr. Monday, municipal pruslpects, do.Ivell," Iter cargo wits prinei- the foundation fat• a fines' rusid,mce its would so soon be called upon
McLellan ; Quartette. Misses Mc- The Contractors for the harbur pally' for 1}'urt Elgin., on Dr11sIHy At. to- sketch the other as in entity
Int.yre and Graham and Allessrs, supply to the water works cum•Stanley. Our .aquatic sporty have been lt"v, Mr. ftainsay of Luudesboru Passed away. He wits in town ilio
Belcher and Halls. �Iliss T-rueman n'oneed work oil Monday. dO+yU Ill EIto mouth shite hearing.of preached in the Presbyterian church day preceding his death and troth -
presided at. the pie$o. At'tho con• The schuuner Algo,trt arrived ill A gulden -haired. youth +vhuse Haulan's defeat by Kemp in AuNtra- Sabbath evening, iugseen,ed wrong +t;•�th.hirn then,nor ,. x
stately mansion isuu the hill bevund,
elusion of the prugrlamn'o Dl r. A. harbor un Dluriduy u'uruiug for ,► the river and . is faruisled with lin. Your currespoudont had the Sacrament of the Lurch Supper indocd was there any, peen gallons r M1`)
Enibury proposed, and Inspector cargo of salt. pleasure of making the acquaint- was atlttliuis eyed ill the Presbyter- of' dissolution until his wife -heard. r,
-Tom soconded a ote of thanks to organ bird cage mild Other, dum0stic once of "sod" through Sant Garside i loan on the fatefnl morninr
y' Sunie of our Councillors can ;tCcoesul.ios, said wbu also a arts lino ° l iauchurch on Sabbath morning• e
the lecturer and the ladies and gen- stvulluu a hundred and "sou a p father of S. G., editor and proprietor of his ticath—and in it rnon'ent the
tlerseu who had furuisheul the mus horses and buggy, recently juinud of the Stonewal1,11 all. \ewe well Jtegul:u rnoetiilg of our village 11 art that a few , minutes before
thuusartil,but choke at fila ' ' fathers was held in the Orange Half
ical treat, which motion was carrir,tl r Y a gang of appl0 pickers said has known in this loc:alit•y, ° had beat warinl,y for family and
Dir.. said Mrs. WILL. P �undfuut bt'conle a gou"ral fiivurite with the on Monday night, friends was chilled and still ill death.
unanimously. The Ircture was ono lett by the early train au Friday for ladles. He spent an enjoyable Aiiss Crvcl:er of Exeter h,tstuheu HenryFord wap an dstilable man,
of the most interesting over deliver _ itrlt�elicd y
eel by the Lr. ill this town, it being I,uudoi. --
evening tint .loirg ago with ouu charge of the Millinery department in that one word wu sum all the f
filled +elite poiute)s for the texcliers, The barges Coronet rats into this Sprightly y d unsul' who afterwards Cou-,cir, Doixoc—Last meeting of Audersou tit Elders store. virtues. Ifebelonged to the Church
harbor last N ednesdav for.sheltett remarked that it' hes had on his of 'Tuclto1�ramith council sols held at p; H. Watson of the .Stctndrer,l of England stud sae a Conaerva ''WA
abouudirig in choice gnutatious, de good clothes he would piss fdr a BruCefield. ' 1Tenibers all iresout. The fuuerat took ,lace last Sabbath �`'
livered in goutl style in the choicest from' the storm. ° 1 I l and friend's £runt Port- Elgin took T
• ' of language and with a fervor of ex- 'file Corner 'Grocery was lituyod Preacher. Itis, brother packers tak- The following accoutit,4 to 'be paid : iu'the sights of the circular town on to ills (Joderich eitnretery; and in
pression that proved Dr. DIcl.ellcau at the Royal Opera House last in” alt t -lie hint have invited hits to .-Gout°” 1Vatters, $5 Henry Carter, Frida spite of alit bad wetither was largely
�n orator of rgretat lower. evening Y 1' take the platform in an it $6 ; tiVm. Sinclair, $f ;Alex. Sine -Y attended, Peace to ills ashes and
° 1 °' . churcli in the land of Goshen. lair, 1.50 • A. Dlustard 1.73.49 in William Clegg, .Ecu ffl is oWing-,
Al r Giff Elliott, of the legal $ d $ loam, has Heade arrungumouts to buy consolation to his mourning ones.
The, picnic on the park {frouuds Success, 1Vi11, there is a bright fuli•of account, for lumber ill, to
Iasi; Wednesday was largely attend- .rieparttnent C. I . R., was visiting opening before you. cixto�;,, The follorying amounts are all kinds. of grain hero this season: "Thu. n,urrouritig rill in ocoan lands
ed and was as saCCe6afnl a9 .the. friends ill towu the past few days. 11 , ° Success, Willia,ni. its,death, M
r _— io be I vied oil the real and personal So slides. moo's life toward talo
clolk of the w•eatlier allowed. Ili Reg moeti of Maitland >ropert within ,.the tuuuiei,alit Dr. Fowler, of Glanrmis,was in
rod'*�e No 33 :Dorris. property Y T L Y ' gloomy portal
the 'morning the special train ° ,A. Fund A. M. next For county ,Irurpoaes the sora of town this week with' s view of prat- . Alas 1 nor speedily of every mortal
brought in a fair number of excurs• Tuesday evening. ��Tfie Council met in Council $3,458.8$, requiring a rate of 1.55 tieing that
profession here. It is 'he memory fades, as fades the part• j
ionists, and during tile day large The schooner Turman with a 1t,uoln, Morris, 24th Sept., members mills on the dollar • fur said aid h the intends c•tstina in his iur breath.
numbers drove in from Goderich, cargo of lumber for' Air. Socurd all present, the'Reeve in the chair, purposes the sum of' $4,000, requir• lot with its at once.._
Colborne, Ashfield and Wawanosli reached this porton Friday evening. minutes of last uleefiug adopted. ing a rate of 1.8, mills ; for gonoral On Monday eveging two loads of Town Parliament.
townshi ps. The heavy rains of the ,. Moved by S. Caldbink, seconded by school purposes , good Tt n, tlars attended the enter-
, 1 Y Dir. Will. Grafi Sr. has returned 1 loses the snm of $3,500, ° 1 11ct \lunch night Deputy Reeve
preceding twelve bdura must have front his long visit to Scotland and Geo. Kirkby, that Jas Proctor be in• as per requisition of the township tainroeut at Westfield which was y d P Y
prevented many from joining the Ireland, strutted to have culvert opposite board, requiring a rate of 1.63 mil•Is ; postpo,ed flora last Thursday even- Dlauning in the chair.
excursion parties, nevertheless there Lot 2, 4th con. line.,put inA proper for special seho0l•purposes to, moot inain co sequence of the inclemency h,etluest of Mr. Jonas regarding
+vas the largest number on the park It is undErstood that it Rev.gentlo- state of repair—Carried, By' C. debentures of $1,000and interest on of the weather, gr'ndiug of road opposite his Proper-
that we have seen since trio man of town will shortly join the 'A. debentures by Caldbick,that $2,000, the sum of $1,12Q, requir- It is announced that Mr. Harry ty wits referred to Street Committee.
Beuedictiue throng• the lioeve lie instructed to have the' �, u Y Street Committee, J. Johnson set-
t)I;auge demonstration two years ingaratoof 5,22 mi„son the dollar; Jossop, clerk in AlcKinnons dry
since. Shortly before' four o'clock Tile steamer',St,veeeieln�bound for road opposite Lot, 13, con., 6, put for railway interact and sinking good store has been left a band- ing chairman, recommended that 50
the scullers U Conuo• and LFe were Port Elgin, rens into this harbor for in a proper state of repair—Carriod. .fund the sum of 800, requiring a soane legacy in the old sod. IIe g'
$ cords of screened rauel be put where
starter shelter last week. g Y ° here in a few days Y
Started for a earls ill the harbor ; By Goo. Kirkby, seconded. by S. rate of 3.75 inil,s ;for alts support intends Ioavinrg directed b thorn, and that the eon -
they niade two circuits of buoys The Mayor will proclaim Thurs- Coldbick, that Jos Proctor be inst. of Union school section No. 1. D1c- to look attar' it. tinct be given to Wm. Wheatley
placed in line with the inner light. day afternoon It public holiday, to ructedtohave,Farrw'sbridge cover- Killup, $15U, less Rhnre of interest and Wtil•Stoep jr. at $2,70 per cord,
Air: A. Elly, Bead miller in P.
house on the north pier, and others ' enable. the pupils of the several ed with cedar or elm plank—Carried. from fund say $40, equal to $11.0 20 loads to be of coarse screeuiugs—
o� schools to attend the exhibition. - Mr Jos Nesbitt appeared in refer- Kelly & §on s flour mills for'
placed yards east of the G. T. pP • ' required, the rate tieing 1.28 mills adopted.
once to a proposed drain through' several yours poet, having to resign
elevator. The start was made in a The rector of St. Georges on P' P ° on alae dollar. The catincil adjourn• in copse uence of failing health Petition of booksellers Dickson
drizzling rain, and .before the buoys Sunday moruhiri instead of the several lots in the eighth cobcess- ed to meet again at Kyle's 'Hotel at left here on Monday with his wire Cooper and Wdrthington for repeal
had been roundod'`once the drizzle usual sermon, i,,ad the Circular ion and stated that as their are more the call of the reove. of earl closing by-law so far as it
than five owners interested in the and family for Preston. Y
changed to Fi downpour, under letter issued by tf:, Anglican Bishops regarded their business was acceded
which circumstances the race was at their recent list • ;iur• in England. scheme and having failed to agl•ee Ono day last week our towuanlan, g
finished. The water in the harbor ° ° he required a resolution of the coun- d'll lt`t' Mr. R. Howard, met with an accid to and by-law passed accordingly in
'The Higli Shout literary society Orite it fete of our villagers took ent b one of ,the boards o£ the Committee of the whole, Couucillor
was so rough that it leas impossible intend at no distant slate ha fn an oil 'authorizing him to have the b Y
g En gl Jackson in the chair.
to fully speed the boats, neverthe- e,;1 brought ill. Moved by iq London exhibition.. seaffoldingat DIr. Sanderson sbuild-
less the oarsmen made good time entertainment at a i,ich plias Con- Jas Proctor, seconded by Goo. Kirit- Alias Ella Keys has returned home ing in Hullettefalling'on him,whieh Treasurer Robson submitted state -
put the celebrat •t elocutionist will .la hi►n a for a few days. Ment for September showiug bal-
put is pretty clean strokes, and by, that Chis couDi it approve of the front her prolongerlJatay in Toronto. Y P: 3'
will be the central ti,ure. A monster banquet ie to be given ante oil gaud $786.37.
made a fine finish in lumpy' water scheme Find that request„ of b1 r. 1Yo are glad to lino+v that D)•aster q ° ,
above and below, O'Connor leading McGinnis brothers are now ,do- Nesbitt be granted—Carried.' Dy J. Eddie Wanless who had his leg in the Salvation Army. barracks on On recommendation of Finance
by half a length. Shortly before miciled in tho,Reforinatory for five Proctor, seconded by S. Caldbick, broke a few days ago, is improving. Wednesday evening. The musical Committee the followiag accounts
12 the -ladies' col.uleuced serving Years, one.having been sentenced by that,Jno. Moouey be reappointed COUN01L Doi?;G8.—At the .last triplets and others from a distance were'passod:—W. •II. Cooper 75cts
dinner, which procedure they con. Tudge"Tomsand the other by Judge collector at, a ealar'y of $85 and will take part in it: The proceeds 'IV. G. Perrin charity ace. $3.75, P. ,
Doyle. rneotfng of thQ Stanley Council the Towers do $8, J. Jackson to pert
untied till nearly three, during no extras' By S.:Caldbick, by-law passed at a provious meeting are to pay back rent. (.o,:ILK a gi'aud I? l Y
- which time an inuneilse number, rev ATr. Sinton while visitiu at seconded b C. A. Howe that the time is expected. $9, L. Wobb $2,10, tloh ' on,$7;
g Reeve b iustructeri to' have side- apecit'yiug the rates of taxation for P It. Al. Racey $2.49, J. 'Rider $50 ;
partook of the substantial meal pro- the residence of bhr. D. Gordon be- a the present year was .repealed and Several of our citizens hall to ap-
vided, llancing was indulged in came seriously indisposed, and has road between Lots 25 and 26,con. 7 a by-law was adopted fixing the rate P y I. Jackson S4, 1). Dickenson $4, D.
ear �at Goderich on SaturEla at the
during the afternoon, Dunnah's boen confined to the house Lite ast chopped ouf—Carried. Accounts trial of Edward Hackett before His Barge $3, Goo. Rentgen street ace.
P were aid as follows: F. 'Rogerson as follows: 1'wo mills on the dollar $113,06, 1V. Wheatley $1; Jae.
string band forming an excellent two weeks. The Prov. gentleman, P ° for county purposes and Ono mill Honor Judge Doyle, the prisoner
orchestra. After the boat race a is now improving. lumber $10.10, W. Giddes ditch was ac uitedwitltastrongre reprimand
Fair $5:15,8;. Holmes $7=$184.10.
for local and railway purposes. It q ° p Receipts hurried adjournment was made to $2.00, Joseph Golley ditch'$16.00, pts from property $46.50,
The steamer United E5n.)ir•e arri• was resolved that the Council have from the Judge. It should be a
the Roller Rink on account of the 1 Win, Garness bridge $50, A Vana-
warning to him in the future. wolghscales $14.75—$61.25•
sed in port on Wednesday and the roadway surveyed and properly °
continued effective efforts of the loaded a large quantity of freight. listine bridge $2.00, John Sample located between Lot 6, Concession By-law passed conveying to Grand
clerk of•ibe weather. 'Then supper The Empire remained in ort till snow fence one East ravel road L. R: L The The Contort 'under the auspices Trunk Railway Co. a portion of
PP g 13 and Lot 20
was served, but so man had been r P 815 15 S. 'H alker gravel $3.25 of C. 0. F. and A. 0. U. Al. hold Tames St in lieu of certain property
drigon till town b the rain that, it 'Friday morning on account of the l; ltitchia ravel X3.60 W. Taylor, motion nppoiptig0 a meeting of in Industry Hall on Wednesday P P Y
1 Y' g ' y ' Council on October 6th wits rescind - of Company to be conveyed to the
sturm then ragipg, gevening haat was a grand RUCCeRa.
. was not patronized so largely as the gravel $13.79, It. Mills,IVllllsculvert oil and the next meeting+vaa fixed ° ° town for the, purpose of putting a .
mid Asa mflt►l.htid_boen..
After sup- The best advertisement Goderich' 1.50 A McAlister culvert 2,50 Although the Weather vena very die
Y P ' $ for the 3rd of November, water tank for use of fire rotectiuu.
per had been disposed of dancing has' bad"for some t'ifne'-was t1it "" "ip� Tlroivn inspecting work on at one agreeable the hall was well filled. P -
o'clock rn. Final readinrr of- Free Library
a i earauce of thu famous oarsmen p The proceeds amounted to u ,wards ' °
was resumed For a short time, The I P West gravel road $4.178, Joseph 1 By-law was postponed until noxi
special train left shortly before O'Connor and Lee lest Wednesday. Jacltson work on eontla buundr —.Jos Dewis of the LuoaD cheese of $70.00. y' T 1
P Y Y r regular meoting only six members
eight on the return journey. On 'Through the appearance of these $23.85; T. Stracham gravel $3.60, factory appeared before Squire ° °' Y °
leading scullers Goderich has boon „ Rosser, Denfield the other da —Sam Weill a Chinaman and his being present,
the grounds several stalls had been g Mr. Scott damage to crop throu°h r ye, ' ' CEruncil ark iurnod.
fixed from which pop. 'and cigars mentioned in hundreds of jaapors, hauling gravel $200, A. Colo re- charged by Inspector Isaacs with wife, a white -woman are locked up j
could be pnrchasod. Tho decors- a feature of the affair that should' pairing culvert $5.00, 14I. Cunning tampering with milk, The charge at the Armory`Po]ice�tation,Chicego,
tions, though not extensive, were in taut be lost sight of, was fully proven and the accused charged with bringing white'women
ham lumber $11,81. Robert Alexander, a well-known
was fined X30 and costs or six months from Milwaukee and furnishing them
the beat of taste. Among them was AIr. Robert Porter arrived, in in ail. Between tam erin with old for wives to Chin men hereat$25each, Adelaide farmer, as he was returning t
a pretty banner with the word wel town on SaturdN and took roums The �the 1council adjourned to meet J P g' home tt'om redtWatford the other even-
• 1 Y y' again on the 12th da of November rye and with milk the people of 'Thnough their matrimonial agency, •
come, and the names of O'Connor at the British whore a large !lumber ° y' Middlesex are kept busy. it Is charged, four or five local China• tree, discovered that the buggy in
next. which he -and his wife were seated
and Lce. Tho former being oncir- of his constituents visited him __+� -� —At the meeting of the Ingersoll men have been furnished with wives. was on fire, rind before they could
clod by the arms of great Britain, during the evening. On Monday town council Win. Tennant, clerk'of —The race for the sculling chams make their escape Dir. Alexander's '
anal the latter b tho stnrs and he visitod several arts of the riding colbortlr,• rhe town was dismissed on charges ,onsh[ between Peter Kemp and clothes were badly burned and his
Y P or r g P� p P Y
stripes. It is:said that one hundred addressing his constituents at Dun. On,t;vor.—A Royal Arch degree of drunkenness, misappropriating EdwardlIanion was rowed on thePar• wife's dress damaged by the flames
dollars was tiotted by the pic-nic, a gan non in the oveningon the public meeting will be held in the hall of I funds and general incompetence. amatta River last week, rind was won which spread with wonderful rapidity.
sum that would have boon cad- questions of the do Yesterday L. 0. L. 1l,. 153 oil Fridayoven- 1t. W Smith was appointed in his by Kemp. After a half mite bad been The carraige was almost destroyed,
runled had the. elements boon f vor• the grmtleman was in Ashfield Fitton ing, October 19th. A hoartyuvita- stead at a salary of $3')0. Mr. Ton- rowed Kemp tonic the lead which lie and the horse scorched. No Dense
Want received Ste'+100, but the council maintained to the end, finishing can be assigned for tho origin of the
T11_E Hu, t
ablo, 11eaA1Fi. O'Cohnor and Lee ding to business connected with his tion is oxtouded to all brethron to thought that, $330 was still!cient for easily ten lenghtsahead in 21 minutes fire, as Mr. Alexandar was not smok,-
left on Tht•rsday for Toronto. constituency, be present on the occasion. the work done. and 25 seconds. ing at the time.
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