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The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-12, Page 8
, 4 nxatn 0130 H'ur04 X4140d, $York horses were driven through Clinton _ * �*_�_* .�>�� * =� on friday for shipment at Goderich WINDOW SHADES i t 1 - * 't t 't 't for the upper lnk,es, We will have an elegant Stock of Now window Shades, Pulls, Spring Ffli�R NR. JOUN MASON, the noted Rollers, etc., about Sept. 15th. PRICES RIGHT. w uit'w tear• standard stock breeder, has returned 4 R�IYALES from the 0111 country bringingeeve- Ii,E1tiNANTS OF ALL KINDS AT 50o. ON THE DOLLAR TO „. " t•_ , ral ggod horses with hila. He sold MAIZE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS.GREPT u � one Ibf these Iatest importations and lb a registered Canadian bred stallion to o—" - Mr. G. E. Cushman of Corninni * T _*� Iowa, also some thoroughbred sheep Complete stock of School Books and supplies. -- - - . and hogs all of which were shipped ! from Clinton -to Iowa last Monday. T Alj r. Mason went along to deliver 6 Large Glass Goblets for 2bc-only 300 loft. Only rive Baby CarriagesThe H�/ o/! Get/ yal Exhlbition, theta. left, which will be sola at about half price. We are giving Bargains in all kinds of Goods. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. >r MAGISTBATE MCGrARVA committed "Poser Jack" to the next court of Chris. Dickson, — �1�,1nton•_ •,Is goinor to have a GREAT Fr^ -.►IR this year and it will competent jurisdiction for stealin•r a• • V l� gat to come and See it.. While iter© it will a do inspect clothing from the Waverly House, l Y pay - Prisoner pleaded guilty. The suave SW -Hume Central Exhibition, Clinton, Sept, 19, 20, 21, OUT' court also had before it a case iu which a transient trader doing _ _ DlRssrs CARItIE A\ll ELL:, r�G i'iS THE TOVYI� BESIEGED - - - + - T - - _ - +owl - businessundes the name of the Out. Absolutely Pure. Supply Co. was summoned to pay are on a visit to Toronto. a first months license fee of x;50 'fess BI L1.1 GR1GG has returned to - ei Greatshow0fC ererriA,Harvel ofpurity ; under town b law. The feu R'a9 �strength and wire ki n s, wi. Moto ebe of dcIll y het' }101110 In 'TUTOIitO. I L Y I SurancVthan the ndu,wp binds, cud sonnet voeold lu- paid with the understanding thatcompetition with the multitude or lox• test, ehort weight atom ur phosplmte powders. S.dd the by-law be submitted by the Ii, 13. I . -o. 161 will meet this10thing 0141Y ill at:+s. ROYAL RARI*,' 11'opeura Co., lee town t0 some competent legal (Wednesday) evening. AGEN T1s: Wall St., N. Y. authorityt0 ass upon Its legality* r P P a y 'IR. D4AlTLANll WHITELY of Toot: AT SAMPLES OR cos$ INA � _ _ -- -- --- The by-law imposes upon transiont , L HOME COMPANY: ------ - Goderich was in town on I $oras. o - - The Huron News -Record °traders a .d'eo of p50 fpr first month + =- X x = x + _ -= + ---PER g1,0Qe0_ d�°i4i) for second, :30' for third and k ltlRs. Corr, of C1111tOn,1H Vidit;n+, Age 25 Ceattor 1885, also 1886.. 3s 00 io - $1.50 a i'oar�1.35in Advance. $20 for each succeeding month. hiends'at Aroucton „ 35 ;� � ,� .. s 30 —=_•= -_--- — " •10 .. 6 03a 5' We are the CHEAPEST' CLOTHING HOUSE +iu the OFF WITH THE OLD, AND WITH Tur L. O. L, 710 will }told a Special 11 43 7 5V GO011S l " Wednesday, Sept. 12th, 1888 Nrw.-As wall be seen b bLL$1lleS$ de+rl'Ce IIIeC't•lUrr 'next \\r(dnE$da I 50 8 ss County of Hui -on for RELIABLE, and. we are Y g ti card elswherc, Mr. J. T. F. Hilliard evening, Y e0 . e e7 pi pared tt► back up all tau• statements. This season we ��� Definite L,su,,•rliu, at th,r above rates. A Dow'rop Buggy for sale t+et•y of-Iforrisburg, Out., has succeeded See ma `.•efore you insarn i,t.uuy Pompons will show a AIr, F. It. Powell in the practice of MISSES Cor1.LAND AND BROigN, and understand our plan. At the age of /� (� this o For particulars ali'ji}y at Previous of I'nris, are the guests n1, Mrs. t0 the cost for °v 000 was about. 3,g for Fine All -Wool Tweed s'uiti, $9, this office. low in Clinton. I revious to 'tlr. g �', '`i Hilliard leaving Morrisburg Ow Ii chard Irwin. 1885, also for 3886 11aE OCEAS 11 .ivr I}At;tNc; Pow- members. of the Wesley League of REv. Dit, POTTS, or souse other See its before you decide Av p prices. We will- r lli�ll is l5 et, ct,nt less than regular which he was president', presenlwl Jas Thompson Ag DER the hest in'lhe ❑,arket. I+'ur clever or•taur, icitl likely deliver a ShOVv It line of Lim with an addros$ couched iu lecture in Cl;ntun about, the Ist of _ en ' W6 by Cautolon Lrus. .p11.4t appreciative and ,regretful torms. r -_ -�-- - Noi•onlber' Men's -- �- - .r Dir, S. Logan on behalf of the Loa- J.ia. DOYLEof the Nferchaut's Ex- Ulf S ALL -BOOL TWEED PANTS �:T$2.501 Lt:t1E.-I ersuns requiring lime gue made the presentation and ex- MR. Jou% 1 Lvws had the mis• press, l.odorich, is a very good for buildipg cur ba supplied by plained to the astonished recipient fortune to fall fl'ou, an apple tree rncoutaar, iluito racy of the which would be good value at $3.50. We will show Cuoperand Swaffteld with St Marys that fu a few days he might expect Monday and break a wrist and sprain soil lie never saw. Ile said to white lime. 5014f a copy of Clarke's Commentary, his ankle, it Cliutonite the other _day : " I a line of - which had been unexpectedly heard it Hood thing o Clinton." AT l\rna'rrD.-Apples, Pears. Plums dohiyetl. &ev.AIr. Handford "wish- Trii,:RE aro 21 students iu attend- James thea proceeded to $slaty' howOVERCOATS and Qrab-apples for, which the ed 'him good luck in the name of the ance. at Clinton, Collegiate Instit- a traveller at Stratford seeing some highest price will be paid.—Cante- Lord." We aro pleased to find our ute, 'There aro 20 registered at ,goods marked "Clinton" asked where lou Bros. 511-! f note citizen come so well recommend- Goderich. the place was. A Goderich gentle- Which hats been Sold its this town at $20.00. These Goods - - sit. He was at one time a resident THE RECTOR Of St. George's, roan present replied that it "was a were all purchased in Montreal at less than • Wholesale Foil SaLE oil T6'LL'r.-The com- of Seaforth. The Ex;1positor remarks Goderich and 'Rev. Rural Dean small place near Godorich." The Cost and Consequently we can g � r q wive these big bargains., modiou'l premises recently known of him :-Dir. Hilliard is a clever, Craig of Clinton, exchanged loulpits traveller then asked, as the train We cull interest all buyers of Men's; Y'Outlls' Boy's and and use,? lis the Royal or Kennedy's industrious and reliable y.oungman, last Sabbath, was moving Bufthlo-ward, "where in , y ' ' y and will looks a worth citizen. and thunder is Goderich 4 The reason I -Children's Cl'othin-, by showin- then a wonderful selec- hotel. Suitable fur boardi'n'g house y or ln'ee favidly. Has all the usual a valuable addition to the profess- Ri,.v. %fit. EDGE of Ontario -St. asked about Clinton was that the tion and quotin(, prices that cannot be equalled. in this doniest;o eollveninnc;es. Larrre driv- ioual ranks of our sister town." Afethodist church delivered an name sounded familiar, I have no t, r section for reliable goods'. in,,holno and stable in connection. exceptionally forcible discourse last recollection at"all of haviner heard a ONE AGAINSTTHREE.-Mr. ,John Sunday on "The stone which the of.-Goderich so I suppose it muet --o-- Also an office iupmsdiatoly adjoining \\'eon of Goderich township, PP Tar \lsw; ILs�oltn Office•. The P, builder rejected" eta be a yet smaller place". 1 -,ought a pig nt a solo the other day. no pt t ;.a ill the uontro of the, bdsi- WEE T HURON's M. P. -The i ' I y' Thu porcine was of rho regular MESSRS. I,. CHURCHILL, and �\ . ues portion 'A Miutuu. It is na „11ello me immuno lacessit"Cranadian Wallace of Hallett have carried People of West ,Huron should be, very ,!t•sirpi,l t,ruiu:rty for either, breed', -None of,your submitting to out their intontion, as annouuced in and the majority are, proud of J A - u'574" KSUff N 8808 purch,lser or tensor, apply t.o these columns a foie weak. art, an'd their plrosent representative DIP. tail twisting about it. \Veli Mr. g0, ' f+:pii� 5rtsrr..,atlp• 3t Noon brought the porcine home. are now' probably on the broad, Iiobt. Porter. His ability, his THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS, - -- - ---- -- He put it in a pen with three others. Atlantic bound for liritaiu and lionest_y, his Canadianism are so T T C j -r 'These' fellows went in for non -inter- pedigreed horse. appreciated by the leaders of the , party that un_a11 I)LIblie occasions of AIRS, lies. W. COATS and Mrs. by lack of water in the harbor coarse :out with uDtnistnko:ible fow days ago Mrs. Geo, H impurtanco ill the Iruvince where ;;routs g,:yo the now comer to uu• \\ lit of L'urlin , �, James Fair are on a visit to,ri)ctroit. which pievents him front, shipping dau htnr of Mr. thpt o,ntlo-lihi i can find time to be t pp itt acral .6t, i;t s i :;:t• "93:rf>.'' te, rand their.little, continent ora o a .• as ecououtically as he other wi-' "MOL Arthur linin :( liutun received Iprescut they are noxious ho should )-• OivssR WANTED.' The caretaker t)ICiI i ;: tt, ren could not hold t.hcir three tb.rough the •Dlerchiglts' ],)aril: the be there. \Vo inotice that at the I3ea. could. He manufactures both, t' ,\;uulu-. ductriue i ski ps and the of the Town Hall is in a quandary' P a l sura of $3,000, the amount for which vertuu denionstratiou last Thursday, lambor and Hour and is a largo buyer 0 otirer nu surrender interloper. Y, �ybat to do with n small crock of but- i..it;Ro�yE.--arra• ht i:ud Gotloriolr I ''• hvr tale ilusbautl l�•as• Inspired m the Air. furter' occupied the 'platform ter left in the h• of local produce, as well as import - will . will ila • at the hatar. place on Th>•I;itter bristled at the brusqueness till last nvirket day. ell- wheat. ' Cunsiderable iin prove- b I y 1 of ripe. nii)to .populous said a. pueut- 'IiO.3, Arcanutu. '.All the Iliulioy along with Ministers Tupper and lie suarr I Thlursday, au(l Goderich and. Clan- G I hl eats that if' it wiis - left for AIr. \\'right had' paid iu to secure Foster and Dr. mouta"ale. \o vat mpnt has been effected in the harbor 1 dundilant power, of the pen a him the donor should have ticket - ton here un' \\'e<lnnsd"ay.. Y 1 I this targe sue for those ho left 1>c- by the Dominion Gov.ernuient, and continent. \Yar was declared and ° P petty parish pOlitics confine his ed it with his name. If for THE r hind was 875. ewers bait he bends , then, ,to the . we weie given to understand that -a Jt:ncr•. .iNu \IRs. })�prLr: came when 'Ir. 1\ gal next weal fusee A � 1VEwS-I-�EcuRu, dict°• further comparatively small oittla down On Mlle, 5atnrd,v, afternoon what he had left a r'omisinr, interest of this whole broad Do- _ P Y y quar- INTERESTING .•i'0 , COMMrRCLiL would meet tile' present commercial train to Cliutuu ou tl+,it, tray° to "tetto of live- bacon; the three non -in- TnAVELr.ERS.—Acting Judgo Mor "'alga ut: ours. Wo have no report ' g o of his remarks at beavertuu, bufou•r A TIMI 1'O ASHFMELD, requirements of the port. Should (.inciuuatti ou an ezclirsiotl trip. temoursers were stead. The petty -son, in the division court at OSgoodp readers can iurt+Pius how his love„of this prove to be the case there is Tnitm, of C}iutou'a dry goods' "fotyer of nue Thad showed t1,e Homer Hall, hn delivered judgrr oat fu the country glowed eloquently with It being advertised that l;ubt no doubt that proper ropleseutations ical'ly stronger one into sausage case of the City of 'loronto vs. John to DIP. Porter, Al.I'. and- Sir magnates, Alessrs. Wiseman, Pay, patriotic fire N the pieturo which Porter, 1'. and Hon. A. M. Ii,oss, ' ' tneat,as though they had been run Strachan, The defendant refused Hector Lanryeviu would result in and hetl`or, returned home last throurrli a thleshith, machine. The to pay the income .tax aasessmert we are,tuld lie drew of the progress , M. P. P. vers going to attend the laciun rho outlet in n position to week from business trips' iu con- a a our country has made; of the iu Cnthulic picnic t,t iiia rbridrre Our P a P strnngu part of the affair is that the against him for the past year ou the l a b servo the industrial demands o: the vection With their respective con- sults which the leaders of the Grit Mr. Whites took advanta-0 of the victorious newcomer was considered srt?uud that he was a commercial. Y a Important township of Ashfield and enrn�. "element of tine Reform party had '•occasiou to have all cutin We , somewhat of it ,pet by tare family traveller and spent the greater port- g 'adjacent territory. 'Phis is all the heaped uponour people and upon were all the more impelled to do so _AIR. A. W. WHITELY, of Gode 1'1'0111 which Mr. \Noon bought it• ion of his,tinlo outside that city. L ' more need,.d by reason of the want rich, a Cue young Ilan W110 conduct_ He trill be over, 530 out of pocket The court held that within the mean• the flag that floats protestingly stud from the foot that there would be 1 of adequate railway facilities. through the. pu+ruacit of his newly, lovingly Duet u,4 -the Hag that has Iia ortunit to renew old- friend- I Nd culOmercial and peuruaiiship o 1 a Y ya fag of tine Act the 'defendant was $PP Y ,t never fallen and never will strike ski is with some of our warm• It would' be an unpardonable over - never in that pltcc for a tinge, 1 rrchasod•,pig-rather on expensive entitled to pay taxes in some muni- t Haw - left on Saturday for Chicago athero exhibition of a test u1'' right against cilpalit'y; and that as -he made Toron_ while British blood in Canadian hearted Irish friends. • It "ii about sight to omit mention of A. C. Have r 'night. hem -As ,remains beneath its shade. thin oils since our last p kips of Port Albert. Ile is one of he .will no doebt find larger and a to his home hu ii rs liable to assess- Y y' f revious Canada has everything that coustit visit to :\shfield the level headed sons of the father ,more remunerative rentnvsrativc -scope for his COMING :txu Go►No.-Saturday we meat there. Judgment was chore- Utes wenith, worth and dignity, and iu the country sand theltci clumst I of Port Albeit, and has been super- tatunil and acquired taleuts. AVe fore given for $24.81. y f hail the pleasure of making the even rho brute force of 50,000,000 antes of the r m infAdent of or contractor f'or hat,- -,visb hits success, o: which we have people though ro- acgttaintance of Fr. Nest, the new JUINIill IN Wrimocs(.-A quiet of demagogue neighbor'ssujpplenront- marl:able lucre cul tv bor improvement at the Port, * His .,no doubt if perseverance, intelli- , y hat gue who geL•co and integrity eau b+ reckoned iacnmbeut of St. Peter, ]>. (.church, though pleasing and interesting eel by the few renegades in Canada has believed in the general progress perseverance in intelligently plan• Goderich, The rev gentleman had event tools place at the residence of cannot by foreign throats or inter of the country ' t ing before the Minister of Public ?-3 wril-th :anything a y would 'ekliect. We'll Works the claims of Port Albert just come from the county town and the groom's brother in Clinton on ttocine treachery deprive us of theist. tilled firms, comfortable houses and \1 .-I-171,11AN, of l:lnrvillu y to his Mullett Friday last. It was the marriacy of - harbor have, we believe, been ]arg- r r was oil his way y g good baius give ample evidence of du1cimto from the West Huron al'pointltient. A\ hile he was wait- ,;1Ir. Robort Todd, foreman Ecening FREE LIBRARY. thrift and prosperify that we (to not ely instrumental in securing for the, Te, Association to the pro= in” for a couveyanco to take him and I'Feehly' Standard,. Woodstock -- pretend to be cynical enough to People of Ashfield much of the im- wiuoicll meeting; hada resolution mit we spent t, very iu•teresting, and (a NEWS -RECORD gl'aduate), to rhe submission to the electors of say c]id not gladden our heart ,is a„i provoments effected lf"ere. He is a caurisll,mquesting the 'Minister of to us edifying, halt' -horn• ,in his Maggie, only daughter of'fr. John Clinton last .Monday of a by-law Canadia•tr. Even the people seem.” shrewd, practical nt:ut and not leek, !'�ducatiNn to rant an increased company. He -is of mildly pleasant. 1� Paz+)r, of the $amu town. Iiev. A. to establish t free library in the ed changed, for many OI the pion, � lug ;n ingenuity of device to obtain amount to the public schools•in wish mion acid unaffected manner, and, Stowart tied the knot. After the town, resulted in favor of the by-law eers have passed away : John Deen. i rile Y611y greatest. possiblo good in municitpal4ty. In 1886, the grant to even on slight acquaintance, ono ecreruuny the young couple received by a vote 14.1 fur ; 128 against. Michael O'Riloy, Phillip Auslins the expenditure of public money 0 ' s cannot taonder that hisiecouteltnr+•e cue+rratuiations and a sunt phlous For Against John Dosm0url, the older Sullivan. i on the harbor works. We have - hig I-ioQ%C.R,tyaR SIO:bO per pupil, g a , an.] to public sebools -51 ;I7 por pu- fro• \Vawawanosh and, Morris plu• repast was heartily partaken of', 5t. .James' Ward 30 47 and Griffius,.eta, wo missed. Holy_ j beea told by men conderslnt with i}: alae total grant to hi Yl► school's foundly regret his departure from The bride was beat! attired and St. Guor7o's 35 21 ever, w,c had hearty greetings from ! the money expended on harbor p a h Y g works at Port t Albert and else -whore was 20 peaellt and to public schools among them.' \\re had heard of n av'the picture of happiuoa3. She St. John's 3 t 4 the younger generation when they but g por.con'of the total educational 4in, and read his .controversial is au estimable young lady and the St. Andrews " 45 36 found in us a friend of their I that at nO other point has such articles in the press and though we union bide fair as all should to be -- =- father$.' Ex•Reeve Aiaurice Dalton permanent value been given as here, r:xpetpti;tltro. t 1 ' a ' ' o' Post offices and public buildings agreed to differ from him, there a happy one. If the groom makes 144 128 \Val O'Neill, •and Geo. Hawkins, JONATHAN ,tits JONATHAN. -Our appealed it breadth of views in his as ood•a husband as be has proved Maj. for by-law 16 are certainly good things to have; g 1 t J Y- were about the only pioneers we American L•'rothw Jonathan, of the c4tholicity that, while markedly himself in the "art preservative," . The total vote was small, 282: ana a ho had personal expocionco of but as the industrial development Buf alu Coturuer,xial Advertiser, says stamping the author as a devotee to his wedded life will bu ,t successrul There are about 860 names on the plott•iug tiro take it, $moll and Prosperity of the whole town' Of O;u t;.r:a-ut;i,nr i ,:ti,au of Ciode- the cause of 16= t;hureh, gaco no, and smooth oils. tic lilts charge of list~ I'lu:re ieoro 793 votes polled bunts front Goderich to fort Aibert I ,hip depend to a large extent upon rich, anti his enterprise as t'OIIO%Vs : Aigns of the . bigoted zealot to whom the mechanical department of the oh/submission of the Scott Act last or seas of mud on the lakeshoro }ucroased harbor facilities at Port "Tho mahogany 'bay stallion Jay pacification and pence are odious, Stanch? -d, anal the improvement in April. Some think thattbe by-law road with alternate onses of cords- Albert we do think that it is the duty Guild, Jr., 3698„ foaled 1880, sired So for as the DOW remember of Fr, thn mechanical appearance of that was carried only by default and toy crossway over forty years ago, of the powets.that be to not shut by .Jay C-.uuld 197, rricord •3.201, I west's defence of his section of the „ jourual, since it came under lois that it would not �p� advisable for �\'e were disappointed. at the aha the coulpurse too tightly when those sire of :1d'ole Goul•1 x.19 and twelve Chrisi.iau church he seethed to lie elra ge, is very marked. IIe served the CouDeil to ac„ upon the vote -Of once of West Huron's M. Ip. an.tl be advanced by a slight " Others in f ne 2.30' list ; ,c'l'am .Polly, � inclined to hold with one of the n proper apprenticesh;p to the print- Monday, as the smallness of the M. I'. P., the former aD account of outlay. rho (lam of Huon 22.84-, by Hamlin fathers who said, "Christ's coat ing business, was anxious to Icarn, vote shows that only. about one prior ongagomeut, the piDeic having - -"-' - 1'atchrn 331st, li"06 SOMI •hyj J3u(ralO iutlecd had no eont), but (lie chinch's land 'it could sau•cely be otherwise-- third of the actual voters exercised been postponed for a week, the-}Ialcolm Lamont of the 7th Con., parties this week to .iolac�nau \Til- vesture wits of divers colors" and perseverance will always bring to- their franchise. This result is latter on account of illness. The of Grey, had his bae barn struck by ler, of Grotforich, Out. ,J ty Gould, again ,In rests varietia sit., scissure ;^vard. \1'r. T. has ten or t%o lve attributed to want of publicity and day was very pleasantly spent for lightning on Friday last. Tlison .it,., i, royally brei} and Ought to non sit'' -".In the garmcut there' hands under his charge, and in the tact: of knowledge On the part of all that, fur nn a account of which had just taken the horses out of the boomtdie hu r_•iljng interests over in may be many colors, but lot there ,job depai hiient the work turned out Voters of the day and object. And we refer our readers to the adiiiir- barn, and was stupefied by the shock. ^the. ial ut 1d, n.ha IIe ii a g a p icsedy he nu rending of it". Goderich is is of a superior class, \Vo aro that the sleeping in the dark the able report of cur Goderich corres• The loss is estimated at about $3,000 suimal mid hantdsotne as a picture. certainly to be congratulntecl un I pleased to know that. Mr. 'Todd and electors was n proeoDeerted arrange- poudentrwhich appears in another and the insurance is only$1200. This hot, -e, if favored with any having secureil.Fl.. West as a rest his °eetim,pble lady will settle in nlent on the part of the promoters column, In returning we intorvitr- -31r. Goe. Irwin of Hallett kin,i of au opportunity, ought to f dent; and he, though succee,.ling Woodstock and gtow,up with that of. the bylaw so that they could of miller Mahafry at Port Albert , ,met iva!i : an enviable t-putatiou as a ,the popular Fr, Watters, will no prosperous Canadian town. They obtain a "snap verdict." There is and was surprised at the business with a very -painful accident on sirt . The tnrtit+'s over the hue(let' doubt, after a time, be as thoroughly left fur their Iwmn Monday and al w some talk of the validity of th.o aspect of his establishment which Thursday of last week. As he was }lav" ,,, happy ttcolly of picking till I appreciated as his prodecosor whom 'I'ur.Nrwis•Rrcoil.I) wkhes the young , by-law being tested, autoDg other ave re $ret incl: of time nevented plcI ing apples fn a tree, the iddder ;O, l t:�:ug:+; anti in .Jay f}, t! 1 they ave have the nwst kindly renlombr- . couple a lung and happy ,iVect+led reasoDS on the ground of dual our regret • inspecting. Irr on which he stood gave way, and a y P g falling to the ground he broke his er''pi sly ?pate a pr;zn." c ices u1', i life, voting. Mahafl'y is somewhat handicapped thigh bone. 4, /