HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-09-12, Page 70 PJQ1,vstaohscl, geuQraU9. ill(Irh1)'Aytuau,, liar disgrace 8o published to the impossible inn this rnatter of illy own lifhtl hrlled• the £ath.er and fell in world, wblob she cannot but feel snare lf", Tlfe priest intorpu§,jug aI love wit l tll!s daughter, who preach- rery bitterly ; for it must be a this paas,tge, in tiefeuce of the 44U,49,r .than t:he-pt1oon and set shocking thin,, for a young lady schoolmaster, 1��ilSettU anawPll•tl hint ' ' b�.netr be+iter than, the doctor, whose who hoe been. accustomed to lI_eto n as he !tall ally\Vett•lI t he ty:tingl,aue, kala {tope d ever seen, and tit ha to the loftiest praise{ of her %unman• excepting that iu5t4md of the (. en- IV,,�atag nuts* travellers trembled- ly 'beauty, to know herself' :thws taus, ha alleged a nrirai,l out of 1204* q is1totl He is as much a thin; holribly degraded in Lite foul body the Holy Fathers, ill proof of the ` II of the past as Julius Cesar. Civili• of a brute. Alas I who could think pourer or magic. '!'hilt o ti's.; some �lltill?u is fats,! to the growth of such 'h that her beautiful looks which , f1 ' fl=esh tau hw � ul Ibis rub of' the e b beautiful children of nature, and used to shine like golden wires, are bowls against the prl-�tor, who being " -extended knowledge renders belief now turned,' by d'intuable magic, •t Jcsait, and a very subtle luau, in their oxistonee impossible. They ' into this coarse, slovenly mare ; I began to con•ider within himself I have gone into the limbo of the or her delicate white hands -0, whether it, was not hol,rrr for their past; and the solitary horsernon who how pure and lily -like they here- 801119, 111It hi• -i flock sl3miH believe is seen wending his way up the into those hard and irou-shod hoofs!" by wholes.th', than have t.00 sertlpu• 0.1ot is probably as peaceable as The tender-hoarted Alasetto begin- lung a faith, aud aceurdingiv, ifter you or I. n f ¢ utas to loop: very doleful at these v' it �tI NI 'I P'. t'- ( 4 I, 1 loll , 1 . 1 u htf , 11(1 \r' u , , Ith For the works at Galops at the Lock_kcop- arts sinuse,Galops. For deepening the Rain- exclamations, the ku4ve sate that Alasotlu. ll,; vagi oto Illur•i'uver, MASETTO AND HIS ATARI:. his perfornaneo began to take to writ.o fur tilt- upiniull of his _ effect, and so bogged no more for j Cullogv, who rt•lilied, that:,ssoice.r} �I ii (Zu,E that forme! n Wyman, and be turuud i � ;l t aft the present, til tl that fab 0 t' + ' 1 as t ll. \'Ill�ll Alli II I '. I t l sr salt at t o , It Inst:ttlyintoamare•" , I would trout his !more very kindly, exi..tvuco a'a n., u,'1•ttiu iia the Toil SToavoFBianca, Pun%cr.oFPHRIIIA' and rub liar teeth daily with asprig d-•vil's. It is remarkable, and hardly to of magical hurnbeanl, which the 'noes a bolit-f in i uch,luinu,ut• be believed by those who have not simplo-witted rustic promised very tau!; tuul ill tilt' Vil! cit ill studied the history of superstition, ,readily to perform. He had, nut- ,,which if,,. a ;ill !{ oliidil,i so vigolun.i}, what extravagant fables may be imposed on the faith of the vulgar withstanding, points buzzing doubts III;,[atlli:•r,"I1 Ihr lu,lic•, cuul'l nut people; especially when such fables in his head upon the matter, which Corvette found means to remove by Iii' j,I; g!• •1 ,u:. of ut,y of th:'ir th.'v hu,u":1 n'vt•rtht•Ir'.. a nluubin are rehearsed in print, which of itself has passed before uow as thA decrees, taking care, above all, to (it ,,,,li;utit.:ido (11.1 woliwil. work of a black or magical art, and carona the unconscious mare when. ever they wet, and sometimes going Rum "($2,000 for enc! 8octinn oftho works on has still influence enough over half -privately to convor:se with hur 1N 'I'll b; t'i Il1it, 1,I'OU1'. ignorant minds to wake thein be- in. the stabler ---- lievd, like Musette, that ,t book of At. last Xlasotto being.vory much Advil;(', ftulli Niagal i V.111+ state, romanGea iso gospel. distressed by these proceedings, ho tlntt two hu'li«'s h;tva 1„"';; -on in This ATasetto, like most other rustics, was a very credulous nlan ; addressed Corvette as foilOwS : "I the tthirlpuu1 lwhiei: :,'e nnlil,u,ti+•d more simple otherwise than country am at lay wit's elld about this matter. I' eaunot find ill my heart, t0 I,. IIID 1'6l,:alnv ul �5 ll! k Ul)I I1RUn folks commonly appear, who have a from: respect, to make my lady do a vuuug man nl)(,nl ye,,,s old, great deal of crafty instinct of their any kind of rude work, so that my alld ltal'ry it., 11'i4.on, n1t'ott, -lfl. own, which comes to them Spon- cart stands idle in the stable, and R.ubilsuu w',ts It sill"lir soul and a talleuualy, as to the ravens and mag- lay wares aroithus unsold, which is a ,it of Thus. W. ifo{)ill. un, of pips. Anti whereas pastoral people state of tbiwts that I cannot very I are golluralty churlish £l ltd head' well afford. oBut above all, your �1:1�r;ITa 1`,111 V1II;J�tA. �1'll,ull lttltj strong; aud, in spite of the antique anguish whenever you facet with lat.t-ly estalrli4vd h n:solf iii husine•sS poets, of coarse and brutal tempers, you't pour wife is more than I can at Ni-* ­balls lI� teas tu'crriod 1lasutiU, ori the contrary, was very bear; lt• seems SUCK a shocking al,(l to a dAllghh'.1 lit' •!•:tll.•ti (,'airllg, Ilow gentle and Jnild, and so'compassiou. unehaistiaulike sill in file, fur the of Blifl'alo, hilt formully,t eonta•aetor ate withal, that ho would weep over sake of it little money, to keep of, the Wellawl canal and othor a woundod creatuic likA a very you both-asuuder. Take liar, therefore, 0witdian public works, and fon' woman. This easy disposition freely of roe as a gift : or it" you lll;tll)' y(•Srs oua of the most lirolui- made him liable to b'a tricked by will not receive her thus, out of 'tent bushl"s man of 5tA,othnviues, any subtle knave that might thiol: consideration for lily povorty, it OIli'• l ubin,ua's hat gas fu tile! u0a1,. ' It worth Iiia pains; and aniougst shall be paid me when your lady is file whirlpool. As Ihr Iwo pal'iles such rogues there was none that restored to her estates, and, by your havo heel! together ,i t i elf t (lays duped him more notably than one favor, with her own lily-white theca is but. little duu},t. that the Bruno Corvette, a horse courser, Land. Nay, pray accept of her bodies seen are those of+I:Ubinsofa and as dishonest as the most capital \without a word ; , you . lust bit and Wilson. of his trade, This fello\v,observin0 longing, I know, to take hA to the that )Vlasottu had it very good mare, great wizard, ATichael Scott and , 's ' which he kept to convey his wares I- ill filo meantime 1 will pray m p } y AyerAtitla Cure acts -directly On to Florence, resolved to obtain her' self , to the blessed saints and alar- the liver and biliary n.11,Pafatus, and drives out the malarial poison'iwhichin at the cheapest tate, which was by stratagem ; and know pug well the tyis, that his charuts may have the duces liver complaints and bilious simple and ciodUIOUS character of proper' effect•." The rogue, at Chase words, with undissembled joy fell disorder. Warranted to cure, or money refunded. Try it. the farmer, he soon' dovised a plan, about the inave's neck ; and taking ----- Now blasetto was very tender to all d°unit animals, and especially to his ht r by the halter, 'after a formalR7, CANADA'S GR.rAT mare, Who was Ilot insensible to Lia 'pricked parting with 1lasetto, began to lead her gently away. Her old niastei•, kindly usage, but up her with brimful eyes,cuutinued watch- . ears at the round of his voice, and ing her departure till her tail was followed him here and there with quite oait of sight; whereupon lit the sagacity arid. affection of a faith' Corvette leaped instantly on her fun doe, together with luany other back, and, without stint Or werey, tokens of all intelligence that 1"la8 rarely belonged to her race. 'lila began galloping towards Florence, TV„;Lypit • where -he sold' liar, as .certain crafts ,,+ Corvette, therefore, con- Saxons are recorded to have dip= 9 ceived great• hopes of his scheme. ,Deed of their wives n the market t i �, ' �•) 81'i'.L L,' Ll,t.!•t,'1, tII to 2_llct Accordingly, having, planted him- place. i self in the road ° by which' Some tiniq afterwards, 1lasetto, Greater ThanIver. Masetto used to return homer •he repairing to Florence on a holiday, •- managed to fall, into discourse with(� him about the mare, which he to purchase another horse for his + business, ht beheld a car-for intone i u regarded very earnestly, and this lie repeated for several (lays. At Of the streets, who was beating his f1t And i5 , Ulf attPll ('/ir1; Rs. last ATaaetto, oliservin;; that he jade • very cruelly. The kind AMasetto directly interfeared in be. , Noir Features Anil (;rnm!''i:xLibrt,. I'lie seemed very much affected when lie half of the ill-used brute, -which li,'sLattrneti„ns that money,•an si'cure, talked.of her, became very curious about the cause, and inquired if it was indeed his own mare, though For PI'izo Li,t.s all -1 Pro-rainines ti Mres* lied ever been his good fortune to altered by hard labor and sorry diet, -and now got into a fresh file Secri;t:u}. " have such angtlaer'good mare as his scrape, with redoubled blows, 1•,sn:n:<Cl,us,•; Arursr l5ru. own. To this CorvotLo made uo through capering up to her old mas- J. J. WIT11110w, Il. J. reply,. li'ut, throwing his arms t■r, 1'fasetio was much shocked, you l'resldcut• See:., TollI)N'rr,: around. the mare's neck, began to ltug her so lovingly, and with so may be sure, to discover the en- - - =---- --- many deep -drawn sighs, that 11as•' chanted lady in such a wretched plight. . But not doubting that she i�. ,`� •" ` ett0"begau to stare amazingly, and had been stolen from tha' afflicted to cross h►msel'f as fast as he could. husband, he taxed the carrier very 0,_ The hypocritical Corvette then turning away iron, the aiiinia : roundly with the Cleft, who laur l ed at him in his 1:., tl fora madman, St. Lawrence Canals." t Alas !' said he, this beloved crel- ture-that you see before you is no and proved by till •! witnesses, that . he had purehast-d the maro of stare, but an unhappy wvOmau, dip- Corvotto. Alasettu', oyes were thus Notre to Coutractots. emised„in this horrible bru-I I 'a , • The MOWS Reng Inas 'us re •'' ' � t t,uvuE a coulplutU series of New 'rypo frclu the foundry of FAInaE t, Ll'l-I'LR & Co., New York. Thu new material is just the thing for F1Q0:-:Work1N SUCH AS mill Leads, Statements, Letter Meads, Mote Heads, EnVeiapes, • FoY�ers, in (:tet ecu IAvc Typo aud Statiuoery, [cl:., fie., and the experieur.e, to tura out All Cio�sses of Work: ABRAHAM' SMITHY Market Square, i GODERICH. WEST OF ENGL�IND SUI1• INGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & - ''.l'ROUSERINGS, FRENCTI AND ENGLISH WOR- STED CLOTHS, 01' fide ttjl in Beat Style alit! Work- ntanshil) cit Abraham Snifth's. Nuic iii stork' une of the rhea1,e- ulld Leat atoeL•a ell WINTER CLOTHING AND CLOTHS.:. A Full Line of GENTS' FUR NISHINGS always'in stock. R kill ji(ty fou to cull nn -? ABRAHAM SMITH E L L! I,--- Iii►1�' \` �� tTnsapn;A S _ched fc: oat and Quality. l�)'VIr' U!ll'{'II Vel e t 5 1, 1 E, by Sri accursed magician. Heaven opeucd, but by It very painful operation. However, he purchased i;1EALUD IENDERS, addressed to the un 1J dersigned and endorsed "Tender For tllo - ---- - 011ly knows tri 1Vllat lnanllCP Ill Y beloved wife provoked this infer- his mare a aim withwit bar aininn g ° g o St. Lawrence Canals," will be received at this office until the arrival of rho eastern and Note lfeads, Letter heads, Stateniente and fn !guff all kinds of printinir, in the best style tial malice, but doubtless it was ,b y f'or golden flair or til, -white hands, and with a heavy h"art rode back western mailson TUESDAY, THE, 25th DAY OFSEPTEMBSRNEXT, forthe construction known to the croft mid at low rates, tit Tam Nrwa-ItreanuoRtcc. her unconquerable virtue, which again to his. village, . The inhabi- of two locks and Lite doe ening aud enlarge Was rivalled only by the lovlihess` of her I nave 1)CCt]seekiug tants' wleu he arrived, were met went of the upper entrance of cite flalops Canal. And for-thedeepeGing and enlarge- DR. WASHINGTON, person. this togetLer oil 90m0 public business. merit of the summit level of the Cornwall ') her in shape all over the wveari after which Masetto, like an lmprlt- Canal. The construction of a new, lock at each of the three interior lock stations the hront ind )Milt;: MirI,reon, of some earth, and, now I have -lis- coverad tor, I hav0 not whestt withal dent Ulan as ho" was, complained' on Cornwnll Canal between the Town of Cornwall and Maple Grove; the deepening and widen- ('.Oi'oHto. to redoem her of on 111 [nolle yon, y y bitter! amongst his neighbors of y o a his disaster. They mado themselves, Ing the channel way of the canal; construction bridges, &c. Will be at the beiug all expended in the charges Of travelling ; otherwise I would I therefore, very morry at his expense, of A map of each of the localities together R.afteuhury house take her, instantly t0 the most and the aehcolmaeter feapeeially, I 'with plans and spenifications of the rospactive works, can be seen on and after TUESDAY famous wiz -rd Michael Scott who who was reckoned the ebiefest wit THE 11th DAY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, at F' ' is proeently sojourning at Florence, df the place. Alasotto bore all their railleries With great patience de_ this office for'all the works, find for the Teepee- tiro works at the following mentioned places CLINTON. and by, help of his magical books minht discover some Chafill t0 fendin himself with man reason- g y For the works at Galops at the Lock_kcop- arts sinuse,Galops. For deepening the Rain- SEPTEMBER 17. T restore het• to her natural shape," able arguments and at last he mit level of the Cornwall Canal, at Dicken- Landine1 Then- clasping the docile mare about told them he Would bring them ill proof gllit0 Ra wonderful a case. eon's and for the new loots, &c„ at lock -stations Nos. 18,19 and 20, at the Town A resv or tile hmllldreds cured by DR. WASHINGiTONIPS New Aletkod the neck again lie afi•ectod to Wer"1 , I Accordingly 8tepplilg back to his over her vet•}• bitterly.pinc of Cornwall. Printed forma of toq,tter enn be obtained for the, respective works tit the or Inhalation N'. IL-atoruy,lpot Storey & Son, prominent own house, he returned with an s mentioued. 't p, love uuuniLu turers of A, ton, ant., cared by The simple 1Iassettu tuns very old tattered volume, which Corvette In the caso of firms there must be attached the actual signatures of the fall name, the Ur. Washington of catarrh ottAthe throat, buil roan, and pronounced Incurable by eminent much disturbed at this story, but had bestowed on hitt], of the nature of the occupation and residence ofeach speetansts to Canada and Kngland. Write him forpartic•ulars. knew not whother to believe it., till "Arabian Alights," and b6gan t0 member, of the same and furthur, a bank do-. - at last ho bethougLt himself of t village ai-I t0 ft- read to them the alar of Sidi Non- y Posit receipt for the sum of$6,000 must ac- camP�tany the tender for the Gnlops Canal Chronle. lrrouc•lllrfsnudAstJlala Cared. An rn;;hsl, Church Clergyman Hpetks, priest, proposed Co mall, whose wifd was turned as well 14orks and a bank deposit ioceipt for the itoutory, Cornwnll ant. Sult llim up011 the Case ; and i as C0rVe1JO's, into a. bOdIltiftll snare, Rum "($2,000 for enc! 8octinn oftho works on Da. wvnso,NIMINT. - whother the lad}', if there Wlta One, Ilia neighbors IaClg}]inn ltlol'C 1UAtll l0 0 o y the summit level of the Cornwall Canal, and for each of the luck sections on the Cornwall Dema Sit(, - I nin glad to be Orfe-to'4fiorrn sou that our daughter is finite well again. As this is alight not be exorcis"Cil out of the I than eVCr at thin illllatPatloli, aud Cnnnl n bank deposit receipt fol' rho stns of Lite second time she his been erred of grave body of the snare. Tho knavish ; the schoolinaeter crowing above , t.000 bronchial troubles ander your treatment, when tilensmtl remedies f,tilcd, I write to express m,v (� orvctt0, Knowing Well that this then all, 11asetto interl'ltpted hill, The respective deposit reacipts-chorines gratitude. Ill easeitemptm)- III U•erethairks. „ would ruin his W11010 plot. was with great indignation: flow is will not be accepted -must' be endorsed over to the tilinister of lta.iiwayiand Canals, and Yours truly, C. n. m,,.,irIT. tle pared to dissuside hitll, i, 1 1 Ull tI11S, 5Ll', 9AId h', that you 1nOClc• } know," :§•tClll- he, -1-he ViIC CU1'IOalty IIIc s0, 1VIICI'Caa, I 1'C111CIllijC1', that will ho fafeitod if the party tendoringdoolinoa entering into contract for the works at the Mrs •Ino Nictielvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consnmptiou. JbIl,, McKelvv, Ain •st (]fit, Cntnrrh. of our country' people, Who Would I when I was your sorving-man, aud rates and of) the terms stated In the offer sub- The deposit ti on, Sir A Ilopping, Kingston, Ont, Rronchoconstinip. nal, fall at such a ruillor to poster sw orpt out the school -foots, I have witted, receipts thus Font in will be returned to the respective parties tion, Mr. F.• .yuott, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh, herd and " us out Of Olir senses ' awl C;a tecia lv overheard ell teiiChirlg the little 1 l . Y o + whose tenders aro not accepted. °' throat. ihi Ont; near King. Sfrs Jon iUtt � they world turment illy unhappy children concerning people in the I Wife, it lou wvhorll the wuul,l halt' This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept tbo lowest or any Condor. oaa•smlth, rill. sthn,Gttnrrh, throat. Stiss Slary A Rumbourg, Centrutilk, Ont,.,at:trrh omit no old ages that were man am- t } o , 1 i expr.rimetit, IGWOVeI' Cl'Uol, for their tile other half turned. into horses; 1 By Order, A. P, BRADLl;Y himdnnd throat. sanies Slathvw•H, 1'. \faster, Acton, Ont. I witiHfactiull. InAtlel, it wotll:l Col' -}'ea' an(1 shOWing them tile' effigies $oeretary. •\ 1<1111ah, (ia,ls 1:'nrnishin;r, IScllcrille,Catnrrh throat. rt- o o I t;linly kill her with gtief to have in a print, and what wvasthere nlore Department of Railways and Canal-,, tn•tawa,1,u, :1't�npr, i844, 510-5t •lolnt Phil,pen, 1'. 0. •y,mdhunt, Ont, (near Napa• nvr),('.tit 11.1. hcmLuulI'll roat• n,d,Ienee. A '801NE88 DIRECTORY M60000 - EDWIN KEEFER,A I]I?1N'T'IE3'�* lett• of Torontg, Honor Graduate Royal College Q1 Dental surgeon*, Coats's Block, - Clinton. All Work Registered. Chargee Moderate G. H. COOK, Licentiate t L of Dental Burger),, !tenor Ora:uata of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction teeth. Office -Over Jackeon's Clothing Sign, next to Post UW Clinton. qts, t n. � Night Bell answered. Will visit every Thursday at Bruceficld, Crum 8 to 10 30 a. in. ; Varney from It a. M. to t p, In.; Bayfield, from 'L p. ill. 40 3y "it REEVE. Otfice-"Palace" Brick Block, Rattcubury Street, Residence opposite the Temperance Ifrll, Heron Street. Coroner fur the County of Iluron. Office hours from h a.m. to 0 P' M. Clinton, Jan, 14, 1881, t•,' DR. GUNN W. Gunn, X. U. L. R. C, P. Edinburgh L. It. 0. S. Edinburgh Lieenciate of the Midwifery, Ellin. Oflica, uu corner of Ontario and Willinm Ste., Clinton, -` 478-y. grijitl. MANNING & SCOTT, Bm-r• ,:tern, cf cr, ELLIO'rT% BLCCK, CLINTON. Money to Loa -it. A. II. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. FRANK R. POWE LL, Barrister, Solicitor', Notary Public, etc. Office, Searle's Block, Apart--st., Clintoli. Toronto agents Mesers. McCarthy, Osler, Hoskin & Creelman, A% PRIVATIC FUNDS To LEND at lowest rates of interest. 381 1.1DWAIII) N. LEWIS, Barrister, Notary Public L Prudtur in Maritime Court. Offices corner South of Atartlu's Hotel, Codorich, Ont. Belle;: Lor for Lite Iluron Land Agency. ,busy to loan at dteapust rates. 466 if SEAGIs'n & MORTON, Barristers &c.,& , God. orleh and wVingham. C. Seagor, Jr,, Goderich J. A. yiorton Winghaw, DAvISON & JOHNSTON, Law, C'hancerv,and Cori veyanetng. Office -West Strect,'next door to Post otfiee, Goderich, Out. 57, R[[�� C. YAWS, Solicitor, &c. 011ice, corner of , Sq are nod West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 07• r -T Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. ��'t .CA,111'IO;vv, Barrtster,Attornev, Solici for in" J: Chancery% Conveyancer, &c, Ottice, oPer 'Jordan's Drug store, the rooms formerly occe pied by Judge Doyle, AW Any itmount of money to loan aft lowest rates of Interest I -ly. -11(l olliaerillIt. H- W. BAT, - - A UCTIONEER for Iforon Count".. Salol at - f1 tended to in any part of -the County. Ad- dress orders to GoDilalcp I' 0. V•li. CHAS. HAMILTON, A('C'I'(ON I:E11, laid, loan and insurance ageet Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, )n reasonable terms. A list -of farms and village lots for sate. Mon 'y to `loan on real estate, at low rates of interest, insurance effected on all classes of property. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, and sold on rnnnuission. Bank. rupt stocks bought and Hold. a Bluth, Dec. 16,1a8o ---- Photo raph.er.s y' c � fob I CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. Clinton Xarble' Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON, W. H. COOPER, Jr.i, ylanuttctuirer of nu dealorin all kiudSof Marble & Granite for Cemetery. Work At frgnres that defy eonrpetltion Also Inat1uracturer of the Celebrated ARTIFICIAL Srosr for I;tlililingo pur- poses and Gmietery Work, which mast be seen. to be appreciated. -All work warranted t0, sive vatisfaction. Goderich Marble Works Having bought out Jusreu VAN.81'wNIC, in Godorich, we are now. prepared to fur nish, on reasonable terms, HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS. GRANITF, A SPECIALTY. We tare prepared to sell cheaper than any other firnl in the, county. Parties wanting anything fn this line will find it to their interest to reserve their wrdet; for.us. ROBERTSON:&, IIELL. slay 17th, 1890. 3i32.3m EXHAUSTED VITALITY I T11l', SC.IENCIi of LIFE, L thegreat Aledleal work of the age on Manhond, Nor. onus and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries conHequent there- on, '300 pages S vo., 125 raseri tionsfornll<i n (110th, full gilt, only $1.00, bq mall, sealed, Illustrative sauiplo free to all voting nod middie•nged mat, Send note. The Gold and Jeivelled Medal awarded to Che dnthnr by the National Medical Association. Address 11. 0. Box 1805, Boston, Grass or Dr. W. H. PARKER, graduate of Harvard .Iedlcal College, 25 edyears confldentlallslrt pecialty, Diseases of who inity be Malt. n. 0111ce, No 4 Bollnch Street 403y aua� tea• .auc�. ONEY Agp lend In Igrye or swell amnia, o the l0 Cod ale rtiE tgeo Qrppsr*0aal keenllt), r theJoliv H. HALF, lturun•tt Clinton, rib. $6,Isbl " - •lt MONEY. - - IJft1VAT ' ), FUNDS to lend on'fown nut t',•i r,. property. Apply to C. RIDOUT, office, 'text NAWs-RE00aD (up stairs) AILc i t• o a 359.3111 bS�NS 1ANX. Incorporated h)' Actof Partiamtut, 1866, CAPITAL, $2, UOO, CA ci REST, T $500,000 Head Office, - MONTREAL, THOMAS IVOLKMAN, Proeident.p J. H. R. 51OLL-ON, Vice•President. F. WOLFEISTAN THOMAS, Genera! AluuaKcr• Notes discounted, CollectioustuaJe, Dralt issued, Stedilw and Anieriean ex•ff chathe botiot end sold at low- est current rates. -' -. "" INTERB14T AT 4 Plot CENT. A LLuwnD , nN I true, r i1ouuy advanced to turmerson their eau pet( with one or more @ndurea•S. No urulIglige r, quired an security. H. C. mtEWER, Alnnagsr,' February, 1884 CLIN,reN IC(`tr,1NTONl Lodge No. 84, A. F. h A 10. meets' every Friday, on or after ti:e ful moon. Visiting brethren cordialh invited. J. YOt'NG, w, y, ' .1, C•ALLADI•VII, re, Clinton, Jan. 14, 18S1- --- - ] - i�it'llltyjl?.. L. 0. L. No,. 716, C I.IN'S`O N, .\(cuts slicers Ilonday of every' month, liall, :fat: flat, V ctorla block. Visiting brethren alw•a}•s �.. g0 made welcome. ' C. TWEEDY, tv. fit. • W.S. SIVA!• FU LD, See. If. S. COOI'F.!,, U, 31 Jubilee Precepivy. No, 161, (Black Knitltts of L(land} Meets ire the Clinton Grange Halt, tilt- second Wednesday of every nineith, at ; :40 u'clotli in the evening. vieiti;,g - :r ,•.0.;.Ie,.+ will always -,cel•: a it hearty w•elcume. A. M. 'rol)D, Worshipful 1•rceeptor (Iiwitos, IIANI,ar, DeputyI'rceeptor ---- WILLIAM MCGER, Registnt, Royal Mack Preceptory 391( Bhiek Knights of Ireland, S(ee•ts ill the Orange (fall, Blyth, tile, Wednes- day after full moon of eccry month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 -. I31(ick Knights of Irelcuol, Sfcets in the Orange Iiall, Coderich, it.(! Thir 1londuynfc,•er}•maul,. VisitingKni„ht•alwcaye rpade w•elconte, JAJIf,.S WELLS, PrectIpt6r, Saltfofd 1' O W 11 SII: NEY, Itegistrar, Goderich I' O �LI"IN 'IO N I{NIGIITS 4.)F LABuR ltuonis, third flat, VlOoriastuck. l:v,;idu tneeting every Th Itrs,hty e,cniug at } cirloc sharp. Visiting Kpigbts made welcolcr. --- _•__. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVIIIG. Go to A. E. EVAN'S, FAtinll,NAIiLK IlAItnBR, 2doofsoast of Nr•.ww•s•Raroeo of. lice. Spevial attent•ilin givell to LADIES AND CIIII,DIt Is N's Haircutting. P03IPAI)Ot•1i I IAfuc:C'IT1Sc: A $t•LCIALTY. DRR . Tr OWLERS rQNEXT: OF '•WILD Ill " CURES, HOLERA holera Morbus [MR P%, M Fas EURRH(EA► YSENTErRY. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN, OR ADULTS. CUR=S Liver. Coal pea l tits * � Dyspepstn, 1 � I R,Hoasntas, I a ick lientlache, Kldnc•y I I 1 � I'roaflres, RhennuaI Isnt, / Sltin Disenses gall!!!! Impar• Itleaof t[be IElood tram avhaevty ' en1154! 11.1.1 Ri t1�• THE CREAT SPRING MEDICINE. Price, 75a. (with Pills®$l.' 'CRY Dai. HOtDDER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS, (very small and easy to ttdcv.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEAU. Cdd ere: priev ^.', rent-. Union Medicine Co,, Proprietors TORONTO, CAN. fi 7«