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The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-12, Page 6
A ./r t ..,. � ..:�ti,.■�.+�,ru.. 'a"�IiritiiG:e.aY:' 1....,,4i,.,.Y,.)tliiYitilfl�ll� n ..w _.� . �d�':.-ate 1 • �._,., - �.tc �'l,�l t��A ) '� d� '. t � -tel The. Huron News -Record I MOTTOES. _•_ ADVIOQ TO 111OTQItai -Are you din- turbed at uight and broken of your rest TL �■. C Om� TheFirst rst S ' Tt.bOu Year -41.25 In Adettuco• ! - - - - =-------= "jY110 gives himself with 1►is amts feeds three--Itilnsetf Lis hun- by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Calling Teeth? If so send tit P '1'Viuslow's. 111 1 1 p. 1' Of all 3440j; [is A1101.MAN��a ----- l'iedllesday, Sept• Mills l$$$ gry neighbor, and Me, �� � rt oQce and get a bottle of hire SoothlogSyrup for Children Teething, feverishness, .lass of appetite, acro throat, pains in the chest and liaglF,. "I expect to past tl►touoll this Its .aloe is incalculable. It will rel leve headache, etc. III a few days you may l In returning [banks to my many friends and patrons for pilot patronage, I Would lfl'o but once • if therefore there ' ' the poor little sufferer immediately. De- upon it, mothers; there is no u,is- be well or, oil the other hand, you may like to call their special attention to ver complete aloe$ Of p Y y t P LL 1�IlYU A L',�1.liY IIO'1LSL. be any kindness I call show or any pend Rake about it, it cures D)senlery and � �� be down with Pneumonia or galloping I HARNESS, WHIPS, . CURRY COMBS BRUSHES ETCa BTC. 1 Loud thing I call do to my fellow a n Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and , $ Consumption." taut no risks,butb begin I � • 4 Special attention is directed to my stool of It is [nighty heed work rot• u urnu to drive a balky horse and be l,umau bei•ugs, let u,v do it, for 1 ana`ll not pass this way again." Bowels, cures Wind Calle, softens the reduces lu % o, immediately to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I :-:Sl NGLE:: HARNESS1111'. I;hristillu ut the s,uue tilos. 1 tried loosaua energy to the athole system.. o the s em. Several years ago, Jaques Birchard, of It year's ago add guvo it up as it bad On - ".41; not forever laugh down ,Quos, Afrs. 11•iuslow s Suothing Syrup for Darien, Conn., was severely ill. The job. l,tit say, dirt you ever hear of it rauat,tnith, our kopp a great fact ebil ,ren teething is pleasant to the taste doctors said he was Irl Consumption,[t will be found very complete, and for durability and finish cunnot`be excelled b) 8 mall 11aV11)n at 11Ufcie ball{ ort h1R1 e front lotto-niLi011. and is the re cri tion of one of the oldest P P and best femalo physicians and nurses in and that they could do nothing rut him, an one. As I employ none but the best workm,n and use the best material to be y P Y bought in the market, all who may favor we with their patronage may feel confid.en in such a way as to make him laugh, 1 wish t0 funu u league, offensive the United Stated, and is for sale by all but advioad him, as a last resort, to try of of getting satisfaction• to pleaso him all over uud tuake flim down ha) l Wel I did anti defensive, with every soldier of Christ. Wesley. druggists thruugltwtt the world. Price 25c. abottle. Ile aura and ask for "Nrs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine, two or three months, he AWAY DOWN. 0 sir, 0 1 pY ' ' ' and I wasthe man. He was a -John The chief source of self-happi• Winslow's Soothing Svrup," and take no other kind was pronounced a well man. His health remains good to the present day. - Trunks and Valises in eat variety iet and Prices Low. T horse that I had traded for, and Ito Hess is the act of lllatlkln0 others J. S. Bradley, Malden, blase., writes: b was ton awful balker. There wasn't no use of doing anything with him happy." All the members of the Salvo- ` tion Army at Newmarket were "Three winters ago Itook asevere cold, %�"A/�'� GEORGEM O ; Ou0 stTotln eternal law of love.- o, which rapidly developed into Bronchitis Vj G" ,�.` . there was nothing to do but just sit Lowell. arresters oil Saturday night on tits and Consumption. I was so weak that down and wait for him to comev „ As for the unity of a Nation, so charge of obstructing the street.' I could not sit up, was much emaciated, around. It gouarally took two it is imperative that we strive for - -�-- and coughed incessantly. I consulted A FULL. STOCK OF hours. One day I was driving hint along, and just as we got to the rail-Qod along, `Ileru'a unity in the hepublic e, itead "Final{, not infallible, steady•" DANGEROUi C•)U i CEltl('Ef P�. Counterfeits are always dangerous, several doctors, but they were power - less and all agreed that I was to Con - ' gumption. At last, a friend brought me 01ouer � Timothy seed Loa tract{ he balked. a gv,' more so that they always closely _ Raid I to myself? 'what if a train "To lead opinion --to follow con- „ 11111ATE THE ORIGINAL IN APPEAI,ANOE AND NA?IE• The a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. From the first dose, I found relief, Al%o all other varlelieNof Field. GardNn and F1Owe ItSeed s. should come along 4 At first I was train thea viction. "Loalniu- ss achieved by Nasal Balm as a positive l Balm� s a positive Two bottles cured me, and my health Special pains have leen taken 14) Irocure thein F;.resli 1 afraid a would come, aftey a while I didn't care a cuss in without pedantry. Piety without cant." cure I'a Catarrh and Cold in the Head has induced unprincipled par-Ayer's has since been perfect." Cherry Pec toral and )Pure• Extra Value in China Tea sets and Decorated .4lhether one came or not, and "Knowledge is -old to hint who ties to imitaterh it. 'e public are , obuut seventy minutos I was afraid eau discern it. That ha who loves cautioned not to be deceived by PREPARED BY Dinner Sets Decorated Toilet sets, V'Jhite Granite Sets t one wouldn't sono along. I prayed to know must love to learn," nostrums imitating Nasal Balm. in Dr. J, C, Ayer do Co., Lowell, Mass. and Fancy Glassware. for one, Sure enough, pretty soon i sa''w one corrin-. It iliade lila , Duties aro ours ; events are Gods name and appearance, boaring such naules as Nasal Cream, Nasal Bal- ppldbyallDrugglste. Price Special special value in New Season's Black Green mails. When the engineer whistled -t "cit. sam, etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do IIIUifl1'Iiti,EyS ___ " fur lou to �>ito4'thv track, 1 L•lu�'hud. " -in deedii Dot o Lni in , Y ! ; not take imitations dealers may urge and Japan Teas Canned Fruit 'Vegetables , .lull tehvU she n)6 ;t lit tau closer T ° thoughts, not hrnnt.hR.-llailny. upon you. Forsale�by all drug,iste or sent post-paid on receipt pr;cea I:ual-'-' VIZ -C .,�-� ac•, In end.less,varlety. Oranges, l.eenons F1bN, &c. flour. • climbed out the hind and of the h z1,nostuoss alone mal{os life eter- (5Uc and .,)t) by addressing Fulford & ul •. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, ltleal.,4A n d Provisions. Inspect Stock ran/l et Price,. � huggy, leaned up againft the fence to uity.-Carlyle. Evary thought Co., Brockville, Ont, „���. Dogs, Hogs,, Poultry. ;' =:; Soo:,e U>;Boolioumreat. _ �p O-pt`'`t�T"j' _LV 3R :131:1 3\_ and prop,u•ed hn,juy tho pauic. which Piety - -_� . ' 9 Ob, but it was ,puri, i Thu `milky throws into the [world alters the -The London Times has come to t!; went of Animals and Ci,art Sent Free. CHINA HAi L, C2�2NTON_ ' ."or."d had sworn lie 11.OUldn't go, I.IIL ho thin tittle. IIe was w•or`id-Enidrson. n' • the. sensible conclusion tllatRetalia• tion will work its own Cure withont _ ^rms-tl'eprrn CnnxestfOns, haaamu,nlimt,- A.A.-SplitO Aleuin.0tis, Milli Fever. wCut (lis- 1 irlUllletl all tllUng [110 ti'aCl{ till.+1'0 1110 (l+tustloll Ill not -A1,[ t110U ill 1110 nobility? `l This 18 t11H flues- any action on the pert of Canada. B. It. -Sl Lameness Itbuurnatisnr. ('. It. -Distemper, Nasal Discharges. lib D.-Botser Grubs, Worms. DRUUSTOREP - for twout ' rods. And the old btinh J . °°Y „ lou -Is there nobility In 1110e Z - -• -- -- _ _.___--.- A BIG STRIKE, R. L.-Coutrhs, licaves, Pueumania, F. F.-t'olie or (,ripcs, Bellyache. - ;u)d harness -it looked too comical. 1 aver 11;111 I full Since I was a - A big strike was make when Powell tU. (,. Illiscarrlage, fleniorrhagei3 I1. 1I. -Urinary and Kidney Diseases. 1. l,-F.rulrtiv0 lliseases, Hange. o 0 a such lwy !' LIT CAN DO NO IIARM t0 try Freeman's Y k Davis issued ued theirExtract met arw al). It d' li`'-Discascsot Digestion. 0t+irrle Casc,'' v41th Sneelflce, Manual, The lutdcrsi;;uu(1 ]las just opened a Herr Drug; Store, lu JACKSON' \ NEW BLOCK on HURON STREET floe doors west of the Cit ll:,thrt' ex puusivu fou .vaau't it1' ' 1 ' 11o1,m Powders ifyourchild isailing, feverish Or fretful. rent �l1CCeaa and it must for it is the g ' + Price, witch Sr.oO Single Bottle (over60dosa4l • - .60 - a Boot: Store, where will be found a complete assortment of Plitre ... , 'Yes, for the railway company, 'am -.... ..__. moat powerful blood purifier in the mar. g •, . ket. It is used wit hthe rtnteitsuccess [.old by D-tfitrralsts; or' sein.rrepnidori" ecelptofPrice. ,,,.. i ✓' 11 u'r5 and Chemicals also Patent Medicines and ++ ,'' % Dru;'llsts' SundrlCS-all that the public may asl(fa•in thost• I said for .,�; 700 and the jury, ' -I,011g Island (amity is suniowhat n ILII diseases arising from a debilitated Wells d(' IiiChardsou Co., Agents, - s �y.. linea. r of I'ai'mors gave the $63T.50. But t �' a ruusl;d b the appointment poiatmant Of Y I I_ condition of the system, and everyone 64 JloGtll St., Montreal. 4r��: A. - A WORTHINGTON. • ]t [wry full : , aliens as deputy sheriffs. needs, and should use a bottle or floe at this senson of the year, of Powell's Ex- 'a`�'�"'"'�""'�'Q��•� - V.fAi tNi���Sy Clinton,iBth J,wunr)•, 1988. P. S. -Office changed from residenJe to store T _ tract ofSnrsaparilla and Burdock. Bear _ - --� ---- _--- --. _ _NT r - 1'.1[11?1)'1'(') SL 11', PRUIIPT RESULTS, alta very with bowel coo- in mind one 5oc. buule contains more solid medicine. than mostdollnr so-called HOMhOPATHIC mm Inst summer. I flied other Sarsaparilla and bitters.' Ajso remember SPECIFIC110.20T , I �' � � Thumo are nine`s when it behvu.ves Plaint plaint medicines but all was no use until I that it is sold in CUuton by all druggists, Ie. mea 30 years. The only successful remedy for the tvis0at and most dignilivd o}')nvn tried Dr, Fowler's Wild Strawberry, Price. 50c, abottle, Sold by all 31.09- Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, NEW STOCK! NEW STORE! to tlescpnd to the level of more ,,. (•uniniun )lace people. A learned I people. 'I'he nett da I was liken different Y " man. C n. 1f. Leacock Strong gists' and medicine dealers everywhere. 4't3ily and rrostratioil, from over•workorother causes. $1 por vial, or 5 vials and largo vial powder, for $6. Sormisyl)nuaas'rR,irrssatnostnnulnnroeei,tof 1 'J �( _ �' ��,'��� BLOCK; CLINTON. and reserved Illinistol' inakinr> his ' v , 1 nf• ---••-- -------- �� price, wbiis & Riehurdson Co., Agoata, 04 Me- .. ° ' first found of the Pastoral Calls, --_... ._._-_. _.---_ -Forost fires ill ' Mich.ior l are Alli. trent Montreal.- _--`._'. --. .."`-. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Fuhnitiu°e. visited the family of :t .meiuber of y iii; uhurch,•au(I.wnfi s0 'favorably i1+11)Iv.s lady he -Mrs. Annie .Se-uin,whU 15 years .Call n-oJtras \civ,1'ok's favorite singer,';•ty. destroying a vast qu;ult ity of proper - Ructirmsale at the New Store and see the stock of ed wild - Etre that has uet died in New York. ---- - '_v--.--'--- Bedroom and Parlor Sets Lounges Sideboards Chairs Springs, r t ), ., , ' st+lyvil a long;time. Unforttluat(ply, he h,ul not male au edually plensnl0 AN UND6uB, ED i'RooF CONSUMPTION SURELY (at'HI; TO �� � � '�� 1lattrasscs, etc., ling general, Nousehohl Furniture. The whole Stock is fiona the verb best manufacturers. Picture. Frames and Mouldings of ever desei tion. 171tp1'nsfirUll Oil bel' - of the beneficial qualities of Bur- THE EDITOR : Please infornl'your readers that h �y^ r� k;' - >.. ; ,f h - �'-.� •t °`Lw` a' Y P . .Io$. CHIDLEl, one loot• `rest of Dickson's Book More. 'llow (lid you like Mr, Baltic ?'(Incl: Blood Bitters is found in the have a positive remedy for the above � ' aiurh --- - - --- ----- - --- -- 'asked her°husbaud over the tcaAable, thousanilts of authentic testimonials published by the ropriators. The named disease. By its timely use I'riu;,•fl ,+n II,, a •, ,ihl,' entice. + ,� S All ((.•r;; t'fP,�'1'-('1.:1�:� an I I'iit'cs as eli, I can't. say that, I lilted ' hint we.„ t•ho reply. �' original tetters being fn their thousands of.hupeless cases have been cured. I shall be la permanently g d L",t ,,, un. ,.:ii. 't1 , l of 'I'eroeto• . . j Blg' Bargair�s' 111. JAPAN �r A purticularly,' ositiveermanentl cion, they can furnish proof positive to send- two bottles of my remedy Cuesulr tone t„pu int rc,t:, ;u1.1 call at I felt sure' you would ho as to their genuineness at any time. Frt•),, to any of your readers who have Tal: \ r:,cs•l;r:(:,I;u ullh c hclelo ptaciu; plea5e(1 with liim,.-he is such it thor- -- consumption if tris will send. me coni (,;.dor Gn• am) ct,Ua (;I' 1': infing 0 0 I,1;1Y "Coal and earnest' Inlul.' -1\rin.Winram was elected Speak- their E press and P. U. address T - � � \ r rl� 11 l I'' � �� (� O D D 11'e hat•}r received a lar, e eolai;nmvrif'of NEW JAPAN 'l'F.AS which 'tre are otferi , l , u' 1 .11oli't doubt that and I d0 or of the Manitoba T.errislntttre on ° • Iles tctfull Dr 1 'T. SLQCt"1I ! y) , .l ° Spill. 10 IV), Caddics at tit; followifltg low prices lik:) his sfilulu,ua: But I dou't thiel. Tac"day• -_ : 37 Yongesn-eet,'lbtnnto; f)nt. 407,1• _ _ _ General .'riutvix c}' :! aha ,.hen,; 't`a' . 45 CENT JAPAN TEA AT � 35 CE TEL much of him as a pastor.' �' :8 3ra!'(i �►1' , - 99+1 !'�9�1. Ct 1,}, tt il;at'is rho tronblo`l' one of the reasons why, Scott's 1 rince•Bnsmark has boon seri0maiy t Fiaail`tDT 35 CENT 'JAPAN TEA AT 25 t NTS.. l.uutisiwa has such a large sale is, out of hoalt•h• 1',lr tho last tu•u llg�4iA[d'AI 691E21f:1;'1'SD1[9. .. . The wrath ,ind disappointment because it is the best. Dr. 1P, II, ruuittlls. Thi, k the hest otl'er ever made in this county and all users of ,lapaii Tea sho,iw a1ccare til l! 1e111 btr('I) III,CI'ea9lnr> Cwel' sillco. o 'Carhet'Otl Halifax, N, s. Says : "I ' y _ . . . ,. . St. Paid Chm.0),---Sum:en on SmIda1' at 11 a.m. u,d 7 1,. m. Ilih!'e Clam, 10'a.111. Sumlay at least one cii(i n•. r 111:1(tl{ 7rC:l i:i. :IS, CENT/. -11•o are selling a FINE I . the ulinititel'i drp.0 h1r17 now broke �,. ,' have prescribed .colts l:ululsion of 1I1r,I1Cr,N'8 AIa2d:\TIC l2( Islxr;' \1'IXIS School, 2.:10 p.m. 5: rtiuc unttodut dL,)', 5 p,,,,, ,,`>,l• at Fl Bf,ACIC •iu ot�mal pact:al es of LO lbs. at FIF'l'1 (I:N'LS per lb. 1'hfs `l'ea is erlttal furl il. Curt, Live, Oil, 'tritlt Hynophosphites, is dislioctl su erior to an ol.hor as Y n Y IlI;1'. NVILI.IAM URA10, It. 0., B'vtor to ant• 70c. Ten it) Cliuton An Ettra fine Vous • II}'Son at 45c., in 5 and , 1�'cll, I ff-hu is Jot- the pant two years, and found it an a letising tonic and fortifier:., appetising Batt.nd"Ink :;tied retlwdtai. ,- "l-does:,ti0.30 a; ,,,, and .;,00 Jr.p•n, School Sel,oai ;tt o 1,. 70 lh, cad(lie . Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call cull see ole• Tva before bii ul,•. >' (luu't care a ntan tr bmr loatuod he is;n•ileu he ccules to- utakn a friondly c ail at lay hones More agreeable to the stomach and b have better results from its use than anv other preparation of the kind I. ------ -� --T•he ;tgo(l iciellti.st ' (J lovrouil m. I:xp'.'\711. Itrrl:R'r, 1§,stm'.' uanae;,Pr..a1'tn,i,e,.-,arTlcea,ttua.n,. ani 3.30 g. in r+abbath S. -ho -0, :?.:10, 1). ,tl. Itav Ti, COOPER & and I 11aY0 Il]y hill)[• all fl\Cil tip have evel•'used,'' Sohl b all Drug- Y % attended his otic hundred and second ALxs. F'1'N.R.41t'1', raster. -SON i and brought in for his special belle- 1 gists. 50c. and $1,00 birthday ou Tuesday. - Ontario Stroet 1letho,INt.--Servicrs at 10.30 a. ; , O,. a„� ;.ea p. ,n. S.rhl,.,tl, ehool, ..,to p.,a.. r T t Tile . Tile Oltl l�cliable I ea affil UI'oeeq house. !:(T think lt'S „a,c Ittt!e as th:' nl`uP ---- -- - �•. RRv, W. \t', SeARTd u,, Pt4tor' 'Baptist ca'n d0 t0 pay ,some auentioh to the -Liout.-Gov, Schultz 01)o110d the FID 01 MANf'1'(.)7;A. Ohurob. Service at 6,30 p. m: SaD bath&•heel, 2T3n p. m, rtxv ,i�CR.(v Pastor, '- -• -- - -. - - _ _..__ ___... .. _.__-_--.�._._- - __ __� child, and that mall Sat hole ;l ft/ll laver, tt-itll the dear, street baby Alauitob:l Legislatul•e oil Tu osday, last wevk. 1'1 have been clued Of chronic diarrhu'a by_tbe use of Dr. Fowler's �., ., FRESH GROCERIES under ni.•s vnly nude, -- =- - Extract of Mld Strawberry. I used NEWS PAPER LAWS find novel nVel't looked ;IL her or asl.e(1 her A SI.NOLE SCIUTcli may Cause a fester- about twelve bottles of it and am now entirely free from the diser;e. 1Ve eaall the special atteutibu of I'ost Anil the choicestgroo(ls 1:el,t yu stock by name. IIe ain't swnlpnthetic, and I in sore. Victoria Carbolic Salve $ William 1Icr,aren ('learwater, :Iran, naste•s and subscriber; to the following . 1C11Otw I sha'itt !lice. hila, rapidly heals cuts, wounds, bruises,' burns ' lynopsis of thnncttsp;,prr iliac..: - 0A___N7_r:V _7 tT_j0-_V :E3:E;?.,\„ S., •• - -- s --- -- and all sores. - -513'Iuhll )al•ty, 1-A 1poshnw;tel' ii roliiil•ed t0 f{ive , • J')fi': Il1tI(lI\ C)I+'Ali: LU ICtII fN ____ ___-___ -1)tvillo to'lho uxcessivo rains left I)a1hous10 on `Yedlln9dii)• n'vl'r?- • notice uy hl;lel'li It (returning a paper 110Cn r„t+,ll.,1v,•r tL: l:i',1•; al„un;;ll„crfbcrdors We buy ill the r'el'y best lllarkets aed �ivc our custonicr.4 every advantage. Oui• gnu(la (1iEA1 ' in the oluAt L'rn townshl,l•4 11101 CI'Ops inn f01• i�uaml direct. a„ t tale,' ill, 1�;:1+'; nlll "t, ill'' Otlive, and ta111 always be 101111(1 FI'CSh '17111 IfChable, a»ll t0 t11C oC01101111Ca1 11011SCke`CpCI' 1\'C Oflti Wally. advantages. Out, goods; in vatiety, quality, and pries; we are satiShed will ineet will he 1111110A a cumplolo failul e, -the ( tlN,,l'1IE' i'i�'F TEN1)1•:NC'IE,S +tale tll % P,•..<n'I !' ;' if, iwt being talcel. Any noghwt, to de m Holt: -, Ihi,postinaster requirements of evo_y housellolu. Farnt Prodiiec taken at the higeest prices. , Thu full sfurp 0F_this hnnntiflil hallad, laud ul tho :ave tits whiell ---_ ._._: :1N OLU 111C'(1[tI'l'G are often inherited, but disease, itself may gain a foothold through responsible to thepublislwn-i Forpaynwnt: _ 11' any pe,m a:soro-rs his pale• dis• 1, �������� ����■ uc:urri d snbscquvnt{y in connection That has been popular with the impure blood, bad diet, un- mnti iiied, ho, In cost. pay all alrCar,hcR, of :;illi it, lint now runul nut, In the people Y far ;.10 ears is Dr. Fowler's ventilated - roolus etc. keep tho 1 , P tll(a ambush(li ay cnmthill to send it until is matte, and collect the P` WHOLESALE AND` RETAIL MUM CLINi'ON, ONT. > r itbind-Unifies l ;tilers„ Ieyell v Extract of wild Strawberry for all varieties of salmmer complaints of .blood pure and. - the eirou,ation perfect by means. of Burdock Dlooe] paymeut whole antrhlut. nlioticr it he taken Frutr y \fp, 1 Iui':.1t' uud('t children or adults. It 'seldom or Bitters, and thus ward oft cOnsu'mpt• the nllirr: nl not, Thera raft be nh Ic rnl — -•-----,-- _ _— ----- -- ... _ _- _ sae Ihl: C.1r('fld editol•9hip of Mr. J IW's 11'1'.t B Inn1' he fuBPd' tlmt twhl?u ever . fails to cure cholera inorbus, dinrwhu ani,rl dysentery. ion, which is simply scrofula of the lungs. . ( tiseoutillutinve 1111til the payment is ulade. i -Ally per, ,loth a papci• fr11 i a Q/ LESLIE'S CARRIACE & WACON FACTORY, .f cans llur:;t a (a ho nftorward9 s • -_ •- •'---•_.:_'-. -- • _--- - -._,_Q__ .. - .. _ rfli the, pn.,nnlliro, tchcth,'r dirr•,•tn(l to hi; IwcIna„;ir•)sue^91f111-gx„s i,alllb)Mks -._T1iiIty fuer Ca'+es of (il ahorin I -(lueeltC11114tillaofshilt ,pepj_ I I u�t1nCorr"not, is gr•mWIJet w 11 (e, ally acribr,l nr-ant, is naqunL,ible far the, pay., ' fhirleen, hn f(+II Iaa9lUll:atl!I iu levo y and font• deaths accurred ill South dad at the huistinn of a flat.! ;tt the 4 if a his l,alver t(a b( 0-------0----- with Lady \Iargnrot Lintlxay', Earl llalearrc9. lladley,'lass, in lbur days fort tiara Afm-nus lloliut. stopp•,I at a cerhlin thee, altll the pnb}isl1. it ” In a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Wazons. t6w('hter of the of Th(, all"elion was retlll•ned ; Hud' as _ __ , • 1 L rtrrp' Or•' lsalttanusNTs and accuracy _ ..____—_____ �_ 1 ])t )Zr,,N "i+:;UES. or ehutiuues to semi, I.he subscriber I betln,l le pay f.,r it if, ale (ale's a out of thl past-(,111vu, This prnrec is upon the f;roural .Stock, The 9taterial we' nlauufacturcls of the best quality and the Iron wort: ainstuj,a,�,a ill^ twtl;rretw ill) it only became worse of compounding, make 1lilbnrn's „ Dear Sirs, -For twelve years i that a hart mast pa•l' I'm, avhat flu use- lin fact we niche it. an im ,otar.t feature of our business to nso only the best pro - 1 Y 1,, -in l worse, Alas .lit was not then to aromatic Quinine 11'ino the Cl'1t21'• suffered from dyspepsia and liver -q G +� y CllrablC 1natCrlal RTlti tIIC beat w01'k111RnShtp. 'Those in need of CU'TTFRS,,,, be realized , patents anti nndCnCc In. , 1 1 1011 Of eXCP.11enCa. complaint and was so weak i Could t! c, , ”" •1ud SI,EICIIS of the loest males and st les, should noc lnil to e� J' tel vertad, x1111, to make the separa- - not leave. my hed for eight months, R� lu the: Divicine C•ou't ie Godcridl call and set: us. —o tion c„nlplete, thn Karl p6rsuadod m •1. Ilarve of St John's, Islarld Harvey, and had little hoe of ewer being n g at the „nccnlb: r sittill a meays is a ,ut- p' ALL WORE: WARRANTED. the bcanl,iful -irl to Btalry old Of 1lrlrnn , a sch0011er Captain, was cured. Three yeara ago I tried h0wr klieg I'or pay of paper. Tile defend - --0� (:('neral hard yen. The sister of foitn(i drowned at (I,uobea on ` Burdpck Blood Bitter:;, and am thankful to i enjoy health, ant ob,ipetcd paying on the ground that lie bail r,l,i •1,. a [.,11:1:1' pl, p;iotor of the �” Repairing and RemintinLy Promptly Atter, led to. p y Lftly Margaret (Lady ( y ) \tuud;a 1, -say good and I advise all who are afflicted to try Paper t.o dise,Outieuu it. Tho -it held o . "id, pnrhn'pR by another dmiglitel' - ---- B,D,++ Airs. Ilnrriett ilObbs, 11ui, thattllnt eas n"t a 1'alld d•frure. The t CLINTON! FACTORY 041 corner Of gATOn and Oran$e EStTee S, til the family, Lady Eliz.abea(h -An accident occurred in the barn avenue', Brockton,, Ont. plainh!'Itilt' pirielit. l,rgprietor, had eo 11.u(lttici(c, culul)rul(.d rho il,cidw,l of )Ir, Alex.'lrurrn r Yplot.),SthcOnces. n'rfiI•n tolis,entinuu nml roost'•p:cntly -��>"•»_ - _ ___ ` Ill lhosn linea, which on all hau(la sion %arra, which resulted in the death of a farm hand named Angus _ 1r.r, arta AND OnAlliT10N9 Of peopl0 rnttld eoll(O, :11111'.111Ait aca, Iw( d. Hied that defoudant l,a(I notili,•,1 farmer pro- aro a(lnlitted to be one of tho oolu f)'ilanley. The last harvest load of may use National Pills tyithouf priotor to diseontinnc, In anv event Of co.ttish soup. Tho st?utl tuns strar)fro--r0111all tie and Perhaps also ] 1 the season had est been itched 1 p aloft in the Prow. O'Iinnley in olit7lb• injury and with great benefit. .lofeii last wos hound to pay for the tine he hall ret•c r.':l til,+ „ ,, a,r:l until he unromantic, fears aftor, when Si James Burges had been twice r taidotw(r, awl tthrn the old (i(ut:rn 1 ing down slipped and fell some twen ty or twenty five feet to the floor, which was partially cove cE with n' Y __ _ -_ _-• -- -The Early (108109 Ar:tlta-3llro\-, ed a failln•e in Hamilton. ba,l paid all orrc.nsdul•'6)1-olbs,'rlptifill. _ _ _ •. _._ g '�'O T�.{FHRlnis - ' o O hatl lung dcjru•lnd, tho two wero Straw, striking on his hes -_ I We no mode of treatment •where `` 1 thrown (ogOthor again, and were ' know of lwhieh offers to sufferers from chronic steal' ?•T'tr nmi intere,t and get ' )nu can got �, , rW a actual) mnrri©d. y -Tuesday evenings 'cyclone kil• led several people and destroyed a large amount of Y in Afar _ diseases amore certain hope of euro than that which is coo rehendo,, Reliable,e&Harness, property Y p -in the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ---A scheme is on foot to induce tho land and Delaware. . Por purifying and invigorating the I I mann facture none but the BERT OF STOCK. fYnv(+rnrnent to denp(n the Iiirleall •1,'l1L11 10 irll OT tall fe0f., " blood this preparation is une( baled. r -_- _- - - - -1 go t' a eJ's it4r that kelt got p, oc they have p('t re tn'� itT eau and get priors. Orders Fq R/�A LE BILLS .• µ H\Ld■ t -Ower l 000 car loads of Coke , .___..p. -n b) moil prumply attended fa �`d -Tlie steel rani for tho now cruiser �vero sbippe(1 from the Connell- Wednes -Tho 1,1111101. has ago 'i11 Iwo) Icvfv- Patric hr JO�EN 'JC'. C.�3(.32 r30, 3R, �- San Francisco wnscast at San Fran- svilln (Pa) regiou on I era that La will s0111 outto I cisco on `'t„ednevday. (lay, Mr, Merciel''ii frionds. IIARSI•;1., h:1f1'oall'11, i1T.l'TI1, ONT. A ./r t ..,. � ..:�ti,.■�.+�,ru.. 'a"�IiritiiG:e.aY:' 1....,,4i,.,.Y,.)tliiYitilfl�ll� n ..w _.� . �d�':.-ate 1 • �._,., - �.tc �'l,�l t��A ) '� d� '. t � -tel