HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-09-12, Page 5_iDay* .0 rr kals- _oF_ N�,EW FALL GOO -OS, y o.. Granas selections of Dre& Goods, Plushes, and Tri1nming's. SEE 'THEM. SEE THEM. OUR, MANTLE GOODS AND TRIMMINGS coming in every day—a fine selec tion. Call and make your selection now. 0 11 otate Is Lat 0 A HODGEri S ( -ARE- OPENING RE-OPENING OUT NEW FALL GOODS DAILY" •9 > 'Their Stock will be complete in all departments next week. When doing THE FAIR on the 19th, doth and 21st do notl'a� • to give them, a call, as their Grand D i lay will be one: of the Special Attractions. —0-0-0-0 JOHN WISEXAT ' Manager. Es+,- 4- T I� GEO. E. PAY®DIENS. Dry -Goods Emporium, Clinton. SPRING -. STYLES , T —or— JO C® �� 'J. 0, STEVENSON O + McKillop Mutual lnsurance Cot HATS CAPS %;AVL JUST OPENED OUT U" Furniture Dealer, &c. , THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND -- of the vory, LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE.'' Also .0 0 0 S FUNERAL DIRECTOR. T. NGFNERA 7 HLNT. One Case A GENEItAI, AGENT. mencan Neckwear Opposite Town Hall, Clintutt, Ont Isolated town and vilhlgo property, its well as _-_- W url",6 RESS 163 farm buildings and stock, insured. Ins trances ��]]' OUSE FOR RENT -A comfortable frame effected against stock that nlay 'be killed by (very handsontp), from 20c. u) to 50e. A call res ,ectfull solicited, 7, r 11 house on Rattenbury' Street ten ,ninutes lightning. If you want insurances drop a card i 1 J' New Dress Tr'lullm11g aI1Cl �31'iL1Cls wale from go d cellar, and every (lard and coot to the above address. � A � l f 1 tinter, good cellar, and every cou+•w,i(nm for 502•tt.04-M0-.LS•.]S. New 11' o'ire Fancy Pluslies, +Il]I111 family. hunt rtnsonah!c. W. IT. HINF., _-_-_T__._�___ _-..__1tTE'�3' Jacket Uloths Cli,ttnn. 5I2-tf p �j' Murray Blot^k, Albert Street. , _` lYitil tl l l IRON Q r iJ�)l� l j R�Next Doo,- to DRY -GOODS PALACE. ��re\V I311�, a11C1 (()l"(l APPLES WANTED lY'!' GNE.l iJ jN [ XT — ens Evening 50 000 Ba, rola of IiAlt�'ES'r, FALL AND w1N'1'Elt APPLTIS wanted. The Specinliv u(=I for !,crus, D'ridgae, roofs of PAINTING, pp��.. �� �v--,Lfw l� Ow Oishnllere,, , 1 nit market price will he paid for quad wand Dwelling Itural tivhether wood or iron) and L� I /f C'iV L�QI•'(1 Pill ;h('S Trait. Apply to ag+'tatUturul iulplcuu:nts of all kindsHOU, i44�i.III ///"'13136 ' • � Nene Prints, ` • DAVID cALNTELON,N COLOR, A RICH BROWN. GLAZING AND GRAli�lll\!G, ,�tj�1 .� o0b-tP , Npw Jerseys., PLAIN AND DECOARTIVE t s — Containing by analysis ll2 per et. of iron. It is er 1\ E'�5' �Ol'SEtis, �7"ESiLOOK I.CIIBEII FOR SALE, -Inch fire proof, venter proof, lntfading. everlasting, • b j j O .:cmtuu,ie;ll, and liossesses trice the bode and �j *� t 6narda, , or t Ing and joist. nto h to strength of any other oxido in the market. ��.jj R N (':�}r._kr lannels p)xunx PBARIx, or to tV 11 Yetartx,Clintml, PA_P.1'JRL 0 Fur further pnrticubu•s apply to t��i KalsominiCg OL IVET .-. COLLEGE,. i Scoble & Campbell, HRNCING. AND �1. �. DETLORCdONY OLlVETV HITCH. � 5m_7.3tn ,Box 330, GODERICII, oa�'r. FRESCOING. - -� 'y - ,. FRES(. GING. - i•'or Muth sexes. Expenses low.. Seven Depart- _-_._._._.-___- _ menta. Able instructors. Lar c library. fine NEW PAINT Hope . �S Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albeit Street 5tuseinns •[•'all torus ,e>por Sept. litll'-21n l.. ��� Y4Big,slatrrnt Jan. 3. Send for e«tnineue. 50; --an i d' jjgAr /fir iY31 tl�e t �I\AVO FARJIS h'Olt SALE. -South halt of lot /� erg. W. 1 .,o.29, on the 8th r;onerssion of the town• rAltif•R ii'• 16'ILS(lY, ,u•netiil paintct•s, have E �`, T. D�,r ship cf Ooderich, containing 40 nerey mora ur mach pleasure in informing rho pnblie of V �CC 777 h► .• ■ Icss, ;r;; cleared and under a good state of calci• Clinton and vicinity that they hat's opened out vntiou. There is on the prmuises a brisk bonso in the above business. Ilousc, sign and gmternl with 1.:1 convenienuts, •road trnmo barn tvitlt Painting and graining, Paper hanging and ceiling under atablin tlecol lain In to best st >1.�TT�i Y i 7 7"J"7-r-��W. M T_ g, good bearing orohard, never. a ' ,19e known to the trade, C v - 4 LJ�V _L _L, �J �'t J c,^ tuilinu well, etc. Also,lot No.23, 7th coneossion, i'li" n,oderatn• Shop Albert Street; two dom^s ,-�/t> w consistipg'o180 acres more or less, 15 acros bard• north of ilodgcn's Drr pooch Store. 490.3111 B wo d bush, balance cleared and under o good a —AT— PRI� 0 N ^sta f 9pitivatf'un, excellent well water. sloth -�-� - - tanns are well ttnced. Wg be sold separ«tel or �" � •� �y y� y in one �ar�el.'Terms to salt purchaser. For a3 ,[a -f�+CV(��)i ii - 0 furth,r P«rtioulars «pplrto JInRYC, iv7"h:LON, -- � STORE. -r n�•y�t .0 n . Cl the promises; or to nA\'1!) C N'C1:L.OS, ff111ES1'1t5L'RIBliliofterejtor axle fourcllgible °--b-:-�--- JNst a! rived, I V[,(t�e "New' Prints' l�(,, fJh�%3%brLi/f s. Clinton, F,00ti 1 Building Lots fronting utb Albert Streit; also PARLOR ANT) REDIt00Ji fillI'1'ES, SIDh;130:1RD5 AND 'iAT3Ll: i. sj ecial atter two fronting on ,Rnttenbury 5ttrcet; either en t,G,t or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. Foi tion is caller to,.PARLOR SUI'1'I;S-flay are of sur oxo tnanufiscturc :tad for � e' are ' t)fs ro tC- CTCIIEt1ING BUSINESS -THE 11NDER- frtrther partaeula,•sapPy'toNie undcrsi;•nul.`-E, material' and tforknlanshi t callliut be excelled design, 11G { C1'I11� !i 51)1e11C11(1 1'itll<�'C of (f{Tl.P sgnetl wishes to iutitnnte to the people of DINSLIsY, Clinton. 332 1 ld fn the v0nnty. r , o Clinton and surroundingcountrv, that in order > _ tidy RemembCf, that all ;Duds Will be soh} at a BIG REl)L'C'CION duriit r the ntmttll PRINYS S Ili C llecl{S illl(1 511'll)CS, let Ile., 31'O1'tll 1=)1. of suitably meet the demands of his very ntnner• - "' of \fay. First crines first scrred. AN U}'}IQLfi'C]?IZ)';It ahvat s on ban I ; ropaitin� �C. Ulla Cllstnlnel'a, he has bought out the busanesB ��"e are iL�SQ tt'1 Vlll c'' tt'ri 1 •y�'' 7 7 r Of mr. R. Fitz',{mons, and trill enrrl• on the sank, ^�7 neatly and promptly attended to. �7 1�T� ,`v _ Lll(1 ViLllli' 111 1�,' ��� T( J�,f,J 1--' P, will be inido t rionta h wason. r4vcre• ai(Ile 1�' �,�} OO , j;I1QiCL't:L1C11i1;' ai't/� - ,lll�f.11111ilh attCudc+l to ut oui- q:;Util lo't,' rates. '• 1. 1�T1\ltd It 1Uc. i� 1'fLll C �f )11tt01'Ily, will be nwdo to inert the trams of all, ante he I� t�ht i p' rr hopes to merit grid ractive n fair glare of public AN'D- calls attclided to promptly, j� y 1 ,xctron;lge. Lowost prices for large ortleti•s. ' f YYTEI llc p w 7 T 7 C, I'»riners'tradCaspecialte'. ALBliitT.'r1AY. 8A �T V `I OD V ��Oep� R � • � �� av' tllO 11cwObt stylosin STI.11PED C11,,, 1.1�7.11,�y7 FANCY �Jf®V31►�. 9��.$C �K ill Piuk, Bin 2Lnll l r0y (Embroideriesto FOR SALE 013 TO LET LAL)I1:;, boat iu iniad that eve import ALTiERT STREET, CLINTON, r � ZjQPSE AND T1VG LOTS for sale or to IcE, i Our lVotils direct front Gcrulauy, and yon 11 Tai1Ce I� 1pL111C11](vS rr1lCCS ��2LI't t t lf�• ___ - -- _-----_,_ _..._--_ _--- b , �, Parasols alid Muslin"', ;ell 's llinw situate m, Albert street, For particulars ata sury of gott,l) the purest mid beat o - — -- -- - - _ at LOWEST P�.�It ��(.�i «ppl' at T. COOPER n SON :S Grocery, Clinton' Iluality, ns eve buy ilothiu� CIs•r, Iu� T 9l U0 r,,, staT THO' )• 13th, ls�s. ., alto_t{ _ �'ARI\fi il•r. r•:tits sevrxal difli;rent snakes,Thq7 1 a' the celebrated Baldwin uud 1'Ca• `R../ JACKtiull. AM /m�ortant A 1cock brand,, also other elteapur makes,/ uet��n5 a/e ' Please call and ins ect our stocit of Fah �` S■ S . (;nods, 130161', and Slationerv.i ` %. �i �3��R, CLINTON.ALUABLE FARM. I AM STILL OFFERING �, .. A RIG RERiJGT9®N OIC @g,y�� AS � FA A� An Aph lip Amm The undersigned has hben instructed to sell t)y j j� a �! jj(_ n1 ; �i (\� �A "� � ' • pu}li:unci;on,onthopramisoanc;ul,ondesboro, �t'Q(),% K111f41JL11J.iU1L'FJhop, 60 cent Japan Teas for 30 cents, °° Now 1tl Sl Tuesday, September 18th, lass, 50 cent Japan. l'ea's for 25 cents. ate p.m., that vulunDiC farm of ;5 acres, filing EORCE'PROSVIi(LT. h:rs opened out agony 11M '05 r SA -Lt lot. ., 11th concession, township of 11ui1Ctt, G oral Blacksmith nail Repair Shop in the I liars rtst t'et cil'ell a fresh '111110r , • .pa constt;; u{?;iron, ndJoiningthel'ilhtgootLondes. bniitlhlg hotly occupied by \!r. Cnulcy., north ut J tf wen's line^ LLACIC 'ri:A, extt'a ha Pot'. q,g, qtr Coro, on tiro leading gra+'ol ro«d, only six miles Cantelonle enrriage worts, Albert street, ClintrA, n r �/® Acres y p 6f jl �•� • from the rapidly growing Town of Clinton. it is Blacksmith and iron Bork in all its branches ; � /bs RA/v/NO �or 2)c. - 2 BRoo�Y/ s Jul %5e, es ,tsi� c� $,lr in first-class state of aglti+;ttio,, With new fraise iforse•Shoeing •promptly atten9ed to and satis•- hta,se, good outbuildings, is well fenced and fn(tion gnsnuttocd. The public are irnatetl to Good Bui/dings: We/I Watered. EASY TERMS. nnderdrnaned, hats It splendid bonrhtg orchard, call before ordering tiny .class o! work In the 1111 (iuuda ns love ps .uty uthcr }iuu+r' in 'l'ott'o, and deliyvred, with never tailing creek runn1. through the ab,,v,, lines,. fann, Within 6 ni nu a'nik of other,llethodist ' 407- tf " GEORGE. TROW1111.I, " nrFresbyterinn Churches. L , ---0-•---U---- TO Also, to be sold on sanso,dae• and •place, ^j g -- _ ...__ _ `- - -, ` v., y In a ACRES O1, WELL-TIMLiE t(ott, D j�/'�tPorso 'l s LEN, of good mortgage or House for ���� �� /� sort pP Lot •ll, kuncesaion 47th, Hallett• nter pm•aenal scantily«tbe•estcurrmlt rote of " "SW L Rent, These are very rloslrnble properties, bdng 'interest. 51. A1cTAOGART, L 11 , eligibly sitl,nted, ntid,nn}- persrm wlshina L U* W to plir (%lirrton, Fell, 2Slh, 1SSS• 45btf tt tI) 1•l TE v«mantle f, but }'',sons attC11r1 this pro ' - - "Tl�l.�rl'_, r�+EN��t, 1t,�' ST.il, Ili/T, (tlJll��lo ' TF;ItJiS CJ1Slr, but persons tubo wish to pro - �� � �� �: PATENT, -"' `' rare n loan can obt9it, tit(°,o°c nt 57, par cent, Ede 4 ARMFor Rlrthm• partictilur, apple t, Ri 3AM PS , 6I ®� � �� � SALE p ftOWSON,LG, l,ro)srlctnr, (Hinton, or dA3iF:S I,iNI:,U\, :utcttonc(r, rliutou. 510-3t�� AT THE 5��ES FOm l%k L �i„a, V in p G11 .. Mills. �N «. tiVliole or Ground, A N ■■■■■■ppp■�pp{��{■y■(T-�V S I■ Y /1 P� Arai 'I'hu uuder•si;;ucd otl'ers for sa!o'ut 7l lar- I � , � }:�-���-, flood 1'QR CASi), the fo110lvin�; I PRICES 11•E1150� AY3I,E. Iron and Ha,rdware�Merchlant, One r/oo(t eerfir•etthln IIr,J'Nr'. e One Butcher Ctu't, neje', FIRE AND STORM PROOF. CL=�TCD1,T, Onepla'ir Ll�lht b'/rl,'hc, Ilrr'U'/s/ nrlr'. JAMES FAIR01. An;Listloth, 1888. One Long Sldyh, Clinton, Jahr 17th, 1888, —0— One Une •?Oeond-haml l,,r,/;ty, - Oleo fight Carl. - Sr DA 'V I S, `m - `. CLINTON . THE Two I etty si 101,' Ilrttwe..',,', NO PAIN WITHOUT ITS PLEASURE. •a•�a��m„�.�.,._.. PROFIT IIS DOW. One Furnace, now, ---__. And a f7 flatlet' of other rll't1PICR he- It sou have find the painful experience l soil• t 0 int, Lire ' nr;nearing ym,r clothes while oat ® ST 1pn. Fdk t0 flu' 13rllrhe)•ltt;/ l2tNlnC,y,v, pleusnre seeking or otherwise, y^ou have the ��1,'^';H moi„ Ninvor have FINE GOODS sold for I,011'I?R l'ILIChS t)ran ase are n0le•',sickish; un out t pleasureen knowing that they can be dyed, clean- B irresistible Spring K:u'�;:Li119. X1'0 nyh the niviler�e of sr r. Fdtnll ,tarticnlnrsapply to NEWed,crfrenehele«ned,nsthecneemayncceasttnte, lento you on the J. �'� rq � as well as they c;ln he done to the worlrt, try the ;O; clovest ficin;; margins the FINEST STYLES AND C� ALITNS that money o,:n buy f@I�R noted Tailor and clothes Cleaner of the west. in the line of 7 A. W.,CAR%jr l aF,, via.,ia St l'he subscriber has opened n Liquor store its Cr _T og o v' PEMNO BLOCK, MARKET 8QUARE, CLINTON, MEN'S and 80 Y'8 CL O THING SOUND ADI'ICP•,.--Those havingenles of any e�� � ������ kind shpald eonefrlcr that it is Just ns ntrpnPGutt �• wi"tllwA full stock Of LI iota of the 'ERF BE5'l' BRANDS, cohsistin in 1 to have their posters pl•nperly disrinj•ed and np. ■ q T S, E Ins ,eCt the Goods, colt tale the Prices and y"ll nl(lst ailmit that we arc o(loring the (vent neatnnrl nttrnchve, rs It Is to hnvo n on, part of FRENCH COGNAG BRJIND�' in wood and -bottles, Hest Holl OppOPtlllllty Of t110 3Cn40n, GiPe ins last O11C ehagi,'n f.0 I11nIt0 'Ott t 1 t enttioneer. Trrrs \rttt`s•Rt; nxn ltnirt?s IL s17Cr,tlty TLe subscriber has I°ased the bakery Of 1tr. (}in in WOOCI 9nd bottled �ernard'9 IOtll Eiln !n roods at hCd ro lc J 1 al l y with beautiful of this class of `o "thou hove the m«terial'nnd D°dstvorth, n few doors west of rho Commorcinl , wood and bottles, Irish and b c prices, Er0n0my, Colufort and satisfaction goes with Cl'0ry pnreilasa orperlence to acre yon t+hnt con ttnnt at very Iroise, and wall be genii to rocclve n shore of Scotch Whiskies in wood and bottles, Finest ;'ort and Sherry Wines in wood made of rens�nablo prices. public patronage. I'Ini, and Fancy Bread, and bottles,Bass' Ale In t Callus and l'astre• 0f all kinds,fnrnlshed on short pts, anal (Jts,, (4uines9 Stoirt in ptA. slid fitsThe j , t I'I notice, Onl the bestmnterth used and turned Whiskies, Canadian Ale n.nl1 I'orfer, Native Wines, t're. �, 'S��p��(�D Ale Leading� �y i �ROPI:IiT7 POR "TALI: OIt otrt in :t Ettinpe'to plenst the most fnstidinus , '�'�jl(1j1, ' �1j1j oj1, O'17 RR \T. A.+•,.r,te(rstvillfinrl"Th7 palate. WEnDiNpCAKESgotnpinthon,nst A CALi, SLILI('ITLD. (i111tD5 DI:T,I`'T;lilD, Tailor, 1J1 V L11U 11 C tews•Iteeo+<I" c Lt n{ the best I11 PlI1Q Il,a -is style. ;nth mill. } n� lTnrnn. AQurtl.(, in the�• EPHEMPZLINTONTHE, ewe•ft�cmrd"•-'I'' iibloi�'TRrcnlldrlivrrcdtl';ilpwsa!'rlt���yi►j��, IkatoThnttv:Inlla T; ' - sena^arN• i . K. NEWS -RECORD FOR FIDE PRiNTING, t �w .. �, .. .,:Qrw .�• l\, "Y.,. ub. .�✓: W., _..i. h,u ,LJ .,,;.., ri .. ��-�:.. .. ..,_..... ., .. .. ry(i