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The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-12, Page 2
1 . .. - 1.1 , ' .. , that the wheat acreage of Great .__ attC �'yttt'alt )utuo iieco'f,t . _ EAL. are like the people "ancient ')ii PLIBLIOUSIi- T13 YEAR'S wAEAT vitor 20,, PER Thgt jovial old Democrat, Senator M°, Every Wednesday Morufng, CnNZ GESS THAN OE •1887-- YaUco, Of North Carolina, according • —_--==_ i _- ____ __-.— _.:_._.- -_ _ F0ItEIGN WREA` ___---._.,--_...��.._.-_._..__ _:-•---- THEDEACON HAS T that the wheat acreage of Great .__ attC �'yttt'alt )utuo iieco'f,t . _ EAL. are like the people "ancient ')ii PLIBLIOUSIi- T13 YEAR'S wAEAT vitor 20,, PER Thgt jovial old Democrat, Senator " ; Every Wednesday Morufng, CnNZ GESS THAN OE •1887-- YaUco, Of North Carolina, according . —9Y'**'-- THISOUTR1#009 IN RUSSIA to the press report, in his speech on Brown, a miner, bail coma from the t 1 �Y r`L�R``, bAtlt� ' AND ELSEWHEOE I,NTERES- the Fisheries Treaty' accounted for M. yield probably will be more litre TING TO 0-I.NADIANS. the remarkable heat exhibited by that of 1879, which 'was the worst AT rilEur . the Republicans against the treaty and cleaned. 00111 all out in rapid PBWER PRESS PRIBTiNG HOUSE, Eugliah authorities say it is avid• by telling the story of a fellow in ' , is that the British ,crop will be sit that this is going to be one of North Carolina who was once .. arutarlo �treet,,Vliinton• the worst wheat and corn years that, caught with all extra "jack" up his The uifititer who, in the red school -house, teacheth "dic young idee •— $'1 So (a Year its Adva,nce. Europe has known in a long while. sleeve when playing a game of "old Orders by mail prompt]\• attended to. harvest of about 85,000,000 hecto � Continued rain and cold weather sledge," and who in reply to the " ' The 11ropri6t0l•80f TlIE GODEut" NEws, have out tha crops down almost fierce denunciation of his adversary, ?' „', having purchased the business and plant everywhere save in Russia. In Great said : "$ill, you know we were 'six . u_______ -_ ______ -_ of THE Huauv HEOOttO, will in future Britain I{ains•Jacksou, who is the and six,' and it was your deal, and able, being reduced as the days go publishtheamulgamatedpapersinClinton, best agricultural observer in the I was obliged to do oamething." - under the title of run Huaov NEws- Kingdom, tell me the hiwvest may So, said he : "The Presidential . -- R•Eoo«u." be said to recede as the season eloption is coming on, and tine Re- 30 per cent.. under that of last ear, p Y , Cliuton is the most prosperuus towx in Western Ontario, is the sant of con3iQorable advances. Half of the English publican party, which desires once strongest oath "I vum" ; "' 'Cradition says that when ho wits young at ,nanufacturitg, find the centre of the finest crops ought to have been secured p a more to get into power, and whose attracted the attention of the entire agricultural section ill Ontario, by this date, and probably not n chief joy is 'tile flesh pots of Egypt,' -Which is about the average of the hast six years. Iiut the general The cou�bined Circulitti,ui of'cus�Tr•.Ivs- twentieth part has yet been out, knew, that the game stood about > �, REeuan exceeds that of any p-iper pub- The country millers are exceedingly 'six and six,' and that the deal tuns Winnipea Iiu:uil Alt"Trade was hold •ished in the County of Huron. It is, nervous about the near future. ours, nud that they were obliged to `. ihereforo, unsurpassed its an advertisillo There will undoubtedly be an do soiletbina." ,. ; inedimrl• a'�'Patas of ativertisino liberal, suit inferior wheat and barley crop this Y p This ie a 9tol' which cuts both J ;,;?_ 1. ' f'irnished on application. year. The editor of the M(trh Lane ways. The anxiety that the Repub- — -- 6''Pa4ics mal:inA, contracts for a s1 ei• E:cj)ress says :—"Every day increa- lieans show because the Dornocrats E I licit time, ,+ho,li,cuntinee their adi'iert,se- ses the peril and lessens the chances "have,Lhe deal"—to wit the offices " inents before the expiry of the $alto, will of a good crop." so the testi many nnil the control of the public money ''',. be chan,ed full rates. accumulates. 'Their is dan-or of —is not a whit lose significant than "it., let hu) soul the ,while ,v� play witlrin Advortisemout9, withunt instructions as A t' fl b left to the 'ud�- misapprehension In Amerioa, owing tile seerene confidence which the . IQm space h ]filo, it � •I li moot of the compositor i6 Cho display, ill- to the recent unexpected discover I . Y Demoeaats display on account of p y CL'1•ted until forbidden, nleasurod by a that the wheat acreage of Great possessing that advantage. They scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the Britain this year has increased 10 are like the people "ancient inch), and charged 10 cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a line for each soh- ,l)er cent. When it is recalled that ,of Poduuk town," as described ill one ' 9etlllellt 1llsertl Ull. Orders to discontinueu's this is on the small basis of a total of the -late `George T. Flaniga -�dvertigelleuts Inst be in ,vritinv. liereago of 2,317,000 acres, ,it will 'of ballads. A stranger, one Mister air' Yotices set ,'as nE.+ursc a.ALrrsIt, be seen that it is not much inn. Brown, a miner, bail coma from the - "tr,easuie,t by a scale of solid Nonparkl, 12 portance. As a matter of fact the wild west and had put up at the lines to the ineh) chal;ged at the rate of yield probably will be more litre tavern, where he began to play 10 eoufs a line for each insertion. that of 1879, which 'was the worst seven tip with. the local celebrities . year of the century, than like any and cleaned. 00111 all out in rapid J6B W( RK. Iother. The common-estmate now' succession. We have one of the best appointed Jeb is that the British ,crop will be The haidlord awl ry,'tile hostlerhold, the • dJffices west of Toronto. Our facilities in this department enable its to do all kinds 25 per cent. below the excellent sta,a uuach-(hiver,free. of work—from a calling card to anlanunoth Yiold of „ year. The deficiency !ll westel•n' Europe is almost as The uifititer who, in the red school -house, teacheth "dic young idee •— po$ter, in Cho best styio I(Tio,wn to the craft, and at the lowest possible rates 1 marked. France now expects a Yes; all, the players ofrenown. ill Podunk Orders by mail prompt]\• attended to. harvest of about 85,000,000 hecto � towu t All ha It ono down before MI., Bi -own who Address a litres against 110,000 000 last ,year. saitli -Ye are merit for Tile." The-Weivs-Record, ' Italy has a wheat deficit of 20 per Disgusted with the loss of their - 1. Clinton. Ont cent. on last, year. In . Germany Money suit disheartened the loss . u_______ -_ ______ -_ the crops are all very backward ; the wheat estimate,,- never favor- of the renown of tlto village, the The Hum News -Record able, being reduced as the days go people of Podunk turned in ,thoir City of America.' Rather more than Rye, it is feared, with be 30 anxiety to a famous player of olden $L50 a Year—$l.?5 in Advance. _ , ,by. _I)er cent. below the average. tillle, Deacon Clapp : — Roumania reports a ' when erop The deacon lie lives fu his uld farm -house • Wednesday, ycIA. ]201, 1888. 30 per cent.. under that of last ear, p Y , hn`1 nllafieth the Meaford rtun ; Itis yea is yen, and his nay is nay, and I, is -- ---_— —__ although an increased acreage., Russia is said to have the best yield strongest oath "I vum" ; "' 'Cradition says that when ho wits young at X[CKING AGAINST THE YAN- KEE DEAL. for the past three years, and India a $acct -u he was "some" ; we attracted the attention of the entire yield is put at 253,000,000 Bushels, But vainly implore hf ll now to city Te - lief to Coale. CHF WINNIPEG BOARD OF rttaut -Which is about the average of the hast six years. Iiut the general As -a .good church member the TAKM A IIAND iN Till,, story about wheat is gloomy, and deacon was loth to Meddle, lint in -- A special-enelill nestle- of the corn is even worse. It seems almost the.eud he yielded to the clznior of lits distressed tou•usmou for Winnipea Iiu:uil Alt"Trade was hold a universal: coglplaint, too, that Ivheat is of poor quality. ven- genre, and drove into tli'o -tulvu and o at which the .folluwil,- 1."�lution done Ili Arizona be accounted for. Bitched his liono fu front of the Inas c�rried'alluu.t un,iuihuuusl" :— J _... _. ____ taveria, saying Whereas, 'filo Iled Itiv.,er' `'alley THE PRICES OF WHE:'tT AD. "1'onr 11.aeedutiau or I've heard, our Y �' Railway is constructed by the Pro V1INC.ING. deep )Iistress I've seen. Vince of Mauitoba fur'*purpose • — -- And I'll play- 'Oster Brown tu•day stile of of%rd}namur,h n,�1•,lo,l;uompetit• The wheat crop of Europe is II host n It o thirteen ; f ° iou in 1'reight rate, to :lie people of ,Ioli3icut, auil the supply 8,3111 t11a I;Alf �t"Clears Icnolvn I �imhled had, m in t1119 COIlI1tI'J' ^•• \„Ithwes,+ rn States is far 'billbw a bar had been; 'Then it wnnid smirch. tile Cattle or the . And, w1i, rv;t th,; Pr•ovinco th.' ;t+n 11 iluautity, therefore there ,11101 --sad �oaudid 'Curti, I nose. " proposes to aid lil)es of rvtilway from ev •Ills to be good �1•ensurl to expect "it., let hu) soul the ,while ,v� play witlrin 1�'fntt'ipa;; to the Pur age, unit trent BigBri' ltrict than prevailed eluting Cho ttivcril conga . Morris to Brandon, ; til hist few years, ��'f)h fete excep_ I)isturh ❑ie not with "mitt" eyes of w,nee•s • 6ee,lless hum And,. whereas the GOvel•1111U?rdt dulls It is .a good plat] for the far-. !Tae's on the tabl,2 a tumhlel• ;,,.,(Ia,jllg of, proposes to trulefor there lines of niers to sell promptly, for they take s[Cafdrtl ruin, railway to the corporation h hewn as, extra risks when they try to be grain AnelI will tackle the ('1101]'• au,l fetch the Northern Pacific iii,] Manitoba speculators as well as grain prudlle- him in-f"di•:n i ! I " Railway Company-; at•s. But the market is now rising The players'aro lucked. ill ; the • Resolved, that in the`' opinion of and our farmers Inay as well, get the crowd gathers about the tavern ; the this board the control of said lines tut) figure. One dollar a bushel deacon's little boy gets his eye to a of railway should not ba abandoned would have boom considered a vary crack in the door and reports pro- witbout arranging for ample facilit- s:ttisfactory price las! fall, It ought gress. The match .is very close,and ies being given upon reasounbie to be obtained thisyear. The greedy. the crowd groans or exults as the tette$ to exery road wishing to liter man may hold his too lona and resnit, of each game is given, Mr. the, ,Province, to culnpete for the lose by it, but having regard 'to the Brown and the Deacou scoring al• . - trade. '' I riiarkCt iildic:llions, we cannotadvit;o ternately, and start{ling even as the The resolution was strongly sup- the farmers to be in a hurts, to sell thirteenth game begins. The crowd ported by Messrs., Kemnet,h Me. their wheat, for in all probability waits for bulletins as to its varying Kenzie, Aid. Macdonald; Luxtou prices will rule higher a mouth or fortunes in an agony of suspense, and other prpnlinent ltofurniers and "Iiespeler twu hence. till at last— hy Whitla, Brock, Gilt, and other Cousarvat.iveS. Afr. ash- - "W`�- ''IN HOSPiTAiil,E" CANADIAN. The beacon's curl beaded son back from the door doth reel, down and four others opposed it PRAIPUES, Antishouts aloud in a voice so shrill A member of the Government is - -- it almost is a squeal, . responsible for the statolllant Hilt 1,500,000 BUSHELS OI'' WHEAT RF,ADr "Is the game clone?" "ti'ho'S wuu?" Jbjectiuus to the agroarnent have FOR HARVFSTING AROUND 3IORDFN "m'ho's won ?11 ".,tick ! The ro- been ler-sly swept a,% ay bytile i(i\I, ANDGRETNA, sult. reveal l' contract which will be ratified by -a ___ Ho cries: "The score i5 ('I and G—AND 1.11'0' 7na•1YD]'lty. A 131'gtl 11 llnlbCl' Of 1'l1C L'XCll1'910I1Isle to .1101 -doll On DAD HAS HOT Till,'. DEAL I" incl lbers were around to -Clay mitt a Saturday Aug. 18 }lath an opportunity 'Flied burst (font that ,great e�z�1,icours0 0311CU9 is 601U- ]tdld to-ni-ht. Thu of seeing what Afanitoba call do at n cheer the 11eaCen,3 {;aVO Yrtick ; „ ' Feee 1), ss continues its opposition wheat-Ifi.ising. Old residents in the They Slcarwed on the t:lvurn Stoup, they Peeped ill through the crack ; t0 tla C011tt'ACt 9Unlnning U t11C 0 1country' 1\'110 ]tale Illnde \]rine; )eg 1 a They saw the deacon shuffle and the sitnatiou its fullua•eil : "A road their.holne fur ten or twelve ye ars miner cut the pack, e0311n- the provitloo 1$750,000 is flail n0 conception of the capabilhies And the d„acon grini, - lie 1\'illk,',t at ,old to it company of foreign gon- of this country until .they saw, the hila; and dealt and turned the. tIoll ;u for a like nnlouut of our ow'u crops along the C, P. R. branch to Jack] bonds. The hon'i19 are issued on Alordel. Passing . Morris, and And it is so with the Democrats sect:ity of prol arty created by oaf- travelling ovctr all uninhabited sec- of -the country. Thougl I the aaluo so1VOS. A further 811111 of $320,000 tion of-ood arable laud which it is nlny bo.close thov J•r�Jl with the ex is given them to spend on that road a wonder )ills not been sattled, the nitation of Till anticipxted triumph, '- as thev Ao fit. Tit,) Sunt of .9624,- traiu'strikes a "wheat holt," and for fur Deacon Cleveland has got the 000 i9 given then] to buy the ford milesaiid milesmortheastof Morden deal,'while the Itepublieaus by the to thq, Portage, which is sold for tlio eye, sleets nothing but one introduction of an extra jack (lull : 400,000. Two bridgos costing 880,- eontinnous cultivated field of wheat into the game have. strong hopes of 000 are donated to them, - With its oats, barley and flax, the lattoonised wiutling. own bond issnn, pgrt of which is principally etnong the Metnonito __ ___.__-._ ._ - � guavautevil, the Company onter upon fnrnlara. Wlii!o land ill &he• sec- ' the construction'of the., lirandon lions of illltwi„b:t is e(XGally -god —Prol.Goldwine emit( ivit Nvill- road withsecurities inhandamount- it is no wonder that -the southern nipeg for the Fast on Friday. ing to 820,000 per mile, No one portion of this province is called -.-Nine new cases of'yellow fever can deny that this i9 a favored coni- "the garden of Ma'Aitoba," for there oil Ttinaday in aJackcoirville. pan J'. With ns+istanro on this the [tm•nlers show what the soil call —Extellsivo uiek(•1 cr, hIyiugs gelleroli9 9Cille nIJY thy- or foilr do , when cul.tfvated extensively, Dave been fUlltl,l 111 i3O�:UI CJllnty "01100nhou in Manitoba could oasily It is .estinhatod that around Gretna Karl, start out to girdle the earth with a ai d Mordon, th.o. wheat yields, this he es a —Tho e�tinl iter innue Alt' Nolth- railway, spason will reaeli 1,,5.00,000 bushels. 1V09t 11113 39 i1 B111'e ith- ot voice savouring of command. It may tin' been that the girl didn't 1'bc mention of frost to n Alerden been exaggerated, —\1r. If. G.tlla-har, ticket agont O ' ) b at tilt 1[oward At Luston, farmer is a declaration of a wordy lwlil'filre. Filrmors haVU nOt ]ltd t110 —'rile (rel•ellilnetlt S:Ipp,,I't in 11day. , shot,' ile"11 on lion<lay• gligiltest fear of frost and in the a tho Ilanituba L-gislatdre will lie --'1'Bu' P,riti3l) navy inan(euvere9, `chant belt mentioned not a single about.30 in a honse of 3.8. are to result ill an relit -oil navJ, straw has suffered. A large, portion --A young wum-in in Chiclgo is and the strange• repeated his ordor of thn Virley is in sthock, and oats tryin- to org.inizu a Il:irrigon and —Tho rentor -rows that 1I r. 11'. will be really forcutting during, the Afurton (;III)) of,iLis, iI. sinith i, to cunni a peer, . latter part Alt' this week: and first of —Losses frtom f,r �t tire; ill -Shelburne's by:law,grant 12- next. ]Cinders are alroady ill tL , Northern Alirhi„-ISI u.t :tat ,., ,,volt 000 for the water works, II',Is o•,61ried wheat fields cuttin;; the rinormbus ns •h lve horn r"�, )rf" 1. N) iv ,s by ti Intjority of 24. crops. I I liavo boon lust, ro n V N FOR OUR sT.4R'TR, ADiM. pity of my i0vOrance, and eurptlse.'pocomtilioh wu4, f(erfggrmod by the, .. ft'h�ld alit one sceptical lIs to pativi wagon, o041;01�lnS. 1,iet�ten- °"' Y 131;I;1t ItULL. BEE BULLETS I ha o eaty of the boys inteutione,, ; ant and it � ut twoul N'. Inchestor -'--� tltst nen r afterwards have I a'low- rifles,. with,sufllciottt almmunit'ion to ed a ttuu t as to the veracity of i, Ir. use if noce"ary. T,bs petrol A WESTERN SKETOH. Warner's storle'a to appear in my ,party took about twouty prisoners, who, . • face, still loss have I translated my bespattered with blood, with their Such in display type, with star- doubts into words. clothes torn, their faces and hands ing capitals and exclamation points, was the heading of an article in the 'Wouldn't have shot him 1 Great scratched, and their hair dishevelled, Daily ]tanner setas issued the Scott 1 wouldn't he 1 ,Why, I've looked more like scarecrows eloped from than men. To morning of Monday, April 11, even a luau. shot because be ate peas with a fork, down in Ar'ona,' said a cornfield complete the picture, there was a 1887' Mr. Warner, with a look of righte.. rough sketch of the room (lit up by :Denver, it is well kuown, is the ous indignation from which there an illuminated card of Horne, .Steeel chief city betwoen Chicago and San could be no appeal. Home),_ in which the holes in the Francisco. It is the centre of awalls I really believe these things did looked like so many black greatmining and agricultural dis• happen 'down in Arizona.' $u6 beetles, in which the chairs were trict ; it is the nlnecting point of a the explanation for many atrocities all 'split into toothpicks,' and in network of railways ; it boasts a too dreadful to be here" mentioned, which a most saintly looking person state -]louse, a population of between I gathered, wits to be found in the —intended, I believe, to represent seventy and eighty thousand, and a Fact that owing to climtitia influence the murdered man—was depicted as climate which entitles it to the —chiefly, of course, the want of though saying his prayers to Clio proud appellation of the 'Queen water—insanity obtained amougst a last of a row of boor barrels. The City of America.' Rather more than startling proportion of the inhabit- whole thing might have been got twenty years ago it was a mere min• ants of Arizona. The forms which up by the reporter who put a funer- iug camp, unknown save to millers insanity there took were dteadful. al under the heading 'amusements' 'cause and cattlemen. The reports of dis- In that country, every bush had a he got it up kind o' funny. \ coverlos of fabulous rich minerals thorn, every insect a sting, and I went to see the prisoners im in the Loadville Hills ten years ago every man a revolver and bowie. jail, and was present at their tlial- attracted the attention of the entire knife. One can conceive what dire The jailer was a negro. I compli- continent. Capital and emigration Also such weapons as the knife and mented him with half a dollar and flower} towards Colorado, and Dun- revolver would be put to by clad- some tobacee; and. with a bow and a vor -was transformed from arude settle than. Indeed, on no other theory grin he became my conductor. The went into a goodly city, from a little can the diabolical deeds said to be prisoners were of tike lowest -type of coach visited town into world of done Ili Arizona be accounted for. humanity conceivable. Not one of , • rapid motion and rushing railways. Thorn lynch -law took summary them spoke a work of English. The The old order of things gave way vanaeaneo; insanity was notadmitt_ Deuve•f`tes complained, doubtless before that great eiviliser, the 'iron o(1 as any . justification ; asylums with justice, that their 'lowbrowed, horso ;' and the traveller of to -day there were none ; mitigating cir- brutal faces bespoke .thein to be of finds it difficult to believe in the oumstances we're not, and could not the lowest .type of the foreiguera ° robberies of yesterday.' Loudon it- be, taken into account. Rye -whiskey who were shipped to that c(,unt'y self boasts°uut of better roadways, assisted the p@stilential climate to to get them away front their native or of busintlss houses more hand- produce. criminals,. who, if taken lands.' They were lodged in a • somely massive and solid in charac- red-handed, were killed on the spot structure called the'bull-peu.' The • - ter. 'Toa Cockney, to be sure, the without trial of and kind. jail consisted of a large. chamber oil glare and want of finish and harni- l�e'eenove 7L03 'rlIO2lEAIr�. I have the ground -floor of a handsome guy about the streets aro not pleall• said that I had arrived Denver building which in England would gut. Toone who has been accustom- .at on t.hce lnevious afternoon. I was be called .a town -hall. '1'hc• crimin- ed to move between the plaid ripe the Windsor Heel, a at court was on the first floor, and T old buildings of London, the adver- 'uncomineud most a ►Ilu9t elegnutly appointed hotel in the rest of the building was set tisemouts and their the modern Got•]hic"kt le built of ]gran- apart for public offices. Thore was ,,, able iteration' savour of vulairity' But there is an air of bustle about Colorilido sto.na.-trItnnled with e jail; t was lip lt, aid its fere turebout llooked the place, a ring of decision about ire. AIy room looked out upon 'Latimer^street, the principal busi' slight even to frailly. The colts - the voices, a self•reliau.t expression pass thoroughfare, The hotel is a extended round the.ehatnber. An about the clear out American ftlatu- five story building, find contains y g, iron partition divided one cell from res, which tell of the healthy nat- Tonal buslnese ptilse• which beats upwards of three hundred rooms. another, and It gate of iron bars . formed the front. In this case from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Nearly Nearly the whole of the basement .stone walls (lid a prison: inake, and It was Monday morning. I had is occupied by s spac)uus hall, known as the '.rotunda,' in..which iron biu•s a cage No one had as - arrived at Denver on the previous the chief exchange li nsiness of the caped, any conductor told me, but one man had been fetched out and Sunday afternoon, ein•ily Ivey from New York to San Francisco. My town and neighbourhood is toll- ducted. The wbble buildiva is lynched.' Round the 'bull•peu,' desire to see western life,t always lighter] by electricity and heated which was a hugo detached square cage in the centre, •was a footway • great, had been led fat' by Illy fellow•travollers. New York and by steam. An electric button plae a a well disciplined army of attend- sonic six feeb in breadth. The occu- , its wouders had disappointed me : ants Alt the conlli�and of the travel- pants -of this don were amusing ' themselves in One they were too much like London. Of my follow -travellers, one was an ler ; the table is supplied with a wealth of Milk, cream, vegetables, various ways. ,vas playing the part of a barber ; "fast American, whose angles had been . and fruit from it model farm owned thick and fell his eonn•ade's 'looks as he ploughed away with a ith rubbed of by intercourse with Europe ; the other was an English- by the Denver Jl ansion Company ; and tUo 'Turkish, Electric, Russian, rusty pith of scissors which dis all- . mai, the greater part of whose life and Boman baths also under the act to click: Sol�?e._ :veto taking their ease at full length of the theirstraw; eaeothers had llccu spent in Arizona, George C,, Warnor, Its the latter signed his Santo mavageuleut, aro supplied, as is the' hotol from an nrtesiau wore talkie excitedly., . g Y cha,que-,. hell been led by circum• ,Nell 'They. for which man health-,,'ving ro- Ya 2 p jabbered and gesticulated at . rue: Diy conductoi 'interpreted this sfanCes to the Wes when the travail- lug parties are claimed. Tho wants of into a request for .tobacco for chew - u•as not to be .accomplished with' all ,thy: comfort to be obtain- the pleasure seckelt or the traveller are all anticipated in 'tll,is truly, ing. At that•titne they wore good - ed ill it middle class hotel. Ile slid palatial bttildiD&. 1 a • lininored and, quiet. When first brought in they had been obstrep- Uot..profuss'to.have been one of the pioneors of rho �Vost ; but ho Ili fid I was sitting -at the window ab- -orous ; but a few bacltots of water 'hoofu(1' the journey, ani 'roughed' sorbing the, sentiment and observ• were thrown •over thele, and Lor - it when ho reached his d-e3tinatiom: ing the people. Everything 11 -as golly ! them was gttiot, yoq.'bet. His euterpriso had boon rewarded.; bathed in beautiful•suulight, sun- They Ivore brought up for trial ho had mails a fortune, and could light as beautiful as that of Maples, on the Tuesday, �'o interpreter now afford to travel liko a million- The atmosphere was that of'summer could be found, and for a time.it airs. IIs was a -god ruroietet(r, and ,rattler than spring, aid so clear, that looked ti's if nothing could be done - his voice, tools, and manner ill- the _snow-capped heights of the The prisoners were formed in a lino dicated a profound belief its all he Rocky Afouutains,distautfiftJ•miles,• which reached from one wall to the' anid. Many and good were the showed a dazzling bri-htnEss against other. With their caps in their stories with which lie beguiled the, the azure sky. ' 'file trees were put- hands, •they looked dazedly at the . hours sits the novelty •had worn off ting forth buds, and here and Hero ,judge. The baby was Ili evidence, rho journey, and when our clothes a lawn was bright with glass of a and, litre Dicken's pour consume- - were saturated'Ivith alkali dust. vlvld green. Everybody seemed to tivo, 'seemed to wonder what it was 'I reelect once,'said Mr. Warner, be in the streets, .enjoying the open ' air in light mats and verylig11t over- all about.'. At length an interpreter was secured-. The attempt to And one evening when we wear© in the coats. 'There was all unmistakeable out their names led to great con- smol:in,•roonl,'out in Arizona, bein' atmosphere. of prosperity about the fusion. The interpreter seemed al - ill a$'loon. 1Ve were just havin' place, and an odd mixture of city mo';it as much at -sea its tho prisoners. dinner. Theo Inas a girl wnitiu' and of country life. On each side, The counsel for the prosecution was on us—you must know that girls between the broad roadway and the obliged to remind him that one of • ain't culninon in those parts—and •markedly clean footways, ran a. little the prisoners had had four names, the boys were pertickler fond o' stream of water. Iand , it was ultimately decided tb her. \Val, a Ulan come in and sat just oppositeoneo' the boys.' The rugose was brol:on by a patrol christen him 'Philip Flatlip.' An - The The girl brought hili sonto half- wagon containing °ruled ,filen. It dashed up the street, tuln,ed to the other prisoner was so loquacious that the interpreter was commander) dozen dishes, fine] atalongst'em some beans. right, suit lvae lost to my view. to 'stop .his talk.' By the time their Tek these balms away ;` I don't The bystanders roused themselves . some few followed, as they would names wore ascertained the judge �• J a was exhausted, and adjgnrned the eat beans, said the strange•, in a have followed a fire elgluo, but Cho in'I'niry for week. voice savouring of command. It may tin' been that the girl didn't greater number quietly• went their - Thitkrevpning I visited the theatre. hear him, or it unity ha' been that way. Afrs'. Langtry played Lady Clancarty she kind u' the luno in Baby = beer —, Mullets !—Paby before nu iturueuse awlieiee.- The .resented which the order was liven. Any- Lost Sight of ill L'cer and BlUOd.-- -"menton of the-rlllery, who know way, she didn't take any notice, I+fere, then, was the solution of the 'jVus a gout] thiva when they see it, O , and the strange• repeated his ordor tnystory of the patrol wagon. wit 1111Y applauded hot• sensntioual in still more peren.ptory manner, there anything comic about it l Shortly, tila story Inas this, The, fall. lit truth, it is the most start - lin- full ovc r seen ultou the, stage. The girl put out her hand to ru the nuwishoil•for dish. polish part of the town h'lid'beon And when; in the l,t..4t act, she de - the the scene of a brutal drunken riot. clnred, clinging wildly to Mr. 'Stop 1 lie dues eat beans,' said a A woman uanled \Its. Diary Klui- Charles Coahlan, that^'her country cowboy, whipping out a revolver dor invited bar friends to celebrate wits in hor husband's arras,' there suit covering the, new -comer• file christening of her eight months' was'a wild hurroo of delight, and a Click l went the hamtnor. 'Strang.. old baby. With her husband she .voice yelled, 'Bravo, miss!' 211r. er, if -v CAI don't got away wi' then lived in one of a row of single -story Coghlan was still more snccostiful in beaw, PH make cold tneatof you., teucnlout houses in the Centro of it `llohliug the, ilirior lilt to nature,` 1'he stranger ilial eat the beans. district inhabited by foreigners en1' and ,the Denver critic who insisted • 'Bring him <another plateful.' It ployed chiefly in the iron -works of that the feu nacre did not burn was brought and eaten in silence. the town. Before the time for within Mrs. Langtry, admitted tint, This 'was reheated udtil, ice plata• christening arrived, mauy of the Coghlan had genius—and gellllt9 ba fuls had been dispersed of. Them nlen were intoxicated. A quarrel not lavishly dispensed by nature. the rovolver was returned to its, began]. Soniobody draw a revolver I left for Sam Francisco ou the. Illac'e, and the 'boy' remarked to and fired two ahots. The •wholo following morning. For tile, the ' his fellow diners, in a tone half c%- company then joined in a free fight, Il. Ii, 1i. tragedy was over. I learn- lt.and nd 11alf'Justlficatory, blit which was put an t?nd to by a 1)01lce ed subsequently that one Of the wholly decisive:; 'I want a-goin t' patrol armed with Winchester rifles, actors in it stlfroved file (teat.), ,let, - the liltI,!girl insulted, 'any- but not before one man had been alty, way :Jou forgot it :'killed and 'two others seriously Yes, the romantic colvboy is gone. I ven'tuletl to hint that refusal to w0uuded, Between twenty and Gentle dry -goods utell, and dainty eat the bean3 would probably not thirty persons were arrester] and ban]: clocks •nlnrch about under the hnvo b-,ou followed by it .pmnish. placed in jail. _ cowboy's attractive headgear; but no inent al'o,ethitr is disproportionate According to the' leading daily one foars their fierceness ; for, 4m- ' to the offend] m thea" to wil"Ich the of Delver, at the beginning of the Stead of a•black imizzlo under the •_ t:uwl):r•'s conduct pointed. But row, officer Hart ',�a led ill, but they hat, a tobacco -stained- Chiu, their ,NII•. "-.tl•Ilel' s° -':lied liart. by .the piled upon hill], and at the first Chins al'o 'llew-reaped, and show 9ilsj);0:1)11, "11,11 C. 111", a look so .shower of bricks he ,,rlilPrl Otit,' like stubble -lands Int hnrvest•holne,' f! 11 if eentr-nlp : of my opinion, .. , That which oft}eer hart faile,l to Yes, the broad -shouldered, black-