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The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-12, Page 1
V ■ W. W - Wi R, T.. I I H-.. r.ECOR-b TPS[t11162— 1.50 per Anoumr,Q,1.25lot Advance. ° INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING WItITELY .k 4'QPD, Putlllrltcii VOL. IX.—NO. 39. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT„ WEDNESDAY SETPTEKBER 12, 18'88 WHOLE -NO. 513' Prat c�ull�ra l,ou1~teuca Goderielk. Mr. E. C. Wade, barrister o Brussels, was in town last week. 'Ir. Horace Horton has returne front his North Western trip. Capt. J. W, Green spent it tfiiv days tit hove last wook. Mr. C. Crabb has returned fron his Pastern trip. Inspector Tem visited the tow schools last Frithay. The 'Town Conncil had a l.on, session on Monday evouiug. The pipe laying contractor expect to hays their contract corn pleted by the and of next month. Air. William Roberts, express, Inessollgel', Toronto, is putting i his holiday season at the'old home Tho -schooner Goldltunter• ire _.Jive'red itcargo of li iriber at this port 'last week. '.x. Rev, A. ,McKay of Luckuuw preached in Knox church las Sunday. Tile schooner Tudinan with a varp of ]umber for AIr. H. Secorc arrived in barber Iasi 'Thursday. Tha plum season of .1888 in this ueighbulllidil is what tnAv he fairly +;tilled rt ba (I ono AIr. iI: Secord who has it largo fat -111 ill Ahallitoh>t hall a very large portion' UI' his whent crop injured by frust. 'Major Crahe of Toronto w•as in town among old friends last weal:. The Major looks as ifTuroutb agreed with him, reports are .coutitlnally corning to hand, showing the grain crop in Ontario to be far in advance of early expectations. While digging in West street last week some cedar logs were found as sound as on the day they %•ora put in the -round, supposed to be some fifty years since. Yesterday afternoon the Oddfol- lows of town, assisted by a number of brethren from Cron, in AMait. laud cenrctary decor it the graves of deceased members of the Order. liayor Seager and councillors Radcliffe and Humber were away cast last week inspecting the electric lightirle at `several towns, before fivally settling the contract' for the li-citing of•Goderich. The stoamsbip United] EMI)ir•e mails this port on Saturday morning oil hot- llpwar•d. trip :ind took on pass.ongers, a large quantity of apples shipped by D. Cantolqn, Clinton, salt shipped by W. Campbell, between thirty and forty horses for the lumber woods, and miscellaneous merchandise. Ni ext Thursday the Stars of Bright and the Hurons of Goderich will lacrosse on the -rounds of the ]atter club in this town. Tlid' Hurons have shown such command - able pluck: throughout the season, that they ought to be patronized next Thtrr•sday by' a large atten- daTce, " List week while the pipe layers were working on last street, the earth for a distance of forty feet suddenly caved in. Four men who were working in this portion of the trench, tried to jump out but were pinned in by the falling earth, there bein- between two and three feet of earth. The molt were easily released from their sudden, imprison- ment without having- roceivod any injury. St. Goorge's harvest home to- morrow Thursday. 'Tea will be 5erve'd in .the school room, or Rec- tory lawn commencing at 5 o'clock. At 8 p. m. there will be a Harvest home'service in the church', which will bo tastefully decorated with agricultural ,%ad horticultural pro- ducts, The sermon will be preach- -vd by the Very Reverend the Dean of Huron, and the choir servino oil] be appropriate to the occa- sion. The plans for the new public building were reeeivod by '.'own Cleric Campboll last weok. They play be seen in his offico by intend - ill,, contractors from now up to the 15th prox, on which day tenders must be in Public Works Depart- ment, Ottawa, The proposed build• ing is to be of Guelph stone, two stories high laosides the attic, and will have a mausard roof. It will occupy considerable frontage on 'Fest street Navin- two wide en- trances oae for the. P. O. Dept., the other for the Customs and Inland Rovenue. Thd-Post Office wff�l be situated on the ground floor, •the officeB of the customs and inland Revonno Aces beiugon the next floor. The mansard will allow 'IT sufficient accommodation for the cardtaker, On the whole the batildingAppearato be appropriately planned for its intonded purposes, il�d will lie withal an imposing a..ljiton to our town architecture. �ocnz (�o�'ra�lyouctauca G d rich. f The steamer Ontario called in het• upward trip last Wedueadiy. I NIP. Charles Crufts of Lotldc was visiting boyhood sceues fiat) v day and Suuday. Ilev. Rural Dean Craig of Cl 1 ton preached morning, and eveni at St. George's last Suuday: n Mr. Jno Welah of Stiattfortl v ill town this week vkitin- i brother AL•. W. 1`. Wolsh. Tda pipe supply ran out al► Alt day, causing another stoppage a the work. The infant son of til'. F. Lawrence was seriously ill the pa s week, but is now steadily huprc ° I a'. Air. 1'. B. Van Every was in tot AAst week: on business connect with his fishing station, Stuart, the north shore of Lako Superior: v The achuoner Jane AcLeod, ivi t a cargo of lumber for Mr. J. W lianra, arrived in port on Alofid lnot'ning. . I ° Sexton Huo:t of Maitland Ce, otery, had ";he abode of the dea, nicely, arranged for the visit of t Oddfelluws yesiottlay. Tho 5alvatiou Army had 0 largest turn uat last Sunday that has had for many weeks, their b in- 28. marchers on parade. The guntlen'fiu who informed a few days since that the P. would not.be started until an ele tion, ',]vas near at hand, Must no tie-in to realize that his prophocit are not always correct. 'Irs. Clarke and her sister, AIr Barwise, of St. Paul, Minn., �le for house yesterday afternoon alit a six weeks visit at the residence t their parents, AIr. and Mrs. Hug Haruilton. . A couple of Lampe placed by t pips laying contractors to koo ]people front the trenches left open i Di -ht, wore stolen by some pelt thief. If the scoundrel who tht endan-era life and limb is cau-1. tt is hoped lie wili.bi,heavily puuisl ed. ,.1 DRIVF'TO KINCS.. POE, Tha pic•tlic at Doen's grove Iii°-sbridge, `last Wednesday, wa well attended and provod, As it dE served, it decided surcess. We ar very much.pleasod at the financka result, because thokindilessof.Fath at, Boubat in postlZon,ipg 'tile day s as not to interfere with tihe excul siunl oil our civic -holiday, it wa supposed would have it 'contrar' effect. In addition to the resident of 'the township, we noticed Di Tennant, the mcmbers of the Gle, Club and a large delegation fron Lueknow, P. Melly and .hiss Kelt, of Blyth; Dr. Cassady, and hllessrs F. W. Johnston, T. Campion, A, P McLean, Jas. Bailey, T. Swartz ane, T. Griffin, of Goderich ; Messrs Whitely, Clinton, and Ball, Gode rink, represented Trig Hutto,; NEws Rcco m The first portion of tht d€y's progtmlunle was the dinner, tt which about 270 sat down at out time, and as over• four, sittings inert made we should ,judge that. abou eleven hundred i, i eons partook o the ample and ap;,' i iziu- tical pro vided bey the ladi•', '.,f Kingsbridge Tho excitement t1w;a ,ommenced b] Alt,. F. W. John-`•)Ia nomivatiul Mr. J. Roberts, of J) taganuon, anc Dir. E. Campion r,,ninating Air Lawrence, of Lucl.,aow, as Candi dates willing to take home the gok headed cane. After a contest o two hours the poll was declar& closed and the votes counted wit] the following rostilt : Roberts 284 Lawrence 239. The Rev, Fnthei llonbat, in appropriate tarns tie[ presented the cane to DIi•. Roberts who replied,in it short speech it which he thanked Ilia friends for putting him at the head of the poll 'Tile glee singing of .the Luckno%i club was excellent and fairly merit• ed the applause that followed each nullrber. Doncing was indulged i,ti the whole day, the imposing strains of tie AfeCullagh orchestra keeping the dancers in I.he, hest of time and humor. Tho atl;lotic ^]tart of Ill( programme was not as extensive aE it was expected it would be. Du r. ing the day the Rev. Father Boubat and the members of the chnrch did all that it was possible for the con] fort of visitors front a distance, the courtesy of the gentlemen being greatly apprachitod, Provender was supplied free of charge for the hun. dreds of horses on the ground,,and those desiring light refreshments were supplied, from stands on the ground: Messrs: A. If. ]toss anti Robert Porter, who were expected to be present, were unable to at- tend, the forn'or being indisposed and the latter having to attend a Conservative domonstriltion tit Ilea- vertou the follow•in- day. 'The net proceeds of the pie-nic adds a nice sum to the funds of the, church. � �,GacuX (�or>t'a�2>!�aucleute Godcriclt. 1 Mrs. Henry Cooke is visiting he children at Pinconnint, Mich. Mrs. Beit] has returned to Ito home, Oshawa, tiftor six weeks vis' to her sister Mrs. P. Holt. The rtehoonor J. (r. Ji olttu;t brought a cargo of hoops find slave. from Wallaeehur- last week. i The schooner GuNhu�nter• arrive I from the north last week. with t c:u•nu of lwuber for AIr. H. Secure rho Rector of St. George's otlici t aced at Sr. Paul's church, Clintull last Sunday. " 91:©s;u's. 'Tudor and 11. I?, Combo of Cliuton, were in the circular town lai t wvek. The Customs receipts at this per have been steadily increasing the 'last few year's. Mrs. Burry, of Luckuow, left for home this week. While in town Airs. B. was the guest of Mrs. Thus. McJeean, ' Un Saturday the apple lulls shipped fttiur crus of fruit from the G. T. dock besides a large quantity front his own stulw-rod`tir. , Would it not. he well for "the town authorities to put an electric light oltlside the post office and the Guvoruweut to pay for one within. AIr. Robert McLoan returned from his \orthw•ost trip on Thurs- da•y. " 1'he geutlonlan, who looks none the worse for the .outing, speaks of frozen wheat in the Northwest as a great reality. BEAUTIES OF A DANK NOTE. The Canadian Pank of Commerce directors do not believe in putting old !vine in now bultlne. Thoe magnificent new building at Bing and Jordan -streets, Toronto,, is rapid- ly arriving at its top, and ill order to conform with the pristino new- ness of the building and its docorat- ions the gentlenlou at the head of the bank ordered ai complete Set of now notes wherew•itil to ornaulcnt the coffers. The new notes co.dlnlbneed going into circulation last weal;. 1 sufficient supply has not yet arrived from the printers, Lot as soon as it does, allowing time for signiug; -tho old notes will be withdrawn 'fr'om circulation. Ali-. W. Smith, the regular signer, will be assisted -by a stall' of Reye or six clerks, and it is expected that with these it w'iR, be several months before thetask of fix - in -the countersign will be complet- ad. The denominations of the new hills are 5's, 10's, 20's, and 100'x, They are all handsome piee.es of the ongravey's art, and it counter- feiter will find that they are his despair as well as the artist's dolight. The backs of the bills aro covered with an artistic blend•ind of almost every kind of lathe work ever brought into use on .bans; bills. The faces aro also distinguished 'for the beauty of -the engraving• and the intricacy of the design. It would be time misspent for the coun- terfeiter to attempt a re -engraving. The dander of photography is also turned aside. Thu yolloty tint photographs an inky black. and is so indefipitely blended at'tho borders with the other colors that it is absolutely impossible to photo- graph. The face of the 5 shows Litera- ture reclining gracefully in flowing drapery, and with Tier arm leanin- negligently on a book. This pieco of engraving was done by the oldest and -most successful en -raver in the world, Alfred Jones of Now York: On the op:hoside side of the note, the right hand side, is the bauk's seal. The bo,l,y of the face is filled in with the usual declaration, and the figure 5, in multiplied forms constitutes the border.. The chief fi-uro on the back is a out of the new building. This is the prom- inent feature on the backs of the notes of other denominat- ions. The face of the $10 dote has the ' fl-ure of Dritauuia for a centre piece. ,She is surrounded by cherubim ro- presentingcommerce, justice, finance and agriculture. Oil the ]eft hand is the bank's seal and on the right hand Alt is busy with'llis brushes and pallet. The face of tile .520 note shows ller- . Bury riding on a dolphin. To the left I•lie various kinds of navigation are portrayed,' History pursues her vocation in the right hand corner. 'The centro piece of the 5100 note is a pictorial sketch showing Science, with emblematic figures about her. Thea)il is aro signed by .lir. Henry W. J)arling, the President,and will be couutersigne& by lir. Smith and hi9 assititin is. The Dow i4sns • rost $3,8 75 a thoviwind. N, Aral (Orreolraudeuce r r t d t : t` `•ab T'atttl t�,ae�'�e�Ztplldrvice ` Goderich x t Blyth. Goderich '1'uwn&]tip. � �,GacuX (�or>t'a�2>!�aucleute Godcriclt. 1 Mrs. Henry Cooke is visiting he children at Pinconnint, Mich. Mrs. Beit] has returned to Ito home, Oshawa, tiftor six weeks vis' to her sister Mrs. P. Holt. The rtehoonor J. (r. Ji olttu;t brought a cargo of hoops find slave. from Wallaeehur- last week. i The schooner GuNhu�nter• arrive I from the north last week. with t c:u•nu of lwuber for AIr. H. Secure rho Rector of St. George's otlici t aced at Sr. Paul's church, Clintull last Sunday. " 91:©s;u's. 'Tudor and 11. I?, Combo of Cliuton, were in the circular town lai t wvek. The Customs receipts at this per have been steadily increasing the 'last few year's. Mrs. Burry, of Luckuow, left for home this week. While in town Airs. B. was the guest of Mrs. Thus. McJeean, ' Un Saturday the apple lulls shipped fttiur crus of fruit from the G. T. dock besides a large quantity front his own stulw-rod`tir. , Would it not. he well for "the town authorities to put an electric light oltlside the post office and the Guvoruweut to pay for one within. AIr. Robert McLoan returned from his \orthw•ost trip on Thurs- da•y. " 1'he geutlonlan, who looks none the worse for the .outing, speaks of frozen wheat in the Northwest as a great reality. BEAUTIES OF A DANK NOTE. The Canadian Pank of Commerce directors do not believe in putting old !vine in now bultlne. Thoe magnificent new building at Bing and Jordan -streets, Toronto,, is rapid- ly arriving at its top, and ill order to conform with the pristino new- ness of the building and its docorat- ions the gentlenlou at the head of the bank ordered ai complete Set of now notes wherew•itil to ornaulcnt the coffers. The new notes co.dlnlbneed going into circulation last weal;. 1 sufficient supply has not yet arrived from the printers, Lot as soon as it does, allowing time for signiug; -tho old notes will be withdrawn 'fr'om circulation. Ali-. W. Smith, the regular signer, will be assisted -by a stall' of Reye or six clerks, and it is expected that with these it w'iR, be several months before thetask of fix - in -the countersign will be complet- ad. The denominations of the new hills are 5's, 10's, 20's, and 100'x, They are all handsome piee.es of the ongravey's art, and it counter- feiter will find that they are his despair as well as the artist's dolight. The backs of the bills aro covered with an artistic blend•ind of almost every kind of lathe work ever brought into use on .bans; bills. The faces aro also distinguished 'for the beauty of -the engraving• and the intricacy of the design. It would be time misspent for the coun- terfeiter to attempt a re -engraving. The dander of photography is also turned aside. Thu yolloty tint photographs an inky black. and is so indefipitely blended at'tho borders with the other colors that it is absolutely impossible to photo- graph. The face of the 5 shows Litera- ture reclining gracefully in flowing drapery, and with Tier arm leanin- negligently on a book. This pieco of engraving was done by the oldest and -most successful en -raver in the world, Alfred Jones of Now York: On the op:hoside side of the note, the right hand side, is the bauk's seal. The bo,l,y of the face is filled in with the usual declaration, and the figure 5, in multiplied forms constitutes the border.. The chief fi-uro on the back is a out of the new building. This is the prom- inent feature on the backs of the notes of other denominat- ions. The face of the $10 dote has the ' fl-ure of Dritauuia for a centre piece. ,She is surrounded by cherubim ro- presentingcommerce, justice, finance and agriculture. Oil the ]eft hand is the bank's seal and on the right hand Alt is busy with'llis brushes and pallet. The face of tile .520 note shows ller- . Bury riding on a dolphin. To the left I•lie various kinds of navigation are portrayed,' History pursues her vocation in the right hand corner. 'The centro piece of the 5100 note is a pictorial sketch showing Science, with emblematic figures about her. Thea)il is aro signed by .lir. Henry W. J)arling, the President,and will be couutersigne& by lir. Smith and hi9 assititin is. The Dow i4sns • rost $3,8 75 a thoviwind. N, Aral (Orreolraudeuce r r t d t : t` i Waeut (Or1<'>e�pallduce. T'atttl t�,ae�'�e�Ztplldrvice ` Goderich x t Blyth. Goderich '1'uwn&]tip. DC's. James Payne, roliot of the I llliss Hattie Ritchie left here on 'Ir. I)ett. Sheppard Itas returned late James Payne, who died at the 'Tuesday for T ruuto, on a visit to to the "Sun." advanced age -of 76 years, was in- to friends and-IIlia exhibition. NIP. (k:u. A. Cooper had a valu- torsed in Maitland cemetery oil Friday afternoon. On Friday Mr. Joe. Carter return- able, spring cult break its log the b j ed home from Manitoba. He admires other day, Tile 8S (/nal says that Robert Pur that part of our great Domin ion I ter failed to the Ashfield Theta will Lu fir concert find -fi r- connect at p'orn'o. Had it been represented very much. J. T. Carter has been on tile sick den party' at the residence of h[r. I Peter Colo, 11th con., on Thursday, at Kjngsbridge it would haus learn- i ed that Mr, Porter's pr'omisod „p_ list for several days suffering with a Sept. 13th. Clinton t]aartetto club i pearauce at Beaverton on the 6th lame back. We can sympathize with J. T. in his trouble, will pro\ Ido e;inginp, and there will y� also be a Dumber of instrumental precluded his connecting at I•:ings. bride. Had the uic taltetl AIr. James McGill, having bought { pkeeestuf music by cornet., clariouet, plc place as ori-inally advertised the a couple of lots udjoiuing the cid baritone, &c., and other amusements. Al. P. for West Huron would not cometery, has had the foundation lea serve(' from 5 to e. Pruceads `�; lotus 1'aileJ. to connect. dug find the brick on the ground to Ill aid of S. S. at Cole's appoint- Mr. D. B. Hodge dropper] dead build a handsome residence, a meut. uu ilio crossin- at the head of West AIr. A'foutry has had todiscorltinue Varna, street about noon on Monday. The waking brick for a few days in deceased on falliug was at once re- conaoquence of having had the hall soedin- is about through moved to Butler's, where Dr. misfortune to have a wheal of his with in this vicinity• Whitely was soon in attendance, brick tirnchino broken. Bel.itty Bros., who have recently - but his aid was not required, death Air. J. W. Scott, licensed lay- started it store herii, are doing a fair having occurred instantly. The reader, very ably officiated in busiires+. remains were moved to the deeeas° Trinity church on Sunday illorning ' Tbri• road hetwoull this village and ad's rosidoncu, from which the in, in the al),euce of the rector, Rev. God,•rich township is sadly in need torment, will take place' this after H. A. 'rhoinals who is visiting at of repair. noon. 'The deceased short.] before Y Wallaceburg. Tho ' st,a t -a A-orn Clinton is shunt the Pll]']del] Cilli had CUtnplatllled of We alre glad to sot: Allss Morgan two hours oarlim. thnbt fit tit•s1� and is ' K Main in the region of the heart, is able to be arouud again, having Rlw•ttt•s ou tir.19: anti had just purchased medicine to almost recovered front the injuries t�nil.a a nnnlber went 1•1.vui here. ` allay it. fleart disease was the cause of death. He was aged 80 she sustained hist week by being thrown out -of a buggy when driving to the ftlrnier's harvest I:ume in years. around town. C,orinl loll township and report y ple.am.11t t -ladle. Itlytll. A number of frionds went to the station on Monday: eveuind to meet A Ina'u. from Ilia Babylon Lino tic. Richard Walker, of Chief -o, Mr. and DMre. Horin-ton, on their was brought illi before Squiro Wan - less for aasanitiu- nue Robert Gor- it) visiting 11is pa rents here for a few arrival from their wedding tour. In doll and fluod $20 anti costP. dgys, alighting from the rears they were saluted with a show•et A concert is -hold in our' stroats AT r, RolaMcGee • of Kincardine ' good of rico and salt. - every Sunday night by parties from has been visiting amongst old ac - the Goshen Line. They interfere- quaintances hero this week. ' P "' with our church services by beating Miss Anliic Shano is spending East lYttwanosll• drums, the Iiiiuisters having to stop holidays wiih friends in the circular Base hall, Blyth third time intend in their discourties Pomatillies. rutin. playing Westfield No 1 on Sat- Probably if the street musicians Mr. John Denholm is having his ulday, this will be a tight match, "knew this they )vould' arrange the residence raised and will put stone Fall wheat'seedin% is done kn time of their drnnl'heatiug so as not foundation under it at once. iliis vicinity, Wawanosh always a. to interfere with regular church Miss Sophia Synwuds returned ]lead- services. ; front OLtaw'a ou mo1day, wlare aIle The pano_iwa w•IliCll waft livid at STSeptr.'80, Cit.— l lticot- hats been for sutl]Oti ile past. the Union School house by AIr. r..I!l ting `"'tall °till' art the r.;?1 of the . A largo number of straugels here (tiiatjmrun-]vasa rnnd success. g Reeve, a?1 elle 1]iemf)erS present. ° iu town on Wednesday and Thnrs- Services aro still continued at elle AIovod by Robt.:llcllveon, ,socoud- ed by Enitt, that this Conncil. ° day attending the Methodist Sun- Union church, with Sunday School .lsvaac appoint Mr. John clay 8eltool 'cuuvention' which was lield iuAlpir church. in connection,; of Dublin ell-inoer for thio, tp., pro- ' Mr. Elaut Livingstone, the noted vided the Clerk dan make the On Friday.•evouing a number of horsn trainer and trill plan, succead- necessary arrangements witl► him— ills young folks enjoyed ihemsolves' ed in' taking second} money at the Carried. Afoved by Jas. Ail.eli - at the leside]lCe of Alt's. Stewart on Clinton races. - i ]heath, seconded: by William Clarke, ; ` Dinsly stroot, tripping the. light, , .AIr. John'Dipgw•all attended 'the that this°Gulipcil act its a committee.. fart Istic until Ile snuill hours. Seaforth game's las$ woek and suc- to examine the sitle roads boiw�eeD GRATITUDE AND GOOD THRItOS, ceded in carrying away it nmbor of "Cut G. iwit'. 13 find Lot 20 L•.R, As.tlie present season of the year Prizes. Good st;uff,'Jack: I:. with a viow to hicvin--it ol)ened matures, grateful people, are led to Miss Janet Mcclowan, is away on ill) -for public travel=Carried. thank God for the garnering of a a visit to Milton, Georgetown' and Council adjuurued to meet again fairly Rl)undRIlt hal'Vest, aDd the Toronto. She will be away for a according to previous notice. bright outlook for fruits and vege• few weeks. Geo. Stewart, tables of all kinds. Tile cougrega- Mr. John V ancanip, Ile enter- Clel•k. tiuu of Trinity Chutell, b'lyth, prising farmer, is now scuta- imple- knowing their duty to the Givar;of menta for the Maxwell firm: ' Jack In and About the County, every good' and perfect gift, held a is aft industrious follow find will - ^ spocial Thanksgiving Service in yet make his mark, —'There are 152 Macs on the voters' their church 'on Suuday, 2ud 'ivat,,� nod hoary before the time a iointed p] - Ouo of the 'mountain goats who list in Grey township. —The apple crop in Grey town - for the service to begin, tho+church saw a cowmerical collage does not ty,at to dictate to his superiors toff ship is the best ever grown there. —Tlie amount received by the wa; filled to its utulost capacity, much or he may find b6iiself in a : Wingbam treasurer, from the license many having failed to -fl 111 adllll9- lckile like his redecessor. p P fund, is $352.69. sion. The Rev. W. J. Taylor, of —Rev. John Lawof Belgrave has Mitchell, officiated and preached an ° returned home from Scotland. His excellent and impressive sermon iEnllett parishoners, presented him with a p .from the words, "Let rue now go 'to A • inflating of the Jltlnicipal Purse and an address of welcome. " the field and glean." .play were Council of Hullett was held at Kin- ' —E+ L. Dickenson, Barrister of Wingham, ,visibly. affected by the soul stirring burn on the 30th August, 1888, has been appointed Grand Steward by the Grand Master of the words of the speaker and Lis. dis- Allthe members present except J. Grand Tod e A. F. & A. Al. courso will no doubt live long illLashani. Movedby P. Churchill —E. L. Dickenson, Esq.; barrister the nliuds of those who, were privi- Boconded by J. -Brigham and carried of Wi.ngham, officiated as Judge at le -ed to listen. TLo . church was that there be levied and collected the division court last 'Thursday, in artistically decorated for the occasion on the 'Township of Iiullott •during the absence of Judge Doyle. with the grain, fruits and vegetables the present year for county purposes—Rev. J. E. Howell and W, 'd. of the laud, and on the walls the the Bull' of ono mill and eight tenths a Gray', of Seaforth have gone to attend the General Board of Missions which wandering eye might rest on soveral of a mill on Ile dollar. And for meets in Winnipeg this month. appropriate. scriptural texts. •1'he township purposes. and Railway —At the Caledonian games in , festive part of the thanks-iviug as?- Debenture Sinking Fund the sun] 9 Albany, last week, A. Scott, formerly vice wa's held in the Orange hall of two mills on the dollar. And of Brussels, took 1st prize' for stand- n on the following Tuosday evening, also the amount re(Luired by tho ing llib i .jump, let for 200 yards -and there the tables were heavily soveral school corporations for hurdle race and 1st for tossing the ' caber. laden witli tile choicest viand9of the laud, "'an)' thinking that the spread school imrposes. And theta lly-law' be now asset] to comfirin the same P `The Grand Valley . eirssays :- was the beat they had ever seen— —Carried. 'loved by R. Scott, A somewbat unpleasant duty fell to the lot of the Rev. It, T. W. Webb thanks to the ladies who provided seconded by J. Brigham that the on Sunday evening, which ]iii"tried to in abundance 'for the occasion. aceountofL.Wetlauferfor83,60for discharge conscientiously. 1'heclnoir After tlie wants of the body had Plank be paid.—Carried. Moved —composed of about twenty of all been.cared for, in fact•iu some cases by J. Brigham, secondod by. B, ages—paida visit to Parmington, on too well carod for, the people moved Churchill that an additional charge the Sunday previous, to assist at a anti nestled therusolves, closely to- of five er, cent be made on ever P y special service. All went in a bus, and assisted ably at the servige l ether within the beautiful) decor- - Y tax in the Township of Hullett but on the return so misbe. rated walls of the Church, tbore to which has not been aid to the col- P ,journey hayed themselves that the Rev. ' enjoy an, intellectual treat. Thu lector on or before the fodrteenth gentleman felt it to be his duty to Revs. T hoii)as and 'Tongue of Blytb, day of December in each year, there suspend the choir of St. Albans 1. r a Moorehuus,e of Wiugham, and New- having been fourteen days previous month. ton of Dervie, were the speakers of demand thereof, and such additional --An exchange tells of a new case the evening, and all present must percentage shall be added to such P 8 follows of'td eunlc" in the police report, as ° : A man !'Lomas„ admit that the (lid in reality enjoy Y Y 1 Y unpaid tax and be collected by the named Davis was arrested and brought td an intellectual treat, and may I also Collector or otherwise as i f the same the police court last night, it' being spy a spiritual one. The speeches had originally been imposed and discovered that he had stolen and were relieved by the choir discours- formed part oisuch unpaid tax, and drunk a large quantity of yeast from ••-• ing . their IJarvest home melodies. such additional percentage when so the Williams' brewery, and was as At a seasonable hour all dispersed, imposed and collected shall be paid intoxicated as he could be. 'Tile inwardly rejoicing "That it was to the Township 'Treasurer and bo. man when found was in'a most help- good for as to be bore." The ladies como hart of rho eueral foods of less 1 g dust condition, and was covered with and dirt. Tho police had had so much edibles loft that the Y have Township, and that a by law be uqw quite to confirm the alittle t'on'e, in getting him last concluded to a social on the pissed same—Carried. into the cells night as the man fallowing evening and those who Council adjourned to ineet• again had ''raised" considerably, and this attended thought that the tables when called by the Reeve.—J, morning it was found impossible to looked as nice Find ns abundant as BR:IITWAiTE, Clerk. get Lim up to the court room, as he ever. The proceeds amounted to - - was still very drunk. tiis case accor- nearly $ 1Q0, and people from all —Tho P. M. of Hamilton on d'ngly give remanded until tomorrow, to him an opportunity to sober up denominAtions contribute.] their Friday fined three pefsonx for cover- sufficiently to put in an nppear•ance, quota. A ing a diphtheria card. in court.