The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-05, Page 6■ ` The Uuron ecus=ReaQrd --Friday night, its It train on tho AAVIc; TO UPTInWil.—Are you i3- ChICapO auto GTauk Trunk I2'tilivlf,y; forbad at night aud broken of your apt �'� 1�► Absurd • by A sl>:k .child suffering nod crying wis�pp 1 ': 'T, $1 see Year—$1.2b 111 Advance. was up(IToaglliUp bila, Jereullnth pain of putting Teeth? If ea seed a' `For people 6o exper t a,pure fo Intligee• a* �5CRIAT ---T --- --- IsTictloreou, of. Sarnia, Clut., attoolpt• once andget a�bfttl6 af'+J1 re Wivalow e • tiuu, unlbatat-they refrain front patio,' psi to oro ?l the track, 4t# lila pity 1,00lhln � ru or Gbildren Teething. 1 M �veane lti:ry,, ticpt. 5th 188er R y l g what is anwholosoruo; but it anything; _ _ alkeati of tt. lie was ab uvk by. the Ito value is incalculable. It will rel ter» will sharpen the appetite and give tone In returning thunk■ to m.3, many frieudl and patrons for Ilnet patrotllilr�p, I wQg1A loeomutive grid' f6ghtfully malll;led the poortttHosutferer immediately. De like Yo call their special attention to my very co0plete stock of ^ _r pend upon it mothers i there is no mix_ to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sar. t� UIp p p p p SHERIDAN AND HIS IVIL'N. his head beim, severed from his take about it. It cures Drseatery and oapar111a. Thousands all over the land BARNES&, 11 H�P$, &URRY COMQS1 6 Pr1USHES, "M -i �� ITC, -- body. He was only 29 years old Dirt ri,mi,, rtguliiitva Lha S1om,ach and testify to the luerits of this medicine. Speelal attention is direpted to'toy stock of + Clones A. Dana in the New York Sun, and loaves -•a w'il'e and two %gild- Bowels, cures Wind Colic, suftens the Airs. Sural, Burroughs, of 248 Eighth ■ ■ The General took toe uu foul ren.. Gums, reducesg�n8amtna'iaa, antgtrea, street, udtUasttalion A er 9 Sarsaparilla, writes tfor s ■ I ■ + HARNE S` S *~ through his Camp, Incl as wo went tone anti energy tn`the chole system . y.th , a l , 1 "Airs Winslow's soothing syrup"for union- the regiments and brigades When used according to diree• lwca great and torpid livor, and has It will be found very complete, sad for durability and finish cannot be excelled be ,and greeted old acquaintances on tioue Ayer's Ague Cure i s warranted children teething is pleasant to the taste l,cen greatly benefited." g I ( !; and to the prescription ufune of the oldest any one. As I employ none but the best work!pasa, and the beet materiel to be ever hand I. wits everywhere struck to eradicate, from the system, Fever. and beat female physicians and uursea iD bought in the market, all who may favor roe with t4eir patronage may feel eonfiden Y Y and Ague Intermittent Remittent A Confirmed Dyspeptic. of getting satisfaction. with the manifestations of personal g , , , the gisted States, ut to fur sale by all .. PRICES AWAY DOWN. and BLILous Revers, and all malarial druggists throughout the world. Price C. Cauterbury,0ot 141Franklin at., attackmeut to Sheridan. I hail a d Bits. 'Pty it. 260. a bottle. Ito sore and oak for "lits, iloston, Muss., writes, that, suffering Hot seen auythiu, like like it in Winslow's Soothing Svrtp," and take no fur yearn front Indigestion, he was at r� either of ourgroat arlllios. Grant, -The City Council uf' Iiatuillon 01ber kind. last bulucind to try Ayor's Sarsaparilla Trunks and V811S8S 111 $teat variety and PPCBS Low. Sherman, Thomas, all moved among has repealed the early closing by- ---- anti, by its use, was entirely cured. `� e their troops with every sign of roe- laws for all itxuapt the gellta furnish• .-At G nauoque b.'ttwaon 12 and Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of High street, . GEORGE V�� .�� ��A�MA�` pact and confidence un the part of ing trade. 1 o'clock a few of the workshop Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year the men; but in Sheridan's ealnp from ]Dyspepsia, so that sho could not • hands were lunusiu, them9olvos it was quite di,flerent.. They seem- IT CAN Do No HARM to try Freeman's ractisin•, catullfl," hull. A swift, eat substantial food, became very weak, ed to renilyd 111111 uloPe as a ° ° a!t,l vras unable to care for her family.A FULL STOCK OF D Worm Powders ifyqurchild is ailing, throw was nada by null of the play- boy regards the father he belives feverish or fretful. Nuithrr the medicines prescribed by al's alissod by IhecAtuherBinastruCl{ )hwsieians, nor• any of ,yhe remedies Oho'ke, CIOUBY (G %Iil?Otl11� eSeiu, relies on uud lovas, than as sold- . _--- _�__ a �ouu•, man uuwt•tl Chan, l__.-. iers are wont to regard their coni -]'brae lads named AlfrBd Guff. " Quinnt r.,1vurtised for tho cure of Dyspepsia, on :hu „ids of the It., id. The blow helpo(i her, until she commenced the AIaTo .all other variellem o8 Field. Garden sand Flower Seeds. mander. lf'iultlly, as vve were eau• William Ringer and Frani{ Rayleau, Iwas 80 sewore that Quina was npable lime of Ayer':] Sarsaparilla. "Three special painsi have been taken to procure thein Fresh plating our lnorutug'a tour And had were seutencad at Hamilton to six to resume his wurk. He walked to bottles of this medicine," site writes, and Pure. got nearly back t0 headquarters, I inuutha in the Central Prison for his home aud, physicians wero called 1 nw.." ': term stud t0 him : "General, how is ,{noel{ing down :,nothor bay• gttgg- , Extra Value in China Tea Sets and DeUXOrated this4 These neon seam to have a but without effect. He flied about f• in° him and robbing Pini °' sante 5. p. Ill•• ] `� Sarsaparillaf Dinner Sets Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite Sats ,pncial all',actiOU fur you, more than money.PltVT'-knaD BY I have over seen displayed toward - 'T Dr. J. C. flyer & Co., Lowell, Mass and Fancy Glassware. nay other ufficer. What is the rea- PROMPT RESULTS. DANGEROUS COUNTD,RFEI'1S• 1r1 eJ,,; oixht„tl,,, Worth$5abottle. soul Counterfeits are always dangerous, Special Value in New Season s Black, Green I ryas vary sick with bowel oom- „ more so that they always closely ' ` \Nell,” said he, ` 1' think I eau plaint last summer. i tried other - --- and Japan Teas. Canned Fruit, Vegetables, Illl'IATE THE ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE toll you. I always tight in the inedicines but all was no use until I ) c•. In epoless variety. oranges lemons Figs, &c. Flour, fruit rank nl 'soli. I wits lung art tried Dr. Fowler's ]Vila Strawberr AND NAME. The rcu)arkahla success ]' ' �, g3, + 6 t,o y' achieved by Nasal Ball]] as a positive t;.; ldle!'11-j and Vrovislons. Inspect Stock and get PriiceN. The next day I was like a different 71% D.R.HVMPHREYS' 800 convinced that it would not do for „ , cure. for Catarrh and Cold in the .s TT man. Gen. H. Peacock,. Strand a� /tv:` Cloth a Cold Binding �VO_�){`7`.oy..LV a cuulmalidiug guu8rnl t0 stay iu the Head bas induced unprincipled par• / ,t: ,.; 11,11 ;, K 7 Ont, - t i 1'ag•,, x.16 dlerl Kaaravla6, rear of the troops null carry on it ties to hnithte it. The public are z wi y,)It,t D F'IteF. C7HINA BALL, GLIN'2'O ? _ clwtionea not to be deceived l,3, r r'. e.It.rIsla,11.T. battle with 'paper orders; as they -_ t.- :+_:.e_�,_.,......�,�,, `W1 -A young chilli of Charles nostrums inti titin Nasal Balm in ° G R n,. :1cr;yrs Pnlca. ilo in the Army of the I otouulu. wnqk E a a. 13Ul1Chitl'tl, Of �IUlltla'al, pled 011 name an,l appearance, bCftl'illg aUC}I ,rr,,('•,:rr:etida,Int!uill.)4 die.... .•'S EW ThC90 111011 till kIl01V tlUtt tVllUl'C It IS i 11'gnrrr, it'orgr I"aver. U,n,n t'ulio.... .' f ®���. 1011(�ay' slid 1Vl)lle 1110 but.ly' \1'a8 Iname.s as Nasnl CreaIn,, Nasal Bal• ,•. I'nll I'o. ;'nin^id Tt�funts. .•W5 llottaat thel'0 I Altl itl)t11110 111{0 It J.: iurriirvt,ut C!uiirouurn•telta...... .—ES ' Y ' lying on a sola 'este.rda' the cover- sam,etc. Askf'or?\asal Balm and do 11 Y a u :. ,:, p'+,•n U.rY, l7 ri;,l,;•, 141ioa; Uolio.... .•`iS allU L1Ltt is Lha I'ei19011 the 111{0 not take imitations sealers may Urge +:'v.lwir.ra ,llo: Bu,,, f,nnitiu r —0-0 y u.......... t i "1 1d1C inn caught tiro from a 11°ht . 1 ( 1 ^• i(',.,,.h , v i;!„JJ, ,»,t.,,ia.............. .•� 3 too. r upon you. For sale b all dru • tato r,t, •, ,,.,,,, and the body wits bul'UL•d tU rt CI'l. p. Y Y pr: ' , ♦, adncht, J'noti 1; 1 cl. ,•�,> , S ° "Oil(, thing more General,'. I y 1 or sent post-paid on reueipt of pr;ces `v4 i act;oc, >;i !: 1;. ,,!,,,::,,,, v..rt; oma , �C. The uutlersibu , has just opened S a new Drug Store, Ili JACKSON' cc ° 't --------- (50c and y1),b addressing Fulford & `” """^- •+ v`..-=-.,..,, �'E41 BLOCK, on HURON STREET, two doers west oof City said. "Are iyott afraid, tit don't y'ou Y g t ,.1+AT Book Store where will Ise foun(l a•complete assortment of I'111Pe Ant. AG1±a AND CO:iDITION9 of people Go. Brockville Ont. - ��=.x sail(, ..\1'Ilat is the roftl trilLo about ' .�. ��m. 1➢rll'•s aHei d7hculjicals also ]'steal 141ed►cines and It 2" truly -use National' Pills without _ _ W r3yopepeht Bdi n, Sioapnob........._ .25 "` '1)put:f,iSt5' Sillllll-jes-tell that the public ma asli Ibr in those in un and with meat benHfit. It Bn,presaetl,orl'uinatlPeriods...._ .zn 1 Y I y -'1'110 late 'Phomas 1IcCormaok 1P Whites, tooPro(asoPeriods.......... .25 � lines, ''The 111,111 \1'110 as She 1311', afl'nlcl -- , 13 (,reapp Cough, Di1rl,cult Breathing.... ,25 - A. `®, •p•�,.,1 n' �/'- y who died at No.. 431 Yon ,e street On 1.1 8ult It'heun, Erys,polas, Eruptions.. .25 _ A. Yr ®F 1 •T7I p V G 1 ON. IIIld('t' lire," }ICL u119tv01'Od, "19 a 1La1'.—i1I1'. �Vlnl'illll, UL1C8 she 011l /' 1K Itiumngdiem,HheulnnUoPains ...... :'S - �-=�' Y the 23rd inst. at the age of S:i was 15 fever nnd'Aaae quip s, Malaris..... .tip Clinton,(limon13th January, t8s6. / g , - P. S.—Ottice changed from residence to story I cul CUtlfun!](lallly afraid, And, if aVOR'Od 1.tefU1'ntEr 111 the lil,1nit0lna one Of the earl settlers Of the conn• 17 files, Blind or Bleedin b0 b 7"� A"* 1 - follo%rcd- lit own impulse I Y 19 Ontnrrli Influenza, Ciolent louh,. .50 , Y 1 hogislatur(!, was yo,t(srllAy elected try, having emigrated from the Conn. 20 whuuntnRcouch v;otentcosyha.. .bo _-__. _.___-------�.-----_ �.-.. _.__.._..._---------__._-.-.____ ° 5 )Cal{CT U t 24 plc+vera", ebillty,�hgsieatwoaknese .50 _ shun!,. turn and "et out. It, is all a 1 1' that burly. �d try Cavan, Ireland, and began. farm 27 Kidney Illsense...•.............I...._ 50-- ( uostion of the )ower of the blind _ .._.-_--_____ _ iu1, at Eglinton, three miles north 2 Nervous Debility•••••.••. -•........-2.00 3 a 1 1 3 Urinary 1i enliness, Wetting Bed... 50 �� : over the -body•" AN UNDOLTI3'1'ED P1t00F ' of Toronto, in the year 133`2. iris 2 I/Ise seaoetheHeart.Patpitation.alotli connection with the Orange order ® A N a �'� l �-M• ��! l .-•-----•� � a----•- of the beneficial qualities of Bur- dates from the time of attaining r E C I F 10 8 • ' 1?�PLaNATLONOFTWO <lackBlooaBitters is found in the his^majority, and it. is doubtful it Aodd!; Druggists,•otseyt.p4atppidon,regeiptot �t3s•�'����9�'��'��s'i3OG� CLINTON. thousands of authentic testimonials at the time of bis death there was price. -.Walls & Richardson Co.,Agents, 64Mo. D \VUItl)S• published b the proprietors. '1'be gill Street Montreal. P Y I p' any older member in the county, or original letters being in their posses- even in the province. JOSEPH CHTDLEY Dealer in Furniture, 1113, the Way. I wonder how many Sion, they can furnish proof positive , pouple havo n perfectly clear 'can- as to their genuineness at any time. ----- �- Call at the New Store and see the stock of 1 o ofthat _ A It S'1•i'IKP• .RuctionSale , fi'f1 , p ldn of the sed i n(r Grthat word - ' Bedroom and Parlor Sets Lounges Sideboards Chairs Springs "9tt'alno6l," ,1� used In POl'tla'A CClO —Sit- (;1111'1.9 PUl)pe!', IIAS been A,big'strili,' was.mnk" when 1 Dwell brat8d sliecch. I 1{now n1z11Y made ;t , ba: lust, i'Iiuistor \Vaal e Davis issued their Extrn•et of arsap-' ltlattrasses etc. •Intl tncral Housellnht Furnihire. The whole St, 1s f) the very" arilln and Burdock. It has met with g' associate it vaguely with a sieve, has loco nivell tial iirnlld- Crvsa of best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Diuuldin sof every acserLlitioll. Other,; with :1 taut liue. Tile writer a great success, And it must, fur it is the L hills. CIIIIDLEa', one door West of Dicksoll's Book Stoke. the I�r(iei' of St. Michael ;Ind St. most. powerful' blood purifier in the mar• of this call rul110111 ar whew she Geurge. Canadian Aliuist•ur of ket. Itis used with the greatest success 1'riutea oil the 5bortu,t pu 0)le notice.' -- - - -- - - hazily vibrated bot-woen the two: It Jusii7U, J. S. I), Thompson, has n all diseases arising from a debilitated All work FIRST•CLASy and 1'rice9 as j nteaus sins ,l conStr,1iuoll, needs, an of the syts(, a and everyone at Low as any plliru \4u.t of"l'urnutn' Big- Bar al ly 1)(•x'11 elected Commander of the needs, and should nae a bottle or ery at JAPAN TEAS Portia -Then Must the Jew -be saine order. The honors.11ave poen l- Consult vain D\ru intcre,t nw.f call;ll, this sosso-, of the year, of Powell's a 1'itr•, NJ:\ts-131,cntu, office before placing; - merciful. cunt'orred ill recoguitiun of the tract ofSarsnparilla an.d [turd rck. Bear your order far city clasx uP Printing. a - Shyluck-On what eonllanisiou services rendered by the 'recipients in mind one 50c. bottle conl.fthis more as lnctubers of the. Fisheries .Com E olid medicine thanr.mgstdollar so-called 3 f i : �' r t 11'e hove iLcived a largo consignnimt of NEW JAPAN TEAS which the Are offer, Must I, Loll lieu that 7 VV A.� } , .1 d �J L i� () DD "barsaprailht and bitters. Also remember. in 5 and 10 Ib, Caddies at the following low prices i uli'9sion. that it is. sold in Clinton b• all Ilrir rets P11bli,,•kC)•, • Portia -Tho quality of mercy, is y uK' � -t Grvtr',•rtl Pri)t/r:ry (�• riot strained [eoustraiu0d�, - price 50c, u, bottle, 3vld by all (irug m _ 45 CENT (�APAIIt TEA AT "y' DisOrclers of the stomach, liver gists and medicine dealers everywhere: �:I--r�Cl'ICi N, O'7n''I'�AP,10. 35 0F. S° e.ld'I. OI COtll•aC—SltllplL' its llratvl]ing- ' 443(ly — - --- --- --- -. (`�J CENT JAPAN TEA AT 2GENTS. and kidneys, can be cures, rester- ' after lie leas been explained. Thore ing the blood to a healthy condition ------ ----- C; !'I IJ➢tdJll 8vtlli3:41'1't➢It)1. is a line ill the Bible, "Tho vuice of through the vitalizing and cleansing --An accident occurred in the barn st. Pahl s ell' 11 on Sunday. nt 11 'This is the best otter ewer made ill thi5 comity and all users of Japan Pea should secure the turtle i, li*oard ill thy, laud," action of A er's Sarsaparilla. It is ton. ,nd'7 1,, In. I:u,ly c!:(. , 10 tt.n,, s!InJa} lit least One caddie. Black Tea Eainally as heap.-�i e are .elling a )•'INE Y P of Mr. Alex. Murray, lot 5,8th cone.er- 3choul, 2. 0 1 p.ni. Service on Wednesday, a P.n,, BLACK in original packages of 20 lbs. at FIFTY CENTS per b. This Tea is e(pnal. about which hang, sonlethiug of the the safest, most powerful, and most sion /.orra, which resulted In the REV. WMNAat CRA10, tr. u., Rcetor to anv 70c -Tea in Cliutnn. An 13�tt•a bine ]'olio, llyson at 45C., in ,anti 9amr ha,,^.iness as to its meaning, highly concentrateaalterativo avail, death of a farnt band named Angus Rntt 1.burystreutltutpludist.—Sur,icceutup,30' 1`0 lb. caddies. Satkl'actiun Guaranteed. Call and see our Teabefure buying. Ila "\Viuter's 'Palo" Paulina able. to the public. O'IIanley. The last harvest load of a• ,e• and 7,00 p. In. ,almata School at ?.so p. m. ttay. 1111. IturlttYr, t'astor. COOPER . SAl•F :---------- the Season ow.bad )oat been pitched 30uCanada Prejd)kkriau. ; Sm•vi ccs at 11 h,u, aniS 0 p aloft in the mow. U'[Ianle i❑ climb- all old turth', ,."ill twill" ,tut' to ,ante ---'1'110 G; It Uop01'tor' 19 1'CSpo11Si Y 8.30 p. w. Subbatl( ,;!u,ol, 2.30 p. lit. 1tgV 9 witherod bough « ing. down slipped and fell some twee. nr,vx, SMWART, Pastor. T• 1110 for the fO110lw1i]° 510]'3, :—�� 0 ty Or twenty-five feet to tile l00r, Ontario Street Methodist.—Services at 10.30 a. The , Tea - v "�VllaJ t?(l y�e4i-tllirs?c ttt+tl�ateans _oujasiunally road of. rats_ attacking. - whicl>-was- partially- covet•acl- witir-n;_4,i l-xo0-,p,-w_ S;tbhath Sehool, 2,34 lmn. he Old Pleliable l eft and -(✓ rocery 11OUSL. --- ,pe., le, lint it is vul 8011,10111 that RRv, W. W. SPARr.t.O, Pastor hr.rr•9" sai:,our Steal{e;puma toacilur, J .l' Y straw,'atri!{ing on his head. .� _ _ _ _____.-- j--....---,----•_-.__-- --.._.__^..- -_. Baptist Church.—Service RE 6.30 p. nl. Soh peering over his spectacles, "mud We 11011" Of S11c)1 all Ven LU1'C9 O11 Lha bath School, 2.30 u. Ili. REV J. CRAY Pastor. fortis 4" 11'r maintained a discreet part of rho rats in our own neigh- CONSUMPTION sulu"LY CUla". -- ----__-.-__--`----- ����� ,�+�®���� silence and experienced- :.:stiddoil borh0r1100(l. Duo ppmorning last NEWSPAPER LAWS H G illulnitlatt011, CoItiliUly Illll(i tuft= weel{ Mr. ,Jollil I'tisAurg, On taking TO THE EDITOR : les ;au Dot, as a general tiling,,give„ his troy Puy out of bed, noticed Please inform your readers that I \Vu call the special attention of Post Aiid the eboicesigoodskrpt in stock by or Will"ll lt, I quite t little pout of clotted blood leave a positive rennedy for the above rasters and subseribcl,s to the followiti- to either sing!11V ° �• named disease, B its timely use . a �--1 �^�'' buliuvu that t hree-fourdis of that alt his be(i Clothes. 118 was ser• y y ,,ynopsis of the newspaper laws:- e�, r„�i�..l..V ' ���� thousands a hopeless cases mel been . class were enlightened ,when the prised to gay Lhr, lcnst,but could not permftnenlly cured. I shall bo glad I -A pusttuaster is required to give )rofoasor said : "It meane turtle :1'.,'t't'.t'lin %Vitra ,vas the cause. 'The to send two bottles of m rented notice Rv LF:rrr.R (returning n I>a[lur docs ,„ 1 , ,+ cc-�, „ I r night, y y not answer Lha law) \,•hon n subscriber floes ” u bey ill the very best markets and °ll a 011l' C115t0I11C1'S e't'CCy aclwanta°� Out• goads doves. Sumo people think, lie f(] luwinl, high., however, the FRr•,E to any of your readers who inave trill altwa •s be found 1�'resh awl Reliable, and to the econoirlical llousuiiceper we offer 1 l , ant take his paper ottt of tile, office, and D said, "Lhm it 1110,1119 nlud turtle." little fol -IoW awakenrcl lila father consumption if they will send, the state the reason fur its not boiug taken• many advantages. Our goods, in vat iety, finality, and price, we are satisfied will meet h !lig dies all(] t Ile I.ltter on their Express and P. 0. address Any nc�,lrct to do so makes the postulastcr the requirenncnts of evory huttseboltl. Farm 1'ioducc taken -at thohigeest r' es N1je all laUglied with.suspicious ell Y Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUJI Y 1 orb)'--mn l turtle, Indo(+d !-111ustutt NVAS)]I 10j.800 t.)ao was the matter junip P' Yr , responsfhle to ter, on orders for payment, CANT LO .��®� 9 wag Inotiri(Led t:] 37 Yonr,estreet 'I'oranto,Ont. 4519• :hrau:,uri!,t, sun two rats jump ° ' y 2 -If any person e•Jers 1115 paper alis- t from tho bell occupied by his son, �__ contunteil, he mist pay all arrearagee, oi- --r - tine Publisher ntny continue to send it - whoec eat• l)un;o 3,i,, of. their teeth, -Tuesday eveni s cyclone kit. WHOLESALE 010 RETAIL GROCERS CLINTON, ONT. kulliu„tu'u ,ru poses eruct ' y whit lamount. iti made, and taken t11( ° 1 1 bc9idus other nlarl{s on his body. � led several people and destroyed a wlw]e amount; ,\tbuth(n• it be taken free , ing in �linnrtt,olisn 28-storv1-ni!1(l-. large amount of property in Mary- the office or not. There can be no legal ing, in which lie ' will utilize a One of •the reasons why .Scott's land (Ind Delaware• diseonttuttanee until the payrnent is matte, !il:'tirol irnli hnilding eolatrnct ;�',i:u(.+iwr Letts such a large Bala is, -- 3 -Any persnnwhOtal(e5 apap,rfrt,ir LES GARRIA���AG®�iACTOY ion p too),.. 1 by hint, 1111(1 which, if because it is the best, Dr. IV. aL \Ill,lst:JtN's ARO}NATIC (ZCINtNE `VINE the post•oflice, whether directed to hi; 9 hi it l Jov(' 1';,t,;lir till,', will probably Cameroni ifaliinx, N. S., Says. : +tj is distioctly superior to any other as nannc or another; or whether -lie ba,, sob• ��IT' •-f•-'.-••NTI•'P-I D__PQ'_ ` u;ul,o';t rr.vulutluu in thu`cq-n9truct- have prescribed Scoll's !':1lttJlsiait (I an appetising tonic and fortifier. icrilwil or not, i3, responsible G,r the pay,.L_l_l_�rt .Jt_ JL"V o I of houses. The building when cod Liver Oil, tuilh Htlpopltasphilts, -- - 4 --If a nibs, riher orders Itis paper to bi o 0 y °' for the past two ears and found it -'Cite firm of A. W. Morris �R stuppe(I at n certaill time, and the publish 115 Buggies and WaI;OnS, r'T+;111"ivt. 1. will not tweigli one half p years, er cnutiwv�s tosrndl it the snhseriber ! In Stock a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, gg ° more agreeable to the stonfach and 1;ros., of JI'outreal, i:3, to 0stahlisli n bona l hl n for it if he takes It out lit' till -- ns nnlc t -,., nti urdivary uud of the pay ^0 0 hove better results from its use than ttvima fnrtory at Tuft ]lops, ol�nploy'- post-aflire. This pvorrcdsupnu tbegro,i,,, The .liaterial wu n,aunfacturu;is of the best quality anti the Iron work tinsll l'17aSrt' s,1uu: slits,, Lt will be 30x80 feet on anv other preparation of the kind I inn 100 hands. The works will that n uvin 11111.0 po•y fur what lie uses In fact we make it all important foature of our business to Ilse only the best Pro - tile r;l'ullu l,cyiiU J't eL Lo t,hc, tap of ),live ever used.” Sohl by all Drug- l)„°IUCatud at the t,�uecncs tvhat'C °curable material and the butt vt'orkmarpalrip. '1'hosean need of CUTTGRSma the gl1=s luuk'onl, ;lad will coutaiu gp.ts..,pe. dna �1,(lfl fl P 1 w".and SLj1,lG1lS, of the ]-test makes anti style., should noc fail to - -- -- call and see tis. 7'28 largo c ilices.'= Fltl)3,I \L4 �L"I'U13A. Ae'lu the Division Court in Ooihriuh —o— Over 400 e uaro miles were inun= at the November sitting a new::paprr put- WARRANTED. pl��'••�-P py q "1 LAVs been cured of chronic llslier stied for it of paper. The defend- ALL WORK VYJF'ill�I1E 1 1 G1.�. A ULD FAQ` 117: doted I tst wcok in lower Torrebouno , pity 1 1 It diarnc�ca by Lh(s use of Dr. Fowler's not oh,'( ted a ink' On the nrunnd that ho --O_ ,rhitt has been popular ith the 1p'11'i.11 Lnnisiann, and 1,200 people Extract of Wild Strawberry. 1 used had orderedpa)fouilncr Prolilictol' Of the Repairing and Rmaintinz Promptly AtterLled to. people for 30 years is Dr. wler's made civstilute. The financial lass about twelve bottles of it jand ani. paper• to (liscowinno it. Thr' Judge held o Extract of wild Strawberry fol all is , stili,;,t, ,1 lit l'o00,000. now entirely free from • the disease. that that, was ant. a vara defenrn. The FACTORY ou corner of Huron and Orange IStreets, CLINTON9 varieties of summer complaint, of William McLaren, Clearwater, Man. plaitlldr, tho present pmprietur, had no children nr adults. R seldom nr A DU'/,EN YEA164. - - -`--` notive to di.rnntimm au,(11 cuu,r•p:ently ... �•�� ever fail, to cure cholera morbus, "Dear Sirs ]'or twelve ears I -I)• 1ie�'icoll, gnnrral 1)As9eugr,, could rollout, althungll it wa., not d-nikil - diarrhu sand dysentery. Sirs, -Foe Y that defendant had notilita former pro- - ___�-__ ._._ suffered from dyspepsia And liver agent of tho Canadian l)nuific rail- prieLor to diswontinue. In any event complaint arid was so weak I could way, told Tho T„ r/,ir", correspond- .h f udant ons hound to Pay for the time -l�ev. Issas Crane of Wood - m not leave my bed for eight months, ent that tllo nulrlhor of artunl soft- hr had rer(•ived the paper uud until lie Stock, i rites from Carberry, Maui- and had little hope of ever being lore oulerinn ,' Manitoba an,1 thy' had paid all arreal•sdue for mbscription. toba, slating that the wheat chop cured, Three yearn ago I tried r t To up to elate Lhcto i9 phenomenally heavy and Burdock' Blood Bitters and am Orth-tt (5 Owl ' exocoded by a hnndtr,d prr cent, h.s lu,l 1„,„ tlamaned l:,3,( the frost, thanl{ful to say I envoy good health, T(� THE FARMERS. - - -- and I advise all who are afflicted to try thou of ntsy previous y ear. t x, PURITI ou iNonrDlrNTS and accuracy B.B,B.” Mrs. •IIarriett Ifobb8, jlui,' -- - stud} your own interest and (;o where of • compounding, make' Milburn'■ avenue, Brockton„ Ont. coNSl'1IPTiV]', TENDB;NCLES I you can get Aromatic Quinine '`Vine the triter- - - - are often inherited, but disease Q t ` urs p ion of excellence, -Tho Montreal assesstments for itself may gain a foothold through I Rel.i�fble Ha/rnessl this year on real estate in the differ- impure blood, bad � diet, un - is, ^' y ventilated 1'OOtletc,, k'OOp the T m:, imhetnrc none het the 13L! T Or SreeR. -A sAvere ]]lender storm passed ant wards have boon added up And Boron, e rfshnir that tiellnt c of p, oc they here �� BILLS ���q, bleed pd slid 1110 CIrCUlat, n !B L o lin'. Jra7• Call anrt got price.. (brave tai OVt r Inocrsoi l an(1 the surrounding show all increase for this year in perfect by means Cf Burdocl{ 13100a t,; ,nail hran,lptyattended to e country on Sunday aftornoon, and assossmonts 0f $6,403,760, In ex' Bitters, and thea ward off consumpt- six barns wore struck by ligl4n- omptions of $538,005,ft total of ion. which is simply AcrofulA of the ing, $6,941,765. lungs. I HARNESS EMPORIUM, 131.," Tiff, ONT.• _ _... _. ...:.. .�, .... _. ... ....,... .,... ..._�y� ,�.. ,. r, -....:, .._•�....... .:.... ... _.. _ ..ems. .,.LE:..:.