The Huron News-Record, 1888-09-05, Page 44
TRAITOR (�,EiVl*NWAY', epi redpraalty. »lith its. The Yanks Fti±'itor Neive-Redord.
rho Huron News -Reser ..
• --^^— are evidently not homtsopaths. In- Sirs,— I suppose you have noticed
01.50 ItTOAr-^ 1.20 In Advance," Our good friend of the New h7pa g 1 the rowarkauly luttioial utauuor in
" sterid of adopting the li to curing Moo
--- ----- - "cooky" which the Star has disposed of the
' ---- has bcxcOille quite opelcy over Its 1 giving us reciprocity facts wbiph I gavo fixing, ttpon him
Wedilestlay, Sept- 501, 1888 distorted statement of the eir'luntwith the expectation of rr,ceivino it the stigma, of We having endorsed the stance,@ in colluectiou with traitor vill isious statea"unt that a serwo.0 toC P-1.1-u-s1h
in return, they prescribe the heroic lease Orany oruou must be a "violent
Greentvay'a political retard In p
TH1(BUQBF.ARB. TALIATION dos0ofuan-intaroulusu. Asthelywill harangue, irrational and uscluss;'
•A Huron. The Mitchell Advocate
-�� have to awallOw the biggest art of Such a t+tatenlettt is worthy of U. G`.
Far some tim.0 past there has been thought nocesaary, to take excep- hb P' C. who said teat Orange
``' a jwtiuu, Citu%%diami will hav•+ "blood -thirsty lot." I should ossib-
pg', considerable irritation between tion to the Era's perversion of, t �' !? i
f ,the pleasure of seeing thrill tnitl'ujp ly eacus<+ the ,�'tur fur ho furnished
facts. The L'ra now says "no evideucu that ha dyes not knots t6o
CAuada and the United States—ever their toes first. tueanin g of the language Ire uses. '
papal, u1 Huron challenges our b
E, since the abrogation of the Wash- -' - 'I he last ovolvetuout froth his prolific
remavlts, because they knew the brain tisane contains the astoauding',
ingt0n treaty wh,foh had been particulars to be exactly as we nar
LETTERS TO iN+E EDITOR. atateweut that Liberal "spina (last)
negotiated by Sir John A, Unction- rated thein •" We baa to act our We wish it to be dtstuuetty understood that tae do weep( continues his harangue." Where,
not hotd aur�,Ioes responsiblo jut the minions I would ask ? A harangue can only
aid oil the part of Canada and Cotem right. The reason no one o ressed by virrespendente.- lin, Xlc%vs.ttt:. wean a spoken disoourso. I will par- y
which acknowledged tile 'exclusive in Huron Challonggud the curreotuuas -_� �_ don his eccentricity in otha thin"ab ALL SHADES AND COLORS
I o ° y f O. y ,
right of British sulijectli to certain of the kra when it said Mr. Green- THE HURON CEN'I'ItAL EXHI. giving him the benefit of. pot knowing
fishing territory off Newfoundland ways not been, and as a matter BITIW the value of the language hs uses
° J r and 118a consequently endorsed what
5 1,tlitur A'cugr-1?eear(d. he (lid lint mean to endorse. He
and in the Gulf of St Lawrence. of fact he really never was" a Coil-,
Under tont treaty t�iuericans were servative is that the atatemeut is so rather ill•requites my forbearance
• ' Oil the 19th 20th and 21st instant when lie stupidly says that a defender
i.. allowed tbo same privileges' as absurd to overy one who had tiny- the above exhibition, will be held in of "Altar and Throtlu," of Protestan
` tism °and Oralieism is "mora ads Al FIFTY CE WTS,w 7f�ritish subjects on the condition of thing to do with politics in Huruu, Clinton, and the Directors are doing, g p
the payment of certain monies. U that the simply smiled and said and will continue to lie all in their ted for such bravesetsas the Phoenix pd
1 • Y P- Y P Y + Park assassination. Truly the last
On AI'bltl'ating oil the amount due another Grit lie. Those who know power to make it the beat exhibition condition of the S.4ar is worse than ---o
in Huron this year. 5l•e do not saythe fiest. I could conceive of his in•.
t .. Canada we received some $5,000,000 the liability of our totem to mato' Y
for the fish Americans took from misstatonients set the statement this disparagingly but simply -that advertently endorsing libelous
our patrons may know that we are references to the•OrauI Order, but
Canadian,rijiand existence
of that waters down a;i an Ere ha not worth Con -
,ed 1 y for him to say those da approve of The
durin''g the existence of that h•o;tt tradlctiugr We have been Ilsked Alive to the interectts of our Associa• the Urdor "are more adapted for such
•i o Y °' tion and are doing our best to keep brave acts as Phoenix Park assassiva-
why we did not correct the state- tion than in defending the motto;
t :.r The Americans said they paid good the promises made to those "Fear God and honor the Kinn,"
went, ` e would }rave to issue a 6 out Camerons Cameron and very •� ��■■ � �� __
too dear for their fish and abrogat- large number of special donors who
w ed the treaty. 'Things then reverted supplement almost every week did so liberally subscribed when the nearly appro?tches in utaligttant and
"' wo attempt to correct all the leis- town was canvassed. It will be ignorant Tmplcbes i the lower depths CANADIAN SPECIMEN the United Staten, here we have
to the position Canada occupied un- 1 andI _ub itu li of a Cuddy. BRICKS, "Jin)" Mill, tilt- autocrat of the St.
t' statements sips❑using from the sante readily understood, however, that
der the of treaty 1815; Since then I observe that you omitted last — Paul, JIuulOapolls St Manitoba
" source, In this Greenway case the the Directors cannot do everything ,
the Amoricaus have been ountinu- • week printing the portion of my potter . r. Cargill, Conservative M. P. Railway, is a native of Niagara
r" allj''j1UAc}1111gupUn Cue-tlliau WatKtl:g, the creat majority of our readersaro and we want to have the aid of every• rebutting tho statement of too Star for East Bruce, is 0110 of those district. lie was liorn neur Funt-
pelsonally awnru of the liositive one who can in any way lend us that'Mx. Anderson followed his usual thorough Canadians who have help- hill, awl went io school it his
lu some cases the ,fish stealers at- assistance. I therefore venture to •conrso when, in preaching a sorption, ed to build Canada u to what it out days to Rev, Mr, Wethurald,
tempted to justify their flshingg b untruthfulness of the statement that by request, to Orangemen he oluit, p young Y
} Y ° Y throw out the following suggestions is. 130 owns the bright, busy little so wt -11 known ill St. Catharines.
tin untenable coustri,etion of the lie never profes.od to be a Causer- ted all references to rho society. villaoo which hears his tante lour• He is said to bP, worth$20,000,000. °
- to our friends in the hope that they Although I was not present wheu lie +�
z troch, Ili' 1318. But leading Amon- 1'�tivu. Bost
Of them beard bite will be acted upon as far as passible pr(achod a sorrilou to the Foresters,, ted on the Southampton Brunch of Ile was poor .whrvl he courmoncetl
call* jurists have agreed with the at sonic time or another during two in that spirit of enterprise which but ant cre(lihly informed that h0 ex- the Grand 'Trunk Railway. It is a rail-roading. But -there urn millions
political campaigns, and the heard plainetl its objucts, and very properly atirrin g )lac,, cud owes its activity of ,native Americans who tverH poor
'44' Cauadiau interprotiition of rho 1 p ° + Y will' ensure success. I
go. As to the rev. Reutleniall saying to the nnarg)of ,i111r. Cargill, whose when they couttnenced rail -reading
Lreat hint its tl'ie Cpasorvative candidate We ex eet-to be favored with the to the coint'lrrtteo of Oran++eilletl Who
> p � Lig lumber nulla and sash and door and who reuuliii poor even to Njis day
a phol'd nlid ver lib! too the
Ill ��rder to it71n tttlGltionACum- l Y Y -presence of the Dominion and Proms waited -upoll,krit113uutthat
tbei ohdill
ect of 'I�-
14 .V know a'n •thlu a factory are 'among the part, t And we have not to pools v v far
`Consorvntivo cause, an,l na ably de- vincia] Ministers of Agriculture and y t 1 to Canada In his mills and fav- to find nativt• Awerica•nt+ who have.
uiis,.'lou was appointed to come to their society, that I believe is quite
nounco the Reform cause and . whilst the Society will receive these true, but I also believ0 I am correct tory he ump{oys, all the year round, acquiri•d 'nlill.ions it'Canada and are
+uuu• ,u'ratloetront• whereby the gentlemen in as heart n manner as 2
i= its banner bear0r DIr. Cameron. g Y in rlayiug that lie was farnislied w:tli. ' 50 to 300 Ilton, and draws'- Itis Calladiaus by unturaliztition. The fact
tr`'f l.lniit; of Canadian waters would be possible and without regard to olit- a copy of the Constitution so that lie su )lien front n strip of 1� 000 acres of Americans ronkin, millions ill
That" Greenway had been a Re- p ' g p nli ,lit lulow, pl p ' t
' utceptablo t0 bath eountrios. M11t• leap 'differences, 'I do not think it 6 of timber lands i.•hich h,- purcaaa,ed rho United 5txtes proveta nothing
former before he came to Huron would be out of place for their party T believe my "haran;,gur•s" have in 1871 ,front the (ioyernntent. except the exist« tee of the etertal
w ❑ it cuuoe'ssions were made and the may have been tho case but done Borne guod. They leave to to „
Y friends to embrace the opportunity y y Some idea may be authered of the law of^ tlw survival tf the fittest'—
.;> nrrangoulent submitted to And ap- personal knowledge beets the rfteaus
r�1t there are responsible men in of welcoming them in nn manner immense business douu in the Ctar in sense cases w'h, rN the gaer,lmt
v proved by the Cati4dian Parliamont, Y of enlightening +nine who had hither -
this town who board him say on they see fit. The I[on. Chas. Drury to thought that Oranguism inculcated gill pully when it is known that the is uiour,y•hags, the surwivul of the.
r* ;guile?t}tsbtndTng the rngting of the im Ictahl0 hatru,l to Roman Chatho. yearly capucity is 5,000,000 feet of fittPstscoundrei. .
'f. tile, public platform at Baytiold will open the exhibition on Thursday p i ,
Opposition that Canada was being lies. One of my objects, Mr. Editor dressed lumber. -._.
and elsewhere that Ill., never gave morning and at the samo ceremony
sacrificed to Yankti6 greed and Im- .a Reform veto 111 has life. there 'will be resent Iron. A. \?• if not my only ono, has boon to dispel This enterprising M. P., in —"The Alail," says a. restrictionist
p; P this I,outeNhat popular error,.and to Y
,t periai Cunsidorat ions, Ross It. Porter D.I. P. and J. Me- ';bow that tho Society is so liberal as Addition to hia mills and factory, is contemporary, "argues at great
lV0 must admit that h0 espoused y the owner of a fiuurishin flour will, length that if the United States duty
Millan DI. P. On Friday morningto positively cutjuiu no p0rsecution of � gl r
So far all was well, Tho large- the Cuusorvativo cause after he came Y auy one for his religious opinion. It which turns out 73 barrels daily, of 75 cents per ton, were removed,
he:trte,cl people ofCanada wuio d0- to Ilui'ou, anti 110 man .,acquainted Hon. Jno. Carling, accompanied we proclaims police and good grill• to -all It is run by water power, and at Canada would export a° large amount -
hot b W. it. Meredith M. P. P. men while ondcavorin g ill a Chris- resent leaned b Air. W. Awitin. of iron ore to the states. Quite
termivad to live in amity wall their with tile. circtmistances who has au p' Y ' ' ' R P' Y
Y 'will pay us it visit and delivery short tian spirit to spread abroad teachings , richt. Canada is ripe for redvance
uelglibors at, guy reasonable regard for the truth, will deny address. These distinguished gentle- Mr. Car -ill dues nut only' sltictu t in iron ore." ' Hel'e is an advance
that twill redound to tiro glory of God, Y
• A9 a manufacturer He )osauses' a toward common' sense. Only the
sacrifice short of alisollia and men will be long enough with us for, the uplifting or our fol low-m(tu and . 1 Y
4 the ho becam0 a renegade to the va I g
' ab-ect crouching in ills dust. 13«t � their friends to :act upon the lent I the, t;ruytuCss of our country. Itt farm of 300 acres, all undttr tillage, other. flay it was argued officially that
t j, ° Conservative , party after ho diad have thrown out. proof of this I skull gngt0 frout Lssen• and in addition has 500 acres of it would be unpatriotic to ;sell o.ur
►:' a portion of the American' people, or, been twice nomivat0d and, after he j 'grazing 5 ice
Un Thursday morning we shall have tials for membership and injunctions Lazio land I30 is a successful fine ore to the horrid A'merlcans.
rather 1 portion of the l;xecutive, of had twice accepted nomivatiou at a school children's parade. The to Orange members; 'Should have •brooder of fancy stock, his herd of—Toronto Mail. .
. the American people, represented .tete hands of the Conservatives. It schools • nearest Clinton in- the -sur sincere for his A1:uighty illakimported.. and graded stock. being a The udvccntcs of surrender
y rounding townships are being invit• a iil�n fan Ti''tlr-tipe Stviiur as the credit to the country. In_ h'i's largo 1)rite.nd to forget that ConsPryatl es
b•y a ; ii.lottty 'of the Senate, with is too w01.1 known' to require any ed to join with our own .schools in ouly_.Tthifectrol I) t%"Oil God and
man.' hate always de•si•red reciprocity witJT
'+ making this innovation a great sec- r7ealous in'pronlotinl; the prosperity stables err thirty first -clads horses, T y f
, Kivu ns nlore greed characteris- progf. 'lite first-time he was nomi- coag. gTt ohlnnov will as emblem of the t,?ueun aucl cnnntry:' 'Have, 11�any o£ them Clydesdales and the Tinned States it raw utnterih,18,
r :k
tic of-t1io savage Indian whom they uated .lir. Cauturou had the greatest the Jioderf ichool grouuds,and headed hatred of cursing stud swcaviug; Percht,rona. lir. . (largill's latest 1 t is true Pnon}�gh that iron o. -re is not
N niontiougd in the offer which has
5l, !rave uofortunalely displaced upon number of polled votes but the by the Doherty Organ Band, will prudence, sobrety and honesty addition to this classy stoelc is the
g j Y • Iiurdman teaul of Ottawa, for stood upon the statute boob for the
t.}118 CUntln119llt. rnjnCtO(1 the tl'eitt)', CUU1't9 held that 1I1', Calnel'On !lad march to til0 rounds. It f8 ho ped should direst hiscotduct.' His dot
. that the -rural 8ohool Trustees will Shall he, to defend and did alt loyal which hit pail},2,000. His bai•111i past line years ; but it has always •,
}I01dii1g, contrary to Cai;arliau Grits, only obtained thotti by the grossest const;ntlato making 'Thursday a boli_ subjeets of every religious (persuasion been well unfit i" food°that the list of.
that Camila was rettiu,Y ilia best of briber and' corruption and ho Lens dA ' and that oral,. townspeople will in the err or nu•nt o their ronsi tut tonal aro the model o£ an experienced
C 0 y P also sanction the same tin b our rights., 110 angulus Kiri, Williaul's fnrnier, Altogether Mr.. Cargill hms earticles nd would the Lt conses could _
th+, arraitootneut, though Presld(nit uuseatad; tho judge doclaring that g Y King extended if the United tiitatPa'.cope
t Boards. Thu admission fee for the virtues by maintaining religion with reason do bo proud of his eute.t'� u0 induced to consider the stutter.
Clovdand had recouutended it; Of all the water in Lake Huron would children will Ile only five etnts.. At out persecuting, or trechida upon the prise and the citizens of Cargill of
- + Lbe same time thele will be opened 1'i, -lits of any? � 'their landlord. There leas been no". udvanc( by
:o:trs') Canada uo;v holds to !tor nA° waGh him Clean of gross person- ,,,, p I'he ::sur i❑ one issue denied m g Conservativesiu regard to reciproc
The School Children's Ex- y Dr. Shultz the present Lieut+
f original rights some of which she ill arta of corruption, bits it being hibit," particulars of which can be right to use. the nont lie phinle."Liber- Governor of Maidtoba, way born ill Ity,tiecause the party has always beell
1•ns quite willing to forvao for the tits' first election after the passin,go found in our prize list. al." 1 hold that f lav(. given t lnph- ° willimg to accept rt+cipra. aI trade in
Al I Archer thurg, .Ontario, his father
r' •*' salve of prevouting iuternatiuit;d of the strinoeut statute against bri- On Thumday evening we -want to proof of the propriety of my title. I raw waterials hut, it atealllily rePus„a
t have •a "oueral illumination of the Iiavo (Ione soin:tatter-,of conscience. being a Dane by birth and pia to make any Advanta toward coin,
F fligpiltos and inatraudiug. Prgsident bery° ,it elections, the court leni town. This can bevel Basil accoii� !n politics till UrannOman must bu mother Irish. He is a self-made ”
Y Y T mercial surrender to a forei-n state.
.k,M1 Cleveland now says le has,no other ently lot Dir. Cameron off with- 'plished by our merchants specially liberal or be recreant to hisobliggation. man, his parents were not at all—5/pectcttor. °
Pr` course to pursue than to ask Coil- out personal disqualification. Mr, decorating their windows and put. Whether in Orangonian be Grit or wealthy. _
Cameron •was Greonwa '4 0 lou- tying in a few extra lights and by our 'Tory h� must be liberallz0d by the m
{, cess to oxtuud his puww. of; rotalia Y 1 1 citizens generally putting their IeyvOu of Urango'r;rn !f he passesses Sir Jelu: Rose, who died in
tiuu attii prevent Canadian trade eat, ','hero is no question is lamps in their bouse windows, hang• its principleslln spirit and in trkith., Landoll, England, one day last To have go:)d Health use Powell's-
-`z week fought his, way u unaided Sarsaparillaand Burdock, it cleanses .
through spin Cuited States to :which party lip'. Uumoran 'opts. ing out Chinese Lanterns in their I ate so liberal that I will not Coll- ) � g Y p and enriches the blood. Price, 50c. a
grounds, and other devices With a d6utn all Roinan Catholics for the bad from a Lanadiau school-teachership bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488.2t
na(l, Ill t1lU CUlleat illltllnel' j108a1b10, sentod—th'e Reform party. He little trouble and veru little expense, doings of the few ---you see the Plice. into a Cothillat Otljce and thence to Hundreds have used Powa11'a
the American Jews Froin dealing wits opposod by Greenway who was the town can be put en fill,: for this nix Park ^>:*assinator will show practically the head of a great
° night the agricultural grounds will hiwsol: %ur-all Orange 111 n because Sarsaparilla and Burdock for dyspep=
ii nominatt+d b ilio nsorvative,,
night, g b once, l banking institution. Had h® stay• sia, indigestion, and as aBlood purl•
with the.Canadiau .S,unnritnus. This Y be•illutnivated and in theln'we ,pro tilers alio a few had Duca, nor all Con- ,
is s}t prtly the proposed bugbear of 11' 1Ir. Greuuw y tt ns not aC on pose having a grand display of fire servatives because some of them are ed iu.tbe political areae of Canada fie'. Price 54c. a bottle, Sold by
p S 6 p Y ho would doubtless have been all druggists. 488-2t Thr, Americans say, if servative whou to profemod to be works. As we have had no general humanly inlporfect,uorall Reformers -J—
ynu l.nnudians do nod, lot Its sinal one and steep d the nomination by celebration day in Clinton this year because there are M. C.Gs, among o -06'f Sir John Macdonald% most cr
let us strive to make this 'Thursday Allow I 'Shall liow thank you, Mr. able advisers. MARKET RIJPUPTS.
turn• ' wo won't du any trilling til,o party; io :wits a double -died our red letter clay for'l888. Editor, for your kindness in giving Sir .John A. blacdquAld, the(yorrectc_tevery Tuml.ty,Lfternoon.)
• -- -_ _ iltTl.,�yp C;itltdians tacitly En gyp trnitcpr, auc ti n.'vuP who colalrl^a (hl Maida wecon-fide Ill look for rue-the-privilagu of, tllriugh limper- CLINTON.
I Y Y greatest as well as the moat suue0sn-
y. y' b ' 3 P the largest gathering of fine horses fectly it may b(, urging ; the views of g y Flour........................$4 50 to
'seises u•ilfi our hhwdorbuss the prove sec publicity roust buput'iu g g to self,and inan frloudson mattersI fol stateslven (anadAtlttis.0V0t pro -
and cattle ever brought together in Y Y Fall Wheat, new c� old U 95 to'l CO
'' ', I the, sen categror Tndeed since the Count A glance at our prize inust consider of pulpit importance. dnced, though horn in.Glaspow, hna Spripg Wheat ............. 0 95 to 1 OJ
u,u :.:tii:a ..:i,l be stet ; aj;t `.u` Eich ° y' ' list will shore what inducements we I olud to eschew person spent all but the first four years of Barley ...................... C 45
to 0 55
t h' tnr,ri rl' have" hndcav
. • , yourselves, thall GrPPn my has come to tho front in , ntities and have done so exec tin
lu ns new hart'.. tut] that is n liab uba two heard Rwformera who are oflariug m this connection, = e :what personal rcfurcnc0 wa:; epees bis life y Gamut, Kingston ou ane Oats........... +...•, 0 3 to U 35
will be ,officially Arrnounnad sono 1 the T3Ay o£ C�uinto wore the places Peas....,.,.,dd................ 0 55 to U 5,5
r i noir to take of it. S1'e eau ivc o conversant with the h4ltet items have been added to the list nary for the ehtcl,latiou of lily Coll• where his parents- first resided in Apples,(vatnter) per bb] to 5
1 00 1 U
' I nlLliahed. Darin both, tonttons. dPo atoes.................... 0 50 til 0 50
already ! g Canada, his father harrying on the
}u i.,i,: te'r twithutit Antericalt trade a ld sfdr• b.,; Crrounway to the ghlursday and Friday there will be Yours Trifly Butter ..............,......., U 14 to 0 18
than iii,.y cite du iwithotit ours. And teformers of lii.niseli bol,] and petitions in driving and riding LTBARAL. milling llusinoss. in Adolphustown, Eggs 0 00 to 0 15
} f Y (•frim D O e .. gb •..^o...•,.. ,..,.r..... ,.
den's }'utl :'orgnt it, Pinto 1vi11 tel bouts, cutl•scionce he evidently (lid by the ladies, speeding ca'rrfnge G, deriCh, belt,...,, 1887. And Kingston. The famous son, Hay ........................... 12 00 to14 00
horsea, and • immy other '+imilar .__ _ Sir John, had no aids of wealth, or Cordwood ................... 3 00 to A 00
svito i; light, and f,urladn ne'Pd n t not have, ox1 less aurptl.n rpt rho attractions. It would be of groat social position. Tho Fortner he Beef .......................... 0 UG to 0 2(I
t4•nr thg rcanlL Ill' ll:runtoned I'LL' ia- ful('ilmont of the old adage,"the assistance it' our friends who have —John Lowe, deputy minister of never sought for himself, though his Wool......, U 20 to 0 05
n fine horses even if unwillingto enter agriculture, who has just arrived at g Park ........................ 6 50 to 6 7
thin, i'nuadiana lutuw than' rights, ilovil is always good to his own. + Ott
awa from Manitoba, says the foresight has made thousands rich, 0
them for competition, would turn wheat laid there this year will be But in social and political distinc-
;l;,l ;;uulviug litre •r,ud will lefoud Iy is all undoubted fact that out on these days. Y p
them, and more, Im u 111 con•. Ctl'oenwr,l' h' his base conduct last 20,000,(0) bushels. tion lie has long been at the top of HURON OEN'T'RAL.
p l y bit. Foster will take charge of the Have you dyspepsia ? ..lf eo, use the ladder. It makes one "tired"
E rocttun and resourcoa s• y we call 'the Couftdenen of both"Grit and Art Department and this will be Apowell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock ; to hear the eternal rot of Canadians
Tut . nd made a specialty this year. The best the most powerful remedy in the
tlteut. ;tit•. Pit many wg,rs •woul,l ne'vor hnvn been tate in the Itinit is being r0aerved having to leave Canada if they yy' P market. Price 5Uo A bottle, field by in 1,110 l;litisll II .iso ef' ('nit- V.,",in'akru up by cithor in •lfuron, roll that purpose. The utmost care all druggists. 4�t8.2t would succeed. Thousands of such EXHIBITIoN
iuuu.s l❑ speaking i favor of the _ --^-_�>�g�g'��
will be taken ofany paintings loaned —In the circuit court at 5t. John, sj ncitnen bricks of good, undoubted
p o for the occasion. The flower exhibit N. B,, Mrs Williams, of Portland, . C,madidn mould and make can be
e>:ci :diw,t righty o the lhitiah to EDITORIAI, N(1:['i4,S. will also be specially attended' to sued the tow -n --for $2000 damages for shown. And in proportion to CORRECTIONS TO PRIZE LIST.'
k! a glance at the Priz: List w! j show injuries to lier,elf by falling on the
lit'". •very fisbin waters than coin j o population we have More an•]
t that we are ]cooping faith with the sidewalk 'I`hon her husband claimed (
4' firnie l but no gonaht to he wrest- Who Glolo, endeavors, in all editor- town in enlyrgin this ,art of the r bigger and better men in Canada Add to Class 1 :
$500)for the loss of her society during
° + w nal, to show "flow Canada may exhibition. 8 1 bei convalescence. The 'Ili award- than in the adjoining Republic One year old Celding...... $2 00 $1 00
rid frual us y an ungrateful and r jury which is so often boastin 1 hold Two year olid Gelding... .. 2 00 1 00
graalttna n ion, said : 1eThe,)`isheries capture TTnivereal Sympathy." In these matters the townspeople cd 9fo00 tp•,the wife and St00 to the g Y Three ear old Fill 3 00 2 00
can help us nfid I hope that they husband. up in all its tawdry ousel by Y t Y' ' ' ' ' ' '
Ile darn, m,t !tLlgl lhnru�)t l� hat Canada wants to capture is will bo enthuginstically taken up. _lir• Thoa. Fletcher, of the'l0th renegade Canadians. There are Add to Class 3
a,ursGtr,, of the T671'Pr those Yankees wilo are stealing our The many other attractioils mention, coil, of Dorehami last week threshed many groat men t uiong„ the 50 One year old Gol-link l 00 1 0u
' i p ,, fish. 1', S, stand fur both United, ed in our catalogue and bills (10 not 228 Lushels of fall wheat from the millioua of people in the Unitild One yeai' old Filly..... 2 00 1 00
r f Lr Icdnu. require comment. 'Taken as a whole growth of six acres, an average of 88 Three year' olid Filly.. , ... 3 00 2 00
' 1'ritutl9 will olidenvar to hold States and ['tl.iversal Sympnthy, the Directors believe they.will result bushels to the acre, and Dir, John 'sates ; . there is , a proportion-
roportio r Add to Glass 12
roncl both ma - n1Pau the same follow. ) " ,angrillr same township, averaged fl{r,1yW greater nuntlp0r among rho 0
t •Ir own now as thea though there y (should the weather be favorable In l (icrso" , , t o0 0 :.n
" If so the Globe'; tffurts to show holy making a grand aul:cess of the first 35 bushels to the acre. The yield millions ,..of Canadians. And the
nut ninth iLutger of the Pnomy Tinton Central Exhibition. 'Thanking secured by fnrmer3 all around these opportunities in Canada are greater The C. 1', R. M11 wiil:o a 14poh"
- t0 capture him.aro prais0worflty'
you for your Ace two two mon ran from 30 to 38 bushels hihit of Dl ts:li•on.t ttr,:u"a,
y p to•,dny than they,pver were.
'r,'>• 1pPillr toasters of the Tower of Lon- �_ ---_ -._ - I am Rc ter acre. ,'armors in Oxford aro tiVDT..TAC1:ShV A. 1T. DIANNINt:.
° ° y I'll Ctnna(li,in :tnuexationists say A, fI..lianninl;, teelinb happy over their crops this It is quite truly pointed out that
dr,h, Th%t at least is a rotnlia'tor Sot,: ay y, I'tc i iter.
par;liurl 11toy',snout indulge in. lneriraus want unrestricL• Presialcnt year%, many Canadians have prospered in C1 � - zt
that the s\ r ■ p
TRAITOR (�,EiVl*NWAY', epi redpraalty. »lith its. The Yanks Fti±'itor Neive-Redord.
rho Huron News -Reser ..
• --^^— are evidently not homtsopaths. In- Sirs,— I suppose you have noticed
01.50 ItTOAr-^ 1.20 In Advance," Our good friend of the New h7pa g 1 the rowarkauly luttioial utauuor in
" sterid of adopting the li to curing Moo
--- ----- - "cooky" which the Star has disposed of the
' ---- has bcxcOille quite opelcy over Its 1 giving us reciprocity facts wbiph I gavo fixing, ttpon him
Wedilestlay, Sept- 501, 1888 distorted statement of the eir'luntwith the expectation of rr,ceivino it the stigma, of We having endorsed the stance,@ in colluectiou with traitor vill isious statea"unt that a serwo.0 toC P-1.1-u-s1h
in return, they prescribe the heroic lease Orany oruou must be a "violent
Greentvay'a political retard In p
TH1(BUQBF.ARB. TALIATION dos0ofuan-intaroulusu. Asthelywill harangue, irrational and uscluss;'
•A Huron. The Mitchell Advocate
-�� have to awallOw the biggest art of Such a t+tatenlettt is worthy of U. G`.
Far some tim.0 past there has been thought nocesaary, to take excep- hb P' C. who said teat Orange
``' a jwtiuu, Citu%%diami will hav•+ "blood -thirsty lot." I should ossib-
pg', considerable irritation between tion to the Era's perversion of, t �' !? i
f ,the pleasure of seeing thrill tnitl'ujp ly eacus<+ the ,�'tur fur ho furnished
facts. The L'ra now says "no evideucu that ha dyes not knots t6o
CAuada and the United States—ever their toes first. tueanin g of the language Ire uses. '
papal, u1 Huron challenges our b
E, since the abrogation of the Wash- -' - 'I he last ovolvetuout froth his prolific
remavlts, because they knew the brain tisane contains the astoauding',
ingt0n treaty wh,foh had been particulars to be exactly as we nar
LETTERS TO iN+E EDITOR. atateweut that Liberal "spina (last)
negotiated by Sir John A, Unction- rated thein •" We baa to act our We wish it to be dtstuuetty understood that tae do weep( continues his harangue." Where,
not hotd aur�,Ioes responsiblo jut the minions I would ask ? A harangue can only
aid oil the part of Canada and Cotem right. The reason no one o ressed by virrespendente.- lin, Xlc%vs.ttt:. wean a spoken disoourso. I will par- y
which acknowledged tile 'exclusive in Huron Challonggud the curreotuuas -_� �_ don his eccentricity in otha thin"ab ALL SHADES AND COLORS
I o ° y f O. y ,
right of British sulijectli to certain of the kra when it said Mr. Green- THE HURON CEN'I'ItAL EXHI. giving him the benefit of. pot knowing
fishing territory off Newfoundland ways not been, and as a matter BITIW the value of the language hs uses
° J r and 118a consequently endorsed what
5 1,tlitur A'cugr-1?eear(d. he (lid lint mean to endorse. He
and in the Gulf of St Lawrence. of fact he really never was" a Coil-,
Under tont treaty t�iuericans were servative is that the atatemeut is so rather ill•requites my forbearance
• ' Oil the 19th 20th and 21st instant when lie stupidly says that a defender
i.. allowed tbo same privileges' as absurd to overy one who had tiny- the above exhibition, will be held in of "Altar and Throtlu," of Protestan
` tism °and Oralieism is "mora ads Al FIFTY CE WTS,w 7f�ritish subjects on the condition of thing to do with politics in Huruu, Clinton, and the Directors are doing, g p
the payment of certain monies. U that the simply smiled and said and will continue to lie all in their ted for such bravesetsas the Phoenix pd
1 • Y P- Y P Y + Park assassination. Truly the last
On AI'bltl'ating oil the amount due another Grit lie. Those who know power to make it the beat exhibition condition of the S.4ar is worse than ---o
in Huron this year. 5l•e do not saythe fiest. I could conceive of his in•.
t .. Canada we received some $5,000,000 the liability of our totem to mato' Y
for the fish Americans took from misstatonients set the statement this disparagingly but simply -that advertently endorsing libelous
our patrons may know that we are references to the•OrauI Order, but
Canadian,rijiand existence
of that waters down a;i an Ere ha not worth Con -
,ed 1 y for him to say those da approve of The
durin''g the existence of that h•o;tt tradlctiugr We have been Ilsked Alive to the interectts of our Associa• the Urdor "are more adapted for such
•i o Y °' tion and are doing our best to keep brave acts as Phoenix Park assassiva-
why we did not correct the state- tion than in defending the motto;
t :.r The Americans said they paid good the promises made to those "Fear God and honor the Kinn,"
went, ` e would }rave to issue a 6 out Camerons Cameron and very •� ��■■ � �� __
too dear for their fish and abrogat- large number of special donors who
w ed the treaty. 'Things then reverted supplement almost every week did so liberally subscribed when the nearly appro?tches in utaligttant and
"' wo attempt to correct all the leis- town was canvassed. It will be ignorant Tmplcbes i the lower depths CANADIAN SPECIMEN the United Staten, here we have
to the position Canada occupied un- 1 andI _ub itu li of a Cuddy. BRICKS, "Jin)" Mill, tilt- autocrat of the St.
t' statements sips❑using from the sante readily understood, however, that
der the of treaty 1815; Since then I observe that you omitted last — Paul, JIuulOapolls St Manitoba
" source, In this Greenway case the the Directors cannot do everything ,
the Amoricaus have been ountinu- • week printing the portion of my potter . r. Cargill, Conservative M. P. Railway, is a native of Niagara
r" allj''j1UAc}1111gupUn Cue-tlliau WatKtl:g, the creat majority of our readersaro and we want to have the aid of every• rebutting tho statement of too Star for East Bruce, is 0110 of those district. lie was liorn neur Funt-
pelsonally awnru of the liositive one who can in any way lend us that'Mx. Anderson followed his usual thorough Canadians who have help- hill, awl went io school it his
lu some cases the ,fish stealers at- assistance. I therefore venture to •conrso when, in preaching a sorption, ed to build Canada u to what it out days to Rev, Mr, Wethurald,
tempted to justify their flshingg b untruthfulness of the statement that by request, to Orangemen he oluit, p young Y
} Y ° Y throw out the following suggestions is. 130 owns the bright, busy little so wt -11 known ill St. Catharines.
tin untenable coustri,etion of the lie never profes.od to be a Causer- ted all references to rho society. villaoo which hears his tante lour• He is said to bP, worth$20,000,000. °
- to our friends in the hope that they Although I was not present wheu lie +�
z troch, Ili' 1318. But leading Amon- 1'�tivu. Bost
Of them beard bite will be acted upon as far as passible pr(achod a sorrilou to the Foresters,, ted on the Southampton Brunch of Ile was poor .whrvl he courmoncetl
call* jurists have agreed with the at sonic time or another during two in that spirit of enterprise which but ant cre(lihly informed that h0 ex- the Grand 'Trunk Railway. It is a rail-roading. But -there urn millions
political campaigns, and the heard plainetl its objucts, and very properly atirrin g )lac,, cud owes its activity of ,native Americans who tverH poor
'44' Cauadiau interprotiition of rho 1 p ° + Y will' ensure success. I
go. As to the rev. Reutleniall saying to the nnarg)of ,i111r. Cargill, whose when they couttnenced rail -reading
Lreat hint its tl'ie Cpasorvative candidate We ex eet-to be favored with the to the coint'lrrtteo of Oran++eilletl Who
> p � Lig lumber nulla and sash and door and who reuuliii poor even to Njis day
a phol'd nlid ver lib! too the
Ill ��rder to it71n tttlGltionACum- l Y Y -presence of the Dominion and Proms waited -upoll,krit113uutthat
tbei ohdill
ect of 'I�-
14 .V know a'n •thlu a factory are 'among the part, t And we have not to pools v v far
`Consorvntivo cause, an,l na ably de- vincia] Ministers of Agriculture and y t 1 to Canada In his mills and fav- to find nativt• Awerica•nt+ who have.
uiis,.'lou was appointed to come to their society, that I believe is quite
nounco the Reform cause and . whilst the Society will receive these true, but I also believ0 I am correct tory he ump{oys, all the year round, acquiri•d 'nlill.ions it'Canada and are
+uuu• ,u'ratloetront• whereby the gentlemen in as heart n manner as 2
i= its banner bear0r DIr. Cameron. g Y in rlayiug that lie was farnislied w:tli. ' 50 to 300 Ilton, and draws'- Itis Calladiaus by unturaliztition. The fact
tr`'f l.lniit; of Canadian waters would be possible and without regard to olit- a copy of the Constitution so that lie su )lien front n strip of 1� 000 acres of Americans ronkin, millions ill
That" Greenway had been a Re- p ' g p nli ,lit lulow, pl p ' t
' utceptablo t0 bath eountrios. M11t• leap 'differences, 'I do not think it 6 of timber lands i.•hich h,- purcaaa,ed rho United 5txtes proveta nothing
former before he came to Huron would be out of place for their party T believe my "haran;,gur•s" have in 1871 ,front the (ioyernntent. except the exist« tee of the etertal
w ❑ it cuuoe'ssions were made and the may have been tho case but done Borne guod. They leave to to „
Y friends to embrace the opportunity y y Some idea may be authered of the law of^ tlw survival tf the fittest'—
.;> nrrangoulent submitted to And ap- personal knowledge beets the rfteaus
r�1t there are responsible men in of welcoming them in nn manner immense business douu in the Ctar in sense cases w'h, rN the gaer,lmt
v proved by the Cati4dian Parliamont, Y of enlightening +nine who had hither -
this town who board him say on they see fit. The I[on. Chas. Drury to thought that Oranguism inculcated gill pully when it is known that the is uiour,y•hags, the surwivul of the.
r* ;guile?t}tsbtndTng the rngting of the im Ictahl0 hatru,l to Roman Chatho. yearly capucity is 5,000,000 feet of fittPstscoundrei. .
'f. tile, public platform at Baytiold will open the exhibition on Thursday p i ,
Opposition that Canada was being lies. One of my objects, Mr. Editor dressed lumber. -._.
and elsewhere that Ill., never gave morning and at the samo ceremony
sacrificed to Yankti6 greed and Im- .a Reform veto 111 has life. there 'will be resent Iron. A. \?• if not my only ono, has boon to dispel This enterprising M. P., in —"The Alail," says a. restrictionist
p; P this I,outeNhat popular error,.and to Y
,t periai Cunsidorat ions, Ross It. Porter D.I. P. and J. Me- ';bow that tho Society is so liberal as Addition to hia mills and factory, is contemporary, "argues at great
lV0 must admit that h0 espoused y the owner of a fiuurishin flour will, length that if the United States duty
Millan DI. P. On Friday morningto positively cutjuiu no p0rsecution of � gl r
So far all was well, Tho large- the Cuusorvativo cause after he came Y auy one for his religious opinion. It which turns out 73 barrels daily, of 75 cents per ton, were removed,
he:trte,cl people ofCanada wuio d0- to Ilui'ou, anti 110 man .,acquainted Hon. Jno. Carling, accompanied we proclaims police and good grill• to -all It is run by water power, and at Canada would export a° large amount -
hot b W. it. Meredith M. P. P. men while ondcavorin g ill a Chris- resent leaned b Air. W. Awitin. of iron ore to the states. Quite
termivad to live in amity wall their with tile. circtmistances who has au p' Y ' ' ' R P' Y
Y 'will pay us it visit and delivery short tian spirit to spread abroad teachings , richt. Canada is ripe for redvance
uelglibors at, guy reasonable regard for the truth, will deny address. These distinguished gentle- Mr. Car -ill dues nut only' sltictu t in iron ore." ' Hel'e is an advance
that twill redound to tiro glory of God, Y
• A9 a manufacturer He )osauses' a toward common' sense. Only the
sacrifice short of alisollia and men will be long enough with us for, the uplifting or our fol low-m(tu and . 1 Y
4 the ho becam0 a renegade to the va I g
' ab-ect crouching in ills dust. 13«t � their friends to :act upon the lent I the, t;ruytuCss of our country. Itt farm of 300 acres, all undttr tillage, other. flay it was argued officially that
t j, ° Conservative , party after ho diad have thrown out. proof of this I skull gngt0 frout Lssen• and in addition has 500 acres of it would be unpatriotic to ;sell o.ur
►:' a portion of the American' people, or, been twice nomivat0d and, after he j 'grazing 5 ice
Un Thursday morning we shall have tials for membership and injunctions Lazio land I30 is a successful fine ore to the horrid A'merlcans.
rather 1 portion of the l;xecutive, of had twice accepted nomivatiou at a school children's parade. The to Orange members; 'Should have •brooder of fancy stock, his herd of—Toronto Mail. .
. the American people, represented .tete hands of the Conservatives. It schools • nearest Clinton in- the -sur sincere for his A1:uighty illakimported.. and graded stock. being a The udvccntcs of surrender
y rounding townships are being invit• a iil�n fan Ti''tlr-tipe Stviiur as the credit to the country. In_ h'i's largo 1)rite.nd to forget that ConsPryatl es
b•y a ; ii.lottty 'of the Senate, with is too w01.1 known' to require any ed to join with our own .schools in ouly_.Tthifectrol I) t%"Oil God and
man.' hate always de•si•red reciprocity witJT
'+ making this innovation a great sec- r7ealous in'pronlotinl; the prosperity stables err thirty first -clads horses, T y f
, Kivu ns nlore greed characteris- progf. 'lite first-time he was nomi- coag. gTt ohlnnov will as emblem of the t,?ueun aucl cnnntry:' 'Have, 11�any o£ them Clydesdales and the Tinned States it raw utnterih,18,
r :k
tic of-t1io savage Indian whom they uated .lir. Cauturou had the greatest the Jioderf ichool grouuds,and headed hatred of cursing stud swcaviug; Percht,rona. lir. . (largill's latest 1 t is true Pnon}�gh that iron o. -re is not
N niontiougd in the offer which has
5l, !rave uofortunalely displaced upon number of polled votes but the by the Doherty Organ Band, will prudence, sobrety and honesty addition to this classy stoelc is the
g j Y • Iiurdman teaul of Ottawa, for stood upon the statute boob for the
t.}118 CUntln119llt. rnjnCtO(1 the tl'eitt)', CUU1't9 held that 1I1', Calnel'On !lad march to til0 rounds. It f8 ho ped should direst hiscotduct.' His dot
. that the -rural 8ohool Trustees will Shall he, to defend and did alt loyal which hit pail},2,000. His bai•111i past line years ; but it has always •,
}I01dii1g, contrary to Cai;arliau Grits, only obtained thotti by the grossest const;ntlato making 'Thursday a boli_ subjeets of every religious (persuasion been well unfit i" food°that the list of.
that Camila was rettiu,Y ilia best of briber and' corruption and ho Lens dA ' and that oral,. townspeople will in the err or nu•nt o their ronsi tut tonal aro the model o£ an experienced
C 0 y P also sanction the same tin b our rights., 110 angulus Kiri, Williaul's fnrnier, Altogether Mr.. Cargill hms earticles nd would the Lt conses could _
th+, arraitootneut, though Presld(nit uuseatad; tho judge doclaring that g Y King extended if the United tiitatPa'.cope
t Boards. Thu admission fee for the virtues by maintaining religion with reason do bo proud of his eute.t'� u0 induced to consider the stutter.
Clovdand had recouutended it; Of all the water in Lake Huron would children will Ile only five etnts.. At out persecuting, or trechida upon the prise and the citizens of Cargill of
- + Lbe same time thele will be opened 1'i, -lits of any? � 'their landlord. There leas been no". udvanc( by
:o:trs') Canada uo;v holds to !tor nA° waGh him Clean of gross person- ,,,, p I'he ::sur i❑ one issue denied m g Conservativesiu regard to reciproc
The School Children's Ex- y Dr. Shultz the present Lieut+
f original rights some of which she ill arta of corruption, bits it being hibit," particulars of which can be right to use. the nont lie phinle."Liber- Governor of Maidtoba, way born ill Ity,tiecause the party has always beell
1•ns quite willing to forvao for the tits' first election after the passin,go found in our prize list. al." 1 hold that f lav(. given t lnph- ° willimg to accept rt+cipra. aI trade in
Al I Archer thurg, .Ontario, his father
r' •*' salve of prevouting iuternatiuit;d of the strinoeut statute against bri- On Thumday evening we -want to proof of the propriety of my title. I raw waterials hut, it atealllily rePus„a
t have •a "oueral illumination of the Iiavo (Ione soin:tatter-,of conscience. being a Dane by birth and pia to make any Advanta toward coin,
F fligpiltos and inatraudiug. Prgsident bery° ,it elections, the court leni town. This can bevel Basil accoii� !n politics till UrannOman must bu mother Irish. He is a self-made ”
Y Y T mercial surrender to a forei-n state.
.k,M1 Cleveland now says le has,no other ently lot Dir. Cameron off with- 'plished by our merchants specially liberal or be recreant to hisobliggation. man, his parents were not at all—5/pectcttor. °
Pr` course to pursue than to ask Coil- out personal disqualification. Mr, decorating their windows and put. Whether in Orangonian be Grit or wealthy. _
Cameron •was Greonwa '4 0 lou- tying in a few extra lights and by our 'Tory h� must be liberallz0d by the m
{, cess to oxtuud his puww. of; rotalia Y 1 1 citizens generally putting their IeyvOu of Urango'r;rn !f he passesses Sir Jelu: Rose, who died in
tiuu attii prevent Canadian trade eat, ','hero is no question is lamps in their bouse windows, hang• its principleslln spirit and in trkith., Landoll, England, one day last To have go:)d Health use Powell's-
-`z week fought his, way u unaided Sarsaparillaand Burdock, it cleanses .
through spin Cuited States to :which party lip'. Uumoran 'opts. ing out Chinese Lanterns in their I ate so liberal that I will not Coll- ) � g Y p and enriches the blood. Price, 50c. a
grounds, and other devices With a d6utn all Roinan Catholics for the bad from a Lanadiau school-teachership bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488.2t
na(l, Ill t1lU CUlleat illltllnel' j108a1b10, sentod—th'e Reform party. He little trouble and veru little expense, doings of the few ---you see the Plice. into a Cothillat Otljce and thence to Hundreds have used Powa11'a
the American Jews Froin dealing wits opposod by Greenway who was the town can be put en fill,: for this nix Park ^>:*assinator will show practically the head of a great
° night the agricultural grounds will hiwsol: %ur-all Orange 111 n because Sarsaparilla and Burdock for dyspep=
ii nominatt+d b ilio nsorvative,,
night, g b once, l banking institution. Had h® stay• sia, indigestion, and as aBlood purl•
with the.Canadiau .S,unnritnus. This Y be•illutnivated and in theln'we ,pro tilers alio a few had Duca, nor all Con- ,
is s}t prtly the proposed bugbear of 11' 1Ir. Greuuw y tt ns not aC on pose having a grand display of fire servatives because some of them are ed iu.tbe political areae of Canada fie'. Price 54c. a bottle, Sold by
p S 6 p Y ho would doubtless have been all druggists. 488-2t Thr, Americans say, if servative whou to profemod to be works. As we have had no general humanly inlporfect,uorall Reformers -J—
ynu l.nnudians do nod, lot Its sinal one and steep d the nomination by celebration day in Clinton this year because there are M. C.Gs, among o -06'f Sir John Macdonald% most cr
let us strive to make this 'Thursday Allow I 'Shall liow thank you, Mr. able advisers. MARKET RIJPUPTS.
turn• ' wo won't du any trilling til,o party; io :wits a double -died our red letter clay for'l888. Editor, for your kindness in giving Sir .John A. blacdquAld, the(yorrectc_tevery Tuml.ty,Lfternoon.)
• -- -_ _ iltTl.,�yp C;itltdians tacitly En gyp trnitcpr, auc ti n.'vuP who colalrl^a (hl Maida wecon-fide Ill look for rue-the-privilagu of, tllriugh limper- CLINTON.
I Y Y greatest as well as the moat suue0sn-
y. y' b ' 3 P the largest gathering of fine horses fectly it may b(, urging ; the views of g y Flour........................$4 50 to
'seises u•ilfi our hhwdorbuss the prove sec publicity roust buput'iu g g to self,and inan frloudson mattersI fol stateslven (anadAtlttis.0V0t pro -
and cattle ever brought together in Y Y Fall Wheat, new c� old U 95 to'l CO
'' ', I the, sen categror Tndeed since the Count A glance at our prize inust consider of pulpit importance. dnced, though horn in.Glaspow, hna Spripg Wheat ............. 0 95 to 1 OJ
u,u :.:tii:a ..:i,l be stet ; aj;t `.u` Eich ° y' ' list will shore what inducements we I olud to eschew person spent all but the first four years of Barley ...................... C 45
to 0 55
t h' tnr,ri rl' have" hndcav
. • , yourselves, thall GrPPn my has come to tho front in , ntities and have done so exec tin
lu ns new hart'.. tut] that is n liab uba two heard Rwformera who are oflariug m this connection, = e :what personal rcfurcnc0 wa:; epees bis life y Gamut, Kingston ou ane Oats........... +...•, 0 3 to U 35
will be ,officially Arrnounnad sono 1 the T3Ay o£ C�uinto wore the places Peas....,.,.,dd................ 0 55 to U 5,5
r i noir to take of it. S1'e eau ivc o conversant with the h4ltet items have been added to the list nary for the ehtcl,latiou of lily Coll• where his parents- first resided in Apples,(vatnter) per bb] to 5
1 00 1 U
' I nlLliahed. Darin both, tonttons. dPo atoes.................... 0 50 til 0 50
already ! g Canada, his father harrying on the
}u i.,i,: te'r twithutit Antericalt trade a ld sfdr• b.,; Crrounway to the ghlursday and Friday there will be Yours Trifly Butter ..............,......., U 14 to 0 18
than iii,.y cite du iwithotit ours. And teformers of lii.niseli bol,] and petitions in driving and riding LTBARAL. milling llusinoss. in Adolphustown, Eggs 0 00 to 0 15
} f Y (•frim D O e .. gb •..^o...•,.. ,..,.r..... ,.
den's }'utl :'orgnt it, Pinto 1vi11 tel bouts, cutl•scionce he evidently (lid by the ladies, speeding ca'rrfnge G, deriCh, belt,...,, 1887. And Kingston. The famous son, Hay ........................... 12 00 to14 00
horsea, and • immy other '+imilar .__ _ Sir John, had no aids of wealth, or Cordwood ................... 3 00 to A 00
svito i; light, and f,urladn ne'Pd n t not have, ox1 less aurptl.n rpt rho attractions. It would be of groat social position. Tho Fortner he Beef .......................... 0 UG to 0 2(I
t4•nr thg rcanlL Ill' ll:runtoned I'LL' ia- ful('ilmont of the old adage,"the assistance it' our friends who have —John Lowe, deputy minister of never sought for himself, though his Wool......, U 20 to 0 05
n fine horses even if unwillingto enter agriculture, who has just arrived at g Park ........................ 6 50 to 6 7
thin, i'nuadiana lutuw than' rights, ilovil is always good to his own. + Ott
awa from Manitoba, says the foresight has made thousands rich, 0
them for competition, would turn wheat laid there this year will be But in social and political distinc-
;l;,l ;;uulviug litre •r,ud will lefoud Iy is all undoubted fact that out on these days. Y p
them, and more, Im u 111 con•. Ctl'oenwr,l' h' his base conduct last 20,000,(0) bushels. tion lie has long been at the top of HURON OEN'T'RAL.
p l y bit. Foster will take charge of the Have you dyspepsia ? ..lf eo, use the ladder. It makes one "tired"
E rocttun and resourcoa s• y we call 'the Couftdenen of both"Grit and Art Department and this will be Apowell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock ; to hear the eternal rot of Canadians
Tut . nd made a specialty this year. The best the most powerful remedy in the
tlteut. ;tit•. Pit many wg,rs •woul,l ne'vor hnvn been tate in the Itinit is being r0aerved having to leave Canada if they yy' P market. Price 5Uo A bottle, field by in 1,110 l;litisll II .iso ef' ('nit- V.,",in'akru up by cithor in •lfuron, roll that purpose. The utmost care all druggists. 4�t8.2t would succeed. Thousands of such EXHIBITIoN
iuuu.s l❑ speaking i favor of the _ --^-_�>�g�g'��
will be taken ofany paintings loaned —In the circuit court at 5t. John, sj ncitnen bricks of good, undoubted
p o for the occasion. The flower exhibit N. B,, Mrs Williams, of Portland, . C,madidn mould and make can be
e>:ci :diw,t righty o the lhitiah to EDITORIAI, N(1:['i4,S. will also be specially attended' to sued the tow -n --for $2000 damages for shown. And in proportion to CORRECTIONS TO PRIZE LIST.'
k! a glance at the Priz: List w! j show injuries to lier,elf by falling on the
lit'". •very fisbin waters than coin j o population we have More an•]
t that we are ]cooping faith with the sidewalk 'I`hon her husband claimed (
4' firnie l but no gonaht to he wrest- Who Glolo, endeavors, in all editor- town in enlyrgin this ,art of the r bigger and better men in Canada Add to Class 1 :
$500)for the loss of her society during
° + w nal, to show "flow Canada may exhibition. 8 1 bei convalescence. The 'Ili award- than in the adjoining Republic One year old Celding...... $2 00 $1 00
rid frual us y an ungrateful and r jury which is so often boastin 1 hold Two year olid Gelding... .. 2 00 1 00
graalttna n ion, said : 1eThe,)`isheries capture TTnivereal Sympathy." In these matters the townspeople cd 9fo00 tp•,the wife and St00 to the g Y Three ear old Fill 3 00 2 00
can help us nfid I hope that they husband. up in all its tawdry ousel by Y t Y' ' ' ' ' ' '
Ile darn, m,t !tLlgl lhnru�)t l� hat Canada wants to capture is will bo enthuginstically taken up. _lir• Thoa. Fletcher, of the'l0th renegade Canadians. There are Add to Class 3
a,ursGtr,, of the T671'Pr those Yankees wilo are stealing our The many other attractioils mention, coil, of Dorehami last week threshed many groat men t uiong„ the 50 One year old Gol-link l 00 1 0u
' i p ,, fish. 1', S, stand fur both United, ed in our catalogue and bills (10 not 228 Lushels of fall wheat from the millioua of people in the Unitild One yeai' old Filly..... 2 00 1 00
r f Lr Icdnu. require comment. 'Taken as a whole growth of six acres, an average of 88 Three year' olid Filly.. , ... 3 00 2 00
' 1'ritutl9 will olidenvar to hold States and ['tl.iversal Sympnthy, the Directors believe they.will result bushels to the acre, and Dir, John 'sates ; . there is , a proportion-
roportio r Add to Glass 12
roncl both ma - n1Pau the same follow. ) " ,angrillr same township, averaged fl{r,1yW greater nuntlp0r among rho 0
t •Ir own now as thea though there y (should the weather be favorable In l (icrso" , , t o0 0 :.n
" If so the Globe'; tffurts to show holy making a grand aul:cess of the first 35 bushels to the acre. The yield millions ,..of Canadians. And the
nut ninth iLutger of the Pnomy Tinton Central Exhibition. 'Thanking secured by fnrmer3 all around these opportunities in Canada are greater The C. 1', R. M11 wiil:o a 14poh"
- t0 capture him.aro prais0worflty'
you for your Ace two two mon ran from 30 to 38 bushels hihit of Dl ts:li•on.t ttr,:u"a,
y p to•,dny than they,pver were.
'r,'>• 1pPillr toasters of the Tower of Lon- �_ ---_ -._ - I am Rc ter acre. ,'armors in Oxford aro tiVDT..TAC1:ShV A. 1T. DIANNINt:.
° ° y I'll Ctnna(li,in :tnuexationists say A, fI..lianninl;, teelinb happy over their crops this It is quite truly pointed out that
dr,h, Th%t at least is a rotnlia'tor Sot,: ay y, I'tc i iter.
par;liurl 11toy',snout indulge in. lneriraus want unrestricL• Presialcnt year%, many Canadians have prospered in C1 � - zt
that the s\ r ■ p
TRAITOR (�,EiVl*NWAY', epi redpraalty. »lith its. The Yanks Fti±'itor Neive-Redord.
rho Huron News -Reser ..
• --^^— are evidently not homtsopaths. In- Sirs,— I suppose you have noticed
01.50 ItTOAr-^ 1.20 In Advance," Our good friend of the New h7pa g 1 the rowarkauly luttioial utauuor in
" sterid of adopting the li to curing Moo
--- ----- - "cooky" which the Star has disposed of the
' ---- has bcxcOille quite opelcy over Its 1 giving us reciprocity facts wbiph I gavo fixing, ttpon him
Wedilestlay, Sept- 501, 1888 distorted statement of the eir'luntwith the expectation of rr,ceivino it the stigma, of We having endorsed the stance,@ in colluectiou with traitor vill isious statea"unt that a serwo.0 toC P-1.1-u-s1h
in return, they prescribe the heroic lease Orany oruou must be a "violent
Greentvay'a political retard In p
TH1(BUQBF.ARB. TALIATION dos0ofuan-intaroulusu. Asthelywill harangue, irrational and uscluss;'
•A Huron. The Mitchell Advocate
-�� have to awallOw the biggest art of Such a t+tatenlettt is worthy of U. G`.
Far some tim.0 past there has been thought nocesaary, to take excep- hb P' C. who said teat Orange
``' a jwtiuu, Citu%%diami will hav•+ "blood -thirsty lot." I should ossib-
pg', considerable irritation between tion to the Era's perversion of, t �' !? i
f ,the pleasure of seeing thrill tnitl'ujp ly eacus<+ the ,�'tur fur ho furnished
facts. The L'ra now says "no evideucu that ha dyes not knots t6o
CAuada and the United States—ever their toes first. tueanin g of the language Ire uses. '
papal, u1 Huron challenges our b
E, since the abrogation of the Wash- -' - 'I he last ovolvetuout froth his prolific
remavlts, because they knew the brain tisane contains the astoauding',
ingt0n treaty wh,foh had been particulars to be exactly as we nar
LETTERS TO iN+E EDITOR. atateweut that Liberal "spina (last)
negotiated by Sir John A, Unction- rated thein •" We baa to act our We wish it to be dtstuuetty understood that tae do weep( continues his harangue." Where,
not hotd aur�,Ioes responsiblo jut the minions I would ask ? A harangue can only
aid oil the part of Canada and Cotem right. The reason no one o ressed by virrespendente.- lin, Xlc%vs.ttt:. wean a spoken disoourso. I will par- y
which acknowledged tile 'exclusive in Huron Challonggud the curreotuuas -_� �_ don his eccentricity in otha thin"ab ALL SHADES AND COLORS
I o ° y f O. y ,
right of British sulijectli to certain of the kra when it said Mr. Green- THE HURON CEN'I'ItAL EXHI. giving him the benefit of. pot knowing
fishing territory off Newfoundland ways not been, and as a matter BITIW the value of the language hs uses
° J r and 118a consequently endorsed what
5 1,tlitur A'cugr-1?eear(d. he (lid lint mean to endorse. He
and in the Gulf of St Lawrence. of fact he really never was" a Coil-,
Under tont treaty t�iuericans were servative is that the atatemeut is so rather ill•requites my forbearance
• ' Oil the 19th 20th and 21st instant when lie stupidly says that a defender
i.. allowed tbo same privileges' as absurd to overy one who had tiny- the above exhibition, will be held in of "Altar and Throtlu," of Protestan
` tism °and Oralieism is "mora ads Al FIFTY CE WTS,w 7f�ritish subjects on the condition of thing to do with politics in Huruu, Clinton, and the Directors are doing, g p
the payment of certain monies. U that the simply smiled and said and will continue to lie all in their ted for such bravesetsas the Phoenix pd
1 • Y P- Y P Y + Park assassination. Truly the last
On AI'bltl'ating oil the amount due another Grit lie. Those who know power to make it the beat exhibition condition of the S.4ar is worse than ---o
in Huron this year. 5l•e do not saythe fiest. I could conceive of his in•.
t .. Canada we received some $5,000,000 the liability of our totem to mato' Y
for the fish Americans took from misstatonients set the statement this disparagingly but simply -that advertently endorsing libelous
our patrons may know that we are references to the•OrauI Order, but
Canadian,rijiand existence
of that waters down a;i an Ere ha not worth Con -
,ed 1 y for him to say those da approve of The
durin''g the existence of that h•o;tt tradlctiugr We have been Ilsked Alive to the interectts of our Associa• the Urdor "are more adapted for such
•i o Y °' tion and are doing our best to keep brave acts as Phoenix Park assassiva-
why we did not correct the state- tion than in defending the motto;
t :.r The Americans said they paid good the promises made to those "Fear God and honor the Kinn,"
went, ` e would }rave to issue a 6 out Camerons Cameron and very •� ��■■ � �� __
too dear for their fish and abrogat- large number of special donors who
w ed the treaty. 'Things then reverted supplement almost every week did so liberally subscribed when the nearly appro?tches in utaligttant and
"' wo attempt to correct all the leis- town was canvassed. It will be ignorant Tmplcbes i the lower depths CANADIAN SPECIMEN the United Staten, here we have
to the position Canada occupied un- 1 andI _ub itu li of a Cuddy. BRICKS, "Jin)" Mill, tilt- autocrat of the St.
t' statements sips❑using from the sante readily understood, however, that
der the of treaty 1815; Since then I observe that you omitted last — Paul, JIuulOapolls St Manitoba
" source, In this Greenway case the the Directors cannot do everything ,
the Amoricaus have been ountinu- • week printing the portion of my potter . r. Cargill, Conservative M. P. Railway, is a native of Niagara
r" allj''j1UAc}1111gupUn Cue-tlliau WatKtl:g, the creat majority of our readersaro and we want to have the aid of every• rebutting tho statement of too Star for East Bruce, is 0110 of those district. lie was liorn neur Funt-
pelsonally awnru of the liositive one who can in any way lend us that'Mx. Anderson followed his usual thorough Canadians who have help- hill, awl went io school it his
lu some cases the ,fish stealers at- assistance. I therefore venture to •conrso when, in preaching a sorption, ed to build Canada u to what it out days to Rev, Mr, Wethurald,
tempted to justify their flshingg b untruthfulness of the statement that by request, to Orangemen he oluit, p young Y
} Y ° Y throw out the following suggestions is. 130 owns the bright, busy little so wt -11 known ill St. Catharines.
tin untenable coustri,etion of the lie never profes.od to be a Causer- ted all references to rho society. villaoo which hears his tante lour• He is said to bP, worth$20,000,000. °
- to our friends in the hope that they Although I was not present wheu lie +�
z troch, Ili' 1318. But leading Amon- 1'�tivu. Bost
Of them beard bite will be acted upon as far as passible pr(achod a sorrilou to the Foresters,, ted on the Southampton Brunch of Ile was poor .whrvl he courmoncetl
call* jurists have agreed with the at sonic time or another during two in that spirit of enterprise which but ant cre(lihly informed that h0 ex- the Grand 'Trunk Railway. It is a rail-roading. But -there urn millions
political campaigns, and the heard plainetl its objucts, and very properly atirrin g )lac,, cud owes its activity of ,native Americans who tverH poor
'44' Cauadiau interprotiition of rho 1 p ° + Y will' ensure success. I
go. As to the rev. Reutleniall saying to the nnarg)of ,i111r. Cargill, whose when they couttnenced rail -reading
Lreat hint its tl'ie Cpasorvative candidate We ex eet-to be favored with the to the coint'lrrtteo of Oran++eilletl Who
> p � Lig lumber nulla and sash and door and who reuuliii poor even to Njis day
a phol'd nlid ver lib! too the
Ill ��rder to it71n tttlGltionACum- l Y Y -presence of the Dominion and Proms waited -upoll,krit113uutthat
tbei ohdill
ect of 'I�-
14 .V know a'n •thlu a factory are 'among the part, t And we have not to pools v v far
`Consorvntivo cause, an,l na ably de- vincia] Ministers of Agriculture and y t 1 to Canada In his mills and fav- to find nativt• Awerica•nt+ who have.
uiis,.'lou was appointed to come to their society, that I believe is quite
nounco the Reform cause and . whilst the Society will receive these true, but I also believ0 I am correct tory he ump{oys, all the year round, acquiri•d 'nlill.ions it'Canada and are
+uuu• ,u'ratloetront• whereby the gentlemen in as heart n manner as 2
i= its banner bear0r DIr. Cameron. g Y in rlayiug that lie was farnislied w:tli. ' 50 to 300 Ilton, and draws'- Itis Calladiaus by unturaliztition. The fact
tr`'f l.lniit; of Canadian waters would be possible and without regard to olit- a copy of the Constitution so that lie su )lien front n strip of 1� 000 acres of Americans ronkin, millions ill
That" Greenway had been a Re- p ' g p nli ,lit lulow, pl p ' t
' utceptablo t0 bath eountrios. M11t• leap 'differences, 'I do not think it 6 of timber lands i.•hich h,- purcaaa,ed rho United 5txtes proveta nothing
former before he came to Huron would be out of place for their party T believe my "haran;,gur•s" have in 1871 ,front the (ioyernntent. except the exist« tee of the etertal
w ❑ it cuuoe'ssions were made and the may have been tho case but done Borne guod. They leave to to „
Y friends to embrace the opportunity y y Some idea may be authered of the law of^ tlw survival tf the fittest'—
.;> nrrangoulent submitted to And ap- personal knowledge beets the rfteaus
r�1t there are responsible men in of welcoming them in nn manner immense business douu in the Ctar in sense cases w'h, rN the gaer,lmt
v proved by the Cati4dian Parliamont, Y of enlightening +nine who had hither -
this town who board him say on they see fit. The I[on. Chas. Drury to thought that Oranguism inculcated gill pully when it is known that the is uiour,y•hags, the surwivul of the.
r* ;guile?t}tsbtndTng the rngting of the im Ictahl0 hatru,l to Roman Chatho. yearly capucity is 5,000,000 feet of fittPstscoundrei. .
'f. tile, public platform at Baytiold will open the exhibition on Thursday p i ,
Opposition that Canada was being lies. One of my objects, Mr. Editor dressed lumber. -._.
and elsewhere that Ill., never gave morning and at the samo ceremony
sacrificed to Yankti6 greed and Im- .a Reform veto 111 has life. there 'will be resent Iron. A. \?• if not my only ono, has boon to dispel This enterprising M. P., in —"The Alail," says a. restrictionist
p; P this I,outeNhat popular error,.and to Y
,t periai Cunsidorat ions, Ross It. Porter D.I. P. and J. Me- ';bow that tho Society is so liberal as Addition to hia mills and factory, is contemporary, "argues at great
lV0 must admit that h0 espoused y the owner of a fiuurishin flour will, length that if the United States duty
Millan DI. P. On Friday morningto positively cutjuiu no p0rsecution of � gl r
So far all was well, Tho large- the Cuusorvativo cause after he came Y auy one for his religious opinion. It which turns out 73 barrels daily, of 75 cents per ton, were removed,
he:trte,cl people ofCanada wuio d0- to Ilui'ou, anti 110 man .,acquainted Hon. Jno. Carling, accompanied we proclaims police and good grill• to -all It is run by water power, and at Canada would export a° large amount -
hot b W. it. Meredith M. P. P. men while ondcavorin g ill a Chris- resent leaned b Air. W. Awitin. of iron ore to the states. Quite
termivad to live in amity wall their with tile. circtmistances who has au p' Y ' ' ' R P' Y
Y 'will pay us it visit and delivery short tian spirit to spread abroad teachings , richt. Canada is ripe for redvance
uelglibors at, guy reasonable regard for the truth, will deny address. These distinguished gentle- Mr. Car -ill dues nut only' sltictu t in iron ore." ' Hel'e is an advance
that twill redound to tiro glory of God, Y
• A9 a manufacturer He )osauses' a toward common' sense. Only the
sacrifice short of alisollia and men will be long enough with us for, the uplifting or our fol low-m(tu and . 1 Y
4 the ho becam0 a renegade to the va I g
' ab-ect crouching in ills dust. 13«t � their friends to :act upon the lent I the, t;ruytuCss of our country. Itt farm of 300 acres, all undttr tillage, other. flay it was argued officially that
t j, ° Conservative , party after ho diad have thrown out. proof of this I skull gngt0 frout Lssen• and in addition has 500 acres of it would be unpatriotic to ;sell o.ur
►:' a portion of the American' people, or, been twice nomivat0d and, after he j 'grazing 5 ice
Un Thursday morning we shall have tials for membership and injunctions Lazio land I30 is a successful fine ore to the horrid A'merlcans.
rather 1 portion of the l;xecutive, of had twice accepted nomivatiou at a school children's parade. The to Orange members; 'Should have •brooder of fancy stock, his herd of—Toronto Mail. .
. the American people, represented .tete hands of the Conservatives. It schools • nearest Clinton in- the -sur sincere for his A1:uighty illakimported.. and graded stock. being a The udvccntcs of surrender
y rounding townships are being invit• a iil�n fan Ti''tlr-tipe Stviiur as the credit to the country. In_ h'i's largo 1)rite.nd to forget that ConsPryatl es
b•y a ; ii.lottty 'of the Senate, with is too w01.1 known' to require any ed to join with our own .schools in ouly_.Tthifectrol I) t%"Oil God and
man.' hate always de•si•red reciprocity witJT
'+ making this innovation a great sec- r7ealous in'pronlotinl; the prosperity stables err thirty first -clads horses, T y f
, Kivu ns nlore greed characteris- progf. 'lite first-time he was nomi- coag. gTt ohlnnov will as emblem of the t,?ueun aucl cnnntry:' 'Have, 11�any o£ them Clydesdales and the Tinned States it raw utnterih,18,
r :k
tic of-t1io savage Indian whom they uated .lir. Cauturou had the greatest the Jioderf ichool grouuds,and headed hatred of cursing stud swcaviug; Percht,rona. lir. . (largill's latest 1 t is true Pnon}�gh that iron o. -re is not
N niontiougd in the offer which has
5l, !rave uofortunalely displaced upon number of polled votes but the by the Doherty Organ Band, will prudence, sobrety and honesty addition to this classy stoelc is the
g j Y • Iiurdman teaul of Ottawa, for stood upon the statute boob for the
t.}118 CUntln119llt. rnjnCtO(1 the tl'eitt)', CUU1't9 held that 1I1', Calnel'On !lad march to til0 rounds. It f8 ho ped should direst hiscotduct.' His dot
. that the -rural 8ohool Trustees will Shall he, to defend and did alt loyal which hit pail},2,000. His bai•111i past line years ; but it has always •,
}I01dii1g, contrary to Cai;arliau Grits, only obtained thotti by the grossest const;ntlato making 'Thursday a boli_ subjeets of every religious (persuasion been well unfit i" food°that the list of.
that Camila was rettiu,Y ilia best of briber and' corruption and ho Lens dA ' and that oral,. townspeople will in the err or nu•nt o their ronsi tut tonal aro the model o£ an experienced
C 0 y P also sanction the same tin b our rights., 110 angulus Kiri, Williaul's fnrnier, Altogether Mr.. Cargill hms earticles nd would the Lt conses could _
th+, arraitootneut, though Presld(nit uuseatad; tho judge doclaring that g Y King extended if the United tiitatPa'.cope
t Boards. Thu admission fee for the virtues by maintaining religion with reason do bo proud of his eute.t'� u0 induced to consider the stutter.
Clovdand had recouutended it; Of all the water in Lake Huron would children will Ile only five etnts.. At out persecuting, or trechida upon the prise and the citizens of Cargill of
- + Lbe same time thele will be opened 1'i, -lits of any? � 'their landlord. There leas been no". udvanc( by
:o:trs') Canada uo;v holds to !tor nA° waGh him Clean of gross person- ,,,, p I'he ::sur i❑ one issue denied m g Conservativesiu regard to reciproc
The School Children's Ex- y Dr. Shultz the present Lieut+
f original rights some of which she ill arta of corruption, bits it being hibit," particulars of which can be right to use. the nont lie phinle."Liber- Governor of Maidtoba, way born ill Ity,tiecause the party has always beell
1•ns quite willing to forvao for the tits' first election after the passin,go found in our prize list. al." 1 hold that f lav(. given t lnph- ° willimg to accept rt+cipra. aI trade in
Al I Archer thurg, .Ontario, his father
r' •*' salve of prevouting iuternatiuit;d of the strinoeut statute against bri- On Thumday evening we -want to proof of the propriety of my title. I raw waterials hut, it atealllily rePus„a
t have •a "oueral illumination of the Iiavo (Ione soin:tatter-,of conscience. being a Dane by birth and pia to make any Advanta toward coin,
F fligpiltos and inatraudiug. Prgsident bery° ,it elections, the court leni town. This can bevel Basil accoii� !n politics till UrannOman must bu mother Irish. He is a self-made ”
Y Y T mercial surrender to a forei-n state.
.k,M1 Cleveland now says le has,no other ently lot Dir. Cameron off with- 'plished by our merchants specially liberal or be recreant to hisobliggation. man, his parents were not at all—5/pectcttor. °
Pr` course to pursue than to ask Coil- out personal disqualification. Mr, decorating their windows and put. Whether in Orangonian be Grit or wealthy. _
Cameron •was Greonwa '4 0 lou- tying in a few extra lights and by our 'Tory h� must be liberallz0d by the m
{, cess to oxtuud his puww. of; rotalia Y 1 1 citizens generally putting their IeyvOu of Urango'r;rn !f he passesses Sir Jelu: Rose, who died in
tiuu attii prevent Canadian trade eat, ','hero is no question is lamps in their bouse windows, hang• its principleslln spirit and in trkith., Landoll, England, one day last To have go:)d Health use Powell's-
-`z week fought his, way u unaided Sarsaparillaand Burdock, it cleanses .
through spin Cuited States to :which party lip'. Uumoran 'opts. ing out Chinese Lanterns in their I ate so liberal that I will not Coll- ) � g Y p and enriches the blood. Price, 50c. a
grounds, and other devices With a d6utn all Roinan Catholics for the bad from a Lanadiau school-teachership bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488.2t
na(l, Ill t1lU CUlleat illltllnel' j108a1b10, sentod—th'e Reform party. He little trouble and veru little expense, doings of the few ---you see the Plice. into a Cothillat Otljce and thence to Hundreds have used Powa11'a
the American Jews Froin dealing wits opposod by Greenway who was the town can be put en fill,: for this nix Park ^>:*assinator will show practically the head of a great
° night the agricultural grounds will hiwsol: %ur-all Orange 111 n because Sarsaparilla and Burdock for dyspep=
ii nominatt+d b ilio nsorvative,,
night, g b once, l banking institution. Had h® stay• sia, indigestion, and as aBlood purl•
with the.Canadiau .S,unnritnus. This Y be•illutnivated and in theln'we ,pro tilers alio a few had Duca, nor all Con- ,
is s}t prtly the proposed bugbear of 11' 1Ir. Greuuw y tt ns not aC on pose having a grand display of fire servatives because some of them are ed iu.tbe political areae of Canada fie'. Price 54c. a bottle, Sold by
p S 6 p Y ho would doubtless have been all druggists. 488-2t Thr, Americans say, if servative whou to profemod to be works. As we have had no general humanly inlporfect,uorall Reformers -J—
ynu l.nnudians do nod, lot Its sinal one and steep d the nomination by celebration day in Clinton this year because there are M. C.Gs, among o -06'f Sir John Macdonald% most cr
let us strive to make this 'Thursday Allow I 'Shall liow thank you, Mr. able advisers. MARKET RIJPUPTS.
turn• ' wo won't du any trilling til,o party; io :wits a double -died our red letter clay for'l888. Editor, for your kindness in giving Sir .John A. blacdquAld, the(yorrectc_tevery Tuml.ty,Lfternoon.)
• -- -_ _ iltTl.,�yp C;itltdians tacitly En gyp trnitcpr, auc ti n.'vuP who colalrl^a (hl Maida wecon-fide Ill look for rue-the-privilagu of, tllriugh limper- CLINTON.
I Y Y greatest as well as the moat suue0sn-
y. y' b ' 3 P the largest gathering of fine horses fectly it may b(, urging ; the views of g y Flour........................$4 50 to
'seises u•ilfi our hhwdorbuss the prove sec publicity roust buput'iu g g to self,and inan frloudson mattersI fol stateslven (anadAtlttis.0V0t pro -
and cattle ever brought together in Y Y Fall Wheat, new c� old U 95 to'l CO
'' ', I the, sen categror Tndeed since the Count A glance at our prize inust consider of pulpit importance. dnced, though horn in.Glaspow, hna Spripg Wheat ............. 0 95 to 1 OJ
u,u :.:tii:a ..:i,l be stet ; aj;t `.u` Eich ° y' ' list will shore what inducements we I olud to eschew person spent all but the first four years of Barley ...................... C 45
to 0 55
t h' tnr,ri rl' have" hndcav
. • , yourselves, thall GrPPn my has come to tho front in , ntities and have done so exec tin
lu ns new hart'.. tut] that is n liab uba two heard Rwformera who are oflariug m this connection, = e :what personal rcfurcnc0 wa:; epees bis life y Gamut, Kingston ou ane Oats........... +...•, 0 3 to U 35
will be ,officially Arrnounnad sono 1 the T3Ay o£ C�uinto wore the places Peas....,.,.,dd................ 0 55 to U 5,5
r i noir to take of it. S1'e eau ivc o conversant with the h4ltet items have been added to the list nary for the ehtcl,latiou of lily Coll• where his parents- first resided in Apples,(vatnter) per bb] to 5
1 00 1 U
' I nlLliahed. Darin both, tonttons. dPo atoes.................... 0 50 til 0 50
already ! g Canada, his father harrying on the
}u i.,i,: te'r twithutit Antericalt trade a ld sfdr• b.,; Crrounway to the ghlursday and Friday there will be Yours Trifly Butter ..............,......., U 14 to 0 18
than iii,.y cite du iwithotit ours. And teformers of lii.niseli bol,] and petitions in driving and riding LTBARAL. milling llusinoss. in Adolphustown, Eggs 0 00 to 0 15
} f Y (•frim D O e .. gb •..^o...•,.. ,..,.r..... ,.
den's }'utl :'orgnt it, Pinto 1vi11 tel bouts, cutl•scionce he evidently (lid by the ladies, speeding ca'rrfnge G, deriCh, belt,...,, 1887. And Kingston. The famous son, Hay ........................... 12 00 to14 00
horsea, and • immy other '+imilar .__ _ Sir John, had no aids of wealth, or Cordwood ................... 3 00 to A 00
svito i; light, and f,urladn ne'Pd n t not have, ox1 less aurptl.n rpt rho attractions. It would be of groat social position. Tho Fortner he Beef .......................... 0 UG to 0 2(I
t4•nr thg rcanlL Ill' ll:runtoned I'LL' ia- ful('ilmont of the old adage,"the assistance it' our friends who have —John Lowe, deputy minister of never sought for himself, though his Wool......, U 20 to 0 05
n fine horses even if unwillingto enter agriculture, who has just arrived at g Park ........................ 6 50 to 6 7
thin, i'nuadiana lutuw than' rights, ilovil is always good to his own. + Ott
awa from Manitoba, says the foresight has made thousands rich, 0
them for competition, would turn wheat laid there this year will be But in social and political distinc-
;l;,l ;;uulviug litre •r,ud will lefoud Iy is all undoubted fact that out on these days. Y p
them, and more, Im u 111 con•. Ctl'oenwr,l' h' his base conduct last 20,000,(0) bushels. tion lie has long been at the top of HURON OEN'T'RAL.
p l y bit. Foster will take charge of the Have you dyspepsia ? ..lf eo, use the ladder. It makes one "tired"
E rocttun and resourcoa s• y we call 'the Couftdenen of both"Grit and Art Department and this will be Apowell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock ; to hear the eternal rot of Canadians
Tut . nd made a specialty this year. The best the most powerful remedy in the
tlteut. ;tit•. Pit many wg,rs •woul,l ne'vor hnvn been tate in the Itinit is being r0aerved having to leave Canada if they yy' P market. Price 5Uo A bottle, field by in 1,110 l;litisll II .iso ef' ('nit- V.,",in'akru up by cithor in •lfuron, roll that purpose. The utmost care all druggists. 4�t8.2t would succeed. Thousands of such EXHIBITIoN
iuuu.s l❑ speaking i favor of the _ --^-_�>�g�g'��
will be taken ofany paintings loaned —In the circuit court at 5t. John, sj ncitnen bricks of good, undoubted
p o for the occasion. The flower exhibit N. B,, Mrs Williams, of Portland, . C,madidn mould and make can be
e>:ci :diw,t righty o the lhitiah to EDITORIAI, N(1:['i4,S. will also be specially attended' to sued the tow -n --for $2000 damages for shown. And in proportion to CORRECTIONS TO PRIZE LIST.'
k! a glance at the Priz: List w! j show injuries to lier,elf by falling on the
lit'". •very fisbin waters than coin j o population we have More an•]
t that we are ]cooping faith with the sidewalk 'I`hon her husband claimed (
4' firnie l but no gonaht to he wrest- Who Glolo, endeavors, in all editor- town in enlyrgin this ,art of the r bigger and better men in Canada Add to Class 1 :
$500)for the loss of her society during
° + w nal, to show "flow Canada may exhibition. 8 1 bei convalescence. The 'Ili award- than in the adjoining Republic One year old Celding...... $2 00 $1 00
rid frual us y an ungrateful and r jury which is so often boastin 1 hold Two year olid Gelding... .. 2 00 1 00
graalttna n ion, said : 1eThe,)`isheries capture TTnivereal Sympathy." In these matters the townspeople cd 9fo00 tp•,the wife and St00 to the g Y Three ear old Fill 3 00 2 00
can help us nfid I hope that they husband. up in all its tawdry ousel by Y t Y' ' ' ' ' ' '
Ile darn, m,t !tLlgl lhnru�)t l� hat Canada wants to capture is will bo enthuginstically taken up. _lir• Thoa. Fletcher, of the'l0th renegade Canadians. There are Add to Class 3
a,ursGtr,, of the T671'Pr those Yankees wilo are stealing our The many other attractioils mention, coil, of Dorehami last week threshed many groat men t uiong„ the 50 One year old Gol-link l 00 1 0u
' i p ,, fish. 1', S, stand fur both United, ed in our catalogue and bills (10 not 228 Lushels of fall wheat from the millioua of people in the Unitild One yeai' old Filly..... 2 00 1 00
r f Lr Icdnu. require comment. 'Taken as a whole growth of six acres, an average of 88 Three year' olid Filly.. , ... 3 00 2 00
' 1'ritutl9 will olidenvar to hold States and ['tl.iversal Sympnthy, the Directors believe they.will result bushels to the acre, and Dir, John 'sates ; . there is , a proportion-
roportio r Add to Glass 12
roncl both ma - n1Pau the same follow. ) " ,angrillr same township, averaged fl{r,1yW greater nuntlp0r among rho 0
t •Ir own now as thea though there y (should the weather be favorable In l (icrso" , , t o0 0 :.n
" If so the Globe'; tffurts to show holy making a grand aul:cess of the first 35 bushels to the acre. The yield millions ,..of Canadians. And the
nut ninth iLutger of the Pnomy Tinton Central Exhibition. 'Thanking secured by fnrmer3 all around these opportunities in Canada are greater The C. 1', R. M11 wiil:o a 14poh"
- t0 capture him.aro prais0worflty'
you for your Ace two two mon ran from 30 to 38 bushels hihit of Dl ts:li•on.t ttr,:u"a,
y p to•,dny than they,pver were.
'r,'>• 1pPillr toasters of the Tower of Lon- �_ ---_ -._ - I am Rc ter acre. ,'armors in Oxford aro tiVDT..TAC1:ShV A. 1T. DIANNINt:.
° ° y I'll Ctnna(li,in :tnuexationists say A, fI..lianninl;, teelinb happy over their crops this It is quite truly pointed out that
dr,h, Th%t at least is a rotnlia'tor Sot,: ay y, I'tc i iter.
par;liurl 11toy',snout indulge in. lneriraus want unrestricL• Presialcnt year%, many Canadians have prospered in C1 � - zt
that the s\ r ■ p