HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-08-29, Page 8A °, J , r . 17 .. - - y.R „ ,P' o .. - wS. '. ;. ' .•tit--. .' �, • ,; .. j „�. � ,+I . vti I o .. < - ,«. r - .: - i'... , 11�, , :Mfr ,-X)Ikat,4T sea �epi;i vriilt� r Q °. !t►ry heron, in R'iu s. t m M. at ' . ohne Spoo,>,mr -•..o: ea sfA11e'r#'s1?i Y -e-]. ,: �• >..� » erit� �.. j I t#tq.a1!jokbc�P�r�re,I �1X. 0'' .�-D j'; 1:; , �o tV o'' � Is. �1;; >� � � eEi . r 1 4. lTlidtfr}�tl#,uf .lie „dc l# e o dt � h ".,..IF �1' - 4� a �r»„, r �, I r, ,r ,.. ,, lin e e n a� R. �n� iii .�� ' 1 ,- ... n1 ” _. _._ _ . , ,. w.. -..M ... .-__-- ,, .r,-- #4r({13#lapl R(tflNy.ltB r & ,� , 9_,,i.. #1I t sl.► It, �n?c.. ouv t rb 'p t w ale : d fi? rr ', -F 11 8 Dl of �_.-.a._>.l,a e1 t �"­ • ° lw,: an $6 k t 4 , 1•. ;list! 1,4' w1 r: sale) liiQuIlis. I''•.. • °, Y I'll 1 .'find = i,ta \filet ► v."_*,to t g r 5Q' .Gell S •t ' , F ? .. , _ _�li . 'a , t on .he �.l�all . Qx `' rk,: �., . . t` . i ° ° ask 'otic. IiPIYa ., .. < {. # * >f :k F >tt111­1 >t pk 1K • -, 1. i . 1 MrvV, pox -T 4�'PROPQs ,11 ell- x i I ,;, I ecgsh op�y,{' 9 . 1, R 1 :. �tA 7' rat Nezas' esaye ttth R - ---,� - _ r _ 1.r „� 15 a o. - . a e to c .•. 'Bodin i4r, )ant adyortieed •for'•'a ., _ s .. . , .. .. . Y ivJ.fu ,L, i c ived'2Tfi nti tioere, ?l . " ]►.oto ca s ' rt3 ,en lose, a d 'l ' :-i, ,. li t3 -ilh . we, . e d n . ;� + �. . of . euted ,vtery pretty »r4" Zt.T +4.ricksVf �./� ` on• 'C � �' ��t;rizo��,, thele ieliies . e glrls.' Th.eirges rapped from 16 to 4 . , •. 53,"aud 87 of thorn were. widows." . , ' ,' Are �rlver psi#1 `� 3i Fail 11a'rk, ana J.aCI,;l1,;;, iQ � r: . �. ,waw -XI-it'. JoIrN I: 1�IaI.A#tEx; an .old pe r.;lnc.@S i - . vb.i: : h.1lV$. a guocl ciiY'e. rix Q!T Fl,'"�� TAT:' - GOdVrlch 'boy', was.; in Clinton I�+••�+�.. r......,�....� „��rl �i�a����wo�, I , ,_ _..� l�ys��ro'w will •eollsist of the , last ,weep in the :interests of '. CUUNOILLQR JUHNSTON• attended ' ' • ', r, ° - P the. Hamilton Coffee 'and S:pico ,ilio Ontario llifia Association Plat. " - Tb iii BE "M , _ Absglutel: - Company. Mr. McLaren is au in- thea which commenced aE Toronto', - :., R __._ r .. tri . ,' 1 nto',—,-B�r_ _ _,- -' § § S- '�$ li— •: —6 § § '.'§ $- " telested ineurber of the olnliany TONPovdarnboer4M10.4. Amartel4fpuritri.:'. - ._ �.,- . _._t Qn,MOnd�. pp . n. and his old friends in this seatto.0 ; _ , 9; i,T1 a strentrthitri� {tholcsmnene Atpre.e��mm�l�nt n a ,_" . than the oi'tlinarr kinds,, nod casino. besold in will be piea3@d -to hear of his DONT FORGET THE CATHOLIC iC. t _, -` r r 11 P ':P .11 competition tests' the umttitudo of low Rept, , ]� . 1i V nae Y.; , abort{+'eight-alhnnorpiniapb:tte pQSYflcre. -Cold BUCCesa.L nicat,Deansgt•OVe,KlUg9bTldge,A8h:11­ 1 '.11 D� I mill, {RC[L178• ROI'AI. 11Aatso I'05{'DP.R (:e., life field, on Wed»esday Sept 5, Hun- .Q_C-,.MXTWEf - \VallSt„N.Y. jIiRELIGIGII$ FRAUD.—ROY. W. , ' � I' U A.14f, Roes,llf.P.1. and Robert Port- OOK A't'_SAMPLES QF COST IN •A Ha} Burst of Wallacobur advertises , , TT� I .' a g� . er IJsgr., 14L'I , will endeavor to in- IJ HOME COlifFel�TY: �»c,+� a lisp^1Qt1a fraud who' la el'Rl!lbUla- ' - -51— 5 The NuronNevus-Record p terest the people there. ' PER 1000-' - - tiu,,, throu"li the counties of Essex $ •----`--� a5 t) Age 25 Celt for 1885, glee 1880.. 0000 --- -- _ $1.50 a V"r--$1.25 to ad{angio. , and Kont.. Said. fraud is"a person IN 11 �EMGRIAnI,-D'[r. � '. 13... „ ,$° i <., " ., a . , `. .T�- -- -- .-_ .__- about 35 yeara of ago, rather uuder Cooper of the Clinton marble works „ 40 ., 1, 003 ever seen ill this-Wetion sell We flee. Safe i21 a11110UI1C1Tlg the teed'tutu hei"ht somewhat thick has got u a drawin of a b' utiful 45 ' " 7 59 . We4bt.csdiY<y, AannsG 2Jttt 1885 c ° p g 99 that in' the way of , • . t set, clean shaven, long black hair, mortuary vault ordered by the o to o7 4 ' T '-- '- calling himself an evdngelist, ;tnd widowof Clio late W.NvCressivolI"f p Definite Insurance at the abovo,ratee. ' A ne\\� `loll Buggy fol• sale ' every hailing from Michigan. Beware of 'Tuckersntit•h. The plan• has been See me tiefore you inswro to any company _ _ _ + ^r_.• _ _ >. ., - ` cheap. For particulate apply i►t him 1 He is not'what he pretends accepted, The material to `be used and understand our -plan. At the age of ��`r� . - _+ - - k this office: • to be I" . - • ' \riot be Ohio freestone and the 40, the Host for$5,000 was about $35 for `��� ' '" - -.,Y vault will, be placed in the Soaforth less, us fee 1886. CLOTHING, BURN/SH/NGS1 1'FIE \VINGAAM Tames soya, "Clip Sec us before you decide. , . USE OCEAN NAVE IIXKING POW- cemetery. Y ton used to have two assessors but DER, the best ill itis niniket. For <a � i 5 � ” � - . ' ., the Era called it moonshine , anti Honss IZACEs an the Clinton 'Q'S. Thompson, . Agent. I ­ L sale by Cnvt@Ion Bros. 511.41 characterised the action of the conn• Driving P+irk, Friday 31st Sept-° AND FURS!y __Y - ell as wisdou at last." There is' a Tho various purses will be keenly SPooNEn's hotel is llavin" an LIME. -Persons requiring lime va"ueness about the recediu� contested. Pros ecte,xc011ent for ° "` • o for building can bo supplied by \vhich mak'ea it nits incom .epee r ,good nioetinn, p extensive nddii}oq put to it. •} _ _ -� _ cl ° ° Fait' play gunrau- / X : X X -}- Cooperand Swaffiel,l with St 1lfary's Bible to Clintonians. We not only toast its• the management have secur- MR. Jos. WHEATLEY has haft it white little. 501-tf 1 severe • attack of brain neural Used t0 i1flYe t\rG a99ea80t8,'bnt have ed as jnilf;Hs,. tiV. �i . FRri'flD; Esq gra - ' two now and have had two, without Clinton: Thos Bell, Esq.., Wingham; anti congestion of the lungs but is we' will eclipse all former efforts and this is saying a 11 WANTED.—Apples, Peal's. Plums interinissiou, far many yearn. ' ,If it A. O.".Chamberlain, Esq., Petrolea: now able to be .out though. benrin r ' ` "' - and Crflb•fl ties for which the ° >: •good deal. People are not going to be extravagant this pt is wisdom at last to have two. . • 'traces of his recent strums 10. p b 5 highest price will be paid. -Cant@• assessors why 'was it not wisdom to MR. GEo •DOUGHTY, formerly of °O season and whatever they buy must bi' cheap and good. . ]on Bros. 511•tf have had two assessors .all along i Clinton, is now working in •DIr. A CLINTON SCIENTIRT.—A ei-ty -People who know the .value of $1 and. why) have .compar- Graham s Woolen 1'Till Inglewood; daily of lace .date in noticing the i' ° daily n f in Cleveland ed prices say that we sell . the Cheapest' Clothing in the LNTERTAINMENT in the town hall A CHANGE.— Rev. T. West, P. P., He is comfortably settled with his °� , of the Ameri- 1?. t, Thursday evening under the auspices will'leave St. Augustine next week family, and the mill furnielies 'him call Association for the Advance- Cbnnty, and the C'videliCe we offer is our large aad in- „ of Willia church 11Tission Baud. 100 and take up Ills residence at Gode• 'steady employment., We are glad nientof Science, says:• -.Among the Creasing trade. We are honest wheii we Sg ti11a1 =jj i11 -..-- �� beautiful dissolviun vi e\1 N,,-, ,_ _._ -• richito..,vhich statin .ho_ has_ sen. ta'hsarlha>rd1Lr� 11- ...'6 IIaE --read---4e,Rit}-�ve>tl== _ - - __�; , ____11 _. _-_i.__� �,.. __ � of Teat interest b ��irto—race w1tFi�usor—iilrrnes of 112en s, 'Youths',' . appointed. He will also officiate at place and his prospects. He is a ° Y Horatio \ \ , FonSALE on To LET.=Tho cons• Clinton. The members of his con- "square" man, and understanding Hale, of 'Clinton, Ontario, the Boys and Children s Clothing. ' modions i4einises Recently known gregation here do not like parting the woolen manufacturing basin@ seminentethnologist,wh6accompani- l.• and used as -tie Royal or KHu•uedy.'s with him, bu.t, knowing his. -.ability will be sure to prosper. ed the Wilkes expedition to the --G_._ . d ., hotel, Suitable for !}oitrding-house as it minister of the gospel, wish South Seas, on "`'Rho Aryan Race" . o or largo family, 1441, ell Cho usual him success.nnd happiness in his AvoTHER BACK TowNs81P HEARD and, it -'Universal, Language." Ili domesticcoilveilitiucies, I',arge d.riv_ iiew and larger field of labor- FROM. -This time it is New York, speaking of the.ltatter`ho said that Allm, � 0" . , ing houso mud -stable ill couuection, Winghaln Advance. �'1Te have been fevered with boatiti- Volapulc would' not answer the . Also ail ofl}ae irintedi,itrly adjoining , fol'epocimens of *the arts tvpograph- pur.poso oil account of the tom - "I ,THE NEWS•INCORD Oilii,,. TIC@ FIVE THE BGYa TRADES.—OI]ly iC and ilthOgt'aph1C executed at, Trloxity of its gramnlal' 'and `the JA ­0,1(8,0 " '. - • N Lvfl. I. property is ill the centre opt' the busi- eighty of the 500 convicts received. =the prifiting, binding and engraving difficulty ofpronunciation. It lack- .... _ last your in the. Easter penitentiary office. of Peverelly and Webb, i4 ed in -sine . licit the essential point THE FAMOUS'` -CLOTHIERS., CLOY If IERS Hess liortion ut ClintotM it is r p ' y, f 'eons lv-1 had trades when Ann St., Now York. One of the, of a universal language. . ., leery desirable prol,i'atyt for Dither Q•---1 y' purchaser or 6-wiut, �1pp1y to brought there' We are a nation of fitm, F. J.• ZV,ebb, is n 'former deller was about to repeat the per- ' --In tE;e Jamaica a ors there I JOHN SHEPPARD. '3t - workl'1S without an ,apprentice Clinton boy and it is a pleasur@,'to TAKING OVER A BRIDGE.—The p p p Ii . - i•yae.nt and a generation without note that he is able to keop his end Warden's committee, among whom fornlance,and ;raslieil the helabonroda recently appeared an obituarynotiue T beast by -the bridle, at imminent that 'speaks for, itself.:. "Died,4&-`'"Rit, >-.-- - 1r,ides, \1'e import the heads of up in the commercial,.metropolis of were Warden Kay and Reeves Tor- , . LOCti ,' t peril tp his'own life, anU brought the, Palm Pen, St. Thomas•"yerale, on • ah A 1-, -L h� S, cul' establishments from Europe, the United Stales. ralicei, Beck•, liatz, Bissett Griffin, dangerously driven rig to m standstill.• the 7th instant, Catharine Crowell, a i and trach Onr boys to;make,.lestor , and County Clerk Adamson, passed Other citizens.rushers-to the rescue native of Spanish To,vn, aged 122 lost a shoe, but never' t make au PERILOUti ALL hOVNI).-A justifi- throw . 'lin, .and Around the •,r1IIb•" % °h the .Hub Ztt, Monday to . and soon willing hauls were unhitch- years. ' - _ entire article. able ignoring of ips real-tape�lrocesa �lringham to inspect' and take ing the animal. -While doing so tho -Oliver Dalrymple, the bonanza r •Y of laying �%inforinatiou Or waiting oVHr the iron grid o oat tom feted lines got entangled about the legs of farmer of Dakota, said on 3Vednes• L Q1Ull iyllXlt: FACT$ FOR THE CuRious.-Those the arival of a peace officer' was g. 1 p the driver at the same time as he ' 1 ilii the letter place. They inteneded day winter wheat had been great) MR. W. JACKSO,, of Jackson wh i wroto oil the 8th of this mouth the act of citizen Jas. Hearn last also actin ls', u. Count Board of was getting out of the buggy to pre- damaged by early frosts,,and the ' could, with one figure, have given Thursday evening when, at con- g ` Y vent them, and he fell to the ground crop will be short, Farmers will do • . I',ros. had ,,one to 11Ylon;treal. ; Health nud reporting on the state About Chia tirue between the driver the day of the month, the mouth of sidorable personal risk, h, }int a' of the odoriferous mill pond at and crowd the' well to hold their wheat as tong as .MR. J. C. Dt TLOR,•-left for his the year, and the year of •the" stop to the mad career of a fool- possible, for it will be. worth $1, a, - Northwest tiip oil Saturday, century -8, 8, '88,—Aug. 8, 1888. y man b Springing into the ,,,,,' m which many of the Citi- .that the normal Nna ttiro\vn upon its bushel before long. There will 'b'e a hard Y° zees have for years said smelled` 'haunclies,and from the combined ( short crop in Europe, and that, with It will be 'possible to' do this only street and catching the bridle of rankly to the heavens and most in effectsof the unnatural position and the deficiency here, will matte wheat .MR. OGLE COOPER has rettirned Once itlore in the present century— his furiously, driven horse which fernally to the nostrils of hien livin exhaustion it fell over on thedriver's go uF to a piste figure. ;, from his trip .to l ietroit. that will be 9, J, '99, or 11 ears was being lashed into dangerous • , g leo For ashort tiulethere was an iii• ' . Y g \\ ithin half a mile of it. ' —Dr. Toole 'of Sundridge, Mus• A A LisTOWEL rani of taxation for 11 Months and one day from the 8 speed along our main street. It extricable confusion of man and horse koks, in sinking a shrift for water, da It has been just Phat'lon since was a heroic act of Hearn an limbs and, harness and buggy shafts. 1888 is 25 mills in the dollar. y J g d in A PROMINENT PoLLTtcIAN.—Sat- E When down about 60 feet struck' a the figure 7 could have been .sim•il• all human probability, ,was the urday ilftetnoAn Cha, Hon,,. Wilfred . spring. The water is forced to the Ere many seconds every one came to ` SIR, THOS TIPLIxG had a tains only used. means of saving the driver's life, ,if. Laurier passed through r.e_ hi neve and nohodyhurt. At•thia time surface of the ground carrying with, , i ° Clinton, ° Constable able Tenfold, wham the Re eve I • + Y R stick last week that crfppled him not the lives of unwary pedestrians. ing south. The "shoot the volun- lead taken a buggy and"gone for,arriv- it sand in such quantities that it is -- somewhat the time being. A DISFIGURED PAGE.—George feces" pro sena Grit leader is said to ed upon the acene,rnd he with the aid feared his boos,, which "19 in course I age met with an extremely pain- MR. JOHN IRWIN, son of. Mr. I of erection, also the Orange Hall, iVIRs PLUAf$TEEI Sr. when gp' g be 'a ver affable gentle an', In- of one of our councillors apd a furni• , , in fill accident d•hile working in the R. Irwin propr. of the Glinton Y g olose by, are in danger of being un- Elevator is uttinn ill his vacation deed ono citizen said, that though fur@ man persuaded'the- cause of all' dermined. It ie estimated' there to her sons residence on the adjoin- cess room nt D. iv. Turn's Organ p ° Laurier did us6 the traitorous) the confusion to accompany them to has been sufficient sand thrown out.. V ing lot ower li fell ani) broke ono Factory, Woodstock. It appears. with "the old folks" at home, and Y the town ball. The Mayor being ab. in 24 hours • to cover half -an acre, flint he wanted a loco of work joint. mind@roes words that have become • of her 'lower limbs. p with friends at Brantford. The sent, John McGarva, Eeq., J, P., was three inches In depth. so famous, he did s0 for ]oval communicated with and the fatuous p All efforts to ed off, and went to n buzz jginter for Young man is just out of his teens political effect only.It was R taYiff stop the flow of water have been RIR$, Josii COLE has returned that purpose, The, man who runs and is the youngest eonductor'ou the 1 fury of the driver being proven .'he futll. from a•three weeks visit to Michigan. I p .Wabash road for revenue Only, talk ; or an was fined and mulcted in the sum of the join not being at hand at the , one of the leadin ____! � Mr. Cole took r flying trip over•aud ° railways of the.United States.. As he orntorieal effort for votes only, more five dollars and allowed to depart. - necompaDied her on her return. time, he proceeded to do itis join- Y properly speaking. A few of the His name is Lang and ho belongs to -Michael Murphy, abort-stop=for Ling I•hitiiself, \epee unfortunately faithful went to the station to see Varna. He appeared to have bad just the Ontariq Base Ball Club, an Is a native of Clintou;we have much __ _ _ _ -_ ..SeTUI�,tx_11IAI1ttE� wra--iairly his llgtt_�len.d alip�ed up9n the leneure in Ile erring to him_.as epee. t}vm�toagusd�tat�5' and tFie tiento�anti-sectt-te-make-Ilm amatbar-t�atn of Biarrtferd3wash+� .- , Nell supplied and attended, Choice• ItnfveS, soveiing three of the fingers of tFie ninny instances of \shat probity hero of the volunteer k'illin mus oblivious of danger to himself or by m pitched ball in a game and butter brought 19 cents chick,us above the sHcond joint. ' iVlr: Page. and 'pluck can do when properly g others. Aside from this he did not killed. Hia neck was broken from 70 to 75 cents pe; pair, ducks 35 do Y kat. No one naked to see "that onl n short time since bad pia directed. ' seon.;to be a, vicious man: He should .the force of the pitched ball. musket bo. thankful that he did not lose 1'f(s 45 cents mach. collar bone brolcen throunh beiD° own life or folie that of others. In 'Mr. Glias. B. Doherty, jr., of . REV, MR. 13ALDWIN, of Fullarton , thrown from a bicycle, ° ° A LAGER BEER CENTRE. -A • %VHAT WAS uP.—Thursday evening Toronto, was found' lying on the Liatowel lager beer maker finding i, r Y many ways it was a close call. will, D.. V., preach• in the Baptist f5 d a wee' before the 'sun )lad. gone ' Kingston rend, whim a ioua, I3ts p THF, OLD AND THE NEN.—A few t11C ilerelanil for 1119 ^OOd$ InCI'easlDn bICVCIe lay' near him .and it "was church hero, morniD anti even- ° ° down, n wild Dyed driver,witha�om• �� ' evident that he had struck a stone g days ago Rev. G. B. Howie, pflstgr" 1lugely in tbfa suction has rented the panion, ill a baggy, might have been Our Weekly Round 1Jp. and taken a serious header. FIiS ing; next Sabbath, and in, the after• of Knox church, Brussels, appeared br8enient of Mr. John Sheppard's seen urging a hors far all it \vas Doors at the Paso lino. before A. Hunter, J. P,, and^duly • brick building; nearly, opposite the worth as the beast galloped north• skull and right arm were fractured, tools the oath of allegiance 'and Commercial, and will have the ward from the station through the. —Mr. �4aldie, anti -Prohibition The doctor tried every means to D. MeG. Illalloch, Inapector centre of 'ilio town and up Albert Alliance, was . elected in Ifalton restore hirci to tenaciousness but his . Public .Schools for North Huron naturalizntiop required by the cellar fitted up for storing and , Thursday by a majority(of 27. efforts were tlnsuocessfu]. and the °town of Clinton i$ home statute of Canada, thereby becoming bottling lager beer. The excellent street beyond Fair's mill. A fugitive from justice, or a messenger of mercy —Fifteen lives were lost in a —The number of horses in Ontario again after attending a Convention a subject Of Her Majesty and railway facilities possessed by Clin- in quest of a physician to. attend a steamer collision on San Francisco is 596,218 or 20,857 more that in of Inspectors at Toronto. acquiring all the "rights of citizen- ton will enable him to ship the desperate case of life or death where Bay. 1887; cattle, 1,928,638, or dearly 20,c ship, The usual proclamation will lager beer hero in casks, and the minutes meant time or eternity was 000 less than in the previous year. ThB cool night weather of last be made by the Clerk of. the Pence contral situation of Clinton will what charitable folk thought was up. -Mr. James, grain inspector for although milch cows have Increased . week gave filo leaves of many maple for Clio County of Huron in o en allow him to distribute it bottled b The begira of Mohammed or the the State of Minnesota, and Mr. by 34,328 ; sheep,- 1,349,044, as cora•. Shelly, inspector at Dulnth report trees beautifully variegated tints court at the next. General Sessions ons both teams and rail throu••hout'an forced fast ride of John Gilpin could ' pared with 1,396,161 in 1887: hogs, „ Which reminded one very forcibly of the Peace. This is Perhaps the extensive area 8f count. ° ' onlyhave been snail that the greater part of the Min- ,, paced affairs nesets and Dakota wheat crop lens 819,079, of 13,788 less than last Year, p p - y'' compared to the speed ofthe Varna and poultry , 6,165,114, as against, 6. of t}to sere and yellow to \vhich first instan,ge of the naturalization been injured by the frost. they will all coins are many of a noises Syrian In this a0nntr'i • SPRINTING. -An exciting foot- man on the evening in question. But 4'38,361 in 1887. The total wool clip weeks. y' race came off its Clinton ]est Thur• the suspense account was closed -The Norwich man, who lost his is 4,691,027 Ills. against 4,650,349 lbs Mr. Howie having been born at the when it was Seen that he ,vas driving lip in a fight with John Moses, the last year. - Mount Lebanon of Scripture. -Poli, dry evening between n hotel merely, as his companion afterward Hatch) farmer, a Mw days ago, has , � AII$s MAGOIE SnEPPARD is visit- proprietor and an amateur Dun ,i ,r Y � Y g � -The London hb•ee.' Preis says:- T\l of young said,to have a good.time. 'Return• instructed a Woodstock legal firm to Mr. James M. Cousins, who has been ing friends in Toronto and will 0, COURSE. -It would never sprinter. It was for a purse of $20. ins from the north end of the town institute a suit for damages, fixing travelling 'extensively all over the li]ce]q .sniffle there until .efts. ilio d0 to Condescend to particulars as Owing to the `old tin" not having the beast fairly flew along the down them at $2,000, western country of late, reports the great Industrial Fair, Having the to where the following conversation had sufficient time to train and et grade near the mill, On and on the , g greatest crops that he has seen in capacity for enjoying herself the occurred, the young $aleamnn hoe himself down to orthodox feather- panting beast sped, fire in its lis• --the wife of Another Cteslake, a young Indy will no doubt mnhe Cho y 1' ' Duluth laborer, 'gave birth to four forty years. Wheat, he says,lS every been alread iunished sufficiently Height running trim ; and the tended Dostrile and foam an its pal- children Inst week all health and where better then was expected, and 11 .I mos( 0f th@opportunity, by the warm rush . of blood to his "young un:' being in his normal plta�ng flanks. And the ivild•eyed- well, two boys and two girls. Their some who had not expected any free that nearly set fire to his condition 'rather Iitho and sinew 'ilea guided the beast \fnd la ahai t combined weight was 21 j pounds. yield at all have gathered fair crops, 34IEssRs IT,iRTT,tuosous of Intvyor incipient moustache, In reply to a the latters, Stgying powers success- and dcorda of flth of agpavementt lamp neS9 The woman has had seven children So that in the generality of farmers'. Hartt, town, are home on a visit. lady, tiro young salesman queried : fully • prevailed, and the former andiiebris of various hinds,and wits in three confinements, households there is gladness and ho e s er 1 One of the young gentlemen tins "Sto.ckings?" She "Yes Sfi•." ageing lie was going to be distanced �,ik'iarvellously successful in not njur• At the Irish exhibition in London obance�and to eat n one one of to sets the, ` been about six years an accountant Ile : "Who$ nuu�bor da you wear 2" srved his reputation tot speed b hem hai a iu� either rigg, beast, himself, or last week a band from Cork refused table iet beforo him "fit for a lord," a in the bioleon$ Bank, Hamilton, She : "Wh two of course I Do bolting from the trach, and not H g to la the national anthem and was Mr. Cousins says'that r>"o class of and Clio other has boon three oars 'y' g 'Pedestrians. ow ton this might p y Y you take me for a centipede or coming under the string, thus, have continued it would be bard to hls$ed by •the Spectators. The people+, as a rule, live more Comfor •, in the hoed office of the North the one•legged, lady who hnd a though losing the race, Ienvin the say' But danger courtedif6tild have members of the band afterward tably,, and are all round 99 -well off as' " g at last eventuated in disaster, stated that they would not have the farmers of Ontario. All of whioli American Life hn$urance Co.,Toron- limb taken off while trying fo catch r`erl merits of the coinpetitora peas- without doubt, had not Mr, James dared to return to Ireland if the to. pier bonnet on the railway ttacli 4" tically and emonstratedr Hearn valiant) tete Y ,goes to confirm from praetical_obefer= y ppiad in, when the had played the anthem. vation what is general]y supposed. .I N . • , - A' . I r .;:: i A Y • • • • ' , '• A , . A ..•. ,. - ° 1. _ *.']: -- .. ... 1'A— , i. i6...m� ..airy...,_..r..a0... i. - -- — — I�aliewJeia _ — 7