HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-08-08, Page 7, ry r 1 _ - e - -. •,n ...- ..._ ,.. r .. . , 1111 . - e .. - ..... - 1111. ,.. 1111'. -:. ... ... ... . ,. . ,. ..., ...,. � r. ,... _ 111,1. - ..„., - .. _....-'t-��+-• �i 79 t, , _ !1!9V4 : ? VEI!ia atel'4$V 119Mo1• a V aaV'arQ,fPRO d9otQri EQou! n t. t flllgql94.414AAt sR, ,iilag1V I• 1!V ilk, bX 000 41 e may 1491i, Idle Mo mQ10h, a �q1Y, !otEy, t<aelrer fae,one thing; [n �t{j .+��t Qolpys000n In rtt,rtgti pit #mgtlr - - tsi I,' 1 ... - Nl'•► F,{;.'r:� _ .Ftb..6,6N .. iotlai ail `i Sl rl lei s .18 ee1L 6 kF1ly, p �V+edu da ust .. tp: 18,88 hoe yoat seat a Suitor l [a she en, ' . c - arta t urKal,<.'tf,.xey 1LiA I to cyb st ,. yR �4FiC ._ ._ $ aged to anyone ' . „ lautnlUi' alta gI�aQatl"o8 ilgfte4uo;Ig - *--r _. - ,- ►18kn+ t . , pus se ses eat 'asn a a I salt/ 91IId Clinton, F0i 0''1 Ash 1-^1v /n��pt �l// p, "Foot Aunt A7lnattt) , elle a s 11,eS u i I P� s11.114q is 80ED N KEE E AFKt.I' lir,Ml N T ;; , Y 3o seso n►e teBlil tfesxu A $,T_0RY RE'A4.eR6' .,thirty, T said. Shea a,. Deal .•old s,44AV ul sputlodtam olult-plo ay1 Aoj �+ •��tt eI i ,o �, tv • ...-' n n 1p s a saisusgsssPv" :vSsss:••� z*uAlnoosill �5�”, i, .+r' o ` , A c -! op zaA�o uStnooiQ ai(la3s$� •r� lair of Toronto, Ha4or Oradgwte lioywl,College D proper! li>, un,. Or'. Nltio r A I w R r a1 o d' bar e r Wer d.. Oh �aU' yo u na) ou[ R [ e u>* 0 /tmssBlOds FU1VAptpIR� OI�ITo�tctl and For=) Ila an- at Dental aur eons a.>Ql JA ea s 9144 au4 iuo0 poo -Rio 1_ `# , f,. t u 3j3 p u 1QtLl , v pill` ` s Coat$% Block, - C1iliton, d69-ifine' nexyl7>,xR.liacann u ytahs)Alhcrt-St ' fY 3 pp thu'uot you pa NIell, Cyt s, �V pug j sgltsetl a9urelof 2e� pa'IsII c All Workliegietered. QhgFReRdloderate i x GoIiaidetr me handsome, i•o I suppose ase I w not too oltl for V4 ell Lott s se.4; u "T sill:, I ax kptow all the modern ac- I'ln going to tall you sonlotluug o o38aa.> anulz enp 111 pas uollas �dggit:at; W t rvigi; 41611111g1ita, as taught in the . IaON." ,: elEspeBatp oaRlu pocrict ne lsdossae ttsae� ThO, e t s ecoid (�`� �'I•. Ci�� ��wlill lel . „ uoosou e r Heagoing to propose, I said to M.3 e.[R. ,► 'P Iq talar Ks f3eaeGt academies, so it is natural I pa4ealifleoslu{ski ooat)tI Its sql pa}},,ttiQ Has,juat received a dat►liflete ser ul'of New Licentiate o! DvhtRl surgery Honor GFa'uate „I " myself. And he continued . -uoa I ollledde to ssol pus aollsa pal ryppo from the fotutdry, of FAIIMalt, Lti~►'i.R of the Toronto schoat of Dentistry, �:" : , •� eiloultl have $good opinion of my- "I'm not too old for an uncle am 'csaulzzlP '�IIIIgap 'agospseq 'e lie & Co., New York. The new material is �u ^ t r Io uleldtuoo o3 uv2oq eqs uogA& oEe ase Nltroue Oxide Gu9 administered the patnlees • self: I I for I to going to ask your Aunt a IEIuu g1lsail Ioa/sad ul sem'pip 91,804 just the thing for extraction teeth, - - WhQa apew and nidtama were in + IL ,ttou'1041121111114141,,1AL U0 olnee-Over Jackson's Clothing • More, next to incorporated by Act Pwrllament, 1866, • p Annette to marry' filo. Of course, ,,, :sell Isog b Frur ilei#,h egrch o.€ ,health I lived I'tn not sure that she mill but you Is uojus0 -a Ly puelo.kelp •g UVIIJO.R i ■ Post Office, Clinton. %R ' �' .r aaanoasi sanoau o aD, oo en oa a Fin t. OTS( I Plight Bell answered. CAPITAL, $2,000,00• with iA Aupt Annetta ivbo tray a have given file a great deal of hope. P p IIP • p I't t7 13 j, Will visit every Thursday at Bruceaeld, from REST.! - �500,Q00 y �i : I)us snitlat8as asotu oq$ Pus alsel [hitt OI ■ ■ • 8 to Io so a. u,. ; Varna, from 11 s. m. to 1 p, m.; Good gracious i I felt ' myself v , Ba fleld n- p>Gt:nl old maid of 30. Everything a a Y .4uessald aauo Is sI 1leltlA► uiliasdssaug y ,from 2 P. in. 462y - - growing; searlot. Aunt Annette i sae dant s > of esno IuaB a u _SUCH AS Xead Office, MONTREAL. gill did in full sh8 considered wrong . V t t I i q !il I I iia err What a vain little fool I had been ; *oil Inq f solliurci paletn8os-ilaea ul allu THOMAS WORKMAN, Picsident,r r and'I didn't !Yonder she never found and he said the !cords that put an 'aql ssAk,sesat;lout puq au d nssct eiil , J. H. R. MOLSON, Vice•President. an o , , 4 I q BiYI Meads, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. y' fie to marry her. She was nice end to my conceit in a nioulunt, Io essnocl s. ALfatuad3 Eaeglaud-poolq ---- u its o uo s o uuAti 0 1 aZ u800aa o R REEVE. Office -"Palace" Brick Block, and Wald and air that but I do hate I shall be the best unnlo in tile p ! r / q ! I y ppoelte the Notes discounted, Cglleetiousnlade, Draft ' statemnctsTemperance D Itattanbur Street, Res[denca o „ " sllt7 lnle fllep �u}tisln8asi P14'lo slq s00o Tem erance Hall, Huron street. Coronerfor the issued, Sterling and American ex- to be watched. Once I wished I world,. Lotty, he went on, It yew + Cout t oq.a zuessd sill aoj piss oQ use IstlAt y of Huron. Otflce hours iron a a.m. td a change bought and sold fit low- s suIIt will have me ;for"you really ale r Letter Meads P fit r had minded her. I went rowing on fan - esnoxo s Soq pldnls s sol op deyq .est current rates. a the nicest little ibiug and bid fair CBttton Jan.1.4,1881. the Hudson with some of the boys to be as handsome and elegaut its pap�Q� rNTr.RaeT AT 4yP1sR CENT. ALLOR'RD,Ox DAI CKI7 and girls from the schools. The she is byhe time you are her ace;' �� Note Heads, DR. GUNK FARMERB- boat WAS run into by a steamer, and The door bell rang at that. mole- i v 1 n -�_ )lonev advances! to farinerson their owl) state T N T r a I, lV. Gunn, lt. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. Q. • )with o,e or more endorsers. No mortgaMe ra ant-.- Holy glad I was to hear it and 6L'M Mau list before they, could set at US poor a Hired as security. t0 say. EgYeYopes S. Edinburgh Liceneiate of the Dfidwifory, Edin. q W Office on corner of Ontario aridWilliam Sts. ; li, C. BREWER, tide and Torn Mai -tin were drown � "'— - F Clinton.. t' 978-y. ' Dlana�er, February,1884 ed. "Hero cornea aunty ;you'd better ." �, t,LiNTorr tall{ to her" and to get out the Cant�ionls . Carriage Works, Folders, — I was brought home insensible, b��11I n, room. +*' In last wu have Type andYI1411it. and when I came to myself it, was ' The worst of it all was that I had >,. Stationer Il:ks' &c,; a,)d -- ---- " a written to the girls, and I t Tie Ci►ealle�t antiLt.f.t Y, , to Hear the doctor saying to. Aunt a , was wick- the ex tericuee, toSCOTT, n ` rINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. BY. Y • k•- - .. 1 _ MANNING &SCOTT Annette ell enough to hope she would' refuse Y turn out ' mceN every Friday, on or atter tire ful Barrister,? 6., moon: Visitiitg brethren co•diallt• tnvlted _ ,_._ "illy dear \liss Bancroft don't him; but she did not: They are s�°'� ' tg J: YOUNG, W. M. ,}.'CALLA^Dial es. -- ' mal'1'IOd, and he makes a very Hire �' i t� All Masses of Work ELLIGTT'S BLOCK, - cLINTGN. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1$81. I. - llistresa yonrsolf qtly more. Your t uncle indeed. ' Aud really, I don't ]Ijece will do very well now. There's ' Morley to Loan. --'-` --- -`- mind it it al -1 now, for I thing{ Ed. �C11114YR. rap datllpel', of iter dying -stone Raymond is rnucl► handsomer than In t e Nif,rkel. Noe then!. A. H. MANNINb. JAS. SCOTT, �- �phatover." rho doctor, laid he has asked mo if Q-�i►T--ly- -J And •t}ieu aunty began to .'cry, he can iPeiek to papa: Styli.dl stud durable Open -crud 'Cop -•�'i -A. L. �. L �IYO. /��� FRANK R. POWELL �. Shu never se0lded.we'a bit and pett- 1l65•'BUGGIES`&A t C1r.7NTONO ed file like a baby, which was more - D Bar•rieter, Solicitor•, Notary Moec6 �acor_t 1tenJ,t at ever Leek at Your Railway Tickets. �'t.ry Ltet. �I,,u'rial and !,lose t nese y than I rlesorved. v h Public, etc. mooch. Hall, $ad flut, Yietorit block. Visitipg brethren always Tit; doctor came two of three Passengers who buy railway Z' J"' „ Office, Searle'y Block, All)ert-st.; Clinton. Q made aeleoma. Llllree a da and when I felt well p (lt �, Cantelon, Propr, V Toronto agents: Dtossre. yleCarthy, Osler, C TWEEDY, W. M Yr ticl:ota at a octal reduced rates t Hoskin & Creelntan. . W. S. SWAFFIELD, See. Ir. S. COOPER, D. M eoough to fook.at him I saw what a would do well to read. their ,coudi--�"•---� �1 AW PRIVATa FUNDS To LRND Rt lowest rates of – -- — splendid man, he was -about five ._ -- _� i w.�ifL�••J7.�r■■■ Interest. 381 tions, The Ontario Court of A ) and thirty, and so handsome' It .. l SI'IECIAL N07.'il;i:.►. was real! delightful to be attended peal nave judgment on Friday in _ R uwARD N. LEWIS, Barrister, Notary Public Y a t Pructor in blaritime Court. Offices corner by him, And Ile Was twice as attou- the case of Bate vs. Canadian Pacific i it simplrt'(t-aea tile ABLE BALM " South of iartin's Hotel, Goderich, Ont: Soltel Pi t P �. ES. fora ellllple YeuxTAnLa BALM &or for the lluron Land Agency. blonev to loan Live as any other doctor I had 'ever Railway Company, judgment being that will 1116DIOyx TAN, F11eCRLeS, PrmeLes and at cheapest rates. 466 tf �. (eLoT`uas, leavirq the Rkin soft, clear and beautf had. To be sure, I had not had one 4 — - � In faYgi• of the defendants, dismiss- fol; also iustructu,ne for prodhcing a laxurfant CtEAGER &MORTON, Rwrristere,dec.,,E , God. L pQ p p (�j� ' 1! since I had the'mcasles when•} was rotvthoIl',nfron n bald head or sutoothfade. Serfchandwingghaen. C.Seager,Jr.,Goderi`h' I�DI�UU PrUCU �or riot I��) 'Only a little il'i of twelve and I lug the appeel, �Ir, ,7Uat1C0 Barton, Address, including 3c stamp. BEN. VANDELF & S J. A. Morton Wintrham.1% U O g r CO., 60 Ann street, N. Y. 302 • N suppose a bandsome young lady however, , dissenting. The action - AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law,'Chancery,and must be more interesting !hail a was brought to recover damages to D Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next (Bluck , nl elhi`8 of 12 -eland) chilli. But he came, -two or 'three the amount of $1,077 from the con)- MANHOOD door to Post office, Goderich, onE: 57. ��.,, � � Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the, uecond trines a da' and brought- gifts Of pany..`� Thnrd was no disputB'as t0 4-�'-`- Wednesday of evert mnnth, fit S 30 o'clock in yr a n ,,,r, Itestorud. :l geutlewun bnciny innocently con. p C. RAYS, Solicitor, kc. Office, corner of the e,vI,in{r. Visitie� Sri 1.tJeLtn will always '• flower's and .ftuit:som,ttim ;� and the amount. of damage stis.talned, trnctulthebabftoPsel6abuec iu-his louth, and R• Square and West Street, over Butler's Book reccirea hearty0•elcume, in consequo,ce suffered all t t,e horrors of Sexual Store, Goderich, Ont, '67. when ho still came after' I was able but it was shown thatathe plaiutiif Incap"city', Lost ngwhitod,.l i, siatl D0!, y Uen- A. M. TonD, Worshipful Preceptor rr Intl Prostration, eta, will, out of ,cel , 4th}' for - Ba`r Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. ' OF.0:1eN IlASLev, Deputy Preceptor ' to be about sudden! the truth was travelling on.a ticket issued at It _ _-� _ tt„rtAtl tf`cae f Y his fellow sufferers, Mail free the recipe by which rt , Registrar ' flashed on me. I began to feel that I , -1 N IIiL•- . CAMPION, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in g special reduced rates, said ticket �Z- ho was 0un11}: curet!, Address fn conflocaee J. L. tV. PINI{NEY, C) Ccdar• Now York St.,^ 392, Chancery,. Conveyancer, &c, Oflicc over he, was in love with me. He was 11 mp y limiting the liability of the Jordan's Drug stare, the rooms formerly occe °pj{} not one of those poor doctors who company to $100. They hold that -- -- pied by Judge Doyle. _ Ro al tJlck PrUcU for 391 the acceptance of such a ticket even a-+ t•�-, f. i, .. .r Q1u irad Anp nntgunt of n,one1' to IdurinE Io+vest P Y. , have }1Ti1'Cl' tV01'li t0 live ; lie was a 1 , wJ v �, rates et interest. 1.1y, 1 w rich man, for he .had had a Larne though the purchaser did not inform O O ed . O s. o -- -- -- --• --.-• BluclrTlai-plet� r f Ireland, fortune left him.by his grandfather himself of its special provisions, 're- U 4) ..Vi Zvi. o P. t>r Meets in (be Orange Haul, Blyth, the Wedncs- - q S a lieved the company from an. liabil' ,�.,// �', ” • - lt'CX1pI1CQl"�Ilt g and he practiced medicine for the P y Y . - W- 16-1 . � j : � o w s T�1em Double CircuYatioR � _ � day slier full a con u[ steep month,! M— love of it and that, you know, -was ity In excess of $100. W U •-+ o fb - --- =_ - _ _ -- _ -_-__ , -= -- Y • ' t~ Talks to Thousands U H. W. BALL _ - ' w : neap' quite romantic. And so I made up -- - (fj 'b' 'Cl a,� o t g .� , a A H. to for part on Count}. SS les d. Ronal Old PrVCYptor1 315 my mind -though he was a little • O V ,el.N AVERAGE � �+ o fi tended to in an art of the count •. fid- 1 old alid-poky, and highiiown, and E.y C O C13 1Z 7 -- dress orders to GoDNalmt P o. V•17. It is said that during 'the lifetime o rte. -E �I�i.irrL1., rtj 7rt,1a„rl M ` �” •" ° O e average man- le wl en Urta p N .r• ht^. RENT.-Aticertisers will and "TYe t'�,�/ CIIAS. HAMILTON, Meetsin the Orange Hall, Goderich, the. Third -that I'd have him when he asked 500 days'sickoess. The beat way to �•.1 O W d �• is News -Record" one of the best mcdlums blolduyof everymw,th. Visiting Nuightsahtaye o ht the County of Huron. Advertise in ucTIONEER, land, loan and insurance "gent made welcome, 1110.. `Ifo used to Come and oak us reduce your average is to use Burdock W >~ a , w y %. "The Newe•ueeerd"-•The Double Circubttforr t1 Blyth. Sales attended fn town and com,trs^, /� JAMES WI.7LLS, Preceptor, Saitford P O to walk, about this time, and take Blood Bitters whenever tit8 System p to Taller to'1'houannds. Rates as low as stay. in reiteonable terms. A list oY farms and village )y H SLCItNEY, Registrar, Godmiuh P t t us to eoncorts. I did think Aunt ,requires a tonic regulating and clean. U !!j I.I. O N o lots,tor.eale. Money to loan on real estate, at GID medicine .507�2t A .•-•t .' m O O _y. 7 • 4 low rates o; interest. hlsuranee effected on all Annette might have had sense on- 8 ' N U `PRAY STOCK . ADVER- classes of property. Notes and debts collected. ((x r (` rISESI ENT8 Inserted in Tuts floods appraised, and sold on conutission. Bank- `I I,1 ough to ser she was too bus to o ,� O o �"� ruptstocksboughtaridsold, % . U'ON__Ki\IGHTS OF LABOR a Y Y. g + Cpl b Ntsws Ittscott c. low rntl�. The Inw `/ or sometbing: Of . course he. only ^ Z' A If Ices it coupulsory t dvertise stray stock, Rooms, third flat, Victoria hk r6. Ice ula a Y N G (� 0 W • If you wont any hind ofartising, you cannot Blyth. Dec.18,IRRa 6 h meeting (very Thursday e,oling uc r o'cloc asked her 'out' of Politeness, and I do better then sell on "The News - sharp, Yfsiting 1{nil its 111:ule nelcemc. wrote t0 all my deal' friends about Note Heads, Letter Heade, Statements, and in Photographer s his devotion, about the CI•Iielty Of - fact! ,dl kinds of -printing, in the best style Aunt Annette in never leaving us CLOT I known to the craft and at low rates, at Tae M i tO ' FOR FIRST CLASS, ; Ntwe-RF. cities' ` ' HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. for a moment alone together, --- SOUNDADVICE.-Those havin••,salcs at any O`(� Go to A. E. 'EVAN$, FnsHIONABLF "He never will have a chance t0 in I should ea ,sI I that it is just as uuportant V BARaCn, 2 doors east of NFWi4-Rrr'OitD of-, _ r, o hove their j�'[�•eters properlp displayed and rap- /1 v propose, I often said; but tie ABRAHAM SMITH ; pear neat an( attractive, its itis to have agood VLINTON. fife. .ipecial ntfetitiou icer to LAUIIv. chance did come One day. Some-' I A , , auctioneer. TanNetl•a-RrrCOQD maknsaspecialty AND CIIII.DRrN'.s Ilaireuttiug. of this class of work, they have the materlal and Life Size Portraits a Suecialty. POyn'nuouR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY. body asked -Aunt Annett6 t0 dine . experience to give you what you want at very with them, and did not ask m0 : Market quare; reasonable prices: ryry {—,Jjs__ �j�(_ and I was at hdme, hoping that some �+� �T when fn need of Bill lleads, Envelopes, etc.,. ' !1in�olj MAY,, �orJls W R�C� GOD'"�` F ICii. don't forget that Tim News.Rscoxn c"nlce a "lin jj l/l DR.. FQ Z I LEl 1•IJ how fate would enlighten Dr. March 1••1' s tun ire. , as to the condition of things, and " - - - HURON STREET} CLINTON. • send him over, when the door bell . BILL HEADS, NOTE �X .',O�` • rang and there lie real! was, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Mends, IIGads, Tags, •• ]EXT. g+ Y WEST OF ENGLAND, SUI1• Statements, Circulate Business "Tho ladies at home I" he asked. INGS & TRO USERINGS BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, etc. e, Envelopes Programmes, H. C 0 O P t'R, J r. , �w RR eta, eta, printer 'ht n workman- T/ III BElll lY ")1ha9 Bancroft }las gOnO out t0 , , DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, like manner and at low rates, at Mnnuhceturer of au dealer In all !clods of ++ ciao," answered that stupid Biddy. SCOTCH, TWEED SUITINGS. & /NOIOESTION, FLUTTERINO THE NEWS -RECORD Office. TROUSERINGS, JAUNDICE. of THEMEART. Marble &Granite for Cemetery CURES p�( ' And he was really turning away . EBYS/RHEAS, At:/D/TY T r DR,' WASHI�NCTON, p HOVER -A when I stuck my head out of the FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- SAET RHEUM, THE STOMACH 'Work atflqureethaldeh•com otition • parlor and' Called out :- 'STED CLOTHS, HEARTBURN,: DRYNESS Tlit ext 1ild Luni: Sur; cost, of OleraMorbus "But I'm ato home, Doctor. Do HEADACHE, Of THE SKIN, Toronto, aQj1I G'�aQ�some iu." Made up in, Beet Style anti Work- And4very species of disease arising froth Also manufacturer ofthe Celebrateddisordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMApif, 1Vi❑ be at Ehe A•lITIFICIAL $TONE lot- Building pur-[1h R A,M PS tnalaslety at tlliralaatn Stuitlt'a. BOWELS OR BLOOD, poge8 and Cemetery Work, which must '!All nlol3t, my dear 4" slid ho. - "Now that is lucky, for I have - -- T. MILBURN & CO.. FroprlT�RONTQ, be mien to je appreciated. -All work .�,// ■■����•I/A{ R�t(�nbury House warranted to give f utisf'action., LORH� sometbing to say toyou-a question NOW in Stock une of the cheapc. ^- to ask." Y slid best etorh's of • CLINTON. Goderich Marble Works YSENT'ERY dear"He had never called mo `m a ' before, and I felt de heart WINTER CLOTHING flatter as he sat down beside ma: - AUGUST 21ST Having bought out JUaEfII YANSTOIVLr, AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS .� "You're such a good natured little in Goderich, Ave are now prepared to fur :AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS soul, Lofty !" he want on, "that I'm AND CLOTHS. C`U REA few af,t1n hundreds etlred Illy Dir,, nisi, on reasonable terms, IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR WASHINGITON�8 New 11lelhotl CHILDREN OR ADULTS: not a bit afraid of you. I want you of I(Ithatatioll HEADSTONES •AND MONUMENTS. to tell me the truth and to promise A Full Line of GENTS' FUR .Y. il. Stare,.eer fiterey Soil, prominent GRANITE ASPECIALTY. - �I glace a1annf"`Euros of -A "to" Ont., cared by me not to laugh at mo till I've gone NISHINGS alwa s in stock Dr. R'ashingtun of cucarrh oil%the throat, bail We are prepared to sell cheaper .than ally C TJ R F S away. If8 a very serious Inatter t0 ' form, and pronounced lncur.bl. by eminent ot11CC flltn in t1t0 county. spechtllsts I" Oanarla an4 1:ngland. Write hh„ Iver me. I -the fact is, Lotty; I think 'It will pay you to call. on FITS'11, torpnrticillare. Parties wanting anything in this line will (• I 1 1 r Cangttairlte I have been a bachelor long enough, find it to their interest to reserve their w /' Dyspeirara, o I' Cirrouic Rrouc]tills null Asthma Ctuetl. and I mean to marc if I can, l)o op them I for CURE I and then mean merely tG An Edgheh Church Clergyman ri teaks arde[5 for its. 1 I ' ik1: a itche, Y ABRAHAM SMITH !top them for attmo, and then have them ray W , ick • you think any one would have file 4" ;urn alraln. I MEAN A RADICAL CUM Rectory, Cornwall. Ont. 1L013ERTSON & })ELL. � Iti•i.dauhe, t have made thedlsesie of Da. WSsrnsoToy,- • ihL/ey "I don't see why not,' I answered, 6 6 ' } DxnR , n, -lam glad to be able to lateral you slay 17tH, 1886. 302.8m I f 1'ranlrlce, WITS, EPILEPSY or that our daughter is quite well again. As this la Rhruntal ism, BELLfeeling very nervous. the Weer,(] tune she hos been cured of grave Skill t)iscaaes •" y y FAI6LLING 810KNESS, hronchlal troubles under your treatment, when X H A US T E D I T L} TY I'IavO you ever tallied t0 Olt l' . audall lutpnr- " A1tfo10n the usual remedies failed, I write to express Illy itles of the aunt about me? Continued the Katttdp I t' vARRANTrilyrenledyto gratitude, Please acceptniyemcerothnnlss. �j�IIE SCIENCE OF LIVE, I r ' Illoatl freest ORGANS Curtis the w rs eases. DpCeueO otheta )have Yours truly, .1, the groat Medical work wtmtevcr doctor. ta11ed1anore9Onfornotbowreneivingaeura C. B.PETTIT. oftile ageonhlanhood,Nor ,. causearlsiug. Bend atones for a NVAtL1utM EMEDd.aF8Ea80TTLF hire Ina blcliahy, f{fngston, Ont,, Catarrh and vows and Physical Debf ityr THE GREAT PING MEDICINE. Oh, so etimee I have," I anstrer• at my INirAnnlsLal R[tMianlr. G ive Ex revs Consumption. • Premature lleeHno, Errors Od.. Itnd Poat Clrlce. It testa you nothing for a john A[crielcy, lihlgeton, Ont Oatarrh. of Youth, and the untold Pr ire, 7b0. (With PIIISj$L) rlal, and it w111 cure you. Address Mr A frogging, i{ingston, Ont, ifroncho Consura miserles conpegaent there - "And, did she seem to think ins _ Dt H, (t. RQOT. 9? Yaa$e St, Toronto, bat, tion, on, 300 pages 8 vo,, 125 TRY ,Ir. E. Scott, 1{fugston, Ont, Catarrh, head and preseriptlunsforall diseases, DR. H(�DDER'S a dr cent' tort of follow?" ho Went Unapproached for throat. Oloth, fun gut, only $1.00, On. Quality. - - �- Slrs.fno Bertram, Harrowsntith, Ont, near Khig• by mail, sealed. Illustrative eantp a tree o all LITTLE LI VftR PILLS . ;-. = Tone and ltalit stun, Catarrh, throat, young and middle-aged' tion. Send now. The f "She likes you, I an) sure," I I Ills11=11(i Start' A Romhourg, Centreville, Ont, -Atarrh Odid and Jewelled bledal awarded to the anther (very small and oasy to take.) CATALOGUES FP, E. As A'HrALIN0,So0Tfllxaapplication Ile 11(ithroat• b tiro National Metrical Association. Address answered. "She says you rft per- James Mathews, P. Master, Acton Ont. P. 0. Bax 1806 Boston, glass 'or Dr. w. II. NO GRIPING. NO•NAUSEA'U. fat• cuts wounds, bruises and sores) � , feet! splendid." j ri. ' A ElFfeh, Gents Furnishing,Believille Catarrh PARKER, graduate of lla.rvard kedical ,College, Sold everywhere; price 25 cents. Y P g 4� !J� Guelph ant there in nothing better than Victoria throat. . 26 years praotice In Boston .who may be consult. Medicine 3- p "You Hoar litto comforter," said ' t' l ' I fain Phippcn, 11. O. Snitdhwst, Ont, (nerarSapa• oil confidentially. apeclAy,I'Diseafes of gran. UI11011 111P.111Clile Co., PropriefOr$, Carbolic Salve. 307.41 I nee), Catarrh head and threat, Bad case. Office, No 4 Bulflnch Street 403y TORONTO, CAN. d d , , ,• _. ._. _111_1 _._. 1_1_11 .. �. ,.,:-� ,;., 1111, ., •'. � .:.. t . - # � , ,•., .. � r.a ' � 11:1;1 .: .�..: F. +, 55 ., o r .. ;; ',. :•.'. i _,.: _. .. :.� .. . ,.: _ _. , ., vrv+�L�Y ,,, .. 1111., t �. , ! >-._ r ,. •. � ` r, •^ ' t`• d. � .� t4 v ': .. .� .. ..•L ,11,11 ,... .,�,:. � '.. ._, •,, ,11,11 ,!•.:. ':� .,-t4Vir.';,i6�r - �4 -4 _.. i,.1 1111...,.. � +..a:Y)�i..�.�...,... _. YJ • --- - , ,..7'.�.+fi„a,,.dill".�''�`.".�■rw,'?�>v- P'''._.L'm.Q:`Y..,c_,.-. ....arr�- „tel. ,L'