HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-08-08, Page 5n ^ ,r _ •,_�rxs,n-m.•...mvw,n-•r.� ..:..;,v....w.,, .,.r-.. ,n�.nn�+rr.-....s-�..„..na-,. ..:..N+�.n•,•. n..:...«..:,'nm ,,..,.-..•:A me « ,.. ;�* 4 ., .. R .- .r ','. _n,,., r• .-,�.Fri.,..-.m•-,..---�.....•.•a-m.rv...-,.nr•mr.—+-�.,+.•+..,�,.,n,.-r..,...me-.w-n-:,�.r•.,.>..,....,�:,:.,�.m.-,r.;..+,i--�,.--*..n+,.m ... . e iT RL -N0 r Ed jLate i f �eca��a� fix' F'araso�a, --..,—IS NOW S I QWI1�G-r— a ic.tMa:e�.��� aces. (�1► Il l�l�l'II�P�I�S X11 llod6 pt' Q Special forEmbroideries. Black and Colored Cashmeres, Silks, &c. Special: for` AIJoVers and VIOURcinCs: G o PARASOLS . 0UR STOOK IS VERY OOMPLETE■� �► ° special for Veilin " - --- o—o—o—o_--._ u• .. ,`•Special for Corsets. , See The Price, - See The assortment, 0-0-0 See our 5 cent and 8 cent Prints. Seersuokersfrom 8 centsir BOW' PRICES RULE! FIVE PER GENT.. OFF FOR 'CASH. p JOHN WISEMAN, Manager, Esta te• J. HODGEN'S.' GEO.,,E. PAY & CO'S. _ -- Dry-Goods •Emporium of Clinton.- SPRING - STYLES FEA THERBONE (CORSETS, •, —OF -- -- FOR SALE BY BIG_ BARGAINS "IN' HATS A!V ® CAPS1j oATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also A C � � TLOR Cts �� ° One'Case,Amen'can,,Neekwea,r,.0 JAPAI'N.'-TEAS■-7? (very handsome), from 20c.•up to 50c. A call respectfully solicited. ''�pY�iG '' Havitlg bought my Stock ata reduced, tate, I would pffer to the public a ba in. i t ty� sit I BONED WI'I'IT QUILL. G-�O_ Gr?.�ASG-OW 70 cent Japan Teas for 35 cents. WILL. NOT BREAk OVER THE Hips. Murray Block,Albe'rt°Street. , • 60 cent Jape Teas for 30 cents.' "Next Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. i , � . N O SIDE STl'DS T?SED. 50 cent. Japan . it eas. for 25 cents. ��' ILL NOT ItOLL UP AT THE SIDE. This k a big offer, but must make roan for new Cods. All other "rocerics as alien i o n as any llouse iu town, ods delivered. o i HOUSE PAINTING ' ( + � — y . � � I Each Corset is guaranteed it, he absolutely UN. -SWALL'1W GLAZING AND GRAINING ��(� �O BREAKABLE, to give Perfect Eaen, to Wash and Laundry Without Damage. Ii-�' It' not, return in PLAIN RX10 DECORATIVE RsET. foul' Weeks and the money will be refturded. OtINTON — PAPER � o - • To have,good health use Powell's I ' 1 }t, n f' p p Kalsorrlinillg , 8arsaparillaand Burdock; iteleanses M. iIO Mutuai �Insuran'ce COt O�� end enriches the blood.- Price, 50c. a _ H IC�I�IG. + AND . J. ■ ■ ET L 0 R ``ice Y■ bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488.2t -- c`�1 to®t■. T• NEIIANS, HARLOCKRr�SCOING. VOTERS' .IST, 1338-11UNICIPALITY OF GENERAL AGENT. �� ' THE TOWN OF Cf.INTON.-Notice is hero. tEVERi by given that I have transmitted or delivered to isolated town and villagE property, aB 'treR aB �( Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street the•persous wontionea in the th]rd nn pteurth farut buildings turd stock; insured. Insurances - 1� ' sections of the Voterti List Act, the co les rc- eRe.ted aerninst atocic that clay' • be killed by S CLIN'I'ON OZl TARzO= quires by said, section to be so tranmitted or Ifghtuing.r If Vou wont insurances drop a card tiW the above address. THING - deli:•ered of the said list made ur umrt to said /� Act, of all persons appearing by Nthp last revised -- �- 5a2_tt. HAS. S®/� ■ �i Assessment Roll of the sotd'ntunid tlity, to be I -' ' ■ ■ O Municipal i Et let Qotli member& of the and at for i biti%e Asse thetbis tln M I7ld 1 I � I H o N O � E [JAINT, ■ -- - -- --- - � � - 0 a oe AugasE,1838,jend remains there for Inspection. ,n, a 1 --, T Big NeW Dry-Goods!Electors arecaledupexamine the said list, — V . l. ��ot e� Sha UgAt and if any oiniesions or other errors are round Specially ndu})tetl for Rarns, Bridgca, roots of therein; to take dnvnediatr, proceedings to have Dwelling Houses (whet wood or iron) and --�F' i .�O�i Shoes! the said errors corrected fiC.otding to law. -R'yl• agricultural im nlemrnte of all kinds. L4•J, -bi�J COATS, Clerk.' — COLOR ; RRIC�I BROWN. q*� OLIVF_T ■"■...CO�� � Containtingbyanalysis02peret.ot3ron. It is o New Groceries les o the proof; water proof, unlading. everlasting; QLIVET MICH econanical,.f a possesses twice the, and � � ■ streugthof any otharroxlde ir, the market.R'-NTS,r0■ , —.--0 Fbr both Bsxes. Expenses, Ivry. Seven Dcl rt- For further pait]eulars upplr to meats. Ahto fn§tntctors. LarXe library. Fine 0 Having,just 1�Ountlt a Stock Of new goods at the present h Roll 000 1luseunn, Fall terut opens Sept. 13. winter b ,1 torptJan. 3 Send forentulo,ue, fi0i-tun LOW I'1�IC'ES I llll i11 !L )OS1t'O:1 t0 5(,11 00(15 as 10\V Seobio & Campbell, dust arrived, I Case New Prints � Chambrarys. its an respectable House ill the Dominion. � 1diWO FAR1Is FOR SALE.-aSouth half of lot 5,12-3m Box 330, GODERICII, ONI. 1 l� (r T)TS7- y 1 �i.11} one L No. 29, on the 3th concession of the town- • ' p t-p� 1 itY-lit I tai;-ETlt-Crdtiz z :D y t, ship of'Godorich, ror1taining 40 a r ----- " --� 1" `x. ' b , K 1n5. ali cleared a rl-un er a good state of colli- SHOP, k ' ' ` , 1 a �N T PItI� 15 i1L �.-.1leC1CS all(1 Strifes at 1.1c . worth 1�� vati'on. 'there is on the premises a brick horse > > hC `/�-' /_ `� with. an conveniences, Cod frame barn withG�®��®� �j- fa Ip �i1��t� tinder F,tubling, •rood bearing orchard, »ever• `'I' a are •also t''1Vln(,' grand value in DARK BLUE wVV00AA�� YYYAAALLL GGGddd111 VVi9L. t+�J•Ibi Lowest Ply Prices ttiiliog well, ete. Also, lot No. 29, 7th concession, r� iib a consistingof SO apres more or less, 16 acres hard- AISER A w1L50N; pr.etical pniutcrs, bare I: I ► I1\ rl rJ a t ��C. 1,1(t' 1 it airs (1f piitterllS. wood hubh, balance elpm•0ti and under a good I b U stato of cultivatio0, excellent well water. Both touch pleasure un informing the publio of farms are well fenced. will.be sold separately or Clinton and victnit that the • have o ened out , in oris parcel. Terme to suit purclhuser. For in the etbote business. house, slgnNu d general We have the newest Styles ili STRIPED CHAATBItAYS further tarticulars apply t'o �iA RY CANTELGN, potation and grninin�. Pa n.r hanging .tad ceiling 1 decorating in the best stye kuonan to the trade. I11 Plnlz, Irlue allyl Urey �E1111)1'olderles t0 match). on the preptises; or to DAViD •CANT14f.UN, •Prices moderate. Shop Albert Street, two doors Clinton, Cootf north of Hodgen's DrV Goods Store. . — _ Lace Flouncilurs, Laces,' Parasols and Mllslins, 111 °sellin7 OR SA1,E-Tbe homestead of tWlatpMrs. at LOWEST PRICES. h'inkle, n]cely situated on Victoria'rnr- ®� •�� ■ race, Clinton, apo on rho back of the L'ay field river, close to rho London ,kart bridge. 2} acres n�IIE SI B SCRIBER otforejior cute tour eligible THOS.. ^SS Rof ]andfanoorchard and all kinds of fruit, lawn Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; slso,�n11and t3hrulibeycuriage house, stable-:uu1••a:e0d- twofrontin on Rattenbmy Street; either ,en shed, suitable for retired gentleman or any per- ON bloc or in separate tote, to salt purchasers. For yon who wants a gond bonne at a reasonable furthor partictilars apply tothe undersigntil -E. price. Sntallpayment rlotvn,and long tinie•given .DrNSLEY, Clinton. 388 sss! for balance at 6 p'r cent. Also one house to rent . - - ---- itithe faflJ Apply to GORDON PERR1,4 or W. I - H. PEPTH , - 506-4t o �� 111 EUREKA BAKERY. Clinton Woollen mills M®NTROSS' PATEN' The subscriber has leased the bakery of 1.r WOOL pr ®O L WANTE ® r ETALLIC S-HINGLES Dodeworth, a few doors west, of the Commercial Hotel, pad will be glary to receive a sharp of At Clinton woolen 31111s, for. either CASH OR ppublic patronage. Plain and I'nuq} Bread, ''Ci:AUE, 'laving rented the Clinton Woolen kes rand Pastry of all ]dnds,furnishcd on aha•1, 'fills, I intdnd running altogether on CUSTOtit - _ _ notice. Only the best material used and turned W<)teR, Farmer's leaving their wool with me 71 out i.n• a eha a to lwso the most fastidious will have it manufactured into Tweeds, P.laukets, �j�� palato. WE DING pCA.ICES got up in the most Flannel or Yarn, and haling had 25 y cars oxper- `-k�AN S I I N !t/p �� fashionable style. lone. I knob• I eau give you satisfaction, 1 have , 0.0, jrg'Bread delivered to fill parts of the town• on hnnil n large stock of ME AND COARSE J. A. VIN `• T I Lf BLANKETS, ftN Ald GOARST FLAYe F. L1, 1(� (� Bon's, w. ch will ade forwoo 0f all rlesbe FIRE A. j jD STOR•1yt��/K PROOF OF t'on's, which I will trade for wool or sell cheap .LVA i+ i�OIJ fox ceslr, Farmers, give mea call before you • BcTCHERiNG ' DUSiNESS-THE UNDER- mart with your wool, RU1.1, CARDING A signed wishes to inthnate to rho people of SPEGr1ALTY. 0 G7inton knd sur ,,unding countrll that in ordor r;1 N ®. SCOTT. tostiftabty meet the demands of his very rumor• of 31r. t. Fitzs ne s, and wfgil cabt out the business aule' ■ S■ DAVIS,' A m O LI ieITO N of bur. It. Fitzsimons, and `rill carry on the same, with the choicest meats in s.nson. Every effort ') i ,a. ■ will be Diode to meet the wants of all, and he flow Blacks�n11h shop ho es to merit and mcolve a faWahare of public i pa ,Coags. ' Lowest prices for largo orders: Fanners' trade a specialty, ALBERT NTAY. EORGE,TRUWilii,i; It op.ned out a gen- j HOUSE CLEANERS! i MAKE NO'AlISTAXPs, we Lave flit aicest • and newest stock of WALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND CEILING DECORATIONS to he found iii toren. Somothiilg entirely„ new and novel. Call and see its. No • trouble to show goods, W M. COOPER. BEAVER. BLOCK BOOK STORE_ NO PAIN WITHOUT ITS PLEASURE. if you have had the pnin(nl expmienc. of Sol)- Ing, staining or Injuring y our clothes while out pleasure eecicing or otherwise, you have the pt.aauro of knowing that they sun be dyed, clean- tvl,or French cleaned, ssthacaee mne0easltato, as well as they eon ho done Iu the ay world, by the noted Tailor and clothes Cleaner of the west. A. W t ARSLAid 11., Viol6i a St Gr ern' Biac)ceuilth and Repair Shop in the building httely occupied by ,lir. gnuley, north of Cnntelon's carriage works, Albert street, Clinton, Blacksmith and Iron work In all its branches; Herso•Sha'ing promptly atteudett to and satin• faction gnarantced. Tho public are invited to call before Or.le•kng any class of work In the above lines. 497-tf GEORGE TROWHILL TONEY TO LEND on Food n,ortgago or 11 pmflonal security at lowest rm•rent rate of Interest. 11. *,IcTACIGART. Clinton, Feb. 29th, 1988. 485tf CORN FOR SALE AT THE Clinton x Mills. - • Whole or Ground. • . PllICES ' PEASONABLE. JAMES RAI R■ Clinton, .July 17th, 1888.. NEW LIQUOR STORE ' t0: The.subscriber has opened a Liquor Store ill PERRINS BLOCK, MARKET SQUARE, CLINTON, }Vi,th a full stock of Liquors of the VERY BEST BRANDS, oohaisting in part of CRENCH COGNAC BRANDY in wood and bottles, Best Holland Gin in wood and bottles, Bernard's Tom Gin in wood aqd bottles, Irish and Scotch Whiskies in wood and bottles, Finest Port and Sherry Wines in wood and bottles, Bass' Ale in pts. and qts., Guiness' Stout in pts, and qts., Whiskies, Can and and Porter, Native Wines, Arc. A CALL SOLICITED. GOODS DELIVERED. i J. SHEPHERD, CLINTON �'E 'ILOCK I°UMBER Poll SA't.E.-Inch boards, scantling and joist. Apply to I FOR SALE'OR TO LET OannoN PsanrN, or to 1V It Paaam,Clinton, —' L OCSF: AND Two LOTS for solo or to let, [DOUSE TO LET.—Small house on uppeApart 1 situaia on Albert street. For particulars Ll of Albert Street, Apppply to appi(y at T. COOPER k SON'S Grocery, Clinton 489' 'PIiOS. COOPER k SON. 'fay 13th, 1888. 406-tf will'save motley bycalling on nlc. I always keep GOOD STAPLE GOODS! --what the. pe()ple Nvant' and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD by iiny one in the trade. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange for Goods, A ' call respectfully solicited. H. PLUM00"TEELV SEARLE'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON, v-__ R2 �Tzzfv.aH 1 —AT— THE. T---THE. RBD ROCKER STORE." ._.-._— PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, •SIDEP,0r1RDS AND TAfiLE,l . Special atter- tion is calleit to PARLOR SUITES -they are of our own, ht anti faetu re, and R)r del:io i; material and workmanship cannot bb excclked fu the comity. OrRemenber, that all goods will•be sold at a 1110- REnUC,TION• during the month of May. First 'come, first.*crecd. AN Ul'HOLSTERIaE nitcnys un hauls,; rt pairing neatly nod promptly attended to. Undertaking and Enibalnling attended to at otic usual lord rates. Night calls attended to ln•omptly. OALBIOK & REITH. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, THE PROFIT $8 DOWN. O Never have FINE GOODS sold for LOWER PRICES than we are now making on out •Irresistible spring ILargains. We ask the plivilego of selling you on the closest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND QUALITIES that mpney can buy in tho line of MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING Inspect ice Goods, compare the Prices, and you mint admit that we are offering the opportunity of thio Beason, Give ns just one chance to make you happy with beautiful goods at lied rock prices, Economy, Coinfor'tpnd Satisfaction goes with every purchase made of I SHEPHERD, The ' Leadin ff Tailor, Clinton, THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING, i 1 ti a` ;1 u -• a • r; ' e k�K r ti t