HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-08-08, Page 41rWT:, r . ` wr.,-w�je-gr••.v i-.r-•+�.-:- _7110' -11 •� e, ,. r f , .. ,..w .M.�, . .. ,' . n a ✓. . .. 1.^ I I �. , , u. i , �. t " r .. . . - • ,nr FDITGR ,f1: e: N 4'frer+., • lylr• 'aruetl tslaYai.Qd it ' aA uu sja Cause thQy psi lbooik" D pC likke 1 .. . I '. . ., V , 6 11 I ' �tlOR i �U, I I. . . .1 �»RG'O"l . 0a . ,dust. I .I in Go A@ BQTvl:co' loj tC lire ' boil'^' - ""''"", to ,dalfr.i:lro 2}iin o€ tt1q. 'ljg;ht j;p mr d t . Q Jbo h'rovictcFalr 11cc►sI 1.,wxfa>' , of X4,60 p Rear-$� .tr} r}tiv.4ttve. a1 , em participated, tq liy otllot's �Illoln theyselect tlao�o avt►o should try this Oy � 1,- .11ec racaived a low Clays since ..n ` b..elfet!b are soiling their own coil • ° ca%c. !,lits t3 aritllet' a ilpyel p,Qsition " IPetluca413Y•u�n$t t3tiG>!r !lass from fllcr C?ttt,tri'Q (xovet'unaegt a 1, . „, r d dentuation • by 14p service thou h to t,a1;Qr if the accusod should ill -•„i-.--�-� " _ ________- cheque for $.100,000 t9.►vacdo tl a Al .._ inlvnrdly they are hitt whited l Cteas have 414,e uatniuq.. or those,111111111111111111 AIM11 . pOLJ2'11 -1.roC , *AND THEOLOGY: aettlame,ttt of the Common school I sepulchres. May not this CIASS be who wiltli to determine 't•}lair „hilt fund. Sir Joliil ulay,uot lzo able ° Last work we endeavored to OIL, in the position of those whorl they or iuucconco the result would be a.Fill , , am ,, to chuck\1,uutobn btt4 Mo►a at tett cler•ry ? ; ' Pur:f+f;ouo cottcluBiou-"oat guilty„ ` thatthehistory of political economy , ' cheque Quebec' but it costs nlottcy . 3-1 wits necessarily a history of changes I. one will not :i=sociate with At ; every, time. L'u say that it wore • to do so. - , ... and that ilia best. political party but -angelic oomp,my, he will have I _` compatenG Por an Oruugeuiau to __..o. to wait until he hits shuffled off this ' objpet to being tried ` before-'- • - was the -one that initiated or adopt- London Eugland is lamenting Judge Doyle bacanea he i+ n �p A mortal coil and taken up his abode D ' a g New Prints, ed changes in conformity with the over the influx of lauper immigrat- Roman Catholic, ill• it Luman 7 in another sphere. And then there l l increase of intelligence among; the ion which is feta pauperizing native C:ttliolic to object to Jildgo 'Tutu,% New Cottons - � - , is the possibility of his not having, . • people and the changed conditions p Y ° workmen. Leading men in the trying his else because Ilia Ifonor -�� m •�, �7 of the counts In politics ill Can- as select nsaoeiates as• his worldly T% e�%�%' ,.li. "-10 a Linens, Y p self-sufficiene heie,avould approve United States tiro also opposing the is a Protestant, would be as reason. ��* m I.11 ads we' believe that the Liberal y advent of "a miscellaneous multitude able ns Parnell's objecting to the New ,4 owels of, unless he 1�acome ponsidarably objecting 7 11 Conservative party ureets.the require s )iuD�• of man uatians, which 'ie cont lositiott of the Cuq►mission, • menta of the titres and would acne mor@ charitable in this world. 1 ' a Y l New Towelling I ° The good book stays judge not. that reeklessi) •watoring utlr life blood," consisting off' Judges who may '�^� �1 7 f , those who have the material welfare a as Gott. Gea. W. Citi -08 puts it. A differ from Parnell as to how fin• New Dress Goods • t of the country at heart to affiliate ye be not judged. But oven the I ,t 7 Y few screech cauls ill Canada are Home Rule should' be extended N'ew (.,rostulll'le CAothS• themselves with that party. The liYpocrioy and infamy of others to Ireland. ►vitt not add ora jour tittle -to o+tillcii> o1►1IEsa_paalpar_am- _ _ -- TT „ .i.V 7 ' young leen and so-called. iudepend= �rni•iou but we want all t•habrave - -' ew• ]EUids 6�rnd Checks31 . own merits before the Great Jude. mia + ants sf. hould make a note of this. ° • W . il 1.Neutrality or indifference is nothing In the good providence of God it hearts and strong arms the old LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. New Plu rhes &- Velvets } s Y c wQ,rld Utttl gtVa lla as long Rs "the ------ ' se0n19 that CilUl'Che9 jY6 n8C(,asary, ° $' We wish it to eediattnetly understood t/eat I" do � T A leas than criminality. He that' is s not hold ultra+logs„espoptsilokforthe opinialis ,, CALL AND GET PPIGES. f1 and human ludenao^ should cheer- poasessorsiaro honu.taud 1ndt1St1'10U9. xp,•vased 6U eorress,�ndeats;- Ee. NsNa•iin, not for good'government is against P Canada will give ilio ilio benefit "U17• • , it. \\'e may not agree with some ae fully comply withcondit•ions.which,, a n}, n y n y� r y r if they do no good will do Do harm. of her prairie lands 'and her rail- E(R4orA'elus-Record+ Hobe tL%o/is G/ eat Cash Store, to the best means to a given good 4'`'. end but no Hood is elfocted without But we do not admit that attending ways, her fine climate, good, ri>,arkets Six,.. -I ala quite at a loss to see ' a „ and the beat odncatioual and ' till- why all itis fuss is made about.your effort, t►ud effort cannot bo utilized upon church ordinances do noaood. IQ Londesboro correspondent writing ---- - - _ �.�.�_______�� _� ` _ without some agency. Choose For, not only has the genera cal system ill the Icnu►vu world. that a Clinton cobbler preached in I'n and About the County, tuade for the annual meeting of the 1, Iof .thachurell 1)PPn one of variations, that hatvlet. In avliat consists ills Supreme Grand Orange Lodge of 1 which agency you will,• but choose The poor • Chi Globe is being offence 0 Was the item not true ? -Geo. Curran, of Chatham, was British North America, to be held ' - I `` • some one. but ilio human mind itself is one of You Say it was. Well, has, it come g• g l buffetted oil all hands.' It is only my killed %Vhile fencing with foils. in Winnipeg on the 28th inst. variations. And Ilia liviq os )ei to this that the poison said to have _pastmaetar flicks of Mitchell, -A QuebeQ dealer has purclinsed • The same gevel,alizntiuu lull! of Christ is one of variations to suit few days Ago th:at._Proinior Mowat preached is ashamed of having done ! . o, or 7s he ashamed of Ilia every is in his eighty-eighth year. May he nearly half a million pounds of maple apply .til higher polities, theology, ever • change of the human mind. publicly auuouuced in EnglanJ that d calling? It must be the formeri see his 100th. p sugar in Beauee at 6e per Ib. for whieh will affeet,pur material ►yell- } a Callada had one of the best govern- toy I tint! that cobbler is derived-Wiarton s *8,iko 5 per cent. shipment to the United Stated. And what a delightful occupation o water works r• being in another world. To be on uloids in the wui'Id was cue of the frot�l the Latin word cer•do--onia, a flebenturPs were sold to -In Durham7r.ille, N. Y., Lizzie the right side to belong to the )art 'rust that of the Christian minister ' eobEler, a currier, a tahuPr, a Sluith. the Canada Life Insurance Company Leizner shot Thomas Mangan and il a ° I Y be whose business it is to deduce. Most resourceful countlies under tile lou �I,tly said last week if it was at pt.r. then shot herself. - The woman's which sghall be 5lICL•ea5t ill IU t}la n y)1'lilg Ca110) Ut' ]:IetlV011 il]Id 1110 )CU rlg3 (I1SC017 'taonri t0 Call a U01'dtwal nf;P a-'t'hc? Wlll Of the late Mu. John wound may prove fatal. 1)111ngan Is lessons from the Hover failing .1 0 1 J' ' fatally injured-' Jealous was the groat beyond, is of iniluitely mesa strougly at.taubed to the nlol.her cobblti,', it.woukl ba equally so to call Ogilvie, of Montreal, bequeaths 1 Y of Divine inspiration. lie tau fol. a . a Uuwa aper publishes or editor a property valued at 8900,000. cause. moment than to belong foAlie &i -ht country.' And now his govern rinter. Ind accordiu� to the deriv- low the 1?road prcachings of a St. a M printer,', -Tlfe Acton Free Press chronicles -The cholera at Amoy, China, one on tl:is mundane sphere. , nieut has beEili the nleausof u ailing atlun of th wu'rd it would be ungva-i the adveiit of beer wagons in that seems for the time to be in 311:'. 1;1111 or St. John or the n:lrrower P a a _ , I.a R 0 N. S I cions to cal ti manufacturer of leach ' village b do lig ht now. check but.at Chan Chong it is re or - E ' a . Tho hiatory 'of theology is also a grovo of St. Peter or St. James • the the eyes of the people of•tbe United ora tanner r a currier; or a forget 3' Y , Chang -Chong P , , o , g ted that 3,000 deaths have ouciarred , history uf,ai'iolions slut indeed as St:ifea to the wundorful .mineral of iron a sal h. Whether en had -The; Waterhouse Company of doctrines which lead to works or Y in tllo past 3U days: ;.'' serail have n'rlintainod with regard n'oalth of Ontario I) ' sending to ilia the name of til writer is of no con. Brantford have secured the Contract a the doctrines which lead to grace ; a segneuce, The all-important quos- for the enlargement of the water- The Italian Government has inform 11 i-; to politics, without au • inner' i:,rin- the milder and the svvurer intorpre- Cuntouuial Exhibition,- now being tion which is agi ating this commun- works of that city at $106,1278. °d Catholic missionaries In Asia and v ciple of movement, but with ;accon- hold at Civoinumti two thousail Y P - 1 Africa that unless they allow Govern- talions ut' human nature and of the , ,t is: Did a Gli on cobbler reach Shec) to the value of X100 avers to the LOndosboro. daixlites as your destroyed by dogs on the premises of me inspection of the r curriculum t€ � atnlit repetition ofoppositions ,ositions ilnder- nt i 1 1 i diaiuo dealings with it. ' But whatw. bnLnrio lis'tnerals, re Lar:l;ctipoudent Btcito ? Jacob Litt, neat Hanover, one nigh.b and books, Government support ►dill'' lying its, noceFsary development• ��� typo of the Divine lllastor he presenting over four hupdretJ dis: lours, LAIC SAsoN,a 1Rst week be withdrawn from them. g,::' Coutrnat; a�)poar throughout file follows, the Battle divine life stirs tinct entries and woighipg over tau - --- � -Edward Kenuiug, 'who left • for -A motion t" continue the con, /.'rlitipr Nests-17ecord. Au3tralia about a year ago, returned sideration of the Fisheries, 'freely I course of r0}lo10119 developmuut. hits; the Berle love tiros ,his heart >Ol)s. The Americans have boon to Galt last week thoroughly was tariffed in the Senate yesterday Tho t.ornls tied bnf'Ottill"A of the and the same faith breathes in his led to boliovc, tlu•ough the G101,e,tvo Dsc:an SIR, --Just allow me halts convinced that there is no place like by 24 to 22, and the treaty is likely • dozen words. Your coil 'tnporary ml,:• ocean 'Ilio necosgary t.o stir up the p,-a).e -s. 1'Ita lino preacher call also were A helpl'eis and hopeless country, went ort of his wiay the of er.week Canada. to be rejected on a similar . stilt • rlrLiclp.s of it. Stagnation with no moans of,betteriuto our ulvPs to (lo a inner thio' tuber a .said -The Kirlctan creamery sold to ThoB vote. i l a see Sermons in stones, book, in the a i, and seucefalness v'olil l rutin But- that there were till amount a com- Johnston, of'1'oronto, nearly 6,0UOibs -Over 300 Italians, disgusted at I } ruuuing brooks, null good in every- except by becoming au nunex'of the plaints a;ainat tlie'. ruauagame t of 'of butter for the old country market hot being able to obtain employment `a, ridity, Malaria 'ai,ti death , to all thitlg, United States. But Americans the wei �h scales in the .years pr ' at 1912 cents.' Their May and June in New York sailed for home again on • .tilli,naI life. Tho .persoenLiuua and Now nun -church ouers admit this, liow say if one Province can matte ous to the curreut one. I agree w h make were Sol',] for .18i. stenmer.Alossia. OnAlie s�meivessel bulletin ; t of Christiana at vnrrott9 •13ut are they doing justice to their such an ruvalunble oshihitof natural Your dissenting from that statumeu -Hon John Carling has telegraph there were two desperate Italian brig sarioclB nets het t ill the uredin bV It, safe, but not very manly,, to odic .the London Fres- Press that ands who arrived here two ri9onths l bappi ' }' nlinisturs-leaving Out what they wealth in on() line alone, this with asporsu the character of the dead. work on the Canadian Pacific.extensi• ago. The mail were ironed and until . . which tile, highest and best roN" iutis owe, to ti oiliselVes their families and the natural riches of the N orth West I was intimately acquainted with the n. from London to Windsor is to be the vessels sailed were guarded by ' ` thought has been evolved and Ire- rn' late Luke Trouse . wei,lhnlaster for b un at once. . Customs officers, . 0 1 society -by aiLhu. C, their pros• Tereitories and the other six Pruni several years, awl think the Gru'•s• g -At-seven o,clock on Wednesday . Tames Foot had the four. fin ore a served. Even the diasPnsions in. the once from cllarell. Yet some of this aces must be indeed ' valliablo be- censure a fool Blander upon the? ruclll- of hi right hand cut of at the second :evening of last'tveelc the waterlJn the cburcli from time tin tiiva diave class rul'raiu from ++ging to Church bo- and calculi►tion. Scorn ani, for cry or a, poor but houcst mail. His joint yesterday while working at a harbor of Marquette fall. 26 inches a a 3 lnimecllate° sueressor,; enn take cart• planer�in the Londen Furniture within afew mutates. The fall was -- .A(' lossoned depravity and . atilnu- cattail their minister is dry ynd unin-- th,o':Ontario government of tlomBEayc B. 'Phe pruseut oflictal (gni pan cs factor sated higllar cell+•ions thought r r 1 Y so rapsd that vessels nL anchor were . a a o g torestiui, 11 ly the nlost a'ialual does hie duty eery ►wall, but cine tail _,I. F. lliotE, of Warwick, is seen to Bink. The wind was lil;ht oft amongst Its monibors• Thfi Itouiau ul.otvn tvuulil bl, ally did ho Lava to The United S'tiites have ni usual, fide him credit for it withoud; bland the happy. proprietor of what . is shore at the time and the lake calm. }; erin� the 'dead and w1inittirig that probahly th Bmalleat spocthien of A dense cloud swept out anti over Catholic church is to -day a !letter gut off his ,jolcos before n compnra- been wanting to play the hog with for a uurnliur of yearB=thg l)u',lio had horseflesh in . ilea country. On the lake a short time before and is be - Ong, oil ticcoilllt of ti,e Reformation, tivCiy boggarly - -ray, of empty the New Zealanders ill the tuatter of boos! cheated at our t;)WIl %Vt;i;;ll- July 12th his �h tiand Inure , foaled lieved to hp.ve been a gigantic., water :`. Lhnu it would otherwise 170. 1'lae benches, In nine cases out of ton subsidy for Hilil service between scale". lours, a diminutive c t that weighed spout or cyclone rwhtch drove the ANTI.- BLARNr:•Y. - exactly fifteen pa ids: water before it in such quatities as to ° Anglican church is all the .better tou the auiuis.ter and' the services Sau, Francisco and that coloi;y. The a . -: roc t , h Se en een Me o _ alls�'tha llt_J lig Aleneaa '... fro'us it having baud pticiced ulld will ba iuturu g vaifLl ar !amen art LEwpil. Patliatnexlt• water on it,'w}lich yv}I be kuowai Its - �' - spurre oil from time to time by the pews show by their uccupaucy that put a duty of `?5 .per cent on gootrs - Darling's ]leaf, has, bee discovorod hundreds have used. Powell's r -- ---- lhet> ud}sts. And the 17ethodist - biro and hie usually imported from the United Ilet ltlonday night Ang 6th.. by Staff- Commander Bot ton, R, NL -v 'Sarsaparilla,and'Burdock for'dyspep , they take tan interest in $; Clerk Bead resigliation of Dr, Do•v in file Georgian Day. It li approx- cies indigestion, and as,Blood our}- chureh is receivingbonalicial Iessoris ministrations.. Those who do not `§'tales and which formerly were slog as High School LrusGge. Olt irnatel•y northeast by east d tint 212. fisc. Price SUc. a bottle, Sold by . from tho movement of the Salvation oo to church miss the highest of admitted true. If thu couaumer motion of Doherty and. Johnson miles from Cape Chin, and wet �o all druggists. 4S.8 -2t Aruly. lteligioug thought' and earthly beatitudes. Thenlinistarial pays the duty •thisiB poor retatnlion DG. J. P. Tisd:llo al)poin,tcd. mile'sinsidelhe line joining C eta �_, _ -_ - Bead and Cape Croker. s9c}al purity in the United .States profession has niany felicities land -taxing themselves 25 per cent to Letter from StanleY. cleric stntiug -lilr. \Vm. • Kerr of vVilm t 3IAR11tI�G}GS• • have beets largely bouefitted And a advanta,es. It educates , and do- get even with tho'United State%„ If that Stanley council will moat at township gives the following list. "NLSTACOTT-TOWNER.-In Clinton, . o' - a 1, . Varna on the 18tH and will meet showing the advanced age's of some • at the.reridraeu of D. It. lieuries, I'soi.,, - coin ion recognition cif tho positive "volops our higller moral nate re, it the low Zealand I arlt:inlci'It was delegates fttonl Clinton. \''ote from of ®hisaneighborsi Mrs. Leatthorn ivi July 31st, by the Rev. 1y. Ciaig, . '' realities of Chrieti•lll ethics educed sets heforo ua all '•aevatod, ideal composed of datives one could be- Goderich townsh+p clerk with copy is in her 94th year ; Mrs. .Samuel �''' E. :,e \Ve Herat, of Hallett, to- b) the spread of Mul'utunisln in that worth striving for. Tho listoning lieve thom to be•atu ill cuougJl to , of resolution authorising monlbers to Laird in her 90th year; Mr. Malcolm Eng w C. Puttncr, of ltetherington, . i 1 a a p a in his 85th year • Mr. and alrq }.n�+laud: country. to educated minlstora whoso hearts do so absurd c► thifng. For we rg; int°r"vijew GlintonY oouneil with n Y ' STF.VENS-LONG. A- t.tlleGrandUnion •. g a Vance in their 84th year; Dir. Cricket „ , T view to having llnyfield road within Hotel, on Thntsda`, ?nd An%Hors h� ;\otv it is a self evident ,prohosi- ;u'e ill 1.11uir work i n grc,at hale to member enc° reading a history of in his 83rd ; Mr. Wm. Illinsworth COrpOtatiOp put ill proper repair- the Itev, J. Liviugstdue, lull: Henry tion that`uo religious movement ,ermauoncy of belief. The Scrip- Now Zealand in which was an in his n�i; Mt Anthony Smith to ,Stevens to )Irs• Long both of Clinton. a - p' i I referred to Street Cotnmitteo. •�, t;, her 80th ; Airs. Wm lfiteball• in 'her . any neoru thine a political nlovauusllt, tures +cent Lu l,a 1.,l,ecially adapted illustration of .a native anwirig a Poundkenper holland wants mora 79th year Certainly a great list for FLE,TCIIER-CROLL. - At the resi.tencc can anoceod without orgnnizntion• to the vast range of tbo ilumau mind. limb off a tree about twenty 1'uet' secure liremises fat• derelict animals a small section.of a township. of the bride's parents, Clinton, by the v -referred to Proporty Comnlitwo, -There resides at F'orester's Falla, �ti> Mr Ill.* NL;G�le�� of (: on alt,lto'Clatra. Churches are the organizations by $linist.ers bravo the gre:atuwt range of from the groull_il. And ill- sawed it .Chairman ls�enuad re octad 1ldr \Vm•P'lood,who is probable the oldest t Which religiwis thought livos, moves intellectn•ll sco e. They can inter off between where he was sitting Y p Y Clinton,fl ughter of �Ir. Join Crall, of P a •St. drain covered for 532 feet from man in, the Ottawa valley, if,not in C}ut . aild has its buing. Ii churches we �, e q Ontario. He reached his 10•.3th ye,ir a Y prat by -the myatica] or logical on ilio limb and • the trpnlc of Moores tanner at• cost.of $262 40. t;.AULCH-DykVIS.-On Fuiday, Anglin . . meal! Cou;;rogations of peopl� riot y' on the 16th Inst., having been -born 3 , tlio itev. A. E. Rev,, R. A. - urP,thoda both of which will' liad the tree, with the result that ho Also aslc,ld °council for iva� actiolis in Ireland in .Jul 1783. Ile came to y � ' the bnildin s. Tho mouth• sieceB Y the renidenecofit,e brides+ranu,'s broth - t res ,uilsas in the hearts of the nodi• 'P'oun'd himself on the ground' very as to where to put crossings at in- Canada in 183 and settled in the r , 1 ° 1 a Y tersections of main streets -decide,! township of Rose where he has since `h,,)) oodstoc•c; Saniu'el F.nL'al lrh, to Iola of the Churches aro the miuistord. erica. The Breather must necessari- much surprised and bruised. But I' , Mdr;iia tit'. Davis, of Clinton. that they bo. rc•li}id ,as nearly as rest led. Ile is an honored. of DD1Lis'1'7Iti Ministers to rib good must be heard. 11• ovct:�tep the limits of actual as the Now Zoaland Parliament is possible on old ,lines, though Lho the Orange Association -find re• , And here wo oscine to the vital point luit)w1odgo, lie has two worlds to composed -of Briiisli colonists o lieove held (iind rightly so) that inetriVers distinctly many incid- mi:t;iN•--•In. ]iullett, cit .iugost 1ni� , ,^ , 4 onts of `98. lie is hale and hearty. Maria Jane Riggin, aged 34 year,,, eldest - ofver nrtiele. \\ o do not isle how deal a it.h and if his fP,elinga over- need riot be afraid tha. those have an improvem-nt in location cunt d a enjoys the best of health and is the daughter of ,\Ins. John R'iggie. Ill -illy people go to church. It is a Huw With his subject, as they should, been stupid enough to put a twenty._ be mud°• strongest man of his age in America. ..._..___- _. ._-__ \ I - matter for ro"arnt th'it Very many he niltSt convince others Of the five' per cent tariff oil American Treas. Robson's monthly state- -The Exeter 7'imes Elimvlle • Have you dyspepsia ?. if so, use g roeut, showed bnlalrce and receipts correspondent : -'Mr. J. Earl sold a potvell's Sarsapart}la and Burdock ; �_• or patil,lu do not 'go to clinic{! -wall- trt,t.lis ltd has drawn from ilio it,- goods only to find it forced ,out of $1601.95, paid $864.53, balance on valuable gray mare to .lir. Thomas the most powerful remady in the . A 1ue;cuilig pouple,butprobably puffod spiral volume, their own pockets. hand 737.42. Bissett, on Jlonday--The agent for market. Price 50c. a bottle, Sold by \ i u 1 with the conceit that the know - . _-- the Clinton fanning mill has sold all druggists. 49M. • ! y 1�'e may again rluoto from an y Chairman Alanuiva s 1 trance several mills in this neighborhood all ahor,t t.licir dntios and nePgl not auliueut ChurcLrnnn, deceased but a Mr. ParuelLhas been charguil by report for last month showed pay ]lir. G. W. Holman's youngest child -•�---�--- _.__ - . to be reminded of them twico every short tineo, as- Nye did a fow years ago, the London Times . with having monts : W Coats $51.6;). J. Miller has been sick. -Mr. S. P. halls and MARKET AtEPOR,TS. $37. T. McKonzio , 54. G. E. Pa wife, of Godorich, are visiting . n sr ep days. ']'his is ,ill wrong• while touching on this platter : "If been aware of the plot to murder $ Y (Uorrorted e�cry Tuesday afternoon.} d e r r relatives and friends in this neighbor- ' • CLINTON. C. )ositl? this class are alread 95. W. Stoop �7.v0. Charity X13. � I 1 i, t Y ever a poor man tau hold .up his Lord Cavendish and �1Ir. Burke- 95. G: Routgan_5146.46 :Davin 51,0 Hood. A look at his familiar face and 'Flour ........................$4 50 to 5 00 1. auto ho elect the should nut be the Phoenix Pant�- assassinatiod. the tones of his well remembered Fall Wheat, new &old 0 9v to 100 o t Y heat! it is at church ; if over the rich Whitely tiny Todd,voters lists, $34.- voice, recall old memories. and in Spring Wheat ............. 0'9,r to 100 so utterly selfish as to have no ,,,,,.If views him with rospcat it is Another party implicated by the 50. Do $2.50 S. Pratt $18.75. R. M imagination our old school days are Barley. 0 65 to 0 70 thought for others. If the do not Times brought suit against that Racey $8.68• G. Tedford $112.50. lived over a sin. lir. Halls wielded • +•,..•+++.•..••. Y there ;and beth will be refiled B Oats .............,.,.......,. 0 48 to 0 48 . need the instruction and pr,ayers'of the oftener they • meetp in a journal for libel in the same S. Davis $18.29. R. Holmes $5- the raw -hide and taught the young Peas ,•••••.++..+++++++.•.... . 0 GO to 0 60 pulpit and pows, there may ba others situation, ill which the consci- matter, but fnilod. 11'Ir. Parnell i.n $637.38. l.eeeipN $37.75. idea for many years in No 9. Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 t Property.- Chairman Cantolou, Potatoes ...................: 0 60 to 0 65 --_..---- whodo. "Example," says some one, ousness of superiority in the the House of Commons denied all verbally reported in reference' to Our Weokly Round Up. Butter ....................... 0-14 to 0 15 . "is a compendium of instruction." one is tempered and mitigated, and prior knowledge of the horrible matters in regard to . tanlc at the Eggs............. ............. 000 to 0 1S They tray be Chriatians and not go the spirit of th° other erected and crime. The Government offered station ile inferred from receiving no -Tile work of revising the Domin• Hay ........................... 8 00 to14 00 to church, but the will >ja better J Cordwood ...:........:...... 3 00 to 400'' ' „ reply front G. ',C. R. authorities at ion voters' lists has been postponed . y eonfirmo<l. The very essence of to appoint n Coinmisstou to taste P Y till May next. Beef .......................... U UO to 0 00 •�-" ones b • going. The ritual ofeburch ,tile .docirfnes taught ill Christian• evidence and give Mr. Parnell n Motrtroal that they must have filer! Y Wool....... ,........•....... 0 20 to 0 20 3 a a t g g , his communication, because the --The petition against Mr. Baird • G 50 to 6 7b Pork....,. .: observances are fow and are rnstruc- churches is to spare the worldly' cleaned to clear himself. After location had not been fixod on the in Quebn's County, N. B., ivas order- -_- __!!___ �___ tive, as avail as powerful aids and vanRuished and to m'ueh tilfispropd. considerable haggling by Mr. Par- property of the Company. By-law e'd off the file, with costs, by the incentives to do what we know and _ __ Doll and his friends as to the ex to raise $1.000 for Model School Court. APPi�E�S M%ANTED -'1'tie• French trope have been acknowlodgo to be oiiic" duty. By - __ ' tent of the scope of the Commission purposes and for the payment of disastrously affected by the weather. Rarrols of HARVEST, FALL AND -The E'residertt of the French -s • . $40 a your siulcigg fund, for 20 Accordin to the returns the yield a gh ��� 1V1NTGx Abe paid' wanted. The all manus attehd church' Agricultural Society estimates the it ,vas mutually agreed h0 17aVb ODO. g Y l l�h�et market price will be paid for goad sound g y years, was passed. Budget for 1880 of wheat well probably be ,5,000,000 fruit. Apply to There is atlother class who largely damages to the crops in France by The Government named throe laid ovor for. consideration at spec'iul heetoinitres$hort. DAVID C NTELON, abstain from going to church be- bad weather at 500,0110,000 francs. eminent judges -as the eoulniksion. mcoting Thursday night Aug. 9th. -Vigorous preparations are being cos--tf C T_11Wr 'CON- • - a , Y1. • • •. - d ;, � . � . : � j, I ,;, n ., , A „, 11I'll, A