HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-07-18, Page 5r ., .. I , r *ne ry �� AAL �0 (■ I p t. ., CE':­ t:er IS S tecial for, P4rasols, -•-•-T- NOW. I�OI� �N•G-�-y'--- � R special + r `( ri.ental Laces• , Speeial n1�:eemen M Caney rens oo s Special foilt Embroideries. Black and Colored Cashmeres, bilks, &c. Special dor RII*TS 'end FlounolfWS. S o Aallor Vit 119 , . U72 PARASOLS !----OUR •STOOK iS VERY CCMPL TE■ a } • e ' a 'O-0-0 0--- '•Suecial for 1Corsets. see our 5 cent and 8 cent Pr�n ts. - ersUGker from 8 cents, See The, Prices, - See The Asso meat.: 0-0 0 LOW � PRICES RULI L.[° ''r FIVE • PER CENT. OFF. iFOR CASH. ' JQHN WISEMAN; Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. E. -PAY & CO'S. .�..•.�.... Dry -Goods Ernp0,6 SPRING- STYLES Op_- . .a;:....:. ,: HATS AND CAPS] I . of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also U:S 1.,,N E S S CHANCE One Oase American Neckwear ' (very handsome), from 20c. up to 50c. A call respectfullysolicited. --- • rXU •T=10 P-CT=B-Lj=C- C3 -E<7_ OFT %,A8C3-0 W, T have dieposed'of n,y Grocery Stock olid goodwill to Nr. GEORGE. S.WALL0�1', Murray Bloch, Albert street. lrho will contiune the same in the stand.formerly, occupied by tie, and I trust that the 8� Next Door to DRY GOODS PALACE. liberal patronage flint has been bestowed on me in the past, will bo continued to my �IisfSJ f.. Si1Cl.'l`SSUI'. - Yours respectfully, �1 JOHN nIc'GARYA. HOUSE PAINTING) 0 c ~<1V ' GLAZING AND GRAINihiG, 1 , In reference to the above, and ill making my bow to the public, I would gay his ALAIN A�[D DECOARTIVE it is my i,>telrtion to keep in eery tent' a FIiLS'i'^Cj�A:IS GIZA►Ci:ICY• This F� Stock hes been bought at a,yery low figure,-aud we will have many SPECIAL LINES �T to offer, in order to make roma for all additional stock of New Goods, when we . _, ♦ will use this space in giving full particulars, which will be carried out to tilePAPER letter. KalSoipinlilg I an, in a position to buy for Cash, so that the people of Clinton and surrounding K�I UI LL. AND t;ouritry ntay'rely on having the very BEST GOODS at the very LOWEST PRICES. 0 11 RESCOING-: c Soliciting your pm ntrona^e, I remain YO- yoohodieut servant �� � ��,�1 Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street W,_ S�� ' CLINTON, ONTA.RTO_ , V CHAS■ T■ SPOONED --The Pall Mall Gazette publishes Goeapsiae:� not�ier Bid Glaug.4ter somesen5ationalaorrespondenoe fromMcKiIIop Mutuaf lusurauce .Cot Berlin, the authentigity of- whiPA is. ( . . OF• semi-ofircially denied, the-' effect of -- which is, .that Dowager Empress YT' NEiLANSr &iARLQCK Victoria is virtually under arrest be GENERAL AGENT. P R'l N - 'CSUse she Will not give up papers left Isolated town and village pr"' perty; ae tvntl ns by her Into husband the Em°p- =buildings r? and stock, insured.' Insniances effected ugalnst stoelc that may be killed It0 eror. lightning. If you want -insurances drop a card , --- — to the above address. 36,11KET REPORTS. - (CorrectadeteryTuesduynPtnrnoor.), OLINTON. kkflulc IRON N 0,1[ flAIRT Just arriuedt i Case New Prints & Chambrays, Flour ........................ 64 50 to 5 00 1 r Fall Wheat, new'& old 0 95 to 1 CO 1 --'—" We are (fferiwi- 11'• splendid range of GREY DRESS Spring Wheat ............. 0 W to 1 00 Specious adapted fur Carus, Bridges, roofs of , , I Bnrley.s.. .. 0 65 t0 0 70 Dw'011tng houses (,Yhether wood or Iron) and PRINTS in Cheeks and Stripes, at Ile., worth 12,c. (1 agricultural Implements of all kinds. Oats.....,.:.., 0 50 to 0 50 _ Uni OR 11 RICH BROW peas,....:..:.. ..0 60 to O 6b �J1 �I''e alis also giving gravel v�11uP in DAI1IZ'._ 'P_L _ _ , 'i 5 Apples,(winter) per bbl 100 to 1 50 PItiIN7. � `lt 10C. l31 1'al] e'of p�attel ns. ° Potatoes .................... 0 60 to 0 65 Containing by analysi's 02 per cE. of fron. It is 1 Butter ......................... O l4 t0 Q 15 ' are proof, venter proof, untading. everlasting, STRIPED GHt11,'TBRA ] S economical, and puss'ssca tn•ic0 rho b0d}' aud NAIe have the newest styles iri w v Eggs.......' ................... 0 00 t0 0 13 strength of any other oxide-jr, the market. >3a s ao tolo 00 In Pink, Blue incl Grey (Embroideries to hatch). y•••••••••••••••••• For Pat Cordwood ................ s oo to 4001. Lace h.louncin�'s Laces Parasols and Muslii]s all selling' Beef ......................... o 0 to 0 00 Scoble Campbell Flouncings, ... �n-eol.:...., 20 to 0 20 �• at LOWr:S'1' PRICES: Pork ...... ......:. ..... 6 50 to 6 75 '•' • • 5n2.3m Box -'330, GODERICIi, ON'1'�. THOSS, JACKSON, SR. Clinton.,. Woollen Mills NEW PAINT SHOP, WOOL WANTED _..- - -- -- -- TrA18F.lt de WILSON, practical ,sinters, have much pleaeuru in informh,g �he public of At Clinton woolen ,tills, to either CASH OR Clinton and vtefnity that they have opened out MO T Qq �� PATENT r1iAUJs. Having ranted the Clinton woolen in rho above' businnss. house, elfin and general .�r[w AtilIs, I intend running altogether"ou CUSTOM painting and grnin!ng. papper hanging and ceiling WORK. Farmer's leaving their wool with me decorating in the boat style known to the trade. t� will have ,t manufactured into Tweeds, Blankets, Prises moderate. Shop Albert street, two doors Flanu0l or Yarn, and having had 25,Lure exper• north of U. gon's Dry Goods Store. 490.3m ience I knot,, I can give you satisfaction.: 1 have 53 1;1 n largo -'stock of FINE ANp CUAft r - , E � HMu R'LL��lfi$,dts'o` FINE 7[RD'COAftSE'PCA'h�h7EL. , - , BLA1111171S; YAA anal HosIkRY Of all doanrip• n�IIE SUBSC[IIBER ofForsl'or sale tour oligib"I ban's w hioh.i will trado for ool or sell cheap 1 t)uilding Lots fro-tiir{{,,• on Albert Street; also ^ for cash• Farmers, give Yno a call before you two fronting on Rsttenbm•y street; etthor en\L/ •AI �' ) ppu•t with your wool BULL CARDING A bloc or in separate iota, to unit urchusere. For •, �,,/ SIDINGb;)(�z� flPECIALTY• a firth'.rpnr,icularsapplytotheundersigntd.-E. V N JNO. SCOTT. DINS LV, Clinton, 882 . me RE I BUTCHERING O inti FOSS-Tt3FC eoplo of ,IRE AND STORM PROOR ND PAIN WITHOUT ITS PLEASURE, signed wishes to irt'coI a to rho pe0.' o ,\v Clinton and surroundin •co,mtry, that fu ,order tosuitably inept the demandsot hie very mrmer- ous customers, h° has bought out the boniness a 0 ft you have had the painful experience of soil• of Air, It, Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same , I.' staining or injuring your clothes w•IUIc out with the choicest stents In season. Every effort pleaeuru seeking or' otherwise, yon have the will be rondo to moot the wants of ail, and he A DAVIS, � / p �y 9 L I N T ®■ B pleasure of knowing that they can he d} ed, mean• hopes to u,erit and ri.celve a fair sl,nro of public VS V ■■ ��aAO r ro 0 ed,cr [ranch cleaned,sathecasemay, mn,ltal pntronago. Lowest prices ' for In"s ordtnsl ■ ■ as well as thoy can he done in the world, by the Farmers' Credo a epecinit}•. ALBEAT,IAY. noted' Pallor and clothes Cleanerofthe +vest. A. We CAiLSLA&Ci), Victoria St, H ®U S CLEANERS! New Blacksmith Shop nlziiCl: NO nIISTAKE, tva hate the nicest NEW •LI Lf O H STORE . and newest stocic'of TROWHiLI, If,", WALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND �y FORf-E npnned ++t a gun: CJj eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop do the 6 buiiding lately, oceuplcd by A1r. GaulOy, north of CEILING DECORATIONS The subscriber has opened a Liquor Storet in Cantolon's earrlage works, Albert street, CIIntOn, Blacksmith and iron work in all Its branches; horse-Shoeing attended to and salts- to be foui,d in town. Something entirely iPERR/NS BLOCK RA TTENBU/?r-ST. CLINTON' promptly • taction guaranteed. The public ore invited to nely and novel. Call ansee its. No ) f call before ordering any class of work in the trouble to show .good:+. ,• i With a full stock of Liquors of the VERY BEST BRANDS, cohsisting iu above lines. 497-tf GEORGIC' TROWiIILL WM• COOPER part of FRENCFI COGNAC BRANNDY in wood and bottles, Best Holland Gin in bottles, Bernard's Tom Gin in wood and, bottles, Irish and T�ONEY TO LENS on Igood mortgage or Mop,, lnweat wood and ,`�aoteh Whiskies in woodsnd bottles, finest k'ort and She Wines in wood secnrfty at c,,,ronr,, rate of Interest. Al. 11feTAGGAAT. BE BLOCK 130011 STORE. and bottles, .Bass' Ale in pts. and qts.; fiuiness' Stout in pts. an(1 qts.! Clinton, rob. 28th, lass', 4$5tt - TO THE FARMERS! Whiskies, Canadian Ale,nnd Porter, Nativo Wines, tic. — — ('� EUR A •BAIERY. Stndr .yom own interest and go where you can get A CALL SOLICITED. Tl:o subscriber has leased t,o'balcery of e, s is SHEPHERDOLIX-TONDodel ani a few doors west of rho Commereinl Reliable HarnessHotelI. ane{ willbo glad t� 'desire a shape of ppublic patronage. Plain and' Fancy Bresd, » Cai:es aud pastry of all lcinds,furnlshed eu short I manufacture none hilt the BAST Or STOCR. -' ' '" -�-=-••-_ �- _ -- - _'-' M'Silli,1 Ft)R SALE. ---*-� -= -•- - ^ notice. Only the best material used and turned out in a shape to pleaso the most fasttdloas T,ewtrre of ahopa thal sell cheap, as (hep ha re pot to floe, far' Call and get prices. Orders [T E MLOCK -Inch H hoards, scnntlinq and joist. Apply to or to W II i'Raars, Clinton, I FOR SALE OR TO LET - -- p"I te, WEDDING CAKES got till in the most fashionable style.' by mail promply attended to , Oxwos PHRnr,, i j 01'SR AND TWO LOTS for sato or to lot, eT Bread delivered to all parts ut rho town. ,� 0' x, �"r `e ijOt'SETO LET. 'sn,nll 11011.90 on ni,prr part li o! .4lhert Street. A ,Iv t0 dS.CmPi?It;tSUV. ( ,` h sitnate o+r Albert street. For pdrticulare q,pl} ntT, C00['LIT :G R+,\'f3 tlrnuery, Clinton I KING. s Jr As KING■ M) HARNESS Z• JPORIUJI, ULYTII# UNT. 489t II ,lay 13th, 1883. •190-�tf • DETLOR & CO'S, MAMMOTH SUMMER SALE NOW GOING ON. lreaT�u ate it n -Prices OF MUSLINS, PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, PARASOLS, TWEEDS, SHIRT- INGS, COTTONADES, CURTAINS, all our LACES, CLOTHING, and MIEN'S STRAW HATS. AW Your choice of 200 LADIES' STRAW HATS at 25 Cents, regular prices 75 cents to $1.50. Cowie and see the Big Bargains. Thi:,' is ;4' GENUINT, CLEARING SALE. J. G■ D ETLC R & 00 EVERYT.HING- NEW!. 0 New Dry -Goods! a New Boots & Shoes E . b Never ' �a°rrbcerlLes � 0 Having just bought a stock of new "goods at the' present CD LOW PRIMES, I am in a position to sell -good;;; as low as any respectable House in the Dominion• A.ny one wanting Good Goods oat Lowest Prices Will save money by calling on me.. I always keep GOOD STAPLE 'GOODS What the people want --and WILL, NOT BE U\TDERSOLD by anyone in the trade. Butter and ]eggs taken in Exchange for Goods. A call respectfully solicited. H.,PLUIVISTEEL, SEARLF,'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON _,AT-- 6. "THE RED ROCKER STORE.'T ,,PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. S(weial atten- tion is called to PARLOR SUITES—that' are of our own' manufacture, nml for design. f material and workmanship cannot be excelled fn the Bounty: — 4VRemember, that all irooils will De sold at a BIG REDUCTION during the Mont], of slily. First conte, first served, AN UPHOLSTERI,'R always on hand ; repairivg " neatly and Promptly attended to, Undertaking aili l 1EI1111allubig atteuded to at our usual low ratas. Night calls attended to prumptty. CALBIOK & REITH■ n ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. +� H as yl THE PROVITIS. DOWN, 0 Never have FINE GOODS sold for LOWER PRICES than we are now makintl on our Iii -resistible Sin•1119 Hail -gains. . \Ve ask the Ill ivilegge of selling yon on the closest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND I,IUALIT&S that money can buy in the line of MEN'S'and BOY'S,VLOTHING ; Inspect the Goods, compare the Prices,» and you must- admit that we are offering the opportunity of the sonson. Give us just one chance to make YOU beXYPY with beautiful goods nt bed roel( Iitices. Economy, Comfortand Satisfaction goes with every purchase mhde of I SHEPHERD, The, Leading Tailor Clinton, THE NEWS-�REGORDIOR FINE PRINTING, ° N rr 'i f' 6 H.,PLUIVISTEEL, SEARLF,'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON _,AT-- 6. "THE RED ROCKER STORE.'T ,,PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. S(weial atten- tion is called to PARLOR SUITES—that' are of our own' manufacture, nml for design. f material and workmanship cannot be excelled fn the Bounty: — 4VRemember, that all irooils will De sold at a BIG REDUCTION during the Mont], of slily. First conte, first served, AN UPHOLSTERI,'R always on hand ; repairivg " neatly and Promptly attended to, Undertaking aili l 1EI1111allubig atteuded to at our usual low ratas. Night calls attended to prumptty. CALBIOK & REITH■ n ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. +� H as yl THE PROVITIS. DOWN, 0 Never have FINE GOODS sold for LOWER PRICES than we are now makintl on our Iii -resistible Sin•1119 Hail -gains. . \Ve ask the Ill ivilegge of selling yon on the closest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND I,IUALIT&S that money can buy in the line of MEN'S'and BOY'S,VLOTHING ; Inspect the Goods, compare the Prices,» and you must- admit that we are offering the opportunity of the sonson. Give us just one chance to make YOU beXYPY with beautiful goods nt bed roel( Iitices. Economy, Comfortand Satisfaction goes with every purchase mhde of I SHEPHERD, The, Leading Tailor Clinton, THE NEWS-�REGORDIOR FINE PRINTING, ° N rr 'i W i, H.,PLUIVISTEEL, SEARLF,'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON _,AT-- 6. "THE RED ROCKER STORE.'T ,,PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. S(weial atten- tion is called to PARLOR SUITES—that' are of our own' manufacture, nml for design. f material and workmanship cannot be excelled fn the Bounty: — 4VRemember, that all irooils will De sold at a BIG REDUCTION during the Mont], of slily. First conte, first served, AN UPHOLSTERI,'R always on hand ; repairivg " neatly and Promptly attended to, Undertaking aili l 1EI1111allubig atteuded to at our usual low ratas. Night calls attended to prumptty. CALBIOK & REITH■ n ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. +� H as yl THE PROVITIS. DOWN, 0 Never have FINE GOODS sold for LOWER PRICES than we are now makintl on our Iii -resistible Sin•1119 Hail -gains. . \Ve ask the Ill ivilegge of selling yon on the closest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND I,IUALIT&S that money can buy in the line of MEN'S'and BOY'S,VLOTHING ; Inspect the Goods, compare the Prices,» and you must- admit that we are offering the opportunity of the sonson. Give us just one chance to make YOU beXYPY with beautiful goods nt bed roel( Iitices. Economy, Comfortand Satisfaction goes with every purchase mhde of I SHEPHERD, The, Leading Tailor Clinton, THE NEWS-�REGORDIOR FINE PRINTING, ° N rr 'i b,