HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-07-18, Page 1Z p�Rl+l,Si-r$X.5U per A>!►�►rim, g1<•25 to AsIvallwitx d'I ;! FSI NpS,, N (72'IdAL T1Y NPRtFLTNQ 1'NRt;N1,+0 r 6
' r a HURON T G �V 'Y� -OTR—
Y 18,1888;- I , U 5. 4
• VOL O, 5•V�T'�EI���..�►..Y JUTS� � _
- a • -;� .88. thea utmost capacity. 9'1le Pat (iQrxas olto$!1a. �
A,clt (>ta�l.alrota<acae
AlIY7`C 5� i 1,688 8..N
�>'auc�feliGa. - -... broth-
ren from the east, north, and ePuth • _
fiuiie»ric AW FOn ' ALL. were met b local Oran ensep,
it. Illyth. ----- bAnuers living and bands playing,( 1 okttir'a Dill.
Clinton Civic Holiday, Mrs. Will'iam.Robinson who has Mr. Pattersou, plasterer, of Cliu- i Thg bicentenary of the revolution as were those coming in by train, )rtr population is steadily oil -the
-' been ill for a eonsiderable -period is ton,, was in town on Monday. ; of 1688 was celebrated throughout slid all assembled on the Market increase.
�• iJ AP E$CURSIQN TIMETS brti4tuaily siukine• Air. Joltu >,enuot, propric,tgr of i Canada in a begoming manner oil Square. There were thirty-seven Arany of out- farmers are through
+,ui be i,9aea to all po,nte do the aRAND o the Aianeion, has ientei3 }tis llotol the 12th of July. standards and three lodges of Young haying, and barley and fall wheat
TRUNK A- his as taltowp itlr. and hire. 1{. Davis of Wtng- , will be cut by soma this week.
ham wt-re-in town on Saturday on a to Air, Scott of Asl)fic+1d. AT TOB02 p Britons. The processt6d was the
Detroit $3,00 visit to their son. a ` , Air, W, auel°.Mrs. Cockerlino Mayor Clarke walked .at the head finest ever had in Kincardine. At We have a very:lc{nd hearted and
3 00 \i r. Stnnloy Hays, barrister of spent last Sabbath in the circular of his lodge and' was cheered at Laudsdo+rrn Pack the brethren tender soul near our village. He
8u'a;Q e 1 has the welfare of the ladies at
Q O ' f o- • .2.00 BrussolR, +r+VR ++t the old hutlre on tomo. many points slang the route. At finally assembled. An Address
Sunday. Mr. C. Shane, of Detroit, is spend- the exhibition grounds a programme of welcome 'was read by 1llayor heart Hurl Nho+vR, it by his works.
,+ Port Stanly $1.266,. London $1.00,. Tile schooner Tadnaari +vitt [i {ug ti couple of +ve@ka Ilei{days here of sports was gone through. About Leslie.
The bicentenary reso- On the 12th ho track in the exeur-
Godor oh 4Ua, Stratford 760. . cargo of lurnller for Dir. 1{. S@cord lucious of the Provincial Grand sson to Lu•uticn- but nut alone. lie;
Tickets issued opo the std Aax.+,tt to shove , with friends. 121000 people were on the grounds. reports a Splendid time there' and
reached the firms dock ou Friday our Iuuur+se milliner, T. Cart@r, Speeches were c1,ltlivered appropriate Lodge were read and spoken to- by P P =
pointe, goad to return 6y any Re, ular Tran iota t0 eat—lamb, ` "ae lnnC}l flR
uritis Stonrlay; August 6th, morning. shipped 'oil Thursday four fancy to the Iii-centennial celebration by the above named gentlemen and mould do five men •" " uddin' b
Return Tickets to all Points, Ciedfor th)siiay Iplt@ Orangemen of roma and sots of silver mountedbu^^ harness Prof. Goldwin7Tmitl), Rev. Dr. Dr. Marlyn, of Kincardine, and 1p ' y '
only,'wlll be lseuel at R Sl
AIX FARE, for ° coy the holies, as much as would do two
double jouinoi. vicinity celebrated the 12th iu .tv Aianitsrba. Wild, Mayor Clark@,Rev. Air. SiU- Robt Russell of Greenock, formerly ruen, which would do you good to
Tickets Will also bvissued at ONE AND ONE- London. 'The" town band accosts- bald ' Rey• Dr. Duff,' Rev, Air, of God@rich township. The Rose. Mr. look at," and tempting to the
THIRD FARE, goLW to gy on August 2nd and A uUutbt'T Of 01r'r ClttLCna left' + )rlAnuon - of the Methodist Church,
3rd and good to return on any Regular Train p p ponied the party here on Tuesday t0 take-tl trip Oil Patterson, County Mantel' J. L. + palate
to August ett return on. m all ulaud ain up ^� the Hu hes H. E. Clarke, 14I.P,P., and delivered a u We speech, reviewing
pointe. The . Contractors for layin° the lakes. ++ish then) .i pleasant g, : Company No. 7, Porter's Hill,
k'�• For farther particulars aPp1y to Ar•o.' pipes for the water works are in and safe trip. others. Resolutions declaring fealty the r{se and progress of prot@slant• of the Huron Battalion was
PATTISON, Clinton Station, town making the nncossary a6augc- to the crown, loyalty to the princi- {Sin since the thirteenth century, known at the Brigade Canr at " r
-� --� menta Far roruruencing the work. Mr. R. Howard and his Hien aro pies of the Reforunn4iatti, the Hetes attributing it to our free access to o' P `«.
ni o as tattdelliee putting
fire fin{shiug touch on the 1 Strritfod as No. 6 owing to the
lir Ir i DTeasrs. R. Radcliffe Jose �h 13eelr p ° a ' sity-of maintaining the integrity of and the wide spread influence of the + g
+ l ,� � front of G. Harniltuu r brick block, .tb� empire, and for having the Bible, bringing out in strong relief Clinton company, which is enrolled •._.
---- Jamas Addison and Judge tuns which is going to ionic oxcollon.t. as \o. G, not hoiug in the .field.
GoVericai. are attending the annual session of Biblt in the public schools were un_ the principles of the universal It numbers 42 men still +vas es Pee-
° Air. A Smith, another of our loci} animously carried, brotherhood of man upon which the
Airs. Goo. Grant and daughter the Masonic Grand Lodge ofCanadtfl• -buyers, left this station on Saturday Orange Orcier ,carr,. Dir. Fred John• nilly Praised by the Adjutant, Gon-
(*eua aro visiting at. Ssaforth. • . now being held in Toronto. with two carloads of Shoop and AT HAMILTON' Ston made a very'felicitoutt speech, oral whu selected P)isata Picot
\ i$arly cumrru[niou at St. George's There was n regular railway moat- cattle for Mostrual. A very, large number of 0+auge anti in answer to the query "Wh'at from among them as the heat all
last. Sunday, iug on the .corner of A\ est street last Miss Aunio 1Valker returned °len 'assembled at 1)undurti .Park is the , use of -orangemeu 1" -said : round specitneu 'of suldier scion .•
)Do of our high a d were addressed b Adanl test• on th,; ground and relieved
The"wagons of town will not haveb' a hems on Saturday from au extended u Y '.`Why they Drought the raid this +'
echool teachers appaentl�, Pre visit amu friends in Lxeter and Brown, M. P., Alex., AloKay, M. him frau drill durin°,ramp term,
a r 'gular meetiq° till September. t#o P. and J. M. Gibson, M. P, Y., . rnornit.g ,the suuhhiue tSf ch@ after- rhe Adjutant General also first se.
sided. uewltburhood. ' ' Troon Aud peace and happiness to our ,
\1 Shaw of Myth is holiday- Digi or Bennett and Rev. -'lair. lectt-d the i utter Hill company ria
The schooner Jane McLeod ar l homes. He Spoke highly of the
iug* ill , he 'irculal
town. 11. Il, Duruiulr of the Queen's Bralie of Fer us fo•merl of Sea% entitled to the _1�Tize q(i@red by
a rived, rip port on Sntnrday +.v{th a Fergus, Young Britons, curd that their
'Mrs. %son nee Crain, of Ne+v hotel in ;uiug out of the business forth deputy loud chaplain ii of On- Cul. Coltman fur ltrofwiency and ef.
= cargo of coal, Part fur ti"ie Iiig drill' her@ hay iuehucted C. Hamilton t•o ' P y E P orgauizatiou srn'gd the purpose of Tice nel, it baro^ him opinion that
Fork, is in town• and part for Lilo owner, Capt.. f. \ ratio. Re-ibitiounced himself as the sabbath-schoal to the church.
to'swll his household effects on Satur- of French Huguenoi descent and they had made more • progress in
s. ,\i. ack was'in Toronto )?1,4ncPy, clay next, hy'public auction. "
lash weak. Air, arty Watson who left last one who who could therefore speak. The Rev. Rural Dean Cooper, .drill. duillig camp time than any
dfi.:ind Aire. nnei :ire in torn .lir. I,, Sherritt has had a hand- from the heart at a 12th of July chaplain of the Grand Lodge of other conspauy. The prize was
fall for rho Routh on a health im some vera dab added to Ilia brick g other things he Ontario,-spoke to the fourth reso- afterward divided with No. 2 Dull
visiting their relate es. Proving visit; returbed to town on n celeUratiou. Anton
gentleman residence on Dinsloy street, which 'said : "tis u Methodist ininister, lotion.' He made an exc@llent I gwtiofl.
Mrs. and Miss Fi ay of Guelph Thursday. The young °
has made n marked' iutprovoment on I am ashamed of 'the actions and Orange speech, brimful of wit. He
ff were visiting in town t is weals. seeuls much improved by the trip. the property. .
I + , -utterances of certain Methodist stated the reason why the Orange In And Abont the County.
Mr, Ben. Saints of Bluele visited The schooner F,ratetpr ice, with n I I
Cal'g0 of +aIle for Dlahaffey'e mil]£ 71C'Quit@ )number of our citizens ministers +vlroui L'aball not name- Order 'was not inorpolated. It - named Overton, ..a
the old home this week. a colnpanted the Orange excursion mel[ who are popularly supposed was because the Pro estants did not A man - -'
Port Albeit, left port ou Saturday
His 110nor Jade Tome let for on Thursday to the lake ]sort. Ail to possesa clear and sound Judge stand together, whereas Roman haruessm.k. b� trade, committed
- Toronto this +seek. afternoon. After makin° the Point claim to have had n splendid days tient, but who have the coolnees to Catholics did. 'Had Vrotestants suicide at Bowmanville by shooting j
Air, G. li. Cox +vas iu rho quos farm the heavy sea caused the himself through the head. It is re.
i . �:rriar t,r iso to .return to Goderich, outing, write letters to the Mai] ne+vepnper stood tooetber the Orange Dill would parted lie had the belief that detecti•
city for fl couple of days. last week. Che sclwooner left for the port Messrs �Freanu[u and Watson, in which they declare that there is have passed by 20 or 30 majority ves were after him, and sougbt•to „
dIr. and Miss ' Shane of Blythe Burins Sttuday oveuinb, shipped 5 care loads of cattle from very. little; difference . between Pro- instead of being defeated by about put an end to his troubles.
I Lucknow to Dlontroal"on Friday. teytuntism and ltomau Cathulici.m. io -The weather throughout England
spent Sunday'i'n the circular torn. • -Three boys, two nansed Maccaulall
Regular meeting of Huron F,u and cue \\'vett, wore hrougiit before Our towtirwiu Mr, John lie-nholem If a candidate for a Iuiialie asylum THE MUSIC. is abnormally tori:. �ue,� has fallen
cam pment No. 28, I. O. O. F. next left here the snino day in charge of were to n:Ake such, a statement, I I'he fife and drum baud of in the suburbs of London, and the
1 11 is Honor Judge Toms last Thurs- , peaks of Skiddaw and other mount,
Monday evening. day, charged with stealing candy t1+'o more Cat' lands of cattle for the would accept it at its true value , 'Clinton challenged the admiration . ains are covered with anow. It is
Miss Nellie Donugh arrived from from a G. T. R.car.• His Honor same firm and dp8tination. but when a man who professes to be of everybody in Kincardine last the first tine snow ie -known to
Detroit per the Eml)ire' last Satur•, fount] Wyatt guilty and discharged. At the roquest of a u'umerously well qualified as fi teacher' makes Thursday. . It is in connection with have fallen in that country in "July.
,lave theAiaccauley boys. After a severe signed petition of freeholders a Buell asseriiotps. I say that ,he is the lodge of which' Mr. 'tweedy -A man in Lincoln, the other day; ;
The United +.fro ire arrived.-in reprimand of the vrisoners, His Public meeting is called by ;thio. either"rGsusctire or that he does not
P�eepo P. Kelly, in the 0•i'a11ge hall know what he is talking about." (whose parents ,said in B@,vie) is went o e to burn over a piece of
Honor• suspended sentence in the + master, and. •reflects the bighest land. Before beginning he nd coed
1}ager at 4 a. m. Saturday au3 tool; ,
r, _..-caFe.of Wyatt till November.. on Friday oveniug -at 8 o'clock to AT I,oNnoN creel{t on,the leader Mr.Frank Pilch- his clothes for o old suit And care'.
un a quantity of freight. ,.discuss fire • protection. This is a., ' fully hung the good ones ons stump.
`1`he do- nuisance is getting same- P Tlrtiie +vee full 1 000 (�tau amen or., It sere nfi�i@d the.Revi@w. office lie then set fire to the brush and in: ' 4
The water works comttiittoe had a g ° o ate in rho right direct.iou. Y !
g thing . iiumense. On Thursday P ° jn the procesa{on and ovi 5,000 at .several t{rhes as lli'd alsoahe corns a few minutes Irrush,''stutnp and
' ion° s{tt•in° last. •�Ve�lnesday .eve- ° On Thursday the members of. L7 band of .Bl Blyth, a splendid or anizatt- clothes were Isurned.
Hing. . +vhilo.ltr. A. M. Polley was driv- Y the Quet<ns Fark where apeectiea Y + P, g
iug cironud the square a number of 0• L. 063' mustered hero in, full iofi. The town.band discharged its 0._.A golden wedding is rare enough
Tkso finance committee met on aiict ^aures were the. order. Among g g
u•nrnuyzled curs frightened the horse tT@ngtln and marched to the station, those Prow 'Huron county '.were whole duty. A score ,or morn of but 64 ysar;s of married iif@ is rarer
Thursday evening and.
examined lit was drisin and Almost caused a leaded by the corse: band- fifes and drums were in -line, also still , dl.r. Win. Gowanlock and •Ilia
the accounts referred' to them. g E. Floody C. 'l.i. South Huron, and wife of ,5au ,een saw the 64th anniv;
runaway. It is safe -,o say that had ins sweet music, where they ens- W Crooks P.D.M. G..B. Hanle bagpipes, +vhich.latter set Highland s r; ,
Mr. John Watson bee successful- ,i i.oun arson or a lad • been driv- u for Kincar- y' ersary of their wedding the other,
11 P J barked aboard the tai D.DI., R. Tichbourrie, \'1.1VL, Gode- ars oil our thoroughfares dancupg day'. lair, James Rowland, the able
ly passed his final examination as a. iug on the, occasion n ilrost serious dine to celebrate the day with atter rich; J. Wells, W. M., Saltford- A. their national jigs and .filled their and respected member of West Bruce
druggist• accident would have resulted: •lodges. They returned about nine hearts with We were deli ht•.
o'clock tn. looking as if the bed Cantelon, W.M;, Holmesville; G.M. joy. g is a eon-in•law of 111,. and Al rs.
Mr: and Mrs. Shipley are again Air. Gilbert Finlay, of the ,Bank p' ° Y Kilty, W. M., Summernsll. Ex- ed with the acquaintances we renew- Gowanlock.
among the number of our summer of Montreal, left" ons Saturday for enjoyed theta"solves im►neusely cellent speeches were made by Dr. ed and formed among the Clinton ' -A man from Owen Sound who
visitors. St; Mary's to Assume t•he duties of On Thursday evening two of our Oronhyateka, Rev. D. 'Cascadett brethren. and was only Barry our was proceeded alone Front street,
citizens Will Shane and R. Sellars disabilityprevented us from Toronto to take'the trai for his
The Salvation army had its usual the' osition to which he •has been ' and others. physical . P ' p
summer- Sunday afternoon service appointed in the Bank of. Montreal took the train going North with the greeting personally more of our, dis• home Friday night, was, attacked- by
PP intention of returnin with the AT PAR=$ILL thieves, who almost strangled him
on the squae at that town. The young gentle- g' tont visitors. Mr, Todd, also n and robbed him of #62 in cash and '
Orange' excursion train. the ex- The McGillivra, Stephen, Green- Bruce county boy, of THE NEws
Mrs. 1Vlann;� ofbDetroit, is an her man will be greatly missed in Gods- Y+' P a geld watch. The stranger took the ;
g Y torsion train being atthe ,lVingham wa Mora Biddul h Centralia
annual visit to ]per mother, AL•s, rioh,.+vhei•o his urbanity and fond- y, y, p , , RECORD, +vas in liue,.whose segos{nt• train for home without reporting the
junction it was. necessary for their
Samuel Platt. Wena for athletic, games had made Lucas, Exeter, Eliniville and Park- ante we were gratified to make, matter to the police. ,
train to go on to the Y'for the pur- <
Mrs. \\T. A:'Rhynne is visiting him, a .host of friends. We wish oso of allowing the' oxoursiou train frill lodges were in the procession, The brethren all looked well. -When ,the defaulting treasurer
'Mrs. and Miss Newcombe of Tor- Storninist
Mr. Finlay a pleasant sojourn in the o ref on iia homeward LTi with the Exeter, Greenway and Th@ town was' decorated with and of }Glenle uarre wass of supposedto have -
onto. • . limestone town. p P' Phoenix (Parkd)ill) brass bands, arches of evergreen and flags floated g Y un
The boys were waiting in readiness District Master Taro. O'Neil of Can, been drowned, his funeral sermon
The schooner Hercules, with a Air. J. J. Brown, Inland Revetruo to board her as soon as•aho got near from „scores of buildings.. Ample was preached, in which. he was held
officer of Godericl: got `trach of an ' tralia, occupied tits chair, and, stir,• accomodation was provided for the up as an example of honest purpose
cargo of lumbo]' for Dyment arrived ° them but she was cotuing atA pretty
in port on Saturday, illicit still and 1 -ft Goderich last fast rate and it tools Will all his tug addresses were delivered by J. immense influx of visitors and only and pure •life, while he, good and
Sunday to look foo his game and time to get there but Dick not being M. Gibbs, Mayor, and R• White, the usual charges wero made. The faithful • servant', was off junketting
Miss Sinclair and Miss Mills of ° ° Reeve of Parkhill Air, Youlter; of with a former dressmaker of Cornwall
was successful ill finding it on as quick on, the pins as his chuus,n = best of order prevailed diroughouc.
Hamilton are the guests of the q 1 y Moray • Rev. Mr, Harris of Park- who was helping him to'apend the
y, Monday morning iv!wn he had Dir. 'got the privilege of going to Wing- y4 ' AT BAYFIZLD counties'
money. lady's relative Mrs. Seager. ° X15 000 of the counties mons
Dir. P. DTcE+von is progressing Simon Aiiddlehollz in the town- ham for the night returning next bill Rev. Mr. Faliis of Corastna ; ' e
• , o ° ' The Varna Goshen ata Bayfield-G2u'�\pp'elle Vldette : The Rev.
1 g g ehip of StephoD, art -ted and took ntornin tiVo venture to sa Dick' Rev. 'Mr, Freeman of Parkhill and +
favorably' with the second +valor o' y Orange Lodges and the. Bavfield A , Belt, M. A., who is temporarily
Y him to Exeter where lie wastried be- others. in charge of St. John's.ehureh here
_+voTke lost hole. wont attempt that triol: again. ounp Iir_itdnsh�vith. a s,Dcinkl ng of
—._. oxs lVLr.Callact C eau af- t -. - - - - AT-tCrYCAMDTcE- individual members from the count btu; beer, naked toacaepttho pastvi�-- _
lfiis8 ay�or, of Toronto, is visit- and two J. P's. who convicted him �'�- -, y ate of St. Marys Mission Church; in
ingot the residence of het' -brother, and fined him $100 and 30 days in GodericPo Pownsh lo. Tile demonstration was npoat; enc- town, Clinton,andGoderich township, the city of Detroit, Mich., at a
lir. Robert Ta for. Huron Road. goal. ' This is the second illict still Council met, July, 0, 1882, pursV cessful. Fully ten thousand people and friends from the adjacent coup- salary much in excess -of his present
y ° apt .to .adjourgment: • Rembers all congregated-there. The weather
Miss Af. Earle, of•Sault Ste. Marie that officer Brown has ca tuned intry swelled up A gathering Ttotalling .income.. But while grateful for the
P present. Minutes of last meeting. was glorious. Addresses were de- about 1000 persons. They asaembl- offer•; and recognizing that the pariah
is on
a visit to Miss Nellie Salkeld, Stephen within a short time., read and passed. Vit, Geo. Ha+t~kins. livered U Ileo. Messrs. Hannon and of St: Mary's offered an exceedingly
-- �•- - -- was heard respecting tete of laud Y ed in the grove 'noxi the English attractive field of labor; be s felt
Coder{eh totanehip. 1 fi x eMurray,Aiof Kincardine; and the church and were presided .over by
Mrs. Hayhurst, of Toronto, is on . Lbndesboro. purchased ata order tax silo {u 1674. h his dot to decline and remain at
a visit to het mother; . rs: Sameel tr quantity "the clerk was ordered to iu8esti =ate 1Lev. Mr. Cooper,of Invermwy ; also the veteran and venerable W� W. his oat in Hrrriaton, Ontario to
1�T A Into uantrt of butter was �+ P Y + ,
Platt. / sold this week to D. D. Wilson of the matter. 2itiv6d by John Boa- by Messrs. James Brownlee, Prov. Connor Esqr. which he purposes returning in -
' com, secouded by Thos. Churchill, Grand . Master of the J31ack August.
Seaforth at a good price, that this council interviex the Cline I On the platform, improvised ori out
Mrs. SURAu Cox eft 'Toronto on ledge •o£ •Weatert} Ontario; Frer of a hood. wa on as the original
AIotidny with n arty of friends for The little daughter of Dr. Young ton Council as to having the Bayfield Johnston, P. C. M., Goderich, and gg 't g -`.Che Greenway•government has
Rye Beach, New Hampshire. is very ill with iuf{ammatiou of the and Huron roads within the limits of others Hur'Sn County was largely place of meeting had been arranged for the time an overwhelming ma-
brain, the corporation put and kept in a for Middleton's grove but abandon- jority in Manitoba. Although it was
On Thur ,lv_ovetsin" 10hile a boy state of efficionev, also having snow represegted. the citizens of Kincar• °
x" '�t Mrs. Jeffery loft this lace For b ed from fear of rain, were Mr. W. expected that the government would
of fisc wa�Cqusotly listening to the Y P fences on same to prevent winter. dine are more than delighted with the Wilson the staanch old timer of be sustained b a good majority, no-
Salvation Army, an unmuzzled on- A'Tanitoba on Friday evening in blockactiug�Carried. The following unqualified success of the demonatra- ' hod a Y g } Y,
tom •illy with Dir. John W 1 who Hensall, and Rev. Mr. Hodgens, ! anticipated such a clean sweep
assess� fl,trrrier bit him severely in P y , accounts were pain viz: Dr. Reeve, tion. The Review says:-People from , as they have made- Out of 38 seats
purposes visitirig Dakota. examining children of No. 4. School English Church, of Baytleld, and
tit@ Xeg. [ 1 ° g � the surrounding townships poured in- there will scarcely b@ 5 or fi opl+nsi -
Section for sldn disease, $5 ; runt of Revs. Hartt of Varna and Hili of
the schooner Ontario and Kolfage About forty-five tickets +voro,sold to the town and the air was filled ' tionists in the next house.
Y Dost office box for use of Cleric $2; ' Bayfield, Methodist church, who , -A dispatch of .luly l2th from Cape
a6 this station for Kincardine on with the stirring strains o£ fife and P P
/that•• Are being repaired on the Goderich Star for printing $28.60; g mala stirringly patriotic and chriat- 'Down, Africa, says -rho Debeers coal'
harbor island will not bo Com leted Thursday ; even our ,jolly friend \'Vin, Collins indigent, per Mrs. Collins drum. A special from 'Kincardine
p � P Afn protestant speeches, Tho Crod{• mine at Kimberly *caught fire vests,•.
Lasham was out of bad in time .to $18.76: lir. Tremble for one months to Lucknow brought in four coaches
for some time yet. The delay in Y I ton band pleasingly varied the pro- clay morning,anQ 800 men afro entomb
getting them off the stocks is not the early train. board of Air. find Mrs. Bray i•udigeuts packed with brethren and their ed: The work of rescue which began at
b the, trouble in getting the We h vo of n bran now religious $10; Geo. J. Connell for repairing friends, who +;ern joined here Dy t to ceedings. And, notwithstanding + Il
Y g g 4 g 6 malicious statements to the contra, once, still continues, but it belies-
requisite lumber. sect called the Adnwites. They culvert 9th con. $10 ; d[rs, Walker -lie township, Huron, and y' ed that 601) pe`raons have perished,
Maitland con. for goody par I.. L. there never was a more orderly,and i-noludin Mr. Undsa
Tho steam, bar @ Baron de Fera• have engaged the services of n Cl{n- Bruce and Kinloss lodges, and it g . y, the manager
g Courtice 62.11,.; Nlrs• \Valker in 'de, well-behaved crowd in Bayfield, of the com an ,flan of the vie-
roan sought the.sheltor of Goderich ton cobbler to pr@net for them and stitute Circumstances $10. Council was plain to every obsess, that the P. 3 Y
harbor during the •Ipi blow last n charming little German as process" adjourned to meet again on the j demonstration was to be a grand ALL OVER, tiros imprisoned in the mines are
r "+ l3 `tor. They are expecting, a melti '= second Monda to August, success, The specialsfrom Clinton, Especially all throughout On. +oil{ts people,
R odnosday. Tho Teuartoxper{enc- 3 I 8• Ab y • h � - Great damage was done by the
ori vary heavy sons, but rondo this time. Tho ,pre Alamitos are Rt{11 Jntlrs PATTON, Clerl4. and Palmerston were somewhat late tario,+yas the 12th of July, fear, storm of July 1•Ith,at Boston.It isre' w
part with but little d,ifileulty.. alive.:. ---- -- and the former carni@d' the Clinton, . testily, tolerantly toL@raptly hotted that,nearly a dozen yachts, -
Iu }est issue b a .,inlet's errs,, ` _ " -`fire dorsi RA 6f age of i anada +res Hoimesai]ie, Bayfio- line, •Hu.11ett, celebrated, and in .all the Provinces large and small, were sunk, and that
' Y p -I,aet iSunda morning at Manch- celebrated in London England, b a Londeaboro Blyth, Delgrave., ave.- Sun+ of the Dominion -were there cele several persons sleeping In them were
J: C. Martin was included among Y g ' g ' y ' Y ' g drowned. The
officers na V. G. of Huron Ioilgo ester, Eng., Irish Catholics attack• grand banquet,•at Ivbich Lord Lifts- shine, McKillop and 1pVinghain orations by greater or less assent., y
No. G2. The V.
G. Hutod to the ed an Orange procession while en owne, Sir Charles Tupper, lion. ledges, acaompatried by'a couple of Mages, and Ireland and parts of ble destruction between there .and
route to church. [ratchets knives Oliver .Mowat Dic%eo<1 Stewart Mayor Albany, sweeping a Clean path from c"
office was John Straiton, Our etc. were used. The oligl�o quelled of Ottawa, Sir Adam Wilson Daltols Splendid bands of music. The one Scotland and England were not the state line to East Chatliatn, level-
mietaka +vna. duly copied . V the the fight, Many person9 were wound- McCarthy, Senator Sanford and from PA1merBtars Drought in seven behind in paying their respects to ing;the paper mills, and many houses.
local papers. ed and taken, to the hospital. otheys were present. I lodges, the coaches being loaded to "the day we celebrate. barns, etc.
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