The Huron News-Record, 1888-07-11, Page 6•a•dnv,ali Ire, AloTtt aA.—Atfd you d,ia. .. _
Th biro 111 ,Qe cord 1.1 a :piyer and a, Bill asG . y �� * *
. f n+ !x Pr s f l cod �. tuttletl a1 p..1gli anal broke.,n of ,youir s�st .. nn� 9
originally lv orted from 'tbq Se>aatQ Di n 4 Owl Wes. .
M t.00 a Yor-41•e5 1n Adyanvo. !� y . l y A sick child sof1roatag rind crying with tl
('✓glpmtltev on C9.i1t1Ae1t?a A TO xt- :.
tlte3d $4 15,77 x as A ltpptltially opCO and get a boble�i "air,] so
WadedNT ��1'
�F'fP altt�siilrL : J1111y till(} 10,88, as Senate , t a )rn� 400tilipg S rue" flet' 'Obildrea Teetbitl ; ,
�.._ .. : Passed th.e S nes o dad a PI „ x May do.S.a atupti>' iloy's.e;zcuso; hilt,;;
„ Its Yllltie }s inca)cntable. It will rel leve In retnrnin tbanii4 to - m,A . frieilde an at .n fo ne atr as w 1
Dilates $22-474,783,79, having bseu g 1°Y nY a -d pit _a :r p. ,-t p... o ,.se+ I oil a
the Poor little auff'erer lminediatoly, T?e. �➢bAt eau be .aster Igx the: parent fvitp like to call their special aEtentton to my rear oom late atoclt of
Soa vs Latw. increased by - the Senate $9jG2 Qqt], y pr
end .0 on ,t 1601bers • there is r o Into- Bess hia:child ran ,ylship daily and
--"”- . --ltev. Father' Maguan, parish c take about it. it cures- D.vsontery and to recognize tba,, waut of a tonic and �ii�RHWit WHIP$, CURRY - COMO$, BRuSNESI ETC., ETC
A Nfissourl cou9table rode out to a priest of Folrrpiervilie, Ont., while Aiarrhoes, regulates the Stomach and blood-pnrifler? Formerly, a Conroe of 0peelal attention is directed to my stook of
farm near St. Joe flamed with a preparing to colebrato Brass there Bowels, oures Wind t.olie, softens the bitters, or sulphur and molasoes,was tho
sub lana fur a tvlenlRtl tvl►o w>la (.louts, reduces Inflammation, and gives � rule inwellregulatedfatniltes,; but now *..• I *alta
P yesterday, deupped dead. The tgne ono energy to the %holo system• all intelligent he tee 1S e,r', ■ "� `t.
wanted as It witues+ in a caaa ill g „ , , g p, Y s N 4 HARNESZ:5-10 ,.
.' deceased hall htpott ailing. for some ,lira 1V,tilaiow s �+aothmR Syrup" .for l3arsaParflla,whlCln is at oncepleasant w• v
court. He found' hfill lir. her .back{ aloe past. I;eart diseABe is Hltp- children- teething. is lilesst►nt to the taste r It ill be tourid very complete, sad for durability, and Blab cannot be excelled by
and btieil eU a +ad in stirri ury a and is the prescription of one of the oldest to the taste, and the most searching and an one. Aa I Beni to none blit the best workmen, and use the best material to be,
yard, Y n o g posed to have 1)eun lila cause of 1' P y P Y
boiling, bubbling macs, in a large and best tamale physicfaus and nurses in effective blood medicine ever discovered. bought to }he market, all who May favor me, with their patronage may feel confiden
g death. the United $tatea. and is for sale b all Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton St., of getting satisfaction.
black kettle. He stated his bnsluoes, Y „ 2 B g
—Farm help is in groat demand,' druggists throughout the world. Price Boston, writes: Aly daughter, now .,i - and ehe said : -,Mrs. ears old, was in perfect health until a '�] �^�^(�7
null no loss 150 faru,ers applied 2Go. abottle. tie sure and ask for Y. P A 11?V A .L DOWN
r `•l
can't go tp•dny." o at the imtniryratioll sheds lu Toronto, wlnsloiv'9 Soothing Svrup," and take no year ago when she be an to complain of
ratigg e, headache, �ebiP y, dizziness Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low.
"But you must." last week, for noon to help thein Other kind, Inds estion, and loss of a etite, I con.
"What's the bony �" through the busy season. Some of - - o'ludedthat all her complamtsoriginated
A er ore blood, and induThis edict a sake O'[D ^ �• 'A/�
`1�Yhy, court's iu session, land the them came it distance of seventy A Belleville woman was scut Ayers Sarsaparilla. Thiamedicinosdon jZ w"" M
i miles, but as there were no new ill.- to gaol for a week for bigamy. restored her blood-making or
case is now on trial. They want healthy action, and in due time reestab•
you by noon," rivals they were forced to seareh — '— lished leer former`iaealth. I find Ayer'ft.
elsewhere. A BURN OR CUT will heal quickly Sarsaparilla a most valuable remeQ,y fpgr
"Nell, I aint Doing. Yu it think and leave less soar if Victoria Car. the lassitnde and ¢ebllity in'cideSttw'to •' r,,c.;s� .r+ iaa ' �:� "'� :V2_ ,� -.. „,_•....'
ry n -•-Mrs. Louis Driller, living eight bolio Salve is applied at once. spring time." 1'" l 0'
I'm going off, 'and leaves chis hull ---Pf _—_ Brooklyn, y'tcres Dlzzznes, I�Ass of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness;
' kettle o' saft soap io spile, just to intros north of Cornwall died from J. CastriglitYBrsaol,l n� PotverpCoQ A� f y
No, theeffectaof poison. It appears the —The failui•o statistics for the S`'' says: As a S rin. .Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections Of theLiverand'Mdne 4
please your old court I A o, Medicine, I find a spteudid substitute ■
ajrrYel"unfortunate lad had put some rat ° 1 y I®tIe Blotches,,-
hell diseases sir saltoinheum, �rclofula, .�
Y la$L FiX t»Oaths 811U1V Atl II1CI'eaa0 In fur the old-tinge con, rounds in A er a p °Ypoison ut,the.cellar. hats lioital{tug numb, t and .t dect,case to nmoun,t sarsaparilla, with Afew (lose9 of Ayers y j<3 rig f ImpurC Blood,
my dear madam, you Pills. After their nae, I feel fresher and Deranged S'tomaclL or lire tar action o the Bowels.
o€ come made their way to sums pies involved. " •Y slid nibbledat.them rosy}u someetron er to o thou h the sulriiaer. 9u fm®ott real] don't Seem to Y, g g g �.; , _
r, :• U ars Land—+,. , b - , • ;, ' � -v:--• ... ,. - +'+�•rs .•,rn.,�..�;+?...m •.. .•
4 - of the poison'behind, which cause,] WELL 'TESTED. Ayer's ' S a r S'a p a.r 1 i�l a;
"I understand that I've got a big Mrs. Miller's death. „ I•ItEPARED nr #
I:ittlo u' splendid sea tease on to I was nearly dead with Cholera ,
i p g —Commander Boulton, of the Morbus one bottle of Egtrif{et, of ° Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. A- FULI. STOCK OF
t bile, and it'll make thig, stickv ryovernineut steamer Bayfield, at '
r � -•, g y , Wild Strawberry cured me, and hit Price $I; six l,otctee, g@. �VoPth;� a bgtele. ,,e �
soa}l, if it ain't finished to-day. .present employed in Georgian bay,, another, time I was so' bad with Sum- ..r--
Choke .clover � . Timothy Seed
You gu bac]{ and tell tb.a jP.dge reports that he has discovered a rock mer Complaint that I thought I
so �� covered b about seventeen feet of would never get over it, when two r
Y S Also all other varieties ot'Pleld, Garden and Flower Seeds.
You'II• lie finud for, 11
tvator, a raxiutatdly northwest b botlles cured me. Mrs. E. Askett, ir C e
s e pp y k p tial pains have been taken to procure then] Fresh
/ "Pooh I I'd like to soo the cast, distant 3, 4 miles from Cape Peel, out. 503.2t a ` 1, and 1laure.
13 ] ��— Dli, �Vid iiREYB $OQ$ /
r E Alissoury jury-that'd fine a woman Chiu and two utiles from tile line ±'' Cloth &Cold Binding Extra i/afue 'in China Tea sets and Decorated'
t ` ' Olnlnry Gabor 1lliAcl tYlih ]:apo —DI r. Foster, l4iinister of Fin .1 144 1'aryee with steel Saararlog,
flet' not feavin let• soap-bilin when joining ance said at the Montreal Couveut-n.tlLr,Ayneg. White Granite t5'et3
1 ' , Ct'oke r.., The toric has been named k,_L '; ,harp.„. r. o. Tro: tato, tt. Y. Dinner sets Dec orated Toilet Sets,
t ; it teas at a critical ) tut as ono „ „ ion last week that Canada was not Sets,
ally. rail the jedge I'll come Darliug s reef. J°TC11r UN('1VAL:cns• CURES rather• and Fanef GlasswarQ.
ripe £or Prohibition. Itr-vara,Conaestion,Infl:wanationa... 26 J
to-morrow, if we don't butcher our —The causes of cattle disease 4t'C,i g(:onr,uFevur,wu;ofInfu.••. .25 Special Value in New Season's Black, Greexl
, , 4 ring d. of b or of Infante. .25
lee 8 tllell ; all' ff wd d0, I'll C01110 at Ttil'a, I,fUUe COLIUty, Ilat'e IIeCll � diUhtrrl+od,uf ChildrenorAdults...... .•.',1S
n To most ehild•ren the bare sugges• a°,1?•scntcry GrIO-w. Bilious (;glic.... Y••.b
some d,y next week. definitely determined as plauro- tion of a dose of castor oft is nauseat• c;�' "'tars ,�orh5 ts, t'a,Yl,tii,g••••. •••• •20 and Japan Teas.. , Canned Fruit, Vegetables
\; 71Ouaahs, quid, Bvm,chitti.............. .26 +
"But 1 tell you that won't do. plieulllonin, but not of the coutag- ing. When physic is necessary for ipgNenrolairt Toeth,YY•i,e.l"aeeae,:a..... :*a &c•, in endlrs%variety. Oranges, i.einons,Figs, &c. Flour,
1 11You must come now;” iuus form. Trio investigation into tile little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic ItD1and°C�-..,t.�"0°'s'e::x" 1"ct'",...Vertigo..:�zFu 31e:al.,tand Provisions. insItiectMock and get Prices.
the - Character of the disease was Pills. The are-sale and pleasant fo MA
Nb' Lookee, rouug n,au, you think Y p�Eili�� TT _.
+ conductor} b Dr. Urensldu acting take. 'Pry diem_ - �„<,....�.�..-+....�,p.......�.. IN � -I G��''��j�(�T
I'm- it fool ! I reckon you never J' - - ���•-��-0 -+•�`I °
' y r0 Ilyapepala Bilious SWmsch.........- ..4'3 - i
]nada :u,v sun', did you 4 If you on behalf of rho-.•Province, soil by -- 17 Bu,iresbebyrPainful <'eriods..... .28 CI3INA HQZ,L. CZ.INTON_
tr, 1 , 13 ury Wilmot M. P. P. for r2 Wl,ltea, too Profuse Periods.......... .25 `
hall, %'uu,d know that lh. Laker leu boL,alf of the Dominion — fp , it �,you ,Cough, DiIDcultBreathing...- 6
' 1)epartlneut of AC;riculturo.' Their 1� rontouac, diet] suddenly. Sunday is R}ioukMle Rwho,°>°,atilo PainBi.a.m.
"What dot the ail're care about aided as g NEW -DRUG STORE-
yourl pronouncement cau be reg n.ry iearandA ueleChills,Malars . .660 soap 7' COnCil191V1.Y. - r9 Ce/a Mt.InfluenCan¢za, Cotdin'thAB:eat� .60
"Nell, what do I caro 'Lout ilio UNbENIABLY 'TRUE. i4 Gontl�ui°I�CUIIIty,Y'hyBlCAlweaiolent �ne a :ale Violent Cou ! N
—Soule weeks ago u. beanlsville, Kg A
jedge, if it Cornea t0 that `f haw's Yc l NeivowrDeblrity.::::::::::...:.:.....1.60 0. 0
Lincoln .county, l \ er\ uuw' eloped I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract �Q
law and soap's soap. Lot the jedge with the rifle of a neighbor named of Wild Strawberry and found it a A2 nice desotihepHeurtf,Pain`funt°tooa�7i The uudersi;ued bas just opened a new Drug Store, In JACKSON'S._ _
r 'tt-nil to his law, an' I'll 'tend to my �Va11{er. The crriUg pair- drove to sure cure for summer complaint. I \ NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET, two doors west of the City
soh i The ryoori book sa s there's was very sick and It-cured me entir. P E C: t F. l C�� . :( = Book ,Sta'c, •where will be fqund a complete assortment' of Pllre
t 1 g 3 St. Catharines • %•bore the • left the
y lfrns and CLeniicals, also Patent Medicines and
a tiln0 fOI' everything, au' this sly•” Alexander \V. Grant .A[00ge Sold brDraggi".9reer,t,poetwtdonxecielptof
Y g, horse and proceeded by rail. Dh'9. n rfoo.-.Wells & Richardson C0. A eLte 66 Mo. Drug-ists' Sundries—all that the public may ask for in those
is illy tittle for bar'] o' saft soap." Walker, it is said,'had $2,200 in ^a Creole, Ont. 503.. t a In Street Montreal. g lines.
"Well, madam, if you waut to be bank there, which she drew in order � , A. WORTHINGTON.
—The traffic returns of the C. 1. Clinton, 13th January, 1886.
^ fined for contempt of court, til] right. that they ]night not lack funds on It f,.om June 21st to Juuo 30th P. S.-.Office changed from residence tostorP,
You will be,.fined sure as—" the trip. Since that time they nava were:---188S $,33-1000.1887 $303 RuGt!oR
�.---- — --- -----_..—_.�_ __-- --
1:: "•Bah ! I ]:now all 'bout the law, visited various parts of tie province, '
and in ibe latter )lit of last week 000; iucreaso for 1858, $31,000.
an there aitlt anything in ft, nor in part _
the Constitution at' the United reached'Brantford. Here it is stated ,��
a 1\ATIONAL Plr.i,9 81'e sugar-coated ,�
' States, nor in the DP,clarutio„ of that the lady'smone'y,aveoyt,andso guild but thorough, and are the bestB.1 NE STOCK 1 NEW STORE'
Iujeepoude;lco, nor in nuthiu' else, ,fat• as can he Ioarned the pair left Stomach and Liver Pills .in use. tl r '
that say'-' r. tvoinall's ROC to leave a for Teamsvillo," wl,oro they expect i �lL.�,.90TTiS BLOCK, CLINTON
y g Printed un the, shorwst wssible notice.
Ys kittle u' halt' cooped son), find. ew to're-enter the bosoms-of their respect —In ORford, Ont., f.,ho reward All wo,k 1'IRST•CLASS and ]'rices-as
alto-ca.tut. tvhau .ahs-;Liu't-.a•-miBd. }ve falr.i]iosi Whet O AIIW i1.1_o. —forth -capture of hot9u thievea. -has-'' LCxv_ay any.ufliet-�4't,st of+Toronto: ,-
- 'ry a not is' another mafter but at, all been increased 'by the county cotta JOSEPH ° GHII)LEY, °Dealer ln• Furniture..
t° to. T r uoss I know little law
lilysclf." events they have had what satisfaCt• Cil to X25'0, Consult your O\\n interests Sud call at Call at the New Store and see t�le stock of
ion there may be in s ondinry $2 TUI, Nrtvs-RFvom) office before placing
' - — Y ' P m ° y n Bedroom and' Parlor Sets; .Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, . Springs,
'`201) fu less than two months. yoin older for '. class of 1'riliting.
` Canadiani on Top, ' , BROEXN DOWN-
-Two Months ago Michael 1'• ((After suffering with, 1)yapepsia,WHITELYtj r , Mattrasses, etc.,.aud �cueral Household Furniture. The whole Stock is front the. very
4c. Vora+n aged 'sixty, oneof the weal- & �_ ODD beat manufacturers. , I' cure Frames and M6iildin;gs.of every description."
On all eastern bull-lid' train the „ �' Kidney Disease, loss of appetite and
' a c tritest and most respected citizens of pain in the head until discouraged,. Y, JOS. I:IIIDI,i:1,'onc door 91'est of Dickson's ]look 4tore,
writer had the good' fortune to lueet Little ]liver South Caroline was I heard of Burdock Blood Bitters, General. Pr" dere cg• Publisher's,
the Hotl. C. C. Steveiisop, Governor married to W'in'nie' Lancaster, a tool{ two bottles and am happy to -- j a ®T
of -Nevada, who was returning to handsome and well 'connected say feel its well is ever." mfrs. Rufus CLINTON, ON'ti,t RIO.' Big BaTORS in tl ,APAN
' eastm•u Ontario to visit the scenes of E. Aferry, Nett• Albaliy, N. S. 503,Zt' — -- — qpm
his youth and relatives lie had not woman, twenty-eight years of age. — ^- e
The marriage for the first two or 9;1311ItU 1 DIStEC it 01t1f.
t seen for many years: lir. Steven- ° —Ilev• lIr. Taylor, DIet.hotlist 0
three weeks seemed to be a happy 3t. Taut e Clun ch.—Serviges on Sondny at 11 n
son is a brother of .the Into Hon. one, but the wife then realized that Minister at. Foxboro, IIasdug cpnnty, a.m. ,ml 7 p. ni. Bible class, 10 a.m. sui,day ,
John Stevenson, the first speaker of accideutall oisonGd hin,selt b Sehuol, 2.30 p.n,. tierllur ouwudnesday, 8 p,,n. tit have rLecitred a large Consignment of NE IV JAPAN TEAS which \ve hie offeri
Mr. Veren was too old for, her. and _ 3 r Y Rsv. WILLIAM CaAio, B. )).,Rector in ., and 10 11,, Caddies at the following low prices
nLar10 .OY+1911t111'eand 1,C spent takinJ a dose., of• iodine liniment RattenharyStrtiaNlYahudivt.-Serviccnat10,31)
p �' 1 she attempted to poison him by p. 1 45 GENT JAPAN TES' AT
1119 boyhood days lU rile Iltllc+ village 111 11p13take f0}' a lOPdlCtUe. IlPlne- ".J."."" ti 1.00 u,. Sabbat.l School at : 30 t.
Y y o rl;vltl oggq' brill wh191{ey nil%ed with uar. Sln. P.ut•HaT, Pastor. �V./ �YI+. <,.' ,Y •
. of Bath, Ievuox Co., where he res chloro�fornl. «1,11011 the doctor quest- flies were promptly used. 1' le COB- Canada Arosbyterian.-Seryfees at11a,m. 11111} - 35 CENT JAPAN'TEA AT 25 CENTS
ceived his education at the public tuned \f res. ti"crop she confessed her dit.ion of the reverend gentleman 6.30 o, m Sabbath School, 2.30 p. ni. 'rlsv ,
r school. Some forty years ago , he is still critical. nosx. 9','EWAar, Pastor.
1. guilt,aud suiziuc a penknife attempt cataria Street Methodist.-Services at 10 30;& This is the best offer ever made in thiscoolly and all users of Japan Tea should secure
hail a y'Oltnnf?r bt•othr.t; tV1r0 by tile. " — — m. and 7.00 , n,. .9itbbath School, 2.30 ,
tt: � cel to cut her throat. Subset ueutl t . p. ». at least one caddie. black Tea Equally as Cheap.—Weare selling u FINE •�
waV i8 GUfel•1lQr Of the adj011llBg 1 Y MALARIAL FEVER AND Cn1LL8 ArG REV. W. NV. 9PARLINn, Pastor BLACK in original packaged of 20 lbs. at .FIFTY CENTS per lb. This Tea is equal
She d i-fin { laudan-llm, but was saved, Baptist Church. Service at 6.30 p. n,. Sab to anv 70c. 'tea in Clinton. Ali Extra Pirie toruli illy son at 4.ric., in 5 and
- Territory of IduLo, >veut t0 the best broken. up and prevented by fO lb, caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and see our 7leabefore buying,
thon�h 9hC C1Ine tory near dying. n , batt] school, 2.3o n. m. REv J. Goer Pastor.
west There both of thein amassed using Milburn's Aromatic Quinine
r ryreat wealth—it i.i said rho Gover- Her husban(l foigat•o her, but alto Wine. —
1; b again wird to kill him and his _ _ NEWSPAPER LAWS To
���SON nor of \ovarli iti seven tiuies a children b' his twat wife by admin- ;'
ulilliouairo—aud,have ]net with high y —J: c� J. lien, of I etmalfa, nilE,,' 4W;' oall, tho s phial attention of Post 7
lr honors. Gov. C. C Stevenson is a lsti3riB,poundeil gltass to'tlaem. b.L'• aro the successful teuderors to sink l r. ,
r.. ,ren i., uo\v in a critical condition. naster3 and. N»bscribei:y to the fere\\i»g the Old Reliable Tea and G-rocet' House.
1�e�uhlic+ln and was east lttteudiug the test well for the Whitby Gas ;,lo sis of the news ,a ter la\rs :— y
the Chicago Convoutiou, I[o is ell, leis %'ifu Inns bean arrested. and ]Vater Company. They are y I 1 1 �_-
- --_..._ — -_- A—A postmaster is required to give
t: loyitl; his third form in aha uubPr- prospecting for natural gas.
Dr11(iF.[IOUS COUNTI� ItFEI'I'S. notice av t.Fl^rr•,r: (ruturuins a paper does FRESH �� A I ��
naturi (1 Chair. His brother is a "let answer'thc law) tt'hLn a 9nl>HCfIbOC dOAa LV`
Counterfeits are always dangerou9, FROM AIOROPANI) MAN . not talce his paper out of the office and
x 1) hurl was appotuteti f rover- PCP
not ys closely
of IdahU by President Cleve- Imaf/1ATE TIiP,re so h OItiGat IINAt.ey atNRAPPEARANCE Mr. Joseph Clark writes—"All last :state thu reason for its not being taken.
hind.—Woodstock sfallfl c 7 winter was so , Anyne�lect to do so malars thepostmastet And the,oicestgoods lc tin stock by-
- - _ ,l,�urariu,• .ntA�t�n�•re�bl-attoot+ y� --- �' Ilh ��rrsri,letvttr�^Rolrlis01)
o---- achieved by Nasal Balm as 'a positive ilei , ,umatism that was not ear
All Over cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Pected to live. I used no other `�-1f any Datsun orYlars his paper dis• .0� r ��0� �I,OS^
In but Burdock BIoQd Bitters buttoned, hL must pay, all arrearages, o
_ �i 1Ioad has induced unprincipled par the nulilishcr ma conthille, to serol it
ties t0 imitate ft. Inrli pUb11C a;re and can now get v ar was Jere eeling mitil• payment 19 ina'le, an,l Collect tllt• WL buy ill the very best markets 17111 giCC 0111' 11,119t(illlel'a evel'y 8t1Va111ngP.. 0111' g00de,
lfnita(i '8tate9 surplus for cautioned 'not to be, deceived by better than I ever was before I was thole amount. whether it br, taker 110„ %'ill always be frond Fresh and Reliable; hull to tltc econonical housckecper we offer
the yon i en;ling JnnO 3001 was nostrums imitating Nasal Balm in taken sick, and I owe It all to Burd the office Or not. There can he AO legs, Ula»y ailvantages. Onr good's, in variety, quality, and price, we are satisfied will meet
! ItNt rlY)t, f}pi, ry dock Blood Bitters. 503-2t the requirements'of evo hoiiseholtt. Farnl l loduce taken at the hir;ecst rices.
Homo and appearance, blearing such discantinuancL'urtfil rho payment, is male,Y n . P
names ne Nasal Cream, Nasal Bal-
snail 1°ibernl 1 niunist Ixlets ----- --T-- 3—Any parson who takes apaperfrom /� ����� ®�®�
etc. ,1st for Nasal Bpilm and do —The Joliette, f�ueliuc, Craud the ,lest-olHce whetlior directed to hit /''�,
Lave Plec;c:'l Earl Dorby their leader not lake imitations dealers may urge jury returued a true bill on font 1 a%
y g J Y, name or another, or wlletlier lie has sub•
ill the . I by Of I sums
'and have upon cu. For ei cru tete WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GROCERS- CLINTON, ONT.
Y Y gg, iudictnlent3 against. lir. .Lavelle, scribed or not, is responsible for the, li "y,
rnl)vnrih, .l IntgP,, souls for the cause. or sent Dost-paid on receipt of prices T•lo1 illative councillor on charges of 4-If a sub4criber orders bis „tut to bt
(50o and f1)-by addressing- Fulford k g ' g I' l
-\Villiam I L. the new i?mp• f, 'Ippropriating colonisation moneys., stopped at a e(•rtai i time, and the ptibTish•
Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 Y send, It the BI11+AC1'lbel' I - ---- ' --- ----- ---_
crur of Germany, spent two years lit I—._—__-- ____ _ _ er continnes to se
i '1 Y I I'r "`�r1' 1 , Y Y , Y bound to to fo' it il' he takes it ont of t}»
1('nruiu•; to set ty le and oar, unr r:. lip alias Y):ul- Fortif tho s stem b the use of " 1
ill ;t pt,� i loom, Fd:Ut,l ir)111 Montreal, was arrested Ayer'sSarsa larilla Against •the dig. post-office., Thrsproceedsupoit,hegroilru LESLIE & CARRIAGE` & WIAGON FACTORY
1 , 1 + g that a man must pay 'for what lie- user i
—:\t 'C'rnfn!,?,rr this utorn-in" ono da,y Inst weer{ by Chiof Klippert, ease •peculiar to )lot weather, This �-yT'-r �-T-ma -r ••AT_
t 8anl it. Ilendo •sou shot and killed of Berlin, for stealing a horse and medicine induces a healthy action of P 9 9 0 W <..J
his divorced wife Sarah Heudoraon b'gY y the stomach liver, and,]{idne s calls- 00
bun from John Eliott liver stable ' Y t Li the Division Court in GodBrich
ing them to prevent the accumula- at the November sitting a newspaper ill- In Stock a Number of Cutters Sleighs, Buggies and Wa Ons.
and theu killed himself. beeper,' 1. ort Hope. On Lis person tion of the poisons which produce g P P t 1 g s gg
were found two, revolvers, one.dtrlc I P hshor such fur pay of pat>er. The defend- _---o 0
—Dishop Walsh Confirmed 2'35 + diseases. ant Objected paying on tllc grind that he "The Material the maunfacture;is of the best quality and the Iron work unstVlpasec
and a lot of burglars'keys,ow. He was - - had ordered a foruler ro ivietor of the
p(prsone at London on Sunday, and I l ; In fact we mance it an ireportant feature of our business to use only the best pro-
tried'same day before Judge Lacourso -I)r. Mason, of Oakville, was paper to discontinue it. The Judge held etuable material and the baa: workmanship. Those in need of CUTTERS
was-presented with a purse of $1,000 that tLnt was not n thrid defence. he ..-••. P
and sonteuced to five ours at the set upon by a- gang of ruffians at =tud SLEIGHS, of the h test makes and styles, should nor fail to ,
and all address of tweleome on his , y 1 piaintilf, the present pro ricto', had no call and see us.
` Provincial Penitentiary. He was German picnic at High Park; near pp
return from Romo. g ' notice to-discoutin»e an(1 conseque»tly --0—
arre3fed, trietl�and sentenced within Toronto, on Monday, who beat could collect, although it was not denied ALL WORK 'WARRANTED.
—The Attorney-General of N. ew fifteen hour9, him in a terrible manner: Hie that defendant had notified format pro-
York State is instituting a suit ill no90 was broken and his body and p'' Y' —O�
' the public interest nryainst the rietur . to discontinue. In an levant
P g CONSLAIPTION 5UI2ELY Cl?ftED. hurl limbs bruised by the kicking defendant was bound tb pay for rho time i_ Repairing and 'Remintinar Promptly Atter^_led. to.
Sugar Trust' on. the gronn•d that the he had received the paper and until lie o
r0 T1113"EDITOR be recoived. Warrants have beon had aid all ar'rear's dile for inbscrl tiol.
monopoly is a put lie nuisance. is9uod for rho arrest lee rho •lilies P P FACTORY on corner of Huroft and Oran-we [Streets, .CLINTON
—Jos Autenhaeh esti ice steam Please inform your readers that i P'
, have a positive remedy for the above, iinplicated. A 1�ACT `t:ORTII REMEMBERING.
dealer, went into his. cellar one named disease. By its timely use "
evening, telling his wife that he thousands ofhopeless cases have been A 1)E�TRF.SSING DISEASE. Mr. Jas. Binnie, of Toronto, states *litfoarod the ice, cream had turned sour, permanently cured. I shall be glad t I wish to give my testimony in that his little baby when three mon• ow �L
'Ton miuu'tes after\waad3 she found to send two bottles of my remedy favor of Burdock' Blood Bitters. I the old was sd bad with summer OR,
himhangingin rho cellar, ho having rltrr•, to any of your readers who have had be'on troubled with Erysipelas complaint thatund'e.r doctorfi' treat• •
eothmittod suicide consumption"if they will send me and was induced to try this valuable' •meet her life was despaired of. Pour
because of his their Express and P. O. nddre98. medicine. I have•used three bottles doses of Dr. Fowlers Extract of
loss by :fie spoiling' Of 1119 ice Respectfully, Dr, A. 7'. SLOCLIM, -and am now well as ever." Mrs, L, Wild Strawberry cured her. Silo is FOR SALEBI L�S
Cream; 37 Yonge streett'I'oronto, Ont, 4O!ly Finch, Clear Creek, Ont. 503 2t now fat and hearty. 603s2t I ■
r,,.�h,r,+"4.'w '.-Y `Y' ],.,Iw .,• • ♦ ai a iY • ' ,rR ,iY. � t1 ,V,'�.1"k} �' , .A
, ,.... .:. .. .. ; ... ear.- l i'. J ,. ,.. ,• , +:.. ", p, '.:. .. -
i,•... M,:-_..,La.°.,..x.c411ue:.'•Y.Yen#_.'...«::-'......,.a..,: ]LiYWu...1ii :...� -.,. ... .'•., ,,.°....::. l �.:,..: .... i,.. .-..YN .... .....:.... ........ ..... ..Y�%c. .. - ,........... a..°...•.e...ur:5_,�LY.►Ji,;.a .,.J'�1".��. '.' .. ...,:..... i_ _ '_Yep �a-. a.....L.._-