HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-07-11, Page 5■ SPECIAL.NOTICE, Special. for Parasols. Special for Oriental Laces. Special for -Embroideries. Special for Alloyem and flounc res. Special for Veilings. Special .for Corsets. See The (rices, See The, Assortment, G EO. E. PAY & `CQ S. Ary -Goods Emporium of Cilikoii. BUSINESS CHANCE I hays disposed of my Grocery Stork and good•tvill to 31r. GEORGE SWALLOW. w'ho will continue the same in the stand formerly occupied by me, and I trust that the Iibm'al lietrounge that has been bestowed oil me in the past, will be continued to my successor. Yours respectfully, JOHN McGARVA. 5 - 0 In reference to the above,and in making my bow to the public, I would say that it'is my intention to keep in every way a FIRST-CLASS d .00HE i'. .This Stock has been bought at a very low Ilgm•e, anti the trill have many SPECIAL LINES to offer, in order to make room for all a.lditiongl stock of New moils, when we will use this space in giving full partivulars, which will be carried but to tiie letter. I aur in a )oaitinu to buy for Cash, mo that the people of Clillum and surrounding country may rely on having ibe very BEST GOODS at the very LOWEST PRICES. Soliciting your patrofia,ge, I remain your obedient servant, mmTO'N 'SWALLOW- 0""*LIN To have good, health use cleanses M�K�Iiog MUtual11sulance Ot Sorsa arillaand Burdock it cleanses n I IYIU`UUI i� 1 '1GU and enriches the blood. Price, 50c. n bottle, Sold by all druggists. 488.2t•' — IN 'atit-e -Late J, 0 -a 0 *h R IS NOW SHOWING— Special HOWING—S serol Indueements Dress G Black and "Colored. Cashmeres, Silks 11 p , PARASOLS! ----OUR STOOK IS 'VERY see our 5 cent and 8 cent Prints, Semuckersfrom8oents. ; - -FIVE . PM-CENTt. ®FF FOR CASH. JOHN W.18EMAN, Manager. ]Estate J,t' HODGEl`TS. , . i SPRING STYLES —OF— HATS AND CAPS r of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also one case Amerrrcan Neckwear (very ha i_440iye), from 20e. up to 50e. A call respectfully solicited. GAO_ G2.�ASGrOW a i Murray Block, Albert street: rt� Nest Door to DRY -GOODS ;LACE. HOUSE PAINTING, GLAZING AND GRAINING, • cj�1G PLgI A H �tD DECOROTIVE PAPER ��, Kalsor�inl�g +li+}•YI �1■ • �� AND - � FRESCOING. • S� �•�Shop Next S oonees Hotel Albert St P rest 1 C�,IN''2'ON, ON'2'.ARIO_ (� OHAS. `f`. SPOONER zlauntef OF. DETLOR 4 CO's MAMMOTH SUMMER SALE Noir GOING O. -LT, ..Great Slaughter in Prices OF MUSLIM'S, PRINTS, DRESS( f:00LS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ' TABLL LIN. ENS, TOWELS, PARASOLS, TWEEDS, SHItrl, INGS, COTTONADES, CURTAINS, all cut ' LACES, CLOTHING,-and••"•MEN'S- STJ' AAV HATS., Ili Your choice of 200' L AIA.ES' STRAW HATS at 25 Cents, regular prieps 75 cents to $1.50. Come and seo the Big L'argains, This is :a. GENUINE CLEARIM'G SALE. J. 0. DETL OR -& 00 I .aryl v W . avu c ■noes ! : .,-T ILA! 'S, HARLOCI( V� a - i GENERAL AGE. T.J" -T ;r MARKET REPOR![.S. Isolated town and tih�ge property, ns well as -Groceries . r t� (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) farm buildings and gtocic, insured. A,snraueea r & e�.}��A�Q� effected'ngainst Btocic that clay he hillui divI- n i./1 3.► �! �/ �. CLINTON, lightning. Ifyou want insur necadrop a card '� '4 Flour. ......................$4 50 to 5 00 to. the above mldress. O FII Wheat, new Rt old 0 95 to 1 CO fio'tt• ' Spring Wheat ........:.... 0 9 to 1' 00 r – —0— ring just 1)ougllt stocl� of Ilctiv goods at the present Berle ............... 0 65 to 0 70 ' Oats... ...................... 0 50 to 0 50 MAGNETIC IRON 0!lE PAINT, Just arrived, 1 Base New Prints t� Bhambra s, LOW )` RICES, I and i i a position to sell goods as low Peas....(winter) .......................... bb 0 60 to 0 50 y as any respectable 'House in the- DomAlion. Any one _ .� (winter) per bbl 1 00 to 50 bVe , are of�`"ering- a splendiidl range of GREY, .DIS ESS wantinb. POtatOes ............... 0 6o to 0 65 Spoclulty adapted tot• Varus, flridges, mora of 7j a .N" •• Dwelagri aural (:a'bnther wood m irus and PRINTS raj III Checks -ands. Stripe,S'' at I IC worth 1'�-c. . 0 14 to 0 15. F, 1 1 � Butter. ........... .......... n•ricu!tural imAements of all Triads. , , ., - Eggs ............:............. U 00 to 0 I3 ®�d®�d a`' r T3ay........................... 8 00 to 9 00 COLK O RIOT BROWN. 1' e ili'e alSO r glVlllg gl'iLn(1 Value ill v az�z� 13I1UE U „ owes„.Price Cordwood .................. 3 00 to 4 00 PIt,IN rS t�' a e pI p Beef.......................... 0 00 t0 0 00 Containing by analysis D2 per et. of Iron. It it 1 at' 1Oc; Bi(r I' ng atterns. fire proof, water 1;bouf, unlading.. etorlastiug �� We have idle ne vest st les iu will save ill y 3 ill” c. I alivaz, peep . 0 0. t0 0 20 buonoroical, and possesses twice the body un(1 �• t b r calling Oil Ill ' 1' GOOD, .... 6 50 to 6'75 g a s 5T1 II ED GI-fAiTW A.Y5 ogle Pork ...... strength other the,nata(et: Y STAPLE GOODS—what idle pec)1�1e want—and WILL _ in Pini:' I�lue and t_,frey (Elllbl'oidorieS to nlatcll). NnT }3E U\'DE1�.. For further pat apply to � SOLD by any ogle in the trade. /r�`I�AtiT10N.-1l R. JOAN SCaI-r, of the woelen I �I����e Q, Campbell, Luce Flounein�'s Laces Parasols gild Muslins,' a,ll selling a V Mill, will not be responstblo for orals con• S & r 1 O• �u.{.t�ir ar Eggs 0 traded by any merit er of his f;uJul or any one at LOWEST PRICES. !r gg�",akeii 1n E1 xchange fo , else without his ferrite, order. July 10, 18sd. LOWEST PRICES. ��rr 7 i. _— 5u2.3m Box 330, GODERICH, 0N'P. Goods. A call respectfully sc�licitsd. FOR SALE. Clinton Woollen mills THOS. JACKSON, SRT 11;11"Ing IIlDfiR offer ,fur sale tc+ur t ifgihloHo Buil<ting Lots fronting onAlbertfi; atwo frontingnRatteburyStreet; eitheren„pp��//�� `�,�q�p�-�-STEEL bloc or inc aegis 1o�sp }to suit purchasers, For WOOL L � / d(•� N 1 E ® t _. fartherl,nrtcularsa I to the.undersi;;ntd.—E, rCY DiNSIXY Clinton, At Clinton Woolen hills, for either CASTI OR pppp yap SEA;,LE S BLOCK, CLINTON, 382 TRADE. Having rented the Clinton Woolen M O N T R O S S' PATENT p� e � C LIN 1 Oely, —” hills, T intend running altogether on CL'S1'Ol[ , 0 e �J 99V,C1 Q1VUItl1, Farmer's leaving their wool with PlI2 PAIfI WiTIlOT IAPLEASURE. will have it mnnufactureil into Tweeds,111ankelN, Flnanel or w I crn, and give having had ac years l ha renes I know J. can giro you satisfaction. 1 have e � )■� 'A„ lin vn 3,ad-Z.hL�.lainfnL.C.Yper(er1(:,yd1f.-NO' nd rt 1__--� nt,-„nein akOL•j,,_,pf_L'•jLYi+11t11!_Cpd.RSE_ .. _.,._,i` _`�— a , Ing, staining or Fnjuring }our elothos while out T1VIs1 pg,:Aso FFNE AND COARSE FLANNELS, — _�Tt--� Pie Reeking or otherwise, yon hive the BLANi(F:T$, YARH,and Hostsltvof all dos' ip- plcasmu of knowing that they can bed e,( clean• trop's, which f will trade for cool• or sell cheap AN s �`� � ' y od, �r French cleaned,;,5thcrane•ntny nm'(`vcltxto, for cash, I:,rmi;rs, give mo G1cnl1 before you / 4 IDI p A q ROOKS Spry /�. V yeti• �9� - us well vs they .. he Bono in the ,world, br the Part with your wool. ]LOLL CARDING A �a�jiFR�j ��,w 1 ■ti/i iF�V.bF:Id� noted Tailor and clothcsCleaner of the tt'ont. .4 C(ALTY. . r 9, W. Q!.�BbSLA)f H Vivtoria 8t. Cl �; ..s�i�T ice. o-- — PARLUIAND 1JEDR00 1 fi1JI'PIES, SIDI:130ARDS ANDTABLES. i 1_TC'HE1tINO BC'9INESS—THE L'NT1F.R- S +Ceinl'atten- r �® tion is called to PARLOR SUITES—they are of stir utt'n ,ununi'act olll nn for ,lesion, ' 9 \ {� •neo wishes to inthnnte 'to the neo le of 7i� "�y� �� ., New Blacksmith u Qt! Clinton and sauroundingconntry, thntliu girder .LR ,j'{� '� ff D■ ■� lnntorial and wnrkmanphip rnnnot he Cxceiled Itt thC.cnuuty, 1 i tosuftubly unset the demands of lits very• numar• 'PROOF. . Rrinet))ber, that all f; � ; ouscustomI`” he line bought out the business - oils will be sold at a 131U BLD.UC'C1ON duriw,, the month is \ir. le hoicemons, and will sorry entre same, "0 of Ally. First carne, first served. AN UPIiOLSTE'REji allv;lys tin hand ; rorairin g %'•t 1?Uh :P•, TROIVI)iLL hn:a opened oat n gcu• with the nido st,neats in season. Every d he neatly grid protnl tly attomlol-to, 1 MJF' seal Blneksmith and Ite,mir Jhnp in the will be mndc to meet •Cha ,vents of all, and he hutldi"" lately ocanpied by .lir. Gau1o,r•, north of hopes to merit and motive a fair share of puhlic S. DAVIS, • o r5 Cnntelw+'scruvin}etcorl;s,nlbertstn:et,Cllnton. patroange. Lowest prices for Ince orders. `� CLINTON. llindertakil,� all,(i ((i11118:11)Dlfl4j;' attendC(I to tit oar nstlnl leve rates. Night. Horse."nith and ,ran work in all, its branches; (arme•s'tradean ecialt•, ALBERT iAY. tolls attentTetl to Ifi't n,ptd)'. }iorse-Sl,oeing promptly attended to and satis• — cqll betorc cadcri . Tbc public are ignited to HOUSE CLEANERS I �sraa,¢+r�.eo�sew.■ ����� cool befot•o .ordering any ,,lass of work' in the d�?iR! �wv�yQQ ipzsn 7N Va � � �� a ut,ovu lines. � � 497—tf - —T GEORGE TROWIIiLi,� _ `-` itLAKE NO awl newest we have the ❑reset Ai,1S1EItT STREET, CLINTON, still tICtS'L`it 9toe1C Of NOW NO 8 o A WAIL PAPEN, BORDERS AND N practic1' DOWN, painters,ha"', CEILING DECORATIONS The subscriber has opened a Liquor Store ir'. THE PR OMIT! j�n,u, h ploasu,u u, tntormint� the public of to be fouud'in toren. Something entirely Clinton atfivlcinityt�atthcy have opened eat PERRINS BLOCK, RATTENBURY-ST., CLINTON, G Fn rho abg1in bustnoss. Hoose, sign and genera, new and novel. Call and sr,C us. No " "in t • dtnd graining, I'.•tper down g.e it ceiaing trouble to show. goods. Never have FINE GOODS sold for LOWER PRICES than we are now makill on o Prices rice inoder the Rehm Al ,mown ct the trade. With a furl Steele of Liquors of the VERY BEST BRANDS, cohsisting in jCrCSistiblo Sht'ill iL mains. �1'o ask the nivile a of Rcliial .o lir north f Hodgen Rhnp Albert SLteet, two doors .��•� part of FRENCH COGNAC: BRANDY in wood and bottles, Best Tolland Plosest )jving malgihs the TINEST STYLES AND d,�UTALITIES that tge)i;cy � nnbu"y north of Tlodgen'B Dry Con) 0 (,)d n4De•3m � W M. COOPER Gin in wood and bottles, Bernard's Toni Gin ill wood- and .bottles, Irish and We! TO LEND on gond mortgage or Scotch Whiskies in wool, and bottles, Finest Port and Sherry Wines in wood in the line of petBonnl eccurlty at loaest current rete of BEAVER BLOCK BOOIC STORE. and bottles rGuiness' P qts,, Intminto X. llernnrnR'r. THE , Bass Ale in pia. and gtso Porter, Native Stout s, ts, and ts. MEN � �'1 and BOY �Clinton, Fch. 25th, less. a8f,cfWhiskies Canadian Ale and Porter, NallveWinee, die. (� (� �JL p T#ING •- y TO i'F-IE �'AKIVI�RS ! EUREKABAKERY. 5htdy your oy ulcanresetar,d go where A CALL SOLICITED. r _ I InR ect the Goode compare the Prices ami g P p , you •must admit that leo are offering ilii• Ti, SHEPHERD, �� � opportunity'of lite Reason, Give ns just ono chance to make yon happy tvcl.j benntifnl Tr.e subscriber bas tensed tee bakery of lir, 'ON goods at bed t'odt prices. Economy, CnmfortnndSatisfaction gees with (`very1)nhU or'th n few doper asst of tiie CommercSnl Reliable Harness, Hotel, and w(iT he gldd to receive se abate of pnhUc patronage. Plain and Fancy Area(1, a made o _ _ Cakes and poetry of n111;inds,Pnrhhhed on short i nnanufaetnr'e none but the liaRTOF STO(,ft, = _ r r_ ��jj' j�fj. A j���R j��j d f ■ . . notice. Only the he t nr,terial need and turned /lenra,'r Af skepe 1Janf sed, ckeap, tea theU hrtae jr E}tLOCK Lt 1tBFTt F'0(t SAi,I?.—inch r J , SHEPHERD, LUn T11 j a 1■ n out in n chips to plea9e the, most Ptheli st yet to lire. BJ Cnli and get pelves. Ordc!a �1 boardK,.. scantlh,if and joist. Apply to FOR SALT; Dol TO LF'i , e Leading Tailor, Clinton, palate, WI:DntNO (:AKf:S trot lip In ilio most n by mail pmmplyaitended to G)anos 1'ftRRfV, or to 1V fT PlnnttsrClintm,, P,ehtonahle st}le.g OUSE: AND TWO LOTS for sale br to let, 1t?f T'ren•1 de°h (ro 1 to All parts of the town. Tx►• C rxT v [j OFSP TO LFT.—$mall horse on uppe r�rt ,I sitnatc nn A)l,ert Reef. igal J. A. KING. � 11 of A1480 Street. A ,L to pa,tlt,l,arB THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE I P P] V apply at T. Ur)t>Piat �@ 8ON'.y Orocory, Clinton � I ��� NO� HARVES9 EIIPORiL'II, T#LXTIi, ON'I'. '1'ItUS. CC(IF'i•:it 3c SO\. May 13th, 1384, X09—Lf a 8 . A e,',: „e ✓• •.: ..1C..Y mu a+li IIs' x. ,� .:. ��. ..• L... ,... J.a m, ,.. .... • •rrw. _...... .. _, s•f.-,n ..L.. �. IY.. k... ........ •..til,wa...s. .•.. .,.., . .,M ... ...�.,. - n �, tS,:,.�pYLvh