HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-07-11, Page 4_ _.•_..._•�.�,.,----- �.-,- ..-__.-. e.z•,,,.,-___-,..,._,.-,.111WW-,. _a._.,s . I ___-W , -•°we• -llww r.�;,;---a.....- . ,, ----owl-----..y .: -�!*.W....Iv� .• •I I o W -* „ 1. "e • ° .. . ° •N' . ....._.,.-- - .. _ .. ... M. ... - I 11 ' rhe Huron Nees-'PrCOtrt'll Presbyterian Church collvoned at i� a�j �j n jjrt ,defend our beloved land from all IialLfax last month :- Lo Cal O ane P-DIR`JS• invading foes. We welcpluto you bare ' q a • $1.30 a Yon—$1.20 In Advance. - . because you always tarry in the fore- • THE DEVOLUTION. OI. 1688. HOLMESVILL1•I Fon KtNoARDixi,.- front of your rank's a copy of 'the Dr BurnA from the committee. L. O. L. No. 189 'decided at their Worn Of (rO4i from which our text NOTI0-4 a tiic�ltat�ia}', ItXly iltlr, 188$ regular meeLiug lust 11'adnescla shtLll he taken. Attd we believe no appointed to report On thq bi•cen- 0 0o y' 1O ship wrecked mariner ever looks with ----o---- -- - --`-� • celebrate the 12th aL liiucardine. ° toners of 1685, presented n report The train laa,vea Clinton for Iain- more uufattering faith to the never WMA T MEANSTHET IVELFTH recommending that Sabbath, the 4th varying or unalterable. Northern Star JULY F catditu at 7:55 a. m., and returning than do you look to the Word of God _ _ I of Novombor, ber. set apart will leave at 5:10. as being of Divine Inspiration and The (lay is celebrated by n very I as rt d ty wh-u ;,t,ecial reference (�vLRLvotcEn.-In our wentfon of the pillar and ground \cork of your Till I P r Wiol - - 1 , t + largo portion of British sub, eats in shall be made to this Memorable the funeral of the late Bro. George faith, Le. and liberty. . 11'e bid you500 5 0 p 1 welcome. 1'lie text Lcus tauten from j.. ' Britian and all her possessions. A occasion in British history, and also Cr Dtolou, last week, we omitted to l ' ' ( t the 26th verse, 1st chapter, Epistle considerable number' in the United that if practicnblu iuoetinns should mention. that Bio. tiVn . .rooks car of Janras-" '1'ha 1'ertaut Law of LLL'• AT ROBERTSON'S, vied Ilio l.udpe VVarruut. a is an arty:' The rev, guutlameu explain States also moat on the 12th July be held on the Monday evening old Menlber and Palt Couut•y star; alt w urs cls:arly Iwo wa were environ• - ,,. each year to congratulate themselves following. Tho doctor tuado an and is genorally to be found 1 e ed on ovary side artist Lo\w \i• were or WhiC}l he Will pay HALF �''��' tLt1Cl the btll- aud the world at large uu a series of elurl•ueut speech in submitting the ranks. ' continually contriving to successfully tlnce Trade. This is a magnificent oppotttttifty for any weet the assaults of the enemy. 1 ' t� • events which culminated in the report, recuuntino the principal ORANGE BAND PARADE.—Tbe fife Out' po%v(.1•s were, lituit`od physically Who may have, it tufa (if Butter about the premises. If '•,' N victor of William of Orange over acts .of the killing tinlo when and drum band, twelve strong, had as Nall a8 mentally • the Only possible + . Y s a y l le you htiye none, p1Lcl;; your butter t�n(1 bring it in, thus their first nevelt on Monday etre- liberty was to do right. He related ° ' James II, the hereditary King of persecution and bloodshed were the wing. They played iron, the hall the Scriptural teaching of Paul and availing yourself of this temporary CASH MARKET for Britain, at the battle of the Boyne, fate Of God's saints. The treachery to .the base line and returned up Silas at Macedonia. We may be on- your Mutter, Set Up by `t The POOP M1 in'S ZFriend." q in •Ireland, on that day in the your and baseness of the Cha rleses and Victoria street and'back to the •hall; vironed by ruen or burned at the bun front Of FYhich auYer(tl selectiotla stake but the spirit is free. We 1690. the heroic endurance of the Scottish stands on the truth— the Bilila--and �� �!"� STILL �� , � ' were well rendored. A big crowd have liberty. Some p THE GOODII � (�-F' G� It is hold, and we beliova correct- Covonanteis worn portrayed in of citizens surrounded the bons and y• people and e� 1 writem have said that religious wars . ly so, that the success of William pungent lauguaye: lZt: li. Murray, Tepaatudly encore+] thein, The leader aro th crtlulest of till w ra. Th t . __��__. ,�__, 9 a - a T -- --- -- _-_..... .. __._ .. i. �— - was the means �f making Britain a of Halifax, then moved, nVA Dr; -Prof. Plleher-should be con ilia a. When religious wars ,are Mir protrat:tut eouutry, freeing her from Cochrane secouded, the adoption gratnlated on tho success of. the and ,l every farcy Ls t,Ist to bear,I akm$ Orange fraud in Cii,itou, and the very highest feelings of man MCI I foreign domination of all kinds, of the following resolution, which are nerved to action Power makes ME -U-13 Iva AND Pow Fou '1'IIE 12TH. -L. O. ' OBS -R . - securiuy liberty of cunsciellcb to all \say carried t-- L. i 10 held thwir regular weeting monarchs and ruins many people. i The General Assembly avails .itself of o a Appoint a townshlp pathwaeter,R . llmlela9aea, and promoting the moral Y Monday evening, There. were about give him ower, and if so inclined be the fact that tbis is the bi-centenary of g P and commercial and industrial enter. the revolution of 1688 to record its admi- sixty members present. Among the will become a monarch and ruin himieitpra were Godorieh District )Musa- forever. School children with ower GREAT CASH S10R, LLTNTOA CLINTON. prise of the people, and has placed ration of the heroic endurance manifested p by our waityred forefathers, who were ter Hanley, and A. Cantelon, W.M. are the same. The rev. gentleman Britain at the present day foremost tortured irot acceptant; deliverance unci 189, Ho}mesville. A great amount also illustrated the "power" of minis- CURRENT TOPICS. ~~� and patriotism call upon hint to uc•: I ,r, . in the scale of nations. In rof cion, loved not their lives unto the death. 'The of business was transacted. The. tors. Take the young student who p p Assembly records devout gratitude to had Started out in life in a narrow . cept all honor tendered. him by a Y,I" sciatica, art, wanufactueus and aggro- Almighty God for the great deliverance brethren will n,e(it iu the hall on minded groeye and stack to it. He RADICALISM, ROMAN[SM AND RU!(, foreign potentate 7 ',,;� mate wealth the British Empi-rii now wc.]nf7rt}for. purr beloved, fatherland by the moving of the 1`�lh at six O o'clock finally entered the ministry and a ReP.J. W. Sperling, President, of In saying so much, thit'Spectator the accession of Rtllian, and Alary to the sharp. The tAiu leaves Clinton for .coiwre+ation was committed to his . 0 S oliallenges the rospect and admire- t1irono and its unabated and ust ualilied Iiincardino at i.55, and as •this is charge' He then had the power and the Montreal D'lethodist Conference, has no desire to criticise the con. tiou Of the whole civilized {world, adhereuee to those fundamental puncipl� the stuffing point , it will laurel be became a monarch and a tyrant. We In a carmen preached in Kingston duct of either Dr. ,Wilsoit or the ` of civil a•nd religious liberty, of whit I the a t Y y �,, and of th'e uncivilized world whore reyoluti.ui two hundred years ago was the sharp uu time ; returning, will leave should use charity to men who lieu© on Sunday, said that 1►e feared three Hon. Mr. Mercier -Huai. Spector 3^ expression and embodiment. the General at 5.10 fare $1.30. powerf no matter what our calling, things in the future: -Party politics, top. _ . her resources titre known. 1 ' ' and God will blebs us and we will Assembly approves of the recommenda- T the encroachment of Romanism, and --- + . trans of theroeort, and would insttnrt, \dRTIIHURON,—Thesauli•annual not lie oppressed. He was not The annual colebratiou of tllo 1 ,.the legalized traffic in strong drink. In and About the u,inisters and sessions to talce order that weeting at Win -barn was attended an Irishman or an Orangeman, but cCounty, ^, day metw.s a rejuieiny, by those a1►o efl'eut be given to those in such manner as by about 80 delegates. County was fortunate enough to be the son t partake iu it, in the fortuitous air- they deem best, to the end that out• 111'aater YOUDg presided. Favorable of one. He could not forget in his SOBRIETY, SABBATH OR sHEOL. -David Walker bas been appoint- auci,•Dt teatimoit for truth and ri hteo l$_ youthi'ul days of a feud father valet- l • ed a license commisioner for South ° +,{r eunl3taucas which took place est Y S reports were received from the Dis- Sam ,Tones, the famous Georgia Huron, -in phtceofJ. B. Geiger. r.,i; 1 J be t,aiutaiued, the safeguards around the rug at the beartllsido the -bitter and ' ?.00 years ago, throne, as well as ow+ altars and our tract Masters and Secretaries. A heartrending scenes and struggles of revivalist, preached it the Method. -Mr. Robt. Winters of11IcI{illo $`'1 beatths, be preserved, and that freedom, deputation from Kincardine,. in the man ears ago. It was taught to ist church, 11e•troit, Sunday, to an bought forty-five head sof cattle re ' It lif,ea, not ul+iau "to hell iviLh civil and religious, which we .have interests of the 12th celebration, him, it was Ln Lia bones, andwhatimmense congregatiou . composed cently from Mr. T. B. Hays, for which ` the pupa ur apiy such blasphemous obtained for so great n sum, be trues•' favorably inipre•ssod the meeting. was in Cite bone was hard take-out,of largely • of Americans. A^iter sa ins he plod an aver.sge of 1i57 per mitted in its entirety to the generations Tile Grand Lodge resolutions ur gin the flesh. He had read the'llistor t; y Y ° head. exprenf'ous, • that are yet to come. g 6 9 Y that oil the whiskey question Cana• -� _ the brethren to meet at Kincardine, of Rowauism, and the tears often ,liens were no bolter thin the regi=-Maatin Kane, of Stratford,. was ' �'`« It does not mean t•croppie lie ---- London etc. \vas reported on b came to .his eyes as thought of the sentenced to six months in the 1 1 y dents of the States, he caused some ,1 down" gr the jubilatory expression I'I)ITORIAL X0TES. Dr. T. G. Holines and concurred ill. \vary men vera tortured au+l burned. Kling of a sensation b deal:+ring ; Central by.the city ,magistrate, for 73a' kaaw 'that his father r au(1 n,an ti Y 0 brandiahiu a knife resisting arrest of .an iuse,nsate sentiment ax rya E. Floody, C. M. of South Huron, - Y t g i 8 ' ,.: y P other old proueerS would never con- -'Now I'll tell you I think we tiro and trespassing on the C;• T. R. at �; 4 siva of hate for roman catholics or Editor Hawke, of New Bruns-. was present and addressed the sent to live in the United States; so running the last political •combat on Sebringville%. tneoting• strong was their feeling as British the lines we have ensu ruuuill -them -Mr. Ballantyne, of Seai'orth�, has �• guy other class. of people: wick, has boon in luck -on paper. A FALSE REPORT. -During the subjects turns the would never take �" The Hetes rl para credit kiln with 0 Y on. It is brtweeu thO Republicans received the appointment of ]�icenae It moans a gloryiug in the traditions I I ) lust fow days Ilia report has beau t11e o:;ith of allegiaum'- Our glorious y p and Democrats, this contest, and it Inspector for South Huron under • of `300 years during which roman having recoNed an address rind a current that no .special train would country would tot be one of liberty if La the lA3L race the lie ul)lieans will the Crooke law, consequently Mr +' they had. He had visited the Cana P r' Catholics as well as other clisseDters pUl'9e of y`y", 1,000 011 his release from leavo Clinton for Kincardille oll t10 make ill Atnsrica. The Dawocrat,; Sprague ' who did difficult work, diau Northwest and pictured it ,as under the Scott Act has to o. it) ruliyi0us matters kayo been pa.r- jail whoi•a he spent two months for l ��tL. The railway time tab e' is God's C011llti'y', a COI111tY'y Of peaCO altd' are going in Overwbelulingly. Four g ' !'4 out and the twain will leave Clinton plant), and prosperity, One of the years from flow we will break up the , -'Phomas Freeborn, a . cancer takers of the -religious freedom and saying that the (,ourt was influ•' at i :55 in thr, ntoruiu+� and rutnru- „rauduat it the tv0rld. Wo lov+u(1 quack,: was fined ,$100 and costs (326) 0+ solid South. The -issue will be God prosperity cowman or•0]leii to them onCed.by corrupt motives in decid' illy will leavo Kineardille at 5:10 ill our American consius and they loved or no God (IrU11k0itllesR Or 9Ul,r1l•t for .violating the Ontario Illedreal Act; ry •l casr. The 1000 it is said ' the evening. Bruce hat: a notch us fled our fist► too. The greatest ' Y+ by John Procter, J. P-, at Hanover as well its to orthodox' prutestauts. Ina ' ' a Sabbath or no Sabbath, Heaven or on Tuesday last. Thea ent of the K 1 g greator•claim on IIwou then Lou-objectionliebad to them was that ,; Y $ . by those who ought. to know, will ° hell. that will Im the issue'. Th(•n College of Ph sicans and Suri ' • 'Cha Order known as Urarige,111k- den and ustico should be duns all they leu the Feuians loose on us, but,1. g Y Surgeons eat._ -.red o.cti.Ou..i.u__th.o_sa.nto I.iru J • .•..by--tll,C, ae�ef-C�ed, if-see.•Lrlo rosecuted. _ �1 • 'g ; m a fl'011l��,l lAl'il 3 contill. Ol't1011 as the base ball atelier"s around. Bayfte-ld"'for tudt• matter, quited, we would drivo them back.as Democratic party and let God rola -When Jaa. Riddle was pulling `_._ ., __ ,,; • ental . title, particularly delights to I' , deseries a big crowd -possibly more on former' occasions: He would . America from that time forth. . atupeps•for Ifugh McGipty, of Kocli, ' salary which was $10,,000 a season entitl6d to our presonOa than either join the Aulericans and assist in put- tdn; 1Vellir,gton Count be carne .404 commeuloriito the day. All protest- Y+ t ants ghoul l iiuii tta bbllev0 do ro f in the paper's, but only $9 a. week London or Kincardine -and many ting clown anarchy A uccessaiy. He upon something hard under.a. big ' ' have declared their ,intention Of loved every man and had no ill fool, A LGARNLD CATHOLIC OPINIO\. pine stump which lie hqd pulled. r } hard pan cash. .- Upon further examination heAis�• • jvlco -ih 1b.) turn- oV6110 took.• on __ ntctotfo with Statiley-:1 Ilii it;{ tu\c'ar(l Rouiatt Catholies: He p _ ___ _ ______ o y y Who \vii} not tiny 'that the encu;n- that uveut!'r1l cjay*. It leas davolve(I �� field and Stanley deserve Hncuurage 196u1(1 accord them every fret rty-let' covered a human' skeleton about Y ° them carry their green and wave 1t0u beauty and marvelous Er+gltsfi seven feet in length, supposed to be ' wore articular) howover oil the LE1 TEi' 8 TO THE EDITOR, nlet�t. of the Prott;stant Bible is not one The remains of a particularly _ their flags on the 17th of Ireland- grant Indian. Oranoo Order to wore pertinaciously iretvi,h it to be distw,ctly aiteterstood that ire do BAYPILLD'8 CELEDR;1TION• - All but .tiro must have thio same privileges of the greatevt stronhholds of heresy-1Voodstock .Seati,rcl- Seviclt• Not' I not hold oiwsktve; resp,atsibleforthe.oPlitior,s tecesaary arrar]yemeuts h:ne Neon au(1 frtedorll we extendtuallr,:rr. He iii this country? It IiyLs on the long since a young merchant ' _ - beAr- It mitttl a dx.)' Up011 which exuremsed by oorresynndents.- Fi). N,n%,A IN, a , - cde.e. nude fur the 12th July colobratioli . Could not, pas, without Ilic"60i:inl'' e;tr lilce u,usic: that to"ver call be, only a fe%v weeks out train Scotland, ': true fiberalisw, both in roligiou and __.�__- in 1113 -field to-nturrow, gild: if the the case of poor Hackett who was forgotten-1L6H the sound .of church at tended a party near Brantford, politics, was,assured ui' a 1)ermaueut q Note., weather prophet will but favor us sllotuud atoncdbo aaathiutheatrrobe bells which tLecouvert hardlyknows where he met ayoung lady who con- of Montreal because lie wore an siderably fascinated him. In the '" fooling. And that liberalists has -- with fine weather, 111 will be serene. Orange Jily. Borne, -the people for ,)tow he can %vaso. Its felicities aour9e of the conversation she asked ,' 13,;arl l:nrrotc. -Two or three rum IC i5 Hx >( ctec} that soma six of ,often seam to be almost thin s rather , beau yruwing in breadth until the 1 ' slag church; Protestantisiu - the g' him how it was hedLdn t get married, >; Cunt issues of the Yety Ern have .seveil lodges will bun in the C.-rdild Chruch and Gcnl for the people; there tf at]` mere words It is part of the and be replied that to would as soon q",: preselit flay. 1\"e do not ,,levy ?t coutfnrt6(1 -para,++r•L phs anything but procession and the s reoches will • was a viv< differ.•uoe:wtween the two. national wind, and the anchor of as he got a job. "Oh,well," said the V. � l• a �1 Y' g procession, Qy pro estautisnl of `300 yeal•s ago cr datable of its'ditor. -In the issue doubtless be of a high order. Stan Kits 11'illiam crossed the BoyoO to Ilational seriousul•Ss. The memory fair one, "that needn't matter, for I . iti : as the BEnte of tolerance. There of June Stll a paragraph refers to the ley district and the Layfield bretlt- victory whil'o wornl(led and the liber- of the (Ivad ,passes iti4O it. TIiO pot. 've got plenty for it while." And she ' M . n lrepulliDg," of luinisters and con- roti d(7serve ancouragamcnt, N�'. `1r ty slid freedom bought so dearly bad. She paid two weeks board for was necessarily bigotry mixed with 0 eat traditions of childhood are ' fer..•ucos and another about Rev. Mr. should be held fast tit all cost. In him, bought the ring and the license lA it. Thu rawly freed slava cannot �. , Connor is and -has boon for many the old land Ireland had too much steroutyped ill its verses, The and the necessary furniture to begin floes (sL'1 rr sl)yteriau Minister in Bruns- yoal:, nn honored wenlbei of the Y g ° i be expectvd to'havo the -very hit,),' sels.) 'life issue of the 22nd spaaks Oraipg0 1 Home Rule; their ban,uers should lie power of all the griefs and trials of housekeeping with. -They were mar- •# .. Of 2\1luistera as }rein ; anxious former- Ora)). -G institution, -and. a worthy remodeled, with \o Popery" instea(1 mail is hidden beneath its -words: ried within 24'liours after the propos- r eat and most tolHraut ideas, 1'rotoat ly , for tar:; souls of the people" slew officer from the private up to the of Home Rule on one side, and "No I,t is tile representative of hie best al. Who says this isn't leap year? t, . 1. ' autism has been proyrOssively toler- it is asked 1,how much do they pay'?" Grand Lodye•. Iio•t\ ill (v.V.) be the Whisky a the other. This might. moments, and all that has been - — Ii «ut, ntanyelalll iK Cha 1]tOdt toIeiant sant says there are some Honorable chairman• t(S morrow, and it that Solve Irelaatd's difficulty, for '.men about him of soft and gentle, and Our Weekly Round Up. ..; exceptions but his readers are not capacity: we know, although well cannot be free, while they are yet penitent and god a oaks forever -to phase of prOtc3tuutistt and is bas p up in years, he. will,still colntnand slaves. :Pile rev. gentleman illustrat penitent, g p ' told who may be mels tions are. Thus him out of his English Bible. It is -A baseball captain had his jaw ed upon the views and actions of the anyone pan be included in his charge ad Lothar soil the charu=bound eagle, g p j ��'p" p I th± ail•: uu:frion(1 of the Era should the united respect gild 800(1 will of „ statiD+; t1tAt if we heti anything to his ancrod thing, which doubt has broken during a.game at Pittsburg. e,. most enlightened monarch the Cure l3rethron and visitors- I',011y live defend we must do it. EIe also refer- never dimmed and controversy -Smallpox has appeared in Buil- t )pun ii,oru careful and thou0 Itful what W W. Connor, and Ina lie be red to the tithe of the American war "' 1, world lifts ever seen. . 1tv, ,tt,_,wpte to discuss a gnestiou, so ' y never soiled. • In tie length and alo, And is an unwelcome visitor. t tuauy silo. as th(; ":nvitatiou" sacs- spared for many years to come to .when Grant sent word to Sto' owall breadth of the land there is not a -The judgment of the Priv ji 1.tu history of the fail of the reside over similar meetings. We Jackson to surrender. The latter J a Lieu. 'Profs a wile tango to be coy, p o Protestant with one spark of relig- Council confirms Mr. Patrick Purcell StuartA and the res i e;iraueH ul' a Dred with leas thea half a column. tsiHh Staule % uu(.1 I;,1: fiel(1 and all did not know' what was wuaut and x^'i 1TS y r . ++_ fousnefas about hire whose spiritual ,in his positing of ill. P. for Glens - I. Now Ict ns have an article on "Kainit who p there a rand da and a replied ` by'the eternal" no snrreud- 1' �, :'. coustitutioual suvorei++n is familiar a y y arry. . ;: ° and the Rviluis" and the editorial glorious colebratiori to -morrow. er :the YesA was that two ifitghty biography is not ill his Saxon BL)le.. g -Sit- John Viaedonal;l ,hes._ sued._ _ - to all. William Iuudt:d at Porl) y •cu �\•ijl�i.trxr ulasie .tl �lugiuutttg$ —. �, - . _--°•_i � • � .; -morn mat. And our motto �s r, d a1- -C�. '1}t}�Iy�{itan• NT t- _._. __ - iLi.,,,...,`-,�:,:t�.-� _. l}- (, Athan Jlicl,ael a illontrepLl tpbac- ( ou la 5tti moven ler, 1688,'on ltO of a taw'literature, which t\ ill ii0 •+tttt(lay .i t 11. t1 ti. �+ way>s w3f 7r, py t pe (iLHrtitil"' and v ._-_ ±' 1. `y.. cl(+.:siliec}, I ettpl,ase, as a do})al'ttJleut It 10 o'clock- u. u,. Chu inuthrell while ]Elie General Grant we fight � ( conist, for using his Hama for adverbs invitation of leading wen Utttb- it out upon these lines, let Its at the A LOGICAL SPECTATOR. ins purpoues. 'tx„ of pastoral theology, assuurbled in the Cliutoa hall. There t;: laud, \i ith 13,000• mcu eunll,uFcel o,!' same time cultivate as hind fr>ahings, La Patric 9outishes two big brad lfiserabla 111in0ia and Iowa had .: ., I Cannot ans\.-vr for his wisdom \w;Ls prrsbnt guito'a•nnrribnr frotu 526, 'towards those who Jiffer froiu us els plenty showers of rain last week ,I , English, Scotch, 1)utchntou and (\vhfcli way not lie (Despised) ou other �e ( mach as in tta ]fns -hut never at Cha lines in its editorial columna over while fair Canada {vas parching up F1 cts but if it is u0 better thou 92" 306, 189, and the home niumbers, , .: Stwu(iH•;, p " the following announcement with drouth. that di splayed in sorrut recent articles About 10.45 they forwc(1° fu proce's_ expunge of truth roau(1 rightr0ustese ; o ] let us malls this truth in our lives as "'rile Honorable 11Ir. Mercier is in -Much property of the Grafid ' Th44 .e eteularatiun of ii"his by the bi.i readers will Jirtd it possesses the siou, pearled by D. of C..11ro. 11ni. P' p Y ' I'u litrfl I arliament saws Cho +bun +le I • invulnerable as the reeky of Giberal- g a value attached to tins in tiro school- A. Ross with drawn sword, The receipt of an official telegram from. Trunk Railway Company and the � g a I [ 1,oy', essay who said "Plus have dons body Of the Rattuubury street Huth- • ter. We accept the truth as it is in Rowo announcing' that the Holy Dominion Government was destroy- Lhe 7'f,gllt LU fle11O9a OI]H king surd juts of goo(l ill the world by pilopla odint church had been kindly reserV- Christ JOSIta, as the Rock 0f "\yes. Father yesterday madT� him a Grand ed by fire At Soutbnmptiron last eRrct nnuthr•r. fiinea that da uO ,not xwalIC), uA thorn." ud roof bet\ -(;en 80 and 100 brethrou On this rock \ere plant our banner, � week. . t. Y anti by the, help of the ever living Cross of St. Gregory the Great, fn X. Y. Z. wcru comfortably seated. 'Phe open, -William Fitzpatrick, of Wawa- �, , • : EtJglish sovereign }Ina been iblo to .Tu; r (.tl±, 1888. rug hymn, f?04, was a r•�ry app9ropriat0 Ona we moat to ]coup it share. Un- recognition of (the services he nae nosh, was fill own_tn front ora mower , a�caucn an c7laim on the crown one- "A I'ra for the (uec:u." The til the old flag of protestant liberty rendered the Ghurcll. This is Cho Wednesday r"': y ---- --'-- y'(r. fitpats oD evory breeze -sails on ovary hi ghost Rowan distinction necurded running away.. ,Il slegs wlere outsoi... first lesson was taker front the 8th b s:.ve a cl:.iul twhich r s!s ou a pill•- A Correction. sea-str.Caots from evEry mountain, to a faro in this counfr " bad) that am utation ray be nee. t;a •.chapter of the 140th Psalm, and also y, y p y ocular cl,ausr, in a (arliuular rtcl, of anti from the rivers unto the ends of 1 that 1st Bpi>,Ulu of Paul t0 Chu Corin. , That is all right. ht. There is not eSsary. ',' Parliament. Lditoe 11•ctce�-Record. thians. Hymns :103, "Our Native the earth. he perfect Law of g ,a Laval" --cud ;i07, "National 3'han s- Liborty reigns for evermore. the slightest doubt that the distinc- -'+'�" `.' The 12411 of Jul means the" Dr art SIR, -A correspoudcut 'of tion has been well earned and will Hundreds have used Powell's July yours states fes that Cho lot i sold the t,ions� Before nnuoluceu re11 d36tert, The bt(thron re-formed std roareh- . dathrouomeilt of the fiction of the sc,u of Trustoc!s could have been 6 back to the 15ad1 whore, resolutions be worthily worn. Sarsaparilla and Burdock for dyepep- dive rigla of Kinra It signifies bon;;ht off' ore for 11240,which is in car-' Rev. Mr. Livingstone said : Aliow were passed tlfanlctng Rev. LJP' Some, tittle ago President Wilson, era, Indigestion, and as aBlood puri• i o o a mlp to exteucl to 0 ingstoue, the choir and Trustees of, fier. Price 50e. a bottle, Fold by , +' that conatiLutioual govi•rumont rect. f neveroffored it for less than you as a body of of Toronto University, was ofrored " - Orangen)en the right ha d of fellow cltnrch, and the visiting brethren, y + all druggists. 488.2t a f6u00 for school purposes. Nor would g t; Knighthood by her Majesty, and he __ _ �� I;DgIiind Or ally part Of the umpire I have takun less, 111,1089 it had been drip? and kindly greotin• of this cone —.- declined the honor. bran Reform ` is government b • the \eo le and for force(l from, urn by albitratiou. grL+gation. The friend. y }ata notice Y -John Cootee ° y 1 p Yours eta have vacated -their seats d taken Lotaelrsbt►t•(i. journals, without inquiring what , a retired black• 11 lite peoplo• ° W. lir SIMPSON. the galleries that you might spend reasons Mr. Wilson might have had, snafus living at Canfield Haldiinagd I;Iaying has cbrnmonced in Lhis County,frung himaelf'fuesday morn- • The 12th of Jui rnenna much Clinton, July 4th, 1888, with us a colufartalllu and plawiant applauded his act as one of the in oHis hod was'found.in a small S hour. 1V0 do this heceuse two look vicinity—the crop is light. g• Y Sn. mora. --The above ought to satisily '+Ratti. • highest virtui;. They even implied sbop+,nekt to .leis blacksmith shop, fm wore than we have space here for. paper•" on tho pelnt on whlcli it touuhua.) not upon you as alieus, I) t as �ur The Strawberry' festival hold at that not to.decline •avould Ifave ex- Coates, who was worth $30,000, sold this week, It is probable that Next „ __-* --• }SrethrMt Afld fellow CItL✓.en , auZ O theml'resbyterian Church on Friday power him to grave criticism. his business some time Ago. lie , came you contain in your body SOLUO leaves a wife and an ado L d c .1 *� : •. ,week two will give the -expressions Of -Russia says the Bulgaar}an can of the fathers and pioncors of this evening last was well attended, the ' perhaps some of these' ,journals p '• laugh" oil auroral Ux pUllon to Of the prifrci 71 as g preatcom11,auwell1tb. We also notice P Y•. will now tell its what 11'Ir. Mercier ter: The cause of his suicide was bulge and burst for all she crena proceeds to situ S. S. library. , l 1 1 temporary insanity, -Dr, Sutherland's resolution among yell many young men ,who The citizens of this burg have for n ou lit to do with the resent offer. ' of tura Order, at gatherings on a S P _ -...- - r•. aro the noble sons of noble sires to Thursday of this wee):° We append favoring the formation of a Third considerable'tiinepastbeonpoisofling DO they think that be ought to put ,' Patty with Prohibition as a Central whom° \ra look as the'tape of our dogs'and eats but having turned it aside I Or do the hold that have you dyspepsia? if so, use the follotvitty hcariuy upon Cho y country. Sons of toil who labar ivith a a powell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock : plank was defeatacl by 110 to 50 in ],guest hands 'fol your daffy broad, their aftontion to hogs wo may while yirtuo and patriotism called the most powerful remedy in the Yui nlattCl' ta1tC11 from the proceedings the Convention now sitting in and men of muscle who stand rondv expect a great nlany vc�pant houses upon Dr. Wilson to refuse an •honor market. Pl'lc0 50C. n bottle, r01d by Xk of the General Assembly of the Montreal. at a, monlrnt's Varning to grill-tntly ; voly soar. tondpred him by her U,njosty, virtue all druggists, 488 2t i`'�` p'. s . I .. . I „ • .P 1 1 .., , , ""sc;. .:-M ... ,t -,t• -... ;•a.�.°'. t.+I., L. r. y„s ,.. .....w ..1 ,... .. t .....,�t.a(a•.srV•.ar - , c as^ 40 tit•' .✓7l, r AM 0