HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-07-11, Page 3�i' • --. - B11I011"Co)`>t,ROWU allowing them to be reinforced by i t1lit whole army of midlife tempta. 4• . . I—CUB.A.'$ PBAUTIIr'UL 4I;MEIIi�• • , ��111;1ii. dolls; and +Yh@ii all these combined --T-.,-- THS GLOBE'S THIS POY. WQME;q. ----- �- lVe will at all times be pleased to forces are massed' against him, and: I 'rile ctalored people of Toronto Nearly as the Lord Made Them i receive 'items of Ywwe Jront our stab- t10 GI'OUCIIy COm@S to Ilei[/ ilial, and hH]d a Co.ngl'AtulatOry Ina6d n1H@till �i' • --. - B11I011"Co)`>t,ROWU allowing them to be reinforced by i t1lit whole army of midlife tempta. CURRENT TOPICS I—CUB.A.'$ PBAUTIIr'UL 4I;MEIIi�• • , ��111;1ii. dolls; and +Yh@ii all these combined --T-.,-- THS GLOBE'S THIS POY. WQME;q. ----- �- lVe will at all times be pleased to forces are massed' against him, and: I 'rile ctalored people of Toronto Nearly as the Lord Made Them i receive 'items of Ywwe Jront our stab- t10 GI'OUCIIy COm@S to Ilei[/ ilial, and hH]d a Co.ngl'AtulatOry Ina6d n1H@till and Not Marred by Attempts scribers. We taunt a (good eorres- Blucher has some to help his foes, on hearing of the release of Morse at Improvement. Jpondent in every locality, not already what but immortal- defeat can await the colored refugee from the Sautb -• represented to send UsRELIA�II°ATu;.ws, represented, him ° charged harithlttte»zptesi. n1.t11D�lasagia• Altogether I believe the Cuban • Sonic years ago a scientific lectur• ter. Some of the speeches made woman—and that should also [n- ° SUB$CRIRERS. er went tl►rough tbeceuntry exhibit- were most entertaining, and in the clude the, women of Spanish birth r Patrons who clef not receive thou ing'on a great canvas difi'erent parts negro'a superlatively and egotistical- in Cuba—to be one of the most taper retheirly from the caTT ieT oT' of the human body when healthy, and different parts when diseased. ly grandiloquent style. Rev. T. C. Oliver said : "God bless the Globe lovely typos of the sex. She tltr�ugJt their local Ilpost q�ees will confer:a favor by reporting at title And what• the world- wants now is tale devil's dread and Georgia's ter. a of not have so much "soul" as some of the American women, but of the office at once. Subocriptions may some eloquent scientist to go through the country, showinti to our rot and Canada's glory. The black man that says he won't support it, ubau woman's loveliness there can ef:mntertce at any time. young people on blazing- canvas the let him be anathema maranatha ,,e no question. She is beautiful ADVERTISERS. drunkard's liver, the gambler's liver. Perhaps the spectacle might A PITHY POINT PRAQTICALLY PUT. In form, ill movement, in face, From the nina or little girl to old Advertiserswillplease bear innrind stop- some young Ulan before lie The official returns of the United a4e she is still beautiful. She is that all "changes" of advertisements, comes to the same catastrophe, and Kingdom show that they imported winsome as a' child, lovely as a ma. to ensure insertion, should be handed the dart strike through his own last year 65,154 beef cattle from den, entrancing as a sweetheart, in Trot later than MONDAY NOON of liver. Canada and 96,811 from the United adorable as a wife, dear and sweet each week. My hearer, this is the first sermon States. This shows the disingenu, as a mother, and again charming color and beans with a certain good• y ou have heard on gospel P the el of ousness of the Commercial Annexa, and winsome when the days have - CIRCULA'T`ION• health, and it may be the last you tionists in declaring that free access come arid she is a child again. Scutt)- THE NEws-RECORD has a larder* wi,l ever hear on that subject ; and to the markets of our neighbor would be a great benefit to our stock how that sort of thing, all the way along, would seem to comprise circulation than any other paper in 1 charge you in the name of God and Christ, and usefulness, and raisers. As the United States have prise conditions out of which good this section, and as an advertising -� medium has. few equals in Ontario. eternal destitly, take better card of a larger surplus of cattle to sell abroad than ourselves, it is obvious ' women could secure the truest wor- ship, the happiest lives. And, in Our books are, open to these who business, your health. When some of you die, if yogr friends on that they cannot want our live spite of what may seem to be their mean ' _.Ilgt your tombstone a truthful'epitaph, it will stook except to make,a profit on objectless idleness, I believe •they. dOIi PRIN'T'ING. read : "Here- lies the victim of them as middlemen. Of course our ' farmers, besides an occasional do here. � fade is one of the Latin mould, oval, late suppers;' or it will be : "Be- ' sale of choice stock for breeding Ili the physical beau, of Cuban P Y Y • The Job Department of this jour- hold what chicken salad at midnight , when there is no duty, women the commanding features g nal is one of rise best equipped in will do for a man 1 "or it will be :" purposes may sometimes sell. to to are the foot w hose daintiness and Western Ontario, and a superior len cigars a day closed illy earthly .advantage the butchers or jobbers of a United symmetry are marvelous • the su % Y Y P •class of work is guaranteed at very existence ; ''or it will be :" Sat States city that is close at hand, but le willow lace of movement. of P , Y grace moderate rates. down in a cold draught, and this is these exebptional cases would go a person, the exquisitely modeled p q y _— til@result;" or it will be:" Went out without, an overcoat, and took very small way towards compensat- form, and the eyes, which never lose their lustre and glow. Cuban ,/ The Huron News -Recon this! last chill ; "or it will be. ing the great body of Canadian women wear shoes no larger than pap $1.50 a Year—;1.25 In Advanee. Thou ht I could do at sevent what g Y farmers for the injury to their home market that would lie caused -by the the No. I 'size for women i6 the that Ler ever pet -feet teeth dazzle i❑ 'hair I did at twenty and l am here ;" or it well be: "Here is the coil- suppression of Canadian factories if states.. Nor is this diminutive size the result of any pinching process. OVctltlestlay, tH July 11, 1538. sequence of.sitting a half day with manufactured goods are admittedShe free.—Ent�rire. is born that way. That is, her that lead -black darkness which wet feet;" or it will be : 'This is little ones, The curlew, plover•, foot. And whatever the woman's , The Gospel of Health, where I have stacked m harvest of Y LIVING BY THEIR WITS. weight or size, the foot is universal - night, and is indeed a glory ev But liar her wild Data ;" or, instead of words, the The vast majority of the' adven. j Y i this tlaint and beautiful thin" Y Y b T. Do Witt "Talmage some, tints stonecutter will chisel for an epitaph turesses depend for their mainten- Its arch is wonderful. But one thing ago preached,a sermon. in the Brook. on the tombstone two figures; name- ence upon the folly and passions about it offends the foreigner's eye. lyn Tabernacle from the text, "Till ly, a dart and a liver. of the other sex, writes a metropoli. That is the hi -h, narrow hoot heel, a dart strike through the liver"; _ _ _,_.-.�__.__- tan.correspondent. 'Thfy Aro'tnore twoor three inches long, and scarc- Prov, 7 c, 33 v, The folidwing is A JUNE SNOWSTORM, or less decorous in thou, demeanor, ely a third Of an inch at its narro- an extract from this sermon -- and try as far as ossible to cool- Y P west part.' One feels afraid of ac, For And Aboq,t Women A DISAPPOINTED WOMAN The other evening, just before sundown, a gentleman who was sitz, ing by his window alsualiy remark' ed—''There goes the woman that George Brown is (lead gone On.' His wife, who was in thft room gett- ing supper really, dropp(d it plate on the floor, tumbled over the balty, and ran like a lamplighter to the window, with—'Where I 'fell Int+ quick 1' 'The one with the Ion€ cloak—just at tiw, corner.' 'Than tale woman at the window said in dLep disgust—'Why, 'that's his • wife,' 'Yes, exactly,' remarked the brutal husband. Then the disappointed woman went back and got supper ready—but her usually sweet dis- position was sourbcl for the entire ovening. 0.W J, TUP0 The NOWS RON Has just received a complete series of New Type from the foundry of FAIMIlt, Lrrrir. & Co., New fork, The new material is just the thing for a rr •FI e•: ■�01� a SUCK AS 'Bili Heads, statements, I preach to.you, this morning the A Deplorable State of Affairs in port themselves according to the cidents and contretemps' from it.' Letter Heads, '•os el of health In takinry a diary- Aberdeenshire. usages of good society. They frit- But this prettyfooted \voman is a P b • :, nosis of tbo body. You may have the bend filled with all intellectual- )ties, anti the ear with all It1Ui31C0.1 appreciation, and the mouth with all eloquence, and the. hand with all industries, and the heart with all ge,ierosities ; and yet "a dart strike through tBe liver." Another practical use of this sub. Joe is for the young. Tile, theory is abroad that yoyng men moat first sow their wild oats, and afterwards Michigan wheat. Let me break the delusion. Wild oats are generally sown in the liver, and they call never be pulled up; they so pre- eeeupy-ttmf-opga'n-that-tllele-o,; . room for the implantation -of a --q A corrE•spondent of the Edinburgh' Scotsman writing frons Strathdou,in Aberdeenshire, oil the 4th of this nionth, says : " This is the third (lay of a snowsturn in the month of .Tune, to which no living person in this country has ever seen any compari• son. Up to Saturday the weather was for some days cold and frosty. Upon Stiturday the atmosphere its- sumea it veay ugly tin-likt! color, and about midday hail and snow began to fall, continuing up to the present date. The snow upon the highest ranrye of hilly cannot be under two a,ld^a half feet. deep' DcNvn in the owgroup ti Ie (leptli IsVpowerail(1 -inches. vent the numberless restaurants and cheap hotels with which the city is crowded, and make itasp ecial point to increase their acquaintanceship, They find their best victims not, as ultght be imagined, ill the young and , inexperienced, in the fresh arrival from the country, nor the college graduate, but in the mal► of, the world, the suspicious b-anker and the blase merchant. Their first prefe►ence, is the -rich, experienced married Miall ; their last, the youth- ful and sentimental clerk. 'Their mode of attack is flattery, delicate and refined it may ,be, but still flattery. They, have strong percept- seldoili overloikthe sure footed one. She is the most graceful woman on her feet, in_Nyalk and carriage, in the promenade, or in the dance, you ever saw. So this sinewy, lithe grace must also he, in, bred, a part of the grain; fibre, blood, and the very spirit back of them. As to her form, it is perfee- tion. Nine woman out of ten you meet are models of sytuul0try. I should say they wero rather under the size of our average.'. American woman. There la A greater delicacy in line -and proportion. They do not so torture their persons or them - selves. They do not endeavor to ubol- sh everY'vital or bpan the of action , an ose Organs lemsH've.,, :rl all righteous crop. We see •men about mine or tell The wools and man's weakest spot. Once in her effort to rival the hour glass in fort). shrubs wear a very weird and sad- power she draws from the victim a They are themselves' Many Anheri- ry ry. us at eighty —erect agile, ° n s lendid Z, Y i b P old lien. How litany wild oats' did liken ndin m. u PPera i 1 'ce' amany cases es handsome salary or income, in many n w ' ca .omen ruin •themselves ,and great desEruc.tion. has been .done to' bases.UFger than, he- allows to his sicken the public endeavoring to be they sow between the Rb0P,A of sigh. teen and thirty'!—None., absolutely all, soali of Ilushew and trees from own famgy;. As itis seldom site is something beeirl'os.woman all around. none. ' God does 'not the densely -packed quantity of snow Content with a sniffle income, she ' These women are pretty , nearly' as very often honor with old age those who have falling -upon the branches. The condi• usually provides two or three strings God made them. _ in earl life sacrificed swirls oil the Y tion of tl.ean'nlal world may be better to her how, and is thus enabled to ' '1'Be ' Cuban women's faCP, slay be -__--__ altar of tl:e-hodi�lv teulple.- Re. ati imagined than described, Tile cattle live in a style which.* to docent and said to be. wholly interesting and member, O young uhau, that white^ v_ere,_.a_ur�tll newly (lutesupon- the grass, And IIRtI a Ill�llt Of colli God-fearing folks is it perpetual mystery. ------, • • mystery: nod -t0 COYer IHii-ii6fions to el )ether than wholly 1 e+ )�_�- o ly , , uttful. ill after years of dissipation, you may, erha'ts have heart p starvation upon .them St>,turday, Yes- � aIle, almost invariably is n zealous ILs bCRllt IY til 1tA ffX rC39lO t1 rt, t11 P, 1' Y P than repose. Some faces of women , , , your changed, religion does not chane g g terday bundles of hay, and stra v and untiring church ineulber from are grancl and classic, in repose. I b ' the liver, Tr>3mbliug and Sttlgger. were dispatched to the'fields, but as thestorm still increasing to- til(: first clay of tile., year to the lai,t. have seen man English, German Y g ' ' ing along these streets arrn men all o a i 'bent and decayed and prematurely decayed, P Y .was a wards N\ouinry 111 the cattle lied to °' ` r A CIiURCH3IAN'i'4'lE\vS• and American worsen of that type. But when they spoke or awakened + old° for the reason that they are be removed and bossed up, .,oma were driver( into 911E'lterinry woods At the Diocesan Synod, in on, to menta) ,and social activity. ;the . paying for liens they put on their where indoor accoiiimodation could treat last week,.Dean Carmichael, spell was gone. There is a type of physical estato before they werenot be had. Shepherds who were out who is well known in Clinton, in a beauty, or loveliness, which glows thirty, By early dissipation ,lacy all day upon Sunday looking after speech against P ^au)s` lila proposed license it, activity, It .vePuts to worm and put oil their body a first mortgage, the sheep in the glens had their lull said : What bus the trade color and beans with a certain good• g -a.rhd..A third wort n e, to the devil • -- �. o � and thEse mortga;es, foie•is beards literally with tangles done o c fo.r the c country? It could not be compared for one moment re nes of nature heart, s of 1 alt of soul , , behind it. You can barfly 'tell Are now closing, and all that .remains of the b of icy. The state of the flocks deplorable: In many cases the loss with any other legitimate trade. It Y g Ivhere it is, .or what it is, 'but you earthly estate of -these men the must' b0 S@r10U3 AInOnry, the, lambs, has excited the disapprobation bf all pp' see it trill It is "ibulething of this Y• b undertakeg will soon put out of where, for the last three days the classes, If a &c was known by its subtle sort men expect and want,• ill sight. Alany vears ago, in fulfill- hill sheep have been isolated in Awl- fruits, then this traffic had done the face of women, And it is some - ment Of nay text, a dart struck tared corners to keep them from nothing but injury, and It \VRS ]til ^ thing like this that is very end � through. their liver, sad it- is there being smothered, but as no informa. races to the county It had been g y• This in the; Cuban women's face. This yet, GO forgives, but outraged tion has to hand whether or not the encu, o y, f happiness, of relition, fade is one of the Latin mould, oval, • physical law never; never, never. they are sealed under the ow - of morality and de^.enc There Y Y• and with a delicate protruding of a P' g 'Chat has a Sinai, !tut no Calvary, eslarge drifts, where in many cases the men die men was one tliin it had done., . How= g pretty and shapely chin. Her Y P �' Stephen A. Douglas ave ' the P b g r on tbf, lookout yesterday after the ever separated the church of Eng- complexion is waxen, creamy, with name Of "squatter sovereigl>\ty" to sheep. were going tivough lip to the land alight be from the Methodist and Presbyterian-- hurcheQ, no carnation in her cheeks. T,nt mcluth,.Jttcg(:, mobile,;t,reWul those who wont Out West au' took shouldcrs. As to the feathered tribe -w4j4---her Possession of lands, and held them by their condition is - truly pitiable, h(i\vever far they alight be from her far they be +vith just a sugmestion of pathos in the slight drawiu� down the t{le right pre -occupation, ' Let a Blackbirds lay dead in our garden, _hAvever might separ- at flock of .ins, settle on your heart and a -robin redbreast has come to aced from the church of Rome, gild corners, has lips so red and ripe before you get to twenty, f ve years our doors with his young family, the Clint of Ilorue from rile church that Ler ever pet -feet teeth dazzle i❑ 'hair of acro, and they will, In all probabil- flying hither and thither, picking up Y g P g of England—the .drink traffic 1194. brilliant coutrast. I-Ier is of ity, keep possession of it by an in, ' fraguhenty and giving thorn to the done this one thing—it had united that lead -black darkness which ferual' squatter sovereignty. "I little ones, The curlew, plover•, all these churches in solid array suggests a wierd, soft inist upon the promise to pay back tit the bunk swallow and all the other migratory against it. .He could not help night, and is indeed a glory ev But liar her five hundred dollars six months from date, "says the birds are one away a ain the la ng thinking that whatever differences there be between these bodies, eyes aro pric ess, crowning loveliness, her never end, promissory, note." I promise to pay my life, (night win„ excepted ). The youbroods of.grouse were ill which represented the ciiuse of mor• ing power and chars.!. They cannot 1 • t f sone cases seen ality and order not one of ',diem be described. When you say that Mote Heads, Envelopes, ' ' Folders, &c., &c. Ili tact we have Type and Stationery, Inks, &e., and the experience, to turn out All Classes of Wort .-,R" .9 a li —IN T,II E— CWA mt �e od f." The Double CirculaHOR Talks to Thousands. t.,.:E �°I � ^ °•°°''fatal O v' O a a U1 k _ .-•i 6 3 a in •- a X rile W "O v" ACd ,40 � '� • 7.i �1i�.�t Peel a p o tl� W t 1 V 3 Z q t lir y years tom (late, at the bank comtnry u above the snow now fled ' V Q ,ls QI to of the grave, "says every indraatio❑ ed and tl o she herds lit one ort o would so far disraco and humiliate behind their long, dark, half -biding ° ' P put ire people as to take its stand upon ladies they are large,,,dark, dreamy of the laws of .your physical being, broods under juniper bushes to give the side of that abominable traffic, yet glowing, flashing with fire; liquid That young man stuoking eigar- them shelter. The landscape, as far whose history was wrttten in the with languor, you F.ave only hinted02 Z 0 to ettes and cigars has no idea that ho as the eye can see, is one of pure sadness and sorrow o#` thousands of their inexpressible expressiveness,' Oka 1110 h getting for himself a smoked white—not one black spot to beseen, mother's, children and wives." The they are the sante eyes at 9, at 19, liver. That young mRn has he idea - - report of this address says : ""Che at 90. And so it is^ witb tbis I bURE that he has by early -dissipation so A BIG STRIKE. effect of this impassioned speech woman, her features in active play, depicted his energies'that he will go A big strike wall make when Powell was extraordinary. The speaker her grace,' her good nature, her good into battle' only hal armed, k Davis issued Itheir Extract of arsap- was interrupted again and again. , breeding, which rightly means good Napoleon lost WRt(-rloo , days before arill and Burdock. It has met with with loud applause. Every man in heartetlnesp seems to you the perfect it was fought. Had he attacked the great success, and it must, for it is the PP y + Y p Fl�ls B most powerful blood purifier in the mar- the house was thrilled, gentleman maid and mother ; because you find `When I any metol to English army before it was y ket. It used with the greatest success rushed forward to shake hands with in her the beauty men love to find, itop them for a time, and then havettiem•rer reinforced, and taken it diyis, n all diseases arising from a debilitated the s.peahor At the clog@, and rile ef• the rico all the world admires the ;urn•agatn. t Mnnx A RADICAL atTRE. ion by division, lie alight have corfdit:ou of the system, and everyone t g l i ad ion the disease of won the day ; but he waited needs, and should use a bottle or two at fect of the speech Was seen in the charm of modesty all save women of r i this se son of the year, of Powell's Ex. vote, which was not only unanimous pretended -genius can tolerate,.. the Ei�S, EPILEPSY or until ho had only one hundred tract ttf8arsaparilla and'Bfird6dki Bear but wits accompanl(ld -with loud and fidelity that itself holds all .loyalty ]FAL aWO 94"10` 1KNE So thousand then against two °hundred in mind one 50e. bottle contains more long continued applause," R to it, and the lady and women true, �p, Iffolongstud . I wARnANrmyremedy to thousand. And here is a young( solid medicine that, most dollar so-called who n teciotea and loves that royal UUnto tile worst,cases, Decauseothers have man who, if he put all his forces Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember - PP Y faitedtsnoreason for not now receivinr( acure that it ie sold In Clinton b all dru rata Dftd1ROY TnC Wonats, or the may queen ship which owner the home as SondatonceIoratreatiseandaFnnnBOTTLr against the regiment of.. you.tliful y i3g� ) Y Y of my INFALLLnZ1C RF.hIEDY.' QiYe RXP rens temptations, might, in the strep til price 5oc. abottle. Sold by all drug- destroy ` .the children. Freemans the most priceless and noblest realm rind Post 011ice. It costs you nothing lor a g gists and medicine dealers everywhere. Worm Powders destroy arid -expel all of wouidrn, This is a real Cuban trial and it will Cure you. Address of God, drive then) back, but he is 443 1 kinds of worms. hr �. 6. P60T.37 Yonge St., Toronto, Oat. • # Y woman, honestly told. " r 1 R r :a e' ✓:T , ,t 1 ....�,,... ,.. .: .,n ,: .,.:.... :.". .nil .:. -.. •: To Sta'k'e If.requontly rwilkh v.; 1 ,u... , hour's delay %vatting 6,; i,. be attunded \lith sci especially ill caws of (r,.. p. and other throat tt.! lm-; • ZIunce, uo !anti;;• s:,, a}:•i i,,' , ,_- wUle of dyer's Cherry ? ,�.• which has proved its, (S, ill cases, the hest Lincr,4vw ever discoverer!. It gives 1,'. •-.r. and prepares tho way falx :, cure, which is cert.du to hu u,i,•, , its Continued list,. S. H. Latimer, iIll. D.,. M1. ,. Ga., says: "I havo found -4p r':, Pectoral a perfect cure hw- ( on, cases. I have known the \vlu•. , .- relieved in a very short t tuiv by : •. . and I advise all families to oral ii r,. den emergeiteles,for (wu;h:> t ctaa;'..•, . ' A, J. Eidson, M. IX,. bli.lilh.- „1 Tenn" says : "I have tisavl A. .• Cherry Pectoral with the I-wxp .-lT my. practice. This wouder•fnl 1+. •t, • tion once saved my 11f& I hrui- "taut cough, ni€€•,lit sweam'. %Ta.s rr�•.e•., reduced in Nesh, and give,,, urn 61 tY„ pIysiclan. One bottle anti a hall a•( t:,,- Pectoral cured me.'t "I cannot say'enough in, pra++.• ,�t Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,- wrirr. Bragdon, of Palestine, Tit.xan,. •• h„i; • - ing as I do that,-bnt for its telt, d long since have died.” Ayer's Cherry Pecten p'., WREPAUED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Peas;. gold by all Drugesls. Price $r; six botttes,y5. Cantelo�'s Carriage Works, The Cheapest and Best OCARTS1 In the 111taket. See them. Stylish and durable Open and Tap I1&'BUGGIES—u Very Bost Material and Closo Prices. St A. Cantelon, Proper C --� ma . • Vic" y ~ - •moi _-y a r'd ":S': l tom` j ct; i -r �tlz;;ntien. I , .•. ,. .. ..• - : p SPECIAL NOTICES. —P�Lp—I it 8'1mail-VC013}the=rel: i-LGa. for a simple VaotsrencxlSet.at that will ukAiovu TAN,, I'•RBCRLns, PItIPLRe, and - BLOTCntts, leItA114 bile skin sdit, clear and beawti 4u1: also iiistrllctions fdrproduetng a luxuriant growth of hair on a held ho.1 S or smface. ooth Address, i0cludiug sc sbanlp, ISSN. YANDELF R. "• Co., 130 Anil utivub,., N. Y. 892y IRVASANH001 D Restor(d. A gei ticmati having innocently con- tractedthe Lbib of self-abuse ill his youth, and in consequence suffered all f,he horrors of Sexual �. Incapacity, Lost alonhood, Physical Dccay, Gen. eral Prostration,, etc., will, out of sympathy for his t llo,ti sufferers mail free the recipe b o 1 y which he vma.fl silt cured. Addrass_ in confidence J. ` W. PINKNEY, 43 Cedar- Na\v YorlC-St::_. "' 1.-•-' _ C% w'd q .. ]� h J's`. c t!J r, c g f. Z. A tJ U°j w �ilW'�,�y•a�„�wW ojt,1��;,U W ;'`PR2'srGOC o,40 1vH3'o;eQ 3 W - co -- - ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GCDERITCH. WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT- INGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCI[ TWEED SUITINGS & TRUUSERINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STI,D CLOTHS, dx Dfacle iq) in Best Style and Worlo. manship at Abraham Smit1�'s. Noly in stock 014e of the cliealJe- and best stoeles of WINTER CLOTHiNC AND CLOTHS. A Full Laine of GENTS' FUR NISIiI:NGS always in stook. It willlpay you to cull. on ABRAHAM ISMITH Y� " b ` >'.t�Y ,-1.,. "aK .nru n. s u... '. %r... if e� ._.:,.:Ntu�niuv..i!+F3ulc•S4✓13UJF'Y.:.�S=�'�.�-�IYY"1.iiiJii 71, r e' ✓:T , To Sta'k'e If.requontly rwilkh v.; 1 ,u... , hour's delay %vatting 6,; i,. be attunded \lith sci especially ill caws of (r,.. p. and other throat tt.! lm-; • ZIunce, uo !anti;;• s:,, a}:•i i,,' , ,_- wUle of dyer's Cherry ? ,�.• which has proved its, (S, ill cases, the hest Lincr,4vw ever discoverer!. It gives 1,'. •-.r. and prepares tho way falx :, cure, which is cert.du to hu u,i,•, , its Continued list,. S. H. Latimer, iIll. D.,. M1. ,. Ga., says: "I havo found -4p r':, Pectoral a perfect cure hw- ( on, cases. I have known the \vlu•. , .- relieved in a very short t tuiv by : •. . and I advise all families to oral ii r,. den emergeiteles,for (wu;h:> t ctaa;'..•, . ' A, J. Eidson, M. IX,. bli.lilh.- „1 Tenn" says : "I have tisavl A. .• Cherry Pectoral with the I-wxp .-lT my. practice. This wouder•fnl 1+. •t, • tion once saved my 11f& I hrui- "taut cough, ni€€•,lit sweam'. %Ta.s rr�•.e•., reduced in Nesh, and give,,, urn 61 tY„ pIysiclan. One bottle anti a hall a•( t:,,- Pectoral cured me.'t "I cannot say'enough in, pra++.• ,�t Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,- wrirr. Bragdon, of Palestine, Tit.xan,. •• h„i; • - ing as I do that,-bnt for its telt, d long since have died.” Ayer's Cherry Pecten p'., WREPAUED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Peas;. gold by all Drugesls. Price $r; six botttes,y5. Cantelo�'s Carriage Works, The Cheapest and Best OCARTS1 In the 111taket. See them. Stylish and durable Open and Tap I1&'BUGGIES—u Very Bost Material and Closo Prices. St A. Cantelon, Proper C --� ma . • Vic" y ~ - •moi _-y a r'd ":S': l tom` j ct; i -r �tlz;;ntien. I , .•. ,. .. ..• - : p SPECIAL NOTICES. —P�Lp—I it 8'1mail-VC013}the=rel: i-LGa. for a simple VaotsrencxlSet.at that will ukAiovu TAN,, I'•RBCRLns, PItIPLRe, and - BLOTCntts, leItA114 bile skin sdit, clear and beawti 4u1: also iiistrllctions fdrproduetng a luxuriant growth of hair on a held ho.1 S or smface. ooth Address, i0cludiug sc sbanlp, ISSN. YANDELF R. "• Co., 130 Anil utivub,., N. Y. 892y IRVASANH001 D Restor(d. A gei ticmati having innocently con- tractedthe Lbib of self-abuse ill his youth, and in consequence suffered all f,he horrors of Sexual �. Incapacity, Lost alonhood, Physical Dccay, Gen. eral Prostration,, etc., will, out of sympathy for his t llo,ti sufferers mail free the recipe b o 1 y which he vma.fl silt cured. Addrass_ in confidence J. ` W. PINKNEY, 43 Cedar- Na\v YorlC-St::_. "' 1.-•-' _ C% w'd q .. ]� h J's`. c t!J r, c g f. Z. A tJ U°j w �ilW'�,�y•a�„�wW ojt,1��;,U W ;'`PR2'srGOC o,40 1vH3'o;eQ 3 W - co -- - ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GCDERITCH. WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT- INGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCI[ TWEED SUITINGS & TRUUSERINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- STI,D CLOTHS, dx Dfacle iq) in Best Style and Worlo. manship at Abraham Smit1�'s. Noly in stock 014e of the cliealJe- and best stoeles of WINTER CLOTHiNC AND CLOTHS. A Full Laine of GENTS' FUR NISIiI:NGS always in stook. It willlpay you to cull. on ABRAHAM ISMITH Y� " b ` >'.t�Y ,-1.,. "aK .nru n. s u... '. %r... if e� ._.:,.:Ntu�niuv..i!+F3ulc•S4✓13UJF'Y.:.�S=�'�.�-�IYY"1.iiiJii