HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-07-11, Page 1- •� .. l.. � • eve ' ,w • 0" 1- E T9R111Ss--$1.*p per Annum, $1.26 let► Advngce. IYDPPI:iVD,&NT 11V ALL Tii1Nl1S, N1;111'4?,4L IN Yu2711NG WHITELY .Sc TODD, FlablLhei• _ n VOL. IX. --NOS 30. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ON'T.,,WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1888 WHOLE N0. 504 ` ' ! guanx V'Nli'�aF17M�1;`yN�� n S ♦ n Qa X (arra �t>attdatRaa. Woanz ��aal4a ltallclautc giartX (�ar►'aslraita�ial�aa �aztiC (�>vxr>e�lt tt�latxca �aauX (��at'ra,:;l�azz�c�ta. Goderich Godertch. Goderich. Goderfelt. Lucknow. Liticknuw. Miss Alic+; I + The public schools cloned last Miss Blanche \Vidder has return_ Sharutan has ruturued i Nina Seymour of New York is Rev. i4ir..Shaw, English Church Dr. El•liptt is one of the gentle - week. ed from college. to town to spend her vacation. visiting her sinter Mias Strachan. minister, left last week on a,trip to men that practice here the noblest Mr. V1'.,Hutchisou is home on a I4Ir. Rnd Mra. 1ieGurvR of Clin• Dr. and Mrs. McKidtl wore in At tho last regular meeting of the old country, calling man eau follow. Ile is, we town last week. Huron Lodge' No Gp I. O. 0. G. McIntyre, the general merehaut understand, as suedesiful in the art visit. fou spent Dominion day in the ° of heiliu as he is suave ill manner, circular town. :Miss Josie McDougall is vi,iting the followingofliears were rnstalled is n goodybusiuoss°man and of ox' g • , Miss Dickson has returned from , b 1''. F. Turns:—Bros. P. Holt N 1 liberal views, lie should hat• sister• Mrs. Joseph Kidd. Y , - . Gooding y which is saying a good deal. There asuurmer ague. The contractors for laying the I t.r; J. C. 1lartin, V, Cr ; C. A. Nairn; have and we believe has sora is Dr. To' located here ►ud Mr. Henry Cooke is spending water works pipes were in town on Mr. James Addison's splendid t It S ; Goo Stivens, P. S,;Jno Smith, friends and patrons. Y another ph siciau whose Halon we ► t; catch ort Friday has cousiderably Pa 1 Y { his holidays in Detroit. Dominion day augmented the trolling squadron. Trans; C. W. Andrews, Warden; R. The Whitely House has heun did not learn, - 111 r. C. A. 'Nairn and bride a►r- lir. Jno. MoNa has returned R,oynolds,Conduetor; F.F. Lawrence rather quiet hate! owiD„ to a ehau„ Lawrence the hardware uta , Y Mr. lt,uburt Devine of Dakota, an. R S ° N C.: �V. Alfto.hell L. S. N, q Y ° °e u' 1 riyod huiue Thursday, from Lond)u where he wits attend- 01,1 tittle ►resident is renewing old „ ' in proprietorship, but will no doubt seems to carry a stool: well up to ' g .Y ins College. ' ° G , F. Gundry, I. G ; A. Johnston. be as live! and as well patronized the requirements of the lace. He ° There was ;% !aeon °arcluu party at ° g friendships. 0. G. Y 1 q P (4; ox-Alayur Horton's on Saturday There was a large pally at Mrs. 'Cite schooner Pha'(Vo•e with ti as evctt' in a fow days. was very wroth with a screed pub- r. afternoon, Ha%aloys, Huron road, on Friday ctu;;o oi' salt from Port 1'tvink, ar- On Sunday moruiug the Orange. Isaac Martin runs a hotel Isere lished in TuE \Tows-1$EeoRD last ; afternoon, men led by the town band marched and keeps ill) the family re potation 'May which he alleges was a libellous Dr. Taylor was so i'dIisposed the rived in this harbor on Sunda 1 I Y 1 Sunday'. to Kn. x church Rud tom. entad attack upon him. TxE NEws pant fete weals as to be unable to Fir. A. S. McGregor of the Sun A number of our Uddfellowe went �' � by keepping a house otniuQutly eon- P leave the house. Life Insurance Company was in to Lucknow ofurd last aro its annual celebration, which will eorvative of the wants of the travol- REeonD was quite innocent in the town last week. Tuesday �o be ,ountinuod to morrow by the ling and local p°[iblie. matter. ; . Mrs. Alexander, of Niagara, is attend the funeral of the Irate R. J. journey to London. Rev Mr Wallace village is about one and a visiting her p trouts, \fr. and Mrs The contractors for laying g the Whitely. John \'t llkeeps the people ° Y 6 3 Anderson preached. The brethren half miles from the station which J. IL Williams. pipes in connection with the Gode- It is said that Mr. John Kidd tarried out in large numbers and lip with the times by supplying , rich water works %v.ill be in teen " watches, and clods and mattes the auggasta t.ho query : How is it that ;Rias Relates, of Stratford, is in h:as purchased tho International proseutod an excellent appearance so man rural centres w trade aro ou Monday. The gentlemen will young folk happy by keeping in Y town on a visit to !tor sister, Mrs. is cult well and thu f;t in adjofn.ing, -as they tuarched to the church. et Clc a Supply of built so far from railway stations thou commence the work. of the orthodox �� James Robinson, and that itninediato proparationS Their iu►•n ant refiect.•+ credit ou den hoops. Both 11r and AI r. Har- ed when water carrying Idghways gen. '�•+` \Ir. Frank 1lcGrego• who return- At the recent Culedoulan games will be made fur running the salt them in every way, and should do tin ore t01ntNt t t+.!nubs ul Goderich. orally ruts in the immediate prox- ed homo some` few weeks since six of the competitors between them well to its full oapacit.y, much to make all but bigots and iutity of t11R largest cities4 Tho suffering from fever, is now around carried off forty two prizes, from The law office- will,frou► Monday political apitAoia understand that rho Maine 11uu.-e ib ran by an answer would appear to be that the: a►gafn. which it is evident that the business next, cluse on S iturda at 1 p, m., the Urnuge Order w;is founded ou a old Gudoriohite. It ii %veil appoiut• 3 1 villa -es were built before the rail. ; of a professional athlete is a paying and other days at 3.3� m. v step free roligioue and political founda• ed, art+I conduetrtl by 1G•. Caine Air. Fred Price is now a full p + • 1 I ways, whereas the rivers were built fledged druggist, h aviug passed Iii- ono. in thu right directiuu. Chusu of tion. We eopgratulato L. U. L."No. said itis gnarl°manly assistant•, 1Ir, r; Davidsun, in a in,innor that would before the cilias. final exam. successfully tit 'Io•outo Tho town papers have no word our rwu.ers h tying l►w business fn• 182 on its turn out tact Sunday, and agtinst the society that advort.i>: