HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-06-27, Page 84*
Ripu wild stray berries wore mark-
eted, in Clinton the early part of12��
last week.6--OVMWALL PAPER8*--a
MISSES. 11. SMITH and ]Kathleen777M_§ §444-i-
Ball of Goderich were in town last
orts of Clio county town paid the *`
bull a visittlast Friday. WALKING STICKS. BASE BALLS The Hot Weat
Tan days have already comment. AND BATS.'FOOT BALLS. BIRD 7777_017L-.�§7
ed to Shorten though there is yet
► daylight ellon"li to put in a full ten CAGES. BASKETS. &0. &0.
hours, within ll encroaching upon
lamp ofmoonlight.'le't1lent AsSL64iolit of the above goo(
We have su e., ate offering them at
Wt'were pleased to have a call
Boy's Seersucker Coats, $0.75,
from 11r, Al4x. Hamilton of
Goderich township, last Friday, and
to find him quite strong again after Chris. Dickson , -.-o- Clinton, Boy's Lustre Coats &Vests2.00.
suffering troll all affection of the 3.30
Men's CC CC CC
lungs. 0=
Ilonsts.-About fo"rty horses in THE old veteran Col. Van Ekmond THE TOWN 'BESIERED Men's Seersucker Coats, - 1.215
POWDER a ,hove, two abreast, passed through Still keeps to the front in the Salvat-
Friday evening en route to ion Army. -BY Mqn's Black Russel Cord
Absolutely Puree Clinton 1, doats,
Tn�g a,,,derY',,evor.ear!.,. A nla,vel of purity, Goderich where they were shipped AY THE hose -men's race in Brant. -3.00
r". he. d on the United Enqdre on Saturday
Afore econonklea
6t '8R. ford last Wednesday Seaforth men Life Insurance
than the ordinary kinds,
multitude of low test, got third place. They ran the I
short weldht alum or phosphate powders. Sold
ja Caa
$. ROYAL WAKING POWDER. CO-, 106 LICENSE COMMISSIONER SLOANE, fastest but lust time ill coupling•
w.11 st., N. Y. of Godoricb, was in town on Satur-' OOK AT SAMPLES OF COST IN A.We Show a lar(,6 and varied Stock of
aft),, the same jolly bachelor -as of MR. R. J. WHITELY, of Lucknow,- JJ HOME COMPANY.:
We heard it remarked be has sold out his business there, ow- -_PKR 81,00
We regret to 0 -
The Huibin News -Record to ill health. ��T. 2.5 Cost for IsA, also 1886��Ial
would pass for a parson or priest, so ID* + +
that there he isnot improving. :11 11 $0 + +
,,�I 5o it Year-st.25 ill A,lvanee• well preserved and happy did he learn6.54 . ...... ------ QAQ�1-- -------
11 40 .1 11 0 03
appear. THE Presbyterian Sunday school :1 45 61 1. 7 59
I CIO 1. 8 88
picnic last Thursday was a very 60 .1 14 97 M FM Aftft
..rHs LONDON Free Press says that pip t, the day being fine
the "Fast Hui -on Farmers Institute" good to rn ou 0 , av" Definite Insurance at the aloove rates.
Car Barb and other Fence Wire Will run all excursion to theGuelph but very warm, but closing with a S
0 See ine !,efore yog insure lit any company
shower' of rain as is almost invariably and understand our plan. At the age of
fly- �lle t-oilt lot- $5,000 was about $35 for L C
just received. Full stock at all Agricultiral College, on%Vednesd,. the case oil such occasions. 40 ight lothill
It. is gratifying to find that our city - .18$00, also for 1886. 9
times. -R. M. RACEY. contemporary " recognizes that the A (40oll TIME. -The annual. See I
0 is before,yoll decille.
February 20th. 1888, farmers of Huron are a fast people. Strawberry festival in connection 0/ X X X + +
They are indeed. with St. J61in's church, Holmes- Jas, Thompson, Agent. +
LiAlE.-Persons requiring, little ville, will take place on Friday 29th
for building can bo supplied by - TAF WINGHAm Advanee says. that inst., fit the 1'0.�ideuco OVAII.S. Satill.
Cooper and S-Watlield with 5t Mary's Goodfellow, the man who perished Holmes', Hurun road. No efforts Miss LILY C.,lNTrLOV who was MANUFACTURED BY OURSELVES,
white little, 501-tf, miserably by his own hands at have been spared to make Clio' cc.- somewhat indisposed last woek i . a
Aylmer, last week, under very dis-, cation ;ill oujoyablg one. Straw• able to, be around again. -which cannot be equalled in this section for FIT AND
Another Car Coal -Oil just re• tresainet circumstances, an account berriep, ice cream, PRICE. We have also a Fine AsSortrijent of
0 music, swinge
1 D gs Miss Lucy GnIFFITTIS, Of 1�ill,
we give in another 8.9 cardiae, is residing' in tu%vn lit pro- P
celved-13c. slu e gallon, two of which 0 1. etc. Totwit 5 p. m: Ad tit ion 25 0
gallions,and up 121c Iwr gallonio column,, was an employe of Meadirs. cents ; children under 12 years 10 sent. t
-R. Ifl. NACEV A. and P. Fisher of. Wingliani in• cents, t t
Febrnar'y 9001, 1888. 1870. JUDGE Toms, Councillor J. W.,
'L,_J IS the grass that -rows Smith and town Clerk Campbell of
READ Tins. -I ' 'Ile' baying and Mn - . RoLA-u) BEATTIE Of Clinton on the sod, and marrow fat peas Goderich dropped into ill
Tuesday esd,
barking of a pack of hounds on haa been awarded the contract for emerge from the sod, now the weath - RECORD while in town on
0 0
the chase is glorious music, but the carryiD11 the mail, daily, between' or grows a wee bit more muddy,and waiting for train connection.
10 0. bl.,1
barking of,tho,buinall family is very Clinton and Bayfield The now the D cutter has given place to the
disagreeable to most people, especial- arrangements will better serve the side -bar Now mail SUDDEN DrATu.-Last Wednes, - 4
ly tbose,who, know that 25 cents in- requirements of city to � * � *
0 t. 17* f T
tourists who tg whom fever in Springtime is (lay a young man named Burchill;
vested ill HumpHaBys, SpEclFle No. resort to that pretty little summer ellronic,do't - hbolster.his spine and his about 22 years of age, residing with
7, will check it --coilgh of- cold. resort. It is rumored that tile kpees with a tonic. Now ' is the his parents here, was found in Suitable fol' this Seisoll.
These valuable Silecifics for ill ail- consideration AIr. Beattie is to To- time whou nature "rows splendid, Gibbing's bush, adjoining the 'own,
inents; of the human species, and for ceive is $270. and here is the spot where this poem fatally shot through the head. It __O
many anitualo as wall, are sold by is ended. was at first thought. to have been a .1011h,
the Hwnljhreys' Medicine Co., 100 DR, DoWSLry who has been a case of suicide, but when all the
.Fulton St. Now York Citv.-N . Y. Ruecessful Inoical practitioner here A )DON'T TRY To Kiss IN A ]BOAT.- circumstances are takeil into con- Av 1ffN
81)urfsnlali.� 5 02 for 801110 years has Sold out his busi- A young couple froln-a place sideration there is -�trong presump-
ness and fik successor is here. Dr: not a hundreil- miles front Clinton live evidence that -his dQath was JA U. Ifos
i.4 understood -to coutemp- while making use of one of Capt. the result of accident. Some years
Dowsley 0
Lo C ) A -L Nll-FiC VV'S. bate, takii,gg up it practice - is Some Babb's boats up ,it Godorich had it ago he impaired h6 health by too THE FAMOUS CLOTRIER6.
larero City which' will obviatfi"the very. annoying experience. 'the r some time, past
0 0 severe study. ' Fo
necessity of driviffi; ion" distancoi§ eve 11 . . . _ . r . ' - - - _,._ -r - � 7 -------
lit nitd Arvintift the 1�ffnb," 0 V uin,r air was tempered by the hi� twain idea had been physical
inclement exercko and ' by the modes he ted.
into, tho ;country in "entlo northwest zopbyr,4'which had Licenses -Gran
'It. unseasonable 0 1 M n. A. W. C.111SLAKE is (yettin-
kismd the gc ito strong
alld able hours. Iftly swelling )osoin of atlopted lic, %vits getting'qu
%Vj" .l, L-41 I 1." 0 0 along favorably. Phis work having seriously impaired nine work. Y.
a tlic, Ifike. -Wlwn� abreast. of the and hupq(l soon to res WEST 111JR6N.
ALIft. Jolts E. S'runwr, presently Ill., health. liglithouso the young tivan relaiO For exercise' be would ride out a
Of Hfij.riston, will I'lubably 'engageof C110 oars Tur-Ol!'11ton cricketers dow6ted thii Qomnii8sioners for West -
his hold and his manty distmicc oil the train and walk the Oaderich club last Thursday.
in .the In"_ Qurl-E (,.ocKy7-Tbo 11101 -lin ly. e er,,� Huron, Messrs. W. Drummond,
grue'ury i0lasillit's"s arilis encircled the only. other occa. back. In the ineaf;time fiallin"
liar].' says "Therw 14 quite a railway plant of the boat., kill(., was the of. swiniming Of Movu O\. -Constable Tedford Blyth, JOS Stevens, Base, Line, and
war going all . between' Goderich, bright particular star before whom .shouting The day laid. information against five persons S. Sloan; Godorich, niet in Clinton,
provioi.s to the accident he spent an sheet corners.Saturday, 23rd June -Jas. Stevens,
GORDON YOUSr, 01' Colborne Clinton, Bayfield and other placei i the hour and ii, half S%Nlllllmlr,
supplies some of our rocors with in that locality over tile route of the paled the most effulgelit, one it ill the for loitering oil the stichairman-and -ranted licenses to
arclied blue canopy above. As they river at the place where McKay This habit is a bad one, especially
his celebrated cheese. It, is gratifY- C. P. R. front Guelph to Lake tenderly gazed hit r o each others was drowned last SpriDg. He on Sundays. Their cases came -up the following
ing to find that Hr. Young considers' Huron. They had better save their eyes they forgot that an unpropelled intended to have erono with tile Tuesday but not in titnofornsto- Goderich.-Hotels: G. P,.,Cox,
Clinton the best, market in the wind. The Guelph scheme is not 0 0 the give result. Thomas Whitely, Will. Babb, James
bbdt even on the placid wators of Presbyterian picnic the day follow- a
Bailey, J. C. Martin, Will. Craig, E.
county. -oin,, off nor likely to go on for -Lake Hui -on Inialit be a treacherous ing Cho accident. While rivinbling, Mn. H. G. AlcMicit.EN, 1% well
Cou_,;eiLLoa 11. R. WALKER Oil many years to come. If the C. P.. concern,
cern.. - Ho concluded to taste out in the suburbs lie was iuJile kDo%irn former resident of Goderi Ill Peacocic, A. Al. Shepherd. Shops,;
Friday proved that the ordinary Z. people intend to build north and the evoilim, dew that rflistened oil habit of taking it revolver find, c on' W. L. Horton, Geo. H. Parsons.
has struck it rich. A mining of
west they will surely have wisdom " I charry lips. But bis lllovemeDt, firing ,it targets. He was. 110tieetl pany of which lie is president lkav� I
door trapof a cellar is trio to its ier Clinton-116tals : Isaac . Ratten-
ehou"ll to select I route that will in order to carry out his osculatory the (lay of the accident throwing ing Struck a rich "old beat,' Smith, Chas. Milne"S.
ulatory On to bear}ng vein bury, W. It.
name He was taking it par I in 0 C!
0 offer aoind business. at Rat Portage-, Dian. Thor
to a house of it custonwr wb he intentions tipped. over the boat the revolver up in the air and , aid,.. Morley, S. Pike, C. Spooner,, Geo.
on of a I
stepped' into ono of Chose cellar ATTENTION, PARENT.13!-The public without his having, effected his cateirilig it as it dropped. There to be considerable. free gold and Swarts, It. Reynolds. Shop J,
openings and bruised r pretty ' 'to xeciniens of ore assay $50,000 to- Shepherd.
A himself con- school will close for the holidays on p? pose. They both were pret, seems b,',, no reasonable doubt
well scared but got off with ODIy exercising the ton.
siderably Friday July 6th. As thane is well
0 "t that it Im while so ex Blyth.. -Hotels : It. Milne, Jno.
temporary bath. -Now this is a himself with the i -evolver it was Emigh, D. 14',rwiD, J. E. Bennett.
AT A recent session, of tho Oxford it little over a week remaining in secret, for the YOUD- Ift when aceidentally discharged, with a de. TfiE annual June examination of Shop : J. A. McDonald.
County Council, it communication which children can prepare -for the 8 " lady d.
L confiding it to a friend said it Was, plorably fatal result. The funeral Huron College has just' conclude
Was read from the town clerk of examinations which takb plate on C. re e amined in all the Winyliant.-Hotels : A. 11. Itoe,
and not even Cql�t 11abb upon wj s
Jn-ersoll, containing a resolution abovo named date, it is in their -in- largely attended, a number Thestudeuts we x F. Xornian, J. Dinsley, W. F. Dull
havina. his boat returDed was made of bo 9 and girls' from the Blyth regular subjects tauglit at a thoologic-
ncil t0r'e8t that they attend if they Wish Y r 0 o mage, R. 33. Timmins. Shop. none,
of the 'Ingersoll Town Council f any wiser. And we merely mention Public School attending. The deo al college. Exhibition worth $415
offerin,, $90",000 fur the removal of to be promoted. Picnics and other 0 1
0 this so tIlf.4 he may cil'uttoll young est sympathy iq felt for the family and entitling the holder to a year's Col -borne. -Hotels : W. Lasham,
the county buildings front Wood. holidays have lessenedtlicatteudalloe against attempting to hiss i * free education was awarded to DI r', If. Martin, T1. Cruse, A. AfeAllistar,
7 0 0 u their distressing bereavement.
the past few weeks thus making a people
stock, Tho Ingersoll People have 1 0 ley township Ifullett.-Hotals : John Bell, J,
a while in a row boat and no one to L. W. Diehl of Stan
long had a hankering after -these break in studies of thescholars. It over 11. Fisher.
0 handle the oars. A GOOD MAN Goxu.-Very, inally after it competition extending
buildingi, but they 4till a long would be well if parents would soe iii Cliam-
0 of our readers will regret to learn oi- a wool(. IV. lVaivanosh-W. Iii
from having 010111. Tho that, thelir children attend regularly 0
way 0 0 a . Titt', OLDFST 1,1191,G MASON. pion, J. Lougliced, J, Nixon.
Country Golincil its from now to the Gth of July. .,,ei the death of Mr. Geo. Case, which on
yet has taken no The - Sauta Cruz (Cal.) sentine Rrm`rios.-A public recepti
action"on the conitnimicatiou. , M the Rev. Mr. Living- Ashflold,-W. Flannagan, J. 'Maro
believes that Col. E.dward Sumner tool.-. place at Seaforth last.. week, will be, iveo to
MEMOMAL' SERvicr.-On Sunday
of San Francisco is the oldest where lie had been residing for 'ston, incoming pastor of the Hatten- tin, A. Nicholson, Goo. Irwin,
WIV .WANTED TO Cnoss EXAMIXF evening last a, service was .held in - 0 t Methodist Church, at the r.%ST, JlunoN.
livin", Freo ALI 'fle was born many years past. Though not a bnry Stree
llotsEur.-Judge Drew hold Di- the Ontario St. Methodist church in fit 17 C 96 and has been a Mason for very prominent man in public ftf- residence' and -rounds of W. Doherty Tile full ow in persons aro entitled
vision Court in Arthur o13 the 18th. higinoily of the into Mrs. Jas Stevens, OvVeDing of I'llursday to receive lie )f
Soventy-ono years. I Bu0fr.Richard fairs he was almost universally Esq., on the 0 , , cuel onses for the sale o,
In rofereneb to a certain case the The deceased was a very active mem Holmes, of Fartuersville, Leeds known throughout South Huron as 28th inst All are invited. rile sph-inloils and fornientuLl liquo rs in
E'nterprZqe Says :-"A layman who der of the church and took it, hearty, county, Ontario, colues up better. a blisfuess n7an of un8worvinr, in- Doberty Organ Co. 'Band anti ft the places mentioned -to the district
conducted his own cases created *part in all seriices and work, There
Ife was born oil Clio 27th of April tegrltv. lie was one of fl'num�lous choice sol6etion of music will be on I of East Huron
Considerable ailliasullieut. He was Was - a largo congregation present on the London the programme.
0 0 1787 and *A.,5 made a 'Mason in family" that settled Forehele'le'.-John Brown and
the plaidtilf, and - having been and feeling references wore made
0 b 1813. He'Wihoreforo approaching Road, Tp. of Usbcrne, very many i OUT -DOOR rAINT.-As will be John Rotinf?'dv.
examined by the defiudants' counsel to the deco:%sed'by Aloisrs Ti lad Ili,
.3 102nd year of life and been 73 years ago. We were porsonally ac- Seen by- advertisemont9in another Be�yrarc,Johu Loniouby au4
lie left the box; but almost immed- and Manning, -who with Al -r. Pick- 0 column Messrs. Scobio and Camp- job, Scandrett.
years a Mason. He is grand -father of quainted.with deceased as far back
iatoly rostimod the witness stand. and of Ito] ' inesvillo conducted an Ali,. 8, J. Andrews, of this town-, who as 1850. Ile rfor many years did bell of Goderich aro prepared to
Being asked his object in returning appropriate cervi -.e. The bereaved Corrie, -John Aekett and Lauch-
vibit6d him' on his 100th birthday. business for 'Murray Anderson furnish and apply an excellent
he replied "Your honor, I desire husbiad and family have the syni- The old geutlenian is in full Of I,013dou, afterward went to Aus- articlelin Campbell.
0 of mineral paint for the
w cross exaibine myself in be path of a, largo circle of friends.who pngo§ j?ntni facultieq- tralia, raturneil to Cabada and bo; of nit his Ili, to Newbridge.-Robt. McAlinn.
n,,til canio lm -,,ply engaged in buying,n„r implements and any an
iotere8ts of tile pi!iintilf." It is know the wurth of the deceased and and is in good Itealth and Stl't.' outside of buildings, roofs o 11"roxeter.-John Groft d
peedlo4s to Say 104 r"'1111"t w.ls not collsequent,1%, flio'great losssustaln-.
a with the exception vi it weaknes or catt,llu fur tile export trade.' His
,iccoded to. ed by her d...nisu. wi I article that needs protection from Win, Johnston.
1111flibness of the lower limbs which word was as good as a Vanderbilt the weather. Note their address 1117a7lon.-Win. Beiriles and Chas.
.Nf4a, Afa.cx AcDouaAL, a pv:)tn- Ci,iNTo-; FIREMEN returned to prevents him from walking easily bond. The estimation in which he and give them a call.Sage.
inert Lobo farmer, died oil Friday town Inst '1 from. the Brant• without assistance. ]lis direct was held caused Clio COuseyvativor', I I
Under p�cnliar circumatimces, One ford tournament. They matched descendants number nearly $O and upun the appointment of Mr. Gib- THE -newest fad among young Ethel. -John Burton.
•day Jawl v lie was assisting in Mitch- up town marshaled by Capt Pay, tell of Ilk twelve Children are still bons as sheriff and the consequent.' ladies igcalled "tips." They count Dailies find S. 0,
a q this vacancy in the representation of every lino a gentleman tips his hat Tuck.
"wring cattle, and, in potl[orat- agcoinplinied by the Blyth Ilan(], to aliv(., Mrs. S. Andrews of
ixig all uld strap, lie wounded his the Hall." Drill Sorpaut Emigh re. town I�Leiug one, Oil the 2701 Of South Huron, to Dominate Mr• to them and when they reach a likin- Jame'stuicn.-Thos. McEwen,
C, Bred tips, the one hundredth no title- I
o 8, tile' Anniversary of his Alolestrurth-Win. Wtird.
haud, iml to %visit off the blood crulatod the movements of tile 13aud, April, 188 Case in opposition to Mr.� bishop. a tile
With nought but qgrood common man is supposed to be the on
tituck his hanis into a pail where which played "File Conqueringy 101st birthday, a large� number of B)-1,."e7.q._Strotton -Broo.J.0'.'Keil'
sotu-� old lolood and water existed. 1101'00A Collie" in fine style, find friends visited pini, land the old 8011se and the volunteer efTorts,ofhis lady receiving, the tips will marry,
friends f
w ltoz i ng go r ais o ft It e b I ood several oilier brilliantly executed go'.100111111 PIV;1s:IntiY Onte"tained N r
The duo o back him up, be came ilio "tips" orptze is spreadingrapid- and T. Hall and Xcl,ning & C -bol,
% of being ly, and the young, laMes" Oe hoar4. I auEffniond,'
(-40111-dw!1) gut into the wound, and pieces to the great, dolight Of our them, anti before leaving lin asked within about adozen voteshi counting Clio tips as one passos.them
lie felt a qbii,p pain go all 11 p Ilia citizbne. In returning from the Hall thein to Join bini'in prayer when he elected. The last time wo saw in Lwdbury. -'Ed. MoNarmAra.
4irm. , PaRteiAr4 Klein and lCoill to tile station they formed in a circle offered 111) a petition which for tails at the big meeting in, the skat- Oil the street.
Whdhroj).-Jas, Fulton.
ing rillk in L11C fall OT' 1886 at God
have shown that bovine blood ill opposite Chief Pa'y's store and gave fervid oloqueupe and devotion Dublin. -'Phos. Crawford.
certaill stages of d4eOmposit,iou is it the "old mail" a parting blast. The stifi-it could scarcely Ile dfIT1111PLI, 810 icill, when Sir John A.Macdonald and -ZDn. Jno. rope,11inister of hail. M y i I -Ministers were pre- ways"is not improving, if his health Bbterale lion Satilts.
violent lloisun and always rosult,s speak very h4ghly of the way Chiof ways the Leed.3 Report •r from which other Cabinet _ does not improve, his department
, I)Ove.
fatally in nion a&.1 aninrils. Aar- - Pay and his mon treated them. .Tho we haveabove. �avo culled the I11,t sent. Ile was a staunch ConSerVa will ill is stated, be consolidated
a. one, mora with the Public Works -The Dominion 0overment has
putttion was.res)rtej CQ in tit-) C,vic Chiefshook hanis with them all paporgi.ves aportrait.of tile vanor. live. Ilu wasnever ]untried. Alessr 0 r
1 ion; hair 0 J%villef •Tai, If Barri, I)uan and ollifirs from Department,under the sole direotion granted $5 000 for the Sufferers by
of Nl r. %I, but tlpi c:18o w,is rotin(l find then theyblithely march• able old Inall wit 1 10 - I ,
0 the Mull 6e.
).akell 111) too late. el to the Station on route for Illyth. down oil to his sholliders. - linton attended the funeral, of Sir flector,Langevin.
. r 9