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The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-27, Page 6
The Huron �/ p A S c VFR.AL'!'R1Ai.. Apvlce TO 3fot^Retia --Are you tit$" i { iQ1�'AM�i{, t�'"llt�r i i'r 1+ turban at 111 111 and broken aP your rent The, t �`¢i 111 j��1 t.GO a l,aur-- i.�02n Aclt:quw, Frances S. Smith, of F.Wsdttle, by A slt;l: -PORTA'N efait'1 antfering and orytng with 1 Itt 4 A V k 111 ` 1 41.: ^ • (, aln of Cutting Teeth? !f iso sell±l tit .. -- .- -. -------•---�-•----- Diuskal.gtl writes -111 was, troubled p _ :, 0# all Lon„ rise@saes are much rite same : ! -- - - ~~- ----~- --- -- 4q.ce and get it bottle of Basra Winslow s with vort:.tln; for ,ti1:o Yens and I $ pelta t�yrnp" for Ob,ldren eet,ln #evtlxlsl)uess., loss of appetite, acro t11't2littastl t . .Mille P47tk, lass. hl:te'vootitecl ass of ell as Avo. tilers§ Q , K b K tttcpat, paras ill _t1}o yllext lultl'buGiC, ___-,.._4_ r , Its ra its 13 it>o4lculahle,, .ly ixlllrca ' you Ia returuisg flanks to my Many friends and pwtroos for part pntEorae; 1 wauta - Lti buy-, One bottle of Burdock -B190 tib« poor littleat)!feroc Immediately. ' De- it°at}a�lie, rite. I:t ct iety flay# y xAay ; like to call thou special at.Eentlgn to my ver complete stock of Bitters corn ictal cured me. G 1-.N3 be well, o1, oil the other haitil, you may l WHIM specia nCOMMpy ll pl n Tbey-lead to "t'trhnok up, p Y D pehd thou it, inotbers; there is no nils_ Y HARNESS wHli e1t1L,[IY NIAS t RU [1Gai ETC., T „ d-- take about it. It cures Dysentery and be tluti',I with I'7ltlunruniu uk"allopiug , t ) ) ► -it is ilnderitood that Hou. lir. Diarrt:eei, regulates the Stomach and Cuusuwptivn." iron tlorislcs, but bogi4 Speeial attention lit directed to my stock of Last fall nu account was printed Bowt,lj .cwr; Wind Colic, softens the ilumydiatel to talte A qr's Cheri 1IClapl tn, llH i.rnst+ut po$,tnuLslel•- Y y �' : tf s in tbi j,upur of a trouble that had Geula, reducer In o thea'iea, ,Inti agepea' Pel�torgl. •,■r • • ` g ltellertl, htA,leciileli to :icCej+tithe Woe it energy to the u1,01.e ( HARNESO: "ui.rubetn'ccu'th@ grand lOdgu of lie4tten(ntouvot'Iivtsh}p Of' Nova 1 + g -yriy" for'.�pgoralyearsago,JamosBlrchltrd,gt ■• a 11rs )i lurlaw s 'iuolh}n i Darien, Cutin., was severely ill. The Ontario of the Intlulprut}allt la"At'r Scott t, IN% an„e„asor is not yt•t chit rt -n Ientbin;� 13 plt•Itsltpl LU rhe trate It will be touud. very complole, rad for durability and finish cannot be excelled b) doctors said he -was fit Cousutuption, at of Oddfellow•s and ihn ex moinliuis boon warred, and is the t,tetctlprtnrt t:Piu6 of the oldest any one. As I empiay none but the best workmen, and nae the best material to be and that they could do nothing for hint, bought to the market all who may favur me with their patronage ms ftel confden of 1Velliti' lou 5 uare ludrYe 1?S of — - --- ---- and beat female physicians and nurses in K , Y P S Y g q o ► , the United 'States, and is for sate by ail but advised hila, as a last resort, to try of getting satisfaction, Every person. talks about Back the Units•throughout the world. Price Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.. Alter taking��'"1�l�i AWAY Btivlin;4t.on, Halton county about \yell's ore Corn Cure. They say it a, tills medicine, two or three months, lie sPRIOMS .AWAY DOW11. 250. n bottle. Ile sure and ask for ,Nlrs. caitaiu in0ueys beloneina to the never fails either in soft or hard Winslow', Soothing Svrup," and -take no was pronounced A well man. His health i defunct lodge, .vhich the brethren corns, bt},pions or warts. 48861' other kin+l, remains good'to:tliepresoutday. Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. had divided ell autoup thewselvos - ` i-- 11 J. a Bradley, Malden, Mass., writes : v --A wimbor of Canadian fiamors -Sir John Macdonald will open Three winters ago I tookaseverecold, ��(� �� � (`� ©�Q T%('�� instead of pay;ug over to the grand tubo settled ;u Dliitota fie@ oars ago whtchra ids developod.,into Sranchitis �.+/ A. S iii Vit•.i treaau►er. The lode, which has y g the Methodist camp ulaeting at p y. c + and Consumption. I was so weak --that have purchased farms in. Southern Criansby ou the First of July. p -r••••••• _ - _ _ ��__ „ been in existence sonic twelve years, Manitoba, having found fnrtnino I could not sit up, ~vie much ptnaeigted, -- - - dtvi'ndled in rgetubprahip until only does not pay across the line, owing A READY 1zECUL RECOURSE. and coughed incessantly. •I consulted n r - t several. doctors, but they were power- seventesu ul@tubers remained, '!baso to the high taxer and- exorbitant Tile ravages of Cholera Infantum, less, and all agreed that I was in Con- + I G�urea Dizziness, Loss of tappetite, Indigestion, Biliiou iles5, agreed to divide up the ludpn aaaeste, freight ruins. Cholera Morbus, Diarhoes, Dysentery sumption. At last, a friend brought me j7y¢pCpA4ia, .Tatlaidice, Af�ectionaof the Liver and.Sidnel , abbot $2,000, and pocket them- -- --- and other sumerComplaints among a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ml a x 'Pimples, fttohesi Mill, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, instead of paying the funds .uver to , Avoid the psis of catomel - for children burin the hot weather From. a Brat dose I sound relief. t g bilious complaints. s s na y, 1.�r si elan and all diseases arising from Im ure Blood . the proud lodge as directed by the paints. Ayer's Cathartic might be almost totally prevented , Two pottles cured me, and my'health. I)era wed Stomach, or irregular action, of the Bowels. ;,- cou$titntiun. Pills,. entirely vegetable: have been by having recourse to naturals cover- has 014ee been'perfeoi'. ' tested forty Beare, and are acknow• i n remedy 'for all bowel coni la}its " "'"''!!mss " °"'""� �-_'-+��- r•:.• y, . • s,,, The erautl lodge decided tu•:take ledged to be the beat remedy for Dr. Fowlers Extract of wild�ktraw. Ayer'$ Cherry Pectoral, ' legal action against tin recreant torpidity of the liver, costiveness, terry. 501-2t " members to recover the money, aur and indigestion. P8ffiYARIBD nY. T—' i` the case was entrusted to Henry --- _-- , Dr. J. C. Ayer do Co., Lowell, Mass. A FiiLI, $TOC$ OF �r ltobcrtaon, P. G. \[:, Collingwood. -Postmaster-General 11'LuLejw4js NoldbyallDruggleta, )j'rlee$i; el;bettles,sl6. y 1 o -Andrew Howard, aged 14, to be sworn in as Lieut@want• Choice Clover & .TNothy Seed ° -- Th,i defendnnts.ut rho outset maul• fL,o�rn)erl.y n checlt,•b0y with liarnest Govoinorof Nova Scotia ot. Jul a feated a disposition to tight ate & Co., Bulftilo; confesaod that lie 5 __ _p x t�� g 'fir ! Also all other Varieties of Field Garden and Flosses Seeds. watter, but owing to Mr. 11obertsuu's started the' fire. which destroyed -`� I v ►ectal atnu haste been iral�en to roenrc tLQtn Fresh $exttwkr.r. s Bilot.oillAl. BALSAM t P P w _ energy in pushing tilt: cl)de, and by. their imnieuse dry gfoods house last cures all kinds of coughs and colds jt1 DR.RUbiPRREYS'SODE and Pure. the advice of theirowu coups"l, they Febrtinry oat of spite against the bronchitis and croup.. Aslc fot i>:;t «Cloth & Gold Binding Extra .1/a/ue in China Tea Sets and Decorated decided to conte to torn, The floor-wal}ce• bepmiw.he• would not "Barkwells" take no other: 483-tr .t!`; ti*s r,s..,With ste,a xosr..ms, terms were an unconditional snrren- rt s .>rr�-v; yLup:nunrg. int hi'n: re a fn2lerAl. �,;;j� ,.,r•., p s.xx, Dnner.3ets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite Sets der, eoltsoquently, nearly $2,000 -'1 ha m£tyor of Hull has r@- and Fane Glassware. 3 z.1e r ^ n• 5us. C,,,.r.i ParcnJ ,? tins been received Rud paid over t0 • ENRICH THE BLOOD by the use of coived _A cheque for $3,000 front, the 1) •':,•,•,•r, +-'"n;enat,on, Intlnonnntinna... .`ES :rC •-•.- . ',rt•n,e, lvurm 1": ;r, U ural 1)otio.... .2.'i , . thil rand treasurer, bei►des the Milburn's Beef, Iron and Win@ which Mercier Government for fir relief : ,; Special Value in Now Season's Black Green t ; g r f p r, in¢ Uelic, ur'1.+a a: ia;r of lrta ... .2b 'OM11lts I'I4galla and other property Of supplies the necessary blood build. )Ul' )O5eS. �71,•,nrrhl•», of 4 ildtirtntorAdutta,...., 125 ! r? r, J p 1 1 �H)S'-rule;. r:riph,y, liiliutte Uulia.... .25 � • ' 1 in material. 499.4t . __ - -_,_-- cl lrnterr. a!,»h,,,. i'„laite,(..o...... ..' S and Japan T s. Canned Frxiit Vegetables n tile' 4,:Iltlttiolit lodge. The result a y ll Ohs. .......:...... .216 .y� ' ,f +C1C;11'll' delrlt7ll8t)'ate3 that the ftnda- '" L011''8 �L'LPHL'R SOAP i8 an elegant ri .`lruralci», 9'oothm, .,I 'nc.mm•,•..•• .•2 L,, In 4-ndlesAs•a)'ietj'. Qrauges. LemOns,Figs, &C. ■•IOUs., .fl .11r,wal111:IIItNr �i�it rtr`rd tell,,, �el'LI$e. •�,"/ ), of ubor(liti,iLe lodges £fro hells ill ho will of the trip stir. Scott, toilet article, and cleanses and pari--r�--••- -•^�-----'-•� tit+►alr.alttt Provii-filo s. KsoxpYct:ituck and get Prier's. ttrutil 8loir le ritiCt,tlte )Ute divorted from 5 i}� h n most effectually. tual{y. 199.4E t '', } rS011 0!1►tllo time silnee,al'ls 10,u00 firs the ski [2109 .ria oPRiu bitters stomach .••• s' t5 gives V t0 thr! ]�I•o,b{'forilli church there -A inan upped 11Ar14,, 'living Fit7+pcesxebi+rl'atnCnlYerloSa .25 QrT ^, Wlulca, tooP 1146 arioda..........tlUll lhtl rCSllltte Of ihn f01'tUUC, i1t I'unsbay, �. �.,, \4a3 CiIOk3d't0 Cron1+ Couch,!)itHauStBreathing....,L...,__—_.�.__._..__r&;tA cat„ before the 11twiil- about S7,000,to}1is daughter. 'Phis donth NI•ouday while -at his dinner. son iihalon,)RouytuaticPains...a:. 2, Salt theiail, Rpeuelltq, PIL■ionst. .2tUll 1lUliCP NlRnisLfata ill \vl►ICh it boy 111a1i:e8 A total gift 10 rile C11111'Ch Of b,' 'n 17)I'ge pieCp 4f lfft'14L t;,S iCl(lttt' 121 t�evtr B !it ore Chills, Dlahtiria..... .a0 mum G ` EW D 13��1 ' ^ 1 0 Yllee. Blind or Bleedin ... .a0n1i1116t1..juhn Pown2l war Char ell Ontarrh. laaneara, ColgilinOheiien .t)0g , nbout 3 000, I)is throat.s Whoupin¢ cCop¢h Violent Cou88h4,- .a0with nsmtultinn a little girl by squirt- _ ._ ��_ _. ConcraI I ebti ty,i'hysicatWeakneara .50 Kidney lliaenae.......................ing water on Iter from a sprinkler. Barkivell's sure corn cure will cure (,ET THE BEST, tvcryoua nehility..•....Urinury )Yuukndaa. Wettin Bed....50 'Che tuataras moll lira 'est n tt.neil a nole Dr u Store inTlli; defennco w£is tnLRo.w�an was hard or soft corns, warts, mdl'es, nice sosurti►eHeuraPalp¢itatioa1- -.4 b 1 1 ' K JAC1iS01�'S cooling the gitdvwalk'and the girl got loosens and in- rowin r toed nails Dl. Fowlers Extract of `olid Straw% 'v; 1VLV1' L'LOCFL, on HURON STILICET, two doo£:ti crest of the City g • o g without the slightest sin. There berry is the Lest, most pronfpt and P �" �-''+ , S o ',�' = - Bnr,lc Store, where will be founal a complete assm•tineut of Puri . ,r • ill ihn way. The magistilte held g p safest cure for Cholera Morbus 111ngs :lltd Lheniicals, :also latent D>rCdiciuCS :ufil thnt tilt. Aidewall( was public proper• may be hundreds of preparations for D sellter Sick Stomncb Cram s, gold by Dru¢giata,Qraent,p tQaidoq• alielpt of "){fir•;) rL;i+yts' Sundries -all the pallia may'tRlc t'nr in tlloar g corns, but any person who has once Y y' Cramps, price. -.Wena ,a xiohgrdsoti°''Ga,eCgents, 04 Mo. line+. .. • ty, that the gill had a right to be used Barkw@It's will take no other. Colic , Diarrhm:t"anti Cholera Infan• t3tustreetbtontroet. L; thero and the defendiiut had nu It has no equal. 483-tf tum, that has yet been discovered. ^ �,,. A. WORTHINGTON. Its O lularit increases each )'ear. ,r Ctb,ton,'IJth Jamar)•, t8S6. right LO throw water On ill@ aidewall:, }? l Y. 1'. ii—Otaou ahenlfed froin re„idence to «torr Ue \vita fined $2 and costs. All medicine dealors sell it501.3'1'klere diol ;tt the 1'0eotito __^+-___�_ __Ezra Sw'fck, a fanner living hospital IasL.NVednesday a yottua -i\Il. tian Iluruc has told theRuctlOmM e _ about eight ]Hiles from T)unvillo woman why' gave tile. name' of pepple of Port Arthur i}tat lie � T.� coinlnittoil suicide by Inliging hint- Gracie Silen, and who itis uuder- intends, ren�ov;u; tltC Cnuitdim ` self inhis hllah. Some tine ago Mr. stood, said silo canto froth buftitlo. Pacific workshop's fru.ui Winnipeg JEW' STOCK! NEW. STORE I' J ..sts-al �• «wick euterud into partilership with 'The Canso of Iter death was abortion to,that placer u■ % ! p' /1/'► ( ''i' itIVotlth ina it, ,ihd opened at store., ,perlorined' by ^hal'self. T}lia is � Printe"I Iii till +hams, pr, •sjhl; 11n't, e.' ��•�`-i0T� S Bis.lr,�'i,9K, •� �LIN ! ON• 1 r. The partner cul looted all. and'left. ltnotliur of the' 'ninny fatal results Ask your nel;bbbr' or any pei-gon All wo,k flus;r-cf,AFS a 11 t'rices. as s 11 r. 5wicl: nlurttrt,ILgaii his form slid of the ]coolly permitted c►'i'uip of whahas naafi BArkivell's' Sure Corn I,na "" ""!' "til'''' 11'rat nt lnlnttte• JOSEPH CI1IDLEY .Dealer, in FurnitLlxe. i•-implemeuts to pity the debts. ' Yea- seduction. Cure They al pronounce it the heat , 's torday ever •thing was taken from -_- _ they ever used. 483tf Consult yea=• own iufl•rv.,t< ati,l, e,W ut d Call at the New Storo.ari d ace _t},e_st.ock cd; f J ___ --- -' _ __ �_�°; (1ttF. \its,=1t£;(nt:u arils:,• lwro,tr t, -icing . . bim 11nd-1•'tile 'mot•tg;tgn, and this OCCASIONALDA3E8 Of' A gobli .cath —' )flay nr,lt, i.,, ;Illi',aa r.rrintim, Bedroom and'.Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards,. Chairs,. Springs, working on his mind is supposed.tot -attic like Burdock Pills are necess- -Ch;ef Justice Armour trill try ' 11ave e:tuaetl tho rash act., ary to steep the blood.•pure and the the Balton Doiufuioi7 election, 1')r, r i t. r \ ltlattrassus, etc., awl �enernI Housebold Turlfihire. The wbol'e'StoeL is from tLc ierr body healthy. 499.41 11ant,irne rI Rp0(Ideut, Itt 1lilton Ull' '� T H j j ' • � !.'�`� tls./IJ best munufaeturers. 1'tt tare names Hud Eieu]tliuls:oi'eco,y dnscriptioar -•Jird+;e F111,,hcw, at'St 'l,honlas . . - .--'1'hur�day the 5th July, at 10 a.. in. JOS. C111I1ifLEY, one door West of (Dickson':; Hook Stort*. . . $entencell •Cl1aN. 1.1. IN'llttill" found ' ' Or)Ieral Pr;, `r,Sa (j I'll7Iii'l,r,..+, '' ---Oil 'Thursday, list w-youug ►nau - - _ - - guilty of indecent assault. upon his nantPtl Suitpr, employed on Llso faro, `1'inm_ Aim, XANr INUit1ATNNs Of t ' lilPveil yetir-Old 11ircn, 1linn10. worths but Dr. Low's Worm Syrup CLINTON,O- ONTARIO. Big Balgaips in JAPAN. -TEA$ of :\}r. Iala,iu 1)silton, of \ olljd' + Y p -- - -- y--•- - ]ttn:!lltet' Of (;colla GillfSl)fe; Of Illeets them in ever case success• ryas nuga'trd in burying a Birt bou{,l- Y o Iso leado , , g o o n full 499-4t f;ill`YtQ'9i . Dutton. \'Phtttn0 a p (+,• ivalcli slippetl into the hole ho y'' _ . 0 . guilty jo.anothor ehnrge'of indoce.nt tea+ dign;ug to put it in, and falling ) gg g rt A. PInA a Charctl,—:<er5l� ca ult : uedtt' :tt 11 ASAn1£it, And t0 two c!iarges of carnal —:� n'.f.,tT011 h£ly i)Cell flltr(l ill a.nl. lad i t. n,. itilRr r I•w.•, 10 ;t.w, Sunda) t , • o oil hint brultn bot}) his le,ta. The 1 1 A'c have re:, i\ed a llugt cousi;nmrut f \E1C JAPAN !LA i whirl we are oilers g School, 2.:w pan. `Jar, £re ou w'cduestLq, K P. ill , And 10 lb, Caddica at thr, following low prices-: kuuwl@dais, The jiu}ge,Aftora severe the (;ellen s bench divisi0u nt Rye. ivima.%u i seta. r.II., nectar g bones were badly crushed and •the address to th'e-prisoner sentenced Os„Oele }viii ngainst tiw return of 1ruLWllhur 5trer2\rrt6udf••r--Scrtire,.utl0ell) f ' Unfortl)11ato lean lay ill the hole g ,0 a. tit. nes 7.Ia p. tit. ,,11,£,,:1.1 Sthooi !it 2.30 p, 45 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 35 C �. TSE hint to Liventy-tlnoo 171011L}IB imj>ri- ]11r.. l;c}wnrils, (11 -it M. 1. for ' „�� .�, ,, . • , With tlic gtatio »pen his toga fur'be- , , ln, tri.,•. Si a. .ttrrttA•r, t:r.,Lur., sommaltt in the Central Prison, and r ]\newt!, awl a counter wtitiou 35 CENT JAPAN. TEA % �� �, :v• - tweva tivo all(] tl.reo•,hours Ila lie 1 C,w;GlaPlva,,)turtrta. •,ur.iroaut]1a.m. loft ;. fifty' lashes;twenty-five to bf; admin- agalllat"111', McIntosh, the defeate!] s.su ik la sa,hath school, H, \1;ty it'ut•liing alon-i uo Onbba )entad ALUX.M,•a15•enT, Pastor. iste•ed one nlnuth front date of enter- g pl eandi(lnte, bush 61:11 ping pergottal , _ Tits is the best offer ever shade in this cmiuty ,tad all users of Japan 1'ca shooks secwt. illi tjip prl90n, and twenty -tree One to t,'U ileal' L]n1 lttltll lung after 110 bl'Ib,'1'a', w�una.11iserp Street 5iu uta a,n )'pati. at Iensi one caddie. 1i1.'rCk Tera Equally :Ifi Chea -We -tilTe afe selling a I''INIa accie3Lut. Env. iv. w. Sr.itm,.o, Pastor BLACK in out final packages of 20 lbs. at I+'IFTI'.CENTS per lb. This lea is equal - w0Uil1 before 11t8 d;ACllarge. Duptiat'Cliiiroh.eiri a at a.8 f�_. l a -- f) i. ill. S:tb toanv roc. Tei 1n Clinton. An I xtra Fine X011llg lrysott 711 s!.►C.i in 5 null —'L',he Village of-Nazledenti, a f' �S \Il''CIO\ tiL 1tET.F Ci HED. Al: 11'.EtC LV\Ci YEARS. li $041051. 4~.30.1,. nl• n,:c .t, 1;0 AV horror. 10 lb. cndtlies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call anti see our Tea before buying. .Q. .l b th fair miles distant front Ottawa, has ''I was troubled with Liver Com- - - --- got a ionsat•101p. Nov. Mr. Daw}lug;• '1'o Tin: I'.nnfo : plant for a number of years, finding NE tr�r}'I�t ate' I7. LAWT.- COOPER Q� �' of the Ikiphst church, bas been 1'e a p jitive coed readers that I no cure, 1 tryed n. B, B. I took four (](, preaching there for some time past. have a positive remedy fdr the above bottles and aha now perfectly cured, t1'.: :•all tII:+ ,p•rinl attention of fust �. named disease. By its timely use strong and hearty." Mrs; Maria nastorN null s111,,,•rit,:•r, to t)„• following TheQld Fellable 7�etl anti (ir0001'y- House. - 3L: Button, jr.; went to one of the thousands of hopeless cases have been :lskett, Alma, (.-)tit. 501.2t ineetinrs-and after returning home -- tynop<h of thy• m:u,j,:11:I•I'1:tH;�:-- _ _..._ -__- _,_._-. _ permanently cured. 1 shall be glad _,■ 'explained to his father that a num- to' send two bottles of my remedy -A Toronto- jury ill the suit 1 =A Iwstnla.•h•r i.. rc•yuitel W �,ive i liar 1:.a11 1)eeu saved at the meeting carr to any of'your readers who have of 1lieg Jetltie Brennan agnitist antirn ax r.lrrrr:r. (11fuunfitg a pa!ler 1In,a FR�� ®� I �� and (lo,cribed the coruniony. 111.- consumption it' they will send roe Gael._ o not nnsuur thttla5r) wlfonasulsrrihe dons (" •fohn,llttton, sen., whp is oue of j ' George t. Itetdenon to rocdver not take his ,d n t utit or the oflire, and - their I3x u•ess anti 1 , p. Addrega, 1' 1 '' � the best 1tn05vI1 wen in tltnt part Hespeetli lly, Dr. .a. T. SLOCU;4f, t`ra1,000 for breach of protmiso of state the reason Gn• its tint bt:iug taker,. And the choicestgoodskept in stock by 37 Yonge,streot, 'Toronto, -)tit, 499y. marring', found a verdict: for the Any nw,,trrth, do sit snakes the postmaster of C arle.on County, was induced, to re l,oil hl.- to the pnhlisho-s far piynfen.t. plaintiff for the full anioUnt -with /"�f q `AT'rli-,^L""'ot /"'1_ T -Rl::; `OS' i Yltr:ll,l Oto Ut' 1110 meetings Au(1 2 -Lr -Lr- per.,nt ort ere his paper dis• �✓�C1...�V ted..:G�.l 0 1_\ �.-/1:.7.. costs. whill lin saw several Around hint be.• Thu young -man Daxtor Of 1leafurd ;entinn:'d, Ito rttlt•'d pay all arrcarages, of cotninn exc;ted" and falling down 'tvhti. \i A9 ipjinntl in a raisiligaueount- khe puLliRlrcr cony continue to Rend i1 �1'e bay in Thr. vi'ry hest marlctsta 81)(1 give nor cuitnmerR every advnntnge. • Our gornlr: he altenrptod•to leave rile hall. but '11"d to his ilijill-os oil Friday night, 11 :1 hi .1BE,F. DISCOpG'EIIY• iu,ul payunwt i. clad,•; uu,i roller( thr will always he found Fresh a,tul Reliable, anti to the economical housekeeper the offer "• ILer. 1}i. Moa I;ttn >revonteiY hiu7 I On satnrdayhis fatlior,,an aged mall, F. 1'. Tanner, of Neebing, lint., whole aun,unt, whether it be takes stair ,,,any a Vantages, Our goods, !it va£iety; quality, and price, weir-6satislled will meet A r g 1 was drivill,r La lfeaford to make some says lie has not only found B. h.- B. theotlicc or not. T(wre can be rib le a, the requirent(nits of evory housi;holtl, Fa1•m Produce takei) nt the hl;r•est prince, roll . a° suualll 1?nsned, after which o a sure cure for Dyspepsia, batt he disrontiuuaure outs) the pavtucut is orotic. I tvern thrutrti(tn(1 £i great, env- arrai,gnmetlts alcor they funeralh 3 ����g.a�® ��1,��' s cation w:,s create(1 in the 1)uil,litl�r. \s !P•n t.ho tltnfal ran r rn and h@ has also founts it t0 be the best u7edi- .,-.1ny j+etwuu \rho takes n paper from: '" R I g011ie for regulating and invigoiatinR the pnst•office, 5shettler dirt tett to hit lice, 11r. lluiyl`ng has be0I1 aPl'lllgll jiwipe(1 oat. of .the waggurl, falling i g n the system that hp pati ever taken. name or another, or whether he fns SUb• �Id ell in 0har"o Of assaillt lllttl a 1'c on iiit lea(1 and shoulders, , Ile "'t"B. h. B. is the great system regula. sorihell nl ant, i� re=pna:ible fel ihn pay.WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL GROCERS CLIN�TOR, ONT. n11111be1 UI'prumillt:lit lwuple alu U'1'It'll llttU ill!' IlUIlse Of Mr. r .0. 101• 5o1.2t ,�, __-lf a ¢111iw'i!!n•Y ur,u•t8 d�,l, j�rf tela ' I'lllot.1 ;w wilnesgOQ, lilatichard. a brother of the infill ale 9tn(,lutl at a r. rhti:t flu.('. Hud the pnhilNdr •n•llosn i•didw, the accident to yumi -.141 ro fret to say that f cannot el• cOnflilnes to send, it the mtharriher I -:1 ho CAA@ Of Lal}An)tne V, TlIU ]i'l.`i!, : UCi rlI'1'C 11 w`jlf 1'C hI I f!11kllI1Cl1 n boitnd to pay for it it lre talct's If ont of th ! hear,t,tl ;yon are not ill profession- LESLIE S CARRIAGE & WAGON FACTORY :19,1%l hie been disl)osod of in"ho t,i l l Ilr'arh no (1, Ill, Sunday lnOrA• al c0atunle " said lir. Justice ILose post•olliee. Tills prorreds ul,un thegrouu, I.Virt of Appeal. The jury at the ill g. Thu father' and Roll were. both ' that n tlituf must pn> far what_ lie nseE_NT trial trial awarded, the plaintiff :jtj 000 o to utr(1 of the council ougaged in a «, ., w . ��{ .1�1 f interred ihn sane day. It is said Court case in Toronto. The barris- ' t" f' o=o d£imageg for libel published ill The f tjIi's nial(oa five muulbers of the fau7= ' 1lyfti!•and X1,01)0 datna�es for n libel 1 tt.t wove a black Cgnt roti a binCit A�t�.'••Iu tl:e Pitisiou C)tut in Goderlclt • containpd , defendant's special ily Who linvn been bnriml w•ifhiu a gown,his Uectto wits white and so at the 1;nveniLe•,,itting a nunslialle' pn1. In Stock, a Number of Cutters, -Sleighs, Buggies and Wavens. p I ural'•' alas lwatt his waistcoat, whirl► was hRhe surd.fin pay 1' 11. The defeat` The Material five rFlnlrufacture is of 'the Best naiit and the Iron work unsur ossed plea. Thr rotrnt of Appeul d'tsnliss• I ' atilt ohjecte4 paylnn nn t::1 gr,,nnd thnt he „h '1 Y , p ' i ell the application for I) new trial I 010, troubld: ,all ordered a ful'nler proprietor of the .. In fact we make it an imp1, hart featinc of our business to use only the hest pro- curable n16torial an(1.titc bet: workmanship. Tiiose in need of CUTTERS ant] culifirntet the. award of tho 'ur I D:1A4;T-lit.tl'`; C'Ot \TliHFEI'f - -' " paper to ftiscontinuo it., 'Thc,tludge held j y' A BIG STRIKE, that that was fait a valid Jefouee. The and SLEIGIIS; of the lhtest ntalies and styles, should noc fail to lion. .�ylAtioea church au(1 llaby Counterfeits are always dangerous, " . plaintrn', the. •prctient proY�ietor, Lad uo call and see tie. dissnntod, considering $01,000• too more so that •tbpy always closely A big sulk,: ions make when 1'oweil notice to Ilisrontiuno an'1 rnnse'terntly "0-" a ISII1ATr 'rill.. 010nINA1, IN APPRARANCR A Davis Wued their Extract of arsap- conIli.collect, although it wa', lint denied •ALL, WORK WARRANTED.. F much. .Thu ,jtldt;mr'nt of thA Court AND NAMR, The remarkable success arilla Anfi Burdock. it lifts met with that defendant.ila,l notilie,l cornier pro. --0— tuna renderer] by th6 chief justice, rent success and itmust for it is the i who r,OnsiJered the ret]tlest for A. achieved by Nasal Battu as a positive most o*erful blood il-Orier in the mar- pe eter to bis luilkilto y any evert Repairing. and Re-oaintme Promptly Attelcled �0. cure for (;atarrh and Colli in the n p efettlnnt felts bland to pay Rn rite time t+ ,0 « new trial unfounded, that the idea heats has izfdueed un rinci led par. stet. It is need with the greatest snecess lie had receivctl thr paper and until he p p 1 n Of diseases arising from a debilitated FACTORY on corner of Huron and Oran- .EStreets, CI,INTOX Of•excessivodnntngeA teas unaupport' ties t0 I►nitate it. 'Che public are g had pasts �Ii alrnnrRdnnfnr9ntwottptlon. ' ed by authority. The ground for cautioned not to -be deceived try condition of the system, and everyone needs, anti shot, d nae a bottle Or two at damages was malice, and at' the nostrums imitaving Naigal Balm) in this seasoa of the year, of Powell's Ex. (Z ITE, CORRECT. , time of publication there was no 00- name and appearance, boaring such tract ofSareaparillA and Bar,lock, Rear „ i names as Nasal Cheam Nasal 'Bal• I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract Ows Casson for An attic}( upon the chars- + in mini one 50c. bottle con'taina more sate'etc:.1sk for Nasal Bnlnl and do of jVild Strawberry slid found it the j y dell e tile s nut.ill', nd h verdicts r solid medicine than most dollar emcalled beat remedy I ever used for D a e ,' 4 not tak® imitations dealers may urge Sarsaparilla and hitters. Also remember Y Y p p' in lll)el CbAe9 111 England had never I sia and all summer Complaints boeii disturbo'(}. The appeal was or seon nt ogtroaid onr sale receipt t�of prices rtiggiste that itis sold in Clinton by all iti-I rug-ists, among children and I think no p p p p e- price 50c. n bottle,, ,rinld by ail drug- 8 �} therefore dlstntggnll and the verdict (50c and 81) by addressing l''ulford & gists and mr'dieitw ilealers every\vhere, household shou.lc be witboutit. Mm. SALE BILLS „ on irwled. Co., Brockville, Ont. ; 41A#iy A. Maker, ingold.aby, or, t, 501.2t i FOR, ” } , • t A < .,..>. v;w ...... � ..,,�,t rJ r+R � ° S } i F• � try � .it�.•:i.rivL;� .. ., :, r.... ,.,.. ,:•. -; ,.,..:..,,.-_..: _:w- _. _,.•:., ..u,.::a-:,� ,._, .M....,-..,...ev..r.,.w°e.,aw.:..:.u....,...,e....,•i�ewlL.^�rawatrwep..s•v,•n wru..G,.d,tus..:re..Y•aS7.,iii�idu„r ......- ,y..a.,�ri ... ,ub. .Mgt,-.::..,__...