HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-06-27, Page 3„ +; _. - , ... 11 ► ;. u . � 11 I 1, • - ” u P., �� . " a tg � 'L & "�. y w �.fLi.-qtr"... _ Lt� .fil�^' ..rL.. L:-'�..eYW � .... ., i., d'l �:� L.11�!` .. ,. `{:.� .W-`5 V-,--,. r—.ry -.1. - Two Girls right With a Vicious Job, ,questioning rile Almig-bty a u9k• the reason of iiia sull'ering, was hid [ +'� uture to give an ncecut.tt of the den to go }lack to nature for proof of neternal order and Toro under experience two young ladies had lying ;all things. No` other unswe with a elter recently near Fufuula a was given to biro. IftatJe towa sou,w two u,fles below on 'These then, living close to Nature the lice of the A16bouri, Kanhas and Texas Railway. The two yoong with keen appreciation of her beaut" ladies, daughters of respectable far and older, were touched more uearh mere living at the above nauted through her by the Infinite juotic, town, went out in, a Carriage one arid Mercy of the Creator than, (lie] evening recently for a drive. They vvouict have been by any hutnat drove along the wide public road for logic. • a long time without molestation. To the majority of men, tho hear. Suddenly,while pasiug a douse under inn of set tt(ons and public w•orshil growthof grapeviuesand cypress near are tit" shortest way to God. They the road, a deer of gigantic size with are, however, too apt to forget that a large head of horns confronted there is any.other. They neglect tc tlia horse which they were driv. teadvtheir children to understaui ing and commenced to but the all. the beauty in a spear of grht,s, the imal with its horns, t•easola for the red olur of the rose; The girls ++°ere frightened and did the curve in the foot of the fly, or everything in their power to get the- any other detail of the vast and per horse to go on,, but to no avail: feet movement which -we. call Nature Presently one of the girls got cut and they show thew nothing .of the ,of the buggy with the hopes of Eternal Power ,-behind this move• frightening the deer and running it ment. into the woods. On alighting from "There are many voices in tht the vehicleshe gave her handkerl►ief world and none of them are tvithoui it flirt, aiinng to Roare the unwelcome signification." 'These. voices, elicit visitor, but the deer instead of run- in its own language, are iutosided ning, made for the young lady with to tell its of the justice and love of such fury that she was' powerless to our heaveidy Father. If we eluNt get away. The deer kept butting our ears to any of them, we I,y ac her until finally the young girl fw•as much shut opraelves our, from His badly gored. .By this timl-the help on our journey to Him. voung lady remaining in the buggy - • +r-'•-- - had come to her assistance, angl now The happiest Women. commenced the fight for life and • death. One of the girls seir<ed• the Somebody asked me the other dal. buck by the: horns<m-hire Clio other who were the happiest women, aue took a strap from the haruesit, acid I've have been thinking it over since placing it around the dun's neck, The conclusion I have come to it tied the other end to a tree. After that she is the happiest woman whc this was acconiniplished, the young is not too handsome. I don't meal ladies got into their buggy and drove that she shall be disagreeable look home, where some of the inhahi• ing, and she must have a cartaii Wits were informed of the affair, cl►arm of manner ; but by hoe 'lael A company of young hien of beauty she can keep the lovelies armed themselves ' and repaird of womea friends and no jealous] to the scene of battle. On arriving arises, while she is always a pleasan at the place, to their surprise they compinion. The woman who is i found the buck tied to,a tree with a great beauty does, not need to antic' leather strap which had been taken ipato growing old with that ho.rro. from the harnests of the horse which that must come to liar who know; Cho young ladies vv`ere driving. '.Che that it means the loss of liar urea buck was shot dowil, skinned and. attraction. I have always made l taken to town. The horns were pre-, thauksgiviug every eight that Pro Rented to the young ladies,the points vidonce arrn uged that I should be cumbering thirteen. born south , f Mason's and Dixon's line, but I lluw add to illy thank, Seldom What The Saem+ the faet,Aliat>�tulio 'di not makc 3' me beautiful. Ouo - only fee, 'This is a Hort of topsy-turvy this way -after one has become-hov old'? The woman of beauty is going world. No one seenm to he satia- fied to try to become something else for in the heart of every +volnai Ono tuan is ordered to eat eggs in Roman lines and a calliope voic( because they are nutritious, and there is a desire to be considered th( another is cautioned to leave them nicest in the world by somebody alone, l,ocauso they ,produce bile. And if the woman is worth a penny Robinsoir takes a sherry to rive she prefers that somebody'to be r him an mppetite, while Brown who man• I wouldn't trust a wamal fias a ovine cellar, can't touch a who told ole she didn't care foi drop on, 'account of his apoplectic men's society. 'There is so.niethinr tendencies.• wrong •with hei•. She is absolutely 'theprize fighter reforms and abnormal, anal eertaip to come to I becomes a preacher, while the wrong end. Isvau beating will vol theological student .leaves his unite tale frow a right minded +tom tl varsity to becomea professional base her inborn liking for rvakivd it ball pitcher. general and inch in special.' Than teas never been one of these womei One rich mall weal's poor clothes who cared only for the society o because be is rich and call do ally. women who wasn't fretful, un thing, w.hilt a pear man +years line healthy in mind and body, and al clothes because he is poor and wants together a burden, to the earth to 61-it c -fhe impression Clint lie is Woman should like Nvouten o Pot. course but they should like ole, One man escapes all Lite disease beater. -Neve York Star, that flesh is htlir to. and is killed ,-. - .. -- - on a railroad ; anothe.r man goes Some Useful information. through a half dozen wars without a scratch gaud then dies of whooping,, Salt dissolved in alcohol wil cough. UI remove grease spots from cloth. The laborer. with ten children. To clean willow furniture, us keeps ont of debt on $10 a week, salt and water. Apply it with , while many an unmarried bank nail -brush, scrub well, and dr; official with $100 a week can't get thoroughly. along without helping himself to the lVhen you give your cellar it bank's funds. spring cleaning, add a little cop ' Good people die and bad people Aeras water and ealt to Cho white live. The .man whois fat with w`For relief from heartburn o healthcan't, get eunployme,it, and ayspapaia, drink a little cold wate the elan vvlmais-making ]Hooey !land in which has been dissolved over list has to give up business on teaspoonful of salt. ,account of 111 health. - Ink stains on, linen can be taker One man is spending all the out if the stain is first washod• i1 money lie Cali earn to taking a girl strong salt and water and the, to a theater and sanding her sponged with lemon juice. flowers, in Che hope that he may For stains on the hands nothinf eventually make, lien his' wife, and is better than a little salt, witl his neighbor is spendingall the enough lomon juice to moisten it gold hr has saved to get a divorce. rubbed on the spots and than wash The doctor tells Morrill that if he 'ed off with clear wator. dosen't•stop work and take a rest If a chimney or flue catch on, circ he'll'Ko into a decline, and then close all windows and doors first tells Blakely 'that if he does not then Rana a blanket in front of th abandon Lis sedentary position and grato to exclude all air. lVate go off sonlcwhe re and work on A should never be poured clown th farm he will die of torpidity of the cliiinnay, as it spoils the carpel liver,-Keehange Coarse salt thrown down the flue i ___ _ much better. A Patch Of Mose. 31ungo Path tells us that lie anise lost his way in, a desert in Africa, and saw no escape before hint .from. G , U KI starvation and death . ' Suddenly he catight Right of a patch of moss , I I . ul.ealti tbetr praktice to ,the imitation • - ” u . 1 J' c ' P., �� . " a tg � 'L & "�. y w �.fLi.-qtr"... _ Lt� .fil�^' ..rL.. L:-'�..eYW � .... ., i., d'l �:� L.11�!` .. ,. `{:.� .W-`5 V-,--,. r—.ry -.1. - Two Girls right With a Vicious Job, ,questioning rile Almig-bty a u9k• the reason of iiia sull'ering, was hid [ +'� uture to give an ncecut.tt of the den to go }lack to nature for proof of neternal order and Toro under experience two young ladies had lying ;all things. No` other unswe with a elter recently near Fufuula a was given to biro. IftatJe towa sou,w two u,fles below on 'These then, living close to Nature the lice of the A16bouri, Kanhas and Texas Railway. The two yoong with keen appreciation of her beaut" ladies, daughters of respectable far and older, were touched more uearh mere living at the above nauted through her by the Infinite juotic, town, went out in, a Carriage one arid Mercy of the Creator than, (lie] evening recently for a drive. They vvouict have been by any hutnat drove along the wide public road for logic. • a long time without molestation. To the majority of men, tho hear. Suddenly,while pasiug a douse under inn of set tt(ons and public w•orshil growthof grapeviuesand cypress near are tit" shortest way to God. They the road, a deer of gigantic size with are, however, too apt to forget that a large head of horns confronted there is any.other. They neglect tc tlia horse which they were driv. teadvtheir children to understaui ing and commenced to but the all. the beauty in a spear of grht,s, the imal with its horns, t•easola for the red olur of the rose; The girls ++°ere frightened and did the curve in the foot of the fly, or everything in their power to get the- any other detail of the vast and per horse to go on,, but to no avail: feet movement which -we. call Nature Presently one of the girls got cut and they show thew nothing .of the ,of the buggy with the hopes of Eternal Power ,-behind this move• frightening the deer and running it ment. into the woods. On alighting from "There are many voices in tht the vehicleshe gave her handkerl►ief world and none of them are tvithoui it flirt, aiinng to Roare the unwelcome signification." 'These. voices, elicit visitor, but the deer instead of run- in its own language, are iutosided ning, made for the young lady with to tell its of the justice and love of such fury that she was' powerless to our heaveidy Father. If we eluNt get away. The deer kept butting our ears to any of them, we I,y ac her until finally the young girl fw•as much shut opraelves our, from His badly gored. .By this timl-the help on our journey to Him. voung lady remaining in the buggy - • +r-'•-- - had come to her assistance, angl now The happiest Women. commenced the fight for life and • death. One of the girls seir<ed• the Somebody asked me the other dal. buck by the: horns<m-hire Clio other who were the happiest women, aue took a strap from the haruesit, acid I've have been thinking it over since placing it around the dun's neck, The conclusion I have come to it tied the other end to a tree. After that she is the happiest woman whc this was acconiniplished, the young is not too handsome. I don't meal ladies got into their buggy and drove that she shall be disagreeable look home, where some of the inhahi• ing, and she must have a cartaii Wits were informed of the affair, cl►arm of manner ; but by hoe 'lael A company of young hien of beauty she can keep the lovelies armed themselves ' and repaird of womea friends and no jealous] to the scene of battle. On arriving arises, while she is always a pleasan at the place, to their surprise they compinion. The woman who is i found the buck tied to,a tree with a great beauty does, not need to antic' leather strap which had been taken ipato growing old with that ho.rro. from the harnests of the horse which that must come to liar who know; Cho young ladies vv`ere driving. '.Che that it means the loss of liar urea buck was shot dowil, skinned and. attraction. I have always made l taken to town. The horns were pre-, thauksgiviug every eight that Pro Rented to the young ladies,the points vidonce arrn uged that I should be cumbering thirteen. born south , f Mason's and Dixon's line, but I lluw add to illy thank, Seldom What The Saem+ the faet,Aliat>�tulio 'di not makc 3' me beautiful. Ouo - only fee, 'This is a Hort of topsy-turvy this way -after one has become-hov old'? The woman of beauty is going world. No one seenm to he satia- fied to try to become something else for in the heart of every +volnai Ono tuan is ordered to eat eggs in Roman lines and a calliope voic( because they are nutritious, and there is a desire to be considered th( another is cautioned to leave them nicest in the world by somebody alone, l,ocauso they ,produce bile. And if the woman is worth a penny Robinsoir takes a sherry to rive she prefers that somebody'to be r him an mppetite, while Brown who man• I wouldn't trust a wamal fias a ovine cellar, can't touch a who told ole she didn't care foi drop on, 'account of his apoplectic men's society. 'There is so.niethinr tendencies.• wrong •with hei•. She is absolutely 'theprize fighter reforms and abnormal, anal eertaip to come to I becomes a preacher, while the wrong end. Isvau beating will vol theological student .leaves his unite tale frow a right minded +tom tl varsity to becomea professional base her inborn liking for rvakivd it ball pitcher. general and inch in special.' Than teas never been one of these womei One rich mall weal's poor clothes who cared only for the society o because be is rich and call do ally. women who wasn't fretful, un thing, w.hilt a pear man +years line healthy in mind and body, and al clothes because he is poor and wants together a burden, to the earth to 61-it c -fhe impression Clint lie is Woman should like Nvouten o Pot. course but they should like ole, One man escapes all Lite disease beater. -Neve York Star, that flesh is htlir to. and is killed ,-. - .. -- - on a railroad ; anothe.r man goes Some Useful information. through a half dozen wars without a scratch gaud then dies of whooping,, Salt dissolved in alcohol wil cough. UI remove grease spots from cloth. The laborer. with ten children. To clean willow furniture, us keeps ont of debt on $10 a week, salt and water. Apply it with , while many an unmarried bank nail -brush, scrub well, and dr; official with $100 a week can't get thoroughly. along without helping himself to the lVhen you give your cellar it bank's funds. spring cleaning, add a little cop ' Good people die and bad people Aeras water and ealt to Cho white live. The .man whois fat with w`For relief from heartburn o healthcan't, get eunployme,it, and ayspapaia, drink a little cold wate the elan vvlmais-making ]Hooey !land in which has been dissolved over list has to give up business on teaspoonful of salt. ,account of 111 health. - Ink stains on, linen can be taker One man is spending all the out if the stain is first washod• i1 money lie Cali earn to taking a girl strong salt and water and the, to a theater and sanding her sponged with lemon juice. flowers, in Che hope that he may For stains on the hands nothinf eventually make, lien his' wife, and is better than a little salt, witl his neighbor is spendingall the enough lomon juice to moisten it gold hr has saved to get a divorce. rubbed on the spots and than wash The doctor tells Morrill that if he 'ed off with clear wator. dosen't•stop work and take a rest If a chimney or flue catch on, circ he'll'Ko into a decline, and then close all windows and doors first tells Blakely 'that if he does not then Rana a blanket in front of th abandon Lis sedentary position and grato to exclude all air. lVate go off sonlcwhe re and work on A should never be poured clown th farm he will die of torpidity of the cliiinnay, as it spoils the carpel liver,-Keehange Coarse salt thrown down the flue i ___ _ much better. A Patch Of Mose. 31ungo Path tells us that lie anise lost his way in, a desert in Africa, and saw no escape before hint .from. G , U KI starvation and death . ' Suddenly he catight Right of a patch of moss , I I . ul.ealti tbetr praktice to ,the imitation .`.'')F THJ1 00,MING I,FixI,V,TTE 0031NESS ANNOONCEM NT. '--' "^" ^, of po terltyt The :forth,ni*0 . When say ultitIdonot mean merely U )toffs them for atlt l9, and then hlavetlierr, r6' ;' CtR)It15�4ANp1w,IVCIh.,. (1'otillll and L.,r thirty-seventh are Th x They a World by Thousands of 'lltey are Sup I . 's twill i all ti _e be .lea��ed to Ik t t m s p _ respectively the basic of I,uthe,r's to Petticoats, and QIve More I receive items (V neics front our dub- 7'lin festa Uurg fat unser Gott, clad _ Iiimb Freedom Is � seribers. 1Ve" want a good curies- Paul Gerhardt's "Befiehl du doine _,_. 1 ' ;'' 1)o)tdent in etc�ry lurctlity, not already vv'egr•" 'pilo seventh verse of fhf Autot,g the questions ofteuust asl: 11 represented, to setts ltd RELIADU iteiea, fifty'Grtit Psalm has a Couching as- I ed its is : "Why are leglettes better 1 socii.ation. Dr• Kea trays : "Pi•o- than petticoatti V' _ Any garmetlt. ,v, SUlRSG10E;li:E>lCri. ' l:al;ly the nothernmost grave on,the is for that clothes the legs with regard for . Patrund idito do not receive their surface of the earth one matte their separate necessities is better a member of the expedition of Sit -than one which ignores individual pager regularly front the carrier or George Nares to the Arctic Sea in rights to w•arntth and freedom. lhrmgh their local post offices .twill the ship Alert, It is near Cape i Une's two legs are two distinct ,. ewtfer a favor by reporting at this Beechy, on the },,row of a hill covet. I tueinhers, and each demands the office, at, once. Sttbscription3 may ed with snow, and commanding a I courtesv of recognition independent cu)nntence at any bine, view of crowded masses of ice which of its fellow. Custoru, which for- ^-- stretch away into the mysterious aterly compelled both teen and ADVERTiSERS. Northern Oceat), where hung like a women to wear petticoats, has been AdwertisereW1.1 please bear ht inind lamp over the door of the unknown, overruled in, utan's case by the gruw- that all "changes" of advertisements, ehines the Polar star. A large stone ing necessity for freedom of motion to ensure insertion, should be handed covert the head, and on a copper I in the active walks of life, and -tile in not later than MONDAY NOON of at the head the words are engraved : result of Chia evolution is man's . each week, "Wash rue anti I shall be whiter present tolerably convenient if not w than snow.'" Daruley read the wholly beautiful garb. CIRCELATION• fifty-fifth Psalm on the night of his Thr, salve reason that led to the • " T1iLr TTEws-REhas a larger umurder.CORD 'rhe sixty-eighth was Icuowu man's adoption of the bifurcated Circulation than any other paper lit this section, and as an advertising anion the Huguenots as the "Sou 8 1: garment (told Good in woman tl case • ' ease and safety in locouloti.n, " medium hcts__•feiv equals its Ontario. of Battle," and was chanted'" by warmth and convenience.: An ag- Otte bot?hs ore ope)t to those who Saronarola acid his brother Dominl- gregatiou of petticoats does not ,give nteart bttsitiess, cans lie they uiarohed to Grand the warmth that one pair of well . • Piazza of Florence to meet rho trial , fitted and appropriately thick log- ' - JOB PRIINTING. of fire, to which they had been sun'" by their Pnemies. Tile letter will ,give for cold winter . g• ' The Job, Department of this jour- moned 'seventy-fourth, "ta cry of the Church weather, for the reason that the air circulates freely under the petticoats • . tial is one of the best equipped ,in on the 4ripk of despair," was the which is iimpossihle with a garment Western Ontario, and a superior soug of the band of Covenanters de• which fits each leg, and one therefore class of ivorlc is guaranteed at very feated at Rullion Green on, Noyew- gets a uta weight with a 1. nioderate rates. ber 23, 1666. The seventy-sixth rn of maximum of warmth by wearing ni .. was sunk at Drumclog -thirty4hree leglettes. 11,e resistance of the out - The �luron News years later. The ninety-fifth, the aide dress skirt agapist the instep -Record t"Veuite, exultemus Domino, was and knee ins walking is tirespcub 11) "I.50 a,Year_$1.25inAdvance. the chant of the remplars, the when legletR are wore, but with . _�.::_-:.=�___ �__ _-=� Knights of the Rea' Cross, when Petticoats the Rtrliin upon certain Wednesday, Jute 27tli, 1888. they fought with the Saracens For muscles becomes so great as to'in- --_-.__�.-_;__•.�-_-=..._- - - the conquest of Jerusalem. '.Che duce disease and suffering often- , • hundred and fifteenth 'tNon nobis, times. • The Psalms in History Domino," was the battle song of the , heroic John Sob iesky-,-K n`g:of-Po- In wet weather the bottom of the There lately died in, Scotland it . land when he marched down from leglettes, which should not cone n)ini ter whose fan1A was in, all its the heights of Kalenberg, 'and de- below the boot tops, do riot net wet churches, and a profess6r whose in,, feated the in,niense army of the as do one's petticusts, and calls(:- ' fjueuce for good was very marked 'Turks which was besieging Vienna quently therF is ,less danger frou) ;.. nn,ong the students of- the body to -a ""turning -point in, history, the exposure to colds; again, Clio leg, which he belonged, final great Eastern invasion which letter leave one comparative freedom Shortly ltefore his Heath Dr.<Ker has thundered at that gate of of movement, Ru that in, case of acci� " hal completed It compilation which Europe." The Ono- hundred and dent it is much easier to extricate cannot fail to till interesting to a seventeenth was sutig by Cron]- one's self from danger than where large number of pt,ople. Good as it well and his aruty of the victory many skirts are worn ; in short, the 14—Ulld It IN v vvy good—It IN leer- of Dimbar, September 3, 1660, leg!"tte8 It"" ,► step 111 lige 1'l15 haps, inure, valuable for the field it a4 described 80 .1•apilleally . by direction, tl)ou-gll wetin, clot argue oppus up and Lite study it suggests, Carlyle. The one hundred and that ally style Of dress which admits than for its own intrinsic w eritH, eighteenth was sung by the Hugue-� the long walkitig skirt coming be- 1, as,these are because,thls col -nets on band(rd knees at Coutras. love the knee is perfect. All progress lection of illustrations of the part S'eoiiigg their attitude, some courtiers is, however', -comparative, and the the'Psaluis have played in history ill gay dress cried ""Behold the leglettes are so. far superior to peth- anal biography call only be readrded cowards are, already begging mercy." coats that .'tile .tuost couvt:ntloIlal as the first sheaf of . gleanings frout ""No !" cried all .officer who knew woman who givos these tyarnlentH a a••very abundant harvest field. Choir way ; "You cosy expect a trial will forever after sin, their It is curious to note that the stern fight fron) the men who sing praise. a sixth P4alni is associated with such ps.lnis Aad. , pray." After their It is a u�atake to say that legletest ,, f, ,. straattiely ditrereiit.people ns Ctitha. victory they sang the ,one liul)dred have few adller'e'nts ; fi,tiny thousand . rine de 'Medici, Elizabeth Charlotte, and twenty-fourth, a Psalm momor. of women are at this very: ti(l)e weitr- lliece of Sophia, ..Electregss of -Han- itble in Scottish history, and known ,ilio leglettes, and no petticoats under over, and ,wife of the, Duke of Or. as "'I)urie's Ys$Lu." their gowns, and no one the 'wiser leans,: brother of Louis XIV.,- Mrs. John Dui•ie had been expelled for it, At a, recent recur ilinuer Carl,yl(,, John Calvin, . and Robert from . hie pulpit anti front Edin- a lady magnificently clothed in all • Rolloch, first Principal of tit(-.Uni. burgh for boldly eri'ticising imine of ultra fashioned evening robe of v'ersity of 'Edinburgh. ,.the high-handed act's of King whito moireand thn richest -of lace . The twentieth Psalm was .called Jautes V_ I:.. So great was the draperies, whispered tlto us : "I -am " I.a11(I I.,y the late Sit' Jarnes 1 Y. Simpson, 'popnla.l' Itid1g00.t101), that the RCII m' 111 A State of "bliss, far 'the le�leLtea his br6thers 'arid sisters, I tence• had to be reversed ; aml which I nave Oil at. this inoment are 11110ther's P5allil." When she was James Melville Galls the story in simply perfect ; no niore potticoatR pressed with thinking and toiling, quaint Scotch : for rue." ' and could not. see her way"through," "t`Vithin fe+v days , after the Wo tire sometimes asked whether she used tosit down and repeat it, petition of the nobility, Jobb Durie we ad+agate A drt s similar to n)an'4 and rise .refreshed. When Edward gat leafe to ga hitim to. his ain as the correct olio, arid' we can reply Irwin tvaH oil leis dead] -bed he re- flock of F.diubur;;h; atwliosoreturn• t"llo",,lost emphatically. It Is flu*- peated the twenty-third Psalm in ing there was a Great concourse of po,;siblo to even guess at thopresent Hpbrevv, and the well•kuovvn fourth the haill toun, w)a met him at the tine what the future dress of woman verse were the dying words ,of Sir Nether Bow ; and going up the will be, but we believe that it will . William IJamilron. The twenty- street with bare heads and loud be something which takes congniz• fifth Psalm was the dyilig song of voices sang to the praise of God, once of legs for persons engaged in Margaret Wil4on, out) of the Wilton and testifying of great ,toy and con- 'active duties, For house wear • martyrs. solation, the one hundred and gowl;s with long and flowing effect The fifth verse of the thirty first twenty-fourth Psalm/ "Now Israel will probably always remain in . Psalm,'"Into Thine hand.I commit may say,. and that trewly,' till in favor, it is well that they rand . lily spirit," has naturally been the beaven and earth resoundit, This, should, for nothing could be more closing utterance of many a life; noise, when the Duke of Lennox, could be more graceful cL-r .elegant' sanctified as it is by being one of being in the toun, heard, and ludgN than a softly clinging gown for $ the seven •sayings on the cross : ing in the 1•Ieigate, looked and saw, house or evening toilet ;but we do "The Lord Himself gave the word, he raved his beard for anger and not believe that working women, and •great has been the ednlpany of basted hien off the toun." who are. compelled to trudge through` . tliow, _dict rubliehed it." "It was ' This (;Psalm is still sung in rain acid shine, through Hummer's the pnrting word of Luther, of Scottish ch,frches, and to the sntue suns and winter's snows, will etern- I\nazi of John Huss, of Jorome of stirring martial -air that in Mose ally go about carrying yards and Prague, of'Julian-Paluier,one-of the .(lays (nude ]leaven and earth re• yards of meanitigleHs, material in noted martyrs in the reign of the sound. -The Spectator their hands;, or tole.gnto Roil(gd and English`Mary, of Francis Tessier, _ _ ­' wet skirts hanging agnin4t the the fir4t martyr of the pert' who shiveri•tig and rebellious. ,pedals. i ging ascended Clic scaffold sin it. 111 Note heads, letter lIeads, Statements, and in factl All kindsaof printing, in, the best style Good .sensen1uHt, In time come t0 1666, and of cothitle" mort." 'Thti known to the craft and at low rates, at 'Cllr the rescue and Rssprt itself it) a way • second versa • of the thirty second Nxtrs-RHCORD otace. I fp silence carping and falsF mo(lesty. Paulin contains the s )iritual idea 1 -Tile election o£ Archibald How soon 4 That we do not nresuu)e which quaint old Izaak Walton set . Gan,pbell Grit 1\f, P,, for Kent, is to. to say ; perhaps riot in, your day, u for the -model of his life. In p be contested on the ground of g reader, but long before earth rolls closing hie biographyof Eisho d P bribery and corrupt practice, per - l:er last woman o(1' into space and - Sanderson, he, says : "'Tis too late sonally and by agents, It is rather becomes again a barren w;Aate.— . . to wish that my life clay be like his, hot weather for politics, but hilt or Dress. for i amu in the eighty-fifth year of cold the queer worker is on the alert my ago; but I humbly beseech Al, and always getting the people luta , y-, mighty God that my death inlay be, tr0llf,le. --The following resolution was and I earnestly beg of every reader -A scotch story is that of a di- .passed by the ggneral assembly of to say, "Amen." `Blessed is the minitive drummer in a local brass the Presbyterian ehureb, at Halifax, man unto whom the Lord imputeth band, who was in the habit, when last week: "This assembly declares not iniquity, and in whose Hpirit -out parading with hi9 comrades, of its conviction that the general traffic there is no guile.' " - walking by sound and riot by sight in intoxicating liquor is contrary to - Thmuhs' Fuller tells how Queen owing to his drihn being so high that the word of God and the spirit of lliar of England erected again the Y g he was unable to see over it. -:Che the Christian religion ; t rut total hospit$1 of the Savoy, which Lad band, o»SaturduyIIfternoonsparad• prohibition would be the most effec- p' been founded by her grandfather, ed usually iu ogle direction, but the tive form•of temperance legislation ; "©x Henry VII. ; and how liar maids of. other day the , leader thought he that it is in the highest degree -the should • honour, out of'their own wardrobe; would change the route a little, and pediont that state pass furnished it with beds, blankets and and turned down a'by st"rset The tin efficient liquor law, and, there- `•.? ' sheets; and hA adds: -"Were any dr""ummer,' unaware of tills move- fore, the -assembly urgds upon all of these ladies still alive, I would menu, kept on his ,accustomed way, menibeis of the church to use nil to pray for thorn •in- the ltuiguage of the drun)tiiing as .hard as ever lie could, legitimate means' secure such' ll'atfon." egfa psalmist, "The Lord make all their By and by, after finishing his -part . bed in their aickneRs' (Psalm xli. 3.) And lie, is it good beclmaker, indeed, and not hearing the others he stop. ped, and pushing his drum aside, he Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radi- wlio can and -will .make it fit the looked to sca w•liat was the matter. Cally upon the blood, thoroughly, cleansing and invigorating it, �\s a bpersou and please Lite patient, But His astonishment may be imagined and absolutecause cure far the seem such are all lou arose doceas. G • r at finding that he was alone. '11a"I g convarstitutional disorders caused by conatitutioiial disorders , f'd, it will be no superstition -to l he cried tosorne bystanders, ,hasony taint or infaotion, this remedy has no paipf, God for their piety and corn• l o'-yq seen a bmid hereabout 2 • -equal. 'I'nlce'it this month. ' m ' ' . ..ON,. 1.D . C, " . P., �� . " a tg � 'L & "�. y w �.fLi.-qtr"... _ Lt� .fil�^' ..rL.. L:-'�..eYW � .... ., i., d'l �:� L.11�!` .. ,. `{:.� .W-`5 V-,--,. r—.ry -.1. - Two Girls right With a Vicious Job, ,questioning rile Almig-bty a u9k• the reason of iiia sull'ering, was hid [ +'� uture to give an ncecut.tt of the den to go }lack to nature for proof of neternal order and Toro under experience two young ladies had lying ;all things. No` other unswe with a elter recently near Fufuula a was given to biro. IftatJe towa sou,w two u,fles below on 'These then, living close to Nature the lice of the A16bouri, Kanhas and Texas Railway. The two yoong with keen appreciation of her beaut" ladies, daughters of respectable far and older, were touched more uearh mere living at the above nauted through her by the Infinite juotic, town, went out in, a Carriage one arid Mercy of the Creator than, (lie] evening recently for a drive. They vvouict have been by any hutnat drove along the wide public road for logic. • a long time without molestation. To the majority of men, tho hear. Suddenly,while pasiug a douse under inn of set tt(ons and public w•orshil growthof grapeviuesand cypress near are tit" shortest way to God. They the road, a deer of gigantic size with are, however, too apt to forget that a large head of horns confronted there is any.other. They neglect tc tlia horse which they were driv. teadvtheir children to understaui ing and commenced to but the all. the beauty in a spear of grht,s, the imal with its horns, t•easola for the red olur of the rose; The girls ++°ere frightened and did the curve in the foot of the fly, or everything in their power to get the- any other detail of the vast and per horse to go on,, but to no avail: feet movement which -we. call Nature Presently one of the girls got cut and they show thew nothing .of the ,of the buggy with the hopes of Eternal Power ,-behind this move• frightening the deer and running it ment. into the woods. On alighting from "There are many voices in tht the vehicleshe gave her handkerl►ief world and none of them are tvithoui it flirt, aiinng to Roare the unwelcome signification." 'These. voices, elicit visitor, but the deer instead of run- in its own language, are iutosided ning, made for the young lady with to tell its of the justice and love of such fury that she was' powerless to our heaveidy Father. If we eluNt get away. The deer kept butting our ears to any of them, we I,y ac her until finally the young girl fw•as much shut opraelves our, from His badly gored. .By this timl-the help on our journey to Him. voung lady remaining in the buggy - • +r-'•-- - had come to her assistance, angl now The happiest Women. commenced the fight for life and • death. One of the girls seir<ed• the Somebody asked me the other dal. buck by the: horns<m-hire Clio other who were the happiest women, aue took a strap from the haruesit, acid I've have been thinking it over since placing it around the dun's neck, The conclusion I have come to it tied the other end to a tree. After that she is the happiest woman whc this was acconiniplished, the young is not too handsome. I don't meal ladies got into their buggy and drove that she shall be disagreeable look home, where some of the inhahi• ing, and she must have a cartaii Wits were informed of the affair, cl►arm of manner ; but by hoe 'lael A company of young hien of beauty she can keep the lovelies armed themselves ' and repaird of womea friends and no jealous] to the scene of battle. On arriving arises, while she is always a pleasan at the place, to their surprise they compinion. The woman who is i found the buck tied to,a tree with a great beauty does, not need to antic' leather strap which had been taken ipato growing old with that ho.rro. from the harnests of the horse which that must come to liar who know; Cho young ladies vv`ere driving. '.Che that it means the loss of liar urea buck was shot dowil, skinned and. attraction. I have always made l taken to town. The horns were pre-, thauksgiviug every eight that Pro Rented to the young ladies,the points vidonce arrn uged that I should be cumbering thirteen. born south , f Mason's and Dixon's line, but I lluw add to illy thank, Seldom What The Saem+ the faet,Aliat>�tulio 'di not makc 3' me beautiful. Ouo - only fee, 'This is a Hort of topsy-turvy this way -after one has become-hov old'? The woman of beauty is going world. No one seenm to he satia- fied to try to become something else for in the heart of every +volnai Ono tuan is ordered to eat eggs in Roman lines and a calliope voic( because they are nutritious, and there is a desire to be considered th( another is cautioned to leave them nicest in the world by somebody alone, l,ocauso they ,produce bile. And if the woman is worth a penny Robinsoir takes a sherry to rive she prefers that somebody'to be r him an mppetite, while Brown who man• I wouldn't trust a wamal fias a ovine cellar, can't touch a who told ole she didn't care foi drop on, 'account of his apoplectic men's society. 'There is so.niethinr tendencies.• wrong •with hei•. She is absolutely 'theprize fighter reforms and abnormal, anal eertaip to come to I becomes a preacher, while the wrong end. Isvau beating will vol theological student .leaves his unite tale frow a right minded +tom tl varsity to becomea professional base her inborn liking for rvakivd it ball pitcher. general and inch in special.' Than teas never been one of these womei One rich mall weal's poor clothes who cared only for the society o because be is rich and call do ally. women who wasn't fretful, un thing, w.hilt a pear man +years line healthy in mind and body, and al clothes because he is poor and wants together a burden, to the earth to 61-it c -fhe impression Clint lie is Woman should like Nvouten o Pot. course but they should like ole, One man escapes all Lite disease beater. -Neve York Star, that flesh is htlir to. and is killed ,-. - .. -- - on a railroad ; anothe.r man goes Some Useful information. through a half dozen wars without a scratch gaud then dies of whooping,, Salt dissolved in alcohol wil cough. UI remove grease spots from cloth. The laborer. with ten children. To clean willow furniture, us keeps ont of debt on $10 a week, salt and water. Apply it with , while many an unmarried bank nail -brush, scrub well, and dr; official with $100 a week can't get thoroughly. along without helping himself to the lVhen you give your cellar it bank's funds. spring cleaning, add a little cop ' Good people die and bad people Aeras water and ealt to Cho white live. The .man whois fat with w`For relief from heartburn o healthcan't, get eunployme,it, and ayspapaia, drink a little cold wate the elan vvlmais-making ]Hooey !land in which has been dissolved over list has to give up business on teaspoonful of salt. ,account of 111 health. - Ink stains on, linen can be taker One man is spending all the out if the stain is first washod• i1 money lie Cali earn to taking a girl strong salt and water and the, to a theater and sanding her sponged with lemon juice. flowers, in Che hope that he may For stains on the hands nothinf eventually make, lien his' wife, and is better than a little salt, witl his neighbor is spendingall the enough lomon juice to moisten it gold hr has saved to get a divorce. rubbed on the spots and than wash The doctor tells Morrill that if he 'ed off with clear wator. dosen't•stop work and take a rest If a chimney or flue catch on, circ he'll'Ko into a decline, and then close all windows and doors first tells Blakely 'that if he does not then Rana a blanket in front of th abandon Lis sedentary position and grato to exclude all air. lVate go off sonlcwhe re and work on A should never be poured clown th farm he will die of torpidity of the cliiinnay, as it spoils the carpel liver,-Keehange Coarse salt thrown down the flue i ___ _ much better. A Patch Of Mose. 31ungo Path tells us that lie anise lost his way in, a desert in Africa, and saw no escape before hint .from. G , U KI starvation and death . ' Suddenly he catight Right of a patch of moss , I I . . I .`.'')F miraculous. III went on my wayX__ r '--' 4' Comforted," ho says., "I knew that the Power which had made And . When say ultitIdonot mean merely U )toffs them for atlt l9, and then hlavetlierr, r6' Nov.; in stock one ,f flit rheape- mrd best stoc) 3 of a /Y . WINTER GL�TH�NR - " "t v' T - I -' A `great English naturalist, when'Ir�f.�t+ EPILS'3i'a$ dying,expressed the sane idea. • ,,. AND OLOTHS. `,; "I know nothing of heaven," lie ""but I have learned `tile fm h.. A Full Line of GENTS' FUR' % said r , finate wisdom and love of the Power T. failedi s no reason for not now reotvtbftsseuro 6endatonceforatreatiseantla ItE r,BOTTLE of my� INFAMIJILR Rrt)tit>tbY. Cil a L+'X rea5 Ing• or a NISHINfIS always'111 stock. - Who haveits gills to the fish, and am not Afraid to trust myself in Ills ri It a -M ' )ar you to Ca77 On 1 J .1 11 is Absurd.' I'or people to expect a cure fox Inalf es - tion, unless they refrain from eating . ' wlagt is•unwbolea ine; but it anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone to the digestive orgat)s, it is Ayek,s Sq,r- " ' wtparilla. Thousands all over Lite land testify to the nicrits of this. inetliciue. Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, .of 248 Liglath street, Soutl, Boston, writes: "DIy bus -:a', bans! Ilan taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for . Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited," A Confirmed D yspeptic. , . C. Canterbury, of 141 prranklln at., Doston, Islass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, be was at last induced to try Ajer's Sarsaparilla - and, by its use, was.ontlrely curet. . Mrs. Jusoph Aubin, of High 'street, • Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a yearI from Dyspepsia, so that ahe could not oat substantial food, became very weak,"`' anil \vas tillable to care for her family. ". Neither the medicines prescribed by physieiana, nor any of the remedies�, :•., adlyertised for the cure of ]dyspepsia, helped liar, until she coanneiiceti--the ,, , it,,e of A -er's Sarsaparilla. "Three '"` bottles of this nudiville", she writes,;,15;' ' rvnrmd mc." - - ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla, , rrrr.mp.o nY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. z; Prlce $l ;)dx bottles, , % Worth $5a bottle. ... r '.. Cantelon's Carriage Works. . The Cheapest Anel host CARTS I' . 11111111111111 In the Mm -tot. See thorn. Stylish and durable Open Crud Tol 13 11136GIES Very Bost -Material andClose Price,- St At Danteh, Prop N, g_,�,f ,OTR,\Y STOCKADVER- K-) T1SEMENTS inserted in Tax Nxws llrconu .at low ratuv. Thb law makes it compulsory to havertise stray stock. If yon want Any kind of advertiMill" yon, cannot do better that) call oil "The News, Record," , SPECIAL NOTICEtg. P 1 M p L[G�7 •fI will mail (ruse) the reci/x i� or A sl,itple V>.uaTAnLi. BALM that will axatu+•x TAN, FRYCHLN.9, PlAIM B and BLOTC1194, le;tving the skin soft, cisa.r and lobauti fill; also instructions for producing,ti luxuriant growth of hair on a hall head or smooth face. Andress, including oe stamp. BEN. VA14DELF ft CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. 3a°y . MA0141•1-100D [restored. A rentlenian haling innocentlf coo• tracted the habit of self -a] ueo in his •Youth, and, in, consequence suffereil all the horrors of. exuaf Ltcapacitp,,,,ostNianhood, Physical Decay, on. oral Prostration, etc., w•illr out of synlputhy for his fellow sufferers, mail free the rocipe by which -, lie wits anally cured. Address in confidence J. +y, l I KNEY, 42 Cedar- Now York St.,. 30.., �r.. ->' yc c F�- s t m .? v . � n - , t+ . br, Q �. ,� x''�.> i^ u v� C.. y-Sw,ci7 vy Ew. Q8 ,• r,aau- GOn-y .,std f{O�C./ro�14 Vr!;;rI .. ~ o v�_t-, W M__ = �­. - ­ " I CLU'THINGN . 11 1. - - ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GODERICH. NVEST OF IQNGLA\) SUIT- INGS & 'TRO,USERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITIN GS & TROUSF.RINGS, FRENCH AID ENGLISH IVOR- STED CLOTH',,', growing in she sand. lis strength, and beauty startled hien, in this un- expected place, as something almost 1. I Made ire in Best Style gelid WON manshil) at Ahraham Si0th',,?. , 1fi ' g' miraculous. III went on my wayX__ r '--' 4' Comforted," ho says., "I knew that the Power which had made And . When say ultitIdonot mean merely U )toffs them for atlt l9, and then hlavetlierr, r6' Nov.; in stock one ,f flit rheape- mrd best stoc) 3 of a protectod that moss could and would care for me," � ;urn again. I, MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of WINTER GL�TH�NR - " "t v' T - I -' A `great English naturalist, when'Ir�f.�t+ EPILS'3i'a$ dying,expressed the sane idea. • )FALLING SICKNESS, AND OLOTHS. `,; "I know nothing of heaven," lie ""but I have learned `tile fm A.lifetonastudy. I OAfanAN•rmyremeftftl durtro the worn cages. Becau a others have A Full Line of GENTS' FUR' 1 r` said r , finate wisdom and love of the Power T. failedi s no reason for not now reotvtbftsseuro 6endatonceforatreatiseantla ItE r,BOTTLE of my� INFAMIJILR Rrt)tit>tbY. Cil a L+'X rea5 Ing• or a NISHINfIS always'111 stock. - Who haveits gills to the fish, and am not Afraid to trust myself in Ills nd Poat office. It eo+ts you not rial and it will Cure you. AdA less, ( It a -M ' )ar you to Ca77 On 1 J .1 Dr IL G. RMT' 67 Yosgo Sty Toronto, Ont, hands." - , ,, i, : -.11110- . . ABRAHAM SMITH. • '.," . _ • "t' , ) t +fit ,u .cl r 4d. . IFI _ a r - '!� ,r,.5 ` NAC .��-.. f ` �'. . ., ,.