HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-06-27, Page 2- .. , k " 1. , 4, .. i -.. .+a-x+-.�rvw. +v.. :nie+.mw!...w'^T'r'1^- ... rrt� �r•nn�_TfinF-,.•..„•n - , _-.,.... . , o .. .T�, mtT•.e9fmMTr+�..T.�*...•+.'.^e•i*-r+.M.:ire-i'.n,�A,.._. amberw+^ea-w.n..�vn+.,Tn+T.�r Y.r'^Ie,T!n.t*Jnrnr�+ecrme.n.'.Tmimm..^.'¢�1^++ . . .' e a . f t i TIFe'o .@ BYtUt d .vt3>G?fT,.cts. , �,r -,- _..,m,:> --m I, �' I i4 pi _ IU : lC t!lki of dem's on o. hs fittest .a th f� sbqut it .aelQ4, s>rhs n than e u � , A T. 7 'X ,r �ltf?i - a aQ ry cquntrJ*"ealct, hail etoleti. under a ,tslouat > :tit ' &'4C�Ui?'s 'a 11 NAIPP ,. ^- t 14trz',f', Brybo, t,11�'euterpris'l-n Torte The, uur,044nate, Apoo leaves a +l n 's ve a a. < a .'ttii. gutokly aroui ,i Tris p ueak ,arid, a fib r h a e s '"; ` . ve r Wo4neede r xor4lu,g,, , #-1410-. G o xy m .n b .s ba l h, h , L . pato ,1 s:. ,r, �4$ f...tor. 4 v.. ;with r _bo,otio la . - Y .rsse.d et, An l oh deltphtil silo ' Wettltiix'..>pger i» ifs crud sir. chtldt et}. lIfl ova ti > , , tst xecvnt ublicat>lona ' ^^uy-=--� a inn t xasnb ' f' a 1 me littje lora afiatc at' surae ltar>od of two ,ls „ i' ,F t. self''Thrgj� 'ter Head. l.ad r of o t1l A l.issed ttr0. Aftsrixard, when .wo tr s .1 Ira ' hie life, pravidesl ,be rias reaglied were batter ao uaint Afr• gottefi of Ti rat+ and Diolly s • .. -� ��. Methodist oliuioh and was also one �q .. cd, she told ,lsne Story. Ills foster is a very enter. ”-r"__M"' t�T �� tw�� 4 aJ���, g ilia age of maturity," said George that silo. didn't. know hots it was alio tainiu sten based ti op occurrences a of the leading iitembera of various „ y, p • James Q, Henry, one o.ftito trtve d AIT 7;ut;Jti Scott not assaciatigit there. He I etnarest. ll have- had iniac, and kiesedute that night,butehe supposed is I{,ng. I Australia; A.le 4nctr t~ in �rroalrerOga fa rgiro in the vicinity It always Ives the pleasure when I that as she had been in the hitbit of Egypt, and America, It never flaks of Beamoville,Binooln County, 4110 POWER flUSE owned property valued at least at y 4 kiseiu the ala alio forgot herself vigorously writ sled killed himself leak Thursday. ; , refer to it. M heart used to go a !�� PRESS P .IMT in iuterests�d is so vi 4�tt,ar><a 4 erect, CIi><> trait. $30,000. rhe Atrl' is at present it•a• at when she carne down the ° g g l r f ten tbAt even the somnolently incliu- Heur 's fal`m is abo►lt flares, m,ilet7 aatd to be in Bultala; whore It is. P 1? on this occasion. But of q,ourso, I �.- 4 street, luy',cheske lturned when she never believed her. ; ed altould by aroused. The latter is east of the village and is a ma Wfi y reported she want At the instigation ° , " v$'1.6U' ra ] ecce=v$X.`lr5 tic Adv��ece. P ° looked air ma, and I felt -aa as I vvrttGeu in an easy, canversatianal cent property of 300 acres. g Qri of her father. f Soots afterward I hired out to a style with occasional outbursts of thistledown when 1 kissed her tinag•�1 farmer in Duchess county to dig passion in tire.. descriptiou of the y H nr went to St. Cothar- The proprietOiso.f'(•ug0ouranio i Nr;ws, the elm trees in a shady street iII Tuesda e y having pirtch4sod the business and plant Law's Certain Uncertainty. Peekskill. The only compliment 1 Potatoes and husk corn at 75 cents a traitor to warititl obligations who is inea and settled up some business of TILE HURON RECORD, will in future day--aud board. There were many also a traitor to his allegiance to his there. He also called an severe! par- ' publish the aaralgatnaWl114persinClinton, ever received was paid by has moth country. The boobs tray be ]tad of sons in Beamaville and the vicinity The Su re young and pretty farmers daughters under the tido of "Txr HUaox Nrws- p ' iiia Cqurt at Ottawa at, who caw ma through the blinds. booksellers at 80 Bind '3a teats, with when, he had business dealings, a Itreorto:" last week gave its decision in a case Just previous to one of those oscula- in the vicinity of ilia farm, but re- The speech of Hon. A. U. Ross, and requested them to call to day 1,111 .Clinton`is the most ,nos crena retrain which has been hefate the judges a tory episodes. Qf course it vvns at mained faithful to my hearts mag- Treasurer of - the Province Ontario alresternQutario, istile seat of considerable long lima. Ii will be remembered night, and she could only see me net in Peekskill. After working delivered is the Assembly last Feb and settle with hint. This morning b manufacturing, and the coutre of the fittest that about four J ears La- the firm of very dimly. She said, 'He is a real oil the farm for three months I could roar , is to hand in pamphlet form a man named A. Everett, who had . agticnitural section in Ontario. DTcI';enzie & .McKinnon, carrying pretty little fellow." bear the suspense no longer, and .so dna Ys got up iii attractive form, been working for Henry, and some x The combined circulation of Txr NEws- on a hardware business At Medford, I wrote to Eli that on Wednesday,There is considerable practical abilitydispute with• him about a small aunt M dtreoan exceeds that of all/ paper pub- "The first time I saw lily wife, of°the folluwiug week, I would coe as well as plausible ienit exhibiof money which was due to Everett. ' fished in the Count of I;won. It to made an assignment for the benefit Ella was at a Sunda school seely• ° p t; Y therefore, unsurpassed as an ydve,tisi,(g of their creditors. The }lad est Y down and marry her. I had to• run a ed by Hou. Mr. Ross in his statenieut Henry was thou in bed, and as Ever- Y J eraarJ in t}to So.uth•street Cburah, of the fiva.ueial condition of ilia Pro• alt left, he said he guessed he'd get medium. before failing received a consign- hundred dollars in debt to provide iu Peekskill, which was thea known° viuee. If we accept his statements, u and put on ilia pants. Shortly a ',' d7ltates of advertiaiue tiberal, and meat of goods from blr. C. Kleepfer by the boys as the `Old $otvety,' the necessary outfit. 1 arrived in which are of an unusuallyroseate P P 1 Y furnished ort a i plication• of Guelph, and Mr. Floe far was of Peekskill late in -tile afternoon. after this HenrJ'e son Stauloy held , 1 l P P b,e,,ise it was so cosmopolitan a character to tomo from a supporter " I'-'' � Parties making contracts for a speei- course to secure what he could of P Ella had been looking out •flow ire- of blue ruin Gritism the Province of aloud explosion in the house, and fiedtitne,\vhodiscontinnetl4eiradvertrse- church. She was a brunette, and hind the blind -sluts auxiousl ' when he went inside he found his his property, Ha first seized under alto aeomea to me like n rose among y Ontario had a surplus last year of meats before the expiry of the same, will an execution but as this was resist- ° atvaitiug mo, and half fearing that nearly t1400,000 over expondttures, father sittin° bolt upright ill a chair' ae.charged full rates. suufiotv�ora. Site was the daughter I would nut come, I was gotten u IVa hope that there will be no rude near the bed, unconscious and dy- x ed he abandoned and consented to „ o P Advertisements, without instructions as of a villa°e trustee, a ptoeperous g awakening from this alleged gratify- ing, with- a bullet hole through his xi' - to space, and tinge, will be left to the ju(ig put in his.elaitn as a creditor, Tho „ in great shape. ,1 wore a pair of r P °rotor, auti a man who' had great of No. 5 boots on' l�To. 6 fent. Che ing condition of the finances of the head and a rovolver lying;by his side: utont of the compositor in the display, in• dividend shoot showed him entitled weight in ilia village councils, As Premior Proyince. With additional The ball entered the right tempi rs ,i ,erred until forbidden,-, measured by a to $900, but rho Assignee, Atr. Gard- the lieu rhter also °tromiuont R man pressure was extl'ett49 ; I +vel Iced ° P rc venae that ,viii bo derived from • 0. — scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the nen refused to hand this over on ° is pigeon-toed, licenses this year a quarter of million and tante out over the left eye, pass- ' ' 'A . inch , and charged 10 cents a line for first ' of course. I lied no opportunity of Y n ing through rho brain. Death oe i fuse tion and 3°cents a lino for each sub• the grounds that by seizing under coming near her. I could only The .treading tools place at the ou;{ht be added to this in his next purred a very few minutes after ,t in insertion. Orders to discontinue an execution he had forfeited his worship her from afar, its an astrun• house.' The objections of her vela- statement. Be this as it meq West .• ] ' tivas had been overcome b Ella's of Huron should be proud of its rd- 11the shot was fired. "In the dead ,r" 4 - 3dvertigemonts mast bo in +vritiu_. right to rant: as a creditor. AIr. ower mig6 t gaze with enraptured y preseutative iu the Ontario Assembly. man's vest, which lay on the bed was r ,t , t -.-ter=-•w-••-•• -ate' Notces set as t(rnntun AIA'rrim, Kloepfer, therefore, was forced into vision on Venus iu the heavens. I cletat'll]ILLRtiou. I remember . we His tcrgivorsations are triers due to found $3,000 in bank bills, rtua his I (measured by a scale of solid Nonpariel, l2 t,ho courts. T'he case was tried at came down stairs slat in alar walk- 's lines to the incl►) charged at rho rate of , , used to Follow her Loran ata .dis- ' his having to cover up the tracks of gold watch. An inquest was held. Ilrampton, and a verdict was entered tante after the 1`1 er-meetiu r ryas ad through the hall, and entered the his nuscru ulous colleagues to the The reasons for the suicide aro not 10 emits a line for each insertion, P '' Y 6 p for Gardner: The plaintiffappeale'1 out And watch her from behind a back -parlor door. There were two .Cabinet than to any positive desire far to seek. Mr Henry was a rasa `„ to ilio Divisional Court, and true as she'��Rve Kate Aiarshall n if r rows of relatives and friends drawn on bis own part to distort. 0 1 of.violent temper irritable die- r .DOB WORK. two judges against one decided that ,,lute at the Aato," I then wished up the length of the two parlors: To the making- of books there is ' We have one of the best appointed Job hill; tar was wrong and dismisses " Tho assage down the lines seemed certainl' uo end. A recent issue is Position; d i as domestic n heavy We west of Toronto. Our facilities in P flint I was iu Kate's place. P ° Y drinker'; And his doluestic relations• Y• this do +artmerit enable us to do all kinds the appeal with costs, He then car to me like 1'nllniII^ the ��auntlet. the bnd��rt speech of Sir Chas, Tup• . 1 "1Vhau rho Sunday -,shoo.. viv- ° cr `tihito the Dominion is not tvara unhappy, His wife and �•i" ' of"work—from to ried the case to the Court Appeal, Of course I had t'o step solid, and P' dauryhters have not Leon livitio at ` n ersary was held, I was assi° eel to Heaping up a surplus, a satisfactory ° ° < i,, poster, in ilio best styie known to the and all four' judges of that Court „, the Agony m,y feet st:ffarod rtes iu- . � , craft, and at rife lowest possible rates g cin° n lriaco ontitloc}, I addle Your exhibit is mlideof the livancial condi• hums recently. i decided that lie was ri ht and re- tense. rite Rev, AL•. Ferguson n a, ,1 . 1 fedora by mail promptly attended to. ° Own Cane. I boa -lit a new suit b ' tior, of Canada. No attempt is made th 11r," p. served the judgments of the lower of cluthee, for the occasion... I didn't Methodist ►uiuistar, received us and to gloss over the liabilities or under - Address courts with costs. Air. Gardner we wore joined together=joined rate our obligations. There is a. de. . Hints to Housekeepers. ers. ;; have the utonoy to pay for them, but P The Nevus -Record, then appealed to the Su roma Court hard and fast in the bonds of wed- sire manifest to show the real iudebt• i}v PP P a friendly physician wont security (,1i11ton: Ont of the Dominion at Ottawa. The lock. The dear little woman has edness of the Dominion—an indebt %'raft stains aro removed b for me. I must say that they fitted eduess incurred in a Iegitir4raGe and J L`r _—_--_ _ .. -___ .-.__. case was Argued last fall' but j'udg- ever since been a helpmeet to me in bloaching on Lite grass when apple me just like'Jaetkson's Clinton suits, successful endeavor to develo• the ° ° ment was not delivered until Thurs• all my struggles with adverse for- p trees era in blossom. 1.i4' "Now," said Ito ntyao}f, "is Iny almost incalculable natural wealth 4a , TheHuron Nevus -Record lay, when all the six judges united tune. bhe has cheered me when c titre to make an itis impression on which Providence has blessed its Preserves and jellies should be € in'u holding the .Court of Appeal P the Fkies ware clouded and when J c tz 71.6o a Year- t•25 In Ad>•ance. P ° PP Ella." \vith. The development of Canada kept in cilass on stone or Lit self r„ •, for Ontario, and. ordered Air. Klcep „ , g tree rain of trouble fell. Bless her ! may to some be realised when P ° The night 'of the entertainment Y sealed jars. � for's claim.to be paid tvitlt all the came. The church was crowded. "But I was mighty glad to get lily it is stated that Ne required o.n}y i Wednesday, .lune z7th, IS89, costs of appeal and all the costs of loots oft"' . 8,969,86.2 tons o shipping to do our When stung by a bra or wasp, i,?,,," _ I saw lily frionds—mostly young ? l Pl make a . caste of common earth and the lower courts. As Air.' Gardner trade in 1877; ten years latof, in 1887 1 3v "" v T—� men about Illy own age—grinning we utilized 17 513 G trator 11E all the lace at nca and A 'M�SEItABLE LIFE AND is one of the wealthiest Dien in the 77 tons of ship- , p p , at me in rho Audience, and evidently ping. Surely the commercial world cover with a cloth. DEATH. county of Grey, inside of the estate The Rector and the Bishop. Naitiu° illy appearauee. I sat do trove and Canada has given cou- of which ho is assi;nee, Alrr Kleep A tablespoonful of tarpeutiue boil - a; "" -- among a bevy 'ot' ,young girls who Now York correspondent %ide caused hinore bl tile weight �htlsion tofitttftltat ad with your whits clothes will aid µ4,w.,'* Suicide ,of a Wealthy"' Mau fer has probablythe consolation of were dressed in white with red au,} Y R Y• r+ Under Shocking Circum- kuowtug that at the close of his of the that Crlrifatcl says 'rhe total rereuues of the Dominion the whitening process. _rj blue sashes around their waists and J ° last were $35,754,JJ3, an in. lige ] choose in n tight tin box. stances. long fight lie will get his Inouoy =The ' aro telling rather Au r r ( l o among them was my charmer. She amusing ,tor of the Bishop cluase over the osbimatesof $454 9')f ,r . " �— and costs, ° Y P � • • To set delicate colurs in ourbruid ' The ',uwu of Al urer, Uutario, is _ __ _ seamed to rine to be more lovely, hotter. One of his daughters The yield from Customs fres $22,378,- , . ;. 5 more gracious and triers amiable than Bred haudlcerchiefs, soak threw ten „ • ° applied - r'ecently for confirmation .500. While our responsibilities Lata g `" -reatl.y �excil-ed over one of th,: most Useful Hints. -- • all t'he' rest, My piece was • about Increased' the wherewith to met t minutes previous to tvashina .in a in a certain largo dna flourishing > pail of tepid water - its which a de- ,, deplorable 'occurrences that has half way down the progfnw: :1s it et;angelical 'church ill this city,, theta has also increased in yarns. P' P , .:k ever takeaa mace - in the province, .1' or scuuriug steel Knives, rub two came nearer I became mono and mora g, The undoubted proof of this is shown sertspoonful of turpentine -has been 1 t , 'fire rector gave a number of names, b the confidence the shrewdestbusi- wall stirred. common Bard bricks. together . rut excited. My finger's grew cold with Y ,. . \vhich laal,patted thyro Tuna 19th. a 1 0 ° illcludiug iters, to one of his zealous ;less encu iu the worcl(1—the more thio dust thus obtained in n box in nervous a rehensiou •rad when at Y Where tweeds •persist is spring- °'' " between six and s�Iveia o'clock, wlt'en apprehension, + • young •a,istants and lrado him. visit ]cingg of.Britaiu—have shown iu Cau- rj1r a` Geoxgo W. (Iuo+lfulluty n wealth ,a lrnruLy place, yon will find Iiothing: last rho ntastar of corornonies btrw• n ' iug us as fast as they are cut off, • ( o y each cau<lidate. The bishop live', in oda. The Domiuinn in 5867 paid koro. titin OtV'tiler', nU l un,' of the most Ul'tl P. ea 4a rile to indicate that my tl'nrC )lalld�oltla apartments Up COtvll, hut, l,tlaetn,5:55'per CCrit interest On money °ono oil 171Ay b0 USCCI t0 ArlVan- , '`< promiueirt cisiz;,u� of the town; \Lir slava blacking tvitlt vinegar had cove I feltlikcacriminalgoing ', borrowed from 'them • in 1887 with rage. If A small quantity be pour- s Y b o the surronndin°s dill not doter , ands<l itis 'Faisteni r I,p sending .a ti, the cuusitency of cream, Tadd a to execution. As I.wen't out upon, tale Low Church pastor. He was ' largely. increased liabilities includ,ino od on the plants after being cut bul}et crashiu tlirourrh his brain. rin�h of sugar rub with a brush it, fila platform City legs trembled .io• „ lint ruin Dick and the Globe, we pay serve the effect will be to destroy 11 • o n I „ , e oin to fight the devil and his �� swill ire a beautiful.. and lasting lently, and my hands seemed to " ° ° only 3:99 per cent interest. ,;l'lte thorn. The circumstanpus ,leading up to � ° works wherever he might find them• fivantes of the Dou]iuion \veto never ol'lslr. __ me to assume tho proportion of A. 1 'in r .ICCI'OSallO with a' rag ° . to.the affair are of a niost distressing P g Clie nacre suggested nothing, for in a more healthy condition than at PP, J b ° . nature and sash as have fortunately liub the inside of tol-halo•' cans, sugar -cured hams. When at" last I there' afe Potters and Potters as weR present, anil rife ex Finance Aliuister 'when you are about to put your b4, - fated the audience my music tremor- stoves awe for thtl summer will 311, > ; waver taken place in the vicinity just after rho fruit has been emptied as Smiths ani] Smiths, both tori] its Liv Budget Speech, just published, Y . ed like an aspen leaf in the breeze, , before. It appears that about two outs tcith a'eloth covered with soda, mon enough trades in the days furnishes irrofra� .proof of what prevent tram from ,rustle°. Before I eould.open lily mouth my all the world, exce t a few factions g ;'s''�I" — weeks ago Lillian, the 15 -year-old it will.bri,,hten them wonderfully, when a man's surname indicated his P Old linin°s should be washed, young friends in'the au3ience salut- Occupation The candidate was not Grits, knows' to be the case. The ironed and kept in a recd table daughter of deceased, suddenly left Raise -your bread in a`well butter ed Ire with ' Ho there short l practical roof of our financial '' 1 P E home, *before (ling so loaviug a ed stoup jar ; warm the jar well in „ ,' „y'„ ,' J' ill but her muther appeared^ After stren ith, as we have before said i• devoted to such things. It is sel- uote with a neighbor stRtiu' tltaC ive it tp em ! Dont weaken f, ' ° o eels tvuather before utting the ° an appropriate conversation Lite furnished h the willingness of manes dem these can be utilized inn good . t t r .'. • • P ° old main 1' .1 and various other re- the, oung olcrg man said 'tVhare magnates of Etre old worlii to let Ll9 dress, but sometimes come in course 11 r k>, .ilio could not stand it any longer, dough in. marks which were not of rho most J' °Y , +fits,, _ that Lor fitther lies been rcpaatedly does your husdand attend church 4 have money now cheaper than at any for children's garment or for every . 11 Sew garnet rags on the machine,: encouraging nature. At first T was. , xl '• guilty of having incest with her. it saves both titre and labor, fold ° ° Nell, he attends novo vogularly, other period iu our history and ou clay Cotton g0\V 11 a. . I When this sten leaked out the : stunned. The sea of faces before Very b'aa, very bad,' saidttto Minis- better terms than any other colony. �, bag of dr hot holis bn the n 'y g g Y the same As to sew by hand, ronin me R]el'ge(l Into one bilge gl'Inlllllg ter' severely. u ' neatest .iudi nation was aroused y. 'This habit of ruun- The only countries in the. world that ° ° and out on ilia some side, sew awhile countonce, whieh mocked and derid • rate as financial) hig r as Canada are chest is excellent in relieving {�, and Goodfellow left town in search then cli and wind.. ing about is pernicious, Is be n Cruet Britain satyr theUnited States. croup. , .11 ' of^,M of the li'I. It was expected he P aa' me. Than came the reaction. I church communicant }' 'Yes.' ' ;; _ would return on SRt.urdny night,--•_.�...,.._ __` gathered myself together as a stroug 'Norse still; and what views' does - - Carrots sail celery cooled in ' ` Mgdes Of Salutation. swimmer might nerve himself to. cream wake n very rico dish,. The 5k,: and that night a -crowd of indignauL he bola} Is 'he high or low, or Discipline. M1 ° ' ° __ face an angry sea, and sang as I had ° carrots should be cut in thin slices - citizens congregated at the depot (with A broad upiioaval of the some - with the intention of summarilyThe Irish say on meeting. `Clod rover sung before. 1 told the Audi what narrow Ghost is he A church., 1'lie church is in imminent (huger and boiled in salted water, the celery dealing with him. He did nobless you 4 • Qu entering a dwelling once to paddle their own canons •in man 1' 'Ah,' said the bishop's wife, of beco'miug corrupt for lack °of in inch lengths nttd then scalded. ° 'God siva all here !' such a fervid manner, born. of Inv , Add the milk thickened with corn- + *;. come then, however, but returned - latices 1 do uqt-,I:uow • Int is; how-. discipl •ne. Iu lnany.places pastors -' - resentment Ana toy pride, that they ' hold too loose rt roll]. Let us sea to starch while boiling. the following Monday. Ile and his The Arabs say on netting : r1 ever, the assistant bishop of this s- ..' t' showered Ire witch oranges and boil- A wash whieh will remove ,ilte, M:. lawyers have repeatedly denied. the fine inorn'iu„ to Jou diocese, to which, I think, you be- it that the church is made and kept quer,. They called mo our three long You had better rut the pure. and then she will have power sunburn acquired byout•door sports awful Accusation but this has lies The 1'urlc ase with dignifies °• l ' ° times. The friends who had saluted , is made b adding to twelve ounces Q" t.'- no effect upon Lite'' minds of the gravity : 'God grant you His bless- question to him. and influence. is Y ° i „'W me so unkindly were put out .cif are in circulation against ministers of elder flowor water sit drams of . people, nod a largo crowd on Thnrs- Ings !' a doors in rho cola by 'a polioernnn, - --T- arra members, b eommott�soda and six rams of a 3' '' as night last banned him in etli+r to cover up such r �: ; Y ° oY The 1 Persian salutation is familiar As I i4nt back to Illy seat„j: threw An Appreciative Clergyman.. ruUlors-or to•treat then] with silent powdered borax.- Apply to. the ' in front of his house. to all the world front its gcmintuess: all -the oranges and bout uets its the ' ° L contempt will only make matters.. skin • it will make it aselear and as ° Police Magistrate Glover consult- 'May your shadow never grow IAp of the girl upon whom -L. -had The old-fashioned elergymou in worse. If Ire are sl adored let us soft es n baby's. t' r ed with Crown Attorney Donahue leas l' set my Heart, I noticed a few min- old titres used to be very gobd• jud- face our accusers and push the Put dishes tunib]a)..B-dna- -other t ? . 'r.n- in toferbnae 'to the caro and rho The Egyptian is a practical man. utes later that•she had put the gas of horseflesh. They had to be, slanderers to rho wn]L Innocence glass nrticlas�iuto a ],tittle cover result was that in the afternoon Ile has to earn Ilia taxes b toil un- choicest nosegR •at );er corsage and for the did most of their travelling ° ' Detective Clayton lodged An itifor Y ° Y ` ° ' Y ° aver dreads investig;atiou ; it. in- them entirely with cold anter, dna ` Y ° der ilio burning sun, And according• .I was glad. (:lad is,a very feeble on horso-back: The story Does of a ' vites it. The more you rub a Int rite kettle where it will soon motion charging him with incest ly; when he meets h'is fellow, he total in which to express joy, DotecTcircuit preacher is Southern Y boil. tiVhcu it ]),,is few . ,. silver dollar the more is shines, and rape. The warrant was placed asks; lIoiv do you sweat l' I was hilarious, intoxicated with my New Hampshire, that ho onto gave „ s in the hands of Constable Jerry. '"The winced floe when no man minutes, sot it asi�lo covered. close. Y in lthosea er it probably roba Bl all isawarwell Iuocltst s sine wasilmin ooeThoor, most unexpected naAtestimony rto his. pur.stieth, but the righteous are When the water is cold, take out ,`" " Huffman, who about 6.15 proceeded Atte and judge. It bold as a lion. F.xjmute adjustment rho glass. ilii, process will harden " mow, to the mill of the unfortunate Titan, with a laborer so long as he perspires was. another good-looking, follow, was a still,. Sunday in midsummer. ° ^ o was immediately placed under freed Y aua viudicntious satisfy nobody. the articles so that they will not be y. r who wore a high hat and who had Every window in the church was Let the traducers know that they so easily broken. ;tn Ai Ha requested. pormiseion Tile good C}►ivauiau loves his a litho black mustache. He wanted vride open. The air seemed Hardly will be held to'responsibility and11 I • I" to vis ., 'e,honie near by, which the dinner. °'How are you digeetinrr 1' to et L+'lla. Ai'ter-.'rife entertain to move. The buzzing of the loan • To expel mpsquitoes, take of guar ', w CanitAbl 1, .. t,�d., He entered the Y digeating g d required to prove their charges and camphor . a 151cco About one-third i�•--,, �, he kindly lnffUll'e8 on mooting a meat was over we went down into sts in the finis, camp in from afar, the will be more in future. , house dna exe411ad to his wife, friend. the basement to get some ice cream And accom iau ing was the scent of Y the size of a hen's egg, dna ovApor• . 'r - "rhe 've commeueir:+d a rnl rowed- ° i Y ° Our neighbor of the Now York ' Y rl; o p 'rhe Greek.4, who are keen Icon of and cake. The good-looking young the pines from the grove near the Adroeate ens "Greater strictness of Ato• it by plAei•ng it In A tin vessel ings against me." The oq•r,womeu Y and boldin it over lain taking business, nu,l close b rgainers, ask man went down also, His sister sacred edifice, cit'far,4istant was moral disci line is the demand of g p' e ;+ placed hot hands to•her Ii dt-but one nuother : 'flow are you getting introduced him to l;lln, but she A wooden bridge. Tho preacher rho times. When An official board cnrothatitdooanotignite.'1'heamoke .vas suddenly startled at the sound on 7' didn't tape much notiau of hire', and had just cum laced the treatment will soon fill the room and expel the I'll Vof a rovolver shot. Goodfellow had' J P consists of good men it is eas to . Tito, unLionnl salutation of Na les after that I hnd uo fears. I tool: of the fifteenth 'Lend of rho dis- g „� . Y mosquitoes, and not one will be P enforce disci line, ,S, CAcdeocrcte. found in rho ronin next morning, obtained possossson of a 32 -calibre ryas fb, .1y, 'Grow in grace l' At her home that night. The way was course,' And was pausing for an in- '• P revolver, and in the sitting -room present Icer' - to of Italy, they shaded by maple trees. Her -little Stant ou Ino verge of sixtaenthly, --- even though ilio window shoul(l he just within the door from the hall use a phrase uivalent to, do hand rested on the ,eloeve of lily Just then was heardtthe clear, quick, —A singular seen was the arrest loft open all night. , placed it to the back of his ear and you stand 4 brand new coat and when we cattle uteasured footfall of'a trotting horse of Rev. W. F. Wilson, of Davisville, _ _ fired. IIo fell to the floor dying Tho Spaniards,'flow are yod,,pass- to a rough place in the sidewalk she •using over the bridge Tho pas. 'York county,last Wednesday, in To- a. , instantly, ing it V clung to me ,Its though afraid she or paused and looked at his con- ronto. The gentleman was attend. —J. H. Doitz, contractor for rho The news of the affair spread The Y'riencli, 'How ao Jou carry 'would fall. I seemed to walk on gregarine ;rho congregation lookoii ing Conference, lie wa"s vGaiting to finishing in Bell's organ factory, rapidly, and when your correspon- yourself 4' •• air, When we reached the rate slid at the Astor. 'Then said the fetor Guelph, eloped with Miss May e 11 , • dent reached ilia ,town roes of The Germans 'How does it b h P' overheard a street car when he any, fan g p gof ,total on flip inside and I on the out fn n torso of confident ud o moot Haste on the midnight train. About j g overheard a policeman profane a week ago D'eitz's wife and dao h citizens could be seen standing The;Duteh` How do you niivig• aide,. I staid thele until her big and with a touch of certainty of �� 8 g. " 1, w around discussing the case; avhile in ate ?' brother came al'oug and told her general agreement in his rano :.� laagnase. IIs turned roll, and tar left -to )gay a viait,to }nor married flout of rho house a t}ertstt crowd The Swedes,`How. tau -you 2' that she had hotter go into the house. ( expostulated with theofl;cerwho told daughter near Chicago, and on . J ° Aiighty even trotting boast that ! him to ,Move on'. Failing -to do so the Monday Inst he drew $900 from the had gathered, whom the c'onstnbles menning,,`i4re you n goodwigor4' .Har little sister came to ,.tura. baso Sixteenthly, my boaters,' and rho policeman arrested 1Vilsoftt,the latter restrained with difficulty from enter- ' The Russians Be well 1 ment door, and I heard het � as P bank, of which Altss Histo is said .l Y , sortnon-ryas continued.•. reaistin . }iewas tatter to the sifts ing. The House is anentstoK y and The English-speaking races, in she eo ed out : '` a h to have got $500. ILe paid up all P P Will statiati and charged with beilig disord. the bills be was owing snout#d town n half brick structure, No. 170 additon to tiro juvenile and tolep- "'Oh, nranuna, Ella's got P. fol* - � erly•entored against him. The mag• g Talbot street, and, ' short dle"tance honic, 'Hello 1' says,'How are you?' ler �I" "` 4 ° nt pErBill TnsrJv'csws Itxconnopcnrrfeecn lstrater fined hrm �1 and coats. The sand squared up with his employers. a ao,; t from it is the �dy ,istorey mill and How do 'you do ! It was a bold net to do, but at -full floe 5;'Ik case will be appealed. They vvoro last heard of in Chicag8: F ,.,w '" �,r Xt .. > T'a,`�( �... • , per. ,', , .