HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-06-20, Page 5a. o . w ' SPun E�A�CEfa c. AM e i. GE NS a tl,t e ___.-1S NO\'4' SII011'ING _ :... _ Special for Parasols. Q Special far Oriental Lace.Speeia 11 1�ce1��1'1�t►� illFame TDress Goodsq.41 �Special for Embroideries. Black and Cplored Cashmeres, Silks, &c. Special for Bum and FIounclggs. —0-0-0-0— Special l, o 0 o---- - pecial for Veilings.. �' PARASOLS! ----OUR STOOK 1S VERY COIF N' �, TE. •0-0-0-0 u y special for Corsets. a See our 5 cent and 8 cent Prints. Seersuokersfrom 8 cents,See Tho Peicesl - See The Assortment, 0 0 0 a LOW PRICES RULF.a'i ! FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEXAN, Xanager-.=4 Estate J. HODGED'S, CEO.. E: PAY'& CC'S. — Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton. SPRING S DETLOR bad any such should, therefore, be Sale ltet;ister. HAwTS® ���� HAVE JUST OPENED UlTT had to any such bq-law or bylaws if' still in existence. T have the honor SA,uluinl, JernE 23,-Secmtd annual ! to be, sir, Your obedient servant, sale Ly 11L'. Ceoioc SLarmjm of harness, of the v0a'y LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also New Washin�abnesA. DI. Boss, orsennsetiltpintents, Also a uamber afbugg;eswagous ]j� t To— _, Provincial:rreasurer+ and go-carts. Bargains will be going. One case Amerlcall Nee/swear Inspector Salo at Mr. Shariaan's shop opposite the In• "LAWNS, ZEPHY13, CAMBELICS, SATEENS, GINGH_',M' S, 4s market. Sale wall conuuenee at 1, p. m. (very handsoare), front 20c. up to.)Oe. A call respeetl' ly solicited. MITSIANS AND EMBROIDERED ROBES. Our Weekly Bound Up. �YECUTOTI'S AUCTION SALE OF 000 ACRES GTO C G'�AS �"�_ DRESS �:J•E land 1 Huron and Bruce on THURSDAY, e—'rhe late F.m eror Frederick died tuNla 21st, isas, ny John Purvte, Aaetloneer,�f Murray Block, Albert Street. GOODS P Lots15 lfi,nud W.},in9th con, Wnwnnosh + at el'dve►i-o'clock Friday morning County of flacon, .0217 Lots as and _aa, to the iso ,1 Noxt Door to DTtY•G001)S I'ALACl}. and his son now reigns in his stead, eon, of KinlossTownahip, County of Bruce,com•, griging threehu -ed [army. Alao7.}acres in I In LAMAS. \T��'S `'EILINGS, CASILAIEIIES AND with the title of William II. St. Helens. Terms liberal. For pnrtimihara seg -On Saturday'Mr. and Mrs. James Posters and apply to BEAOF.It S IiAl1Tr, [tar. - DEBRIEFS. _ Lamb, of London, rude from London r1'eters, Goderich. 500 -td. HOUSE.PA NTI N ' ' 4 Parasols from 25 Cts. to 6.00. f ` to St. 'Phomas on thsir` 'tandem� tricycle in two hours and three -guar• NO PAIN WITHOUT ITS PLEASURE. ��� cera, GLAZING AND GRAINIP+IG, -Mr. Childs who keeps a small It you have had tho'paintul usperience it soil• + P Ing, s re' s e"in wring your clothca wail! out pLAI�[ ASID DECO$ATIYE store On West Main street, raalt,'WaS pleasure seeking or otherwise, yonyhave the �iiother Shipment of the LATEST NEW YOI;IC S'rYI.I'b verb C'Fteair tried for not closing his store at seven Pleasure of h cls ng that they alit bed ee clean• : '— o'elock but OWIIT t0 the magistrate ed, ei French deancd,aethee:ase may necessitate, P���..Ll ``j g P us well as they sin he done 1n the world,•by the r %%% v / :0: not being certain about the Early noted Tallor,and clothes Cleaner of the west. 0 KalsorrliniAg Closing Act being legal the endo was .ip• W. C,�littil.AKll:, Victoria .ria St. H111�LL■ • ANT)( J,,,,C. ����dismisses.-David Me er has com terse a & CON Meyer p Clinton Woolen dills, �v `; �T - wolf for Duncan )favMillan of North 0� F S�`1/•VT_LV G I: Easthope ata depth of 288 feet. The �� 1 \ t J i v l�f.n; I last 40 feet were bored through solid ' reel. and the well note contains 318 �1/Dol_ WANTED �S Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street feet of water. At Clinton Woolen y(wa, for cither.CASH Olt / - Sig C7LINTON, ONTAR=O_ �' a =The readers for [118 new, Cana- 'fICADI'.. ahivhi.- rented the .Clinton woolen (' p Alilla, I intend Fari runniav altogether oil CU51'UAI �\ �^ P ■ elan loan were opened Friday last,and WORK, F:tnuer'a leaving their wool with vie [V= V` ®®I `� it was found that the issue had been will have it manufactured foto Tweeds, Blankets, ■ T. m „ I�'lannel or Yarn, and bavtug had 25 years exper- even a greater success than was an-' — - g teats I know I can give y ou satisfaction, 1 have0-- ticipated. Applications reached a on hand n ]:ergo stock of FiNE AND COARSE \ a total of L12,0 DU 000 three times the TWEEDS,also FINN; AND COARSE FLANNELS, n 4Big,'++ BLANj{E'rS, lean laid IIos[xnv of ill doecrippGAea siaeaSlaUght0f New � �� ods amount of the issue, The minimum don's, which [ wall trade for wool or sell chew price fixed was 9.x.1. Applicants for cash, fanners, give nit a cal[ before you offered fro' 95 to 97 and these will. Part with your [yogi. no1,T. CARDING n SPECIALTY. R'Y �v (� p receive allotments. JN�.•-SGOTT■ ol+ Yew EO t s Shoes I 5 -Just previous. to his death, the Emperor wrote in pencil ;-"I feel �7 E11LOCK vLUMBER FOR SALE. -Irish � i • that Dr. bfaclienzie has done all that i I• boirda scantling and joist. Clinton.o , • e %��,,,�oya��1�s i- Otr,o)s Praai�, or to \1' It Pxmtis,te+i, LJI V human science, watchfulness' and ' � • skill could do to prolong my life, I ■ . . PRI'NTO, ■ thank'ihim." On another slip he BUTCHERING• BUSINESS -TILE UNDER• 0 sinned stares n intimate y, she po ore " I. wrote, "I have tries my best t0 d0 'Clinton and Nurrounduigcountry, that in order O H my duty to my God and to my conn • to suitably meet the doniaudyof his very sumer• Having'.. ust bought a stoCIZ of, yle\V t+00(ls alt the pl'esent _ ouscastomers, lie has bought out the -business Having ,just I feel that the end is now near, of Air. R. fitzyhnons,:end with carry on Clic same, Just arrived, i Case New Prints c� ft rnbrarys. LOW PRICES I am ill It position t sell goods as ]err God's wall be tions." sill the choicest meats h wants Ever,• effort as any res peetable House in the Doluinion. Am, on.v vlill be mndr, to mer.[ the wants of all,'and he Ly 1 `1'110 LOna011 ;\fethOUlat C011fei'• hope§ to nierit and i<L(ekle a fair share of public We are -off: n-im, a splendid I i`Ln(re of GREY DRESS 1 ' - ence last week took up the case Of Patronage. Lowest prices for large orders. T, +� \Vallt'llh Rev. J. Stonehouse, late of Adelaide, Farmers' trade a>poeiatty, ALBERT MAY. PRINTS S hi Checks and .Stripes, at 1.1C., worth .1 22C. agains6whom charges of blackmail• 1 �y� (? al's a1S0 c�'1Vln'>' t�'1'illlll V2tlu(' ill DAPI` BI U'F ' in" and (alsehood,in reSara to alleged ale Blacl�smith �hoi�. b J®®d'®®ds" �'�ice violations of the Scott Act, had been t PRIN'j�,V alt 1()c. Big range Of patterll5. preferred, was taken up. The facts . of the ease are familiar to the public. C 1'.ort:I, TROWIll LI, has-o})eneil gat ,t gen• i S'I'1LIT'ED CH _IIBI'AYS will save money by cillhig on ole. I always Leel GOOD t oral Blacksmith and lte talc She 1u .the ,Y a have the newest styles illi b w rr� committee evidence and Stried of the 1 l n y STAPLE GOODS ----what the people want—'and ILL building lately occu iced by AI r. Gauloy, north of conlruittee who ..had tried the Cabe Cantelon'scarriageworks, Albert street, Ulinton, 111"Pink, Blue 2lll(1 U1'(y (It.1116roi(lel'leS t0 I11�1tC11), p 1 i' • were read, and 4 was resolved" that Blacksmith and iron work In au its .branches ; NO BE UNDERSOLD by any one ill the hu " "deposed factio I gun a promptly attended to and Batts• Lace It louncln s, Laces Parasols and Musl}I1S i g 114..' Stonehouse be from ' faction guaranteed. The public are invited to b + , ill Sellill,, ; the ch,.?' r • and ex gilled from the. can before �,rderin, .any class of ,cork in the PRICES. Butter and Eggs, taken in � Exchange fo � p at LOWEST' I I�IC.ES. '' church,.?' .above linea. ' -497-tt GEORGE TROWHILL _ William Etherington, N,'ho:;e .--_--_�--� Goods A calla respectfully solicited parents reside ;n 1 t'of Eo township, THOS. JACKSON SR' a short dn not long f Exeter, wentNow Paint . S4op to London not long since to learn , PLUMSTEEL g boiler mal{ing in the establishment Ho of Messrs. white & Co. He was Ai5F.R & WILSON, practical painters have M_____.._,___.___..�.etti0g„along nicely until Frig -y ]as -t ..�,once_pleasures.an._;ufonmins.,tha-•nuhu4-ot _.. _ _.: ..�.__,CLTN7- when he [net Lw wr6h n feaeful and fatal Clinton and vicinity that they, have opened out j _.__. _ ' accident. while af�teniptin^ t0 Rd- in the shove business. Ilousc, sign and general e painting and graining. Paper hanging and ceiling just a belt upon a' shaft his hand decorating in rho best style I:nown to the trade. caught. between, the belt and the. Prices nwderat .. Shop Albert Street, teV•o doors north of ilod4en'sDry Goods Store,` r`Z` 1 V :Pu . UN_L .L • ■' J/� '� - wheel and he was ieppatedly whorled METALLIC Sat a rapid rate around the shift. Ile --'lT— , was extricated almost at once but NEW TDP BUGGY, not o.Ex time. His rmen remainswere pont • i "THE RED ROOFER STORE. to Exeter for interment. 1uP.SATAmstro. ,Nadu gear. will Wesupld be' A N D I GXZ-�� �Armstrmig, Tnch gear. 1Vi11 tee sold avdlwithin its Value. ! --0-- W, DOltli wry �, CO,- Lifo_is too short to try all the Clinton, NNx 1t); 1588. 497, 4t PARLOR AND BEDROOM siirrES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. Special atteu- remedies now in the market, but __...___..__ __ �___ 9 1 1'�i tion s Balled to PARLOR surrFs-they arc of, our owir, nrall.iracture, azul fol' Ilei4igrl, when a reliable •itis trustworthy Eng SALE OP TO LET FIRE AND S .h ORM PROOF inateriul and workmanship cannot he excelled fn the county., , medicine is wanted use Powells � P.emeniber, that all a ods tvlll he sold at a BIG REDITU1'I0N durin- the month Extract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. r. rovsE AND TWO LOTS for sale or to let, o 'fhuae who have used ;t say it is the 11 9rtunte on Albert street. N'or particulars -" of May, Fii:3t Colne, f;rst served. AN UI HOLS1'IsI11.R n)wnN s ou Laud ; repairin,• apply at•r, COOPER k SON'S Crocen, Clinton nontly and i'it•01111) ly attended to. beat and most powerful .blood par. -.. Af.%Y 13th, 1838. 4o9—tt DAVIS, o ., ,.. L I N �� �. i6er in the market, and Have u Y Ei UndePtakill r and 11anb llmietf�' attrnrled to' at our tigual low rates. Ni •lit reccomended it to •'their fri8nds' ousETO LET. -Small house on ti . calls attended to pruaiptiy. For biliousness, clyspepsta, liver coin H of Albert Street. Apply to tipper part edtfab.an beittlblood r twoitaktn as as9 a,;„, 'r1tUS.CCOPER4aSOY. I EUREKA RAKER ediial. A bottle or two taken at F®R_SiAL.E. m LSI'.CK” & REITI-I. ' this season of the year will prevent 1� i ONEY TO LrND on good mortgage or ITE SUBSCRIBER offere�tor sole teurcttgmle ' ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Lel Personal security at lowest current rate of many a scrlotjs 'ackness. Price, 90c. P T Building Lots frontin on Albert Street; also Tao subscriber has leased the baker • of Mr, sao�neusarmx Interest. AT. AieTA(IGAR'r, y a botilo. Ask for Powell's Extract of two [Pinang at Batten fury Street; either en Hotel, a h a tow a glad west r the Commercial - • � Clinton, Feb. 28th,d88S- - -- 435tt f bloc or in separate tote, to suit purchaser9. for Hotel, nnt� will be glad to receive n shore of Smsaparilla and Burdock, manufaC, further part culareapply tothe understgntd.-E_ public patronage. Plain, and Fancy Bread, tured only by Powell & Davis, Chat- DINSLEY, Clinton. 382 Cakes and Pastry of all iSinflN,tLil'iliNllCd on short THE PRMOFIT IS DOWN. Ilam, anti sold iu Dresden by allNDiICS 01 DISSOLUTION. notice. Only the hest material used and turned druggists, and b all druggists and TO THE FARMERS ■ out In a•ehape to please the niostF4-tstidious cg + Y gg 1 Haat- WEDDING CATiES ;got up In the most y. . medicine dealers everywhere. 487eoav Notice is hereby given that the pnrUici'- inshionable style. 0 o ` aha1i heretefore subsisting between tis, the Study four own interest and go where jW11read delivered to ;ill parts of the town, , -`- uu.lersii ned, as mlinvfadflirers of 01 -alis you can get IGevef have PINE UOO,DS sold for LOWER I ItIC]1S tLayi' au aro note n:nitin l on our MARKET REPOICIS• ill the crown of Clinton. and earrieT on J. A. KING. Irlesi9tiblie Sprilh il::Irgailn9. 11'C,aslL the privilege. of selling yon on the under the firm name aril style of 11'. ria I -`--- closest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND QUALITIES that money can bily (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) s' Reliable Harness CLINTON. nOHFItTY 3t CO. hiss this day been itis. HOUSE CLEANERS ' 11 in the lino of I� r 801MI by mutual etnisent. Flour ....................... $4 v0 to a 00 Fall wheat new R old 0 95 ,to 1` CO All debts owing to thio said artner- I manufactnr� none but the pear th y hay' MEN B and l! BCLOTHING + p IJea•are aJalan s hitt[ serf then. 2s the have Sprang Wheat ............. U 95 to 1 0;1 ship al•c to be pail to William Doherty at pot to tire, Si,3 Call and gat priceN, Urdera AIAfCI NO JIISTAKF., we have the nicest w Barley........ .............. 0 65 to 0 70 the oflicc' of the late firm, and all clainis by mall promplyattended to and newest stock of Oats ......................... 0 CO to 0 r WaITIat the said partnership aro to be Inspect the Goals, compare the Prices, and you must admit that we ore of%rang the r resented to the vain William Doherty, JI'03aX `E. C.6-3R-rr393,, WALL PAPERS BORDERS AND Peas ........................... 0 6v to 0 65 � t opportunity of no season. (,ave us just enc chaneo to maho you ha�ipy Li';tlt beautiful lily whorn the snme will be settled. • Apples,(w,nter) perbt,l 100 to 1 50 HARNESS EMPORIUM, n><.xal'II, oN•r. CEILING DECORATIONS goods at bed rocl< prices, 15cm)omy, Cotnfortand SAtiaGictimt secs with every parcha?Ie Potatoes .................... 0 60 to 0 65 rhe, business heretofore carried on by - — -- made of mo Butter ....................... 0 14 to 0'].;'i the said firm will henceforth be carried on T)IROPERTY FOR SALE, --That convenlently to he found in town. Sometliin^ entirci ry ; by W. Doherty, , at Clanton aforesaid,' to situated lot and commodious house on Itnt• new and novel. Call and als.. No SH�pH��,D The Leaden Tailor,Clinton. ]'i,gge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 0� t0 0 l$ innticl' the aalne flnl Wattle of IV. Dehel't tenbury St., noir Albert, nt precmit occupied by SVflay................... .... 8 00 to 9 00 Co• y me. The house is two storiesa9d ill gopd repair,hottLle to slwty howls. 1l C'OrdVrOOd................... 3 015 t0 4 00 with nifieroomsand woodshed, Arst class collar, t , Daic,d thin IkL i ny of ]ln}• A. D. hard'and soft water,,also good, stable on the Boo oe.ae.rm�r�sasfv.e:ana.■' Beef .......................... 0 00 t0 0 00 1R8A, 1 premises. will besolI roasomblo and of easy WM■ COOPER n.rerr�. Wool ........... ..•..•..; 0 20 to 0 20 11'ilu^ .�, W. D0li1HRTY. terms. Posscesiongjvcn atonee, VVV i�J TITOp. RTANBCI)Y.. THS NEWS RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING: • Pork ...... ................:. l'i'S0 to fi 75 A. I1. 11i1NNI1(:. .}, G113f;INOS. C1lnton,A}iri124,ts88 tf•493 i1F.AVlslt BLOCK P,OOIi STOLib:, " 9 h r �I, ':. •... :'_`:c-s,.r.....w ♦ '... mr-t._.if_,,.,,. '..r uifW:;,. "a.t �..•.-�.o.._...., _.,_.�.,...i .........�.... ...:.na. "..m... .:. ",u...,. .t.,:,,A..,.t ..,c...ri,�t '.; ...,.n ,.., .. ,....aw,..,..,_ _.. ,.e-..........,,.. ...,w..,,.z._., .., ,...W. .... -. `tJC'i.._. ._. .. ._.,r.-,.., n,.:.w:-.,,.._. _.,..i.w_...,