HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-06-20, Page 4. ,.. .
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reaeh.KAl tkra ))arbor frotu 41)at side t , Il 1011, ..#1,l x.u1 •tIk AtllflGtGlulf8l)l: )�.t► ��1s.
' rho Huron Nours-R)eoorc _.._ _ --. �._.__.
I . C ' . , ,, a . _a - ' ' . I , C , � . 1"..,0,1 ,,8-,,1 ` ,• .
.there would be no doe]; room. "—'-
. TL:.a t1v+u-cl.'_5 h,Adi'llmi, Town rarliument• '
The,4, .as we hiIv.a..sairl,, olrly by Tim wercct�try leas for the 1)ast fety
-- ._ _ ____ w e -,----- , - days boon 104 degrees higher here
.. _ Z:7 __. --- ••- Clinton is there a praetionble direet
i Speei;al ntau,ttJg Thutsdlli 19)11 thft 3 .
.:tt) vii stlne do days last winter r.
r' 0 ,, �0, � �, 11111! I''
i�'t•tlili`riai.la'+ .faandt+vd�th, 1888. Y•-
route, anti ua•rlto lAorarnfueltti can• ipat. _�,ll Glue-iuerul.,wt; I melt. :
. -- -= not equitably: grantllotniuiun funds 1+tnallce OOullpittca to Vi'_ .- }vtta. re- 1'R1lsE is to bo a big clay iu I r
forted the :applicatiou for Repeal Stratford On July _nd,suti Mitchell ---1N TOWN IS
RAILWAY TALK. � in aid of tiny other than a lida•iu f'thu I:url"'Uiusil++ By-law, au ',a will emulate its neighboring cit, i . I,",11 -r
Gentled to stave Dominion Or nation- ,s it related to "rucurs slibluitted ro• by races oJe, ' on same day• We IAT - RO BE TS' N'S,111
ilvw.w lar it•:;;;U)V is .dirt VOU el ,11t' post.'. ul''• l•tiul,s wou{d be , ,
1 I J Putt, 'Till• euuutufttue funnel f11 It hose been favored with press l 0 1 �°
liarlu'A' buu+.s of .u)}• important quos- I r3kild to a st,l,;i�;% fur ft notthutn tier,: purl: tett legitimate arueers in courtesies b}.the nlar»+tt;eA or both. 1
tion. It is prat-oulilloutly till) t'oroe touts, whuso Chief claims ore of a town. 'That fivt, of them are iu C. U. F.—Last iveek the High I This store is well ventilated and affords a cool retreat for all coinfort4ovitat X I
favus Of' thv re ,ea] (Dort C. O. [ u,et 1,,t liantlltou citizens in this excessively hot weather. We have also in this little spog.
--- that gives vitality to rtl% aaholllu lucai nature :which would Ovule E LhVC0 fnvve it ' 'more"attractions to offer you than can be.lound in any Park in the country
bavin> 1'or its ub'acI. the industrial mudificatiwl of ale 1;} lou ; the A1Tlailg th0 delegate was, Bro. John r
o J w•ithi11 rho coupotencv .uf Gita Pru• views -of ltvvAlukuu+vu. TheWActsays Smith from Cliutou, who wa:a honor. why, It [:; tnor,b fun than*a circus to see the people crowding one another in
• and trnrlu dovolupuu,ut of the viucial Uoverunleut to subsidize, that it' more th:tu uue•third ougt+ged ed by being relectod. High Marshal. their anxiety to secure tl)e GR);A'l BARGAINS that onn be had hero, Arid
coulitry. It is .with plyasufo we but to :tial which would he n depart• in spy trldo patitiol for n ropes[ Thehightreasurer, John NealaudA, no wonder, for we are offering
have lioerl fest sunnu ua'et les, tie of tltu Earl CIO: fu+r li + taut. sl) fur of 1� tnghant, reported that the recei- A Alagnificent lot at Dress Goods at ................................
ore frutu the well miderstuud ala J e" y• pts an tbu en+lowllient acuorint dur_ .......5c world) 106
Illi-IltSay tuoaths,past that thepeopla recognized national polity. The as ft, themsylveA, the Council iug the year amounted to the veru nus at........................................5o worth So.; at 8c worth l c and 190
call accede to their ncquest. It°was, lar c sum of 03,740.18 all increase Corsets at.......................................................,..................38o worth 75c
' of Goderich, Brussels, Blyth, Man- zoasons that a Southern routo will "' $ Parasols at............................................................350 wortb 60c and 75a ro
therefore, recoutlnetided that the nithu receipts of tastyear ofsll,566.•
Chester, Clinton anti municipalities most likely ha selected by the, C. P. Early Closing Bylaw, so tau• as it 31. The amouut of interest received ;rowels at................................................................5a worth 10 and 12Ac
aastttard toward Gaol ph have been relates to +rrocere be re pealed. The is nearly double that of last ear rowelingS at,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,5c worth•8o and 10c
1 Iv. authmitios, suUjoot to Gila apprv' o t Y . rableLinens at a
noceasar furtnalitf,•.s havfu+> been Using the tares sum of $1,761.48.•••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•Oc worth 40c
agitating fo' the extension of the J' Shirtings at.....................................................:..................7o worth l0a
-4' vel of the Govat'ntnont, e•oulrl be . o 'I'.hH recei 1,S frot,i hi++h aecretur `
Guelph Junction restos to their gone through with Clio 1) 7 re p y,, Cottonades at .................. 150 worth `20o
1 J (1) Its directness and uatiaual ferred lu was repealed, to take b3^?40.18, the interest on deposits, We are offerin afresh tut•Of•Pluehes�at................. •,.........6vc worth )$1.00
`' $1, ru1.48, together with the balitnce
reBpeotiva 4ocalities. This is as it benefit. (`2) Its traversing the great• effect front Friday 22nd day of , Satins at ............................... .::... ....30c and 35c worth 600 to 75c
au hattrl 1Isy 31, 1887, $S1,S10,6J, ,
should uta. Better wear out than Another lot of Gents White Shu 1,a, a t .::...........
eat extent of unserved country. (u) ,�l.e Lust. )nakes tbagrand total of $83,812.35
48c worth 75a
rust out. And yoVit is certain that Its minimum cost of construction. Twenty-five dollars for street to the credit of this fund for the past '
reStriC ear. Thirt' shocks have: The fact of the matter is, we are hound to run Our Stock down and fol that
this railway cannot touch all those (4) The less cost of its maintenance watoring grained. lir. Cautelou J y purpose 1►e►ve chalked our.Gooda AWAY DOWN TO COS'!". ( "Butter.
points. That docs not signify, for verbally reported iiAorviAw Of Prop. hues ''drawn in payment, of yndow, and Eggs taken same as Cash. �'$+'''"
1 0 Y , owing to rho level features „1,f the uu+lit claims to the amount of $;0, gg
to parody Teua•ysou's couplet : '"Tis county through which it would city Conit,ittuu and Other council- 000, this leaves a, balance to the
Y 0 lore with G. T. It. engineer respect- credit of endowment fund on May 31,
buttes' to hnvo trioti and lust, t{iait pass. 5 That it would be assured ,r ` ` Y Robertson s Great dash Store -
1 () ino position of proposed tank near 1888, of56,81.3.30. 'This large ftmo•
never to. hove talc+il n1, .all.'.' 13ut of the Greatest carrytug h^ole, both Cr. '1. R. Stnlivu , L;ngin0or wanted nut of.uloney is deposited fu the nems ••
there is such a thing its frotting and in praducts of the soil and factory. it placed on G. T. It. proporty, and of the order in this way : Bank of -.......... _ _ -- -- --• - ,..,,. �,�..�.
fuming and indulging in fur' ttud thought the Company.wero entitled Hamilton at Wiagham, w36,t313.27;
0 0 J A poialt +v0 omitted, au flu lie the to fix this location as they la halt' Standard bank at Brantford, $10.332.• rate these of his fello+v members the scholars faithful Children of God
soma! eiguif iug uothill" but shut- pay 52' Bank of Montreal at Brantford, who supported the Scott Act should and Intelligent, and attuelml members --
Y. d a southern' routes survino the best the cost and are couside -ablo rate ► P1
' 0 $61b,0Su.28, and Bank ofiBritish North sup port Ilia motion. For, -said he of the chinch of England.
low piled self -into rest as :agitiust the interests of C.odarich, is that the pit ra as +rt ll. IBD J'ur, ut the fact 1 1 ' 3. An excellent paper an 'The post' '
1 g .myrica, at Brantford, $610,OSS. 8, you have contended that it was the
�1'eateat 80011 1,0 Cllr: gPr+atust possible diatribntiou`.uf luntbHr fr"om Code• that filo pouP,le u1,' Clinton.pay silo. ostein;,+ 1,t total of ' �y"5(i,812.35. On tion of S. S.. towards the missionary °
]terrible liquor tnttfic that impo- work of the church" was read b Rev.
number. Tho Grit unma of Gude- rich harbor would b0 more aided other half and neatly all the taxon. general cfnndr account the receipts vevished and crippled the majority H. A. Thomas. He ,spoke o” the ne-
riyh last nettle had columns of the 1 Personally i1lr. C34t0lon did not were $7,055.0Jwhich,with the bal• >.
b it than b Cho northern. The of those who who will likely re- cessity of information being Uiven to
Y J think it would be well to put it on once, $914.07, on band May 31, Y887, the children of regular nail s Stenirt-
last moutioued sort of railway talk, southern route would best euuble 'G. T. R. property, but on the street ina,leeS the total receipts for fife quire to be sheltered by this House J'•
1nL vE11s-ItEcoRu. lune au iutiutate account$68,869.01i. T'ha"amount paid of Refuge. Coitiuuiug; he said, Gia giving, Curl thought the Church
Goderich to Compete in territory ---King Or Janus, fifoMurchie and , ought to support the Sunday school, sl)
out ou orders ;vas, ,$+8,(103.43, leaving if this is ns you hate contended, shut the energies of the scholars might
` acquaintance with the majority of which it is possible to sup ply Jackson would profur. it located at h e
. I supply a balance in, general fund account of. you will only be returning to those he devoted to some special object of
. .. the poatple of Goderich and bats front such lumber shi )iug points the Pout` of Jaulus 51,. TOhnstou ,: 65.6:3. unfortunates their own mono b active missionary work. Thio ,a pr
u P1 � I Y Y Y I' P
said if it was not built whoro Clio wu« s Olen tet eve. G: -,h'. Race
atn+.liuualy endoavared to forward on the Geur0latl Baty, 11'iarton, , ) illvesting this Surplus iu a home p )'
uvel:y luuyouluut h;:viuo Cur its ub• Owoi Sound Diel,furd and Collin It. G. T. h,. wanted the town -would would • FAIR I LAY is Boxmu, 1 LAY.—To Magahy and Hodgins,
+ 0 dd-a ' b • the ruffianly language of for them. .This surplue, he said,
have to bear all the expense. bran- j 0 J Y 0 0 4. In the absence of Rev S. F. Rubin-,
wits nlad.e up of finos extracted front
jest, th0 , lvancrml0ut of'the interests wood. ling corrected a.stateme,nt made•,by our coteur. ouu would Aupposo that _ son, who wa,; appointed to real a paper
ui' the Curulty t.>p3u. «'0 are thor- DIo�lnrchie that the 'proposition to the Christian editor had been study the, liquor Sellers who, according ' on 'S. S. Text Bunks, Ilynw Books,
build the tank•came from the town. ing up a "pervoited version of the to Scott Act su[pportars, had OltnlIt- leaflets, what kind and the hest wanner1.
uu;,i:l� corpus:aced that the prlctic T[[l: 1)AA-GLh 131;FORh US. McAlurcbio said it' b • the town he Scriptures. He wilful) fights shy ed it front the old and decrepit oi'itsing," the subject ivas intro+lucer!
ably railway ruutu that will best -- J P Y 0. Y which common humanit sugge9tod by the. President, and s+pukca to by ° 1.•.
wits understood to mean the Council of Cho point at issue hs well. THE y ' 00 Messrs. Thomas and she ata
serv.r 1,110 interests of Goderich will \1'e have already alluded to the should have some -provisi:)n made g '
he would correct that by saying that NEiys•REcottn neither directly nor for thew. 'There was nothing 5. A business meetlag was held at
bust serve Gila interests oFClintou iulpotance..of housol:C.:pers paying the proposition to build the tank 'iufereatially sought to convey the 0 tire closeofthe discu-sionoilthispaper,
more attoutioi to +the kind of in, pressivu that chore )vas a bOnanZa sunulated about 1ZI. Belly's plead- when It was moved that, the Conference
an.1 of the farmurs_ in this part of emanated from Chiof of Fire ve- 1 fags for a place to shelter the poor be held annual) ;Cid 1,h+, following
1,h0 county. Also' thougbtl'ul con- baking powder risud in- leavening. partntnut Pay in a Coumunication in taw school printing. But wo do 0 1 I Y h
o their Ureatl. This ii n matter to '..to the G. T. Ii.. sl:urtly aft0t the 1 and unfortunate. He was, indeed officers were ciccterl for tills year.
know and assel;t and Can prove that
�ider;ttien +vitt convince that the g during $0l01'al ertrs the Soc has terribly in ua5uost as those floated President, Rev. "Rarrrl Dern Craig
which we cannot draw attention too burning of filo 5taubilry warehouse. 0 J' Y 1st Vice President, Rev. J. H. Jloore-
railtra that will boat servo Clinton ). not had a dollars worth of before his mind the heart roudino
J The matter was left Cu the Property. - house; earl Vice President, Air. Jas,
will best servo Goderich. There is often, because it is something which (o► uuitteo 1,O rix location of tante job prinLiug ,Munn at Chia otftce— Pictures of distress, saiil to have been Sheppard, ;ud Su pt. St. George's S. r I p t r '• God -
not and ueed not be an autagunism involves the most serious conso. Mr. Cantelon to notify the G. T. R. Oxcopting 100 cards, printed last caused by the liquor traffic and aitch ;Secretory, Mr. It. M. Racey; Supt..
Y , o which pictures were so Iwthetieally St Patlys S, Clinton ; Hxecntive
and scccnro their a0rpr:menL i!' pub- weifk. Wo also know and can prove Comunicte, ltevds. iv. A, Young, B, D,
between Clinton .and Goderich in gmeneos 1,v Glue general body of man- 0 _ 1 --_ displayed played during the recent ro peal •
kind. Tout )erauce apostles tell us Bible,. ':