HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-06-20, Page 3- S $1 NESS, ANNOUNUM ENT.' I A aa>*del at t i Pxcou Gk aviwh Lo afpIness to the tante when came near dying. About a month When Fuegtt,n Women Reach a j I --� •. I shall be able to make you my anxious to visit her parents in Hen- U)li�E) li'ONI) N[711 . It. Wast at the first aun.4441 pielric dettr, dear wife." On the 5th of there. At first she appeared much ft ,;PflZ at .411 thugs. beg pleased to of the SAledladtes and Salesyeutle� 4, . December e �� D n er d fendant wrote . "I'long ` ;l;et0vo hams, of ?teles front Our Stilt- melts 11s$pglattl.Ort. �, .harry St• ; for tile time t0 collie that I may Tuesday a telegratu announced her :ter't'ber;t, We tvctnt it JUUtI Co7r'es- Jahn and H. Maude Frothingham tape you in uty arms and press the parent'a,home. rtden:t.zrt f ter p loccclitr, not already p bad withdrtcwu from the gay throng your dear lilts to mine diad N hear the corpse, The mother-in-law plead- ' represented, to send its RELIABLE ?te'wS. Of morryurakers, uud stood along ' you tell ale again with those pretty y woman, that finally, despite the •bei T_. under the spreading branches of a' lips that you love me with all your posed, it was decided., to open the SUIS. Clf1fI6E1tS. S noble elu4. Her fair young face � hf7art." In his next , lefter defend. While looking at the placid face that were studied -ill the schools. was clouded by a frown and Ilia i aut seemed to have developed a re. ins the eyelids of the dead woman Palrona who do not receive their noble brow seemed troubled. H, ligious turn of mind, for he wrote ;•, ivper• r'egularly_fron't the carrier or Maude broke the silence by saying : "I pray every morning, dearest, that Webb, was unable to utter a sound. thr,,ittgh their local ,post onuses twill 'Maybe you think J didn't see God tuay see fit to restore lily dar- ing at the grewsowe sight. it Confer ri favor by reportin at this you swinging with Sadie Murray 1' ling to Strong and robust health ; posed corpse slowly sat upright and office' at once.. Subscriptions may iWell, what if you did 4' he re- and, my dear. Georgy, you wust .. commence at any tithe. torted, his face assuming a defiant pray for the sante." Writing at screamed. Friends who rushed in- ADVERTISERS.'Oh, expression. Christmas, defendant said : 'oYon know I do so long to see my 4 Adverst&retoillplease bear'inmind nothing, nothing at all. It's nothing'to me whom you swing you, darling, and havesaucyJats of sweet " that all rlaarat�cs of ad vertiser7tenia,' with, and my heart wont break if kisSes, Which I kuuw you will gat * } to ensure hl8ertiort should be handed you d0 alt all hour at a tune, ill a nip have," of the day the resurrected woman in rtOt later t7tan�MONDAY NOON 0 •f ' bammock with Manic Renson• 'Phe -decay period began on April .; each week, 'pool► ! I didn't sit ten minutes1, 1886, when the defendant wrote cognizant of all that occurred and . mand for sheep than. for .young with her, and wasn't you eating ice "It is not so much.. the matter `that. was put altoard' the train for Mem. CIRCULATION. cream with Bert Lawson tit the same occurred on Sunday night, as the dor.stant her mother-in-law's house she came TH>;-NEW8-R9CORIi has a larger time ?' accusing me of seeing some passing, While her mother,imlaw circulation than any other paper in ,, 'Shouldn't wonder if I was. Did one else that has annoyed ale." preme effort to speak. Mrs. Webb this section,, and as an advertising you expect me to sit and suck- my '1'heil cdefendailt went on tusking ,•„n.' medium has few equals in Ontario. thumbs while you and that Renson.. appointments, breaking them, and y . Our books are open to those wild p ,girl enjoyed yoursel�•Ps'l You're trying to induce the girl to eve hint Y b R g• , ' mean business.,, badly left if you did, I don't hasp- up; and at length he told her he cry." Looking into the girl's face fandlieli oil a boat—is hidden ignonl, pen to be built that way. was married. ticed before. Slip called for help, JOB PRINTING. 'W'ell, what are you kicking up The lir nave a verdict for £260. jury b one cried, "Shake her. Shea not The Job Department of this Jour - such a row shout thou 1 -- -- -- — -- moment the women, it is thought,• nal is one of the best equipped in 11 kicking up a' row 4 As though The Baptist Doig. sumptive, and last Saturday she vas Nestei-n Ontario, and a superior class OJ work is guar(rid6eR at very I care if you sat a month in a ham - Dr. Fitzgerald :—Here is a dog haye endeavored to keep the platter moderate rates. mock with Alarue Renson.' story for you : When d was a boy -=--4- her roasted remains. Well l' n4Y father owned a black,aud•.white- ---- The Huron News 'And it's nothing to meit' you did buy water twice for Sally Spotted cur dog called "Cuff.” He man residing at Guanajuato, Mexico, -Record soda was au remarkable dog in some is building a tremendous palace. it 31.50 u Year—$1.25 Ili Advance. Marsh. Ott, I Saw you.' respects, especially in his religious -,ingYgar,dtusli.k.e-Iiab-y.l.on.ef'.olc,..tele. _ ,g„d I sawyou flirting with Fred prejudices. My father was a Metho- tris lights in every roost, and a a Barton,' dist wfnister, and all the family window. The walls aro to be ofi2i Wednesday. Jane 20th, 1888. `Well. wasn't you swinging associations were connected with -- `� 'around with Hattie Deane on one that church., Tile only exception to ' The Judge and the Minister. arm and Lot Drake oil the other, so „A,erfect harmony of sentiment in the sweet on thous both sugar Wouldn't family was manifested by Cuff; and SINGULAR SCENE IN A BRITISH COL• melt in your mouth 1 Tell me this appeared the .tours sitlgular UMBIA COURT. that 1' because he had been front earliest Considerable excitewent .vas cats- 'What if I was i't puppyhood, in our fancily, and had .. . - ed in Victoria, B. C., lase week, . What if I flirted with Fred 4' Ito opportunity to know anything about other denominations. He through Chief -Justice Begbie mak- ing some personal. remarks. about 'I wasn't kicking about you flirt- was, nevertheless, a thorough Bap, - `.' Rev. Mr. Starr, pastor of the Meth ing with Fred.' fiat and he exhibited his preferences ' odist Chutci,, formerly of Out.arin, `And I wasn't saying anything for the Baptist Church in a very in the witness box. The cit-,t•gy' about .. You and Heab and Lot ecided manner. 1. here was near was lounging over the• box when —onlyI think that when a fellow our house a country to,, meetini;- tlie 'ud�e asked if he would lounge b takes a girl to a picnic he might at g p g house used as a "union meeting, ' u .l on tit other e e o t er sid The wittirsN least speak to her once after they house, and also for school purposes. leisurely shitted his position to the pt there. the Primitive Baptists—"Hard- other side, -remaining in the same `Speak to her? Stuff? Didn't I shells'—occupied this house once it attitude. The justice' as4;ed the stick•right to you all morning4 month and the Methodist r preacher sheriff to rive witness a chair as he And didn't I eat dinner with yon oil the circuit also preached in it diT not spent able to stand up. Mr. and all that 7 Do you want me to once a month. The relations be. — Starr replied, slapping Ilia leg, "I'm get down on my hands and knees tween the. two Churches were not as all right." -The judge then pereulp• and crawl round after you all day.P cordial as they ought to have been, torily , commanded him to stand, 'Now, smarty ? The Lord knows seeing they all professed to be first - The witness '• complied. The judge I don't care if you don't even look class Christians. The Baptists did . , then remarked that witness did not at mu. If youwas any kind of a not attend Methodist preaching, nor seem• t0 have gentleman you'd' know how to treat did the Methodists go to hear the x : MORE BACKBONE THAN SAUSAGE SKIN a lady. when site condescends to favor y you with her company." Baptist preacher. It was very seldoni that, any one, except . Cuff, trilled with water, and was as limpever 'Phew 1 what a long tail our cats went. from our•hcuse to' Bap, as a ,dirty collate. A witness, he got' , t'tst meeting, yet that dog never ..w" said, that took a solemn oath to tell " failed to be present on Saturday and t.he.truth, whole truth and rio.th- . See here, Harry St. John, this ,Sunda of ' t•be Baptist monthl Y P y ,y. .tho ing but tlie:truth, and then conduct- thing had better end right here, and weetini9 This might have been b • " b ed hianself iu the manner Mr. Starr you'd better twice your ring if you passed over without rewark if Ile r`• did, nece$sarily detractr'.d froth the want it: If we can't get along now had also atttended Methodist preai:h- ,z: weight of Ilia evidence. The publi, Without a fight every day, how will ing, but lie was careful never to pot cation of the remarks in the morn, it be afterwards 4' his foot inside tho door on the day ing paper caused n sensation, and `Well, who IiRguu this fuss 4' the Methodist preacher held forth. there,is a geiieral opinion that the . ' 'You did.' My brother and I noticed this justice's remarks were not altogetber /I 1' strange partiality for the Baptist uncalled. for as i i 1 t s also state tat d h ' 'You did yourself.' Church . on the a e rt of old Cuff, P 'we the witness' manner ' towards fife and ver stronal disapproved roved Y b Y I P' ' court was rather exasperating, The `You begun it by- pitch -ug iifto "the of it, and., remonstrated with. Ilia) case in which Air. Starr gave evi- we becanso I waded into brook after the fashion of boys with dogs, dente was the suit of a lady teacher with those girls from the^ribbon but all our, scolding and whipping of the Chinese mission school per- counter.' were in vain. Cuff seemed to be emptorily discharged -Well, how did lt`y look I How "set in his notions," 'and our pets°• Mould you like to see me paddling cations, of Which I am now ashamed, To MAKE WAY FOR A TEACHER around -barefooted Witt, a lot of only seemed to 'make him more- belonging 'to the Methodist denom• boys 4 devout, and constant in his attend- ination. The teacher sued to re, cI don t know ns I'd caro, arise u ottBaptist. meetings, The covet $20 monthly salary, as she,I liar] four into guess you wouldn't,' conduct of the dog attracted atten- pion, he become worked (lays the new and the subject month. The suit was b -ougtrtagainst `Well, I—I—psbaw, 2vlaude, lets of remark. •Some things were 3Ir. Starr and Mr. Gardiner, the kiss and make up. You're an .old said by our Baptist friends merit fatter the chief teacher in the school. darling, anyhow,' complimentary to the dog than �:lie_Judge.dientiRtlfd,._tlte,stl_.t 'Oh, you can't soft•sawder me 1' .-...__.. _ __,-_to Iiia n,uster.;�Lowevez, stems _.Wltlt oat costs, Stating that the Methodistthodist __ rel kAr 'Now, now, illy Oati'eeFneaa: ' _t1tA_►>2 stood ver well Irl the, neighborhood. Mission Board was the proper party `Oft, behave yourself. The"only point of invidious cowpari= to sue. Suit wilt accordingly be cI sban't.' sun was.in reference to questions of entered against the Board. t `You'd better or I'll—Harry : theology and denominational affflins 'You ain't so awful cross, are you?' tion ; in ,these matters the dog was War in Twenty- Minutes, You'd better'not kiss me again.' 'het'sgo considered more orthodox thahis and get some ice cream.'master. 2. Matters went oil'for "The war of the rebellion," said "Well, you've got to behave the rest of the day.' several years in this way, tlip dog Gen. Sickles the other evening, "Was 'All right," and the agora) is over, still faithful to tine (hutch of his choice, and his Strange conduct the ° really a whiskey • war„ Yes, Whiskey •caused the rebellion, I - '-`- - -` subject of occasional remark, when was in Congress preiieiliug the war. `Three Stages-& Love. the Baptist congregation built a It was whiskey in the morning—the I new church, two miles• and a ]calf morning cocktail—a Congress, of Pan Mall Gazette. . from the old the school•houso whore Whiskey drinkers: Then whiskey Miss Martha G. Martin, an lit• they formerly worshipped. On the all clay ; whiskey and gaI f ring tendant at an Oldham restaurant,,, day the new church was dedicated, all tight. Drinks before Congress brought an action against Mr, Jos: Cuff was present, though not a opened in' morning session ;drinks eph Platt, architect, for breach of member of our family or any one before it adjourned. Scarcely a promise of marriage and an assessor connected with us went to the -church. committee -room without its demi. and a jury at Blartcbester yesterday How lie learned of the John of whiskey, and the click of (May. 26) to assess the damages. change in the place of worship and the glasses could be heard in the The defendant had paid £25 into the time of ,the dedication was. a Capitol corridors. The fights—the court,, but entered no appearance, mystery to everybody. I do not angry speeches—were, whiskey, Mr. Ascroft, for I lie plaintiff; said understand it to -day. And so, re, The atmosphere was redolent with the defendant, who was ill a good gularly every month, as long as he whiskey, nervous-excitemetttSeeking position, was arcustoiited to. takes was able to walk, did dart faithful relief in whiskey and Whiskey add• his steals at the restaurant where one old dog attend the Baptist Church at Mount Rarmony, two mile$ and ing ,to nervous- excitment. Yes, the rebellion was launched in the plaintiff - Was_ of the princi- pal attendants, The letters between a half from home. He lived to be Whiskey. "If the French Assembly the parties began with two or three twelve years old, when lie flied, and " were to drink some morning one. sheets, and dwindled down to•a lit, went where the good dogs go. I half the whirl ey oonsumed• in any tle post card. They belonged to the have related ouly facts in th[s.story, ,t one day by t tat Congress France three periods : and have refrained from„ any at - would declare war neaingt Germany 1. Budding Period. ,Several Sheets. tempt to account for the singular conduct of the dog. I have often intwenty minutes.".n, 2. Flowering Period., t,Unrecorded, h°ars my father; and others who - . � .• s — 3, Period of Decay .... A post card know the facts, speak it as a most —Tine 11 oaf`•old •fro Welsh Y Y Oa Nov. 21. 1882 he wrote : , , extraordinary instance of what. ce convicted of manslaughter at Truro, *" ."You may be sure, ply darling, that seemed religious notions on the part N. S. has been sentenced to Dor- I missed our walk on Sunday night, of a dumb animal, Cuff was faith- chestor penitentiary for fourteen for I do so dearly levo to be with ful in all his relations and duties a$ years, and Mrs. Kent was sentenced you. I do so long to Kaye. you near a dog, arid behaved as well as sonic to ten years as an accessory. 1 me always, and am looking foe -ward who Call thetelselves Christiana: The Resurrection Story That is Agl,tating the R'poi,pie of Xe.mph}s. Clucbtllatl Special. J. R. Carson., of A'Iamphis, Twat., is a guest of friends oil Brondwmy, and from hiui was obtained the de- tails *of a sensational affair which is agitating the people of Memphis. Mrs Dicie Webb -keeps -.a grocery store on Beale street and is well known to. hundreds. Two years ago John Webb, a son of Mrs. Webb, married Sarah Kelly, a pret- ty girl, to whom the mother-in-law became, greatly • attached. Before f' --Barrels ar'�. now tieing wake nt' hard and soft wood, elicit leltoruatr, stave being of the. soft varaetV and slightly thicker thein the hardwoo.t stave. The edges of the staved err• . crit square, and, when placed to- g;ethc;r toforth a barrel, thin ou-Lsidea are even, and there is a V shaped crack between each stave front Lop , to bottoin. In this arrantietllel,t' the operation of driving„ the hoops _forces O.e eclg; s of the IIlird_ kicaygs_ into the soft ones until the cracks are closed, and tilts extra thickness of the latter causes its inner edg;en .to lap over those of 'the 1inr;Iw.0od staves, thus waking the joints doubly secure. one year o their married life Alrs.I Webb, jr., was stricken with con- , A QUEER RACE. sunilition, and 'ou several occasions ar came near dying. About a month When Fuegtt,n Women Reach a j B90 the young woman became very Certain Age They are roasted and Eaten• anxious to visit her parents in Hen- _ derson county .'and she was taken Sat, Francisco Examiner. there. At first she appeared much Profs. Lee. and Townsend are improved And hopes were felt that both more than. ordinarilysucce..'s- her life might be preserved throng ful atLatuateur photographers, They tha sutnnler, but two weeks ago 6Nt have brouglit back a fine collaction Tuesday a telegratu announced her of photographs of interesting places, death, and the husband hurried to people and eituations. by far the the parent'a,home. utost interpiting pictures are those Three days, later he returned with tt%leu off the coast of Terra del Fuego, the corpse, The mother-in-law plead- the inhabitants of whi•uh wre next to ed so hard for a sight of the dead the lowest type of the human race woman, that finally, despite the •bei known. lief -that the body was badly decom, Prof. Ler, by the way, ascribes a posed, it was decided., to open the different origin to the liamrt of the cotlin. land than b given in geographies While looking at the placid face that were studied -ill the schools. Mrs. Webb was tens led at behold. The text books said that the number ins the eyelids of the dead woman of volesnoes about gave the country slowly opening.. The eyes dict not its forbidding uawe, .but the pro - have the stouy stare of death nor -fessor says there are too volcanoes the intelligent gleatu of life. Mrs. anywhereabout.there. The natives Webb, was unable to utter a sound. of the country =five• in lou,;; bark She could not move, but stood gaz eanoes, in the center of which a fare' ing at the grewsowe sight. it is always buc'uing. When,.to kiu.dte horror was increased when the sup- a tire meant to ruh two sticks to, posed corpse slowly sat upright and gether until they started to be,vn; in all almost inaudible voice said: the savages were careful not to let "Olt, where alit I 4" their fires go out, and the cu:,tow At this the weeping woman' still Nurvives. The tame came screamed. Friends who rushed in- from these ever -burning fires. to the roots vele almost paralyzed The natives haye learned the at the Night and fled shriektng. use of matches and tobacco•, and But one holder than the other re- these commodities contuland a high turned and spoke to the woman, price in Terra del. Fuego, even wllo asked to be laid .oil the bed, though tllPr,i is no protective tariff Hastily she was talren front the there,. A �!wep or it bf;by is con - coffin and cared for. Lt the courae sidered a fair equivalent for a plug of the day the resurrected woman of tobucco or a bunch of matches. fully regained her mental powers. If the choice of the price is given The day. following Nhe related a the native lir, will always give the .wonderful story. She said she was baby, its there is a Mach greater de,, cognizant of all that occurred and . mand for sheep than. for .young did not lose consciousness until she Fueguns- was put altoard' the train for Mem. The Fuegans are .aiot a, warlike phis.- Soon after being placed in race,though they are very, skillful her mother-in-law's house she came with their primitive bows and ar- -to her senses and knew all that was rows. The arrows are not f,•ather- passing, While her mother,imlaw ed, and. the b'urb cgnsists of a trian- was looking at her she made a tin, guiar piece of glass ground sharp. preme effort to speak. Mrs. Webb Though the Fuegans are very low lived a number of days, when t9he, ill the human spale, they nre;careful apparently tly died: The doctors. C not to.offend the eyes 'of strangers. pronounced her dead' and she wag An explorer approaching a boat saris once more placed in the coffin. only the beat looking squaw .of the While tile" mother In-law. was party, She handles a paddle at the taking tier final farewell site heard stern and Nteers the boat. tier less .4 voice _ whisper, "Mother, 'don't- comely sister—there are always two cry." Looking into the girl's face fandlieli oil a boat—is hidden ignonl, she saw the same look. rhe had no- iniously under the seat. ticed before. Slip called for help, There are. uo old women in Terra and several women responded. IS'onle .del Fuego). Lest this should cause one cried, "Shake her. Shea not an exodusfrom the civilized world dead." Ili -the excitement of the it would perhaps be best to explain moment the women, it is thought,• why. Mien a woman gets to the shook the life out of the` poor -'e' -n- 'right ago-, about forty-five, title is sumptive, and last Saturday she vas considered to have done her fluty. buried. Tho family and friends With appropriate ceremonies, there haye endeavored to keep the platter fore, she is lanced or strangled and quiet. the family fat -der is replenished with -=--4- her roasted remains. This and That. The was nen, whin .they seethe ---- time of sacrifice appireuching, Bever —Mr. George Fay, an Englisll- atteinpt to eFeRpo it. They reg;trd man residing at Guanajuato, Mexico, it as almost as settler) a fact as that who is said to be worth $9,000,000, the wind should blow, and never is building a tremendous palace. it trouble themselves a)out it, ,. will be nine stories high, have hang- . Tile Fuegans are not cannibals -,ingYgar,dtusli.k.e-Iiab-y.l.on.ef'.olc,..tele. -furtiver-thian'thivr.-•-They rrerer-c=ter phone, telegraph instrument:Li Slee, children, vouug women or men'. tris lights in every roost, and a a broad terrace leading from every --- window. The walls aro to be ofi2i asbestos brick and paper and the The, ' :ty� m t Of All Dung diseases are plush. the 0,4140 . feverishness, loss of Appetite, spre throat, pains In the chest and back, headache, Mo. In a few days you may be well, or, on the other hand, you may . be down with Pneumonia or " galloping Consumption." Kut no. risks, but begin immediately to take Ayer's Cherry. pecteraI. Several years ago, James•Birchard, of Darien„ Conn., was severely ill". The "doctors said lie was in Consumption, and that they could do nothing for hilt, but advised him, as a last resort, to .try Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral. After taking. this medicine, two or three months, he was pronounced a well man. Hfs hcaltlt. remains good to the present day. J.. S.. Bradley, Malden, Mass., writes: " Three, winters ago I tools a severe cold, which raodly developed into Bronchitis and Consumption. I was so weak that I could not sit up, was much emaciated, and coughed incessantly. I consulted several doctors, but they were power - bass, and all agreed that I was in Con- sumption. At last, a friend brought me a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. nom the first close, I found relief. Two. 'Bottles cured me, and my health has since been perfect." Ayer's "Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED RY On J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. flolrtLy lkUDruggl.ts. Price $1 ; elz boulee, at5. Cantel'oo's Carriage Worksi The Cheapest hurl Test W44 W11111135w"Im CARTS. In the INlarlcet. Bee them. Stylish and dur•lible Open and 'Poll 46v- BUGGIESVs tl Very Test Material and Close 11riceit Sr , Cantelon, Proprr, f Tft.\Y STOCK ADVER- >—;l `,1/ 1... TISENII \Td inserted in Tux . Sera ltncoaL at low rote... The lea . makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock. If yon want any kind of advertising, you cannot do better than call on "The News Itoeurd,'• .SPECIAL NOTICE. " I wall wail (rnEE) the recipe PIMPLES. for a simple VESETAULE BALM that will RrntovE TAN, FaECKLE9, PIMPLES and BLOTCHilo, leaving the skin toft,,elear and beauti' fug also histructions for Nroduchig a )uxuriant growtA of 11;tlr on- it bald head 'or smooth face. Addresb, including 3o stapip, BEN,: VANDF.LF & CO., 60 Alin street, N. Y.-- 392y Rim ,��n®OD, Restored. A geutlenum having innocently Col]— tracted the habit of self-abuse fu life �outli, and !a conricqueuee suffered ell t lie horrors of Sexual 'Incapacity, Lost Manhood, Physical Decay, Gen. eral Prostration, etc., will, out of sympathy for, his fellow sufferers, inafl free the rocipe by which, he was filially cured. Address in cmif;dence .l. w. Pb\KNFY, 42 Cedar- NowYork St... 392. u u J G .w e0.i �_ W yb°> ColD M W Rm.xK'ax• ' oa; v. ma U ooct _ AT whole structure will be supported by iron columns of immense g.irts and. height. —An odd' experiment may. be _^ perfoFnied with no apparatus but a pisco rs string five b six feet long. ABRAHAM AM SMIT , A person's hands Laing held over � [��•ji� '�� [] his ear's, this string is passed,around F115 his ]lead by another person, who When I may can•dIdonot rnn merely to Market 8(uare, ;top them for A time, and then Tave them re, holds both ends- in one hand, Find by urn again. I MEAN A, UADICAI. CURE: ®� ��� drawing.. the fingers or nails of the I have made the disease o! other hand ever the cord produces FITS, EPILEPSY or upon tha iyinjtanum, of the fiubject FALLING SICKNESS, --. impressions of almost startling ing 6ltfelongstud . I WAURANT[nyremedyto' WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT - tensity. Sharp peals of thunder, failLatsnowie°asotifoTnotnoiviece°tv[nracura INGS & TROUSERINGS•, changing into a distant and prolong.►- Bond atonce fiii, atreatise and aFaEEBOTTU ed runtblfng, are the effects that may of In INP'ALLIRLEREMEDY. Give Express SCOTCH.7'WEED SI?ITINGS R �tnd Post Office. It costs youothing for 0 be readily given. ° tifal,landitwill cure you. Address, TROU.SERINGS, H Vr , G. 1tQ4T. 37 Yon , To go at, Ont. —A good story is told of one of FRENCH AND ENGLISH IVOR• her Majesty's .inspectors in mid- — STED CLOTHS, England. Examining the school in question, Mr. K. inquired, "What •i•-' %4-4* .r Made up in Best ,Style -acrd Wtork- is a pilgrim?" After . a pause a (f} Q • U N rQ 0 a a meinsh'i17 at Abraham Smith's, sturdy little imp boldly answered, �/ U g "A, pilgrim is a ratan; ple'ssir." "A r -i .0 y — mark V%resumecd the inspector severe- �. Cd CJ �,h° a N010 in stoe•�i 04 of the rheuZ>e- ly, "that won't do. Tell mo some �C V---4 a and `best stocks r,7•f more about a pilgrihil" Another• 1"t V b tL pause; broken by the examiner this H 4) . o o z$ WINTER, CLOTHING time—"I'm a man, you know, you �% .•L"+, fare"' (�''atA knows" he said rashly ; "an�i I a pil. 0 :>1d e a4 ~' •� .� ow AND GLOTMS. 'it grim 4 Here followed no pause, w but a prompt rejoinder—"Oh I no, > a a4 A Full Eine of GENTS' FUR sir, a pilgrim's a good man, sir." ^ , , �; o o NISHINGS i dwx s in stook, n ^It wa,, g rather the bystander than 1-`t j tv a « j' the questioner or questioned who �j �y-v rd N z q It will pay you to call Olt did not know which way to look. V 0 �„f` �' ABRAHAM SMITH,