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The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-20, Page 1
�.� t.. .. - a ,„ , • i n a ' ''E . . , 'N - .. 1' .. n ..� .. , •11 a A 1) G w, - _- y '', -,I- i , .. -_ 11 i - ;, , ", , . .— — ,� ; , . , , I I I I —, � : 0. ; , I , "'"' i� I , i . • , . ,I. '.v� & _d6_ I "I'll '. . U I I.- -, �,,-'',-, 1 , _ -� _ TV,1Zplt$;—g.50 per A„nttn,, 81*g4 In Advents. INDL'PEND.ENT IN ALL THINUS, NEUTRAL LN NOTRING WIIJ'J PLV A T:Q]D IRf 3VIAbl11pligriii —_-- •__— __ - —____ VOL. IX,—NO. 117. �CL1N7'0�1, I3UT'�ON COUNTY, �N�., �Vlanl`TlCS1�AY .TUNE �0, 1888 W�IOLE 1\T0. x501 _.. prat (r:aecealroadeaee j poral (2tlrreopoadeaee �ilpe d (� rreolmuleace- __ Peal Tuoxrespoudeace. � l oral gorre,9j1011dellet county Statistic,, etc. -•- __ .._ — _ -- -- — _ _ __ __ _ Goderich Godei ich Towilsitip. Blyth. Iliullett.' �� The follol�ing is a statement of the Gollcricli. I _..___ _ _ __ b Blyth.. I estimated expenditure of -the county Miss Elwood is visiting at Sarnia. For years it fias boo the clay that Air. Burton is puttiuf; tit) the Tile marry friends of the 1[iises l Pic•Nic.-Tho annual pie-uic and for the current year Airs. It. B. Smith is visiting at aur lumber men wanted more Rut sol Boacotn faces for Mr. John ` Marshall will be glad to hear that games of S. S. No. 7, will bo hull Administration of Justice....$ 2,100 southern facilities uuty it ti p pours Woods. the are fast rocove'in-• from their to .Mr. Bri-ham's rove ott sou. 12 Inquests .............................. 50 . Toronto. i 1 Y ° g q Tito stui}rt yacht Uarda arrivetl that one of those eugaged in the L. 0. L. 306 will hold their next .serious illtless. , Saturday, June 23rd. Handsome Gaol "•..,•,.•••.•....,,•,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,100• -} Y business wants to return his lumber ,•©gular mooting ou Saturda oven I lirea'itI being 'offered in various Jury' ....,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""••"•' 2,' ii) harbor eu Dlouday. ° ° Y A petition was .prusentod to the P ° School Itlanagernent............. 2400 ' W i" Ri,�E 0 to the north from whenco it came. ing Juno 30tH. classes of foot races, jumping etc., ' Mr. IIolmest[1ad, barrister, Sea- ”, council on Tuesday .oveuulg ask- � . I.unatica and Charities..,...... 600 forth was in town on Saturdn the aneeting last week ryas but , Il„ J. Itutodge and sister ing them to repent the b IAtiv for to lvhtch only Hou-professtuuals Salaries and Council 1?ees...... 4,000 "'1 - ' y' I littlo in favor of the Nurtltern route. I U' llit of \Vawanosh wore s endini, the Early closing of the shops. It will be allotted to compete. the Contingencies ..................... 1,300 ,The toasts of file old schooner P I • chlldtan s races tthtch are cuufiued Stationary and Printing......• 600 : rho vote's who wore staudinc, cent ;a fuw days pleasantly with friends is thought the will com 1 assuoh Crown Witnesses.......'....... 400 Florence full ,tit erboard last Week. Y [ J' ' the door were all iu favor of a � ° Y p Y' to the section, will take place w the ` h+:rn lust wank. arbitra►•J• measures wront work. P ` Mrs. Joseph Kidd`and infant Southern route but warn evidontly r ; forenoon. The competitions in the Agricultural Societies........., 400 Mr. N , DlcLoan is putting tip 1l- the adjourned muetiug of the High Schools .................•... 2' were in the Qtleeu Cit last week, counted for the Northern. J ° uthet clasaiis twill take lacowti-ly in ,J00 u Y M albuut 200 rods of the Russel fAuce• Court of hovisiun uu Friday night P Boundary Lines ................... 3,Ooo Holy coiumuniou at St, Gcorgo s Tha caau Frauciaco Dlinetrols,+tp- I;e nuls't a prer-iate it Tor lie lot °, _ the nfte'noon and will be open fu model Schools ..................... 300 list Sunda morning at 9 a, in, poured in the Opera house on Sat- Pi 1 oui' town daddies were Icept busy ,ill. :1n open air concert consisting Division Court Jury he s•..... ]00 Y ° l p up a let of it last fall, till Clear midnight hoarid- the tea The steamer Sovereign reached urday evf�niug before it very modes- o o p of music by the best talent from Regairs,County Buildings...... 300 J Dir• Willucks is very ill with tivi and cons of seine of our citizens BI Jth and viciuit t r Roads and Bridges i Leo's'dock on Sunday afternoon ou ate audience. the perform`tr1C0 shingles. lioiug vary fcuble at bast that thought l,he aet:A too highly Y ; obothAl with Debenture Intrest..........,. 16'070p her u . tv;ird tri p. iuoritod a betl.er return -a result ° J o J readings, recitations, speeches, etc., , p l however only obtained by judicious the old geutlouutu is having a luted assessed and others that Not not by. visiting teachers and others will Sinking rand ................•,,,, 5,ip[} Dir. James IIami`ltun has return. time of it, been assessed enough. Not beiug be nivell in the afternoon at the N. G. R. Debenture Interest. 700 adv rtisin,r. In this connection we , o ° ° N. G. R. Sin,kittg Fund.,....... 1 od Koine after an absence of three @ o Henry Cartel-, of the 1901 is able to 'dispose of all the cases they close Of tl:e athletic sports. !'Ileac,000 `n , years' ry whon luay mention vorablyt in me ]tion eo1n� seriously ill 1`i'oui supposed bleed` I adjourned till Tuesday evening who waut it o-004 day's sport should Estimated Expenditure..........i5T,529 lfr. nail Mrs. J. T. lraitutt rind ing Alltertainmeut there is always a puis0uul°. His flieud� are anxious � 11•Xt• not fail to be present. Don't fotgot Less Estimated Income...,..... 5,415 sons sailed from Now fork on Sat- lixrgo attendance, a' sura aims that for his rocovoty. On I'CharstluJ' night two of out, your, baskets. - _- _ t:Iurdn itfteruoon. r , The inexorable and tusatiute rest , totvnsiveu, \I ssr�• •\Iartiu and Stcr- - ... _-lmoni�t to be faised............ $51,113 . Y THE N EWSRECORD is road by every 1 - _. _ . - The schooner Carter• with a cargo body and its judgment relied upou. Cl, is not 6alistiuil with en,tviuA uuul met will+ an :cai,ldnt on their Porter's Hilt. DISPOSING of SCOTT ACT BOODLH. of lumber for Dyllient iC Co., roach The lilxse ball match betwoell down the old and middla•nged. way home from Ilruaaels. Till ()it 'rhL11.8113y a g� ime of football At the recent meeting of the coun- ',; } ell her dook.ou S'iluday [Horning. Blyth and Goderich on Monday there died in lU6 township on 1110 night being excucditigly Marl: it wit was t,layed h, r� bettreuu a taaut ty parliament it was moves] by P. Rev. Jfr. Turk proached in the aftorn0uu teas won b rho home 16th Andrew Guoke,'agod 30,sun of alulust iuipvssible to keep the 7'ond (ruui Uuilerich ;ul,i a 1'urtar Hill Kelly and seconded by h.;FV. John. Y Y Will. Cooke of th,: 13 cuu. lie l+ad and when Crossill" a high culvert ` Eton, that this Council instruct the North Slruut Methodist church Inst team by it score of 30 to 9. Itoss, - o o ti•atn, 1'lle Ironic IpuJ's wuru beaten. Warden and Clerk to mernoralize , 1. Sun,liiy, tinigh and Symonds wits the battery bean on 1,J about a west: ill. The about t•hrau u)'ilas from bora they The tau,lorich t,..tnt, however, ilid the Lieutenant Governor to pass =_ . The xl,riu,,CI'0PA aro luokiii;; well, for Blyth,auat Ilolmesand Malcolm• I'uu0i',tl took 1+l,,cu_ Suud;tJ last. drove to„ cl,!9e to 4�1u 0dge and, trot u,,:no oil' scut free. Roberts, an aider in Council en7powcr- iot:aces fl'"Iring largo) i i this sou is forGoderich. 1-lolmes struck' 1)uccss,'il ryas a.or;utdsoal of the late capsized over .horse, buggy Anil tvhv is -slid to tau rho associated ing this council to apply any sur- 1 ,, laculitJ. n Y out Jt number and his twister.: were 1,abt. Cuuke'of"Che llurou Roarl• occupants. As they could nut sea l,l•Nss as tvc•I•l as It b1++01caniith•�i�e�, pluSs money that remainb iu .the 7, ver uifective throughout, The 13011. Switzer had_ a nutnbur of what sort of n predicnuiout they allu••ve,l the visitviv to pat tltoir hands of thA Treasurer from the fines Mr. J,+ules \101ntush, our furillor Y ° 1. imposed and collected under the totensntnH; is in tutrli. The Gantt"- home ntou commenced by pouuding hituds 1,110 utller +lay luuvilig his WOM in oua of ti+o iron gruped hie Wain in Isis build t and charged t ,, '` bnt•n pro u';ttvr to sorting it swue way to the lluarast faru7 house, and o ° C;xnada'lemparance Act during the r: [nun . returns to his 1101110, Port the visitors heavily, and thonoIt I C'' Y. l ° Y them fifty cents fur the privilege, time tile said Act rtes in force in this several change, were made in the foundation under, it. Ili the act of bot a lantern They found the pool. ;tad a 'few 7uun(L3 of ha 1.Arthur, Shortly, o. beast plunging and Icickiug 1'ur all 1 J' f17eu Houseof Refuge to in. the crecti0u of a pitchers, the pounding continued to r+tisilto the building one of tiA 1 o o ' n the visitors were cb irge,l with Calc ge in the county, The Mrs. Lang +Cud infant arrived ill the end. decayed sills gave way, lotting the it was wot;th, during which process ing the fuotball of the ItoulA tCaut, names wera'taken on" this motion, town from Dlonti last '1'hursdaY �rAttlnr fall through. 'riwo'esc:l >e it was severly hurt. The burnt. n ver ini uobablu thing and iG,tv�declnred defeated b a ,`' `• on a visit tar the lady's resents Al, the. meeting of the H. S. b Y o l Y I' ' o In fact Y Y t' , Litear Sociot ou Frida evening of thus" etlga"i'd was very close, and mis somewhat d'lniageil but .we are the victor's laurel crown lUtd n Con- ill. city of 13. . P' Capt, and Alrs..I)aucey. Y Y e ° should be a ivitrning to thoso about Glatt to See the boys.come out all side,rnble admixture of thorns. jlovedbyF. W. Johnston, second. The steamer United Eilgdre left ^rho following was presented : head to move or raise barn,. safe with the 'exception of a food T ed by John Beacom, that the'\Varden ing Mr. Mellum; recitation, Mr; P b Uneasy lies the hood 'that wows a for I ort Arthur , on Wednesday; °' ' sliakino up which they wont forget cr0�, an and Clerk memorialize the Donpinion . Salluw•s solo Miss ,AcXonz,ie ssa Urs. Jas. Slovens ulb tho Baso d the victorious one earn tom' J, Government to pass an order in j, after taking on Salt and other Etlitross-r reading Air. Knechtel• Line died last week alter about 'fol sometime. ed by the Goderieh tecun last Thurs- Courcit authorizing the Count freight• , b y ,, ° experiments, Chemistry Glass. The eight °lays• ill11oss at the evil)parative- - ..._ '• .. - -• -- nday 11ntst have hart attendant un- •Creasurar to, pay over to the separate The tug T!,adecw,, with dredge follutviug officers tvura elected : Pre 1 earl age of 47 ears. The ► pleasantness connected with it municipalities in the count from - ' Challep and barges, left .for Kin' o , �Y Y o J dt;t�'ilc.tt which all Scott Act fines were collect- ,.,: ` sideat, Dlir. McRae; 1st vice., Dir. at•oate• pati of her life slle lived ill I .a- � - -- - cnrdiue last week, at which place 1'i(fin; 2nd, Alias DlcLean; secretary, rho township of Colborne, but . 1 Ishnlg is ver fair. f 5 ed, any surplus which may be in his Y f Count Aud Criminal (oust: hands in the same proportion as the 3; they will remain forsomo,tl'mo Miss Vanstone; treasurer, Mr• Sal- lived oil the 13' iso for the Mast i or JIr. 11, \\•'aiuwrigh'l starts u:l a - � sante was collected from the muni. .II,. Padfield who had been the lows; secretary of committee, Miss 'S years. She ryas a +nembur__ipf l-1 trip to the old sod this week. The Grat,d Jurors exptc::ad regret oipalttiea. Lost 017 a division by a guest of her relative Airs. C. Seagor Parsons: councillors, Misses' Strang Ontario St., Clinton, Methodist r that s.o wealthy a county as Huron fail- majority of four. \\ o ,:xpoct to -have a small daily ed to see .the necessity of pro.viding a 11, 1.the past few [nonths left this week and ,Str:vitou and. .\Ir. Johnst0u; chttreh. The funeral route plus" „t ler suou it •rift start in the till. Ifouse of Refuge and avreed with Flis Che assessed value of real and prr• on the Ontario for Sarnia, w eelitress, Alias Rusk; librarian, Mr. last Thursday. Much sympathy is 1 1 ' Honor Judge Toms regarding td,e pro- conal property in the villages and ', Councillor Smith's building on RoVertson, expressed for the, .husband and shop' priety not having one, and when lie said towns of IIuron. is $3,130,250; of East street will be commodious Had the people known that fanlilyinthoirsadberc,avemeaI, Johuuie aud,hisbouucim, lad thatth.countycouncillorsreflectedonly townships$30,945,7— total 334,0iti,, Y their individattl opinions and not those 970. illy a vote of :31 to 13 the and substantial with a solid foundn• m.cstign for a ,uorthertt route, in One of the old-timers has passed assistant Kara great sacess Ln the of their constituents he but did justice December session of thA council is tion. eluding I3russels, wnato have beau away. bis. James Johnson died Organ Business. to 'the cast majority of the .intelligent dispensed with this year, '. Before another Week passes away put to rho meeting, the thing,would last week tit the age of 77 years. Onr summon visitors are beginitlg and liberal minded peop'.e of the cpunty. ..-- . - . 'iw` . our buildors'will have an opportun- have -been swamped. But appar- Deceased ' Wits one of four or five ° ° Hutton vs. Lenuoix.-Adjourned 'un- I +'' < I ' olrtl the pe'sona a toarrivo. theta is lots of eacollaut �.,letoi tVt cd-liecorcl. ity of figuring on the \ev Post Of Y t g tting up this brothers who settled on cons, 1 til'a day to bee:ed. . . hotel accotuwoantivp. Stlt,-Ill your last issue '"1''ait 1'i:1y" meetin r ke t this ortion of the and 2 and 3 and .4 iii th'ta town- „ Prislcator vs 'Kernick was an action complains that the coannoil tichool Botil•,i 11 ,five and Customs House. 6 P- - 1' onSan award. R. H•. Collins for ' Pili', r1t the meeting of IIuron Eu- evuning'a entertainment froth all but ship abo« t fifty years ago. He was the wrecking scow froth_ Port , arse u cut of old 'Tories. The goo,l I+pol; their own friends. tiDrh teas the real the last aurvii in one of that snore- Huron .bad to leave witbbut getting 1tr. Garrow, for deft. Judgment .was y_' campment' No. 28, I. 0. 0. F., next Y g g reserved. says thou shalt not bear false witness, Ile � • Aionday, the seini•aunual election object of the meeting not explained tion. , They originally .came fr a must. irott, the Lake was too rough. says that the Boaril could ha.�-e bought the _ • - a • Reith vs. Happel.—Action for conver- lot for $60 less. I can tell him that we of officers Will take place.. on the bills thatcalled it?,isa1q.uestion the, county Down,Ireland, and were Some of our young ladies were Bion of horses. -fury dispensed with by call get tbe• money that tris paid for it - iVI r., P. IYIeEwen is making pre- asked by acorea, Perhaps the mayor all possessed of that love of liberty taking lessons in the arl of wreek- •consent and judgment reserved. R. Ii. any time we want to sell it. As 6x the 1, , partitions for boring another hole' who issued the proelamatfon will and freedom of consciouca pttxt cu• ing under the able guidance ot'Cnpt Collins for plff; Diessrs.Garrow;